How to open a map in the game Smiley Ranch. Gordosy with keys

Which would include a slug farm in your favorite game. And so the developers proposed beta version of this add-on. Bugs are possible, so please be understanding.


Pink slug
A standard slug that produces experience every 10,000 ticks. Phosphorus slug
The slug spawns during the day and goes to sleep after sunset. Produces experience every 9000 ticks.

Rock slug
An extremely slow type of slug that can injure the player with its sharp spikes. Produces experience every 8000 ticks.

Striped slug
The wildest, but at the same time the cutest slug in the game. When catching this type of slug, you should stay away. Produces experience every 7500 ticks.

Puddle slug
The Puddle Slug only spawns on the island. Teleport to the island is carried out only when feeding the striped gordo. Keeping such slugs is allowed only in a pond. Produces experience every 7000 ticks.

Boom Slug
In the game itself, this type of slug explodes, but here mobs will only explode when feeding. Produces experience every 6500 ticks.

Crystal Slug
This type of slug has gained the ability to split into tiny species. To catch slugs, you need to wait until the slug decomposes into its tiniest version. After capture, the player will receive a bunch of small experience generators. Produces experience every 6000 ticks.

The best slugs in the game that will try to attack the player, but the damage is so small that it will not be felt at all. The only problem is the radioactivity of the slugs. Mobs spawn on Ash Island and Indigo Quarry. Produces experience every 5500 ticks.

Mosaic slug
This slug appears after a pink slug is struck by lightning. Useless at this stage of development of the add-on.


Available at the ranch two dispensers, the right one gives the player elytra, and the left one - two types of vacuum packs. The first backpack catches slugs, and the second allows you to push slugs.

To the right of the irritants there is a pond and a chicken coop. The button next to the chicken coop collects the eggs and places them in one place.


The player also expects two types of pens- the first with an air mesh, and the second with solar protection. Each paddock is endowed automatic feeding and experience collection system. Collect slugs using a backpack and send them to the pen. Below is the video:


Added two types of gordos - gordos with keys and static teleporting gordos. Gordos with keys give players keys after a good lunch, and teleporting gordos teleport the player.

Gordosy with keys

Digging Up Gold: Game Rated Games Style

Finding a new game to play is a complicated process and when you take into account all of the titles being released, it may seem a bit overwhelming at times. Don"t fret, as you aren"t alone – finding a game that is worth both your time and money is hard, but it isn"t impossible. Game reviewers have been making a living on playing even the most obscure games released over the past decade, but some of them have been tainted in a sense. It seems as if kids are only wanting pubg hacks and RUST hacks to win games for them (don't forget Fortnite hacks!). There are a lot of review websites on the internet right now that aren't completely transparent with their process, and it feels like the larger they get, the less trust they have with most of their audience.

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Video Games are Changing Quickly

It can be hard to keep up with the times as video games are constantly changing. It seems like they are releasing new systems quicker than they had in the past, but it also means that the games they"ve been developing are going to be released quicker as well. I"m not a video game developer and I never have been , but it seems like that would force companies to rush games all of the time for Fortnite hack – the games that have been released recently to great reviews are almost always being made for 5 or 6 years beforehand.

The development cycle for video games has become quicker, but it doesn't mean that you can produce a masterpiece within months. There are plenty of cases where we've noticed a studio rushing a product out too quickly to meet certain consumer standards (looking at you, EA!) only to be met with negative reviews. I would love it if video game developers allowed their games to “bake” a bit more, but that can"t happen as deadlines and firing development teams is always an issue with eft hacks.

What Makes Game Rated Games Different?

We take our reviews seriously, just as we would with anything else related to the gaming community. Real money is being spent on these titles and we want to ensure that our readers are getting the best bang for their buck, especially since (as we"ve said before) developers are just crapping out lackluster titles for us to gobble up. Our reviews are going to offer you:

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Personal Experience

Personal experience is the best thing around for video game reviews, as you"ll know what it"s like to play the game for yourself before making a purchase. For example, I"m sure that a typical yearly FIFA review wouldn"t talk about wanting to slam your fist through a wall, but that"s the kind of stuff that you"re going to get here also with eft hack!

Pros & Cons

Some review websites will be obvious with their bias, as they don"t even mention any potential cons that could be associated with the game. Even the best games in the world are going to have some sort of cons to them, there is literally nothing perfect within the gaming world and the reader should be aware of that. While that"s true, some games can have a very small number of rb6 hacks seemingly irrelevant cons, but we"d probably include them anyway (you know, for the greater good).

Check out the website and see if you anything like that our partners have to offer! Spread the Game Rated Games motto throughout the virtual realm and make sure that people understand how important game reviews can be! If you"ve ever been disappointed with a game after reading a review and making a purchase, you understand where we"re coming from.

The Navigation Update for Slime Rancher added various new features, including an overworld map of the Far, Far Range. To bring up the map, press M or right on the D-Pad. At first, only a portion of the map will be available. In order to unlock the rest of the map, players must find map nodes that are hidden in each region of the Far, Far Range. Exploring to find each of these can take some time, so to help you out this guide will help you track down all map node locations in Slime Rancher.

All Map Node locations in Slime Rancher

Here's what a map node looks like in Slime Rancher prior to activation. Monomi Park

There is one map node per region, and activating the node will reveal that section of the world map. This guide will explain where to find all the map nodes in Slime Rancher, along with a picture of Beatrix on the map for a visual representation. In each image below, Beatrix's icon is pointing toward the map node location. Special thanks to UltimatePortalMaster for helping with the images.

Dry Reef Map Node location

Dry Reef Map Node LocationMonomi Park

Starting from the Ranch, head out into the Dry Reef and follow the path closest to the water. Go to the area with the water geyser and cave. Face towards the water and you’ll find the first map node on the left near the ledge.

Indigo Quarry Map Node location

Indigo Quarry Map Node LocationMonomi Park

The Indigo Quarry map node is located inside the cave where you find the first Rock Gordo. From the Ranch, pass through the Grotto and go through the cave. Teleport to the cave where the Gordo used to be. Go forward to the opposite wall to find the map node, just left of the exit.

Moss Blanket Map Node location

Moss Blanket Map Node LocationMonomi Park

Go across the long bridge leading to the door to the Moss Blanket. Walk across the large center area to reach several ledges on the other side. Hop up to the top plateau where the large tree is to find the Moss Blanket map node.

Ancient Ruins Map Node location

Ancient Ruins Map Node LocationMonomi Park

From the Moss Blanket, head east to the Ancient Ruins. Go through the huge decorated gate to the ruins and head toward the center of the area. To the right, you’ll find the Ancient Ruins map node before reaching the hallways leading to the Glass Desert teleporter.

Glass Desert Map Node location

Monomi Park

Use the teleporter to travel to the Glass Desert. Head to the tower where the Tangle Gordo is located. On the ground level, pass around to the back side of the Tangle Gordo tower to find the Glass Desert map node just beneath the stone circle.

If you need further clarification, check out this helpful video from The Cast.

If you followed the steps in this guide, you should now have found all Map Node locations in Slime Rancher.

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