How to untie a karmic knot in a relationship. What is a karmic knot and how to untie it? What effect does a karmic knot have?

Karma binds people, forcing them to correct the mistakes of the past or experience some emotions that are echoes of past lives. Every person has karmic knots.

A karmic knot is a connection between two or more people that has arisen due to unresolved problems in past lives. Perhaps you violated one of the laws of the Universe, betrayed someone, or, conversely, became a victim of betrayal. Karmic knots bring huge problems to those people who in past lives did not sort out their debts and did not overcome difficulties. Because of this, the negative connection only becomes stronger.

How to determine the presence of a karmic knot

Calculations based on your date of birth are necessary in order to understand which knot connects you, if it has not yet manifested itself. There are also situations when the problem resolves itself. This may be a coincidence rather than a node.

A karmic knot is never untied just like that. Its main symptom is the repetition of problems. Here are the main things that indicate you are involved with someone:

  • you want to solve a problem in a relationship by running away from the person or removing him from your life, but he comes back, and not always on purpose;
  • your relationship is constantly improving and worsening - you hate the person, but still communicate with him;
  • you dislike or even despise a person for no particular reason.

There are harmless karmic knots, and there are truly destructive and dangerous connections that can turn your life into a complete nightmare.

Numerological calculation

Let's carry out a numerological calculation of the karmic node using the example of the date 02/27/1980. You will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth: 2+7+0+2+1+9+8+0=29. Numerology only works with numbers from 1 to 9, so the resulting number will need to be reduced to this form by repeated addition of its constituent numbers: 2+9=11. Let's add it up again: 1+1=2. The required karmic number is 2.

Decoding the karmic number

Each number shows what your karmic nodes are. The number indicates the possible reason for your connection, its strength and impact on a person or group of people.

1. If you get a One during your calculations, this means that a tyrant may constantly appear in your life who will manipulate you and hurt you. It will be very difficult for you to kick this person out of your life. There is a chance that you yourself will find yourself in his place if you want to completely possess some person. The manifestation of your karmic knot is jealousy. Effective conspiracies can help cope with it.

2. Two is the number of selfish people, so your problems may be based on loneliness. If you have no friends, no love, and people often betray you, this will last a lifetime if you do not realize the cause of such a problem. The reason may be hidden, so deep self-analysis in your case can help you understand every detail.

3. Three is an indicator that three people are constantly to blame for your problems. This could be a karmic knot with parents, with children, or a love triangle. A knot can be associated with great misunderstanding, with very divergent views. Two people who know each other can play a big role in your life. Beware of cheating.

4. A number of four indicates that knots connect you with many people. You have a constant conflict with the whole world, which, like a quagmire, drags you in more and more. If this conflict has not yet manifested itself, it may manifest itself later. There is a possibility that you got rid of the problem when it was still in its infancy.

5. Five means that you always have people in your life for whom you want to do something. They take your goodness for granted or as something empty and meaningless. Perhaps you have something that prevents you from setting priorities correctly. You constantly bump into people who give you nothing but negative experiences.

6. Perhaps in past lives you have committed some crimes against people, so many may consider you an outcast or simply hate you for no reason. These are the same people you have hurt in the past. You can get rid of this only with the help of kindness. You need to try to accept it and correct the reason why people hate you. This is an extremely difficult karmic task.

7. For those whose karmic number is Seven, the node is incredibly powerful, but hidden. It lies in people's mistrust. It is likely that in past lives you were an overly selfish person, so those whom you trust immensely may very often turn away from you.

8 . The number 8 is a symbol that your karmic knot is like a vicious circle. You may have the impression that everything is repeating itself. You hope for happiness in love and friendship, and then the Universe deceives you again. When you stop hoping for something, a dark streak sets in, a period of loneliness. Breaking this curse of the past can only be done by willpower.

9. A karmic knot connects you with one person who can feed on your problems, fears and troubles. In your immediate environment there could be a hidden energy vampire, from whom, at first glance, no negative impulses emanate. There is a very close connection between you that needs to be broken, and mutually.

How to get rid of karmic knots

First you need to figure out what led to the appearance of a karmic knot. Numerological calculation should have helped you with this. First you realize the cause of the problem, and then you just begin to solve it.

You and your node “partner” need to understand each other and the tasks that the Universe sets for you. When your debts are worked off, you will be free of them. If this is not done, then in the next life the problems will be even worse. We need to get rid of grievances, negativity, complaints...

Sometimes people only need to tolerate each other for a while. Such a karmic knot is pleasant because you only need patience. There is no need to make any effort to untie such a karmic knot. The Universe must lead you through thorns to the stars, through problems to happiness. Usually this does not happen for very long - a couple of years at most. A longer connection can already be interrupted. If you have problems in friendship or love for a couple of years, you should think about how to solve them, because without your intervention they will not disappear.

When the karmic knot is untied, you will immediately understand it. Calm and even euphoria will come. You will become strong and internally free. You will no longer be afraid of troubles because you will learn how to solve them. The Universe will make you wiser. Sometimes you need to read between the lines to determine the purpose of the Universe. For example, if you live with a tyrant, you need to find inner strength and courage to leave this person. This way you will untie the knot, repay your past debts and begin to live happily.

Karmic debt leads to the appearance of knots that connect a person with someone. In this way, the Universe is trying to cleanse the human soul and wash away the stigma of the past. Everyone has karmic knots, it’s just that some people get rid of them in childhood or adolescence, while others have to wait until later in life to realize the problem. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

In our lives, we can very often observe situations in which people try with all their might to make some changes, but they fail. Such situations include unhappy love, conflicts in the family, dysfunctional relationships at work and many other options. If we consider this from the point of view of Karma, then we are talking about such a concept as karmic knots.

A karmic knot is a situation in which souls connected to each other in their past incarnations have unresolved conflicts or obligations to each other. That is why they are again and again forced to fall into close relationships until they successfully resolve the tasks assigned to them.

In the present incarnation, the situation from the past often becomes mirrored. So, the one who raped becomes a victim, the offended one turns into an offender, the one who loved passionately becomes indifferent, and so on by analogy.

The essence of the problem is that one person did not give something to another or, conversely, did him some kind of harm. This means, according to the law of Karma, they will be forced to experience new and new meetings in different incarnations, until they give each other everything they need, draw the right conclusions, are able to let go of the grievances of the past and fulfill all obligations.

It should be noted that the formation of a karmic knot does not occur in all cases. It starts when the injured party experiences strong emotions towards their opponent. If a person perceives the incident as an accident or punishment from above for his own misdeeds, the node, as a rule, does not appear.

How to establish the presence of a karmic knot

It is both difficult and easy. The ease lies in the fact that by default there is a feeling of a person’s dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. At the same time, a person is helpless, he cannot make changes, although sometimes he makes enormous efforts to do this. He struggles like a fish against ice, but fate stubbornly does not give him a chance to break out of the vicious circle.

Unraveling a karmic knot also presents certain difficulties. First, you need to understand exactly why you are encountering the problem described. And this can only be done by people who have a gift from above, who are healers or who practice reincarnation therapy.

You can also try to get in touch with your subconscious on your own, extracting the necessary information from it. Meditation is indicated for this; yoga has a good effect. And the disclosure of higher energy centers will help to significantly strengthen intuition and always receive truthful information from within yourself.

If appealing to the inner “I” was successful, be sure to find out from it what actions you will need to take to correct the situation.

How to untie karmic knots

There are three known ways to eliminate karmic knots:

  1. Recognize the problem and sincerely repent of it
  2. Change your attitude towards the situation and life in general
  3. Undergo spiritual cleansing.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

We invite you to watch the following video, which will deepen your knowledge about karmic knots and how to untie them

Awareness and repentance

When you can extract the original situation from the depths of your subconscious, understand what you did wrong, who you harmed, only then can you get rid of the knot.

But repentance must be sincere, come from the depths of your soul, you must really feel your mistakes and understand that if you were in the same position again, you would act completely differently.

Changing your attitude towards life

This method is also very effective. First, you will again need to realize the presence of a karmic knot and find out why it appeared and how you can get rid of it.

The next step will be to change your attitude towards life, which will reduce the amount of your negative karma.

To do this, you need to accept the situation with all its nuances, and then try to detach yourself from it. Do not exaggerate the level of the problem, stay positive, plus ask for mental forgiveness from all the people we have offended. You can do this in real life - then the result will be much more effective.

Spiritual cleansing

Here you will need to seek help from healers. It is important to find people who really have abilities, and not charlatans (the latter are now found on every corner, which somewhat complicates the situation).

A person with karmic knots needs to correct his wrong life views. This is done by changing consciousness, increasing one’s awareness.

When you understand that you did wrong, adhered to the wrong tactics of behavior, but have a strong desire to change everything, life itself begins to send you people who will act as your teachers. And these will not necessarily be Tibetan monks or gurus - your friend, work colleague, school teacher, coach, business partner, and so on can act as a teacher.

He will share his experience with you, help you look at old things from a new angle, which will contribute to a change in consciousness, and therefore life in general.

It should be noted that spiritual cleansing is the most difficult point; you need to start it when the previous two stages have been completed and when you feel internally ready for long-term work on yourself.

Knowing how to untie karmic knots and work tirelessly to solve the problem, you can get rid of many blocks in your subconscious, from relationships that are destroying you, fill your life with peace, harmony, light and tranquility.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

A karmic knot is one of the key concepts that illustrates the karmic relationship between two or more people.

A karmic knot is a type of karmic relationship that arises between two people (more precisely, their souls) who are connected by karmic debts, claims and unseemly actions towards each other.

Karmic debts, leading to the emergence of a karmic knot, can be defined as:

1. given and unfulfilled promises, obligations of one person to another;
2. appropriation of what does not belong to him (be it money, material values, health, energy and even life);
3. crimes and other violations of the cosmic laws of the Universe, in which at least two human souls are involved;
4. irresponsible behavior of a person in front of children (for example, non-participation in the educational process, material support), in front of the family, in particular in front of women, parents (unwillingness to provide for the family, help parents in old age), etc.

Often, a karmic knot can go through several incarnations, and if people connected by its “fetters” refuse to solve the problems that have arisen between them, then it only grows and gets stronger.

A karmic knot can also be defined as a kind of dependence of two Souls on each other, which is expressed in forced forced contact between them.

That is, “karmically connected”, by the will of the Higher powers and according to the law of karma, are simply obliged to “tolerate” each other for a certain time allotted to them - to live together ( love karmic knot) or work at work.

Such punishment will continue until people awaken and realize the tasks God has set for them - to forgive each other, understand the root of all problems and work off their debts among themselves.

That is why, regardless of the desire of two people “tied together by karma,” they will meet again and again from life to life, perhaps several incarnations, and enter into karmic relationships with each other with the goal cut the karmic knot. And this means realizing the reason for its occurrence, paying off all debts and healing your wounded heart from negative emotions - grievances, claims, etc.

A karmic knot can involve 2, 3 or more people. And all the relationships that these people have are, as a rule, negatively colored, which is associated with the unconscious negative attitude of people towards each other.

All negative emotions and situations between people are recorded in the subconscious and “pop up” unconsciously. Many people are familiar with such situations when for some reason, without good reason, you begin to feel hostility or disgust towards a person.

Our subconscious records all our past lives, the people we meet and the relationships we enter into. And therefore, why be surprised if suddenly, unconsciously, for no reason, negative emotions towards a person and corresponding situations arise.

Therefore, all karmic nodes have an unfavorable negative effect on both love relationships and joint work and any kind of activity.

According to the law of karma, it is the Higher powers that forcibly connect two “debtors” with each other until they forgive each other, repay their debts and cleanse their Souls of negativity.

It is the Higher Powers that “record” and record all negative actions, claims, crimes committed by people towards each other.

And it is the Higher Powers who decide whether it is time or not to free the Souls from this forced dependence and destroy them, unravel the karmic knot.

How to identify a karmic knot: signs

1. If you have an unconscious, unconscious and beyond the control of your mind negative reaction towards a person in the form of persistent hostility and even disgust;

2. If you experience outbursts of aggression, claims and various negative reactions towards this person for no apparent reason;

3. Constant conflicts for minor reasons;

4. If you want to break off a relationship, “run away” from it, not meet with this person, but circumstances are such that you cannot do this (for example, in a love relationship - pregnancy, financial dependence, etc.) That is Every time there are reasons that prevent the breakup of relationships. This suggests that you have not atoned for each other for the karma of past lives.

5. You experience various kinds of negative emotions towards this person (distrust, fear, disgust, etc.) despite the fact that the relationship is at times! improve and seem “pretty good.”

How to untie a karmic knot

1. An indispensable condition for unraveling a karmic knot is awareness of the cause of its occurrence. Often, this is a certain situation that has developed between Souls in violation of the cosmic laws of the Universe.

For example, karmic love knot, which arose between a man-tyrant and a woman in the position of a victim. A man in every possible way, both physically (beatings) and morally (reproaches, claims) oppresses his victim as a person, as a person, as a woman. And until this Woman finds herself, her inner feminine core, they will continue to meet from incarnation to incarnation.

Another example is a love triangle with a final outcome in the form of a tragedy: husband, wife and wife's lover. The husband finds out about the betrayal and kills his lover. The heroes are also doomed to meet from life to life until their debts to each other are completely worked off.

2. After realizing the reason, as a rule, spiritual awakening occurs, spiritual growth begins, the so-called “work on mistakes.” It involves the following necessary steps:
- ask for forgiveness from the person you hurt, to whom you owe it and to the Higher Powers;
— draw appropriate conclusions;
- if possible, depending on the situation - compensate for your “guilt” - pay off debts.

3. I would like to clarify that Untying a karmic knot is carried out only with the permission of the Forces of Karma.

This process occurs only after a person has realized the reason for the formation of a knot, worked through all his tasks on it, asked for forgiveness from his karmic debtor and the Higher Powers, and most importantly, healed his Soul from negativity. Only after this does God give him the opportunity to get out of a difficult, exhausting relationship - that is, cut the karmic knot.

Moreover, this can happen unilaterally, when all tasks are realized and worked out by only one of the participants in the karmic union. According to the law of Supreme Justice, all negative influences are removed from a person who has redeemed his debts.

A sign of a karmic knot unraveling

In the Soul of a person, freed from all the karma of past incarnations, Love, Harmony, Peace and Tranquility flow, opening up the horizons and benefits of free conscious choice.

I would like to remind you that all karmic relationships are built on the basis of unconscious choice. Therefore, why be surprised why we choose such “imperfect companions” for relationships.

A person who has unraveled all his karmic love knots gains access to true Love - Intelligent, Conscious Love.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

Karma is the law of the Universe, the law of cause and effect. Let's look at this law from a different angle. How does a person form his karma, which can be both positive and negative? People collect negative karmic load for years, through their lives, dragging it on their shoulders, gradually replenishing their luggage. Over time, it turns into a cart that becomes unbearable to drag along. A person ties karmic knots when he fails to complete his lessons, when, while performing an act, he expects gratitude or reward, when the act itself violates the Law of Love.

Negative karma is formed not even by action or thoughts, but by the state of mind that you experienced at the moment of action or thought.

Life is a moment now. The state of the soul now shapes the next moment, the next after the moment now or through thousands, millions now. And this future already exists now. The state is a feeling in the soul of love, peace, lightness. If you experience anger, anger, confusion, depression and other negative feelings, then these are the ones shaping your future.

Why don't wishes come true?

Or when you really want something, you get something completely wrong, or you get it through serious trials when you’ve already forgotten about your desire, or you don’t get it at all. If you go through trials, then you are offered to go through unlearned lessons again, go through them - your desire will be fulfilled to some extent. Don't pass - there is no fulfillment, but there are tests. Desires come true when most of the karmic knots are untied, and there is lightness and a velvety feeling of love for oneself and the whole world in the soul.

How to untie karmic knots? Working with the past.

To begin with, what are lessons and how we tie karmic knots. Lessons are completely individual. This is the development of certain character traits. Someone needs to learn to stand up for themselves, these are just lessons. Some people have to overcome their fears - others do. Someone to eradicate greed, pride, weak will, etc. There are countless lessons and everyone has their own.

Perhaps, only pride is present in everyone, but it has different poles. Some people elevate themselves day after day, nurturing a sense of self-worth. “You know, today there was so much work, it was necessary to do this and that... I sorted everything out, and here I did this and that, and there I built such and such... and so on.” Or “yes, his intellect is not all right... zero intelligence, a dork... so stupid... and these are generally the scum of society... and so on.” Every time a person thinks in this way, he ties a karmic knot.

There is another pole of pride - this is self-abasement. Complete or partial lack of self-love. “I’m not worthy, I’m dumber, scarier... He’s more talented, more successful, smarter... etc.” There is also envy mixed in here. A sort of cocktail based on self-deprecation. It is quite clear that lessons will be given so that a person can overcome all of the above vices. Moreover, if a person has completed the lesson and developed the necessary qualities, additional lessons will be given to reinforce the material in order to bring the behavior to automatism.

A look into the past. The lessons are easy to recognize. These are events in life, some people perceive them as difficulties, when something had to be done, but it was difficult for you to overcome it. For example, speaking publicly, and everything inside you was shrinking from fear. If you overcome it, you complete the task. If you refused, having found a bunch of excuses, the karmic debt remains with you.

Or, they put moral pressure on you and force you to do something. And in your soul you feel resistance, but you don’t have the fortitude to fight back, to be left alone, because you will only act as you see fit. And you keep doing something to live up to something. You will be trained until then, and each time in more difficult situations, until you learn to follow your Higher Self.

Everyone had a great variety of situations in life.

How can you unravel visible karmic knots?

Be alone with yourself. Remember a life situation that is fresh in your memory, as if it were yesterday, and work through it. If you blame a person, he is not to blame, the lesson just came through him (it could have been someone else). This happened according to the will of God, so that you could learn and develop the necessary character traits. Then, thank him, thank God for this situation and admit your failure - “yes, I couldn’t answer, yes, I showed cowardice (weak will), yes, pride came out of me, etc., but should have (should have) done such and such.” Determine for yourself which lesson you failed, based on the situation, admit it through your soul, not through your mind, and ask for forgiveness.

All! The karmic knot is untied! There will be no more lessons on this topic. The load has been removed from the cart. There is a feeling of lightness and love in my soul. If you now try to remember this situation, then the clarity and brightness will no longer be there, as if it were covered with a veil - it is erased!

This way you can work through all visible situations and untie karmic knots. They will no longer shape your future. Just don’t force yourself to work with the past by force, let this work go easily, without stress. You’ve worked through one situation, and you’ll take on another later, when you’re ready for it. Go slowly.

And one more very important point. When you discuss or judge someone, you take all of their karma upon yourself and work it off as your own!

A person is to blame for most of his illnesses - they arise as a response from the world to a person’s incorrect behavior, to his far from the best character. It’s just that at first the person doesn’t know what he’s doing, and then he thinks that the disease “appeared on its own.”

Karmic diseases are the result of our thinking and actions, primarily in the previous incarnation. With our actions and thoughts, we sowed the seeds of problems in a past life that sprout throughout this life. Even colds do not exist without a reason.

Many karmic diseases are consequences of traumas and wounds of the body. For example, congenital heart disease is usually associated with cardiac dysfunction in a past life. It could have been a stab wound, heart surgery or transplant, or injury from a car accident.

Serious illnesses always have a cause. For example, lung diseases, including tuberculosis and asthma, may be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle in a past incarnation: excessive smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Serious gynecological disorders, impotence, prostate diseases most likely indicate that in a past life a person was a slave to passions such as gluttony and voluptuousness.

Diabetes is the result of excessive consumption of heavy foods, which include meat, fish, and eggs. The poisons that fill the body of a killed animal settle in the tissues of our body, mainly affecting the stomach, duodenum, lower part of the large intestine, and rectum.

Karmic diseases also include congenital myopia, blindness, deafness, and loss of speech. Why are children born myopic or deaf-blind, and who is to blame for the fact that they, even before they have done anything bad in this life, are already suffering? Look for the reason in their past incarnations.

Thus, congenital myopia is, as a rule, a consequence of a serious eye disease in a past life. It could be a cataract, glaucoma or a cataract. And if you extend the chain one more life earlier, it turns out that the person was constantly subject to anger and lust. But with anger, when the eyes become bloodshot, the optic nerve suffers, and with frequent outbursts of anger, this nerve begins to weaken and vision deteriorates, clouding of the lens of the eye begins and cataracts develop.

People who are mute or deaf are likely to have suffered a head injury or hearing-related brain damage in a previous life. And with hearing loss, speech is also impaired.

Head injuries and concussions lead to a disease such as epilepsy in the next birth.

In general, all chronic diseases that a person acquires towards the end of his life become the cause of diseases that will manifest themselves in the next life in weakened parts of the body, since the corresponding energy channels are clogged from birth.

Physical deformities are also consequences of our unbridled desires, irrepressible passions and emotions in a previous incarnation.

Also, the more a person is exposed to stress, the more often he has nervous breakdowns, the weaker his immune system becomes. Indelible damage to health is caused by constant irritation, envy, hatred, and jealousy. Negative feelings and emotions can be compared to a slow-acting poison.

But people with a pure and bright soul have good resistance to disease; they are not afraid of epidemics. Even if such a person has vulnerabilities and is susceptible to one or another disease from birth, the disease can bypass him because of his strong spirit and positive attitude. And those people (unfortunately, this is the majority of the population) who smoke, drink, swear, judge and offend others regularly get sick, and it takes them much longer to recover from even minor illnesses.

The fact is that our negative thoughts have a negative impact on our karma, which is reflected in the next incarnation. Thus, it is believed that greed is a consequence of spiritual theft in a past life. If a person in a previous incarnation was aggressive and liked to intimidate people, then in this life he will be a coward. And tediousness and mundaneness speak of excessive suspicion and distrust of people in past lives.

What is the essence of karmic diseases? The fact is that physical suffering and deterioration of the body in the present life give us the opportunity to atone for the sins of the past and provide a chance to become richer spiritually and happier in the next incarnation.

Anyone who constantly suffers from certain chronic diseases must examine the nature of his habits and understand what mental infection is preventing him from being cured.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that karmic diseases are diseases of the spirit and soul that manifest themselves in the physical body. The causes of karmic diseases are diseases untreated in the past, violation of Divine laws and commandments by deeds, words and thoughts, negative emotions in this and past incarnations.

For modern medicine, karmic diseases are incurable. Healing is possible only with the help of regular spiritual practices and daily internal work on oneself.

It is important to identify the cause of karmic illness and remove it, transform it, change your lifestyle and thinking.

You can heal from karmic illness only through mental and spiritual improvement: correcting your character, changing your attitude towards yourself and the world around you, realizing your own negative actions and actions and eliminating their consequences.

A person can get rid of a karmic problem if, for example, he pays for his offense by going through suffering similar to the suffering of his victim, or sincerely repents of his crime.

Karmic consequences manifest themselves in the form of worries. And when we sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness, then peace comes.

However, it is necessary to distinguish sincere repentance from formal (very common these days), which is expressed, for example, in weekly or occasionally purely “consumer” attendance at church. If a person, having soullessly repented and unconsciously placed a candle in front of the icon, then continues to commit the same offenses, then this only aggravates his karma, and therefore aggravates the disease.

Complete deliverance from karmic problems is possible only after absolute renunciation of sinful activities. And the path to this lies through gaining faith in God. Only turning to the Lord of karma - God, thanks to His mercy in response to sincere repentance, leads to irrevocable deliverance from all the consequences of sinful actions.

All people are created for happiness. Then why does almost everyone suffer? Man himself must answer this question, since God only created the rules of the game. And one of them: the law of karma - the law of cause and effect.

Some consequences of unreasonable actions from the point of view of the law of karma (problem and probable cause):

Abscess (abscess) - disturbing thoughts of insults, neglect and revenge.

Adenoids - family friction, disputes. The child feels unwanted.

Alcoholism - base goals do not satisfy the soul, resulting in a feeling of worthlessness and weakness. A lack of understanding of one's responsibilities to family and society deprives a person of the feeling of love, and he seeks satisfaction in alcohol.

Allergy is a negative attitude towards someone around you. Denial of free will and unwillingness to do the right thing.

Appendicitis - fear for what has been done, a negative attitude towards everything good in life.

Arthritis is constant grievances, a selfish demand for self-love.

Warts - hatred, insult to others.

Bronchitis - a nervous atmosphere in the family, arguments and screams.

Varicose veins - being in a hated situation, feeling overwhelmed by work.

Eye diseases - you don’t like what you see in your own life; fear of seeing oneself in the true light, inability to look forward with joy.

Deafness is the unwillingness to listen to the truth.

Gallstone disease - bitterness, heavy thoughts, curses.

Stomach diseases - fear of new things, inability to learn new things.

A cyst is a constant replay of previous grievances in the head.

High blood pressure means unresolved, long-standing emotional problems.

Low blood pressure - lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “nothing will work out anyway.”

Kidney stones are clots of undissolved anger.

Radiculitis is hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Cancer is a deep emotional wound, an old grudge. An important secret or great grief haunts you and devours you. Constant feeling of hatred, unwillingness to forgive.

Spleen - constant obsession, obsessive ideas.

Heart attack, myocardial infarction - expulsion of joy from the heart for the sake of money or career.

Tinnitus is a reluctance to hear the inner voice, stubbornness.

Do past lives influence the present? It turns out yes. There is also a definition for this concept - karma. In other words, the law of the Universe. And one of its curious components is the karmic knot.

A karmic knot is a type of relationship that arises between the souls of two people connected by debts, grievances and unseemly actions towards each other.

How to identify it: signs

A karmic knot is identified by the following signs:

  1. You feel an inexplicable dislike for a certain person.
  2. You periodically experience attacks of anger and unreasonable aggression towards an individual.
  3. You often conflict over small things.
  4. You want to get out of this relationship, but circumstances (unplanned pregnancy, financial dependence) force you to stay. Something is constantly preventing you from breaking up. This is a sign that you have not yet made amends to each other for past sins.
  5. You feel negative emotions (doubt, fear, disgust) towards the individual, although sometimes the relationship seems quite normal.

There is a concept of “unconditional love”. A karmic knot is a kind of unconditional hostility, when a person seems to have done nothing wrong, but you feel an inexplicable disgust towards him.

How does the presence of karmic nodes affect people's lives?

Due to the fact that the karmic knot is tied on negative emotions, such relationships cannot lead to good ones. Taking into account who he formed with and under what circumstances, the amount of damage caused to the life of the person himself, his children, and grandchildren is assessed.

For example, if a daughter has a bad relationship with her father, in the future she may enter into an unconscious conflict with all men. Such a confrontation will deprive a girl of her femininity, make her unhappy in love and lead to diseases, mainly in the female part. If we look at this example more broadly, we can say that the daughter inherits the karmic knot from her own parents, who are unhappy in their marriage, because the growing child simply imitates the observed model of behavior.

Despite this, one cannot call karmic knots absolute evil, since we are talking about one side of the coin. Anyone who manages to untie them is freed from heavy burdens and bad luck. The individual gains wisdom and serenity.

Karmic nodes should be perceived as important tests that the soul must go through in the cycle of reincarnation.

When can you untie the knot?

The most difficult task is to untie such knots. Moreover, one must be aware of the events taking place at the level of karma and spiritual lessons. You need to show desire and readiness to unravel the karmic knot. We will have to change, and this is far from easy. However, if the craving for goodness and light outweighs the importance of current principles, you will have enough strength to cope.

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To untie a karmic knot, you need to establish the reasons for its appearance. Try not to shift the blame onto other people's shoulders. Look at the situation from a new angle, as if you were watching a scene from a movie. Think about why this happened. Discard reasoning in the style: “Oh, fate is a villain!”, “The grave will correct the hunchback.” This is a deliberate abdication of responsibility and a sign of unwillingness to change. It makes sense to look for the answer in your own actions.

Look at the situation from the perspective of spiritual lessons. What did she teach you? Answers in the spirit of: “Don’t trust anyone”, “Don’t get married” are not suitable. Lonely people are rarely happy. If you know what happened to you and for what reason, you can understand how to prevent it from happening in the future. There are valuable lessons to be learned from every situation in life. So what did you learn, what exactly did you realize?

When you discover the reason for the appearance of a karmic knot, think about what you need to change in yourself, your worldview, thoughts and actions. This is really difficult, because the ego will begin to hinder you in every possible way. However, you are capable of overcoming it. When awareness comes to you, you will begin to think differently. Contact your friends, maybe they have already encountered a similar situation and will help you with practical recommendations. It would also be useful to consult a specialist who will not only give you a “magic pill”, but also suggest a solution and help you change your worldview. You can contact a soothsayer or psychotherapist on the website or in person.

How to untie a karmic knot?

In a certain sense, this node resembles a disease, for the healing of which it is necessary not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to find the cause of its occurrence. Only in this case the return of the disease is excluded. And vice versa, if people break ties, are separated with a heavy heart or hatred, then they again dance on the same rake, which hits again much more painfully.

It is important to realize that such a node is not a specific person who causes negative emotions in you. This is a deep psychological trauma that is inside you, and you need to work on yourself first.

Practice 1. Self-analysis

    The optimal way to solve a problem lies in the subconscious. Self-knowledge, meditation, and the study of psychology will help in finding out the reasons.

    Analyze the situation that worries you. Write down your own thoughts and emotions in a notebook.

    Try to remember if you have ever experienced something like this before. If yes, please indicate with whom and under what circumstances.

    Dig deeper into your memories until you find your first bitter experience. As a rule, it stretches from childhood, and the individuals with whom karmic knots must first be untangled are parents, sisters and brothers. Moreover, this does not at all mean the cessation of communication, because you are connected not only by sorrows and claims, but also by blood ties, affection, and a lot of pleasant moments.

To improve your mnemonic abilities, try doing the “Little Death” exercise, which takes very little time. This way you can enter a trance state, strengthening the connection between your own consciousness and the subconscious.

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