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Everyone should know this to ensure the safety of themselves and their loved ones. How to determine damage to a person: read proven recipes from sorcerers and healers. If the negative is not identified and removed in time, the consequences can be the most destructive. Therefore, you should constantly monitor the magical safety of yourself and your family.

Master these simple ways to diagnose negativity so you can always know whether they are affecting you magically or not.

Have you ever noticed that strange and incomprehensible things suddenly began to happen in your family? Are you often tormented by failures alternating with misfortunes? Have you ever wondered why this is all happening to you? Read how to identify damage to a person and find out what is the real cause of your misfortunes.

If you are being negative, you will certainly notice it.

If suddenly your things often break, get lost or are stolen, your light bulbs burn out at home, your neighbors flood you, and even thieves broke into the house and took out expensive things, and you collected loans to buy them. Think about who could be so jealous of you that all this is happening to you.

Advice: If you have nightmares, strange and debilitating dreams, all this indicates that there is only negativity around you. Do you feel like your energy has dried up and you're at zero?

In such cases, it will be urgently necessary to work with your energy field, as well as diagnose damage

Signs of exposure

  1. Mood. If there is damage, your mood may change several times a day. What previously brought you joy is no longer interesting. You begin to see the world in gray and dull colors. You cry over various trifles or out of nowhere. It begins to seem to you that those around you do not understand, find fault with you, and do not appreciate you.
  2. Dreams. When affecting your aura, dreams begin to overtake anxiety, after which fears and a feeling of terrible tension appear. In the morning, you may not even remember what you dreamed about, but the feeling that trouble will happen will overcome you, which will make your soul very heavy.
  3. Dejection and suspicion. You will begin to feel as if someone is following you everywhere. Your head will be occupied with negative thoughts, so your strength will gradually run out. As a result, your condition and mood will change to eternal despondency.
  4. Trouble. If you have continuous failures at work, quarrels at home, there is always no money, there are no friends who would support you in difficult times, and your loved ones do not appreciate or understand. If you are interested in how to determine the curse of loneliness, pay attention to your relationships with the opposite sex.
  5. Depression. All of the above points take away a person’s feeling of joy, happiness, and peace. All this has a very detrimental effect on you. You can't rest anywhere. Such conditions can sometimes lead to mental personality disorder.
  6. A feeling of suffocation that may occur suddenly. You begin to feel short of breath, even if you are outside. This feeling can also easily disappear.

Secondary signs of damage or curse:

Never confuse damage, evil eye and curse:

  • Evil eye- this is a small surge of negativity that was unintentionally caused;
  • Damage- this is a more serious and deliberate harm to a person of varying degrees of severity. Damage is done for any thing: money, success, death, suffering in life, etc.;

A curse is a persistently induced (up to a lifetime or several generations) negative that affects one or more aspects of your life.

If you are concerned about the behavior of your loved one, then in the article on our website you can find out what happens, and also read about the consequences and options for removing them.

Diagnostic methods

Let's look at the three most effective and easiest ways to determine damage to a person by performing simple magical rituals.

Method No. 1 “On the mirror”

Go to the mirror and look yourself in the eyes. Say some good words, for example:

"I deserve to be the best."

If you say this, looking into your eyes, without lowering them, without starting to dart your eyes, if you did not experience any unpleasant sensations, if you did not shed tears, then everything is fine with you, and there is no damage to you. But more often than not, only a few pass the test. And, unfortunately, this is a very sad statistic.

Method No. 2 “For coffee”

To accurately determine the answer, carry out several diagnostic options.

Many people love the taste of aromatic coffee. He will help you find out and determine whether there is damage to you.

  1. Brew coffee;
  2. Drink a cup;
  3. If you have damage, then a pattern will appear at the bottom in the form of a large lump of indeterminate shape. The larger this lump, the more negative energy is expressed.

Method No. 3 “By photo”

You can use a regular photograph. Leave her in the blessed water for a few minutes. Then look at the photo in the water. If damage is detected, dark and cloudy spots will appear on the image. If there are many of them, then the damage is very powerful. In this case, it is better to leave the photo in holy water so that your energy field can begin to cleanse.


Comments from site visitors

    I began to notice that lately I have been constantly having nightmares, blood, murders and some kind of nonsense. I wake up at night covered in sweat. I'm not getting enough sleep and I'm pretty tired of it. So I decided to read it, maybe it has something to do with magic. I read that this could be a symptom of damage. I didn’t even expect it, but I think I still need to go to some magician who will remove this nonsense from me

    The constant lack of money completely depressed me. It seems that I get it normally, and save it for a rainy day, and still get into my piggy bank by the end of the month. And this has never happened before. It’s just as if someone has cast the evil eye or caused some damage. A friend recommended your site, read the article and decided to test the coffee to see if it was damaged on me or not. The coffee actually fell out and there is damage, I don’t even know what to do now.

    I am very grateful to the authors of the site for such information that I need now. It’s so good that I accidentally came to your site. I have long suspected that not everything is in order. Some kind of obsession. One trouble after another. I read the article and clarified a lot for myself. I checked the photo - there is damage. I can even guess from whom. Now I am your regular reader. I absorb one article after another. I am sure that with the help of your advice I can correct what does not suit me. With gratitude.

    Six months ago I began to feel some kind of anxiety, excitement and my health began to fail. Everyone around began to advise me to go to some grandmother (suddenly damage). But I don’t believe in it, and I don’t have time. Having nothing else to do, I decided to check it out from the photo. Horror!!! What terrible divorces and circles there were. Total: I went to my grandmother’s, there was a huge damage that took a month to remove!

    I came across this article by chance and was shocked. At first I thought that I was very tired at work, although I regularly rested and slept enough. But I was very tired all the time, I didn’t see a goal in life, and a little later I began to feel a little out of breath, although I don’t smoke. Now I’ll have to somehow get rid of the damage, although I can’t imagine who I’ve offended.. I’ll look on your website for some advice on this matter.

    A couple of months ago, health problems appeared, and troubles with people close to me, I was very depressed by what was happening and tried to drown my grief in alcohol, it’s even scary to admit, I was thinking about suicide. I looked through your site and realized what was going on. So it's not just me! Now that I know the problem, I really want to solve it. Otherwise I’m tired of this constant feeling of powerlessness and irritability.

    I also suspect that something is wrong, either damage or the evil eye. I feel bad, no mood, complete apathy, I don’t want anything and nothing makes me happy. I’m bad with money, I got into debt and I don’t know how to pay it back, the black one is stalking me

    I want to make sure there is no damage. You can see with the help of a photograph and blessed water whether there is damage to a relative? Should he be present nearby? Can you see without his knowledge? otherwise he doesn’t believe that there is damage on him

    How can you protect yourself from the evil eye and damage? Is it possible to find out that you are damaged as early as possible, before there are serious consequences? how to find out who did this? anyone who has actually encountered this, please write

    I read that the evil eye is a small surge of negativity that was caused unintentionally. How can you avoid accidentally jinxing someone? When can you jinx it when you admire and are touched or, on the contrary, you begin to envy?

    Can you get rid of damage yourself? Or is it better to turn to knowledgeable people? In general, it would be interesting to read on the topic: what to do if you are damaged, your further actions. In such a situation, you don’t know what to do and you lose your mind.

    I often have nightmares, I don’t sleep well, and some sad thoughts disturb me. It seems to me that someone is following me everywhere. The head is occupied with negative thoughts, the strength is gradually running out. Am I really damaged? I need to perform rituals to determine the damage.

    It seems to me that if you constantly go to church, read prayers and live the correct life of a Christian, you are not afraid of damage, you are under the protection of God. No matter what rituals and conspiracies are done against you, your faith and prayers protect and protect you from bad things.

    My friend and I did the mirror method. It seems to be nothing complicated, you look at yourself and say good things, but it turns out that it is not difficult for those who are not damaged. My friend was unable to utter words without lowering her eyes. I wouldn’t have believed that this could happen if I hadn’t seen it myself.

    The coffee option is simple and healthy at the same time. Many people drink coffee, I mean real brewed coffee. By looking at the thicket, you can understand about the damage, and find an answer to the events. I always look at what comes out in the cup at the bottom. I have never seen a lump, it turns out everything is fine with me.

    I learned so many new things today about damage and the evil eye and love spells. I immediately went to apply my new knowledge at home, and I check it using different methods so as not to miss any negativity. Everything is done in a humorous manner, of course, so that the household doesn’t suspect anything.

A person’s appearance can reveal certain personality characteristics and preferences! How?

We often hear that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But with regard to people, things are somewhat different. A person's appearance can reveal certain personality characteristics and preferences.

All that is required is the ability to interpret them correctly. As in previous cases, the methods described below are not 100% accurate and there is always a possibility of error. Nevertheless…

1. Shoes can reveal a person's personality type.

Let us note right away that we are not talking about the obvious, such as goths or metalheads in black boots, hippies in sandals or hipsters in old curtains wrapped around their feet. According to science, a person's shoes can tell a lot about his relationships with other people.

A study conducted at a couple of colleges revealed certain patterns in how people choose shoes. She, of course, could not talk about political preferences, but she gave away a ton of other personal information, including potential insecurity and dependence in close relationships. Here are just some of the examples described by science:

  • Anxious and dependent people prefer to wear new and well-maintained shoes to calm their nerves.
  • People who wear practical shoes tend to be relatively pleasant to talk to.
  • Calm and collected individuals find pleasure in seemingly uncomfortable shoes.
  • And aggressive individuals tend to wear uniform boots with ankle boots.

If, after reading this, you thought that your shoes cannot say anything so personal about you, since when buying you are guided by, say, their price and comfort, then do not forget that your way of thinking is natural for a certain type of personality. And that's the whole point. Regardless of what logic you follow when choosing certain shoes, shoes or boots, you follow exactly the logic that corresponds to your personality type. And the purchase reveals this type to the whole world.

2. People who are pleasant to talk to are more likely to eat sweets.

Imagine a person who is pleasant to talk to. And pay special attention to those qualities that make this person pleasant in the eyes of other people. Most likely he is kind and helpful. Definitely fun. Surely, honest and flexible enough to take blows while you yourself are running away from the wrestler to whom you flashed your ass in a drunken stupor. All this is quite consistent with the image of a pleasant person. And perhaps, if you are feeling sentimental, you will even call it “sweet.”

Sweet. It's quite an ironic word in this context, if you think about it. There's nothing sweet about nice people, unless you suddenly decide to cover them with caramel. And what gave rise to such an association between “sweet” and “pleasant”? Obviously, their daily behavior: it seems that eating sweets can turn a person into an ordinary Good Samaritan.

Let’s be clear right away that we are not talking about how giving a chocolate to a person can lift his mood and thus make him want to do good things (by the way, one study confirmed this fact, although it is quite obvious in itself). Scientists conducted five different studies and found that people with sweets are more pleasant and more likely to do good deeds than those who eat chips while snacking, for example.

And the most surprising thing is that the participants in the experiment knew in advance what the result would be. In a survey conducted before the experiment, they expressed the idea that sweet lovers would be more selfless and kind than salty lovers. The experience only confirmed what people already knew and observed in everyday life, even if it didn’t make any sense.

3. If a woman cradles a baby with her right hand, it means she is depressed

The birth of a child should, in theory, be the happiest moment in the life of any mother, but according to statistics, one woman in ten suffers from postpartum depression. And perhaps this is not surprising, because she really experiences a lot of stress, both physically and psychologically, not to mention the fact that the little toddler constantly yells when she tries to sleep.

So if you happen to have a friend or relative who recently gave birth and you want to know how she is feeling, you can either ask her or look at which hand she is holding the baby with. No joke.

Find photos of yourself as a child and see what hand your mother uses to cradle you to sleep. Or just imagine yourself holding a baby. Which hand will you use? Most likely the left one. The vast majority of people use their left hand for this, regardless of whether they are left- or right-handed. This is one of those little quirks that are inherent in the human body.

When scientists began to study the topic in more detail, they discovered that it could be a potential way to determine whether a new mother is depressed or not. Stressed and depressed mothers are much more likely to rock their babies with their right hand than healthy, happy mothers: 14% of happy mothers versus 32% of depressed mothers. Although scientists still find it difficult to explain the reason for this.

Last time we already mentioned that people with wide cheekbones are usually less trustworthy. This sounds like an unfair stereotype, but in reality it's just chemistry - the more testosterone, the larger the face. And the amount of testosterone directly determines your personality type.

Also, the classic image of a jock with a can of beer in his hand has already managed to gain a foothold in society: a large, wide-faced guy with an eternal grin and rough facial features. This type of face can be found in many American youth films. He wears his team's jacket, drinks beer, speaks stupid slang, and hits on the girls at school, making you feel like a loser who will take years to realize that you weren't really one. But in certain situations, this cocky-looking guy can actually be quite nice... as long as he thinks you're on the same team.

Such people do what they do not because they are cruel. They just have a strong competitive spirit.

To determine this, the scientists divided male volunteers into groups and asked them to play a team game. At the same time, some were told that their results would be compared with the results of another school, while others played simply for the sake of playing. As a result, guys with classic "bully" faces were more likely to risk their health in order to take first place among the teams... but only when they were told that they were competing against another school. They were willing to show more altruism when they thought it would help them win.

Other studies support this theory. As long as the sense of competition remains, a guy with a bully face will be more productive, cooperative and, moreover, will be willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the team he considers his own. And by the way, this extends to higher levels of life: from corporate presidents to presidential candidates, these idiotic, crude and broad facial features give their owners a strong desire to win, all because of the amount of testosterone they received in the womb.

If the thought of having so much of a person's destiny determined before they're even born makes you depressed...well, we have worse news for you.

5. People with symmetrical facial features are rich, those with asymmetrical facial features are leaders.

Science often likes to remind us of the superiority of symmetrical faces, but the reality is even worse: people with symmetrical facial features not only look better, but what's more, they are likely to be richer than people with asymmetrical facial features.

On the other hand, the latter have more developed leadership qualities.

Of course, genes have a significant influence in this matter, but they are only at the beginning of the formation of facial symmetry. The conditions of human development play a decisive role. Everything, including cigarette smoke, baby food, socioeconomic status and illness, influence the shape of your face, so the easiest way to achieve symmetrical beauty is to be wealthy parents.

One study found that people with symmetrical facial features tended to live a privileged life as children and thus were more likely to become wealthy themselves.

But let’s say that a person grew up poor and turned into one of the common people with asymmetrical facial features. He doesn't have a trust fund or a perfect smile, so now he can only rely on his personal qualities. Moreover, just because this person is not as attractive as Symmetrical, people are less likely to expect any achievements from him in life.

And coincidentally, this is what makes him a more successful leader.

That’s right, an endless string of small problems and hardships, which, thanks to the angelic appearance and thick wallet, people with symmetrical facial features will never experience, make this person a truly effective leader. Of course, this does not mean that he automatically becomes Winston Churchill. It just means that he has the predestination to become one. Therefore, if you suddenly meet a man with scars on his face in a bar, do not rush to put him at the head of your multinational company.

How to find out something personal about your interlocutor by his appearance

There is a connection between physiology and human character

Who among us, reading about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, did not envy his ability to figure out all the ins and outs of people, paying attention to the smallest details of their appearance? Of course, life is much more complex than the most sophisticated literary fiction, and even very insightful people are unlikely to be able to achieve the perfection of the great detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle. However, there are some patterns that make it possible to determine character traits or health status based on the physiological characteristics of a person.

1. According to statistics, women with wide hips are less scrupulous in choosing partners

An amazing fact - by the width of a woman's hips you can estimate how likely it is that your first date will end in sex. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds (UK). Experts studied several aspects of the sexual behavior of female volunteers, including the number of sexual partners and the age at which they lost their virginity, and then checked how these indicators correlated with the physical parameters of their waists, hips and buttocks. It turned out that women with wide hips tend to practice “sex without commitment” more often, while women with narrow hips are more predisposed to long-term relationships and are more careful in choosing partners.

Of course, the objectivity of such a study leaves much to be desired - it is quite possible that the participants simply exaggerated the activity of their sex life. However, scientists argue that this phenomenon can be explained by biological factors - women with a wide pelvis often have much less problems with giving birth to children, so nature itself sets them up for procreation.

2. Sex with obese men tends to last longer.

According to data published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, overweight men are less hasty in sex than thin men. Experts from Turkey spent a year studying the sexual life of men of different sizes, and it turned out that for overweight men, lovemaking lasts an average of 7 minutes 18 seconds, and for thin men it is more than four times less - about 1 minute 43 seconds.

One of the reasons for this may be the rapid fatigue of obese men, which does not allow them to bring sexual intercourse to its logical conclusion on the first attempt, but there are other factors. Overweight people often have an increased level of the female hormone (estrogen) in the body, which in some way “slows down” the male body, as a result of which ejaculation occurs later. It should be noted that men who want to please their partners with long-term sex should not rush to gain excess weight, since erectile dysfunction is one of the most common side effects of obesity.

3. You can judge your predisposition to a sport by eye color.

As you know, in some sports, success is most often achieved by people with certain physical characteristics - for example, to be a professional basketball player, you need to be above average height, and let’s say, in American football they prefer to take only well-built, strong guys. Less obvious physical features, such as eye color, can also indicate future outstanding achievements in sports.

The results of several experiments indicate that people with brown eyes are more likely to succeed in those sports that require quick reactions, including tennis, football or boxing. Blue or green eyes, in turn, are a sign that a person is more suited to leisurely sports disciplines that require strategic thinking - say, golf, chess or bowling.

This curious effect is explained by physiology - light-colored eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, which complicates the processing of visual information and slows down decision-making by a split second. A simple example - a blue-eyed boxer can be confused by even a glare on the referee's watch, as a result of which he misses a strong blow, while a brown-eyed boxer in his place would not even pay attention to the visual stimulus.

4. Earlobes “predict” heart attacks

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main problems of modern humanity. Their development is significantly influenced by factors such as lifestyle, diet and bad habits, but there is a rather unusual method to immediately determine a person’s tendency to have a heart attack - pay attention to the shape of his ears.

If there are diagonal folds on the earlobes, which doctors call “Frank's sign,” this is a sure sign of a predisposition to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It sounds like something out of science fiction, but such folds really make it possible to judge heart problems. In one study of this phenomenon, doctors examined the bodies of more than three hundred patients who died from heart disease, while “Frank’s signs” were found in 72% of men and 67% of women. Later, other experts questioned the value of this experiment and conducted their own. The researchers took into account factors such as the presence of jewelry in the ears and even sleeping position, but they were forced to admit that there was some connection between folds on the earlobes and heart disease.

While there is no scientific explanation for such a mysterious phenomenon, experts are at a loss and continue experiments.

" It talks about a world in which no one could lie. One day, something broke in the brain of one inhabitant of this world, and he uttered his first lie. In order not to spoil the impression of the film, I will not say further and I advise you to watch it to learn about what our world could look like without lies.

And since in the real world there are more than enough lies and deceit, here are a few ways to deal with them and bring a person you don’t trust to light.

Observe a person in a critical situation

When a person has to act in a critical situation, he cannot dissemble or play. He does not have the ability to use masks, and he will most likely act as his instincts dictate.

People who have been offended by life most often take it out on the service staff. Waiters, cleaners, salespeople - they all get it. If a person whistles or snaps his fingers at the waiter, this is the first sign that your interlocutor is an idiot.

Watch your body language and intonation

It's not difficult to find. Liars can be recognized by several signs:

  1. Pauses in conversation.
  2. Averting your eyes when answering a question.
  3. Changing the topic of conversation.
  4. They make excuses even when you don’t reproach them.
  5. Faces are often touched.

Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it and follow every gesture of your interlocutor. But sometimes this little cheat sheet helps clear things up.

Gossip about mutual friends

We love gossip to a greater or lesser extent. And, unfortunately, we often do not know the extent of them. By gossiping about mutual friends, you will see with your own eyes how much crap can come out of a seemingly good person.

Lend or borrow money

And although we have already said that this is the last thing you should think about, but by borrowing or lending money to a person, you can learn a lot of new things about him.

Go on a trip together

Extreme way. If you are already thinking about how to bring a person to clean water, then going on a trip with him is not the best idea. But after spending some time alone, you will see all his cockroaches.

Tell me a secret

Telling a secret will test a person's ability to keep secrets. If you don't trust him, you can tell him a trivial secret or a made-up secret, just to see if he will rush to retell it further.

Have there been situations in your life when you needed to understand what a person really is like? What did you do?

Girls quite often suspect their boyfriends of cheating on something, but a device for reading thoughts has probably not yet been invented. While such an amazing thing has not yet been invented, let's resort to simpler, but still quite effective methods. So how can you find out a person’s thoughts and what he is hiding? This guide will help you “get into” the head of your beloved guy (and quite possibly not only yours and not only the guy’s...)

How to find out a person's thoughts

If your young man who is next to you is not yet your young man at all, but still, you really want to know how he treats you at the moment - just watch! If he talks to you relatively quietly, it means that he completely trusts you, and if suddenly, on the contrary, he makes too much noise, it means that he is not very comfortable in your environment.

To find out a person’s thoughts, be sure to pay attention to the speed and timbre of his speech. If a person speaks quite quickly and somewhat confusingly, then he probably still likes you, but if his speech sounds monotonous, then he is simply bored with you. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the position in which the guy is.

Does it copy your gestures almost completely? Definitely, he is absolutely not indifferent to you (to be fair, it is worth saying that in this way he may well mark you as a pretty interlocutor, and not a potential life partner)!

A sure way to find out a person's thoughts

But, if with each word he moves a little closer to you, then he most likely has a crush on you one way or another. In addition, he definitely likes you (at least externally), if he looks at you without interruption for at least 7 seconds (this is the 7 second rule, so to speak). Moreover, if you have known each other for quite a long time or are just dating, you You can certainly try to somewhat analyze his line of behavior.

If he makes fun of something that, in general, he never makes fun of (or would not make fun of), then this means that he is somewhat nervous and is probably hiding something!

How else can you find out a person's thoughts? Sometimes guys hide something in their hearts from a girl, not because yesterday they had wild sex with five beauties in a row, but simply because he is worried about you. Sometimes it seems to them that you have enough problems of your own. And he has absolutely no idea that all his problems are your problems too.

There are a number of ways to nudge him a little towards greater frankness. You can start it all first. Sincerity always pushes one to be sincere.

True, you don’t need to honestly say that, in general, you think his own friend is extremely attractive, this can push the guy away from you rather than bring him closer to openness. You can, in general, even arrange a kind of day of sincerity.

It will be agreed that, for example, once a week (month or year...) you both simply tell each other about everything. Over time, such frankness will simply become a permanent habit for him.

And it is quite possible that it is simply incredibly difficult for him to express all his emotions in words directly to his eyes. You can invite him to send you emails with his revelations, or leave small notes with your confessions.

We hope we answered your question. how to find out a person’s thoughts and what he is hiding.

How to find out from a person what he is hiding

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. How to find out what a person has, what he is hiding? Look a person straight in the eyes when you talk to him - this is exactly what ancient wisdom teaches us. If you want to learn a little more about the person with whom you are currently having a conversation, look more often into his eyes, or rather into his pupils. This way you can recognize his true feelings and true intentions much better.

Our eyes actually reveal a person’s real thoughts and from them we can find out what a person is hiding. For example, when Aristotle Onassis was bringing a deal to a conclusion, he always wore dark glasses so as not to accidentally reveal his true intentions. People have always, from time immemorial, attached great importance to looks.

Therefore, expressions such as “he has a bad eye”, his eyes “shine suspiciously”, she literally “incinerated him with her gaze”, his eyes “innocent, like a child’s”, his eyes ran around, how enticing sight.

Even in Ancient China, many jewelers often practiced observing the pupils of those wishing to purchase their precious jewelry. When the purchase price was discussed, they watched the eyes of the purchasers quite carefully and closely. Prostitutes in very ancient times often dropped belladonna solution into their eyes to make their pupils more dilated, and at the same time they would appear more attractive.

Young lovers, looking closely at each other straight into the eyes, are waiting for this very dilation of the pupils of their partner directly at the subconscious level. It's extremely exciting.

Only direct communication in private, face to face can be called genuine communication. At the same time, we immediately experience with whom we are very comfortable, with whom we are rather awkward or completely unpleasant, with whom we absolutely do not deserve any trust. We thereby subconsciously, without even meaning to, evaluate how this or that person looks and how long he holds his gaze on us during communication.

Quite a lot of signals that we call “body language” are determined by nationality and indigenous traditions. This can also apply to gaze.

For example, in the south of Europe it is often customary to look into the eyes of your interlocutor during a conversation, but in Japan such a gesture will certainly be taken as an obvious insult. There, it is customary to look at the neck of your interlocutor during a conversation.

Before jumping to conclusions about the relationship between your interlocutor and you, be sure to first remember what this might mean in his indigenous traditions. Now we know how to find out what a person has, what he is hiding.

A drug intoxicated person is someone who is under the influence of drugs. If you suspect that someone around you is under the influence of drugs, you can ask him about it directly, or you can observe his behavior and reactions. Often such a person can independently return to a normal lifestyle or “slip off.” But in some cases, such people need help. Being able to recognize that a person is under the influence of drugs will help you understand whether that person needs medical help or even just help getting home. It is especially important to understand whether a person is under the influence of drugs due to someone else's fault.


Part 1

Physical signs

    Look the person in the eyes. Smoking drugs causes the eyes to become red and watery. Excessively constricted or dilated pupils may be a sign of taking drugs and stimulants. Pay attention to the speed of your eye movement. Involuntary movements (or nystagmus) are very often a sign of drug use.

    • If a person often wears glasses indoors or in the shade, they may be trying to hide red eyes or dilated/constricted pupils.
  1. Pay attention to the smell. A person who has smoked marijuana may smell like smoke or something sweet or peculiar. A strong chemical or metallic odor may be a sign that a person has ingested a household product, such as glue or paint thinner.

    • A strong scent of incense, air freshener, or cologne may be a disguise to hide the smell of a drug.
  2. Pay attention to the person's mouth. Listen to the act of swallowing and observe the movement of the throat. Poor salivation and frequent lip licking can be a sign of dry mouth, which is common with drug use. Licking your lips, frequently grinding your teeth, or making strange jaw movements may also be signs of drug use.

    Look at the person's nose. Nosebleeds for no apparent reason may be a sign that a person has been using drugs (eg, cocaine, methamphetamine) through the nose. There are many causes of a runny nose or nasal congestion, but in combination with other symptoms, one can suspect the effect of narcotic substances. Pay attention to frequent nose rubbing.

    • If a person has ingested a drug through the nose, powder may remain under the nostrils or on the upper lip.
  3. Examine the person's hands. Shaky hands can be a sign of drugs and hallucinogens. Sweat may appear on the palms due to intoxication from the drug. If a person's fingertips are burned, it can be assumed that he has smoked a drug.

    Pay attention to this person's vital signs: Has his pulse, breathing rate, temperature or blood pressure changed? The reason for this may be drug use. If possible, touch the person while talking, feel their pulse, and check their body temperature. Signs of drug use include cold, sweating skin, as well as increased or decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and slowed breathing.

    Look for signs of persistent drug use. Drug addicts who use methamphetamine or heroin often have visible injection marks. Check for dark, swollen veins, bruising, and injection marks. Open lesions and healing wounds may be a sign of recent drug use.

  4. Check to see if the person has the tools to use drugs. These can be small tubes, tissue papers, syringes, rubber tubes - all this serves as a means for using narcotic substances; as well as various unusual household items, which may also be a sign of recent drug use. Razors, pocket mirrors, small spoons may indicate the use of psychostimulants. With the help of pacifiers, sweets, and lollipops, you can use and distribute various club drugs, for example, ecstasy, which causes jaws to clench and teeth to chatter.

    Part 2

    Behavioral signs
    1. Listen to the person's speech. A person under the influence of drugs may talk too much or quickly, or, conversely, he will speak with difficulty. His speech may be slurred, and if he does not smell of alcohol, he may be under the influence of drugs.

      • If you are talking with a person and suddenly during the conversation (or after it) you notice that he has difficulty concentrating, that his thoughts have become confused, that the person has begun to panic, this may be the effect of a narcotic substance.
    2. Observe the person's movements. A person under the influence of a drug may react very slowly to what is happening, or he may not react at all to people and things around him. If a person does not experience pain (in a situation where normal people experience pain), if his coordination of movements sharply deteriorates, this may be the result of taking drugs.

      • If a person's movements are imprecise and smooth, but there is no smell of alcohol on him, he may be under the influence of drugs.
      • If you notice uncharacteristic hearing and vision impairments in a tipsy person, you can also assume drug use.
    3. If you know him quite well, you will realize that the person has suddenly become very sociable, or has increased activity, increased or decreased appetite and sex drive. Unnatural laughter and increased appetite are common signs of marijuana use.
      • A person taking harder drugs may experience hallucinations and perceive things in an unnatural way. Crazy, strange and aggressive behavior may be related to drug use.
      • Some people who have been addicted to drugs for a long time can completely change as a person.
    • Remember that any of these signs alone may not indicate that a person is using drugs. Your guesses may be confirmed if you notice a combination of the above symptoms.
    • Some medications can cause physical and mental problems as side effects. For example, slurred speech, poor coordination, and changing moods may be due to other causes.
    • If you are on good terms with this person and they need help, asking if they have used drugs is the best way to find out the truth.

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