How is azimuth determined? How to determine azimuth in different ways

I really love active recreation and try not to miss the opportunity to reconnect with nature! This year, when going on a hike through the forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians, I, first of all, decided to study navigation lessons and even then I discovered a new concept of azimuth. As it turns out, this is one of the most important concepts in orienteering, and it has a rather interesting origin.

What is azimuth

In simple words, azimuth - the angle between the directions north and some distant object. He measured in degrees: 0° to 360°. Being able to determine the azimuth angle is worth a lot - it will help you not get lost, be able to navigate when moving in the mountains, in the forest, in deserts, in conditions of poor visibility and when it is difficult or impossible to navigate on the map. Derived from Arabic سمت (samt) - translated path, road, direction.

Origin of the word azimuth

In fact, quantityArabic words, actively used in the Russian language, can surprise any person. I was very surprised that even such familiar words as fur coat, shop and even skirt are of foreign origin and have Arabic roots.

At one time, the Arabs achieved significant advances in astronomy. For example, they developed rules for transition from one coordinate system to another, as well as options for determining the exact coordinates of celestial bodies. To carry out similar astronomical calculations and work, astronomers of the Islamic world developed terminology. Thus, the angle between a specially selected initial direction and the direction to a distant object is called azimuth of this object. In a similar way they determine azimuth of celestial bodies. This is how the word azimuth originated and began to be used in other areas.

The word azimuth is often used in everyday life. For example, I often hear the phrase “ in all azimuths”, which means in all directions, in all aspects.

How to determine azimuth using a compass

In practice it turned out to be quite simple:

Need to place the compass on a flat surface;

After set the division scale so that both arrows on the compass coincide;

After we have oriented the compass, it is visually visible on its scale adjust the direction to the desired item.

Everything is simple, but infinitely important for any tourist, student, architect, military man or geographical worker. I hope you can now definitely answer the question what is azimuth, and that the information will be useful to you. :)



the angle between the meridian plane of the observation point and the vertical plane passing through this point and the observed object (an object on the ground or a luminary). Azimuth is measured from north. (in geodesy) or from the south. (in astronomy) the end of the meridian clockwise from 0 to 360°. There are true (astronomical), geodetic and magnetic azimuths. When determining the magnetic azimuth, instead of the plane of the geographic meridian, the plane of the magnetic meridian is taken. When moving in any direction, a distinction is made between forward azimuth, determined at the starting point of the direction, and reverse azimuth, indicating the direction from the end point to the starting point; it differs from the direct azimuth by 180° and the amount of convergence of the meridians. Determining azimuth is necessary when moving on the ground, in sea and air navigation. In navigation, instead of the term “azimuth” the term “bearing” is often used.

A – true azimuth; δ – magnetic declination; A m – magnetic azimuth

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


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    Azimuth: Wiktionary has an article “azimuth” Azimuth (geodesy) in geodesy, the angle between the direction north (south in the Southern Hemisphere) and the direction ... Wikipedia

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    azimuth- and m. azimuth m. Arab. al samt. 1544. Lexis. 1. In astronomy and geodesy, the angle between the meridian plane of the observation point and the vertical plane passing through the given point and some luminary, measured along the horizon. BAS 2. Through what... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from the Arabic word assumût, i.e. path, road) a luminary is the angle formed by the meridian plane with a vertical plane passing through this luminary, and measured by the arc of the horizon, which is contained between these two planes. Azimuth happens... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Arabic ac sunut, plural from ac samt path, direction *a. azimuth; n. Azimut, Marschrichtungszahl; f. azimut; i. azimut) dihedral angle between the plane of the meridian of the observation point and the vertical plane passing in a given direction... Geological encyclopedia

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Azimuth- a horizontal angle measured clockwise from the north direction of the meridian to the direction of the landmark or to the direction of movement. Azimuth is measured in degrees from 0º to 360º.

Azimuth movement involves the ability to maintain the direction of movement using a compass and exit to the intended point.

The azimuth is determined from a map or on the ground after choosing the direction of movement or a landmark. If the route consists of several segments of different directions, the azimuth is determined for each segment.

Azimuth may be true or magnetic, depending on whether it is measured from the true or magnetic meridian.

The directions of the true and magnetic meridians do not coincide, since the magnetic and geographic poles are located at different points. The angle between these meridians is called magnetic declination.

Fig.2 Magnetic declination and azimuth

On a compass, magnetic declination looks like a deviation of the magnetic needle at a certain angle from the true meridian to the left (western magnetic declination - considered negative) or to the right (eastern magnetic declination - considered positive).

If we turn the compass, align the needle with the north direction and measure the azimuth, it will be magnetic.

To determine the true azimuth it is necessary from the obtained value take away magnetic declination value if it is western , or add, if it is eastern. Magnetic declination is indicated on the map. If it’s not on the map, it’s determined from the directory.

Azimuth. Personal experience.

On practice, when moving in azimuth, turning to the compass, it is easier to set it (the compass) so that the arrow points to the magnetic declination. Then the angle between the north direction and the direction of movement will indicate the true azimuth (see Fig. 2). In this case, when planning a route for movement in azimuth on the map, there is no need to calculate and indicate the correction for magnetic azimuth, since it will be taken into account every time you access the compass.

Movement in azimuth.

Azimuth movement has its own limit of accuracy. When taking measurements on a map and using a compass, inevitable errors arise that affect the accuracy of the direction of movement and, ultimately, the accuracy of reaching the destination and the accuracy of determining the azimuth value.

There are two ways to reduce the impact of these errors.

First way involves minimizing errors. This is achieved by several methods:

1. Method of movement in azimuth along intermediate landmarks. It consists in the fact that the entire transition is divided into segments along clearly visible landmarks and the azimuth is calculated for each segment. In this way we will move from one clearly visible landmark to another.

2. The method of moving along targets, when the direction is checked by milestones (stuck branches), piles of snow, a chain of tracks or ski tracks left along the way. Looking back, we check the straightness of the movement and correct deviations. One of the variants of this method is observing those in front and adjusting the direction of their movement. The deviation of the person in front is easier to notice than your own.

3. Avoid small obstacles alternately from the right and left. In this case, the errors in the direction are mutually leveled.

4. A method for monitoring the distance traveled over time when moving in azimuth or in pairs of steps (the average length of a person’s step is 0.7 m, the length of one’s step can be specified). In this case, there is less risk of missing your destination.

5. Method of avoiding obstacles with restoration of the previous direction. If we need to go around, say, a lake, we begin moving to the right or left along a new azimuth, noticing the distance traveled. Then, moving in the main direction, we go around the lake, and on the opposite shore we return in the opposite azimuth to the noted bypass distance. Next we continue the main direction of movement.

6. Method for preparing a movement pattern in azimuth and compiling a table. Work is carried out before entering the route. First, a diagram is drawn up, azimuths are determined, distances are measured and entered into the table.

This is the first way to move in azimuth. It is good for short routes and also for training purposes.

Movement in azimuth. Personal experience.

In practice it is more expedient and more convenient to use the second method of moving in azimuth . It is characterized by ease of movement and orientation.

In this case, the azimuth is perceived not as a mandatory line of movement, but as a general direction.

For example, we need to move to the northeast. Azimuth 45º. We move to the northeast, imagining where the north is, where the east is. At the same time, for the convenience of movement, we can deviate to the side, subsequently making an amendment taking into account this deviation.

And if we need to go to a hut on the river bank, then it is not necessary to break through bushes and ravines along the calculated azimuth. It is more convenient to take the road in the same direction to the river upstream or downstream, and then along the bank to the hut.

Or the case of moving in azimuth, a little more complicated, when there is a group camp on the shore of the lake that we need to get to. Towards it the area is marshy. Therefore, it is more expedient and convenient for walking and orientation to go, say, to the river bank and walk along it to the mouth of a noticeable stream from where it is more convenient to get to the lake. In this case, you can check the direction using the compass and map. Normal heroes, as you know, always take a detour.

With this method of moving in azimuth, it is advisable to control the distance traveled by the time of movement and compare the terrain with the map.

Having studied the map, we will know that after 10 kilometers to the right of the route, a lake should appear two kilometers away, and on the left there should be a noticeable bend in the river with an island. This means that at the next bend we need to turn right and reach the height, etc.

When moving in azimuth, it is more convenient to use linear landmarks that are easier to notice - a river, a road, ridges, valleys.

This method makes it possible to choose convenient landmarks and ways to avoid obstacles. It is simple, convenient and practical.

With the sighting device until the line coincides with a distant and visible object, structure or tree. Take a count azimuth but on this subject. Count from the zero value of the scale clockwise to the number on the scale located opposite the pointer of the viewfinder.

Correctly align the line of sight with the line of direction to the selected object by moving your gaze several times from the line of sight to the object. Do not raise the compass to your eyes, this will easily impair the accuracy of the determination. azimuth A. Use special compasses, such as Andrianov systems, to obtain greater magnetic accuracy azimuth A.

If you need to move from the selected object in the opposite direction, define the reverse magnetic azimuth. To do this, add 180 to the straight line azimuth y if its digital value is less than 180 degrees or subtract 180 degrees if its digital value is 180 degrees.

To correctly determine the direction using the previously obtained magnetic azimuth y, rotating the sight ring, align its pointer with a number on the scale equal to the previously determined magnetic value azimuth A. Then remove the brake and rotate the compass body until the northern edge of the arrow coincides with the zero mark of the scale. The line of sight will determine the desired direction. For further movement, mark a clearly visible free-standing landmark along the line of sight.

Everyone at least once in their life has had to walk in the forest and think about what to do if they get lost. You can navigate the terrain in different ways, there are many ways, the most common are a compass and clearly visible objects in the surrounding area.


Azimuth- this is the angle that is formed between the direction of any viewed object of the terrain and the direction. Azimuth s are calculated clockwise and their magnitude is from 0 to 360 degrees. To determine the magnetic azimuth of an object, take a compass and face the indicated object.

Now place a match on the glass lid of the compass so that one end of it is through the center of the compass, and the other is directed at the selected area object. Look through the glass at the bottom of the compass and read the number that is located under the outer end of the match. This figure shows the value.

Azimuth can also be determined by . To do this, place a compass on the side edge of the map, turn the card so that its side edge coincides with the direction of the magnetic compass needle to the north. The top edge of the map should be above the letter C. Then find the point from which the movement will begin, connect it with a straight line to the object to which you need to arrive. Then move the compass so that its center is at the starting point. The line on the map will be located opposite a certain number on, which will show the azimuth value.

Azimuth, calculated from the standing point on the terrain, is called direct magnetic azimuth. To find the way back, they often use the concept of reverse azimuth, which is 180 degrees different from the direct one. To determine the reverse azimuth, you need to add 180 degrees to the direct azimuth if it is less than 180 degrees; or subtract if it is greater than 180 degrees.


  • Azimuths and movement along azimuths

Magnetic azimuths measured from the direction of the magnetic meridian, which is indicated by the direction of the magnetic compass needle. A conditional azimuth is called when a conditional meridian is taken to calculate it.


If you know the declination angle for a certain point at a certain epoch, you can determine with a certain accuracy the true magnetic azimuth and, conversely, the true magnetic azimuth. All meridians converge at the same point - . The angle between two is the name of the angle of approach of the meridians. If you intersect several meridians with a straight line, at the points of their intersection azimuths, differing from each other by this very angle of convergence of the meridians. Its magnitude of two points of one straight line will depend on its length, direction, as well as the latitude of the place. The azimuth, which is measured at the starting point of the line, is called direct. The reverse azimuth (a2) is equal to the forward azimuth (a1) plus or minus 180 degrees, as well as plus the angle of approach of the meridians (t). It turns out: a2=a1±180°+t.

For a line of 15 km in mid-latitudes, the angle of convergence of the meridians is approximately 10’ in everyday practice; as a rule, such a small angle is neglected, considering that the direct and reverse azimuths differ from each other by 180o (a2=a1±180o). This is accepted at a lower level in cases with small surfaces.

For large distances, as well as high-precision measurements, calculations are made according to all the rules of higher geodesy, taking into account the angle of approach of the meridians and the spherical kurtosis, expressed in centimeters. The formula in such cases is as follows: a2=a1±180°+t-e, ​​where t is the approach angle, which is calculated using special formulas, e is the spherical kurtosis, which is also calculated using a special formula.

Video on the topic

The word "azimuth" comes from the Arabic "as-sumut", which means "path", "direction". The most commonly used phrases with the word azimuth are the azimuth of a celestial body and the azimuth of an earthly object. Azimuth is the angle between the meridian passing through the observer’s location and the direction to a specific object. In practice, this is the angle between the local object, measured north clockwise in degrees, and the direction north.

    You need to first understand what azimuth is. Read the definition below:

    As you can see, it is very easy to find the azimuth on the map. Determine the north direction, and then measure a clockwise angle from North to the object, as shown in the figure:

    First you need to learn how to use the map. We were taught at school that the top edge of the map is north, the bottom edge is south, east is on the right, and west is on the left. And at the same time they taught how to navigate the terrain: you need to stand facing the sunrise, then the south will be on the right, and the north on the left. Well, from the back - west. But if we need to determine the azimuth from the map, that is, the angle between the point we need and the meridian on which we are located, then we need a compass or protractor. We install the compass at the point of our stay, its arrow points to the north, and determine the angle by degrees on the reel. Or draw a line between the points: your location is the object - the nearest meridian. The protractor must be applied to this meridian and the angle determined by degrees.

    In order to move around the area using a compass, you will need to determine the azimuth from the map. This is important both for ships and aircraft that make long voyages and flights, and for travelers on foot who need to find their way in conditions of poor visibility, for example at night, when it is impossible to move along a landmark.

    In order to determine the azimuth, you need to take

    • travel map
    • compass
    • protractor
    • pencil
    • ruler

    Azimuth is the angle between the meridian of your location and the direction to the object. It is defined in degrees from zero to three hundred and sixty and is counted in a clockwise direction.

    In order to determine the azimuth, namely the direction to the object and, probably, the direction of your movement, you need to know your current location. Mark it on your map, based on the data indicated on the map.

    Now you need to find a landmark in the direction in which you need to move. Typically, straight-line movement in azimuth is only possible by air, as well as on the open sea. But on land this is only possible in the desert or open steppe. Therefore, mainly movement on land occurs along a broken line, while skirting natural obstacles. For this reason, the azimuth along the route will need to be periodically adjusted.

    To determine the azimuth, take a protractor, preferably a transparent one, as well as a pencil and ruler. The ruler must be placed on the map so that the point where you are and the landmark are on the same line along the ruler, and then draw a line with a pencil until it intersects with the next meridian. Now you should attach the protractor with its base to the meridian line. Now bring the central line to its intersection with the line you have already drawn in the direction of the desired landmark. On the arc of the protractor, in the same place where it intersects with the same line, take readings (in degrees). This is the desired azimuth.

    If you don't have a protractor, you can also use a compass, using its graduated card.

    But that's not all yet. For example, as a result of calculating your direction to an object (azimuth), you received 30 degrees. This is the true azimuth, which is usually different from the magnetic one. Therefore, if you point your compass at 30 degrees, you will be heading in the wrong direction. Therefore, you need to find on the map the note closest to your location with the value of magnetic declination, which is expressed in degrees and can be either negative or positive. Now enter the correction and move boldly, now guided by the compass.

    Attach a compass to the map, where there is a north and south arrow, and see what azimuth points to the object you want to know!

    We are required to:

    • compass;
    • map;
    • understanding where we need to go (direction of movement);
    • memory to remember the following information.

    We take our compass and put it on the map. We turn the compass so that in the end the arrow lies along the line Serer - South. By the way, the magnetic meridian runs along this line. Now the last step: we determine the angle between the line of the magnetic meridian and the direction of our movement (we count from the north, and always clockwise!).

    It’s easy to determine the azimuth on a map, but it’s much more difficult to follow it in reality! There’s even a saying: I’m walking along the Azimuth, i.e. on a bad road next to a good one.

    Azimuth they call the angle between the direction to a point and the direction to another point, an object from the observer’s position.

    Azimuth can be magnetic or geographic.

    The easiest way to determine azimuth is by compass, the second way is to use protractor and map.

    Place the compass at the point where you are now and look at the direction in degrees to the object where you want to go. For a more accurate determination, it is better to use a tourist compass (transparent) with a ruler to determine distances. You can draw a line on the map with a pencil from your point of location to the point where you want to go - then the azimuth will be more accurate. On some maps there is an arrow to orient the map in the north-south direction. If the arrow is not marked, then the top edge of the map is always north, the bottom edge is south.

    Once upon a time I knew how to use a compass, and I even had one, you know, the one with a watch strap and placed on the wrist, and it also had a phosphorus needle. A very wonderful thing, but to determine the azimuth you definitely need a transparent compass with a bulb (preferably a Board - that is, it is rectangular in shape like a Board).

    We will also need a topographic map, and it is better if it is on a large scale. This makes it easier for subsequent work and gaining the skill to use and apply, since it will be somewhat more difficult to understand on a world map.

    Now, having stopped on the ground and laid out the map on a flat surface, we apply the compass to the map. To do this, we draw a line from the point where we are currently located to the point to which we plan to move and where we want to be after some time. Now that we have drawn the line, we can do it with a pencil, or we can do it mentally, but now we apply the compass with a ruler. Any compass designed to determine azimuth has a ruler with a red stripe, and we combine this stripe with the line of movement. Now we fix the positions of the compass with our fingers, holding it securely in one position, pressing a little. Next, we must now orient the compass bulb in relation to the north and south of the map. For this purpose, lines are drawn on the map. These lines go from the bottom of the map, from the south, to the top of the map, to the north. Considering that the compass bulb is transparent, and there are also lines and degrees on the bulb, we turn the bulb and combine the north poles of the map and the compass bulb (combining the lines).

    Now that the compass is oriented along the course of movement, as well as along the poles of the map, you need to align yourself, along with the map and compass, relative to the poles. That is, turning in space, we make sure that the magnetic needle of the compass becomes its tip to the north.

    And now we can determine the azimuth, which is measured along the clock line from the red mark on the compass. In other words, the azimuth corresponds to the degree division of the card around the horizon, which is three hundred and sixty degrees. And now it’s enough for us to look carefully at the numbers, and the one that will be, as it were, in the center of the forward direction, will be the desired azimuth value in our given position, achieved as a result of correct orientation in space and on the ground. In one of the video examples attached, this figure is around two hundred and twenty-nine.

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