Jose Silva meditation. Psychotraining using the Jose Silva method

MATERIALIZATION: The essence of the Jose Silva method

The essence of the Jose Silva method

Why are some people so much more successful than others?

The mystery was revealed by an amateur researcher from the border town of Laredo in Texas (22 years of complex research).

The secret is in the human mind. Jose Silva discovered and proved beyond doubt that we are all we have strength within ourselves, allowing us to achieve everything we don’t want. Imagine, not only do you have the potential within yourself to make your dreams come true - you can learn to dream even greater dreams...and make them come true!!!

The brain works a lot like a computer. It produces very weak electrical energy that pulses several times per second. Just like a computer, our brain can store information and release it later. This is called memory. And if the brain is programmed correctly, it can use information to solve any problem.

The brain has many highly specialized areas. The cortex, the wrinkled gray matter that forms the outer part of the brain, is divided into two halves: the left and right hemispheres.

Left hemisphere The brain is associated with logical rational thinking, with objective - physical - sensations. The left hemisphere must understand everything, must find an explanation for everything.

Right hemisphere The brain is associated with imagination, creativity and intuition. This part of the brain sees patterns and shape. She appreciates art and music. We can say that the left hemisphere sees trees, while the right hemisphere sees the forest. The right hemisphere is associated with your subjective - mental - sensations.

To reach your potential, you must think with both sides of your brain.

You need logic, the ability to reason, but also creativity and intuition.

But most people use only the left, logical hemisphere. They develop their physical senses to a high degree, practically ignoring mental sensations.

Superstars use both the logical left brain and the creative, intuitive right brain to think.

One big difference is that superstars think at the level of alpha brain waves, so they can involve both hemispheres in the thinking process.

Alpha is the level, when brain waves slow to half their frequency during normal wakefulness.

The waking brain produces fourteen to twenty-one energetic pulsations per second. Researchers call it beta level. This is the level for active work.

The alpha level is ideal for thinking. But an ordinary person, when he enters the alpha level, falls asleep. You can now have this ability to function consciously at the alpha level and access previously unavailable power in your mind.

When you fall asleep, you enter alpha. But you quickly pass this level, plunging further into theta and delta-levels. Throughout the night, your brain fluctuates between alpha, theta and delta, like the ebb and flow of the tides. These cycles last about ninety minutes.

In the morning, while you wake up, you go through the alpha level, returning to fast beta frequencies, which correspond to the state of wakefulness. This way you have some time for programming.

Alpha exercise

  1. When you wake up in the morning, go to the bath, then back to bed. Set an alarm to ring in 15 minutes to keep you awake.
  2. Close your eyes and raise them slightly upward towards your eyebrows (about 20 degrees). Research shows this facilitates the transition to the alpha level.
  3. Count down slowly from 100 to 1. Do this silently.
  4. When you reach number 1, mentally imagine yourself having achieved success. Remember when you had 100 percent success (ambiance, smell, feelings).
  5. Repeat mentally: “Day after day, in every way, I am getting better and better and better.”
  6. Then tell yourself, “I’m going to count from 1 to 5; When I reach the count of 5, I will open my eyes, feeling great and perfectly healthy, feeling better than before.”
  • The brain cannot relax sufficiently if the body is not relaxed. This requires a bath.
  • When a person raises their eyes 20 degrees, it produces more alpha rhythms in the brain and leads to more activity in the right hemisphere.
  • The countdown is relaxing. Counting forward activates.

1.2.3. - reminds “On the start-attention-march!”

  • Your mental image is an image of success, it creates what you want - success!
  • Images and words in a relaxed state program the brain
  • Counting to 5 completes the exercise; you need to give yourself the command: activate at the count of “5”.

40 day program

1. Countdown from 100 to 1 - 10 days

2. Countdown from 50 to 1 - 10 days

3. Countdown from 25 to 1 - 10 days

4. Countdown from 10 to 1 - 10 days

People are often impatient and want to move forward faster, resist this temptation. You must acquire and develop the ability to consciously function at the ALPHA level.

The important thing to remember when using the Silva method is that you are dealing with two dimensions: physical and mental. To reach your fullest potential, you need to learn to use two dimensions and think POSITIVELY.

Congratulations! You have completed the forty-day course!

A habit is a pattern of behavior that is repeated over and over until it is easier to do than not to do.!

Edited by Ovcharenko I.V..“The art of trading using the Silva method”


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Hello, dear readers! Did you know that a person is able to control and manage his mind, revealing opportunities that he might not have previously imagined? If not, then I want to bring to your attention the Silva method, which helps to improve your life and achieve harmony, success, recognition and, most importantly, become healthy.

History of origin

This method received its name for a reason, but thanks to the name and surname of its creator, Jose Silva. Born into such a poor family that he did not have the opportunity to receive at least a basic education. Therefore, in the future, in relation to his own children, he tried to do the maximum, just to send them to a good school, and at the same time facilitate the learning process.

He asked himself this question when he was about 30 years old, when he was already an accomplished man and had his own business in the field of repairing radios. Being well versed in technology and electronics, he knew that maximum results could be achieved with minimal resistance. And when I started studying psychology and hypnosis, I realized that the human brain is able to generate electricity, sending certain waves into the Universe.

Deciding to check whether it is possible to reduce the resistance of the brain in order to achieve completely different results of his activity, Jose discovered a completely paradoxical thing - the less mentally active he is, the more productive his activity is. Subsequently, it became clear that during hypnosis it is impossible to teach a person to think creatively, since at this moment he is unable to reason and evaluate current events, so experiments were used using various meditative techniques.

They made it possible to suspend brain activity, calm the mind, and, importantly, improve cognitive processes. About three years of research were not in vain, his children’s grades at school improved significantly, and the newly minted scientist himself made another discovery - a person is able to independently regulate alpha and theta frequencies. But all these achievements were nothing compared to the ability to read minds.

Mind Reading

Yes, there is no typo here, around 1953 Silva accidentally discovered that his developed practices helped his daughter develop extrasensory perception of reality. Usually in the evenings, when the girl was in a meditative state, he asked her various questions, thus checking the lessons she had done. And while the little girl was talking about what she remembered from the material she had covered, he was thinking about what to ask next.

But one evening changed a lot. Out of habit, mentally forming a question, but not yet asking it out loud, the researcher heard the daughter begin to answer it, and this was repeated until Jose was convinced that the girl really read thoughts. Having decided to check whether she had learned this thanks to special techniques, or simply had an innate extrasensory gift, the researcher repeated his experiments with other children who were trusted by neighbors and acquaintances.

And indeed, each of them, over time, could read minds and foresee the future, which proved the direct influence of the scientist on the abilities. This added to his desire to move on, modernizing and adapting each exercise to the human brain, for which he spent approximately 22 years of his life to ultimately provide us with the effective and perfect Silva method.

Results and spheres of influence

  • If you constantly use Jose's techniques, your IQ level will increase significantly. You can even conduct your own experiment by taking an intelligence test before starting the practice, and after about six months.
  • Memory will improve, and, consequently, your efficiency and productivity, both at work and in school.
  • Self-confidence will appear, and you will “look” at the world more optimistically and joyfully.
  • With a positive attitude and energy, you will be able to quickly find creative solutions to various problems. Inspiration will become your constant companion, and this threatens to create something new and beautiful.
  • There will be an opportunity to get rid of chronic diseases and gain health.
  • You will achieve success due to the fact that you will intuitively understand which direction to move, and where it is better not to meddle.


1. Intuition

This is knowledge that arises unconsciously and is not subject to investigation of its nature of origin. They are also called premonition, which helps to avoid danger and any troubles. Oddly enough, the level of intuition depends on the level of intelligence. The more developed and aware a person is, the more likely he is to rely on his inner voice.

Those people who cannot boast of this skill can, with the help of Jose’s techniques, learn to receive information from the depths of the subconscious. Let me give you an example of an exercise for developing intuition called “A Glass of Water.”

Think about what worries you, for example, you don’t know what to do in some situation, or you want to know what the outcome of certain actions will be. And, before going to bed, fill a full container of water, close your eyes, lift it up, and mentally say: “This is all I have to do in order to get an answer to my question.” After that, drink about half of it, and, without talking to anyone or doing anything else, try to fall asleep.

In the morning, silently, finish the rest of the drink, saying the same phrase to yourself. Over time, you will be able to get answers to your questions in a dream, learn to anticipate dangerous moments and likely opportunities. By the way, morning water will be considered “charged”, so you can use this method to improve the health of the body, changing only the wording.

You can read more about intuition.

2. Self-control

It is important to be able to control yourself, otherwise you can destroy both relationships with loved ones and partners, and your health. After all, even the slightest stress affects him. By learning the “Three Fingers” technique, you will become a more stable and resilient person.

If you feel the slightest discomfort, you just need to connect the pads of your thumb, index and middle fingers together, as in prayer, when you cross yourself, concentrate your attention on them and say: “Calm down,” “Everything is fine,” and the like.

3. Imagination

Our subconscious is designed in such a way that it perceives any picture created by the imagination as real. Accordingly, our body reacts according to the mental images that have arisen, which have not been criticized by consciousness. You can experiment right now by imagining a lemon. Did you feel your mouth filling with saliva?

And if it works, then why not use similar exercises to your advantage?

Basic ways to use imagination


It consists of imagining what you want, thus tuning the subconscious to a positive result. Collage is very effective and popular; it does not require a lot of time and effort. You just need to think carefully about what you want, then select pictures that symbolize your dreams and stick them on a sheet of paper, and then hang them in a visible place. That's it, the process of transforming images into reality has begun.

You can learn more about how to properly make a vision board from.

Alpha visualization


Without it, it is impossible to achieve alpha visualization, relax, tune in to the necessary wave and calm down if something happens. You yourself know how stress can unsettle you, sometimes leading to depression and various diseases that arise against the background of a weakened nervous system. So practice relaxing completely by closing your eyes and imagining how the tension leaves you, gradually, from every point of your body.

For example, you can do the “Mattress” exercise. Remove all sources of noise in advance and make sure that no one will disturb you, lie down comfortably on your back and close your eyes. Imagine that you are an air mattress and try to feel the elasticity and heaviness of your body. Then mentally remove the plug to bleed the air. And watch carefully how you gradually turn into a rag, relaxing to the maximum. Stay in this state for a couple of minutes and open your eyes.

Breathing plays an important role in relaxation, so choose the most optimal method in the article.


Allows you to pause and look deep into yourself, slow down the body's processes and find answers to troubling questions, relax and even recover. Yes, many things become real with the help of meditation, which is why it has been so popular since ancient times. If you have never attended a yoga class and do not know how to achieve a meditative state, then it’s okay, study this one.

If you want to learn more about this method, I recommend you read the book « Silva method. Mind control» .


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I wish you inspiration and patience, and for motivation I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Silva method is used in their lives by Madonna and Richard Bach, Jacques Chirac, Louise Hay... Even Margaret Thatcher did not remain indifferent at one time. So good luck and success to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

A big and warm hello to everyone! Do you know who Jose Silva is? If not, then you urgently need to take a closer look at his ingenious method. Jose Silva is a famous American parapsychologist who studies human intelligence, is interested in human abilities and the essence of personality. It was he who became one of the most successful people who spoke out that every person has a chance to change their life for the better, direct their thoughts and materialize them. Silva came to the conclusion that if it were not for the human brain, it is unlikely that people would have managed to be so successful. That is why Jose Silva relates his method to self-development and to the fact that absolutely every person should read and understand what he has written.

What is the secret of the method?

To explain it, it is necessary to understand where it all began. From a very early age, José Silva was interested in psychology. Since this serious subject was not yet included in the school curriculum, the boy had to visit the library and borrow stacks of books in order to read them at home and expand his self-knowledge.

Paying attention to her brother and sister, Silva became an independent child who immersed herself in psychology. As time passed, Jose became the father of wonderful children. To teach his children to learn material at school as quickly as possible and absorb everything like a sponge, he helped the children develop their intellect, every day, for a few minutes. Thus, the parapsychologist created his own control system, which relates to thinking and emotions.

The main essence of the method is that the power and strength of thought is the most important operating mechanism. Since the human brain is capable of generating electricity, the parapsychologist claims that the mind works better and more efficiently. If you reduce the hyperreactivity of the mind, using only the electricity generated, then the truth and control of your own consciousness will be available to a person. So, Jose began using hypnosis on his children. The man came to the conclusion that in a hypnotic state, children absorb any information much faster.

During hypnosis, mental tension decreases. True, a person is not conscious to think and understand. By the way, one very interesting fact: while training his own daughter, Silva realized that she answered his questions much faster than he asked them. It turns out that in a state of hypnosis, the girl began to read her father’s thoughts. Based on this, José Silva came to the conclusion that if we lower the frequencies of the brain, then our consciousness may well be preserved, and the information we perceive will remain unchanged, not even touched by the physical senses.

Imagination and subconscious in the José Silva method

Have you ever thought about how often we limit ourselves even over the smallest things? In most cases, we believe that this limitation is due to impossibility of implementation. We are used to relying on logic all the time, but some things have absolutely no explanation. We increasingly ignore our own premonitions, our favorite intuition, and close access to our colorful imagination. Let's do a little test and see for yourself.

  1. Close your eyes, relax and imagine an ordinary yellow ripe lemon in front of you. Think about how it smells, what this fruit feels and tastes like. In 95% of cases, after the word “lemon”, the human mouth fills with unpleasant saliva, as if you had just eaten it. All these are games of our subconscious. You see, absolutely any image for our consciousness is reality. When we imagine something (and it doesn’t matter what exactly it will be), the subconscious mind agrees with us in everything and creates realistic pictures.
  2. Here is another interesting test to ensure that a person can listen to his intuition. As you get ready for bed, pour yourself a glass of water. Then, think about the question that interests you most, but formulate it in such a way that there is no “not” in it. Now, closing your eyes, try to drink half from the glass, repeating to yourself each time: “if there is no half, then this is the answer to the question.” After this strange exercise has been done, go to bed, and in the morning do the same as you did before going to bed, finishing the glass to the end. So, this is all to say that in a dream you will definitely receive an answer to the question asked.

About the alpha state and meditation in the Silva method

If you purchase a book by this brilliant parapsychologist, you will immediately understand what we are talking about. Let's just say a few words about this. The human brain, being in different states, is fed and perceives energy at completely different levels. For example, the pulse that is emitted during an active and alert state is usually called the beta level.

You're probably already familiar with the alpha level. This state is very often created when a person reads a prayer to God, when we are simply thinking, half asleep or meditating. By the way, the alpha level is the most ideal mark for thinking and awareness. Without training your own brain and without delving into the Jose Silva method, a person is at the alpha level twice a day: when he begins to fall asleep, but is still half asleep, and when he wakes up, but not completely. It is the alpha level that helps us control our own consciousness and do what we want most. Before this, it is important to act according to the following plan:

  • try to completely relax, for this you can take a warm bath, 15 minutes is enough for the body to fall into a state of rest;
  • close your eyes, lift them up a little, as if you want to reach your eyebrows, this will give the right hemisphere a sign that it should be ready;
  • now, count to yourself very slowly, preferably counting backwards - this way you will relax yourself as much as possible, and most importantly, give your own brain a temporary rest;
  • while you are counting, imagine a picture that you are in complete success, there are no problems behind you, no obstacles, all roads are open, and the people around you are happy, give free rein to your imagination - if you can still smell it, then it will be amazing;
  • now say to yourself how good you feel, start a dialogue with yourself that every day you love this life even more, count from one to five and slowly open your eyes.

This is a kind of energy that is not only capable of calming a person’s body and his subconscious, but also makes the human soul the epicenter for attracting good luck. If you do this exercise for 40 days without skipping, you will definitely learn to enter the alpha state, wherever you are. At the same time, it is very important not to fall asleep, but to control your own consciousness. Such meditation greatly influences your future life, and only in the best way. Throughout the entire exercise, the power of thought is maximally developed, which, by the way, belongs to the Jose Silva method.

In order for you to have at least some support, turn on a special audio file that will help you tune in, exhale all the negative energy and start meditating. Today, absolutely any audio recording can be found on the Internet, which has made human life much easier. Don’t interrupt your own breathing and try to breathe slowly, measuredly, deeply. Think of meditation as playing with colors and sizes: for example, if you imagine numbers, then try to imagine in your head what color, size, shape they are, whether they have wings and much more. Your body should be motionless, but at the same time obey you and your inner voice.

Understand that creating clear images is one of the important components of the alpha state. To practice, first try visualizing the most ordinary objects; closing your eyes, see even the smallest details in them. For example, if you imagine a table, then look at it from all sides, right down to the nails. Then, complicate your task by adding smell, taste, color and tactile sensations to your clear image. Don't worry if it's very difficult to follow Jose Silva's method the first time. Many people can’t even close their eyes and sit quietly in silence, let alone count down numbers and clear images. The most important thing in meditation is regular exercise. And if you adhere to the parapsychologist’s method, then life will become what you could only dream of. Changes will not be long in coming.

The power of thought in the Jose Silva method

Agree that it would be very cool if every person could maneuver it and change their life with the help of the power of thought. It would be so cool that absolutely everyone on this planet would be happy. But, unfortunately, this truth is not characteristic of man. Therefore, only the Jose Silva method can help develop this skill. In training the power of thought, the same thing happens as during meditation. In order to become more familiar with this truth, you need to read the book of the parapsychologist himself in order to fully understand the essence and idea.

Exercise "relaxation"

Perhaps this is one of the most favorite exercises for every person, since here the body does not work at all, it rests. Relaxation is the complete relaxation of every cell of your body. During this state, you should not feel nervous or excited. On the contrary, you should feel as calm as if you were flying somewhere and not stopping. Unfortunately, we live in a world full of stress and worry. Therefore, in order for your own body to rest and be able to fall into the alpha state, it is very important to devote a few minutes to relaxation every day.

  1. Lie down on a soft sofa in the position that is most comfortable for you. Close your eyes and clench your fists until you feel a lot of tension in your arms. Now, don't put any effort, let go of your hands and start enjoying the pleasant tension. Repeat the same with your feet, strongly pulling the toe against you, with your neck, straining it as if you were about to straighten up, with your hips, squeezing and unclenching them. After the whole body is tense, relax it as much as possible without making any effort.
  2. Take deep, slow breaths, try to exhale very smoothly. Imagine that a new breath is a huge wave of energy that, like a current, pierces your body and carries away all the tension and all negativity through the feet. After you exhale completely, inhale a little and hold your breath. A state of relaxation will be felt only if no tension is felt in the body during such breathing exercises.
  3. In the same position, lying on your back, without opening your eyes, take deep breaths. Imagine as if you do not have a body, but a huge mattress inflated with clean air. Use your imagination and imagine taking a cork out of it. Once it is removed, the mattress begins to deflate, which means it should feel like a mattress with air slowly escaping. It sounds quite strange, but this is the method of relaxation that will help the body completely free itself from negative energy. You will be surprised that literally 3 minutes will be enough for you to do such an exercise.

Exercise “work of the senses”

Try combining visualization and liberation of consciousness. At first glance, this will seem very difficult, since not every person succeeds. Let's not come up with new examples and take an exercise with the same lemon. Close your eyes, relax and imagine that you are holding a yellow fruit in your hands. Let your imagination imagine what a lemon feels like, what its smell is, whether it is ripe or not, sour or tasteless. The faster you begin to create images in your imagination, the more effectively you will begin to connect all your senses, even in a state of complete relaxation of the body. With each training session, pictures are created faster and faster, and this is the most important thing in the Jose Silva method.

4 rules of happiness, according to a parapsychologist

  1. Getting pleasure and enjoyment from what you really like. How often are you satisfied with what is happening around you? Are you experiencing pleasure? You never need to wait for anything, it is important to always act, try, create, and even if something doesn’t work out, don’t give up. Jose Silva is sure that the main secret of happiness is that every person takes from this life everything that is most unique and unforgettable. Only by paying attention to the joys of life do we feel a sweet aftertaste that we want to savor forever.
  2. Get away from yourself what you don’t like. Very often, out of habit, we do things that we could not do at all. For example, we eat something we don’t like or communicate with people we don’t like. Jose Silva believes that there is nothing worse than acting against your pleasure. This, of course, is each person’s personal decision on how to behave, but if you waste your own “I” on something that you don’t like, then it is likely that you will never feel happiness in life.
  3. Change what cannot be avoided. There are many situations in life that we don't like. It would be great if a person could turn everything in his favor with a snap of his fingers. By the way, the Jose Silva Method implies this. True, here it is important to change everything that seems irreversible. The concept of this theory is quite difficult, but if you start working and take active action, then everything will definitely work out.
  4. Accept what cannot be changed. Sometimes circumstances are much stronger than us. We cannot change a person’s fate if certain moments have happened in his life. And in general, there is a lot that a person cannot do. This is called “accepting everything as it is.” Treat everything more simply and calmly. Only in this case will Jose Silva's method work.

According to the parapsychologist himself, it is very easy to be happy. His book is brilliant. In almost every bookstore you can find an interesting cover with a given author and have no doubt that the content will be interesting. The Jose Silva method teaches that a person should not pay attention to negative energy and can not only read the thoughts of other people, answering their questions forward, but also have maximum control over his body and consciousness, be able to fall into the alpha state and cleanse his body through relaxation.

The Silva Method has helped millions of people achieve success, discover the hidden reserves of the brain and make them work for themselves. Try it too!

Psychology, as a science, does not stand still.

New techniques are constantly emerging, interesting practices are being developed, and theoretical research is appearing.

And yet unique discoveries such as Jose Silva method that make a revolution in psychological science do not appear so often.

This method has already helped millions of people around the world discover the hidden reserves of their brain and make them work for themselves.

Perhaps you will also be interested in this practice and you will become one of Jose Silva's followers.

The author of the Silva method is Jose Silva

On August 11, 1914, in a small town in Texas, a boy was born into a Mexican family, Silva, who was christened with the traditional name of this nationality, Jose.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Mexicans were considered second-class citizens, so no one was surprised that the youngest child in the family did not attend school, but worked from early childhood: distributing newspapers, shining shoes. Mexicans, they say, are savages - what can we take from them?

However, Jose, who later gave the world Silva method, was not a savage. Moreover, the bright boy, who did not attend school, learned to read and write on his own by watching his brother and sister prepare their homework.

Beginning in his teens, Jose discovered a remarkable talent for radio engineering and began repairing radios for everyone.

His life turned upside down with the outbreak of World War II. Jose Silva wished to serve in the army and went for a medical examination.

One of the doctors that needed to be seen turned out to be a psychiatrist.

It would seem that nothing special happened: a couple of standard questions from the doctor, the verdict “fit for service,” but Jose was simply fascinated by psychology and decided to familiarize himself with this science in more detail.

After the war, he got married and resumed his profitable business: repairing radios.

Children's laughter sounded in his house (in fact, his wife gave birth to a baby every year), and he had enough money for a decent life.

In the eyes of those around him, Jose Silva looked like a happy and successful person.

But he knew that he was capable of more, that he could revolutionize the field of psychology.

And it took a little time to prove to everyone: he was not wrong.

How did Jose Silva come to discover his method?

José Silva read a lot of existing psychological research at that time, but his favorite authors were Freud, Adler and Jung. He understood that human consciousness contains many secrets and is capable of expansion.

And yet, his main specialty was physics; he knew its laws perfectly.

And then Jose came up with the idea, why not combine the laws of physics and psychology.

If Ohm's law (a decrease in the resistance of an electrical circuit leads to an increase in current) works, then why not use a similar method in psychology: reduce the resistance of the brain to improve its abilities.

How can you reduce brain resistance?

Immerse him in a semi-conscious state: something between sleep and wakefulness.

Remember, has it ever happened to you that it was in a light half-asleep, before you finally fell asleep, that the most useful ideas begin to arise in your head or you remember something important.

Many scientists, writers, and musicians use this ability of the human brain by keeping a notepad and pen near their bed so as not to lose valuable ideas.

Jose Silva took action.

The first “guinea pigs” were his kids.

With the help of meditation, he taught them to immerse themselves in those levels of their consciousness that contribute to the most efficient functioning of the brain and polish their knowledge.

The results were immediate: the children from the Silva family began to study much better.

How is it possible that a dropout who didn’t even finish high school will teach them?! This should not happen!

The US government, to which Jose Silva offered to adopt his developments, also foolishly dismissed him.

Fortunately, Jose had followers who helped bring the Silva method to people and explain its genius from a scientific point of view.

What is the Silva Method and how does it help people?

It is believed that human consciousness has 4 levels:

    This is complete wakefulness in which you are throughout the day, when your senses are heightened, you perceive space and time normally.

    This level of consciousness occurs when a person is in a state of light sleep. His intuition is sharpened, but temporal and spatial boundaries are erased.

    Immersion in a deep sleep, compared to the alpha level, during which extrasensory abilities develop, intuition and memory are incredibly sharpened.

    A deep sleep that you enter at night and in which you lose control of your body and mind.

Jose Silva determined that with the help of meditation and various psychological exercises, you can independently immerse yourself in alpha and theta levels in order to reduce brain resistance and reprogram it to:

  • mastering new information;
  • remembering something important that you forgot;
  • achieving a specific goal;
  • relaxation and stress relief;
  • success and .

For example, one of Jose Silva’s students came to him with obesity and an uncontrollable desire to lose weight.

The teacher taught her to meditate daily like this: imagine a table covered with a black cloth, laden with all kinds of junk food: cakes, hamburgers, etc.

As soon as she clearly saw the picture, she had to paint it over with red paint.

And then imagine another table, covered with a clean white tablecloth, filled with healthy food: fish, herbs, fruits.

All this is illuminated with golden rays and looks incredibly appetizing.

After this table, she needed to imagine herself looking in the mirror, slim and beautiful, without an ounce of excess weight.

The student claims that after two weeks of daily meditation, she completely lost her love for cakes and other unhealthy foods, but she fell in love with greens, dairy and fish products.

And after another 3 months I found the figure of my dreams.

I suggest you watch a video,

which contains reviews from lucky winners,

practicing the Silva method in everyday life.

Try it and use it too Silva method to achieve your goal.

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