How to wish bon appetit funny. Three ways to wish bon appetit in English, taking all precautions

After reading these rules, you will be able to compare your manners with the Duchess of Cambridge herself... And you certainly won’t lose face under the gaze of your new gentleman. So:

- Is it necessary to wish Bon appetit?

It is not customary to wish a bon appetit, just as it is not customary to say “Be healthy,” because polite person and will not notice at all that someone has sneezed. As for “bon appetit,” with the ban in the Soviet Union on praying before meals, this expression replaced the “Our Father.” And it does not carry any semantic load.

- What do we do with cloth and paper napkins?

Sitting down at the table, we lay out a cloth napkin on our knees. We also use it if we need to blot our lips. But we didn’t touch paper napkins the entire meal. They will only be needed if something spills on the table.

- How should you eat soup, salad?

Everything is clear with soup! We eat it with a spoon, but there is important nuance. No matter how tasty the soup is, you cannot finish it completely... The reason is the sound of the spoon hitting the plates! It's more difficult with salad. For example, you cannot cut lettuce leaves, but only crush them with a piece of bread, pricking them on a fork. But in order to taste the well-known Olivier salad according to all the rules, you will have to train more than one New Year! Use a fork as a spatula in this case wrong. We must prick green peas, cubes of sausage and potatoes onto a fork.

- How to stir tea?

We certainly don’t rack our brains over this question: the hand automatically moves the spoon clockwise, which, by the way, is incorrect. We must move the spoon “back and forth”, like a pendulum. This will help prevent sounds from the cup and spoon touching. Besides, we don't drink tea with lemon floating for sure lifebuoy, and remove the citrus with a spoon onto the edge of the saucer. If you don't have tongs, take the lump sugar with your fingertips.

- What to do if a bone gets into your mouth?

Everything is simple here. There is no need to try to spit the bone onto the fork or, worse, try to get it out of your mouth with the same fork. According to the rules of etiquette, we remove the bone from the lips with our fingertips and leave it on the edge of the dish.

- Where to leave the cutlery when changing dishes?

In a plate. If we have already finished lunch, we leave the cutlery diagonally: if compared with the arrow, then the fork and knife should point to five o’clock. And we place the napkin to the right of the plate.

If a fork or knife falls on the floor...

We don’t raise it, but immediately call the waiter.

- How to call the waiter?

The easiest way is to meet the waiter's eyes. For an experienced restaurant worker, this will be enough to approach the table. In other cases, you can simply make a hand gesture.

- How to ask: “Where is the toilet?”

Everything is simple here. You don’t even need to come up with clever names like “Ladies’ Room.” Just ask: “Where can I wash my hands?”

- What about the dress?

And finally, about ours, about girls’ clothes – about dresses. It’s curious, but a girl can wear a long dress to a restaurant only when accompanied by a man. In all other cases, it is better to limit yourself to cocktails.

A smile will make you feel good! - song

To a man: I congratulate you, just like that

Congratulations format

It will not be forgotten.

I want to swallow everything

I'll tell you with gusto.

May it give you energy

This food is delicious.

And will give pleasure

All the cooking is skillful.

Especially for

I want a delicious meal

I wish you now.

With gusto and pleasure

Let me eat the glorious food.

Let it be for future use without fail

Soup, main course and compote.

To say “thank you” in full

Your belly is beautiful.

Especially for

I wish you to enjoy

There will be all the food today

In favor, just let them go

Let them sound at the table

Especially for

I wish you a pleasant

The door to the world of tastes and aromas

Let it be open.

I wish you enjoy it

This delicious food.

Let the body be yours

Especially for

Have a delicious meal today

May you have extra kilograms

There will be no more food.

Let them be filled with vitamins,

Let them only be useful

Especially for

Preparing for a hearty meal,

Forget about important things

I couldn’t overcome the strong hunger,

What a bad rumor.

Arrange a holiday for the stomach,

For the esophagus - a whole paradise!

Find just one minute

And eat your food proudly!

Now the troubles are forgotten,

Savor the food with care!

I wish you an appetite

As pleasant as a kiss!

Prepare dinner yourself

I wish you an appetite,

The house will be a full cup!

That even Aphrodite

I ended up at the table!

So that desires fly away

Fulfilling on high,

What would a goldfish

Helped you and me!

For a gourmet appetite -

It's not a simple matter!

Doesn't speak while eating

Can't eat while standing.

The dish should look like

Wonderful as always.

The cook must create

The fairy tale is clear to all of us!

Sometimes we love to eat

Although not gourmets!

Eat with gusto, hero.

I wish you bon appetit!

May the pleasure always last!

I guess I'll stop there,

You should never chat with food!

Let delicious dishes remain a feeling,

Which pleases all the sensations again,

Let all beauty remain art,

What develops both taste and love in us!

If you want to eat, eat!

Don't listen to the words of envious people,

Never: today, henceforth

Don't be afraid to get fat!

Thin people

They are very evil by nature!

Be kind and smile

Try to eat with appetite!

Be cheerful, be healthy!

Eat chicken and pilaf!

Pineapples, pea soup,

Eat with a fork, eat with a spoon!

Or a small Sabantuy:

So nice tea time!

Savor the tea with care!

Feel it with all your soul.

Tea with candy, without a doubt -

The holiday is bright and big!

Never avoid.

A sea of ​​immense happiness

And be delighted!

Everything is already covered.

Eat, take your time,

Everything is incredibly delicious.

Everything will be to your liking.

It's time to satisfy the hunger

So it is necessary as always

Sit down at the laid table,

Very tasty to eat.

Bon appetit everyone.

Be happy and full.

Where there is delicious food,

No diet ever!

Eat often, eat sweetly,

Eat and enjoy your food!

Eat everything and without a trace -

With appetite and everywhere!

So that food gives strength

And beautiful appearance

It is necessary that he be there often -

The table is set and everything is poured,

Bon appetit everyone!

And relax calmly.

Enjoy your meal

And ask for more.

Our delicious food

Always joyfully awaits you!

We have gathered at this table full of dishes, And now we will talk about what we dedicated this day to, Who we scolded, or loved, But the main thing we need to start with is to wish everyone a good appetite.

Recipe site. We cook delicious food ourselves.

Pork knuckle “Magnificent” The juicy ruddy knuckle, spreading a delicious aroma around, has not left any meat-eater indifferent, and even those who are not very fond of meat in principle will not be able to resist trying a piece. Easy to prepare, but incredibly tasty meat on the bone is prepared in many countries and, accordingly, in different ways. It is boiled in water or beer, baked, boiled first, […]

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MUSHROOM BALLS Take 1 package of ready-made puff pastry - 5 potatoes average size– 2 onions – 200 g of dried mushrooms – 100 g of cheese – 1 bunch of parsley – 2 eggs – pepper to taste Preparation: 1. Soak the mushrooms, boil, squeeze. 2. Boiled potatoes in their jackets, peel and cut into cubes. 3. Fry mushrooms with onions. 4. Grate the cheese on a coarse […]

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Compliance with the rules of etiquette, demonstration good manners, the ability to be tactful and polite. To meet all these simple requirements, you must have skills and a fair amount of knowledge. To modern man You need to know how to behave in a variety of circumstances: at and in communication with colleagues and superiors, in museums and exhibitions, as well as in a restaurant or at a dinner party.
Meanwhile, most of us daily violate one of the elementary norms of etiquette - we wish our family, friends or colleagues bon appetit. The French, recognized experts in the field of good manners, will never say to a guest at the table “ bon appetit" To say this phrase means to wish a person good digestion. It is much more appropriate and delicate to say: “Help yourself,” “Please enjoy your food.”

French etiquette dictates certain norms of behavior at the table and establishes prohibitions, establishing a range of topics that can or cannot be discussed during a meal. Etiquette considers wishing bon appetit a mistake.

Don't wish me bon appetit

Violation of a prohibition that seems strange for a Russian person: according to the rules of etiquette, wishing a pleasant appetite to those who are present at lunch or dinner indicates ignorance of the rules of good manners or an unwillingness to observe them.

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people do not know that at the beginning of a meal one should not wish other people a bon appetite, and they are sure that this phrase is a sign of politeness and respect. Therefore, such an etiquette taboo causes bewilderment among many and the question of why it is impossible to say the usual “Bon appetit!” before eating.

The explanation for the ban is simple. A meeting at the table is an opportunity to communicate, exchange opinions, and build mutual understanding. Food is just an addition. A person tries various dishes and drinks. But the very fact that he joined the meal means his desire to communicate, and not to satisfy his hunger. That is why, according to the rules of good manners, wishing you a bon appetit is considered tactless.

Only the chef at the restaurant can wish those gathered for lunch or dinner a bon appetit, who enters the hall and invites guests to enjoy his culinary masterpieces.

Other prohibitions

In addition to the ban on wishing bon appetit, there are many other misconceptions and rules. Here are some useful cheat sheets:

  • It is unacceptable to shake hands while sitting if someone has approached with the intention of making an acquaintance. man or woman, be sure to stand up.
  • According to etiquette standards, a man should not deprive the ladies sitting to his left and right of his attention. He should be equally attentive to all women sitting at the same table with him.
  • Only service staff can ask for forgiveness, but not guests and hosts. If there is a need to leave early, you should apologize.
  • You cannot put your hands on your knees, they must be placed on the table..
  • When finishing soup, do not tilt the plate to scoop out the broth.
  • According to the rules of etiquette it is not necessary

Compliance with the rules of decency has never led to anything bad (it seems), so before eating - no matter breakfast, lunch or a snack at night - we always wish those around us a pleasant appetite.

And also wishing bon appetit is not just etiquette or a tribute to politeness. When you sit at the same table with someone, you probably care about this person. This could be a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a boss or a colleague. Even if you find a company nearby stranger- if you want to wish him a pleasant meal, then he likes you. How to say "bon appetit" in English?

If you would like to say something kind, for example, during dinner or before it, but do not know a single suitable phrase, it will be a shame to remain silent instead of lifting the mood of yourself and your dining companion. Below is a list of established phrases that are usually used to express themselves.

Nobody canceled sign language

If you are in the company of someone who does not speak your language and only understands English, then you have no verbal common ground. How to wish bon appetit in English if you still haven’t remembered a single phrase or are not sure that you remembered it correctly? Just don't get confused and don't forget that, apart from the literal form of words, all people think the same. And feel free to resort to universal language facial expressions and gestures. A simple smile, even if it does not convey your message verbatim, will clearly soften the situation. Why, exactly, do we desire appetite? In order for a person to eat his plate with pleasure, and not in order to exchange critical important information. Thus, if a smile causes a good mood, then effective digestion is ensured.

How to say bon appetit in English

Option one

Bon appetit". It sounds very elegant and familiar. An association immediately arises with the kitchen, through which not only the fragrance of spices and hot steam is wafting, but also the tempting and languid sounds of sizzling butter, and the clatter of knives, and the rustle of lettuce leaves, and the clink of a dessert spoon on the wall of a vase for ice cream.

Option two

‘Enjoy your meal‘. Literally translated as “enjoy your dish.”

Option three

‘Have a nice meal’. This option is similar to the second, but sounds a little more formal.

Now you know what words you can use at the table. But just wishing you bon appetit in English is not everything. The main thing is not what we say, but the intonation with which we say it. If these phrases are spoken with indifference, they will have no effect. You need to understand that this is not just some gobbledegook unknown language, but real living words.

Be careful

By the way, wishing bon appetit in English has a chance of not only going unnoticed, but even causing the opposite reaction. Just like in Russian, in certain situations polite expressions do not mean politeness or goodwill at all. You've probably heard a person who was denied something he was counting on react with a crushing or sarcastic, "Thank you." Or how people say goodbye to each other after a quarrel, saying “All the best.” More and more often used in in a negative sense the word “Good luck” - that is, not exactly in a negative way, but definitely not in a friendly or encouraging way. So is the phrase ‘Enjoy your meal‘ can easily, if presented incorrectly, sound harsh and cause misunderstanding. It’s as if the person to whom you wanted to wish bon appetit has just annoyed you with something, and you say: “You ruined my whole mood. But I see that things are going great for you, and you haven’t lost your appetite, so go ahead and enjoy.” So be careful.


You can not only wish bon appetit in English, but also accept wishes. If someone suddenly got ahead of you and did it first, after 'Bon appetit' You can thank and repeat: ‘Thanks, bon appetit". In response to ‘Enjoy your meal' And ‘Have a nice meal’ Tell: ‘Thanks, you too’, which means: “Thank you, and the same to you.”

I'll give you a delicious meal
I want to wish now.
Enjoy this dish -
I'll whisper in your ear.

The appetite will be excellent
Let you have it now
Don't waste a minute
Come on, gobble it up quickly!

Put things aside
It's time for the meal.
Come on, hurry up and sit down at the table,
May your appetite be pleasant.
Enjoy wonderful food
Gain energy and strength.

I wish you bon appetit! May your favorite food bring you incredible pleasure. And the time will pass in peace and in good spirits. Wonderful dishes, enticing aromas and great pleasure!


Eat, eat, don't be shy,
Bite off whatever you want,
Enjoy the bright taste
And ask for more!

May your appetite be pleasant
And the dish is tasty and aromatic.
And delicious food
It will be easy to eat.
Let the meal fill you with strength,
And replenish with vitamins,
Dessert was sweet, dinner was salty,
The table is full of variety,
And a lot of dishes are set on the table.
Bon appetit.

Let him fly today
There's a huge appetite for you,
Let your mouth water sweetly
Seeing the most delicious dishes!

I wish every moment
Catching pleasure from food,
May it always be delicious
There's food on your table!

The day rushes by in continuous worries,
Increased appetite
And it's time to sit down,
Happy to eat
May you enjoy your appetite
Will visit you right away
Be strong and take heart,
And then create, dare!

Bon appetit,
Let the meal give you strength,
I wish the dish
You have been thoroughly strengthened.

I want to enjoy the taste
You need to gain your calorie quota,
Don't think about your problems
And chew very carefully.

Bon appetit!
After all, everything is ready and the table is set,
And the scents fly in the air
And they seduce us so deliciously!

All dishes are prepared skillfully,
Let everything be beautiful and delicious!
I invite everyone to sit down at the table
And enjoy a wonderful meal!

Now the break has come
Our appetite has worked up.
Enjoy, don't rush,
Eat slowly, be silent.

Happy man and cheerful
If you have a great appetite.
And he is healthy and successful,
And he will light up with a smile!

It's time to have a good appetite
You're on your way to eating!
Everything that is poured is poured
You need to eat with confidence!

There is no more beautiful aroma
The treats are all for you!
You just need to eat well,
So that there is always a reserve of strength!

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