How to be an excellent student without much effort. Take only what you need with you


The most annoying thing is when you do everything, it would seem, well, you do your homework, and you listen carefully to the teacher, but you still don’t reach an A. So what exactly is missing to get an “excellent” rating and what needs to be done to make your report card pleasant to look at?

First of all, determine: why did you suddenly need to become an excellent student? After all, grades are often not an indicator of intelligence. Of course, this does not mean that you shouldn’t pay any attention to them at all, but you shouldn’t zealously chase after A’s either: you could end up getting sick.

If you seriously decide to start studying only with excellent marks, you should accept that the A’s will not fall by themselves: you will need patience, diligence, perseverance, and desire. It is impossible to do without independent studies, since teachers physically cannot pay attention to each student during a lesson - the teacher has 30-45 students, and the lesson lasts 45 minutes.

First of all, be positive. Often, self-doubt and fear of the teacher become stumbling blocks on the path to good grades. Don’t program yourself to the fact that Anna Petrovna will never get an excellent grade in biology, or not even start learning geometry, because “it’s all in vain.”

Many people fail to become excellent students because in class everyone seems to listen, take notes, and answer questions, but they don’t take homework assignments seriously. Oral assignments are especially taken lightly; if they assign non-written work, it means they didn’t ask anything at all. But it is impossible to understand a new topic in 45 minutes of class: you need to think about it and work on it yourself.

Most schoolchildren complete their homework at the last minute. But it is advisable to sit down for the lesson on the same day when this task was assigned, as they say, to follow in hot pursuit. This way, the information received has not yet been forgotten, and it will be easier to do the work. Plus, if the task is too difficult, you will have enough time to figure it out on your own or with the help of a teacher.

It is also better to start learning retellings and poems in advance.

Rules, theorems, etc. It is advisable not to memorize, but simply read carefully several times, carefully disassemble and understand. And then you won’t have to cram anything, you’ve already understood everything, and this information will be stored in your head. Also, there is no need to cram proofs of theorems; the best way to understand and remember is an independent step-by-step analysis. At first you will look at the book, but then be sure to remember this theorem.

Some people fail to become excellent students because they are afraid to ask questions and talk about what they do not understand. Sometimes it happens that the teacher, addressing the class, asks “Did everyone understand?”, and the children unanimously nod their heads, and then during independent work it turns out that half the class did not understand anything.

There is no need to be afraid to be interested and clarify. After all, by asking a question, you are not admitting your stupidity; on the contrary, it indicates that you are interested in the subject and want to understand the topic. Teachers like it when students participate in the lesson and demonstrate their interest. It’s better to ask questions and understand everything as expected than to later fall into a stupor during a test.

Of course, everyone wants to study well and get straight A's, but many people believe that studying well requires significant effort. Of course, this is the surest path to success, but there are also tricks that will help you get good grades with minimal effort.


Study strategy

    Develop a strategy. Take care of your studies now so you don't have to get yourself out of trouble later. Try to perform well in all classes in the first week and do not devote too much time to one subject (B's in all will be enough). Then start working on those subjects where you have the lowest grades, trying to get up to 95%.

    • Participate in extracurricular activities whenever the opportunity arises. This will give you extra points at the end of the quarter.
  1. Find out what your school's grading system is. Find out if extracurricular activities and clubs give you extra credit. In some ways, grading is a game, and the more you know the rules, the more likely you are to succeed.

    Shine in the first week. First impressions are very important, so try to make teachers have a favorable opinion of you.

    • If at the beginning of the year the teacher decides that you are polite, decent and hardworking, he will be more favorable to you and it will be easier for you to get good grades. It is much easier to create a good impression than to correct a bad one.
  2. Ask questions and try to answer the teacher's questions. You may have to master the art of projecting the image of a smart and prepared student. It's always easier to appear smart and prepared than to be that way. Try to remember any information related to the topic of the lesson. Most likely, the teacher will praise you for knowing something and then give you clues about the question he wants answered.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek clarification. Ask your teacher, parents and classmates to explain to you what you do not understand. It's easier to ask a question than to find the answer yourself.

    • Approach the teacher before or after class. If your teacher offers counseling outside of class, take it. Even if you struggle with the material, your teacher will appreciate your efforts and will be inclined to give you good grades.
  3. Learn to recognize streaming test papers. To understand how things work, you need to think like a teacher. Teachers are people too, and they are just as busy outside of school as you are, if not more so. Remember that each test needs to be graded, and since each teacher can have hundreds of students, this is quite a time-consuming process. It is impossible to thoroughly check all such works. If you follow the recommendations above, your teacher will most likely not read your work. Flow testing work can be recognized by two signs:

    • This is a multiple choice test.
    • The teacher gives everyone the same options and spends less than a minute checking each work.
  4. Get your affairs in order and start managing your time wisely. Get your mind and diary in order. Do not miss deadlines for submitting papers, as this may result in lower grades. It would be a shame to lose points because you didn't meet deadlines.

    • Change the approach to streaming inspection work. The test should take the same amount of time as it takes the teacher to check! If you have an article with questions about the text, the answers can most often be found in the text in the same order as the questions. Read the question and look at the text. If you need to express your opinion, don't waste a lot of time on it. Write something that sounds smart. Many students know how to cope with such tasks, but for some it is new. By learning to do this kind of work quickly, you can save a lot of time.
  5. Take active notes. Think about what the teacher says and write down your thoughts in your own words. Whenever possible, use mnemonics to aid in memorization.

    Do your homework. This will most likely be the easiest job for you to get good grades on. This does not mean that you need to sit over notebooks until the night. Try to use the time at the end of lessons.

    Prioritize according to how your teacher assigns grades. First, work on what he will read carefully and try to do everything well to build the teacher's confidence. Then complete the assignments that your teacher won't check as carefully, and don't worry about the quality of your work. It is important that the answer is on topic, seems long and detailed. If you have little time left to complete tasks that are not very important, skim through them and try to get everything done. Teachers love it when students try hard, and doing homework is the easiest path to straight A's and a good relationship with the teacher.

  6. Know how to complete written assignments and write essays. Highlight your main tasks. Read the text of the task. Study all the necessary information. Sketch out a plan. Write your essay in rough draft. Correct the errors, and then rewrite for finishing. If we are talking about an essay that needs to be submitted in printed form, everything is simpler here - just edit the text.

    • Don't spend too much time thinking about what you want to write. Just start writing. If you also need to answer some questions on the topic, do this after writing your work (essay or abstract) to save time. If the work turns out to be long, the teacher will most likely read only to the middle, so you have two options. You can write a short and very good written paper, or a long, but not very high quality one (the longer the paper, the more mistakes are made). Having tried both options in practice, you will understand how it is more convenient for you to write certain works, and at the same time you will spend much less time.
    • Please note that it will not always be possible to reduce the amount of written work, especially if we are talking about an essay or abstract. As a rule, abstracts and essays are subject to certain page length requirements. If you missed something when the teacher gave a written assignment, it’s better to ask again.
    • To avoid repetition, use a dictionary of synonyms and use different constructions in sentences.

Preparation for tests

  1. Proceed to preparing for the test only after you have done your homework. Even if you are very worried about a test, think about what is more important.

    • Prepare for the test with homework. Typically, the key questions that will be tested on the test are included in the homework.
    • After checking the homework, the teacher gives a grade. If you do it, you will get a good score, if not, you will lose it. You will not be given a grade for the fact that you prepared - only the result on the test is evaluated. If the test is difficult, you may get a bad grade, even if you studied hard. In this case, grades received on homework will help smooth out a bad result.

Many people on our planet simply listen to rock music with rapture; a certain part of these people would like not only to listen, but also to play, and a very small part dreams of becoming a drummer. This skill is not easy, but it is quite masterable.

Helping you learn to play the drums, of course, is the job of the teacher. He is the one who will help you choose the right direction, teach you the basics, and then the rest will be up to you. Having a certain amount of knowledge behind you, you can set out on an open voyage and play only what you want. Then everything is in your hands. You can learn from video and audio lessons, tutorials, or simply compose yourself on the go.

To help you avoid a number of mistakes, I would like to give you some tips:

First. To better master the skill, you need to use the sandbag technique. To do this, purchase a certain type of stick according to the recommendations of the master and practice exercises on it.

Second. If you have acquaintances or friends who also train, then do it together. You can only become stronger through competition!

Third. There is no need to hide from the world; on the contrary, you should choose places where you can listen to experienced drummers play and even show what you yourself are capable of.

Fourth. Be sure to watch your hands. As soon as you feel that your hands are tired, give them a rest.

Steps to success as a drummer:

1. It is necessary to take care of your hands, or rather, their correct position. If you miss this moment, then you will spend weeks, or even months, practicing the necessary skill on your own. It’s better to immediately ask for help from a real professional.

2. Being fixated on musical style is not the best position. It is by having an idea of ​​different directions that you can bring something new to music.

3. In addition to the arms and legs, you must also remember about the head, since it is the only one responsible for maintaining the pace. If you can't keep up the tempo, then you need to practice with a metronome. To test yourself, record your performance and then listen with friends.

4. Using your left fingernail to beat out the rhythm will allow you to coordinate your movements to play different musical combinations.

5. The exercise should only be practiced slowly! If you break this rule, you will not be able to play the fast tempo song accurately. You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

6. When you reach the same level as your idol, don't stop. You have all the skills and abilities to grow further and develop your own style.

7. To monitor your progress, record your playing more often, and then listen to your own playing, so you will notice the mistakes you have made much more quickly.

8. The main quality that you should learn is to work in a team, because this is the only way you can improve your skills and level up by playing in a group.

9. Practice replacing the rhythms of your idols. This way you will learn much faster.

10. The main thing in the game is variety, because it’s music! A whole world of colors and emotions. Don't be a computer, play with your stomach and brightly, and everything will work out for you!

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All modern music is based on a beat. That's why more than 50% of a band's success depends on a good drummer. And of course, good drums...

Today, a good drummer miraculously transforms even the most mediocre group, and with a mediocre drummer, even a star band turns into something like a school amateur performance. A good drummer today is in great demand, like no other musical profile, and those who have seriously chosen the path of a drummer for themselves will certainly not be left without a band or a piece of bread.

To become a good drummer today, you need to play regularly, and with a metronome. The more precise and synchronous the playing, especially for drums and bass guitar, the more powerful it is. A “smooth” drummer develops all other musicians, but with a crooked one you can get stuck at the initial level for years.

Usually it seems to a beginner that he is already playing smoothly, but when he starts playing with a group, everything sounds unassembled, falling apart - it seems that all the sounds are being played, but it is not clear what the problem is. And the problem is a slightly floating pace, which you need to learn to keep more accurately. Therefore, you just need to buy (borrow) a metronome and learn to tap in sync with it. The ability to keep the tempo evenly will also be useful at concerts with a partially electronic rhythm section.

Now we have reached the point of choosing our drums. If a person has not yet decided whether he will be in this business for a long time, it makes sense for him to buy an inexpensive drum set (the entire set except the cymbals) for around $600, plus a set of inexpensive cymbals can cost around another $300. The name of the drum company - Tama, Yamaha, Sonor, Pearl, Mapex, Ludwig... - today is not of fundamental importance, just like the fact that your favorite musician plays drums from this particular company. Now all these well-known companies produce drums of similar quality in each price category, since all the material is purchased in approximately one place and all this is also produced in approximately the same place - in Asia using patents from the USA and Europe. The same goes for plates, and everything else... The price says more about the quality of the product than anything else.

$600 for entry-level drums is optimal, even if a person later gives up playing music (or wants to buy more expensive drums), it will be easier to sell. While very cheap drums (around $300) break quickly, it will be difficult to sell half-broken ones, and learning to play them properly is also difficult - both the sound and the feeling when playing do not inspire enthusiasm. An even better option for a beginner is to buy used drums from an ad; such drums of the desired level can be bought for a third, or even half the price of new ones.

In stores, really good drum sets start around $1,000 per set (without stands), and with all the other accessories, such drums cost twice as much. I wouldn’t recommend buying this option for a beginner; it’s better to play for a year or two to better understand which drums suit you best. The best option for Russia is to start with an inexpensive unit (possibly used) and gradually, when a person has already clearly defined his needs, buy all the necessary drums one by one. For example, a good bass drum for 15 thousand rubles, a snare drum for 7 thousand rubles, and so on. Less burden on the budget and without interruption from the game. At the same time, individual drums from an old installation can also be sold in parts.

Now about the sizes. The larger the diameter of the drum (for example, a bass kick), the lower the sound and the harder the hit is required for it to show itself in all its glory. Big drums also sound louder, but now that almost any drum is mic'd, it doesn't really matter, and neither does the depth of the drum. If a person is not inclined to play with power and too low sounds, which, by the way, are worse for the ear to read in the general sound of the group, it is better for him to pay attention to drums with a smaller diameter. They give a more punchy sound that can be heard with other instruments, and don't require the drummer to hit them too hard. Another advantage of compact drums is the smaller distance between the drums, which helps you play more accurately when tapping from one drum to another. In addition, such drums are easier to transport (carry, install, disassemble).

In general, large diameter drums are better suited for more sedate music, and smaller diameter ones are better suited for faster, more accent music. That's enough about drums for starters; soon we plan to make a review of electric guitars, bass guitars and possibly other instruments.

Alexander SMIRNOV

Drumming can give you a lot - creative fulfillment, development of the body and brain, relaxation, attention from the opposite sex, and in general a lot of new acquaintances with people. But if you aim above all this, and want drums to become your profession, source of income and main activity in life, then the advice outlined in this article will be useful to you. Today we will tell you how a drummer can become more professional in his craft and get closer to his dream.

1. Exercise as much as you can.

The first and most important component of a drummer’s professionalism is, of course, mastery of the instrument. Of course, history has known examples when people with very modest skills became famous drummers. Ringo Star, drummer of the legendary The Beatles, never excelled in technique. But we would not advise aiming for the same success - after all, he started at a completely different time.

To master the drums at the level required of a professional these days, be prepared to put your butt behind a kit or practice pad for at least a couple of hours a day. And better - more. Remember: the more you practice drums, the more you will get out of them.

There is an interesting theory that says that to become a master of any activity, be it drumming or painting, you need to spend 10,000 hours of hard training.

But not only the quantity of classes is important, but also the quality. Make a plan for your own development, set goals for the week, for the month, for the year, and complete them one by one. Watch Video Schools. Technique, rhythm, sound production, coordination. Also don't forget about rest.

The ideal option is classes with a teacher.. Studying at a music university can be included here. You don’t have to worry about making any plans—it will all be done by the teacher. Progress from training under competent guidance always goes much faster, and the results are better. Therefore, if you are seriously aimed at the professional stage, do not spare money on a teacher. In the end, your mentor will be able to introduce you to the right people and invite professionals to the party, and this is worth a lot.

2. Play with different groups in different styles.

A professional drummer does not limit himself to just one style. After all, work can come from completely different genres, and you don’t need to miss out on such hacks. Nowadays you need to be flexible and versatile to make money from music.

Today to play a blues performance for a respectable audience, tomorrow to replace the drummer in a thrash metal band at a youth festival, the day after tomorrow to record a drum part in the studio for an album by a famous jazz player, and on Friday to play with an orchestra - this should not cause any difficulties for you. And then there will be no financial difficulties.

So try playing with different groups when you're starting out. If you play rock with your main team, don’t refuse to play pop with other teams. Develop in all directions.

3. Play to a metronome and let the band play to you.

Almost all high-level concerts will require you to play to a click. You may have noticed that on television drummers always have an earphone visible. Can you guess what beeps in it? 🙂

In the studio, while recording the part, you will also be required to play to the click. All high-level teams aimed at serious results will require you to be able to play to the click. In addition, being a metronome for the entire team is one of the main ones.

Therefore, start making friends with the click now. Then it will be much easier, especially in the studio. Treat the metronome like another musician with whom you are playing something cool together, and the connection will happen faster.

Here's a good video of exercises with a metronome:

4. Build connections in the music world.

Being social is something that, unfortunately, not all good musicians can do. Many of them play simply brilliantly... at home, on a setup in the garage. Of course, this is not the choice of a professional drummer. Your goal is to create as much paid work for yourself as possible. In the musical field, you can create it by being on everyone's lips and having many sources from which work can come.

Try playing with more teams. Even if you separate, the connections will remain.

Place your advertisements and portfolio on music forums. Have conversations. If you have a good level of play and communication, something will definitely come up.

Take lessons from different teachers. Even if their level is lower than yours :) In many schools, the first lesson is free. And the established contact - even more so!

Go to concerts of your friends. Surely, other acquaintances will come to see them - musicians to whom you will be introduced. They will also have concerts, at which there will also be musicians. Wider circle - more prospects!

Create your own website, blog or group on social networks. This will be your portfolio, where you will post your drum work, creativity, videos from concerts and rehearsals.

Studying at a music university guarantees you many musical connections. But it’s up to you to decide whether it’s a university or a private teacher.

Often the fate of a musician is decided by just one “non-accident”. Some friend of your friends urgently needs a drummer for a popular band. Your man put in a good word. Audition, rehearsal, and now you are touring Europe with a new group. Here's how to become a professional drummer in one day.

5. Teach yourself!

Perhaps this is the surest way to start making money playing drums, and therefore become a professional. Teaching will help you organize the knowledge you have already acquired, recharge your students with energy and motivation, and earn money, which is important.

You don't have to be as cool as Jojo Mayer or Benny Greb to start teaching. You can show a teenager how to hold sticks correctly, teach them how to play a simple beat, or understand a Linkin Park song?

Knowing sheet music will significantly expand your horizons and capabilities.

Responsibility is highly valued. True professionals always arrive on time and perfectly prepared.

A professional must have a professional tool.

Having your own installation and car expands the range of earning opportunities.

As well as having a foreign passport.

The richest drummer in the world - Ringo Star

Becoming a professional is not easy in any field, not just drums. But, as they say, it’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight! Today you learned how to become a more professional drummer. Tomorrow we began to change our approach to udana. This means that the day after tomorrow, or in a year, success will await you. Stop at nothing on the way to your dream!

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