Safety rules with strangers. Rules of conduct with strangers for children

An expert on the “I Am a Parent” portal, child safety specialist Mikhail Rulev, gives practical advice on how to develop children’s skills for safe communication with strangers.

By interacting with children and asking them leading questions, adults can learn which situations when interacting with strangers they consider potentially dangerous and which they do not. Let’s assume that a conversation with a woman may seem safe to your child if it takes place at school or kindergarten. The child considers her a teacher or educator, since all employees educational institution he doesn’t know, but the “teacher” has the appropriate appearance.

Rules for safe behavior with strangers for children

Give to parents following tips on developing safe behavior in children when communicating with strangers:

  1. Try to convey to your child the idea that he is not obligated to help strangers, even if the situation or public morality demands it. Your child can help a stranger by telling his parents or a friend about his problem, or by recommending that he seek help from an adult.
  2. When teaching children the rules of behavior with strangers, it is advisable for parents to focus the child’s attention not on what he should not say to strangers (for example, details of family life), but on what he should say in order to avoid troubles and dangerous situations.
  3. Work with your child on his actions when meeting a stranger in different situations. Remember, these actions should be aimed at stopping any communication with strangers. To do this, the child should, without entering into an unwanted dialogue, leave the place of conversation as quickly as possible. After he is safe, it is advisable for him to tell his parents or familiar adults about what happened to him. Otherwise, it may be at risk.

When meeting a suspicious stranger on the street, the child’s action algorithm may be as follows:

First step: assess the situation

Children should understand that every stranger standing in front of them is a potentially dangerous person. It doesn’t matter who it is - a girl, a boy, a grandfather or an elderly woman - if the child does not know him (or his parents do not know him), then in front of him stranger and, therefore, it should be treated accordingly. Read about child safety, in which an expert from the “I am a Parent” portal explains to parents who their child can be considered “their own” and who can be considered a “stranger.”

Step two: move to a safe distance

Teach your child to keep a safe distance from strangers. To do this, measure a distance of two meters on the floor at home and ask your child to remember it. If a suspicious subject approaches you, you need to quickly leave or run away from him in a safe direction.

Step Three: Stop Communication

Among the attackers there are many excellent psychologists who can easily “chat” an adult, not to mention a child. In this case, children can stop a conversation with a dubious interlocutor with the words “Sorry, I need to ask my parents’ permission,” “Sorry, I can’t help you with this, ask an adult,” and so on. While the stranger is trying to analyze the situation and make a decision (psychologists believe that this takes a person from two to five seconds), the child has time to leave dangerous place or call an adult for help.

Step Four: Get to a Safe Place

Without allowing the stranger to finish, the child can approach the familiar parents of other children who are in the yard, or go home, keeping the stranger in sight. And once you are completely safe, contact your parents and inform them about the incident, verbatim retelling the conversation with a stranger.

You can learn how to instill in your child the skills of safe behavior outside the home by watching a video lesson with the participation of child psychologist on the portal “I am a parent”.

Child and stranger: options for stopping the conversation

Let's consider possible options communicating with a stranger using specific examples.

  1. While playing in the yard, a child the same age comes up to him and says: “A new sports town was built not far from here. Let's go have a look." Answer: “I need to ask my parents permission first.” The stranger continues: “I thought that you were already big enough, but it turns out your mother doesn’t allow you. Are you weak?" Answer: “I’m not weak. I’ll go home and warn my parents that I’m going to the sports camp.” After this, the child quickly moves away safe distance and goes home, checking if the stranger is following him. After his story, parents should go down to the yard and check the information received from him.
  2. A car stops next to the child on the street, and an unfamiliar female driver, smiling, asks: “Please get into the car and show the way to July Street, otherwise I’m very late.” Answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Your child quickly moves away from the car to a safe distance, and then walks away in the opposite direction of the car, checking to see if the woman is following him. And once in safe place(at home or in the yard), tells parents, teachers or other familiar adults about this incident.
  3. While walking in the yard, the grandmother approaches the child and asks: “Please help me lift the groceries to my apartment in the neighboring building on the third floor.” Correct answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you. Seek help from adults." Once safe, the child, as in other cases, promptly contacts his parents and tells them about the incident, verbatim retelling the conversation with the stranger.

Mikhail Rulev,
candidate of pedagogical sciences,
child safety specialist,
author of the course “Child’s Personal Safety” for children 7-11 years old

General changes in our public life caused the need to include new content in the basic life safety program for preschoolers (for example, the section “Child and other people”). We have a responsibility to consider our environment as it is. Today's children need to be taught special skills so that they can avoid a wide variety of dangers. We must teach children to assess the environment, determine potential danger or suspicious situation and respond appropriately to it.

Using fairy tales in teaching safe behavior in children

with strangers.

The child must understand what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people. We must tell children about the dangers of contact with unfamiliar (human) adults. Most children believe that people with an unpleasant appearance, “bearded men” or unpleasantly dressed people are dangerous. And young, well-dressed, attractive women, girls or boys cannot cause harm in the same way as any person with an open, friendly smile. Fairy tales will help us here. The monster in " Scarlet flower"turned out to be a kind enchanted prince. Cinderella was dressed in rags, stained with soot and ash, but she was kind.

A good confirmation of the discrepancy between pleasant appearance and good intentions is “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin, in which evil stepmother pretended to be a kind old woman and gave the princess a poisoned apple. And the princess violated the safety rule: you cannot take treats from strangers. Children need to remember that they must ask their parents or caregivers for permission before accepting candy or a gift from someone.

Another typically dangerous situation of contact with strangers: an adult persuades a child to go somewhere with him, promising to give or show him something interesting. It is necessary to teach children to say no to people who want to take them somewhere without parental permission. A typical example of what can happen if you believe the gentle voice, the attractive promises of a stranger is the Russian folk tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.” In a gentle voice, the fox invited the cockerel to look out the window, promising to give him some peas, invited him to peck the peas that had nowhere to put them, and to pick up the millet scattered on the road. All this lulled the rooster's vigilance. Three times he looked out the window and three times he was grabbed by a fox who wanted to try cock meat.

In a situation of violent behavior on the part of an adult (if they grab you by the arm, pick you up, drag you into a car), children should know that they need to scream loudly, calling for help and attracting the attention of others.

Every time the fox grabbed the cockerel, he shouted: “The fox is carrying me by the dark forests, for high mountains! Brother cat, help me out!”

Now let’s remember the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” Why did the witch manage to drown Alyonushka? Yes, because she and a complete stranger, who affectionately called her to swim, went to the river, violating the safety rule: you can’t go anywhere with strangers.

Children must understand that danger lurks not only on the street, but also at home. It is necessary to explain to children that they should not open the door to strangers, even if the stranger has a gentle voice or introduces himself as a friend of his parents, knows their name, and allegedly acts on their behalf. An example of what can come of this is the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

And in the fairy tale by Charles Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” you can see several violations of safety rules at once. Firstly, Little Red Riding Hood stopped in the forest and began to talk to the wolf (she did not yet know how dangerous it was), secondly, she told him where her grandmother lived (“Over there in that village behind the mill, in the first house on the edge "), and thirdly, seeing that her grandmother did not look the same as usual, she lay down next to her instead of calling one of the adults for help.

There is a safety rule: parents should always know where their children are, and children should not go anywhere without parental permission. . In the Russian folk tale of the same name, Kolobok went for a walk without asking and paid for it by meeting sly fox, who with flattering speeches lured the bun to sit on her nose. The girl in the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”, contrary to her mother’s orders, left her little brother alone near the house, and she went for a walk. It ended with her brother being carried away by geese and swans, and she had to search for him for a long time and put in a lot of effort to bring him back.
A Russian girl went alone into the forest. folk tale"Three Bears" and got lost. The safety rule says: to avoid getting lost, do not go into the forest alone. And if you go into the forest, remember: in the forest you have to stick together. Masha from the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear” and Snegurushka from the Russian folk tale “Snow Maiden and the Fox” were inattentive in the forest: tree after tree, bush after bush, and they lost their friends.

We can talk about fairy tales for a long time. Many troubles in fairy tales might not have happened if the heroes had known basic rules security. But it’s not without reason that they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows.”

Therefore, teachers and parents need to use fairy tales more often in their work on teaching children the skills of safe behavior with strangers.

Conversations, acting out situations on the topic

“Safe behavior on the street or how to avoid becoming a victim of violence”

One of the mistakes of upbringing is unconditional submission to an adult. We often tell children: “You don’t talk to adults like that!”, “If an adult told you, then you have to listen to him.” But at the same time, it is necessary to cultivate in the child distrust of strangers and unfamiliar people.

On the street, children may find themselves in an unexpected situation, and how they react to it will depend on their health, mental and physical condition.

Knowing the rules of behavior on the street will help to find a way out of the created predicament, and only we, adults, parents, can teach this to children.

Tell and discuss each with your children possible situation violent acts of a stranger adult:

An unfamiliar adult persuades the child to go somewhere with him, promising to show him something interesting, offering a toy, introducing himself as an acquaintance of the parents, and acts at their request (mom asked to bring you to her, come with me to mom, I’ll take you to her) ;

An unfamiliar adult opens the car door and invites you to ride with him;

An unfamiliar adult treats a child with candy and ice cream.

Ask your child, if such a situation happens, what would you do:

You'll run away right away;

Invite a friend with you to see what the stranger wants to show;

You'll go watch alone;

During the discussion, explain that there is no need to talk with a stranger on the street if the child is alone or in the company of peers, but without adults.

It is dangerous to trust a stranger if he persuades you to go somewhere (to the cinema, a carousel park), promises to show him or give him an interesting toy, treat him with ice cream, do not trust him even if the stranger introduces himself as someone familiar to his parents, says that he will take him to his mother (father, grandmother), who is waiting for him.

Teach your children the rules of behavior in a dangerous situation:

Do not talk to a stranger, do not answer his questions;

Do not agree to go anywhere with strangers, no matter how much they persuade you or what they offer;

Do not get into a stranger's car, under any pretext;

Don't walk alone in deserted places;

Don’t trust a stranger if he says that he knows your parents (they work together, your mother asked you to take you home), or offers to buy or give you something;

Don't walk after dark;

If someone you don’t know drags you by the hand or wants to put you in a car, scream, resist, call for help: “Help, a stranger is pestering me!” Help!

Developing safe behavior skills in a child often causes big problems many parents. Trying to develop reasonable caution in young children when communicating with strangers, adults inevitably face the question: “What behavior of a stranger is acceptable or, otherwise, worthy”?

Some parents, not wanting to teach their children to be “scared of strangers,” try to delay the start of their education. Therefore, they do not limit their three- or four-year-old children's interactions with adults who are safe from a parent's point of view.

A child, say, has a nice conversation with a pretty elderly woman. She will also treat him to sweets. Why interrupt the conversation? Let the child explore the world in the presence of his parents!

It would seem that there was nothing dangerous in this situation: after all, everything was under control.
The fact of the matter is that in this particular case the child felt completely safe and could form the following logical chain: “I’m communicating with an unfamiliar aunt who looks friendly and welcoming, and nothing bad happens.”

The calm behavior of his parents only strengthens him in the idea that communication with pleasant-looking adults is not dangerous.

The fact that it was his parents who ensured his safety may, unfortunately, be missed by a small child. Therefore, the next time a young woman in a beautiful dress or a man in a formal suit approaches a child smiling, the danger signal in the child’s head will not sound and communication will take place. If these strangers turn out to be experienced attackers, the consequences can be very sad - the child can go “for a walk with a new friend.”

Therefore, it is necessary to explain to parents that it is extremely important to instill in the child the idea that strangers should not have long conversations with the child. They also have no right to touch children. The maximum that is allowed is a smile, a brief greeting, an encouraging gesture.

Anything beyond this brief communication, should make the child wary.

Paula Statman, an authoritative expert on child safety, believes that children must learn to expect decent behavior from strangers. Then, if for some reason the moment comes when a stranger behaves inappropriately, the child’s “internal signal” will go off and he will most likely react in a self-defense manner. The child may loudly call his parents or other adults caring for him. There is no question of going somewhere with strangers at all.

How to teach a child to recognize adequate and inappropriate behavior?
Only in the process of activities to develop these skills. For example, a smiling man walks past a mother and child.

The following dialogue is possible:

Man: - Hello, girl!

Girl: - Hello!

Man: - What's your name?

The man reaches out his hand to pat the baby on the head.

Girl. - Julia!

Mother. - Excuse me, please, we need to go.

The mother, not allowing her to touch the child, is about to leave.

Girl: - But I want to talk to a kind uncle!

Mom: - We're leaving right now.

Man: - Don’t worry so much! I myself have two daughters like this.
Baby, do you want to meet them?

Girl: - Of course I want to!

Mom: - Sorry, but we are teaching our daughter correct behavior with strangers.
And now we're leaving.

Mom firmly takes the girl by the hand and leads her away from the friendly man.

Let's look at this situation.

  1. The man's first phrase was completely neutral. A brief greeting is part of the permitted actions, so the mother was calm about her daughter saying hello to a stranger.
  2. Already the man’s second phrase made my mother wary. Firstly, the interlocutor wanted to know the girl’s name. Secondly, and most importantly, he tried to do this bypassing his mother.
    You could ask the woman: “Please tell me what is the name of your charming daughter?” In this case, it is not at all necessary to say the name, but the question shows that the man respects the interlocutor and leaves the right to decide whether to say the girl’s name to her.
  3. The girl, having forgotten the rules of safe communication, immediately says her name, which is undesirable, since mother and daughter do not know this person. If this is an intruder, he can come at the moment when the girl is playing in the yard with her friends and call her by name, remaining out of sight of the parents supervising the walk. A child, seeing him and deciding that his uncle is already one of his acquaintances, can run up to him and start a conversation, the consequences of which will depend on the vigilance of the adults on the playground.
  4. The mother immediately tries to take her daughter away to discuss safety rules with her in private. She does not allow the man to touch the child, despite the fact that the girl is not at all afraid of this seemingly friendly touch. If you allow the child to touch now, the baby’s head may form the statement that “good uncles and aunts can touch me.” IN further child won't tell parents about similar cases, because he will not see anything forbidden in this.
  5. The girl is trying to argue the need to stop the conversation. The man supports her, citing the fact that he also has daughters of the same age. The woman politely and decisively continues to follow her line of behavior and takes the child away.

In the subsequent conversation, the mother will most likely patiently and kindly explain to her daughter the rules of safe behavior. If the conversation goes well, the girl will reproach herself for immediately saying her name.

What is the result?

  1. The girl received from her mother an example of polite, but consistent and safe behavior with strangers and once again learned that you can say hello, but you cannot tell anything about yourself. She also learned once again not to let strangers touch her.
  2. The little girl was convinced in practice that violating the safety rules established in the family is not allowed under any circumstances.
  3. Mom showed her daughter in practice that she could always count on her mother’s protection and support. To do this, the young woman had to endure some discomfort and refuse to communicate with an outwardly quite decent stranger.
  4. The man will later approach the mother, apologize for his persistent behavior, introduce himself and offer to introduce their daughters. The woman, making sure that the person in front of her is truly worthy, will allow her daughter to meet others her age, and after some time will even allow her to go out with her friends under the supervision of their vigilant dad.

A child who has clear guidelines regarding what is called “decent behavior of a stranger” will be able to distinguish unhealthy attention from manifestations of friendliness. Trained by parents, he will be able to exercise maximum caution in the first case and not be needlessly afraid in the second.

Don’t waste time with your children, work with them!

Most young children are trusting and easily make contact with strangers. There are often cases when attackers simply take future victims away from playgrounds. The task of parents is to protect the child from dangerous strangers. And for this it is necessary to teach him to react correctly to attention from them.

You can tell your child about the risks associated with strangers at any age. But he will be able to understand you and adequately apply the acquired knowledge in practice in about three years. At this age, the child is already capable of reasoning, but is still very naive and trusting. The easiest way is to prohibit any communication with strangers in your absence. You need to explain that when you are nearby, the baby is safe and can talk to whomever he wants. If you are not there, talking, much less leaving, with someone is dangerous.

Under no circumstances should you frighten a child. bad behavior the guy with the bag or Baba Yaga will pick him up. If a stranger really grabs him, he may get scared and not figure out what to do, or he may perceive the kidnapping as a punishment for disobedience, and not even try to free himself.

For children younger age It can be difficult to perceive serious information by ear. So that the baby remembers how to behave correctly, the most dangerous situations can be depicted in game form. To do this, parents can pretend to be kidnappers themselves or play with dolls with their child.

Most children, even relatively adults, at 6-8 years old, naively believe that dangerous strangers can be scary and seem suspicious from the very beginning. Explain that the attacker can be quite cute and even the same age as the baby. Therefore, it is dangerous not only when a child is grabbed and dragged in an unknown direction, but also when:

  • They offer to go for a ride in a car or go buy some candy;
  • They ask you to help catch a lost kitten or show you the right house;
  • They ring the doorbell and ask you to open it on behalf of an electrician, plumber, etc.;
  • They say that the mother was late and asked a colleague or friend to pick up the child from the playground or school.

The child must understand that any communication with strangers is potentially dangerous, so you should always follow the parents’ instructions in such a situation.

Rules for a child's behavior with strangers

Every child who is left even for a minute without the supervision of parents or other adults should know the rules that will help him avoid danger when communicating with strangers:

  • Never go anywhere with strangers. We are talking not only about adults, it can also be children. If new boy on the playground he says that it’s more fun in the neighboring yard and offers to go and have a look, but he must refuse. If an unfamiliar girl says that she is afraid to pass by the dog near the house and asks to be escorted, do not do this.
  • Never open the door to strangers. No matter who they say they are or what they say, you need to call your parents immediately and tell them about it. If there are neighbors at home, you can call them and ask them to sort it out.
  • Don't allow strangers to touch you. If a person approaches or reaches out, it is best to run away immediately.
  • Do not approach other people's cars and especially do not get into them. If a driver or passenger asks for directions, this can be done by pointing in the direction with your hand from afar.

All parents try to raise their children to be kind and sympathetic. But for the sake of his safety, it is necessary to tell the child that he is not obliged to help a stranger, even if public morality requires it. For example, a sweet old lady asks you to help her carry her shopping to the neighboring house. Of course it's good well-mannered child wants to help grandma. But it would be much safer to advise elderly woman ask an adult for help and call your parents, moving away to a safe distance.

The child must clearly remember the algorithm of actions in case a stranger speaks to him:

  • Assessment of the situation. The child should know that any stranger is potentially dangerous. But, if he is in a well-known place and his parents are nearby, and the person makes no attempts to get closer, you don’t have to panic ahead of time.
  • Maintaining distance. Usually a distance of two meters is considered more or less safe. Show your child how much this is by measuring it on the floor with a measuring tape, and explain that if a person approaches, you need to move away or run away from him.
  • Stopping communication. Most attackers are good psychologists; they know how to find an approach to a child and talk him into a conversation, putting him to sleep. Therefore, to any attempts to start a conversation, children should answer “Now I’ll ask my parents” or something similar, move away to a safe distance and/or call adults.
  • Care. If a stranger tries to force communication or take a child away, he must immediately stop talking and leave the dangerous place. But this must be done carefully. If, in order to get home, a child needs to go into an empty entrance, a dark gateway, etc., it is better not to take risks, but to approach familiar adults and tell them about the situation. If there is no one you know nearby, you can ask for help from a police officer, a security guard, or a store clerk, anyone who is not clearly related to the alleged attacker.

The most dangerous thing is if the attacker has already grabbed the child and is dragging him away. Tell us that in this case you must not only try to free yourself by any means, but also call for help. You must definitely shout that this is a stranger and he is kidnapping a child, otherwise others may regard it as a joke or a family scene.

Try to tell your child as clearly as possible about the dangers that await him. This does not mean intimidation, it is necessary to warn and prepare. Remember that your story can save a child's life.

Our world is full of surprises: we live surrounded by constant threats - global and private, real and fictitious, persistent and transient.

There is only one way out: provide children necessary information and teach basic safety skills, i.e., accustom them to a certain way of life in conditions where they will spend more and more time alone at home or outside it, and as in familiar situations, for example, when crossing the roadway, riding a bicycle, roller skating, and in extreme cases - when violence or another crime is committed against them. Teaching children safe behavior is the duty of every teacher, which must be performed constantly.

Teacher Zoya Alexandrovna Rodionova prepared a lesson for students in grades 5-6 as part of Safety Week "Rules of Conduct with Strangers"

Goals: teach children correct, safe behavior; develop in children a sense of caution, courage and resourcefulness when danger arises.

Conversation with children with demonstration of presentation.

- Stranger- this is any person who comes in the absence of parents, grandparents and tries to talk to you (sometimes calling you by name).

What types of crimes can be committed against children? (Violence, beating, robbery, hooliganism, crimes related to drug addiction.) In addition normal people, in society there are people from the criminal world who live at the expense of others, earning money for themselves through crimes.

Is there a risk to your health when communicating with strangers?

Let us formulate the basic rules of behavior with strangers:

1. Never enter into a conversation with a stranger on the street, do not say your name, address, telephone number.

2. Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, do not get into the car, no matter how much he persuades you and no matter what he offers. Never take toys, sweets, chewing gum or other things from strangers.

3. Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.

4. If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to take you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.

5. Be sure to tell your parents, teacher and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.

6. Do not open the door under any circumstances. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a housing department employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.

7. Do not enter the entrance if a stranger is following you.

8. Don’t walk alone in deserted, unfamiliar places. You cannot play outside after dark.

Summing up the lesson:

Responsible behavior will prevent harm to your safety and health, as well as the health and safety of others!

Yalginsky orphanage-school

Rules of conduct when communicating

with strangers

Prepared by: Zhivava T.I.,

family educator No. 1

Goals: teach children correct, safe behavior with strangers; develop the ability to follow the rules of behavior with strangers.

Tasks: tell that the rules of communication with acquaintances and strangers should be different; explain what caution is and how to be able to necessary situations comply with it to ensure your safety;

1. Conversation on the topic.

How do you understand the expression “stranger”?

(Unknown; one about which there is no information).

Who can you call a person you know?

(Familiar - someone who was known before, famous).

Is there danger when communicating with people you know? With strangers?

Remember what cases of communication with strangers have happened in your life, where it happened, what you did then, and think about what you would do now?

A stranger is any person who approaches you on the street or comes into your home in the absence of adults and tries to talk to you (sometimes calling you by name.) Sometimes meeting a stranger can be dangerous to health and life.

Let's name a quality that will help us protect ourselves from dangers?


What does it mean to be careful?

(Cautious – providing possible danger, not rash).

How should you communicate with strangers?

Let's complete the sentences and draw up rules for caution when communicating with strangers.

Don't believe it...

Don't follow...

Don't get in the car...

Don't invite me home...

Don't brag to your friends...

Don't stay until dark...

Remember the rules of behavior with strangers.

  • Don't go anywhere with strangers.
  • Don't get into someone else's car.
  • Go home after dark.
  • Don't change your route home from school.
  • Always tell adults about your plans for the day.
  • Small children should not walk around the city without adults.

Let's discuss various situations of communication with strangers.

1. You are alone at home, the doorbell rings. You open the door...

2. You are alone at home, the doorbell rings. You ask: “Who’s there?” At the door they answer that they came to check the gas. Your actions?

3. An unfamiliar man approaches you on the street and asks you to accompany him, to show him some street. Your actions?

4. A stranger spoke to you. What to do?

(Apologize and pass by. Do not engage in conversation, no matter what they tell you (they invite you to play, watch a movie, listen to music, offer to show you a dog or other animals), because no one can explain to you in advance all the tricks of the villain. Don’t be rude, do looks like you don’t hear the words addressed to you).

What if they don’t leave your side?

(You have to break free and shout: “I don’t know him!” Let other adults hear this. They will help and call the police).

5. A stranger on the street asks you to buy him cigarettes at a kiosk. Your actions?

6. Neighbor Aunt Lyuba asks to buy groceries for her at the store. Your actions?

The reasons for the children’s choice of certain decisions in different situations communication. It clarifies in what situations caution should be exercised.

The teacher summarizes the discussion of situations and reads a poem.

Don't open the door to strangers

Don't trust words and gifts,

Say: “Mom will come home from work soon,

If necessary, she will open the door for you.”

Play in the yard near the house

Play on a familiar platform

But construction sites and the streets are not for play!

And this rule is for all children.

I carry the keys to the apartment with me

And I don’t ask anyone to open the door for me.

I won't trust anyone with my key,

After all, he guards my doors!

They often treat us

Just remember every time:

Take treats only from friends,

And not from strangers, seemingly modest and kind.

2. Summary of the lesson.

Draw prohibition signs that could be used in situations of communication with strangers.


1. Education of schoolchildren. – 2008. - No. 2. – P. 46.

2. ZOZHIK: Additional educational program for students junior school/ comp.: Kalinichenko T.N., Serdyuk E.I., Kusochek N.N., Kovalevskaya L.I. // Children's health. 2009. - No. 3.

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