Characteristics of the North Kazakhstan region. West Siberian Plain (North Kazakh Plain) In the North Kazakh Plain, snow depth

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    The North Kazakhstan region is the smallest in the country in terms of area. In this region of Kazakhstan there are the West Siberian Plain and (Sary-Arka), more precisely, its northwestern part - the Kokshetau Upland. The north of the region is a perfectly flat steppe. In the south, a flat landscape also prevails, but with single hills: Syrymbet Mountains, Eagle Mountain (Zhaman-Sopka).

    The average height rises from 115-120 m in the northeast to 200 m in the south and southwest. The relief shows numerous lake depressions, steppe depressions, ridges and ridges, alternating with interridge basins.

    Grivas are long gentle ridges up to 15 km long and up to 18 m high with a width of up to 1500 m. A characteristic feature of the grivas is their uniform direction: the long axes are elongated from west-southwest to east-northeast.

    The rivers belong to the Ob basin. A significant part of the region is located in the middle reaches of the Ishim River (here called Yesil), which crosses the entire region from southwest to northeast for 690 km. There are more than a thousand lakes in this area, mostly in the northwest. Many lakes dry up periodically; freshwater lakes predominate; there are quite large saltwater lakes.


    The region is located in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. The forest-steppe is divided into southern forest-steppe and kolochny forest-steppe, which occupies most of the territory and is characterized by more precipitation, higher snow cover and colder winters.

    The north is occupied by forest-steppe, represented by kolkas - small birch and aspen-birch forests in the middle of a forb-grass meadow steppe, mostly plowed. Forest occupies barely 8% of the total area. Sedge bogs are often found, sometimes with willow thickets.

    Typical animals are elk, Siberian roe deer, wolf, fox, hare, muskrat. Rivers and lakes are inhabited by pike, crucian carp, perch, ruff, and ide.

    The North Kazakhstan region is a flat and lake region. This, as well as steppe black soils and roads in all directions, contributed to the development of virgin and fallow lands.


    A significant part of the population consists of those who were deported here during the years of the USSR, as well as their descendants up to the third generation.

    Finds from the Paleolithic and Neolithic era indicate that people initially actively explored the wide Ishim valley, which was favorable for living, where traces of the Atbasar culture were found, which was replaced by the Botai culture, and then the Sargarin culture in the 9th-7th centuries. BC e. Then tribes appeared that were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding.

    In Turkic times, these lands, due to their geographical location, found themselves in the very center of the migration routes of Eurasia. During the period of the Mongol conquest they entered the Jochi ulus. Beginning of the 18th century - invasion of the Dzungars and mass migration of the population to the north and west. In that situation, the only solution was to accept citizenship of the Russian state. A line of defense against the Dzungars (Gorky Line) was built; the central fortification was the fortress of St. Peter, founded in 1752 on the right bank of the Ishim - the future Petropavlovsk, now the administrative center of the region. The importance of Petropavlovsk increased in the first half of the 19th century, when transit caravan trade with Mongolia, China, Tashkent, Kokand and Khiva was established through it. In 1894 the city became a station on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

    In 1936, the North Kazakhstan region was formed.

    At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 20 large factories were evacuated here, which laid the foundations for industrial development in the post-war years. 1950s - the era of development of virgin lands of Northern Kazakhstan, in which the whole country participated.

    Today the population consists of representatives of about one hundred nationalities.

    The North Kazakhstan region is crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railway - the most important highway for the region's economy.

    general information

    Location : northern Kazakhstan.
    Administrative division : 5 cities, 13 districts, 190 rural districts.
    Administrative center : Petropavlovsk - 215,306 people. (2016).
    Big cities: Taiynsha - 11,647 people. (2013), Sergeevka - 7344 people. (2016).
    Educated: 1936
    Languages: Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, German.
    Ethnic composition : Russians - 49.9%, Kazakhs - 34.36%, Ukrainians - 4.44%, Germans - 3.54%, Poles - 2.1 9%, Tatars - 2.17%, Belarusians - 1.03% , others - 2.37% (2015).
    Religions: Orthodoxy, Islam, Lutheranism.
    Currency unit : Kazakhstani tenge.
    Rivers: Ishim (Yesil) with the tributaries Imanburlyk and Akkanburluk, Seleta, Chaglinka, Kamysakty, Aschisu, Karasu.
    Lakes: fresh - Shaglyteniz, Kak, Akush, Tarankol, Mengisor and Stanovoe; salty - Kalibek, Ulkenkaroy, Teke.
    Reservoirs: Petropavlovskoe and Sergeevskoe (Virgin Sea).
    Airport: Petropavlovsk.
    Neighboring areas : in the north - Kurgan, Tyumen and Omsk regions of Russia, in the southeast - Pavlodar, in the south - Akmola, in the west - Kostanay.


    Square: 97,993 km 2 .
    Length: from west to east - 602 km, from north to south - 375 km.
    Population: 571,600 people (2015).
    Population density : 5.8 people/km 2 .
    Urban population : 42,5%.
    Highest point : 748 m, mountain Zhaksy-Zhalgyztau.
    Lowest point : 28 m, Lake Teke.

    Climate and weather

    Sharply continental temperate zone.
    Winters are long, cold, with strong winds and snowstorms, summers are short and hot.
    Average January temperature : -18.5°C in the north, -17.5°C in the south.
    Average temperature in July : +19°C in the north, +19.5°C in the south.
    Average annual precipitation : 450 mm in the north, 300 mm in the south.

    Average annual relative humidity : 50-60%.


    GRP: 753.5 billion tenge (2013), per capita - 1304.5 thousand tenge (2013).
    Minerals : gold (Aulie deposits), titanium, zirconium, tin, limestone, sand, table salt (Lake Zhaksytuz).
    Industry: engineering, food (flour milling, butter and cheese making), light (sewing, leather), building materials.
    Agriculture : crop farming (wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, millet, oilseed flax, potatoes, melons), livestock farming (meat and dairy, pig farming, sheep breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming).
    Services sector: tourist, transport (including shipping on Ishim), trade.



      Orlinogorsky reserve

      Lake Imantau (natural monuments - Kotelok and Obozrenie hills, Kazachiy Island, Buyan Gorge)

      Lake Shapkar (mountain of desires natural monument)

      Salt lake Maybalyk

      Sopka Two Brothers


      Archaeological settlement of Botai (Botai excavations - a monument of the Neolithic era, 4-3 thousand BC)

      Iron Age archaeological site - Ak-Iriy settlement (5th century BC)

      Syrymbet's estate (Valikhanov, 1824)

    City of Petropavlovsk

      Cathedral of the North Apostles Peter and Paul (1813)

      Museum-estate "Aiganym" (Museum of Sh. Ualikhanov, Syrymbet village)

      Memorial Museum of I. Shukhov (Presnovka village)

      Memorial "Kozhabergen - Zhyrau" (Gultobe village)

    Curious facts

      Excavations of the Botai settlement showed that the earliest known evidence of the domestication of horses was found on Botai. It dates back to 4 thousand BC. e., which is about a thousand years earlier than other evidence of horse domestication and two thousand years older than domesticated horses, the remains of which were discovered in Europe.

      The first settlers - Russian peasants and Cossacks - appeared in Northern Kazakhstan after the construction of the Gorky Line in the second half of the 18th century. Resettlement to Kazakhstan took on a particularly wide scale during the years of the Stolypin agrarian reform at the beginning of the 20th century. The Tsarist government regulated and encouraged the resettlement of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peasants, providing them with loans for construction and benefits.

      German settlers appeared in the north of Kazakhstan back in the 18th century. In 1908, the first German village of Peterfeld was founded near Petropavlovsk. In 1941, after the outbreak of war with Germany, the Germans living in the Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans were resettled to Kazakhstan, including the North Kazakhstan region.

      Among the peoples who make up the multinational population of the region today are also Koreans, Crimean Tatars, Greeks, Chechens, Ingush, and Balkars who were once deported.

    A) Turanian.

    B) Eastern European.
    C) North Kazakh.
    D) Balkhash.

    E) Saryarka.

    A) Flat
    B) High mountain.

    C) Low mountain.

    D) Hilly.

    E) River.

    A) 4

    B) 5.
    C) 3.

    D) 2.

    E) 6.

    4. Accumulative plains have been formed on the West Siberian Plain:

    5.Climate North Kazakh Plain

    A) Moderate
    B) dry continental
    D) sea
    E) continental

    6. Average January temperature

    A) -20-25
    B) -17-21 *C
    C) -17-19 *C
    D) -17-20 *C
    E) -19-25 *С

    7.Annual precipitation

    A) 300-400 mm per year
    B) 100-200 mm per year
    C) 250-300 mm per year
    D) 500 mm per year

    E) 350-400 mm per year

    A) chernozems
    B) chestnut
    C) gray forest
    D) light chestnut
    E) dark chestnut

    9. Natural areas of the North Kazakh Plain .

    A) Steppe
    B) Forest-steppe
    C) Desert and semi-desert
    E) Forest-steppe, steppe,


    B) Oil.
    C) Manganese.

    D) Copper.
    E) Iron ore.

    1.This plain occupies a small part in the north of Kazakhstan:
    A) Turanian.

    B) Eastern European.

    C) North Kazakh.

    D) Balkhash.

    E) Saryarka.

    2.Relief of the North Kazakh Plain

    A) Flat
    B) High mountain.
    C) Low mountain.

    D) Hilly.

    E) River.

    3.According to its geological structure, the plain is divided into…..natural territorial areas

    A) 4

    B) 5.
    C) 3.

    D) 2.

    E) 6.

    A) Altai, Balkhash, Kostanay.

    B) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Priertis
    C) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Mugalzhar
    D) North Kazakh, Priertis, Tien Shan.
    E) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Torgai.

    5.Climate North Kazakh Plain

    A) Moderate
    B) dry continental

    C) dry sharply continental
    D) sea
    E) continental

    6. Average January temperature

    A) -20-25
    B) -17-21 *C
    C) -17-19 *C
    D) -17-20 *C
    E) -19-25 *С

    7.Annual precipitation

    A) 300-400 mm per year
    B) 100-200 mm per year
    C) 250-300 mm per year
    D) 500 mm per year

    E) 350-400 mm per year

    8. Soils of the North Kazakh Plain

    A) chernozems
    B) chestnut
    C) gray forest
    D) light chestnut
    E) dark chestnut

    A) Steppe
    B) Forest-steppe
    C) Desert and semi-desert
    D) Steppe, semi-desert and desert
    E) Forest-steppe, steppe,

    10. What minerals are mined in the Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye and Kacharskoye deposits: .

    B) Oil.
    C) Manganese.

    D) Copper.

    E) Iron ore.

    1.This plain occupies a small part in the north of Kazakhstan:
    A) Turanian.

    B) Eastern European.

    C) North Kazakh.

    D) Balkhash.

    E) Saryarka.

    2.Relief of the North Kazakh Plain

    A) Flat
    B) High mountain.
    C) Low mountain.

    D) Hilly.

    E) River.

    3.According to its geological structure, the plain is divided into…..natural territorial areas

    A) 4

    B) 5.
    C) 3.

    D) 2.

    E) 6.

    4. Accumulative plains have been formed on the West Siberian Plain

    A) Altai, Balkhash, Kostanay.

    B) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Priertis
    C) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Mugalzhar
    D) North Kazakh, Priertis, Tien Shan.
    E) Kostanay, North Kazakh, Torgai.

    5.Climate North Kazakh Plain

    A) Moderate
    B) dry continental

    C) dry sharply continental
    D) sea
    E) continental

    6. Average January temperature

    A) -20-25
    B) -17-21 *C
    C) -17-19 *C
    D) -17-20 *C
    E) -19-25 *С

    7.Annual precipitation

    A) 300-400 mm per year
    B) 100-200 mm per year
    C) 250-300 mm per year
    D) 500 mm per year

    E) 350-400 mm per year

    8. Soils of the North Kazakh Plain

    A) chernozems
    B) chestnut
    C) gray forest
    D) light chestnut
    E) dark chestnut

    9. Natural zones of the North Kazakh Plain.

    A) Steppe
    B) Forest-steppe
    C) Desert and semi-desert
    D) Steppe, semi-desert and desert
    E) Forest-steppe, steppe,

    10. What minerals are mined in the Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye and Kacharskoye deposits: .

    B) Oil.
    C) Manganese.

    D) Copper.

    E) Iron ore.

    Date of:

    Grade: 8

    Lesson topic: West Siberian Plain (North Kazakh Plain)

    (FGP, geological structure and relief, minerals)

    Lesson type: combined


    Educational: to form in students knowledge about the physical-geographical position and geological structure of the West Siberian Plain on the territory of Kazakhstan. Patterns of formation of minerals.

    Developmental: develop cognitive interest and geographical thinking of students; continue to develop the skills to analyze, draw conclusions, and work with the textbook.

    Educating: to cultivate diligence in the learning process among schoolchildren. Develop a caring attitude towards nature during the lesson.

    Equipment: physical map of Kazakhstan, textbook for 8th grade, atlas for 8th grade, contour maps, pencils, presentation, video material.

    Working methods: explanatory-illustrative, partially search.

    During the classes:

      Organizational moment - 2 min

      Checking homework -10 min

      Updating knowledge - 2 min.

      Studying new material - 25 min.

      Fastening-4 min.



    During the classes:

      Organizing time:

    Hello! Have a seat!

    Hello those who are cheerful today,

    Hello those who are sad.

    Hello those who communicate with joy,

    Hello those who are silent.

    Smile, please, those who are ready to work today with full dedication...


    Today we have guests, and I hope that we will work very fruitfully. First, let's check your homework.

      Checking homework:

    Open your textbooks and repeat the topic of the last lesson. 1 minute to repeat.

    Everyone has a “grading sheet” on their desk, on which you will do the test work.

      The Turanian Plain stretches into ___________________ Kazakhstan

    from west to east.

      List the plateaus on the territory of the Turanian Plain: _____________

      The main foundation of the Turanian Plain is: ______________


      The ridges are about 300 m high, they are composed of white limestones of the Upper Cretaceous era. What kind of mountain are we talking about?___________________________.

      The largest sandy desert in Central Asia: _______________.

      The severity of the nature of the plateau is expressed in its name - “Betpakdala” means “____________________”.

      The following minerals are mined on the Turan Plain: _______________________________________________________________.

      The Turanian plain is characterized by dry ________________________________


      In what natural areas is the Turanian Plain located? __________


      In the clayey deserts of the Turanian Plain live _________________ _______________________________________________________________.

    Geographical dictation: “Turanian Plain”

      The Turanian Plain stretches to southern part Kazakhstan

    from west to east.

      List the plateaus on the territory of the Turanian Plain: Mangystau, Ustirt, Torgai.

      The main foundation of the Turanian Plain is: Young epihercynian platform.

      The ridges are about 300 m high, they are composed of white limestones of the Upper Cretaceous era. What kind of grief are we talking about? Aktau (White Mountains).

      The largest sandy desert in Central Asia: Kyzylkum.

      The severity of the nature of the plateau is expressed in its name - “Betpakdala” means "Hungry Steppe"

      The following minerals are mined on the Turan Plain: oil, gas, building materials, table salt, soda.

      The Turanian plain is characterized by dry sharply continental

      In what natural areas is the Turanian Plain located? steppe, semi-desert, desert.

      The clayey deserts of the Turanian Plain are inhabited by: saigas, goitered gazelles.

    Evaluation criteria:

    “5” - 8-9 answers correct

    “4” - 6-7 answers correct

    “3” - 4-5 answers correctly Point: ____________

    “2” - 0-3 answers correct Score: __________

    3.Updating knowledge:

    Teacher: This plain occupies a small part in the north of Kazakhstan. In the south it borders with Saryarka. In the west, a narrow strip stretches to the Trans-Ural Plateau, in the east, a strip 200-250 km wide to the Altai Mountains. In the north it is limited by the state border with the Russian Federation.

    Question to the class: Guys, what kind of plain do you think we are talking about? (I call one student to the map, he shows the plain).

    Teacher: Guys, let's remember, what is a plain?

    Student: Plain - significantly flat or hilly areas of the earth's surface. The height of individual parts of the plains differs little from each other.

    Teacher: So, guys, today we need to get acquainted with the physical-geographical position, relief and geological structure, as well as minerals of the North Kazakh Plain, write down the date and topic of the lesson on the assessment sheets.

    Number______________ Lesson topic:_____________________________

    Lesson motto:

    “Water does not flow under a lying stone!”

    - to gain knowledge today in class,

    you must be active!

    4.Learning new material:

    We will find out what the “West Siberian Plain (North Kazakh Plain)” is by watching the video material. And you children watch the video and fill out the table at the same time, then there will also be a mutual check:

    Task 1: West Siberian Plain (North Kazakh Plain)



    Square (S)


    Natural areas

    Animal world

    North South

    West East



    2500 km

    1900 km

    2 million 600 km


    Northern tundra



    500 species of vertebrates, including:

      80 wild mammals;

      350 species of birds;

      7 species of amphibians;

      60 species of fish.

    After watching the video clip, an oral survey for reinforcement (2 min)

    (Explanation of relief and geological structure)

    Teacher ( children write in their notebooks): the plain has a general slope from south (200 m) to north (100 m). It consists of marine sedimentary deposits of the Paleogene and continental deposits of the Neogene, located on the surface of the Paleozoic folded-block basement. After the retreat of the sea in the Cenozoic, its bed became dry land and the modern relief was formed. Guys, what is another name for the retreat of the sea? (regression). The surface is mostly flat, but is dissected by a dry river network.

    Teacher(entry in a notebook): according to the geological structure, the North Kazakh Plain is divided into 4 natural-territorial regions:

    Yesil flat forest-steppe;

    Tobylo-Obaganskaya plain steppe;

    Yesil-Ertis steppe;

    Ertys-Kulyndy Plain

    (I show on the map)

    Task 2 : Class assignment - using the textbook text pp. 181-183,

    item relief fill out the table:

    Natural-territorial region

    Geographical location (border)

    How is it folded

    Plain height

    Yesil flat forest-steppe

    Located along the Yesil River in the North Kazakhstan region

    It is composed of clayey rocks. The surface is covered with continental, fluvial sedimentary deposits of the Paleogene.

    Tobylo-Obaganskaya plain steppe

    In the west it borders with the Trans-Ural Plateau, in the south with the Turgai Plateau, in the east with the left bank of the Yesil, in the north with the Yesil flat forest-steppe.

    It is composed of clayey deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene.

    In the south, 250 m to the north it decreases.

    Yesil-Ertis steppe

    Between the Yesil-Kamyshta forest-steppe and the plain in the eastern part of the Pavlodar region.

    It is composed of clays of the Neogene period, the surface of the steppe is sandstones and clays of the anthropogene.

    Ertis-Kulyndy Plain

    Pavlodar region

    The left bank of the Ertis is composed of 3 terraces. Right slopes - 4 terraces.

    Teacher: Now let’s check, go to the map, show the natural-territorial area and read out the characteristics.

    Task 3. Practical part. Working with the map:

    Now let's move on to minerals. Question for the class: into what groups are minerals divided by origin? (sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic). Using the atlas, identify sedimentary and then igneous minerals. Name them. (Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye, Kacharskoye iron ore deposits - sedimentary; Ayatskoye, Lisakovskoye iron ore deposits - magmatic).

    Teacher: deposits of chromite, bauxite, cobalt, and building materials have also been explored.

    Teacher: So, today we guys got acquainted with the physical and geographical position of the North Kazakh Plain, with its relief and geological structure, as well as minerals.

    5. Fastening:

    Mini test:

    1. Countries located on the West Siberian Plain?

      China, Kazakhstan

      Kazakhstan, Mongolia

      Russia, Kazakhstan

      The plain has a common slope with:

      south to north

      west to east

      south to northeast

      Remove the unnecessary:

      Yesil flat steppe

      Tobylo-Obaganskaya plain steppe

      Alakol depression

      Area of ​​the West Siberian Plain?

      2 million 600 thousand km

      6 million 280 thousand km

      5 million 2 thousand km

      Natural zones of the West Siberian Plain:

      Tundra, taiga, steppe

      Desert, semi-desert

      Forest-steppe, taiga, desert


      Paragraph 42, pp. 181-186. Draw the border of the North Kazakh Plain on the contour map and label the natural territorial areas;

      Create a crossword puzzle on the topic: “West Siberian Plain.”

      Geographical position. This plain occupies a small part in the north of Kazakhstan. In the south it borders with Saryarka. In the fuse, a narrow strip stretches to the Trans-Ural Plateau, in the east - a strip 200-250 km wide to the Altai Mountains.

      Relief, geological structure and minerals. The plain has a general slope from south (200 m) to north (slightly more than 100 m). It consists of horizontal marine sedimentary deposits of the Paleogene and continental deposits of the Neogene, located on the surface of the folded blocky Paleozoic basement. After the retreat of the sea in the Cenozoic, its bed became dry land and the modern relief of the plain was formed. The surface is mostly flat, but is dissected by a dry river network. Rivers with flow are rare. Between them there are shallow depressions, some of which are occupied by salt lakes. In some places there are ridges up to 10-15 m high.

      According to its geological structure, the North Kazakh Plain is divided into four natural territorial regions: the Esil flat forest-steppe, the Tobylo-Obagan flat steppe.

      Esnl-Ertis steppe and Ertis-Kulyndinskaya plain.

      Yesil flat forest-steppelocated along the Yesnl River in the North Kazakhstan region. This plain is composed of clayey rocks. Its surface is covered with continental, fluvial sedimentary deposits of the Paleogene.

      The height of the plain reaches 130-140 m. There are many lakes and clayey salt basins. The plain is dominated by meadow and steppe vegetation. The forests mainly consist of birch and aspen.

      Tobylo-Obaganskaya plain steppein the west it borders on the Trans-Ural Plateau, in the south - on the Torgai Plateau, in the east - on the left bank of the Yesil, in the north - on the Yesil flat forest-steppe. The height of the area in the south is 250 m, decreasing to the north. The plain is composed of clayey deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene. The rivers Uy, Yesil, Togyzak, Ayat, Tobyl, Obagan and others flow through its territory. There are few freshwater lakes, but many salt water ones. The largest of them is Lake Kushmurun. The soils are chernozem, covered with meadow plants.

      Yesil-Ertis steppelocated between the Yesil-Kamyshlovsky tract and the lake plain in the east of the Pavlodar region. The slopes at an altitude of 100-120 m are composed of clays of the Neogene period, the surface of the steppe is composed of sandstone and clay deposits of the anthropogene. There are many freshwater lakes in the western part. The largest of them is Shaga-lalyteniz. The Shagalaly River flows into it. There are also salt lakes. In the Yesil zone, ridges of hills and hills stretch from northeast to southwest. Their length reaches 24 km, width - 0.5-1 km. height 15 m. Composed of clayey and sandy rocks of the anthropogene.

      OnErtis Kulyndinsky ral nor not(Pavlodar region)

      Dark chestnut soils predominate. The left bank of the Ertis is composed of three terraces. The first (solonetz soils) and second terraces rise above the river level from 4-6 to 15-18 m. The floodplains are wide, stretching for 20-25 km. The height of the third terrace is 28-32 m. The slopes of the left bank of the Ertis consist of small pebbles and sandstones. The right slopes of Ertis are composed of four terraces (height 40-45 m). They are an alluvial plain with sandy soil. Ribbon pine forests grow on it. On the left bank of the Ertis there are lakes and dry lake basins. The largest lakes are Zhalauly and Shureksor. The Shiderty and Olenty rivers flow into Lake Zhalauly, and the Silety River flows into Lake Siletyteniz.

      Minerals. A lot of minerals are found on the territory of the North Kazakh Plain. Iron ore is mined in the Sokolovsko-Sarybaysky and Kasharsky deposits. A mining and processing plant operates in the city of Rudny. Large reserves of iron have been found in the Ayatskoye and Lisakovskoye deposits, and deposits of chromite, bauxite, cobalt, and building materials have been explored.

      The climate of the North Kazakh Plain is characterized by sharp continental climate. In winter, Arctic air masses freely penetrate here from the north, and dry continental air masses from Central Asia in summer. In winter, the climate of the region is influenced by the Siberian Anticyclone. Therefore, about 60% of precipitation (350 mm) falls in the summer months. The average temperature in July is 18-20°C, in January -17-19C. There are often frosty days (-30-35*C). There is a lot of snow (30-50 cm).

      Rivers and lakes. The main river of the North Kazakh Plain is Ertis. A northern tributary of the Ob, it begins with glaciers on the northwestern slopes of the Mongolian Altai in China. Along the North Kazakh plain, the Ertis flows calmly and slowly; not a single tributary flows into the Ertis on a stretch of more than 1000 km to the city of Omsk. At the place where the river flows into the Ertis, the river bed becomes fuller and divides into several branches. From the mouth of Tobyl, the river widens even more, and the channel reaches a width of 25–30 km. The main tributaries flow in the lower reaches of the Ertis: from the northern left side - We Tobyl, Yesil. Vagam. Conley, on the right - Om. Tarta,

      Demyanka. Water is used for agricultural needs: for irrigating crops and watering pastures. The following reservoirs were built on Ertis: Zhaisanskoye and Buktyrminskoye. Kishi Ertis, as well as Buktyrminskaya, Shulbinskaya and Ust-Kamenogorskaya hydroelectric power stations. In winter, Ertis freezes. The river is navigable and rich in fish.

      Yesil(length in Kazakhstan 1700 km) originates in Central Kazakhstan and flows into the Ertis. Its waters are used in the national economy. In winter the river freezes. In spring it leaves its channel and forms a wide floodplain.

      Tobyl(length in Kazakhstan 800 km) begins on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals, flows through Kazakhstani territory and flows into the Ertis in Russia. Its waters are used to meet the domestic needs of the population and for industrial purposes.

      There are many small rivers here: Uy, Togyzak, Lyat, Obagan, Shagalaly, Silety, Olenty, Shiderty, etc. Most of them are fed by melted snow waters and dry up in the summer. In spring, rivers leave their beds and overflow. Some of them flow into the Ertis and its tributaries.

      The largest lakes of the plain are Kushmurun, Shagalaly-teniz, Siletyteniz, Kyzylkak, Tex, etc., and there are many small lakes. The water in them is salty.

      Remembercharacteristics of rivers, given in materials on the topic “Internal waters of Kazakhstan*.

      Natural areas. Flora and fauna.

      The North Kazakh Plain has forest-steppe and steppe zones. The soil cover is dominated by chernozems and dark chestnut soils on loess-like loams. The vegetation consists of forb-feather grass and feather grass-fescue groups. Grow timothy, white rump. carrot etc. On alluvial-saline and saline soils of river valleys there are dense thickets t/yustnik and other moisture-loving plants. Forests are distributed in the territories of Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions. The forest vegetation of the pegs is presented birch And aspen

      The fauna of the plain consists of both forest and steppe species. Meet here elk, roe deer, corsac fox, hawk. wolf, fox, The most common species of rodents are: gray And steppe mouse, common hamster, ground squirrel. Representatives of the world of birds also live ( white partridge. laughing gull). Once upon a time, the valleys of the Ergis and Yesil rivers were inhabited beavers, in Northern Kazakhstan and the forests of Kostyanaya were found brown bears. In recent years, due to poaching, the number has sharply decreased. moose. They launched into local rivers and lakes muskrat, brought from America. Gradually oita acclimatized.

      Favorable natural conditions allow a large number of birds to live here. In wide expanses of reservoirs there are swans, geese. ducks, seagulls. They live in the steppe cranes, steppe eagles, bustards. They nest in the forest-steppe yellow sparrows, European species motley tits, white And gray partridges, crows, woodpeckers, falcons, falcons etc. The surrounding areas of forests and steppes are inhabited by quail, steppe hazel grouse. little bustards.

      To preserve the natural landscapes of the region with numerous species of plants and animals, various reserves and national parks were organized. One of them is the Nauryzym Nature Reserve in the Kostanay region, which combines forest and wall areas.

      The North Kazakh Plain belongs to areas of developed agriculture. Soil fertility favors high yields of cereal crops. Therefore, many areas were developed as virgin and fallow lands. But the waterless areas of the steppe do not always produce large harvests. They are less humidified than the forest-steppe. There is little precipitation, winds often blow, which causes wind erosion of soils, and dust storms have a detrimental effect on vegetation. Special measures are needed to protect the natural resources of this territory at the state level.

      1.Determine the geographical location and boundaries of the North Kazakh Plain.

      2.At what geological time was the North Kazakh Plain formed and what geological structure does it have?

      3.Explain what conditions are associated with the flat nature of the relief.

      4.Where is Kasharskoye located? Sokolovgko-Sarybliskoe. Lisakovskoe iron ore deposits?

      5.Using a climate map, determine the main elements that characterize the climate of a randomly selected territory.

      6.What basins do the rivers of the North Kazakh Plain belong to? Divide their main river networks, name and show them on a map.

      7.What natural zones are located within the Sevsro-Kazakh Plain?

      8.What environmental problems have arisen in connection with the economic development of the plain?

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