How to fill your free time with useful things. Be physically active at home

Hello everyone from Artem Bukanov and Sasha Bogdanova.

Today we asked ourselves: in fact, every single person is bored, and this happens more than once or twice in a lifetime. And absolutely everyone at this moment asks the question: what can you do at home when you’re bored?

Therefore, you should resolve this situation and stock up on a hundred ways to relieve boredom. The only people who don’t get bored are the children on vacation, but we, adults, don’t get bored from this.

So let's take a look...

Immediately, looking ahead, I want to point out that some of these methods will be effective, some will be voiced for fun, some will suit everyone, regardless of gender and age, others will suit a certain category of people. But first things first...

Banal remedies for the blues

What can you do when you're bored at home - this is a question many people ask, but, oddly enough, many of them most often remain in a sad state, having done nothing to change their mood.

But this is not our case! Here are options that can be used by everyone and in most common cases:

  • watch a movie
  • delicious food
  • Internet surfing in search of something interesting
  • get stuck on social media networks (today almost everyone can do this)
  • chat with an interesting person
  • make new acquaintances (you won’t get bored together)
  • admire the window (if you have any suitable view from it)
  • remember loved ones
  • collect your thoughts (there may be unfinished business)
  • make a to-do list (if you have them and you decide to get rid of them)
  • plan necessary purchases
  • admire the stars (preferably at night)
  • admire the sky (this can be done at any time of the day and in any weather)
  • go to sleep (in general, advice to all)
  • make yourself tea/coffee (it’s not a fact that it will relieve boredom, but it will distract you a little and, perhaps, lead to interesting thoughts over a cup of hot drink)
  • read your horoscope
  • listen to music
  • take a bath
  • play computer games (the thing, of course, is interesting and addictive, but not everyone will take it up/it’s not suitable for everyone)
  • sit by the fireplace (this is not heaven, and not everyone has one)
  • cook something tasty and unusual
  • go in for sports (for an amateur)
  • invite friends (which will be discussed later)

Options for the company

I’ll say right away that it is highly advisable to try the following points in a company, because they imply that you invited someone to visit in advance or visited someone yourself.

So, let's go... things to do with friends:

  • board games
  • fool around (although you can do it alone)
  • take interesting tests (you can also do this alone, but it’s much more fun in a group, so you’ll immediately forget about boredom)
  • start an interesting debate (I emphasize: INTERESTING, and not a path to a fight; we still live in a civilized society, right?!)

What should girls do?

In this part, I will probably offer options (although, of course, a girl in my place would offer much more) for girls. What you can do alone or with a friend when you get bored:

  • gossip (unfortunately many girls like this :/)
  • chat on the phone
  • take care of yourself (there are probably things to do for a week, girls, after all 🙂)
  • spin in front of the mirror
  • rummage through the closet

  • get a loved one (preferably your man)
  • run from him
  • be offended that I caught up with you
  • run away again
  • take a selfie and post it on social media. networks (or even more than one)
  • think about why it's boring
  • tell everyone you're bored
  • wait…
  • understand that there are few real friends
  • ...or they don't exist
  • …at your place
  • understand that you have you
  • stop killing yourself
  • think again about what to do
  • no, having children out of boredom is thoughtless

Time to rave!

Now we will not talk about that nonsense when you are sick, but when you begin to suffer from nonsense out of boredom. What kind of crazy thoughts do we end up with:

  • "play schizophrenia"
  • knock on your neighbors’ wall (and wait for them to knock on your head)
  • invent your own universe
  • listen to the clock tick (a la degradation in full swing)
  • set silence

  • make an evil laugh
  • shut your mouth with your hand
  • grin evilly
  • look back
  • laugh ominously again
  • repeat until you get tired of it
  • feel sad again
  • don't forget to conquer the world

For extraordinary natures

In this section I have crammed advice for people who are intelligent, creative, refined, clean-spirited people, and everyone else who has trouble sitting on their butt. Here's what happened:

  • read a book
  • start drawing something
  • play a musical instrument
  • do embroidery
  • modeling
  • dance
  • think about something important to you
  • fantasize (dream)

  • make plans for the future
  • clean the house
  • read the news
  • watch scientific programs
  • tidy up the room
  • clean shoes
  • wash the dishes (in case there is anything)
  • tidy up your clothes
  • think about your life
  • read about other countries
  • get an encyclopedia (they always have something interesting for any age)
  • think about great things
  • reflect on the essence of existence
  • pray (what? And this has a place among believers)
  • start creating something
  • do some handicrafts
  • rehearse something
  • origami
  • start a spring cleaning
  • sing
  • rearrange the room

A treasure trove of long-term prospects

Finally, I would like to name a few things that are aimed at creating long-term activities with further obtaining a certain result.

I won’t say that it will really amuse you, but it will definitely bring considerable benefits. Very suitable for those who are often bored, but at the same time do not mind using their time most productively:

  • include an interesting series (the only one “not particularly useful”, but long-term among these points)
  • look for a new hobby
  • take care of your education
  • have a dream (which will later become a goal)
  • set a goal for yourself (provided that you start moving towards it)
  • take up writing
  • start keeping a diary (not to be confused with writing)
  • think about changing activities (if you feel that you are not doing your job)
  • look for a new source of income (it never hurts)
  • make a piggy bank ()

Well... something like that. Don't blame me if some of the methods were too crazy. However, I would like to know your options in the comments.

And we – Sasha and Artem – say goodbye to you not for long. See you soon!

An hour before your meeting, your best friend met the love of her life, and her mother came to visit the young man? You have to spend the evening alone, and you are angry at your loved ones in general and at the whole world in particular. But these are all the little things in life. Do you know what they say? If you're bored by yourself, then you're in bad company. Therefore, this company must be diluted with useful and enjoyable activities. Here are a couple of options for you.

Work on your wardrobe

Can you imagine what luck! You can take time for yourself and sort out not only the clutter in your head, but also in your closet. Play upbeat music to make your neighbors have fun and start trying on things. Who knows, maybe in these endless piles of dresses and trousers you will find new interesting combinations. Or you will provide new clothes for tramps if you decide to throw something away.

Treat yourself to dinner

Put on your favorite dress, put on lipstick, style your hair and go to some cozy restaurant with delicious cuisine. You can, of course, take a book with you or a TV series on your smartphone, but... Allow yourself to enjoy your own company. Have a snack, order a glass of Italian wine and don't forget about dessert. How do you like the brownie? Whatever you say, food is also a good companion.

Watch your favorite movie

Beloved is disgusted "Harry Potter", and my friend rolls her eyes at the endless quotes from "Sex and the City"? Finally, no one will bother you (or snore in the most interesting place) while viewing your favorite picture. Enjoy!

Chat with a Stranger

No, you don’t have to go all out, complain about your man’s dislike and get upset, flirting with the first person you meet to defuse the situation... Just imagine that you are traveling alone in an unfamiliar city, when you want to look into every door and say “hello” to a stranger . Perhaps you will be able to find new friends. And this is always a small holiday. And it’s always easier to talk to people you don’t know well. Free ears!

Spend a day at the spa

It seems that this is the common dream of all girls on the planet, right? Relaxing, having fun, and avoiding eye contact with the hairy massage therapist can make this your best day. Don't be alarmed if you're alone in the evening. By the way, there are a lot of 24-hour spas! For example, Asia Beauty Spa, "7 colors" , Thai-Rai.

Go in for sports

Go cycling, rollerblading or catamaraning! Or you can go for a run in the park. Many people deliberately don’t go for a run alone - it’s more fun with a friend. Plus, you're less likely to stop and go home. But the moment when you are completely immersed in your consciousness and keep a fast pace is an amazing time, because the most interesting thoughts can come to your head.

Go to the exhibition

Browse through the current exhibitions and find something that suits your taste. We bet you haven't taken the time to cultivate for a long time. Imagine, you can look at the whimsical paintings of modernists as much as you want, and not chase after your super-inspired know-it-all friend!

Take a city tour

We're sure you didn't know a lot about the city you live in. What's stopping you from re-opening it? And you can only do this alone. You can even buy a guidebook and go exploring like a tourist. A glass of coffee and good music will help you. And don't forget to take pictures!

Work on yourself

What to do when there is nothing to do? What to do with yourself here and now, when all the interesting books have been read, websites visited, a lot of movies, but still nothing to watch, no one to call, just like all the toys have been played through?

1. Remember your childhood and build a fort (tent, nest) from sofa (and other) pillows and blankets, barricade yourself there with a book, or at least charge for passage through “your lands” with treats, interesting tips about spending time, or promises to go for barbecue in the countryside.

2. Pick up a camera or at least a smartphone and pretend to be a professional photographer: crawl after insects, try to pick out a twig from a lush bush and shoot it as if it were at least a masterpiece of sculpture, try to capture funny shots of cheerful and active youth in in a crowded place or dogs on a walking area, etc. We know you’ve been wanting to try your hand at this for a long time!

3. For girls: take guaranteed unnecessary dresses, scraps of material, perhaps fashion magazines for inspiration (finally, go to the Internet), and set yourself free: try to turn a throwaway item into trendy clothes, without limiting yourself to using scissors or other similar clothes, sequins, beads, etc., etc.

4. Finally, put pictures from last summer or family photos from long ago into albums in order.

5. Practice mixing and creating alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails - depending on your age. Cold and hot. Including with your own freshly squeezed juices. The Internet can help you.

6. Try something you’ve never done before: write a story or poem, a song to a well-known tune, try cooking dishes with alcoholic ingredients, go arm wrestling with a friend, play Go, teach your dog new tricks or rhymes to your parrot, build a maze for your a rat or a hamster, come up with a scenario for the best party in the world (there will be an opportunity to implement it!), Go outside, try to set fire to paper with a magnifying glass, etc.

7. Go with your friends to the city center for “window shopping” through the windows of luxury stores in search of inspiration and ideas for your purchases in more affordable stores.

8. Invite your friends (and make friends at the same time) to a sleepover and watch horror movies together (very bonding!).

9. Experiment with homemade beauty products and enjoy using them on yourself afterwards, from bath bombs with dried petals and/or glitter to scrubs and masks.

10. Get to know your neighbors better: invite them to tea or something stronger, ask them to teach you something if the neighbor has free time and some talents that interest you. If you live in a friendly house, arrange an evening dance by inviting everyone outside and placing speakers on the windowsill.

11. Sort out your playlist or CD recordings. Find a place where there are collections of music according to certain criteria (by the way, on the same trackers, from where it is not at all illegal to download something, just focus on their winning selections), discover new music, make playlists for different moods and cases. Including record a disc called “The Soundtrack of My Life.”

12. Throw yourself a belly festival: order good pizza for once, buy beer, shrimp, chips and sweets, and lie down on the sofa in front of the TV.

13. And again fall back into childhood for a while: run a bath and launch boats in it (paper, nutshell or radio-controlled), soap bubbles (lying in the water) or fish for “fish” on magnets.

14. Go on a real fishing trip in the countryside for a day.

15. Read, but not just a book, but a book based on your favorite movie or on which your favorite movie was based.

16. Start a diary and keep it every day all summer so that next summer you can evaluate your views on life and the joys of a year ago.

17. Make a wall collage of your favorite photos that will delight you for at least several years. Including it can be done on a memory board.

18. Try drawing a self-portrait. Or make a face, take it all off and post a whole series of them on your blog, and then read the comments.

19. Make an experimental, super-out-of-the-box “what’s in the fridge” lunch. For example, a pie with chicken, crushed chips and oranges.

20. Go do your usual activities in the park: read, chat on a forum or social networks via a tablet, write, draw, etc. The same can be done on a swing.

21. Buy kits for young experimenters (growing crystals, creating chain mechanisms, etc.) or find something similar on the Internet and discover the budding scientist in yourself.

22. Dye your boring white T-shirt, scarf, shoelaces or white sheets into a multi-colored psychedelic-hippie “varenka”.

23. Make sweet ice cream from natural juice with pieces of fruit.

24. Type the name of your favorite topic into a search engine (from new technology to dolphins) and read everything interesting on the topic that you can find.

For 25 more ideas, see the second part of the article “How to keep yourself busy when you have nothing to do? 50 entertainment for 2-6 hours, part 2.”

Surely every person on the planet has repeatedly wondered what they can do when they are bored at home and at the computer or at work. People constantly need new experiences, otherwise sadness and depression will overwhelm them, and this will have a bad effect on their appearance and health.

A person cannot do without new experiences, just like without food, water and sleep. This is the key to health. With disharmony, diseases and consequences appear. Boredom leads to psychological problems. People who are constantly bored lose confidence and acquire complexes that interfere with normal life.

What to do when you're bored at home

Sometimes a person doesn't know what to do. There is time and desire, but nothing comes to mind. This is a manifestation of weekend depression.

If you have free time, this is a reason for joy. Strive to spend your time wisely and with good impressions.

It’s not difficult to keep yourself busy if you know ways to help get rid of boredom and diversify your life by filling it with colors.

  • Think about what activities you like . If you like to read, go to a bookstore and buy a book. I advise people who keep up with the times to download the book on the Internet.
  • Take up learning a foreign language . A foreigner will come in handy at work or while traveling. Sign up for courses, watch videos and audio recordings, or learn English on your own at home.
  • Watch your favorite movie or check out the cinema poster . This way you will find out what new product will be released in the near future. If you like the music, upload new compositions to the player.
  • Clean your apartment . Clean up your closets, tables and shelves. If the house is clean, rearrange and update the space.
  • Do you like to cook? Study a cookbook . Find some good recipes and cook charlotte with apples in the oven. Cooking will help pass the time, lift your spirits and relieve boredom.
  • Take care of your health and stay fit ? Spend time on sports. The Internet will help, where there are many video lessons and manuals.
  • Exercise will be fun . At home, no one will blame you for skipping complex movements, preferring easy complexes.

Video tips

This is only a small part of the options for combating boredom at home. It is not necessary to do what I have listed. This is a template to follow to relieve boredom.

If you're bored at the computer

People use computer technology all the time. She is present both at work and at home. Young people cannot imagine life without a laptop or smartphone. Sometimes even technology can't save you from boredom.

  1. Check your email . This is not about getting acquainted with new letters, but about tidying up your inbox. Delete unnecessary messages and sort your contacts.
  2. Change account passwords to improve security . Just be sure to write down the changes in a diary or notebook.
  3. Look for a new job . If you don't like your current job, find an alternative. First, decide on the position you want, and then look for vacancies on the Internet.
  4. Send a postcard . Boring? Think about the people who recently did something nice for you. Send them a card as a thank you.
  5. Sort your photos . Photos are stored on the computer's hard drive. Organize your photo album and add some new images to social networks.
  6. Chat with old friends or classmates . There will probably be several people with whom you have not seen or communicated for a long time.
  7. Clean your hard drive . Do you have a lot of unnecessary and outdated programs on your computer? Start removing them. This way, free up space and improve your computer performance.
  8. Learn hotkeys . Do you use programs often? Find out the hotkeys, which will make your work easier and help you pass the time.
  9. Get creative . Do you like creative work? Create a collage from photographs. While working, remember a lot of pleasant moments that will cheer you up.
  10. Play some games . If you can't find a use for yourself, play a little computer games. I recommend paying special attention to options that involve active communication with players.

This is my opinion. You can type text, listen to music, surf the Internet, study encyclopedias or make new friends.

Video instructions

There are plenty of options and everyone can get rid of boredom and have fun. Activate your imagination, be positive and don’t be lazy.

When an adult is bored

A person cannot exist normally without emotions and impressions. Monotonous activities and equally passing days lead to depression. Boredom has a bad effect on self-esteem and gives rise to complexes.

Therefore, people are interested in what to do when an adult is bored. And that's good. If boredom strikes, declare war on it and fight it in various ways.

  • Remember your desires and dreams . If you have long wanted to learn a foreign language, watch television programs or use tutorials. This is how you realize your dream.
  • Develop other skills too . This will make the pastime interesting, increase the cultural level, and contribute to career growth.
  • Become a better person . Even if you are an expert in a certain field, this does not mean that there is nothing to strive for. There is no limit to development.
  • Read books . If this activity is not to your liking, go on a journey through the Internet. He will delight you with interesting articles and tips.
  • Visit relatives and friends . Free time is the right time. Have a good conversation, relax and unwind.
  • Cognitive transfers . If life is accompanied by difficulties and problems, pay attention to watching thematic TV shows. This is the source of information missing to solve the problem.
  • Movies. Watching New Year's films will also help you overcome boredom at home. Relaxing in front of the TV screen gives your body the opportunity to rest, which will have a positive effect on your performance.
  • Music. The best remedy to lift your mood. Listen to your favorite songs, dance, exercise or cook. The results of your work will only improve with music.
  • Games. Computer games, which are sometimes incredibly useful, help adults get rid of melancholy. Games develop logic and increase the speed of thinking.

If the above methods do not work, go for a walk in the park or in the city center. If there is a little animal in the house, great. She won't let you get bored. Pet and play with your dog, cat or ferret. After this, there will be no trace of boredom.

We find something to do for a child when he is bored

The house is overflowing with baby supplies, but your child is bored? Video games, books and construction kits are no longer of interest, and children’s TV channels and modern cartoons make me sick. What should I do?

Before you start fighting childhood boredom, determine the root cause. This will help you find a way that will solve the problem. So, why is a child bored?

  1. Tired of home entertainment, the soul yearns for something new.
  2. He’s bored because he’s been confined within four walls for a long time.
  3. The child experiences a lack of communication with friends and parents.

The reasons why children get bored have been identified. Let's figure out how to act and what to do to make the baby's life filled with joy and fun.

  • If your child is tired of books and toys, and nothing interesting is shown on TV, find a new activity. If your baby loves reading, give him some colorful magazines or educational books.
  • A boy will be interested in cars, and a cosmetics catalog will be suitable for a girl. Such a printed publication will keep the child occupied for a long time and will lift his spirits.
  • If you don’t have anything at hand, go for a walk with your child. Combine going out for air with an urgent matter. Once in a new atmosphere, the child will receive a lot of emotions and breathe clean air, which is good for health.
  • While walking, focus your child's attention on certain things: ask him to look at the clouds, listen to the birds, or count the cars. Believe me, the child will willingly respond to the request.
  • A lack of parental attention, coupled with a lack of interesting conversations, is one of the reasons for boredom in children. At the same time, they are not interested in gifts, chocolates and goodies. If it is not possible to leave things behind, involve your child in them.
  • When cleaning the house, give your baby a cloth. Let him dust off with you. Together with your child, hang out laundry, fold toys, and cook. In any job there is something for the younger generation.
  • Every child has many questions. If your child is bored, tell him something interesting, answer everything he asks. Try to prevent your baby from suffering from boredom.

Don't be afraid to get creative and be patient. Only in this case will boring days fly by, leaving pleasant impressions.

If you're bored at work

People go to work because it is a source of income. One day of work passes quickly and is accompanied by fun, and the next is not fun.

I also run to work every day, work for hours for the benefit of the company, and sometimes I get bored. Through experimentation and trial, I have developed several effective methods for combating boredom.

  1. To cheer you up, visit the site with jokes and interesting materials. Such images will lift your spirits and make you laugh.
  2. Send some comic pictures to a friend or colleague. Believe me, it’s easier to fight boredom together. The main thing is that the bosses don’t find out.
  3. Social networks are filled with demotivators. Each picture has a black frame and a commentary inscription. Most of them make sense, making a person think.
  4. Do you like KVN? There are many issues on the Internet. Short but funny videos will not allow boredom to overcome. Download the video to your phone or watch online.
  5. Applications offered by social networks will help in the fight against boredom. Only the policies of not all companies allow their use.
  6. Music is another option. Using a compact player, you can get work done and enjoy your favorite songs. The main thing is to keep the sound quieter, otherwise you won’t hear the request or command.
  7. For people who cannot imagine life without humor, I advise you to pay attention to jokes made on colleagues. I just recommend making jokes carefully, trying not to affect the pride of the “brother in arms.”
  8. If the above methods are not suitable or you cannot use them, drink a cup of strong tea and snack on a bar of chocolate. This tandem will provide a surge of the happiness hormone.

From now on, there will be no boring working days if you listen to the recommendations and put them into practice. This approach will make life fun and making money enjoyable.

What to do in your free time - list of ideas

Everyone looks forward to the day off. However, after the attack, he does not know what to do in his free time. Why is this happening? During the week, people earn money, and the weekends are devoted to home and family. As a result, instead of resting, they cook, wash and clean.

I’ll tell you how to spend your free time so that your body and soul can fully rest. Keep a diary and record your ideas for the coming weekend. If your imagination leaves much to be desired, use the ideas I will share.

  • Pamper yourself . Go to a massage parlor or hairdresser. If you don’t want to go anywhere, organize a salon at home. The stores offer a wide range of cosmetics for hair and skin care.
  • Watch a movie . The film will make your time enjoyable. Sit comfortably on the couch, grab some popcorn, and turn on a movie.
  • Do what you love . Crocheting, soap making or fishing. Hobbies will entertain and provide gifts for loved ones.
  • Chat with friends . As an alternative to the above methods, choose to chat with friends. Go with a group to a cafeteria or go to nature. It's never boring in a noisy and cheerful team.
  • Active entertainment . Any kids? In this case, choose entertainment taking into account their tastes. Children prefer active recreation. Biking or swimming are great options.
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords . Make it a group hobby by solving problems with your family. It will be a family game.
  • Go to the circus or zoo . If your soul desires a holiday, take your family to the circus or zoo. Any of these activities will make children happy, and you, seeing their smiles, will receive a dose of happiness.

Each person has his own approach to organizing a vacation. Quiet people like a sofa and TV, while lively people prefer mountains and forests. Strive for a change of actions, otherwise boredom will overcome.



Tired, exhausted, bored, tired of everything, low mood or depression? Time to come up with an interesting and promising activity for a great time. What to do alone? Save your ideas because you never know when you'll get bored.

If you feel like you are exhausted and nothing “catches” you, go on a creative date. This is the time you need to spend with yourself, with your inner artist. Believe me, it is in each of us. Go out every week for an hour or more, do something you enjoy. No excuses and no company. Here are some creative date options for you. Try to awaken your imagination, and you will notice how you no longer suffer from inner stuffiness. Our inner artist is a changeable, vulnerable and vulnerable nature, like a child whose parents divorced. At least once a week, he demands your undivided attention so that he can talk about his dreams and problems.

Here are some ideas for things to do alone:

1. Go to an art store. Choose polymer clay, gouache or pastel. Enjoy the colors - bright, flashy, juicy, delicate. Try paper of different textures: for watercolor, drawing or oil painting. If you like something, buy it and use it.

2. Go plein air. It is not necessary to take an easel with you; a regular notepad and a simple pencil will suffice. Find a beautiful place in the city and try to draw it.

3. Visit a flower shop. In spring, the assortment is updated, and you can find flowers of unusual colors and shapes. Try to collect a bouquet from different “breeds”, or choose a houseplant that will please the eye.

4. Visit a fabric and accessories store. If you are a visual or kinesthetic person, you will definitely have fun trying out different materials and buttons. You can create an unusual picture from your favorite scraps, ribbons and buttons.

5. How long have you been to a second-hand bookstore? Try to find there unique copies and books that were published in the year of your birth. Feel the smell of old paper, its texture, feel the spirit of the times.

6. An antique store is a great place to remind yourself of your inner child. Find something that reminds you of your grandmother's house. Maybe a cuckoo clock? Or the jar in which she kept the world's most delicious cookies?

7. Edit the film. It doesn’t matter whether you know how to use video editors, simple versions of them are available on every computer. Shoot something or choose from a family archive, review the frames and assemble them into a new canvas.

8. Take a walk with your camera. If you don't have one, use your phone camera. Try to find unusual angles and corners of your city.

9. Take a music or singing lesson. If you have always been drawn to take up vocals, the time has come.

10. Dance. Try different styles: ballroom or Arabic dancing, salsa or hip-hop, half-dance or twerk.

11. Try kickboxing or fencing. Yes, working out at a sports club doesn’t look like an option for creativity, but don’t rush to conclusions. Physical activity relieves stress, reboots the brain and leads to a surge of energy.

12. Do anti-gravity yoga, yoga in hammocks. Depending on the style you choose, you may feel like a ballerina or a circus gymnast. Get off the ground, trust your body, turn off your head and relax.

13. Go to a museum or gallery. This could be an exhibition of paintings, a museum of modern art or vintage cars. The main thing is to spend this time alone with yourself and with what inspires you.

14. Maybe you are drawn to computers? Try enrolling in programming courses and understand what you didn’t understand before. Or write your own website with nice colors and animation.

15. Attend a poetry reading. Listen to how other authors read their poems and what rhymes and rhythms they use. Perhaps at the end of the day you will write your own work.

16. Listen to the church choir. It is not at all necessary to be a believer or adhere to any particular worldview. Just go to the temple and take a break from the city noise.

17. Visit a restaurant you haven't been to for a long time. Order something you've never tried. It doesn't have to be an expensive dinner, just treat yourself to something special.

18. Go to a craft store, there are many options for leisure activities. Listen to yourself, choose what to do - scrapbooking or soap making.

19. Visit a fruit market. Take your time: walk through the rows, take a little of everything, enjoy the smell of fresh fruits and explore something exotic. Try making a fruit salad out of it and eat it out of a nice bowl.

20. Prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner in the same color theme. Let it be your favorite color, even if it's lilac. Experiment.

21. Go to culinary school. Now they are in every city. Learn how to make tangerine pancakes or casserole.

22. Go to a store with music CDs or instruments. Perhaps you would like to learn to play the ukulele.

23. If you are a music connoisseur, then you need to go to a vinyl store. Knowledgeable people assure that the sound on records is a real work of art.

24. Take your dog for a walk. If you don't have your own pet, "rent" from a neighbor or go to a local shelter. Volunteers are always needed, and communicating with an animal will give you many pleasant moments.

25. Spend time near the water. If there is no sea nearby, then you have rivers, lakes and ponds at your disposal.

26. Walk through the forest and collect a herbarium. Even in early spring you can find something interesting.

27. Take a Spanish class or any other language you don't already know. If you wish, you can also improve the one you studied at school.

28. Collect magazines and newspapers in one pile, cut out everything that seems interesting and beautiful to you. Make a collage that will motivate you or remind you of what you strive for.

29. Plant something. If not at the dacha, then at home on the windowsill. Even an onion from the nearest supermarket.

30. Write yourself a letter. It is better to do this outside the home, but where it will be quiet enough to concentrate. You can set yourself a certain deadline and open the envelope in a year or five years.

31. Write a letter to your parents. Tell them what you are grateful for and how they have impacted your life. If possible, send it to them by mail.

32. Make a bouquet of fruits or vegetables. The technique of creating such a bouquet can be mastered in floristry courses or through video tutorials on the Internet.

33. Take a walk around the area where you lived for a long time or where you spent your childhood.

34. Watch a movie in a genre that is unusual for you. For example, if you prefer American action films, then pay attention to the films of Kim Ki-duk.

35. Visit a fair or social store. Buy something inexpensive, but from which you can create something new. For example, turn a child's boot into a glass for brushes.

36. Spend time in a nearby park and just people-watch. How they behave, what they are wearing. Pay attention to what colors of clothing prevail among passers-by.

37. Go to the pet store. Watch the fish and hamsters, it's relaxing.

38. You can find a lot of interesting things in souvenir shops, try to find something of your own.

39. Visit a mosque, Catholic church or Buddhist temple. Again, regardless of your religion. Other customs, people and cultures are inspiring if you treat them with respect.

40. Give yourself an unusual make-up, hairstyle or manicure. Be bolder and don’t look for excuses like “at 30, it’s already indecent to dye your hair pink.”

41. Ride aimlessly around the city in a car, motorcycle or bicycle. Choose a time when there is little traffic on the road: late in the evening or early in the morning.

42. Go to an amusement park all alone, buy yourself some cotton candy and enjoy spring.

43. Go to the theater, but don't take anyone with you.

44. Draw with crayons on the asphalt or on a slate board. The more colors the better.

45. Draw graffiti. Seriously, be a teenager for a bit. The main thing is not to engage in vandalism. Paint the fence on your property or the door of your garage.

46. ​​Make a family tree. Go through family albums, remember your parents' stories. Don't worry if you don't know your great-grandmother's date of birth. Just draw and write, draw up the information you know on whatman paper.

47. See the sights of your city, imagining yourself as a tourist. Stock up on brochures or an audio guide, and walk the streets.

48. Daydream in the planetarium, look at the constellations and learn something new.

49. Sit with a book in a cozy cafe and order an unusual drink.

50. Try to master wood carving. This develops imagination, teaches attentiveness and accuracy. Wood can be replaced with metal or banana peel.

51. Take a voice recorder and record the sounds you like on the street. For example, the sound of wheels of passing trains, the chirping of birds, the splashing of water.

52. Edit your radio program. Speak like a news anchor or hold a competition among imaginary listeners. Choose the compositions that you like, tell a non-existent audience about them.

53. Master the craft of pottery. Try making a mug or vase from clay.

54. Go to the festival of colors Holi. In spring and summer, such events take place in almost every city. Don't be afraid to get dirty, enjoy the abundance of bright colors and smiles of people you don't know.

The point of a creative date is to find something new and inspiring for yourself, to learn to move from “need” to “want.” Choose an activity you like, and Internet search engines will help you with the rest.

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