History of Kuzbass. The Legend of the Kuznetsk Land

The Kemerovo region was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 26, 1943 “On the formation of the Kemerovo region as part of the RSFSR.” However, the development of the natural resources of the Kuznetsk land began much earlier - at the beginning of the 17th century, when the cities of Tomsk (1604) and Kuznetsk (1618) were founded.

Industrial development of the Kuznetsk land began at the end of the 18th century. The first to show interest in the development of Kuznetsk coal was the Ural industrialist A.N. Demidov. Later, Demidov’s Kolyvansko-Voskresensky plants and the adjacent mineral resources became the property of the imperial family. From that time on, most of Kuzbass, which became part of the Altai mountain district, was under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty. Industrial enterprises appeared: Tomsk ironworks, Gavrilovsky and Guryevsky silver smelting plants, Sukharinsky and Salairsky mountain mines. But since for a long time Russian industry developed mainly in the European part of the country, Kuzbass did not have decent development and development. Only a century later, the Trans-Siberian Railway was built and Kuzbass received an impetus for the industrial use of iron ores, non-ferrous metals, coal and wood.

After the October Revolution, Kuzbass became part of the West Siberian Territory, then the Novosibirsk Region. At this time, an autonomous industrial colony of Kuzbass (AIK) was organized, led by the Dutch engineer Rutgers. During these years, the construction of a coking plant was completed, and the mines were equipped with advanced technology.

The revolution in the economy was marked by a transition to planned economic management. In the first plan of GOELRO, an important place is given to the creation of the Ural-Kuzbass industrial complex. Kuzbass is turning into a huge construction site. The coal industry continues to develop, and the foundations of the metallurgical and chemical industries have been laid. The energy sector is developing. Industrialization is changing the face of the region. Workers' settlements sprang up around the facilities under construction, which very soon received the status of cities. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, half of the Kuzbass residents already lived within the city limits.

During the war, Kuzbass became the main supplier of coal and metal. 50 thousand tanks and 45 thousand aircraft were made from steel smelted by Kuznetsk metallurgists. This includes the production of toluene for explosives, gunpowder and other products necessary for the front. In 1941, equipment from 71 enterprises was evacuated to Kuzbass from the occupied areas, most of which remained in Kuzbass. The war doubled the capacity of Kuzbass. In 1943, in the context of a radical change at the front, in order to increase the production of coal, the production of metals and military products for the needs of the front at the enterprises of Kuzbass, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by decree of January 26, decided to separate Kuzbass from the Novosibirsk region and to create on it territory of the Kemerovo region. The new region included 17.5% of the territory of the Novosibirsk region, 9 of 12 cities of regional subordination, 17 of 20 workers' villages, 23 of 75 districts. The population of the Kemerovo region amounted to 42% of the total population of the Novosibirsk region. The regional center became the city of Kemerovo. Since the formation of the Kemerovo region, many changes have occurred. New technologies are being introduced in industry, social facilities are being built, and the cultural level of workers is growing. Kuzbass is becoming the most populated and densely populated region of Western Siberia. The labor successes of Kuzbass residents were twice awarded the Order of Lenin.

Currently, Kuzbass is one of the most dynamically developing regions of the Russian Federation.


This topic is important and relevant in our time. Many writers, artists, publicists have turned and are turning to the history of Kuzbass. This is a great region rich in natural resources. The author believes that this problem is relevant and interesting in our time, since many people do not know the history of the formation and development of Kuzbass. The author decided to turn to this topic to find out the details of the formation of his native land. In the work, the author refers to the historical data of the formation of Kuzbass using various sources.

The subject of the study will be Kuzbass. The object of the author’s research will be historical information about the formation of Kuzbass.

The purpose of the author’s work is to research and study the history of the cities of Kuzbass using various sources. The formulated goal involves solving the following tasks: 1) studying various literature on local history 2) turning to historical data 3) identifying factors that contributed to the formation of Kuzbass 4) identifying the main directions of development of the Kemerovo region 5) expanding one’s own horizons in the study of the history of the native land.

The author used various research methods for the abstract. For example, he used theoretical analysis by highlighting and reviewing the history of Kuzbass. This method helps to penetrate into the essence of the phenomena being studied. In addition, the author used the historical method. With the help of it, he was able to systematize the considered data on the history of the cities of the Kemerovo region. The author also used theoretical methods. Using this method, he studied the necessary literature on the history of Kuzbass. In addition to the listed methods, I used the generalization method. Using this method, the author was able to draw a conclusion from his work and summarize the results.

Let us turn to the historiography of the problem. Many writers and historians turned to her. For example, since the 20s. One of the trade unionists of Siberia, V.I., takes an active part in studying the history of Kuzbass and its productive forces. Shemelev (1885-1942). He is interested in the history of the industrial development of the region and the role of foreign capital, the Ural-Kuznetsk problem, the history of the formation of industrial personnel in Kuzbass, the history of factories. My essay uses the work and research of Nikolai Pavlovich Shuranov in the book “History of Kuzbass” Novosibirsk 2002. In his works, based on historical research and his own research, he talks about the cities of Kuzbass, their formations and development, the modern significance of the cities of Kuzbass. The author shows how important and significant Kuzbass is. The magazine "Siberian Lights" constantly published essays about new buildings in Kuzbass and its people. Early 70s N.P. also made a major contribution to the study of the history of Kuzbass during the Great Patriotic War. Shuranov. These same sources are discussed in the collective monograph “Miners of Kuzbass”, in which a section on the issue of replenishing miners during the war was prepared by N.P. Shuranov.

The available literature shows that the topic of the author of the abstract is not new. But many turn to it again and again, because there are many unknown facts. It can also be said that based on research and literature, it can be understood that Kuzbass has only been partially explored. The author has included many sources in his work. In addition to books and articles, he used various Internet sites and modern magazines. The author used various methods to study this problem. He also applied one of the new methods - the use of modern information technologies. In addition to the history of Kuzbass, the author tried to touch on the architecture and modern significance of Kuzbass.

In the abstract, one of the main historical sources is Nikolai Pavlovich Shuranov’s book “History of Kuzbass”. This source shows the main historical facts of the research and development of Kuzbass, and Shuranov also draws certain conclusions on the modern significance of the Kemerovo region.

In the work, the author used the problem-chronological principle. Since first in his work he talked about the history of the formation of Kuzbass, and then turned to the formation of a specific city and its modern significance.

Kemerovo and its several architectural monuments

Date of formation - 1918

Area - 278.6 sq. km.

Population - 527.1 thousand people.

Kemerovo is the administrative center of the Kemerovo region. The city is located in the middle reaches of the Tom River, in the Kuznetsk Basin. It consists of 5 districts: Central, Leninsky, Zavodsky, Kirovsky, Rudnichny - and 5 workers’ villages. Kemerovo arose on the site of ancient Russian settlements, near the stronghold for the development of these lands - the Verkhnetomsk fort, founded in 1657 (now the village of Verkhotomskoye).

In 1859, on the site of modern Kemerovo there were 7 settlements: the village of Shcheglovo (Ust-Iskitimskoye), the villages of Kemerovo (known since 1734), Evseevo, Krasny Yar, Kur-Iskitim (Pleshki), Davydovo (Ishanovo), Borovaya. The village of Kemerovo got its name from the first settlers of Kemerovo and gave the name to the Kemerovo mine that arose there. In 1703, there were only six houses in Shcheglov. It was not far from it, on the right bank of the Tom River, that Mikhailo Volkov discovered coal deposits in 1721. In the middle of the 19th century, the peasants of the nearby village of Kemerovo began to mine coal and transport it on rafts to Tomsk, but the board of the Altai Mining District forbade this. In 1892, an artel of peasants received permission to open adits here, but a year later the permission was revoked. And only in 1907, after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the board of the Altai Mining District founded the Kemerovo mine, designed to produce 8,300 tons of coal per year. A little later, the shareholders of Kopikuz began the construction of new mines in Kuzbass.

In 1915, near the village of Shcheglovo, a coke plant with chemical workshops was formed. In the same year, train traffic opened on a railway line that connected the plant and the mine through the Topki station with the railway being laid from the Yurga station to Kolchugin and further to the south of Kuzbass. The area of ​​the village of Shcheglova and the villages of Kemerovo, Krasny Yar, Pleshki (Kur-Iskitim), Borovaya became an important industrial center. But the old-timers sought to retain all the lands and did not want to allocate estates to the arriving builders and miners. Then, in order to equalize the rights of arriving workers and local residents, the question of transforming the village of Shcheglova into a city was raised before State Duma deputy Durov, who came here in 1916. But that issue was resolved already under Soviet rule; the year the city was founded is considered to be 1918, when Shcheglovo was transformed into the city of Shcheglovsk, which included the village of Kemerovo. After the establishment of Soviet power, local industry began to develop. Workers of the Autonomous Industrial Colony of Kuzbass (AIK) took an active part in this. In 1924, the first-born of the city's industry, the coke plant, was put into operation. Coal mining was carried out at 1 mine "Central".

In 1925 the city became a regional center. It had 2,510 wooden residential buildings, 9 schools, including one secondary school - nine years. The population numbered 21.7 thousand people, the main occupation of local residents was arable farming. In 1927, the first stone building was built in Shcheglovsk - the Palace of Labor. However, A. V. Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR, who visited here in 1928, described Shcheglovsk as a “meager town.”

The rapid development of the city was caused by the beginning of industrialization and the construction of the Ural-Kuznetsk plant. In 1931, a decision was made to build a gunpowder plant in the city, on the site of the demolished village of Evseevo. On March 27, 1932, after lengthy discussions, Shcheglovsk was renamed Kemerovo.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of townspeople went to the front and bravely fought against the Nazi invaders. For military feats, over 6,000 Kemerovo residents were awarded military orders and medals.

On January 26, 1943, Kemerovo was proclaimed the regional center of the newly formed Kemerovo region. This choice is not accidental. By this time, the city was already a major industrial center and the flagship of the defense industry of Kuzbass: 33 factories were evacuated here from the west of the country. It also played a role that from 1918 and throughout the 20s, Shcheglovsk was also an administrative - first a district, and then a district - center.

Today Kemerovo is a city with developed industrial, cultural and scientific potential, economically connected with all regions of the CIS and foreign countries. It is the second largest city in Kuzbass (after Novokuznetsk). The presence of coal deposits, reserves of refractory clay, limestone, rubble stone, gravel, a convenient industrial site, a river, and a railway connection - all this determined the creation of a powerful energy-chemical complex.

The city's industry is characterized by a diversified structure and a high degree of concentration of production. The chemical and fuel and energy specialization of the city's industry is preserved. The volume of industrial production in 2001 amounted to 17,938 million rubles. The basis of the economy - 35% of output - is the chemical industry. OJSC Azot is the largest chemical enterprise in Western Siberia. The company produces competitive products on the world market.

Khimprom OJSC operates a large-scale production of chlorine and caustic soda, producing thermoplastics, organic synthesis products, hydrochloric acid, auto chemicals, and vitamin feed additives. This is the only enterprise in Russia and neighboring countries that produces choline chloride.

JSC Khimvolokno is one of the largest suppliers of cord fabric for the tire industry. JSC "Firm "Tokem"" is engaged in the production of phenol-formaldehyde resins, phenolic plastics, ion-exchange resins and textolite. The company has a modern technical base for the design and manufacture of equipment for processing plastics by pressing and injection molding. OJSC "Polymer" produces polyethylene products: packaging, agricultural films, materials for the construction industry and consumer goods. Ferrous metallurgy is represented by Koks OJSC, which is engaged in advanced coal processing. The main products are coke, coal tar, crude benzene. In Kemerovo there are enterprises in the woodworking, light and food industries, as well as enterprises producing building materials. In recent years, the city has begun to manifest itself as a large shopping center with a developed infrastructure for the consumer market and entrepreneurship. The share of exports accounts for about half of industrial production, which is taken into account when forming the city’s development strategy.

Kemerovo is one of the largest Siberian educational centers. Tens of thousands of students study in 13 higher educational institutions and 17 technical schools. The most famous of the universities are Kemerovo State University (branches in Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Prokopyevsk), Kuzbass State Technical University (branches in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belovo, Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Tashtagol, Prokopyevsk), Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry and etc.

The social and cultural sphere of the city is developing. The Kemerovo Drama Theater and the Operetta Theater successfully tour both in Russia and abroad. The halls of the city museums - local history and fine arts - are not empty. The Tomsk Pisanitsa Museum-Reserve, located on the right bank of the Tom, 55 km from the city, is especially popular among citizens and guests of the city. Here, in the open air, unique historical monuments are collected, the oldest of which date back to the fourth millennium BC.

The city's prospects are determined by the characteristics of Kemerovo as a regional center and the development of industry. Priority will remain in the energy, chemical and coal industries, as well as the production and sale of consumer goods to the population. The processing industries of the food industry (flour and cereals, meat and dairy, confectionery, etc.), light industry, mechanical engineering (for the coal and chemical industries) and industries related to the construction industry (woodworking, production of building materials) will receive further development.

The city development model for the next 10 years provides for the creation of a favorable climate for the development of the investment process; radical modernization of the economy and attraction of investments for the development of production of competitive products; ensuring sustainable rates of economic growth by improving investment and business conditions; improving the quality and organization of medical, transport, communal, and consumer services for the population; implementation of the program for housing and socio-cultural development of the city; ensuring universal accessibility of basic social benefits.

Architectural monuments of the city of Kemerovo


The residential building was built in 1916 for I.I. Fedorovich, mining engineer, managing director of Kopikuz (Joint-stock company of Kuznetsk coal mines and metallurgical plants, founded in 1912). The architecture of the building is stylistically close to the architecture of the house of the manager of the Kolchuginsky mine, the author of which was the technician Sadov, the head of construction of the mine since 1914. It is known that after Kolchugin, Sadov was appointed head of the construction of the Kemerovo mine, which gives reason to assume that he could also be the author of the project for the manager’s house on Krasnaya Gorka. In 1922, after the transfer of Kopikuz’s property to the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass”, the head and one of the founders of the AIC, Dutch engineer and communist Sebald Rutgers, settled in the house. Besides him, other foreign specialists and their families who came to Kemerovo stayed here. From that time on, the name “Rutgers House” stuck to the house.

Until 1946-47 The Rutgers house was used as a hotel, a cinema, an administrative building, then the House of Technology with a library was organized in the building, and in 1961-1989. a kindergarten-nursery was located.

Historical information

The main office building was built for the board of Kopikuz - the Joint Stock Company of the Kuznetsk Coal Mines and Metallurgical Plants, formed in 1912. During the first construction season of 1916, a one-story building was erected and roofed. The construction of the office was completely completed in 1918. During the years of operation of AIK Kuzbass, the building served as the main office of AIK. The flat roof of the entrance vestibule was used, as was the podium, during rallies and festive demonstrations. From 1926 to 1949 a mining school was located here, in 1950-1956 - mining school No. 8, in 1957-1974 construction school No. 63, in 1974-1992 - a sewing school. Since the mid-1990s, the building has housed the office of the Ugol-S company.

General assessment of the social, scientific, historical and artistic value of the monument

A historical monument associated with the initial stage of the industrial region. It is of architectural, artistic and constructive value as the first large administrative building in Kemerovo with elements of Art Nouveau style, built from natural stone using monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

House of Cinema Moscow

The site for the construction of the first sound cinema with a hall for 750 seats, approved by the City Council after a lengthy discussion in the Kuzbass newspaper, was chosen taking into account the future development of the city. It was located opposite the post office, at the junction of two emerging residential areas - Pritomsky and Priskitimsky. The design of the cinema was entrusted to the Kemproekt team led by technical architect D. F. Zezin. Then a competition was announced among architects of the Novosibirsk region, which until 1943 included the city of Kemerovo. In accordance with the competition program, the number of seats was increased to 1000; the premises were required to include spacious foyers, recreation rooms, a reading room, an exhibition hall, a concert hall, a buffet, and a shooting range. The first prize at the competition was awarded to a project from Novosibirsk, the second prize to a project by Kemerovo architects L.I. Donbai and A.A. Polyansky. The design of the building was completed by D.F. Zezin based on his own and competitive options. The city's public widely participated in the construction, which began in 1935: a committee to promote construction was created, headed by the editor of the city newspaper Kuzbass. After finishing the brickwork, it was decided to announce an additional competition for the design of the facades, as a result of which the version of the architect S.P. Kemproekt was accepted. Skoblikova. According to this project, the already erected middle square columns of the central six-columned portico were dismantled and replaced with paired round columns at the height of the first floor. There was a wide balcony above them. The facades were decorated using simplified elements of classical architecture. Construction of the cinema was completed by May 1937. During the entire period of operation, the building was used for its original purpose. During the Great Patriotic War, performances of the city drama theater were staged on the stage of the House of Cinema. In 1965, a marble memorial plaque was installed on the main facade in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Myzo, who worked at the Moscow Cinema House as a graphic designer in 1939-1941. By decision of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee No. 212 of 05/06/1978, the building was accepted under protection as a historical monument of local significance.

Currently, Kemerovo is one of the largest industrial centers in eastern Russia, a city of energy, mechanical engineering, and chemistry. It has a developed infrastructure. It has important monuments of art and architecture.

Novokuznetsk and its several architectural monuments

Date of formation - 1622

Area - 424.27 sq. km

Population - 549 thousand people

Novokuznetsk is the largest city in the Kemerovo region. Located on the southern edge of the Kuznetsk Basin, surrounded by the Kuznetsk Alatau, Mountain Shoria and the Salair Ridge, which determined its mineral, climatic, soil and plant resources.

The city is located in a bend of the Tom River, stretching along it for almost 50 km. The main mineral resource within Novokuznetsk is coal. The outskirts of the city are rich in building materials - sand, brick clay, sand and gravel mixtures. Groundwater reserves are also significant. Novokuznetsk consists of 6 districts: Central, Zavodsky, Kuibyshevsky, Kuznetsky, Ordzhonikidze, Ilyinsky. About 40 nationalities live in the city, including Russians (91.8%), Ukrainians (2.4%), Tatars (1.3%), Shors (0.3%).

The Kuznetsk fort, which laid the foundation for the city, was built in 1618 by Cossacks who arrived from Tomsk to collect tribute from the local population. At first it was located on the left bank of the Kondoma River, not far from its confluence with the Tom, and in 1620 it was moved to the high right bank of the Tom. The settlement received this name because blacksmithing was common among the indigenous inhabitants of these places, the Northern Shors: they mined and smelted ore, forged utensils and weapons from iron. In Russian documents of the 18th century they are called “Kuznetsk people” or “Kuznetsk Tatars”, and their area of ​​residence is called Kuznetsk land. The settlement that grew out of the fort was called Kuznetsk or Kuznetsk-Sibirsky - to distinguish it from Kuznetsk in the Penza province.

To protect against nomads, the city was surrounded by a chopped fence a fathom high, behind which there was a fortress (fortress), a church, residential buildings, and then the Nativity of Christ Monastery. By 1705, the governor had 368 people in his service, with the help of whom he collected tribute from the population of 38 yasak volosts. 28 settlements grew around the city: Antonovo, Atamanovo, Abagur, Bedarevo, Bungur, Ilyinsky, Kurtukovo, Sidorovo, etc. In the middle of the 18th century, Kuznetsk became the most important fortified point of the Biysk guard line, built to protect the Siberian lands annexed to Russia.

The beginning of the 19th century for Kuznetsk was marked by its entry into the Tomsk province as a district town (1804). From this time on, the city received its own coat of arms. The discovery of ore and coal deposits on the territory of the county and the construction of the Tomsk ironworks and Gavrilovsky silver smelting plants on their basis did not affect the development of the county center. Even after the construction of the Siberian Railway and the start of Kopikuz's activities, unlike the villages of Shcheglova and Kemrudnik, Kuznetsk remained a small town in which there were a small number of artisans and traders, and the main population was engaged in fishing and cattle breeding.

The fate of many famous people of the Russian state is connected with Novokuznetsk. It was here that the great writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who came from Semipalatinsk to Novokuznetsk to his bride Isaeva, was married in 1857.

After the October Revolution and the Civil War in 1919, Soviet power was firmly strengthened in Kuzbass. The new state needed minerals, and in the 20s of the last century the industrial growth of Kuzbass cities began. Shoemaking, mechanical and other cooperative workshops began to be created in Kuznetsk. The GOELRO plan included the construction of the Kuznetsk power plant. The idea of ​​creating a metallurgical plant at the Telbes site, where the owners of Kopikuz were trying to begin construction work, was making its way.

The intensive industrial development of Novokuznetsk began in 1929 with the construction of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant designed by the American company Frayn. The first stage of the plant was put into operation in 1932.

In 1929, thanks to the construction of the plant, the village of Sad-Gorod arose on the left bank of the Tom, which was renamed Novokuznetsk in 1931. The Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant became a city-forming enterprise. Housing and social and cultural facilities were built for its workers. In 1931, the Metallurgical Institute was transferred here from Tomsk. By the end of 1932, the city's population had grown to 168 thousand people. There were 8 buses plying the streets. On November 30, 1933, the first tram in Siberia rang the bell. Construction began on the Palace of Metallurgists and the Drama Theatre. In 1936, the first stage of the city heating plant began operating from the combined heat and power plant (before that, central heating in the country was only in Moscow and Leningrad). In 1932 the city was renamed Stalinsk. In 1939, Kuznetsk was annexed to it, after which the united city was called Stalinsk-Kuznetsk for some time, and then Stalinsk again.

In the 1960s, the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant was built. The city was transforming. Residential buildings were built. Avenues grew - Metallurgists, Enthusiasts, Bardin, Ordzhonikidze, Teatralnaya and Mayakovsky squares. The bridge built across Tom improved the movement of buses and trams. The second bridge was being built. The social and domestic sphere developed.

In 1961, the city was renamed Novokuznetsk. Novokuznetsk is considered one of the leading industrial centers of Russia. Its export potential is more than 70% of all Kuzbass exports. On an area of ​​292 sq. km there are more than 9.7 thousand enterprises of all forms of ownership, of which 1.1 thousand are enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coal mining, coal processing, timber processing and chemical industries, construction industry, metalworking and energy. The main share of production falls on the ferrous metallurgy (63%), non-ferrous metallurgy (19%) and the fuel industry (9%). In terms of concentration of metallurgy enterprises, the city ranks second in Russia, second only to Magnitogorsk, and in terms of coal production, it is one of the leading places in the country.

OJSC "West Siberian Metallurgical Plant" is one of the leading metallurgical enterprises in Russia, producing steel, rolled metal, coke products, and consumer goods. The production of the main types of products is carried out according to the classical scheme of the full metallurgical cycle. Zapsib is capable of producing 8 million tons of steel per year, with more than a hundred different grades. The high quality of rolled metal products is confirmed by certificates from the Lloyd's Register Corporation (Great Britain), the international Golden Star "Arch of Europe" award, etc. Zapsib products are supplied to 300 enterprises in Russia and the CIS and exported to 30 countries. The main long-term task of the plant is further technical re-equipment and reconstruction aimed at solving resource conservation and environmental issues.

OJSC Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant is the only enterprise in the country that produces the entire range of rail products according to the standards existing in Russia. The company produces 80% of steel tracks for Russian railways and 100% of subway rails, as well as shaft stands, small-section rolled sections, thick stainless steel sheets, and consumer goods. The plant's products are awarded an international quality certificate.

OJSC "Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant" is a manufacturer of square ingots (wire bars), from which aluminum wire is made for cable products, as well as aluminum busbars for the busbars of electrolyzers. NKAZ is the only manufacturer and supplier of silumin alloy for the Kama Automobile Plant. The output of premium products currently reaches more than 95%. OJSC Kuznetsk Ferroalloys smelts more than a third of ferrosilicon in the country. Its products are exported to more than 30 countries - Japan, Turkey, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. These are ferrosilicon, granulated ferrosilicon, smoky gas dust (silica), etc. OJSC "Coal Company "Kuznetskugol"" is the largest coal association in Kuzbass. It includes not only mines (Esaulskaya, Yubileynaya, Abashevskaya, Kushcheyakovskaya, etc.), but also two processing plants and the Gidromash machine-building plant. The company's mines can produce up to 14 million tons of coal per year, of which 74% is high-quality coking coal, the rest is energy coal, the consumers of which are power plants and thermal power plants of Kuzbassenergo, Novosibirskenergo, Altaienergo.

Novokuznetsk is a major transport hub. Its branch of the West Siberian Railway carries out 7% of all-Russian railway transportation. 12 long-distance and 66 commuter trains depart from the city. The airport is operational.

At the beginning of 2001, the city's housing stock amounted to 10.9 million square meters. m, or 3223 residential buildings. On average, there are 18.9 square meters per city resident. m of total area, this is 7th place among the cities in the region. In recent years, qualitative changes have been noticeable in the education system. The process of profiling preschool institutions is underway, taking into account artistic, aesthetic and intellectual orientation. Health centers, environmental and aesthetic centers have been created, kindergarten-school complexes, humanitarian support classes, etc. have been opened. Parents and children can now choose an educational institution to their liking.

The city hockey club "Metallurg" is known far beyond the region. In Novokuznetsk there is a school of highest sports skills, 6 Olympic reserve schools, 5 children's and youth sports schools, 31 sports clubs.

Kommunar Theater

In 1933, in Stalinsk, not far from the quarters of the socialist city under construction, a large cinema building with 1,200 seats was built, the first sound cinema in the city. The author of the project is the German architect Gerhard Kosel, who came to Kuznetskstroy in 1932 after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute in Berlin and lived in the USSR until 1954. After returning to Germany, G. Kosel became a Doctor of Science, received the title of professor, and was president of the Academy of Architecture and Construction of the GDR. During the entire period of operation, the cinema building was used for its original purpose, and it was reconstructed several times. After reconstruction in 1985, Kommunar was classified as a cinema of the highest category. Currently, the building is undergoing another reconstruction of the interiors and auditorium.

The Kommunar cinema is located on the territory of the Metallurgists' Garden. Its main façade, facing Metallurgov Avenue, closes the perspective of Suvorov Street. The cinema building is a striking example of the reconstruction of a constructivist building in the monumental forms of Stalinist neoclassicism. However, despite the decoration of the facades in orderly forms, the overall volume of the building is reminiscent of the shaping techniques of functional architecture of the late 1920s - early 1930s.

The compositional solution of the building is based on an asymmetrical combination of volumes of different shapes and sizes. The dominant one is a three-story semi-cylindrical volume, completed by a high attic with a profiled cornice. The entrance part with a vestibule is surrounded by a colonnade supporting a balcony with a balustrade decorated with plaster flowerpots at the third floor level. On the side wings the colonnade is continued by the rhythm of flat pilasters. The symmetry of the central part is broken by the parallelepiped of the staircase protruding from the left.

Adjacent to the central volume along the longitudinal axis is a lower trapezoidal auditorium in plan, and to the left is a one-story volume that includes a spacious lobby with a stage and a buffet.

During the reconstruction, the height of the vestibule was increased; semi-circular windows of the second tier were made above the lower rectangular openings, giving the wall the appearance of an arcade. The arcade motif was also used in the plastic treatment of the walls of the third floor with the help of applied flat pilasters and archivolts.

The building's interiors have also been completely renovated. The ceiling of the auditorium is decorated with stucco, the walls are covered with wooden panels, and the lobby is lined with marble. The walls of building I are brick, the foundations are concrete, the interfloor ceilings are reinforced concrete, the auditorium is covered with wooden arched trusses with a span of up to 26 m. The overall dimensions of the building in plan are 45.3 x 73 m.

A historical and architectural monument, a striking example of the neoclassical reconstruction of a building built in the constructivist style. The first sound cinema in Novokuznetsk.

On June 23, 1930, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to create the Siberian Institute of Ferrous Metals (SIFM) on the basis of the specialty of ferrous metal metallurgy at the Tomsk Technological Institute.

At the end of October 1931, 22 teachers and 280 students from Tomsk arrived at the site of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant under construction.

For the first two years, classes took place in temporary barracks built by students and in the building of the educational institution. At the same time, since 1932, the construction of the institute’s educational building was carried out by students and staff. Almost all work was done by hand.

On October 1, 1933, the building was built, at the same time the SIChM was renamed the Siberian Metallurgical Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze. Before the war, SMI became one of the largest universities in Siberia. In 1965, a new main building was built in the center of the city for the media (currently the Siberian State Industrial University), then several more educational and laboratory buildings were built. Currently, the old media building houses the military department of the SibGIU, the Novokuznetsk Olympic Reserve School and the Novokuznetsk branch of the Novosibirsk Special Secondary Police School.

Description of the monument

In accordance with the idea of ​​a plant-VTUZ, popular during the first five-year plans, the building of the institute was located next to the site of the KMK under construction. Now it is located away from residential buildings, on the border of an industrial zone. The space-planning composition of the building is asymmetrical. It consists of three buildings located at right angles to each other. To the five-story central building, facing the street. Rudokoprova, on the right and left there are two four-story wings of different lengths. The right wing, 90 m long, adjacent to the rear façade of the central volume, is located along the red building line of the street. The left wing, 45 m long, adjacent to the main facade, is moved deeper into the site, forming a square area in front of the main entrance to the building.

The internal layout is designed according to a two-sided corridor scheme. Changing the width of the buildings, with risalits on the courtyard facade, made it possible to create auditoriums of different sizes and widths. The architecture of the building is designed in the style of constructivism. Smooth facades with a measured rhythm of windows, completed with high parapets hiding the pitched roof, are devoid of decor. The horizontal division of the facades is emphasized on the central building by ribbon balconies, on the side wings by horizontal rods connecting the windows, and the dark coloring of the partitions between them. The staircases are highlighted on the facades with risalits with vertical stained glass windows. The interiors retain the irregularly shaped natural sandstone wall cladding, original hexagonal concrete tile floors, and solid wood panel stair railings.

The walls of the building are brick, the foundations and ceilings are monolithic reinforced concrete, the roof is steel. The plan dimensions are 153 x 60 m, the width of the buildings is 17.7 m. A historical and architectural monument, one of the first large public buildings of the city built in the constructivist style.

Currently, Novokuznetsk is one of the largest metallurgical and coal mining centers in Russia. The city has a large number of historical and architectural monuments. For example, the architectural ensemble "Kuznetsk Fortress", the Transfiguration Cathedral, a distillery, wooden and stone buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries in the historical center of the city and much more. Novokuznetsk today is one of the largest industrial centers of Siberia, a city of metal and coal, chemistry and mechanical engineering, electric power and industry.


Date of formation - 1931

Area - 227.5 sq. km

Population - 210 thousand people

Prokopyevsk is the third most populous city in the Kemerovo region. It consists of 23 villages.

In the 18th century, the village of Monastyrskaya stood on this site, which after the construction of the Church of St. Procopius in it began to be called the village of Prokopyevsky. Attempts to use the coal deposits discovered here date back to the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century and are associated with the neighboring Tomsk ironworks, which operated in 1771-1864. But only after the research of geologist V.I. Yavorsky, the owners of Kolikuz laid here an adit and two open faces, from which the first pounds of coal were extracted on October 12, 1917. This is how the Prokopyevsky mine began to operate. During the Civil War, Kolikuz shareholders continued work on laying a railway line to the Prokopyevsky mine from the Kolchugino station, to which a road had already been built from the Yurga station. The Soviet government declared the construction of this line and the work on coal mining at the Prokopyevsky mine to be shocking. On October 25, 1921, the first train of coal was sent from the Usyaty station (Prokopyevsk).

The high quality of the mine’s coals helped pave the way for them to a wide range of consumers - the Baltic fleet, the Nizhne-Tagil, Nizhne-Saldan and Zlatoust factories in the Urals, the chemical enterprises of Shcheglovsk, etc. The course towards industrialization and the creation of a coal and metallurgical base in the east of the country contributed to the rapid development of Prokopyevsky mine. On January 29, 1928, the village received the status of a workers' village. On May 10, 1931, the village was reorganized into the city of Prokopyevsk. Next to the new mines, urban settlements grew up one after another. In 1934, buses began to operate, and in 1935, a tram was launched. The Prokopyevsky mine has become the pearl of Kuzbass. In 1937, 6,357 thousand tons of coal were mined here. Prokopyevsk became the coal link of the Ural-Kuznetsk Combine. The city grew. In 1939 its population was 107.2 thousand people.

In the first year of the Great Patriotic War, despite the fact that many men went to the front, the mine produced 8,172 thousand tons of coal. In 1943, the Kuzbassugol plant began operating in Prokopyevsk, uniting the southern mines of the basin, which produced the bulk of coking coal. On the basis of the evacuated equipment that arrived, the Prokopyevsky Electromechanical Plant, a mechanical plant and a tobacco factory arose in the city.

The city developed steadily in the post-war years. The number of mines reached sixteen, another open-pit mine and a bearing plant came into operation. Construction of new houses, a theater, and a music school began.

Today in Prokopyevsk the Koksovaya, Tyrganskaya, and them mines are successfully operating. Dzerzhinsky. Coal industry enterprises account for 54.5% of the city's gross output. Second place belongs to mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises (18%). OJSC Prokopyevsky Mine Automation Plant, OJSC Elektromashina, OJSC Prodmash operate with profit.

The city has schools, a mining college, medical and music schools, branches of universities, more than 29 libraries, 22 clubs and a Palace of Culture, and has its own drama theater.

In recent years, work on the construction and reconstruction of social facilities has been actively carried out in Prokopyevsk. Squares are being created, new shops are opening. The city confidently entered the third millennium.

In 2001, Prokopyevsk celebrated the 70th anniversary of its being granted city status. All these years, the main wealth of the “pearl of Kuzbass” has been and remains its inhabitants. For three years in a row, starting in 1998, the city's best people have been honored. Every year, 50 residents of Prokopyevsk, who have made a great contribution to the development of the city, are invited to a gala reception at the head of the city administration. Doctors, teachers, cultural and sports workers, transport workers, builders and, of course, miners are awarded the high title of “Person of the Year of the City of Prokopyevsk”.

Prokopyevsk is one of the developing cities in Kuzbass. Today, the following mines are successfully operating in Prokopyevsk: “Koksovaya”, “Tyrganskaya”, “im. Dzerzhinsky". More than half of the city's gross output comes from the coal industry. Following are mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises. In recent years, work on the construction and reconstruction of social facilities has been actively carried out in Prokopyevsk. New shops are opening, beautiful public gardens are being created.


Date of formation - 1938

Area - 219 sq. km

Population - 70 thousand people

Belovo is located in the Kuznetsk Basin, on the Bachat River. In terms of population, the city ranks 4th in the region after Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Prokopyevsk. Belovo consists of the central part and 6 working villages, Artyshta, Bachatsky, Gramoteinsky, Inskoy, Krasnobrodsky, Novy Gorodok, Novy Karakan, the villages of Dubrovo, Zarechnoye, which arose in close proximity to coal mining enterprises, located within a radius of 60 km from the center.

The village of Belovo was first mentioned in 1726. It got its name from the name of the fugitive peasant Fyodor Belov, who founded the village on the banks of the Bachat River. 1855 - a new page in the history of the settlement: mining began at the discovered coal deposit. In 1938, Belovo received city status.

The peculiarity of the city is that it developed as a conglomerate of departmental settlements, the majority of the population of which is directly or indirectly connected with the city-forming enterprises - mines, state district power plants, and the railway.

Belovo is an important transport hub of Kuzbass; it is located approximately halfway between the regional center and Novokuznetsk and is connected to them by railway and the Kemerovo-Mezhdurechensk highway of republican significance. 18% of all Kuzbass coal is mined in Belov. In terms of coal production, the city is consistently among the top three, together with Novokuznetsk and Mezhdurechensk. The coal industry, which is represented by 4 open-pit mines and 5 mines, accounts for 63% of the city's industrial output. The country's largest open-pit mine, Bachatsky, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1999. The number of workers there is about 4 thousand people. The open-pit mine exports its products to countries near and far abroad. In total, more than 6.5 thousand people work at the Belov mines.

Belovskaya GRES produces a third of Kuzbass' electricity. On the territory of Belov there are enterprises that are unique on a national scale, such as Belovsky Zinc Plant OJSC and Sibelcom OJSC, the monopoly manufacturer of switching and installation products in Russia. Among other enterprises in the city, one can highlight OJSC Belovsky Machine-Building Plant, OJSC Belovsky Energy Repair Plant, OJSC Belovskiye TsEMM, etc.

The modern city of Belovo is a large industrial center of Kuzbass. Well-developed industries: coal industry and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Leninsk - Kuznetsk

Date of formation - 1925

Area - 128 sq. km

Population - 107 thousand people

Leninsk-Kuznetsky is located in the western part of the Kemerovo region, in the center of the Kuznetsk basin. The first mention of the village of Kolchuginskaya, which laid the foundation for the city, dates back to 1763. The village got its name from the name of a Russian settler who settled in these parts. In the 80s of the 19th century, coal outcrops were discovered here and the Kolchuginsky mines were founded. These were the lands of the patrimony of Alexander III, subsequently donated by the emperor to the young prince, the future Nicholas II. In 1922, the village of Kolchugino, which by that time had turned into a large workers' settlement, was renamed Lenino at the request of the mine's miners (the first settlement in Russia named after V.I. Lenin during the life of the leader of the proletariat). In 1925, the workers' settlement became the city of Leninsky-Kuznetsky. Its geographically central location became the main argument for locating a regional center here. These plans lasted until 1930. From 1922 to 1924, the regional newspaper Kuzbass was published in Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Leninsk-Kuznetsky is one of the largest cities in Kuzbass. Its main wealth is coal, the reserves of which amount to millions of tons. Today there are 40 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the city, including 10 mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises, 4 light industry enterprises, as well as enterprises of the food industry, building materials, electric power industry, ferrous metallurgy, woodworking and chemical industries, etc. The coal industry is 65% of the volume of products produced in the city. Coal mining is carried out in 5 mines. The flagships are the mine named after. Kirov, them. November 7. Leading enterprises include the Kuzbasselement plant, the mine fire equipment plant, the semi-coking plant, and the unique enterprise in Russia, ZAO Granula.

Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the economy of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. More than 2.5 thousand individual entrepreneurs carrying out various activities are registered in the city. Since 1998, there has been a Municipal Small Business Support Fund, which provides loans to private entrepreneurs and provides them with methodological and informational support. In the future - the creation of a business incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs, training them to work with computer equipment.

Leninsk-Kuznetsky amateur artistic groups make a significant contribution to the development of the cultural life of the region.

Leninsk-Kuznetsky - Center of the coal industry of Kuzbass. The largest plant: Kuzbasselement. The enterprises of coke chemistry, light industry (worsted and cloth mill, clothing and shoe factories) and food industry are well developed. Cage fur farming is also developed in the area. In addition to coal, deposits of limestone, gravel, sand, crushed stone, manganese ores, and gold were discovered.


Date of formation - 1936

Area - 160 sq. km

Population - 103 thousand people

Kiselevsk is located in the foothills of the Salair Ridge, in the upper reaches of the Aba River. Kiselevsk is a city of regional subordination on the territory of the Prokopyevsky administrative district. Formed from the working villages of Cherkasovo, Kiselevsk and Afonino, the city has a complex layout, formed according to the “mine - village” principle, and consists of six separate territorial districts: Krasny Kamen, Afonino, Central, Green Kazanka, Cherkasov Kamen, Karagayla. The location of enterprises is chaotic; there is an alternation of residential, industrial development and areas of disturbed land.

Around 1770, settlers from Central Russia founded the village of Cherkasovo, one of the parts of which was called Kiselevka (from the names of the first settlers Cherkasovs and Kiselevs).

In the 30s of the 19th century, the famous engineer L. A. Sokolovsky conducted a study of coal deposits near the village of Afonino. Following him in 1842, the expedition of P. A. Chikhachev visited here. The 15 m deep well she drilled was not sufficient to penetrate the thickness of the coal seam. But after the closure of the Tomsk plant, the peasants of the village of Afonino and the neighboring village of Cherkasovo mined coal only for home use.

Only after the research of V.I. Yavorsky, carried out in 1914-1916, the owners of Kopikuz, following Prokopyevsky, founded the Kiselevsky mine in October 1917. Mining there using adits and open pits continued during the Civil War. In 1932, the working village of Kiselevsk was formed from the villages of Cherkasovo and Afonino. It received city status in 1936.

The city's industry is represented mainly by coal industry enterprises. In 1994, with the closure of the Cherkasovskaya mine in Kiselevsk, the process of restructuring coal enterprises began, during which the city, which had a mono-structural economy, faced serious problems.

Following the closure of 6 mines out of 10, 3 processing plants, 2 mine construction departments, and a mine construction trust ceased operation. The two largest machine-building plants in Kuzbass, Gor-Mash and the plant named after, lost orders and reduced production volumes by almost 90%. I. S. Chernykh. All this led to the fact that the city was unable to provide for its residents and businesses on its own. Kiselevsk became subsidized, with a large number of unemployed. Non-payment of wages has become the main reason for the growth of social tension.

1997 was a turning point in the life of the city. The time has come to open new mines and mines. In 2000 alone, 3 new coal enterprises appeared. In August of the same year, the Maysky open-pit mine was opened with a capacity of 800 thousand tons of coal per year. There are 2 large coal mines in the city - Kiselevsky and Vakhrushevrazrez-ugol. Coal production increased to 8 million tons per year. In 2002 it is planned to reach the 1985 level. With the support of the city administration, the Kiselevsky brewery started operating after several years of inactivity. The volume of beer production has been increased 5 times, which means additional revenues to the city budget. In 1998, the new city dairy plant produced its first products. During its operation, the enterprise almost doubled the output of dairy products, which are in demand among the population. In 2000, there was an increase in production at Znamya Plant OJSC, an enterprise producing industrial explosives. The products of the Kiselevskaya confectionery factory are widely known in the city and beyond. The local brick factory is also operating steadily.

The city authorities support the opening of new industries and the development of small and medium-sized businesses; for this purpose, the city has created a Municipal Entrepreneurship Support Fund and a business incubator.

Kiselevsk is one of the developing cities in Kuzbass. Coal mining is actively underway. The light and food industries are well developed.


Kuzbass Kemerovo Novokuznetsk Kiselevsk

In his work, the author examined the history and education of Kuzbass. In addition, the author spoke about the main areas of development, such as the coal industry. The main asset of the region is the Kuznetsk coal basin, one of the largest in the world. Geological coal reserves amount to more than 733 billion tons. More than half of the explored reserves are the most valuable coking coals. It was thanks to coal deposits that this region was explored and populated at one time. The mountainous regions of Kuzbass are rich in deposits of iron, native copper, gold, polymetals, nephelines, bauxite, zeolites and other ores. In addition, Kuzbass is rich in large rivers, deep lakes, and dense forests. The landscape of the Kemerovo region is mainly mountain-taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Forests occupy almost 65% of its territory. Kuzbass is also rich in medicinal plants, of which there are about 420 species. In addition, Kuzbass is rich in mineral resources such as iron, native copper, gold, polymetals, bauxite, zeolites and other ores. The region also has reserves of sand and gravel mixtures, stones and sands, marble, refractory and construction clays, as well as deposits of asbestos, talc, basalts and other mineral raw materials.

Each city is distinguished by its structure and natural wealth, its historical monuments and architecture. The author examined each city from the moment of its formation. And also turned to modern history. He told the main events in the history of each city, using various research methods. In addition, the author showed in the abstract the main enterprises and factories of the city that help the city develop. The modern culture and education of the cities of Kuzbass did not go unnoticed.

Based on the materials in this essay, you can see how rich and important Kuzbass is in the world. This can be clearly seen in the following figures: coal production in the Kemerovo region amounted to 192 million tons. In 2012 it could reach 200 million tons, said the head of the department of coal industry and energy.

In addition, active development is underway, for example, in February 2010, a truly historical event took place in Kuzbass - the coal gas field was solemnly launched, large-scale production and use of methane from coal seams was launched.

In addition, the fact of development in the field of new housing construction is important: Over three years (2008 - 2010), more than 3 million square meters of housing were built. The implementation of integrated low-rise development projects, and above all the satellite city of Kemerovo Lesnaya Polyana, received further development.

The healthcare sector is developing, for example, in December 2010, a regional perinatal center was opened in Kemerovo. This is a unique specialized high-tech medical institution, which is equipped to world standards.

Kuzbass is the most dynamically developing region of the Russian Federation. It is also a region rich in mineral and natural resources. In addition, it is rich in beautiful historical and architectural monuments.

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1618- Tomsk servicemen under the leadership of the Tatar head Osip Kokorev, the Cossack head Molchan Lavrov and the son of the boyar Ostafey Kharlamov established the Kuznetsk military prison. The famous explorer of Siberia G.-F. Miller wrote: “...After preparations were made for this, in 1618 it was built on the right bank of the Tom River, opposite the mouth of the Kondoma River. Soon after that, it was made a city, which is known under the name of Kuznetsk, and a happy district was assigned to it, and its governors did not depend on Tomsk, but were sent from Moscow.”

1621- the first wooden Orthodox Church of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky in the Kuznetsk fort was founded on Kuznetsk land.

1701- in the geographical atlas of Siberia, compiled by the Tobolsk historian and geographer Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov, there are “Drawing of the land of the Tomsk city” and “Drawing of the land of the Kuznetsk city”.

1708- By decree of December 18, the Siberian province was established, among others, with Tobolsk designated as its capital. There were 29 cities on the territory of the province, including Kuznetsk.

1721- ore explorer Mikhail Volkov discovered a thick seam of coal in the “burnt mountain” on the right bank of the Tom River, in the territory of the present Rudnichny district of Kemerovo.

1732- boyar son Ivan Shestakov and retired Cossack Yakov Panov found silver and copper ores near Kuznetsk, along the banks of the Kondoma River. About two pounds of samples were delivered to the Kuznetsk Voivodeship Office.

1734- The Siberian (Second Kamchatka) expedition took place. Her materials formed the basis for the report of G.-F. Miller “Descriptions of the Kuznetsk district in its current situation.” The “Road Journal” of the expedition member, then a student S.P. Krasheninnikov, contains a large amount of geographical, historical and ethnographic information about the land of Kuznetsk.

1759, July 22- a Senate decree was issued on the assignment of all unassigned peasants of Tomsk and Kuznetsk districts to the Kolyvano-Voskresensk factories.

1771- the first Tomsk ironworks in Siberia was launched (now the village of Tomskoye, Prokopyevsky district).

1771- the study of Altai and Kuznetsk district began by scientists of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The “Notes of the Travel of Academician Falk” gives a description of the city of Kuznetsk and the district.

1773- a school was opened at the Tomsk Ironworks “for training servants, workshops and working people.” There were 34 students from 6 to 12 years old at the school.

1775- Gavrilovsky silver smelting plant was built.

1792, May- with the blessing of Archbishop of Tomsk and Siberia Varlaam, a stone cathedral in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord was founded in the city of Kuznetsk.

1804, February 26- the Tomsk province was separated from the Tobolsk province, with the inclusion of the Kuznetsk district.

1806- Polikarp Mikhailovich Zalesov (1772-1837) was appointed manager of the Salair region.

1816, November 27- the first stage of the Guryev silver smelting plant was launched, since 1826 - an iron-making plant.

1826- a district school opens in Kuznetsk.

1830- discovery of alluvial gold in Salair, foundation of the Yegoryevsky mine. The beginning of gold mining in the Mariinsky taiga.

1842- the outstanding Russian geologist and geographer P. A. Chikhachev (1808-1890) explored Altai and the Kuznetsk Basin. A detailed report by P. A. Chikhachev was published in 1845 in Paris in French under the title “Scientific Journey to Eastern Altai and to Places Adjacent to the Chinese Border.” It was for the first time that the geographical name “Kuznetsk Coal Basin” was introduced. At the end of the book there is a geological map of the Kuznetsk coal basin compiled for the first time.

1848- under the guidance and method of the Russian metallurgist P.P. Anosov, damask steel is produced at the Guryev plant.

1851- the search party of the manager of the Salair region discovered a coal deposit near the village of Bachati. Bachatskaya

The coal mine is the first in Kuzbass where regular coal mining began.

1856 December 6 - by personal decree, a new Kiysky district was formed in the Tomsk province. Its center - the village of Kiyskoye - was transformed into the district town of Kiysk. In 1857, in honor of the wife of Emperor Alexander II, it was renamed Mariinsk.

1856 December 13 - missionary Vasily Ivanovich Verbitsky
by order of the head of the mission, he moved to the Kuzedeyevsky ulus
and set up a camp here for the Kuznetsk branch of the Altai spiritual

1857, February 6 - in the Odigitrievskaya Church in Kuznetsk
the wedding of F. M. Dostoevsky and M. D. Isaeva took place,

1869 July 13 - the famous artist Vladimir Dmitrievich Vuchichevich-Sibirsky was born into a family of Kharkov nobles. In 1901 he moved to Tomsk. He lived for several years in the village of Saltymakovo. In August 1919, the artist died mysteriously and tragically.

1883- the “Success” mine was founded at the Kolchuginsky mine.

1893- construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began.

1894-1896. - the center of coal mining is transferred to the Anzhersky state mines and the Sudzhensky mines of Mikhelson.

1896 November 12 - Mikhail Alekseevich Podgorbunsky was born (died in 1986) - Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, the first honorary citizen of Kemerovo, founder of the surgical service of Kuzbass.

1907 August 28 - the Kemerovo mine was founded, the first mine equipped with a horse-drawn gate was laid.

1911, January 27 - workers' village at Taiga station
formed into a city without a district - the third in the region.

1912 November 10 - Emperor Nicholas II approved the charter
Joint Stock Company Kuznetsk Coal Mines
"Kopikuz", in which most of the coal deposits
Kuzbass was transferred to the monopoly disposal of Kopikuz
for a period of 60 years.

1913- Altai Mining Company was founded

for the development of ore and placer gold deposits in the basins of the Mrassu and Kondoma rivers.

1914- geologists under the leadership of L.I. Lutugin began researching the coal deposits of Kuzbass.

1916- railway lines Yurga - Topki - opened
Proyektnaya and Topki - Kemerovo.

1917, April 2- the newspaper “Kuznetsky” was published in Kuznetsk
edge." In May 1918 ceased to exist.

1917, November 11- the Council of the Mariinsky Gold Mines proclaimed itself to be the authority.

1917, November 24 assumes full power of the Soviet of Ra
barrels of the Kemerovo mine and chemical plant.

1918, February 23- a famous council was born in Kemerovo
Russian poet Vasily Dmitrievich Fedorov (died 1984), laureate
USSR State Prize. In 1987, the name of V.D. Fedorov at
belongs to the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library.

1918, May 9- opened Congress of Soviets Shcheglovsko-
of the district proclaimed the renaming of the village of Shcheglovo into a city

1919, April 5-6- the Kolchugino uprising occurred
workers and soldiers against the established dictatorship of the admiral
A.V. Kolchak.

1920, January 1- Revolutionary Military Council of the 5th Army by telegram
informed V.I. Lenin about the complete liberation of the Kuznetsk basin.

1921, December 22- initiated by American workers
Autonomous Industrial Colony "Kuzbass" (AIK) was created

1922, January 7- the first issue of the newspaper “Kuzbass” was published, the organ of the Kolchuginsky district committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the mine administration,
Miners' Executive Committee and District Miners' Committee.

1925, May 25- The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the formation
Siberian Territory, dividing it into districts and districts. Kuzbass
became part of the Kuznetsk, Tomsk and Achinsk districts.

1926, December- a society of friends was organized in Shcheglovsk
radio. The process of radioification of the cities of Kuzbass has begun.

1928, April- the first telephone exchange with 100 numbers was installed in Shcheglovsk.

1929- Novokuznetsk central city was formed
library named after N.V. Gogol.

1930, July- districts were abolished in the country, Siberian Territory
divided into West Siberian and East Siberian.

1931, January 1- a ceremonial meeting took place on the occasion of the opening of the largest Belovsky zinc plant in the USSR

1931- The Siberian Institute of Ferrous Metals from Tomsk was transferred to the KMK construction site. The Stalin Metallurgical Institute - now the Siberian State Industrial University - is the first higher educational institution in Kuzbass.

1931, December- long-distance telephone line was put into operation
line with a length of 4200 km - Moscow-Novosibirsk-Novokuznetsk.

1932, January 27- the opening of the first season took place in
Kemerovo Circus. In its arena the people's path began
USSR artist Yuri Nikulin.

1932- the first sound cinema, “Kommunar”, opened in Novokuznetsk.

1933, November- the first city drama theater in Kuzbass was opened in Stalinsk.

1934 November- the first tram in Siberia opened in Stalinsk (Novokuznetsk).

1936, June 18- Vladimir Davydovich Martemyanov was born in Kemerovo (1936-1970), absolute champion of the world and the USSR in aerobatics, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

1936, November 19-21- an open
trial in the Kemerovo case.

1937, September 28- by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory.
The Kuznetsk land became part of the Novosibirsk region.

1938, July 21- entered into operation of existing enterprises
Kemerovo nitrogen fertilizer plant.

1939, September 1- The Stalin Teachers' Institute was founded, in 1944 - the Pedagogical Institute. Since 2002 - Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy.

1939, December 19- The State Commission commissioned gunpowder plant No. 392 (“Progress”).

1941, June 22-24- 22,126 Komsomol members of the Kemerovo region submitted applications to be sent to the front.

1941, August 23- the formation of the 376th Kuzbass-Pskov Red Banner Rifle Division began.

1941, November 21- Kemerovo resident Vera Voloshina, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, died heroically. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1994, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

1942, January 29- our fellow countrymen L.A. Cheremnov died,
A. S. Gerasimenko, A. S. Krasilov, who covered with their bodies the embrasures of three enemy bunkers near the Volkhov River. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 21, 1944, they were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

1943, January 26- By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kemerovo region was formed. The new region included 23 districts and 9 cities of the Novosibirsk region. On the territory of the modern Kemerovo region there are 18 cities of regional and 2 cities of district subordination, 19 administrative districts, 47 workers' villages, 235 village councils and 1,137 rural settlements.

1943, July- the first session of the Kemerovo Regional Council of Workers' Deputies took place. V. A. Gogosov was elected chairman of the regional executive committee.

1944, January 2- the first regional clinical hospital was organized on the basis of the Kemerovo City Hospital.

1944, March- the first issue of the literary, artistic and socio-political almanac “Lights of Kuzbass” (“Stalin’s Kuzbass”) was published.

1944, June 4- in Novosibirsk, by order of the Committee for Arts under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, a musical comedy theater was organized on the basis of the variety and miniature theater. In March 1945, it was transferred to the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee and moved to Prokopyevsk, and in 1947 - to Kemerovo. Nowadays it is the Kuzbass Musical Theater named after A. Borov.

1947, February- in the village of Mundybash, high school teacher Nikolai Alekseevich Kapishnikov organized an orchestra of folk instruments.

1954- Kemerovo State Pedagogical University was opened
institute In 1974 it was transformed into Kemerovo State University.

1955- The regional philharmonic began to work.

1956, January 6- a regional children's nursery opened in Kemerovo
library named after A. Gaidar.

1957- a regional organization of the Union of Journalists was created.

1958 December- A planetarium opened in Novokuznetsk.
1960- the first dental clinic in Siberia was opened in Kemerovo.

1961- at the Prokopyevsky Mine Automation Plant began
serial production of the Kuzbass home refrigerator.

1963- the main building of the regional scientific library named after. V. D. Fedorova. Architect V. D. Surikov.

1964, July 27- the first metal smelting took place at the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant.

1965, March 18- for the first time a person went into outer space, he was our fellow countryman Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.

1965- a hockey stadium for 12,500 spectators was built in Novokuznetsk - the largest in Siberia.

1966, January 30- the acceptance certificate for operation was signed
the first technological line of the Topkinsky cement plant.

1967 February 1- By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kemerovo region was awarded the Order of Lenin for the successes achieved by the workers of the region in economic and cultural development.

1967 June 25- the Orbita station was put into operation. The first test transmission was received from Moscow. On July 16 at 19:00 a test broadcast was conducted for TV viewers in Kuzbass.

1969, January 15- in flight the Soyuz-5 spacecraft, piloted by Prokopchan B.V. Volynov.

1969 November 17- The Kemerovo Regional Museum of Fine Arts was opened in Kemerovo.

1969, July 4- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture was organized. Now it is Kemerovo State University of Arts and Culture.

1970 April 16- the act of acceptance of the monument was approved
V.I. Lenin in Kemerovo. Sculptor L. E. Kerbel, architects V. N. Datyuk and V. A. Surikov.

1970, December 31- By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the Kemerovo region was awarded the second Order of Lenin.

1970- trolleybus service was opened in Kemerovo.

1972 September- Kemerovo Technological Center was opened
Institute of Food Industry.

1976- the Institute of Complex Problems was created in Novokuznetsk
Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Siberian Branch
Academy of Medical Sciences.

1977- winner of the Olympic Games in Montreal among
flyweight weightlifters Kemerovo athlete Alexander
Voronin became the first world and European champion at the last
in Stuttgart (Germany) world weightlifting forum.

1978- an international bandy tournament took place at the Khimik stadium in the regional center. Teams from Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the USSR took part in the tournament.

1979 November 1 - the literary museum named after F. M. Dostoevsky was opened in Novokuznetsk.

1981 April 20 - TV viewers in the region had the opportunity to watch the second program of Moscow television programs.

1981 July 1 - by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Novokuznetsk was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

1982 g. - The International Planetary Center assigned the names “Kemerovo” and “Voloshina” to two small planets (asteroids).

1983 October - the Coal Institute was organized in Kemerovo
and coal chemistry of the SB RAS.

1988 February 16 - government order issued
RSFSR on the creation of the state museum complex “Tomsk Pisanitsa”.

1989., March 26 - elections of people's deputies of the USSR took place. The deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the Kemerovo region were: N. A. Bashev, Yu. V. Golik, A. G. Chernykh, Yu. F. Kaznin, T. G. Avaliani, V. M. Ilyin, V. Ya. Medikov , N.K. Ermilov, S.N. Nevolin, N.P. Bori-syuk, V.M. Gvozdev, P. A. Druz, V. I. Romanov, A. S. Tsigelnikov.

1989 July 10 - in Mezhdurechensk at the mine named after. L.D. Shevyakova formed a strike committee. 280 miners joined the strike. On July 11, miners from other coal enterprises in the region joined the strikers.

1990. - Kemerovo Cardiology Center was organized. 1992 - Kuzbass resident Yuri Arbachakov became the world boxing champion.

1993 June 11 - by decree of His Holiness the Patriarch
Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the Holy Synod was
The Kemerovo diocese was formed.

1994 January - a hospital complex was opened in Leninsk-Kuznetsky - a scientific and clinical center for health care.

1994 July - The Legislative Assembly of the region, together with the Women's Union of Kuzbass, decided to celebrate Mother's Day annually on the first Sunday of December.

1996 May 26 - Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus' Dedicates the Znamensky Cathedral in Kemerovo.

1996 October 18 - the opening of the Kemerovo City Historical and Architectural Museum "Red Hill" took place.

1997 March 25 - by the regional Legislative Assembly
The Charter of the Kemerovo Region was adopted.

1997 September 5 - the opening of the regional center of the international computer network INTERNET took place at Kemerovo State University.

1997 October 19 - the first regional gubernatorial elections were held in Kuzbass. Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev won them,
received 94.5 percent of the votes.

1998 g., October - visit to Kuzbass of the President of the Republic
Belarus A. G. Lukashenko. Between the administration of Kemerovo
region and the government of the Republic of Belarus signed a cooperation agreement.

1998 September 1 - the first cadet corps in Kuzbass was opened in Kemerovo on the basis of a branch of the St. Petersburg Military University of Communications.

1998 December - the first in the region to receive the honorary status of the governor's children's choir "Morning" - laureate of national and international competitions.

1998- in Kemerovo a Memorial was opened in memory of employees of internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty.

1999, April 3- the first hospital was opened in Kemerovo for participants of the Great Patriotic War and local conflicts living in Kuzbass.

1999, April 19- Aman Tuleyev’s electoral bloc won the elections to the Council of People’s Deputies of the Kemerovo Region (in 34 out of 35 electoral districts). G. T. Dyudyaev was elected Chairman of the Council.

2000, May 9- the opening ceremony of the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy took place in Kemerovo
Konstantinovich Zhukov.

2000 G., 16 May - new mine No. 7 was put into operation,
designed to produce 3 million tons of coal per year. She
built on the promising Yerunakovsky coal mine

2001, April 22- elections for the Governor of the Kemerovo region took place. The victory was won by A. G. Tuleyev, who scored 93.54 points
cent of votes.

2001- Taiga cadet boarding school was opened
railway workers and the cadet corps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Promyshlennovsky district.

2002, March 31- a referendum on unification was held
into the unified municipalities of Topki and Topkinsky
district, Mariinsk and Mariinsky district.

2002 June- the board of administration approved the anthem of the Kemerovo region “Working Melody of Kuzbass” (the author of the words is G. E. Yurov, the music is E. M. Lugov).

2002, July 4- the first international Russian-Belarusian enterprise for open-pit coal mining in Kuzbass was founded - the Belorussky open-pit mine.

2002, August 29- in Mezhdurechensk, Russian President V.V. Putin held an extended meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on the problems of development of the coal industry.

2003, January 26- Kuzbass residents celebrated the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Kemerovo region. The ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation G. N. Seleznev.

2003, 20 April - elections to the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region of the 2nd convocation took place. G. T. Dyudyaev was elected Chairman of the Council.

2003, 7 December - elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation took place. In single-mandate constituencies, the victory was won by representatives of the bloc “Serving Kuzbass”: T. A. Fraltsova - head of the Department of Education of the Kemerovo Region, A.M. Makarov - deputy governor, N. A. Ostanina - deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation, S. I. Neverov - deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation.

2004, June- the six-month coal target was completed ahead of schedule
production, which created the basis for the production of 150 million tons of coal in Kuzbass
not in 2005, but in 2004.

2005, 25-28 September - in Kemerovo, for the first time in Russia, a visiting meeting of the Committee on Sustainable Development of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe was held. One of the issues discussed was dedicated to the sustainable development of mining and industrial regions.

2005 October - in the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library
them. V. D. Fedorov hosted the III Siberian Library Forum,
discussed the most important issues of modern information technology

2005- a record amount of coal was mined in Kuzbass in history - 160 million tons.

Chronology of events

D. V. Katsyuba

(From the book: D. V. Katsyuba. History of Kuzbass. Kemerovo, 1983)

1618 Kuznetsk fort was built.

1721 Mikhailo Volkov discovered coal deposits in our basin.

1771 The Tomsk ironworks began to operate.

1795 The Gavrilovsky silver smelting plant was launched.

1816 The Guryev plant came into operation.

1851 The first coal mine began working in Kuzbass- Batatskaya.

1857 The village of Kiyskoye was transformed into the district town of Mariinsk.

1891 Construction of the Siberian Railway begins.

1905 Under direction. S. M. Kirov created a Bolshevik organization at Taiga station.

1905, August. S. M. Kirov and I. V. Pisarev create a strike committee at Taiga station.

1905, October. Strike of railway workers at the Taiga station, Mariinsk and miners of the Anzher mines.

1905, November. The first congress of railway workers of Siberia took place in Taiga.

1905 V.V. Kuibyshev lived in the city of Kuznetsk.

1908-1919 One of the organizers of the Northern Union of Russian Workers, V.P. Obnorsky, lived in Kuznetsk.

1912 Kopikuz was formed.

1914 Spontaneous unrest of mobilized people broke out in Mariinsk, Kuznetsk and in a number of villages in Kuzbass.

1914 Strike at the Mariinsky gold mines.

1915; Beginning of construction of the Kemerovo coke plant.

1917, December. The III Congress of Soviets of Western Siberia took place in Omsk.

1917, November-1918, January. The transfer of power into the hands of the Soviets in the main working-class areas of Kuzbass.

1918 May 25. The beginning of the counter-revolutionary rebellion of the Czechoslovak corps.

1918, May 28 - August 10. The legendary campaign of the Red Guard detachment of P. F. Sukhov.

1919, from December 1 to 2. Armed uprising of the Kuznetsk garrison.

1921 The Kolchuginskaya railway came into operation.

1922 AIC "Kuzbass" was founded.

1924 Angers craftsmen F. E. Polonyankin and F. K. Tsyplyaev made a wreath from coal for the coffin of V. I. Lenin.

1924, March. The Kemerovo Coke and Chemical Plant came into operation. 1927, September. The beginning of socialist competition between Donbass and Kuzbass.

1929, March. The first strike brigade in Kuzbass was created in Prokopyevsk. Its organizer- Komsomol member-miner Z. Begansky.

1929 Construction of KMK begins. An agreement on competition was signed between the builders of the Kuznetsk and Magnitogorsk plants.

1931 The Belovsky zinc plant came into operation.

1932 The Siberian Metallurgical Institute was opened in Novokuznetsk.

1932 KMK entered into operation as operating enterprises. The first coke, cast iron, steel, and rolled products were produced.

1933 The first tram line in Siberia was put into operation in Novokuznetsk.

1934 Kemerovo State District Power Plant came into operation.

1937 The first electrified section of the Belovo - Novokuznetsk railway in Siberia was put into operation.

1938 The Kemerovo nitrogen fertilizer plant was launched.

1942, January 29. Kuzbass residents I. S. Gerasimenko, L. L. Cheremnov, L. S. Krasilov accomplished an immortal feat.

1943, January 26. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Kemerovo region was formed.

1943 Aluminum and ferroalloy plants came into operation in Novokuznetsk.

1948 The first Krasnobrodsky coal mine in Kuzbass went into operation.

1949 Construction of the Novokemerovo chemical plant began.

1951 The South Kuzbass State District Power Plant produced its first current.

1955 The mechanic of the Baidaevskaya mine, Ya. Ya. Gumennik, created a roadheader.

1956 Novokemerovo chemical plant produced its first products.

1958 The first unit of the Tomusinskaya State District Power Plant came into operation.

1958 The teams of V. Rezvantsev, B. Shushpannikov, V. Markov, A. Shuvarikov were awarded the honorary title of communist labor collective.

1960 Mine "Polysaevskaya-2"- the first communist labor enterprise in Kuzbass.

1966 The Biryulinskaya-1 mine, the Severo-Baydaevskaya and Gramoteinskaya-3-4 hydraulic mines came into operation.

1966 The Topkinsky cement plant produced its first products.

1967, February 1. The Kemerovo region was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1967, April 22. In Kemerovo, on the Square of Soviets, the ceremonial laying of the monument to V.I. Lenin took place.

1968 A monument to Mikhail Volkov was unveiled in the regional center- discoverer of Kuznetsk coal.

1968 On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, the Novokuznetsk Komsomol organization was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1968, December. At Zapsib, converter steel was produced for the first time in Siberia.

1970, December 31st. The Kemerovo region was awarded the second Order of Lenin.

1973 The 2nd oxygen converter complex at Zapsib came into operation.

1974 The first stage of the giant Raspadskaya mine was put into operation.

1975 The second stage of the giant Raspadskaya mine was put into operation.

1977, March. The Tomusinskaya State District Power Plant was awarded the honorary title of communist labor collective.

1977, April. The tractor driver of the collective farm named after May 1, Leninsk-Kuznetsk district, V.V. Mordakina, became an honorary member of the club named after Pasha Angelina.

1977, October. Chemical product of the Kemerovo association "Nitrogen"- caprolactam was awarded the Quality Mark.

1977, November 21. Natural gas from Samotlor arrived in Kemerovo. The 950-kilometer route of the Nizhnevartovsk - Kuzbass gas pipeline has come into operation.

1977, December 29. The third stage of the Raspadskaya mine was put into operation.

1978, February 10. Kuzbass miners produced the three billionth ton of coal during the years of Soviet power.

1979, January. The Kemerovo Azot production association began operating the country's first automated air pollution control system.

1979, July 9. KMK steelmakers have smelted the 200 millionth ton of steel since the plant was launched in 1932.

1979, August. The three-millionth Buran vacuum cleaner- came off the assembly line of the Prokopyevsk Elektromashina plant.

1979, October 1. The fifth coke battery of the Kemerovo Coke Plant produced its first products. Its capacity is 1 million tons of coke per year.

1979, November. Belovskaya GRES was awarded the high title of an enterprise of communist labor.

1979, December. A monument to the memory of fallen heroes of the civil war was opened in the city of Yurga.

1980, December 17. 5,580 tons of coal were produced from the face of the Nagornaya mine, where the team of Hero of Socialist Labor E.I. Drozdetsky works. This is a new record for daily slaughter productivity.

1980, February. A national museum of arts and local history has been opened in the village of Kuzedeevo, Novokuznetsk district.

1980, March. V. S. Kostin’s team from the Ziminka mine of the Prokopyevsky mine produced 33,116 tons of coal in 31 working days. This is a new all-Union record for panel face productivity.

1980, June 26. The Nagornaya mine of the Hydrougol production association was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1980, July. A local history museum has been opened in the city of Mezhdurechensk. 1980, August. The Zapsib steel wire shop came into operation, capable of producing 400 thousand tons of wire products per year.

1980, December 30. Electric furnace melting shop No. 2 of KMK came into operation.

1981, January 1. The first issue of the newspaper "Zheleznodorozhnik Kuzbassa" was published.

1981, June 26. In honor of its 50th anniversary, the city of Prokopyevsk was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1981, July 1. On the day of its 50th anniversary, the city of Novokuznetsk was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

1981, July. The Kemerovo Chemical Fiber Plant has received the first pilot batch of a new cord fabric necessary for the manufacture of tires.

1981, November. The second stage of one of the country's largest pig-breeding complexes has come into operation at the Chistogorsky state farm in the Novokuznetsk region.

1981, December 20. P.I. Frolov’s team from the Raspadskaya mine has produced 1 million tons of coal since the beginning of the year. The same success was achieved by the team of Hero of Socialist Labor M. N. Reshetnikov from the Zyryanovskaya mine.

1982, April. It is 50 years since the first smelting at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant.

Over half a century, the country's national economy received 141 million tons of cast iron, 165 million tons of steel and 122 million tons of rolled products. The team of metallurgists trained 25 Heroes of Socialist Labor and 42 State Prize laureates. The glorious labor banner of the KMK named after V.I. Lenin is decorated with four orders.

In connection with the anniversary of the plant, 377 metallurgists and miners of the Sibrud production association were awarded orders and medals.

1982, June 12. The staff of the Yashkinsky cement and slate plant celebrated the 70th anniversary of the enterprise.

1982, June. The oldest gold mine in Kuzbass, Berikulsky, has turned 150 years old.

1982, August. The Anzherskaya mine team celebrated the 75th anniversary of its enterprise.

1983, January 26. It is 40 years since the formation of the Kemerovo region.

1983, March 21. Hero of Socialist Labor, foreman of the mining face of the Nagornaya mine (Hydrougol production association), Egor Ivanovich Drozdetsky, was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal "Hammer and Sickle". He became the first twice Hero of Socialist Labor in Kuzbass.

Karavaeva Olesya

This presentation is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Kuzbass. It contains material about the anthem, the coat of arms of Kuzbass, the cities of the Kemerovo region and the main industries.



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From the history of Kuzbass Completed by: Olesya Karavaeva, 4th B grade student. MBOU "Secondary school No. 14 named after K.S. Fedorovsky" Yurga Head: Rudman Tatyana Viktorovna

If you look closely at the map of Siberia, it shows the contours of the heart. And it beats And the fatherland listens to the working rhythm of the Kuznetsk region. And in the everyday life of the era And in each of us the proud name - Kuzbass - pulsates. 70 years of Kuzbass!

History: The indigenous population is Tomsk Tatars, Shors and Teleuts. In 1618, the settlement of the territory of the present Kemerovo region by Russians began. In 1721, ore explorer Mikhailo Volkov discovered the first coal deposit in the area of ​​modern Kemerovo. At the beginning of the twentieth century, work began on the creation of coal and metallurgical enterprises. In 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to separate Kuzbass from the Novosibirsk region and create the Kemerovo region on its territory. Administrative subordination of Kuzbass (1618 - 1943).

Anthem of Kuzbass Coat of Arms of Kuzbass You see: lights are burning in the night, The starry sky has fallen to the ground. You hear: the melody sounds, The land east of the Urals sings. Where the cities along the banks of the Tepla and Light River create reserves, It was mined in the mine by miners - the working melody of Kuzbass. Melody, sound in harmony with hearts. Melody, our path is long and difficult. The earth revealed its talent to people, and people revealed their talent to the earth! We do not hide our faces from the flames, When metal is born in the crucible. The hardened hands of the blacksmith Melody were reliably hardened. It thunders in the factory aisles, And the trains carry it along the tracks. The working melody of Kuzbass speaks to us about our father's house. When dew falls in the foothills, When the sun rises over the valley, The taiga noise and bird voices In tune with the mighty music are distinguishable. The world will be opened to the breath of spring, And love will wait for the appointed hour. The working melody of Kuzbass joins the melody of our native country!

What is our Kuzbass famous for?

Coal industry The Kemerovo region has two large coal basins: the Kuznetsk coal basin - from Malinovka (a village included in the Kaltan urban district) to the regions of the Novosibirsk region, and part of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. Over 180 million of hard coal is mined per year, the largest enterprises are located in Mezhdurechensk, Prokopyevsk, Kiselevsk, Belovo, Berezovsky.

Metallurgy Metallurgy is represented by non-ferrous (Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant), Salair (SGOK), and ferrous (metallurgical plant and factories in Novokuznetsk, Plant in Guryevsk, the same applies to Kemerovo OJSC "KOKS", mechanical engineering in Yurga, Anzhero - Sudzhensky mine, Anzhero - Sudzhensky OJSC Kuznetsk Ferroalloys); resource base Temirtau deposit, Sheregesh deposit, Kaz deposit, Tashtagol deposit.

Population. Russians - 2,664,816 Tatars - 51,030 Ukrainians - 37,622 Germans - 35,965 Shors - 11,554 Belarusians - 10,715 Armenians - 10,104 Chuvash -15,480 Persons who did not indicate nationality - 5241

Cities of Kuzbass Kemerovo Novokuznetsk Prokopyevsk Leninsk - Kuznetsky Mezhdurechensk Kiselevsk Yurga Anzhero-Sudzhensk Belovo Berezovsky Osinniki Myski Mariinsk Topki Polysayevo Guryevsk Taiga Kaltan Tashtagol

Kemerovo is the main city of Kuzbass. Kemerovo, the city is located in the middle reaches of the Tom River in the Kuznetsk Basin. Population – 530.5 thousand people. - The main directions of industrial development are chemical, coal, and electric power. Since 1943, Kemerovo has been the administrative center of the Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). During the Great Patriotic War, many enterprises from the western regions of the USSR were evacuated and deployed their work to the defense of the Motherland in Kemerovo. Currently, they largely constitute the industrial potential of the region. Now in the Kemerovo region there are 100 mines and 17 processing plants. Kuzbass accounts for a third of Russian coal production and two-thirds of coking coal production. The coal industry employs more than 200 thousand people. 90% of chemical industry enterprises in the eastern region of the Russian Federation are located in Kemerovo. More than 500 types of chemical products are produced. In Kemerovo there are 13 universities, 17 technical schools, about 300 educational institutions, of which 85 schools, 4 theaters, 5 cinemas, 12 palaces of culture and clubs, 40 libraries, 3 museums, and a philharmonic society.

NOVOKUZNETSK Novokuznetsk, a city in the Russian Federation, Kemerovo region, is located in the Kuznetsk basin, on both banks of the river. Tom, at the confluence of the Aba and Kondoma rivers, 308 km south of Kemerovo. Junction of railway lines and roads. Airport. District center. Population 562.3 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1618. In 1622-1931 it was called Kuznetsk-Sibirsky. In 1931-1932 and since 1961 - Novokuznetsk. Until 1961 Stalinsk-Kuznetsk (Stalinsk). Story. Founded as a fortified Kuznetsk fort on the left bank of the river. Condoma, not far from its confluence with the Tom. In 1620, the fort was moved to the high right bank of the Tom. Since 1622, it became the Kuznetsk-Sibirsky fortress, part of the Biysk guard line, which protected the border region of Southern Siberia from the attacks of the Kyrgyz and Dzungar khans. After the uprisings of 1648 and 1682, Moscow archers were exiled here. In 1846, the fortress was abolished. Intensive industrial development of the city began in 1929 in connection with the construction of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant under the leadership of Academician I.P. Bardin and according to the design of the American company "Frain". The first stage of the plant was put into operation in 1932. The village of Sad-Gorod arose near the plant, which was renamed Novokuznetsk in 1931. In the 1960s, the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant was built - the largest in Siberia. Since 1961, the city received its final name Novokuznetsk. Architectural monuments and local attractions: historical and architectural ensemble "Kuznetsk Fortress". In the old part of the city there is a protected grove of black poplars (Topolniki). The resort area of ​​Tersinka is located near Novokuznetsk.

PROKOPYEVSK Prokopyevsk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 269 km southeast of Kemerovo. Located in the foothills of the Salair Ridge, on the river. Aba (tributary of the Tom). Railway station on the Barnaul - Abakan line. Road junction (Leninsk-Kuznetsky - Novokuznetsk, etc.). Population 271.5 thousand people (1992; 107 thousand in 1939; 282 thousand in 1959; 274 thousand in 1970; 266 thousand in 1979). In 1918, the small mining village was transformed into a city. Modern Prokopyevsk is one of the main centers of coking coal mining in Kuzbass (16 coal mines and an open pit). Mechanical Engineering Center (plants - "Electromashina", mine automation, bearing, mechanical, food engineering, repair, tram and trolleybus); rubber products plant; enterprises of light industry (porcelain factory, clothing factory, etc.) and food industry (meat processing plant, dairy, brewery, yeast factories, confectionery and tobacco factory); production of building materials. Kuznetsk Research Coal Institute. Faculty of the Siberian Metallurgical Institute. Drama Theater. Museum of Local Lore. The new urban residential area is located on a coal-free area away from the mines, on Tyrgan, a steep ledge with which the Salair Ridge ends towards the Kuznetsk Basin. Prokopyevsk is one of the most environmentally unfavorable cities in Russia.

Leninsk-Kuznetsky Leninsk-Kuznetsky, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, regional center, 131 km south of Kemerovo. Located in the Kuznetsk basin, on the banks of the river. Inya (tributary of the Ob). Railway station on the Tashtagol - Yurga branch from the Trans-Siberian Railway. Population 132.0 thousand people (1992; 20 thousand in 1926; 83 thousand in 1939; 132 thousand in 1959; 128 thousand in 1970; 158 thousand in 1979). Founded at the end of the 19th century. as the village of Kolchugino in connection with the development of the Kolchugino field, but before the 1920s. Coal mining here was insignificant. Since 1922, the village was called Lenino, in 1925 it was transformed into the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Modern Leninsk-Kuznetsky is the center of the coal industry of Kuzbass. Factories: "Kuzbasselement", electric lamp, mine fire equipment, adhesive. Enterprises of the coke industry. Worsted - cloth mill, clothing, shoe factories. Food industry enterprises. Museum of Local Lore.

Mezhdurechensk Mezhdurechensk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 325 km southeast of Kemerovo. Located in Gornaya Shoria, at the confluence of the river. Usa in Tom, on the territory of the Kuznetsk coal basin. Railway station on the Novokuznetsk - Abakan line. Population 107.5 thousand people (1992; 54.5 thousand in 1959; 82 thousand in 1970; 94.6 thousand in 1979). Founded in 1946 as the village of Olzheras. City - since 1955. Extraction of hard coal (coking and steam coals), supplied mainly to ferrous metallurgy plants and power plants in Southern Kuzbass. There are 5 mines in Mezhdurechensk, including the largest in Russia "Raspadskaya", 2 processing plants, a large-panel house-building plant, etc.

Kiselevsk Kiselevsk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 240 km south of Kemerovo. Located in the foothills of the Salair ridge, in the upper reaches of the river. Aba. Railway station on the Artyshta - Abakan line, 58 km northwest of Novokuznetsk. Highway (Leninsk-Kuznetsky - Novokuznetsk). Population 126 thousand people (1992; 44 thousand in 1939; 130.7 thousand in 1959; 123.1 thousand in 1979). It arose in 1932 on the site of the villages of Cherkasove and the villages of Afonino; since 1936 - a city. Modern Kiselevsk is a center of coal mining. Factories - coal engineering, metal structures and mining machines, brick. Furniture factory. Enterprises of light (shoe factory) and food-flavoring (confectionery factory, brewery) industries. Stories, museum. New microdistricts are built up with multi-storey buildings.

Yurga Yurga, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 143 km northwest of Kemerovo. Located on the river. Tom. Junction of railway lines (to Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk). Population 94.3 thousand people (1992; 47 thousand in 1959; 62 thousand in 1970; 78 thousand in 1979). It emerged in 1886 as the settlement of Yurga. The Yurga-I railway station was built in 1906 on the Trans-Siberian Railway; since 1942 - a workers' settlement, in 1949 it was transformed into a city. In modern Yurga: factories - machine-building, abrasive, reinforced concrete structures, brick, brewing, dairy, furniture and sausage factories. Branch of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Museums: local history, children's fine arts of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East.

Anzhero-Sudzhensk Anzhero-Sudzhensk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 115 km north of Kemerovo. Located in the Kuznetsk Basin. Railway station (Anzherskaya) on the Novosibirsk - Achinsk line. Population 106.4 thousand people (1992; 115.6 thousand in 1959; 106 thousand in 1970; 105.1 thousand in 1979). It arose in 1897 in connection with the construction of the railway and the beginning of coal mining. In the Anzher and Sudzhensky mines at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Over 98% of Kuzbass coal was mined. In 1928, a working settlement was formed from the settlements near the Anzher and Sudzhensky mines, and in 1931 it was transformed into a city. The name of the city comes from the river. Anzheri and the former village. Sudzhenskoye (founded more than 200 years ago by settlers). Exiles lived in mining settlements around the coal mines. Modern Anzhero-Sudzhensk is one of the most important centers of coal mining in Kuzbass (from coke to lean). Factories - mechanical engineering, mining equipment, chemical and pharmaceutical, glass, reinforced concrete products; garment factory; bakery, meat processing plant, dairy plant, etc. Branch of the Tomsk Pedagogical Institute. Museum of Local Lore.

Belovo Belovo, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 170 km south of Kemerovo. Located in the Kuznetsk Basin, on the river. Bachat. Railway station on the Tomsk - Artyshta line. Population 92.3 thousand people (1992; 43 thousand in 1939; 100 thousand in 1959; 164 thousand in 1979). Known since 1726. The name is in honor of the first settler, fugitive peasant Fyodor Belov, who founded his settlement on the banks of the river. Bachat. In 1851, the development of coal deposits began. City - since 1938. Modern Belovo is a large industrial center of Kuzbass. Main industries: coal industry and non-ferrous metallurgy. Among the enterprises: factories - zinc (since 1931; works on polymetallic ores of Salair and Eastern Kazakhstan), "Kuzbassradio", foundry-mechanical, machine-building; enterprises producing building materials; knitting factory; meat and dairy industry enterprises. GRES.

Berezovsky Berezovsky, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 27 km north of Kemerovo. Located in the Kuznetsk basin, in the interfluve of the Barzas and Shurap rivers (Ob basin). Railway stations (Biryulinskaya and Zaboishchik) on the branch from Kemerovo. Population 52.0 thousand people (1992; 41.4 thousand in 1979). The city was formed in 1965 from the villages of Kurganovka, Berezovsky and Oktyabrsky. Mining and enrichment of coal. Factories of reinforced concrete structures and products, branch of PA "Kometa" (Novosibirsk). Historical and military museum.

Osinniki Osinniki, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 350 km south of Kemerovo. Located in Kuzbass, at the confluence of the river. Kandalep to Kondoma (Obi basin). Railway station on the Tashtagol - Novokuznetsk line, 25 km southeast of Novokuznetsk. Population 63.4 thousand people (1992; 25.8 thousand in 1939; 67 thousand in 1959; 62 thousand in 1970; 60 thousand in 1979). Until 1938 - the village of Osinovka, since 1938 - the city of Osinniki. In the modern city of Osinniki: coal and energy industries. The Osinnikovskoye coal deposit extends 14 km from southwest to northeast. Extraction of hard coal (low ash, used for coking), which is supplied mainly to metallurgical enterprises of Novokuznetsk. Southern Kuzbass Power Plant. Factories - 2 brick, mechanical repair, etc. Garment factory. Museum of Local Lore.

Myski Myski, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 350 km southeast of Kemerovo. Located in Gornaya Shoria, at the confluence of the river. Mrassa to Tom. Railway station on the Tomusinskaya - Abakan line. Population 46.4 thousand people (1992; 31.1 thousand in 1959; 40.5 thousand in 1979). Founded in 1826 as Myski ulus. Since 1925 - the administrative center of the Gornoshorsky national region of the West Siberian Territory. City - since 1956. Coal mining. Woodworking industry; production of building materials, etc. Near Myskov - Tom-Usinskaya State District Power Plant.

Mariinsk Mariinsk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 367 km northeast of Kemerovo. Located on the left bank of the river. Kiya (Ob basin), at its intersection with the Trans-Siberian Railway. Railroad station. Airport. Population 41.5 thousand people (1992; 8.7 thousand in 1897; 22.3 thousand in 1939; 40.8 thousand in 1959; 39.2 thousand in 1979). Founded in 1698 as the village of Kiyskoye, in 1856 it was transformed into a city, in 1857 it was renamed Mariinsk. It was a district town of the Tomsk province, located on the main postal Moscow-Irkutsk highway. At the end of the 19th century. in Mariinsk there were 1089 residential buildings, mostly wooden; a stone cathedral and a wooden church, a synagogue, a hospital, a lodging house, a city two-year school and a parish school; There were 3 small tanneries, 2 soap factories, a brewery, 4 brick factories and a pottery factory. Residents were engaged in farming, carting, and many went to the gold mines. In modern Mariinsk: alcohol, timber and meat processing plants; factories - distillery, woodworking, metal products; factories - sewing, knitting, furniture. Center of the agricultural region. Museums: local history museum, memorial museum. V. A. Chivilikhin.

Topki Topki, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 38 km west of the city of Kemerovo. Junction of railway lines (to Yurga, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Barzas). 4 km from the Omsk - Kemerovo highway. Population 34.1 thousand people (1992, 25.6 thousand in 1959, 30.4 thousand in 1979). It arose in 1914 in connection with the construction of the Siberian Railway. City - since 1933. In the modern city of Topki: railway transport enterprises; factories - cement, mechanical, reinforced concrete products; toy factory. Historical Museum.

Polysayevo Polysayevo, in the Kemerovo region, is subordinate to the Leninsk-Kuznetsk city administration, 139 km south of Kemerovo. Railway station on the Yurga - Novokuznetsk line. Highway (Leninsk-Kuznetsky - Novokuznetsk). Population 32.6 thousand people (1992). In 1989, the village of Polysayevo was transformed into a city. Coal mining. Factory of reinforced concrete products.

Guryevsk Guryevsk, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 195 km southeast of Kemerovo. Located in the foothills of the Salair Ridge. The final station of the railway line from Belovo station on the Yurga - Artyshta line. Highway (Salair - Leninsk-Kuznetsky). Population 28.6 thousand people. (1992; 30.2 thousand in 1959; 25.5 thousand in 1979). It emerged in 1815 as a village in connection with the construction of a silver smelter, which in 1820 was transformed into an iron foundry and ironworks (pig iron was smelted from ore from nearby deposits). The plant operated until 1908. After the end of the Civil War he resumed work. City - since 1938. In modern Guryevsk: factories - metallurgical (produces steel, rolled products, cast iron and other metal products), cement, mineral paints; enterprises for the extraction and processing of metallurgical fluxes. Museum of Local Lore.

Taiga Taiga, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, 118 km northwest of Kemerovo. Located in the Kuznetsk Basin. Railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, branch to Tomsk - Asino - Bely Yar. Population 25.9 thousand people (1992; 10.9 thousand in 1926; 29.1 thousand in 1939; 33.9 thousand in 1959; 25.3 thousand in 1979). Originated at the end of the 19th century. in connection with the construction of the railway. City - since 1925. In the modern city of Taiga: enterprises of railway transport, light and food industries; production of building materials.

Kaltan Kaltan, in the Kemerovo region, is subordinate to the Osinnikovsky City Council, 338 km south of the city of Kemerovo and 12 km south of the city of Osinniki, its satellite city. Railway station on the Novokuznetsk - Tashtagol line. Highway K. - Novokuznetsk. Located in Kuzbass, on the river. Condom. Population 25.8 thousand people (1992; 26.6 thousand in 1959; 24.9 thousand in 1979). It emerged in 1946 as a settlement in connection with the construction of the South Kuzbass State District Power Plant, and since 1959 it has been a city. Extraction of hard coal for state district power plants. Factories: boiler and auxiliary equipment and pipelines, woodworking, brick, cinder block, cinder concrete.

Tashtagol Tashtagol, in the Kemerovo region, regional subordination, district center, 511 km south of Kemerovo. Located in Gornaya Shoria, on the river. Condoma (tributary of the Tom). The final station of the railway line from Yurga station on the Trans-Siberian Railway, 197 km south of Novokuznetsk. Airport. Population 26.6 thousand people (1992; 24.4 thousand in 1979). City - since 1963. In modern Tashtagol: mining of iron ore supplied to metallurgical enterprises in Novokuznetsk; factories - brick, concrete; crushing and screening factory, etc. Museum of Local Lore.

Materials and Internet resources used 1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Main_page 2. http://www.myshared.ru/slide/259062/

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