How to make a lesson interesting in elementary school. How to make a lesson interesting?! (from the experience of the methodological association of history and law teachers)

From the experience of working as a kindergarten teacher

Description of material: The material provided will be useful to educators in teaching activities when preparing classes and activities with preschool children.

Secrets of an exciting activity (from work experience).

Hello my dears
Both small and large!
I see how you have grown up
How good!

Attention! Attention!
Dear viewers,
Miracles are coming now
It will be interesting here!
I'll look at you
Yes, and I’ll tell you a fairy tale!
You reel it all in,
Help me tell a story!
Don't be sad, smile!
The fairy tale gives us a surprise!

Speech settings.

- Hello, guys! I'm very glad to see you! Today we are waiting for fairy tales, exciting games and much more interesting things. I want you to succeed and have a good mood all day!

I am glad to see you so beautiful, kind, and in a good mood! We will spend this day together. May it bring you joy and many new interesting experiences. Let's make each other happy!

I am glad to see all the children in our group healthy and cheerful! I really want you to remain in this mood until the evening! And for this we must smile more often and help each other!

Hello my dears! Today it is cloudy and damp outside, but in our group it is bright and cheerful! And it’s fun from our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, which makes you feel warm and good. Therefore, I suggest you smile at each other more often and give others a good mood!

Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests! And let the good mood not leave us all day!

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet!
- Good morning!
- Good morning
Sun and birds!
- Good morning!
Friendly faces!
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting!
Good morning lasts until evening!

2) Progress of classes in kindergarten (process).
Includes: repetition of covered material, explanation of new material, consolidation.
Fulfillment of assigned tasks, taking into account health-saving teaching methods.
The lesson can be complex. Including means to achieve several goals or just one, using game moments, visual material, dynamic pauses or physical minutes.
Independent activity.

Let's start doing magic!
Our children have changed -
Everyone has turned into forest animals!

I'm the sorceress Fairfuck!
Oh, I love to do magic!
I'll charm you now
And I will bewitch all the children!

"Baba Yaga"
In one forest there is a hut (we connect our hands above our heads - a roof)
Stands backwards (turns right and left)
And in that hut there is an old woman
Grandmother Yaga lives (as if we were tying a scarf)
Crochet nose (put your hand to your nose and place your finger like a hook)
Eyes like bowls (we put the fingers of both hands into rings and apply them to the eyes)
Like coals are burning (without removing your hands, turn right and left)
And angry and angry (we show anger, wave our fist)
The hair stands on end (put your fingers spread on your head)
And only one leg (we stand on one leg)
Not simple, bone
That's how Grandmother Yaga is! (We clap our knees. To the words of Grandmother Yaga we spread our arms to the sides)

3) End of a lesson in kindergarten (result of the lesson, farewell, reflection).
- Summing up the lesson.
- Creating prerequisites for further studies.
- Evaluation of results, reflection, self-esteem, encouragement.
- Ritual of farewell.
For example:

Well, everyone stood in a circle
Everyone suddenly joined hands
We'll stand next to each other
Waving your arms
We studied for a whole hour
And we fooled around a little
And now kids
It's time for you to rest too!

Everyone joins hands and says:
We are all friendly guys.
We are preschool children.
We don't offend anyone.
We know how to care.
We will not leave anyone in trouble.
We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.
May everyone be well
It will be joyfully light

The game is not easy
So smart.
Those who play it
Animals are not harmed.
And to us friends, goodbye
All that remains is to say: “Goodbye!”

Of course, each teacher can supplement this list with his own interesting findings and developments, but if this material is useful to someone, I will be glad!

Do you want students to rush to your lessons and be ready to study your subject for days on end?

Then it’s worth taking into account the wonderful statement of Anatole France: “ Knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed".

Now let's talk about how to put this advice into action.

Of course, the best way is to conduct non-standard lessons. But this method does not always work. Agree, it is difficult to find non-standard ways of explanation and reinforcement for absolutely every topic. And the methodology does not recommend getting carried away with non-standard lessons.

But there are several components that will help you diversify any lesson.

1. A spectacular start is the key to success. Always start the lesson in an unusual and interesting way. This is the moment when you can use non-standard methods "to the fullest." For example, instead of a boring homework survey, hold a blitz tournament, mini-test, organize a contest, competition. If the topic is new, then you can start the lesson with some intriguing messages, interesting facts on the topic.

2. Be sure to plan the lesson based on the individual characteristics of the students. Any task should be planned in such a way as to take into account different difficulty options. This way you will involve not only activists, but also lagging students who often simply yawn in class. Find something for everyone!

3. Use technology! Believe me, a presentation telling, for example, the biography of a writer or the properties of iron, will be remembered much better than a monotonous explanation.

4. Include game elements. Always and in any class! Even high school students enjoy joining the game.

5. Break stereotypes! Do not force lessons into the usual framework: lecture - survey. Try constructing the lesson differently. Students' lack of interest is often due to the fact that they know all the stages of the lesson in advance. Don't follow patterns.

6. Involve students in explaining a new topic. Searching for information on your own reinforces knowledge more than listening to a ready-made explanation. Let them work hard! This can be done at the preliminary stage by giving the task to find some information on a future new topic. Or during the lesson, turning to the life experience of the students themselves.

7. Behave outside the box! Are you used to explaining a topic while standing at the blackboard? Try giving a lecture while sitting on a chair in front of the class. If you always wear a business suit, try wearing a bright sweater next time.

You can give an example of one of the brightest teachers, a teacher of literature. For example, when there was a lecture on the works of Mayakovsky, the teacher came to class in a yellow jacket. By the end of the lesson, all the students remembered that the futurists loved shocking things. And this teacher came to a lesson on the biography of Gogol in a Ukrainian shirt. The effect was amazing. Such lessons are remembered for a lifetime!

8. Keep a few unusual, even shocking questions, comments, and riddles in stock. If you notice that during the lesson students are starting to get bored and distracted, it’s time to change the topic and take a break. An unexpected question will always help to activate attention.

And finally - replenish your methodological piggy bank. You can learn interesting techniques and methods from your colleagues. And the World Wide Web offers a lot of material for every subject, for every year of study. Believe me, the search for non-trivial solutions and methods is a fascinating thing.

How to teach an interesting lesson

You must strive to make lessons interesting. After all, a lesson is a road to the heights of knowledge, a process of improvement and intellectual growth of a student. On each of themthoughts and incredible discoveries that excite the child's consciousness or hopeless boredom and dangerous idleness are born. How valuable and interesting the seconds, minutes, hours and years spent at a school desk will be depends on the efforts of the teacher.

Anatole France very subtly noticed the importance of an extraordinary presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the children would be afraid to be late for it, and after the bell would not rush to leave the class.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, every lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, exactly everyone. In this case, the effectiveness of school education increases, and new material is easily absorbed. I will try to tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and enjoyable lessons.

It is necessary to plan a lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, and their inclination to work individually or to study in a group. The concept of every interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of your imagination - and non-standard solutions will definitely be found. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will allow you to conduct the prepared lesson in an interesting way. You should always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! You should start the lesson actively (maybe with a small surprise), clearly formulate the tasks, check your homework using non-standard forms of work.

An interesting lesson is always divided into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, you should not dump a portion of new knowledge on students, but move smoothly and logically from one stage of the lesson to another. Each individual part of the lesson should not be lengthy (on average up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explanations of new material).

Use a variety of techniques to create a fun lesson. Using a computer or electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both an open and traditional lesson in any discipline interesting.

You should be flexible in the classroom! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which the teacher must quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve tension in the classroom, you need to have simple and fun tasks (preferably in a playful form).

How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? It’s very simple - don’t be afraid to break stereotypes. Not doing work for students to “help” them. Stimulate constant activity of schoolchildren. Give simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Make the most of every activity. I like to use such a technique as working in groups: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions and develop a sense of partnership. I often use this form of work to conduct open lessons.

To teach interesting lessons, I constantly search and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. I surprise my students and never cease to amaze them together!

I have created and am constantly replenishing my own methodological piggy bank, where the most successful, interesting and exciting forms of work accumulate.

Thematic games will make lessons interesting in any classroom. The game creates a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, in which new knowledge is well absorbed.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop an interest in a subject thanks to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What is needed for this?

Fatigue, troubles, worries should be left outside the school door! It is necessary to open up to communicate with students! Children really appreciate appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom and dialogue on equal terms. You should behave unconventionally, sometimes going beyond the usual boundaries, because the personality of the teacher and his behavior are extremely important. I try to give more examples from personal experience, because a teacher is a creative person and an extraordinary person, and children remember vivid life examples much better than fictitious ones.

I hope that these recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new, non-boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional improvement is the basis of successful teaching activities, the guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

Each lesson is time that the student should spend interestingly. Yes, yes, it’s interesting, not boring. As practice shows, interesting lessons allow schoolchildren to better master material in any subjects, including those that for many students seem extremely boring and not worthy of their attention. Please note, dear teachers, that you can make both a history lesson and an English lesson interesting. Despite the fact that these two subjects are completely different from each other, there are general rules that will tell you how to conduct a lesson in an interesting way.

History lesson

Every person should know the history of their country, the history of the development of our civilization. The study of history, as a branch of science, begins at school. It will depend on the quality of the lessons conducted on this subject. How much the student will love history. Perhaps this subject will become the student’s main activity in his adult life. Before you make the lesson interesting, please note that each of your lessons should be divided into three parts - checking homework, presenting new material, and working to check how students have mastered the material presented.

As you know, history is a set of historical events that took place in different parts of our country or the world (if we are talking about world history), so an interesting start to the lesson can only be when you do not ask students for homework, but start presenting new material. Be sure to use maps and diagrams, all kinds of tables and other applied material in your report. Each school has a computer lab that you can use to give your students a presentation on a specific historical event.

Try to improvise more in your lessons, and, of course, you should know the material on the event not only what is presented in the textbook. If you don't know the answer to your students' questions, then the most interesting lesson can turn into a boring one, and at the same time, you will lose authority in the eyes of your students. Therefore, add new facts to the school history curriculum that are much more interesting than those presented in the textbook. Interesting facts can be found on the Internet, or by regularly watching historical films, because they describe not only events, but also the fates of individuals who changed the course of the history of our state.

English lesson

It doesn’t matter in which grade – first or ninth you teach English, you must understand that it is quite difficult for students. Therefore, your task is to conduct interesting games in the lessons that will allow you to learn new material and reinforce old ones. In addition, psychologists say that each child’s brain is deeply individual. And, if for one student it is enough to read a sentence once to remember it, then for another it will take an hour, or even more, to study the educational material. The most effective way to memorize educational material is through visual aids. If you are studying vegetables or fruits with younger students, try to bring them to class (you can use dummies instead of real fruits). By simultaneously hearing a foreign word and seeing it in reality, the child will quickly remember its name in English.

Find interesting English video lessons on the Internet to offer them to your students as additional material that will help them learn English faster. You can start each lesson with a small skit that you will develop yourself, and you will regularly give the children the words of the characters in the skit. Attention! When developing a skit, do not forget that all the words that you give to the students must be covered material. A dull lesson presentation will cause a student who didn't like English to dislike it even more.

Before you start a lesson in an interesting way, you can ask your students what they want your lessons to be like. And even if this is a small survey among students, it will help you attract students’ attention to learning. Be sure to take into account the wishes of your students when developing your lessons, because if their interests and the methodology for conducting your lessons completely coincide, then learning will be much easier for them. At the same time, you will improve your performance in the classroom, which is important for every teacher and every school.

Of course, students will willingly attend the lessons of the teacher they like, in whom they see a person of interest to them. Both personally and professionally. You must make friends with the students, and then your lessons will not disgust them. These rules especially apply to education in high school.

It has been proven that the more interesting the lesson, the higher the motivation and effectiveness of learning English. In this regard, there are three general types of classes: frontal, group and individual.

Frontal exercises

Frontal lessons are those in which the teacher gives new information to the students, the students listen, and then ask questions at the end of the lesson. The whole process is based on a monologue and a visual presentation of information. Usually this is not the most exciting type of lesson, but there is a frontal lesson option that can be considered an exception: an excursion.

For example, an English lesson on animals could be taught at a local zoo; The teacher can name each animal and give a brief description of it, depending on the level of knowledge of the class. To keep children more interested, the teacher can assign group assignments. For example, at the end of the excursion, each group should talk about their favorite animal ().

You can also use an interesting book as the basis for the lesson. Such, for example, as the popular book “Funny English Errors and Insights: Illustrated”. This book contains 301 examples of funny mistakes in English made by schoolchildren, journalists, parents and even teachers.

You can read the mistakes to the class, and if someone doesn't understand what the humor is, you or one of the students can explain it to them. A child will learn a lesson much better if it is presented in the form of a joke.

Group classes

Group activities usually involve competition or teamwork. This type of class is recommended for advanced levels. An example of an interesting lesson in this case would be a theater competition, where each group chooses a play or a fragment of it.

Each group must make their own costumes and be as creative as possible in the decorations and implementation of the plot. You can suggest a specific theme, such as Halloween, the works of Shakespeare, or even a television series.

Another example is gaming litigation. Here the characters in the book can serve as a basis. One group of students may defend the character's actions, while another may condemn them; another may be the jury, and the teacher may be the judge. Have groups of “defenders” and “prosecutors” discuss their arguments, and then one or two speak and argue the group’s point of view.

The jury must listen to the parties and reach a verdict, and the judge will direct everything that happens. You can use classics like Charles Dickens's Great Expectations as a basis (and consider, say, whether Miss Havisham's actions are fair), as well as films or television series.

Individual lessons

Individual lessons depend on the level of each student. It is important not to impose anything, but only to give advice and offer interesting material for work so that it stimulates the child - for example, homework, structured in a playful way, or analysis of an interesting text for advanced levels.

Interesting English lessons are easy to teach; the only requirement is that they be creative and stimulate language learning.

What interesting English lessons do you know or have practiced?

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