Card file of individual speech therapist lessons on sound production. Card file of individual sessions of a speech therapist with children with special needs in the speech therapy group of a correctional kindergarten

Card “No. 1. Setting the sound "S". Preparatory stage. Before you start learning to pronounce the sound s, you need the child to hear and understand that he is missing this sound. The child does not analyze the sound composition of the word, but perceives only its meaning and does not notice that he is missing the sound. Having chosen two words, for example Sanya and Anya, the speech therapist offers to listen and show who he names. He takes two dolls - a girl and a boy, and says: “This girl’s name is Anya, and this boy’s name is Sanya.” (When saying the word Sanya, the speech therapist emphasizes the sound s, pronouncing it for a longer time.) Then he offers to repeat it. The child says the word Anya twice. “Say it again and listen carefully to what you call the boy. Do you hear? Now listen to me tell you; Piss. Let's learn to pronounce the sound c." Sound production. First you need to develop a long air stream running in the middle of the tongue. To do this, the speech therapist asks the child to blow on a slightly protruding wide tongue. Make sure that the tongue is not caught between the teeth. After the child has mastered the ability to blow on his protruding tongue, you can move the tongue behind the lower teeth to obtain the desired air stream. The speech therapist says: “Look where my tongue lies, whether my teeth are visible. Do the same. Open your mouth. Smile so your teeth are visible. Press your wide tongue underneath your front teeth. Look how well you did! Cover your mouth. Now let's blow... You see, the air is flowing. And if you blow on your hand, you will feel a cold stream of air. (Brings the back of the child’s hand to his chin.) Now rest.” During the pause, you need to prepare a cotton wick and teach the child to hold it, placing it on the chin so that the air stream hits it. If the air stream is weak, you need to ask the child to blow on the cotton wool harder, but so as not to puff out his cheeks. The resulting correct articulation must be repeated 5-6 times, with pauses so that the child’s attention does not weaken and so that he has time to control his actions. If at the next lesson the child cannot reproduce the correct articulation, it must be shown again. The child should not immediately try to pronounce the resulting sound in words. It is necessary that articulation becomes familiar to him. This can be achieved by repeatedly pronouncing an isolated sound, but such an exercise is monotonous and boring. Therefore, an element of play is introduced - the speech therapist suggests reproducing the whistle of air coming out of the pump, the creaking of new boots, etc.



Card “No. 1. Setting the sound "S".

Preparatory stage. Before you start learning how to pronounce a sound With, the child needs to hear and understand that he is missing this sound. The child does not analyze the sound composition of the word, but perceives only its meaning and does not notice that he is missing the sound.

By choosing two words, for example Sanya and Anya , the speech therapist offers to listen and show who he names. He takes two dolls - a girl and a boy, and says: “This girl’s name is Anya, and this boy’s name is Sanya.” (Saying the word Sanya, speech therapist produces sound With, pronouncing it for a longer time.) Then he offers to repeat it. The child says the word twice Anya. “Say it again and listen carefully to what you call the boy. Do you hear? Now listen to me tell you; Piss. Let's learn to pronounce the sound c."

Sound production. First you need to develop a long air stream running in the middle of the tongue. To do this, the speech therapist asks the child to blow on a slightly protruding wide tongue. Make sure that the tongue is not caught between the teeth. After the child has mastered the ability to blow on his protruding tongue, you can move the tongue behind the lower teeth to obtain the desired air stream.

The speech therapist says: “Look where my tongue lies, whether my teeth are visible. Do the same. Open your mouth. Smile so your teeth are visible. Press your wide tongue underneath your front teeth. Look how well you did! Cover your mouth. Now let's blow... You see, the air is flowing. And if you blow on your hand, you will feel a cold stream of air. (Offers the child's hand To the back of his chin.) Now rest.”

During the pause, you need to prepare a cotton wick and teach the child to hold it by applying To chin so that the air stream hits it. If the air stream is weak, you need to ask the child to blow on the cotton wool harder, but so as not to puff out his cheeks. The resulting correct articulation must be repeated 5-6 times, with pauses so that the child’s attention does not weaken and so that he has time to control his actions.

If at the next lesson the child cannot reproduce the correct articulation, it must be shown again.

The resulting sound from The child should not immediately try to pronounce in words. It is necessary that articulation becomes familiar to him. This can be achieved by repeatedly pronouncing an isolated sound, but such an exercise is monotonous and boring. Therefore, an element of play is introduced - the speech therapist suggests reproducing the whistle of air coming out of the pump, the creaking of new boots, etc.

Card number 2. Setting the sound "S", ».

After audio automation with s". This work is carried out on the material of syllables: si, xia, se, se, siu. At the same time, the speech therapist asks the child to smile wider, since by pulling the corners of the mouth back, we help the tongue move forward more and soften the sound. Once the correct pronunciation of syllables has been mastered, you can move on to words.

First, words are selected in which the sound c comes first; sieve, hay, nets, village, seeds, seven, siphon, saddle, net, family, herring, snow, light, whistle, wall, plum, sour cream, beets, pig;

then the words in which With" is in the middle:aspen, doggie, autumn, eight, jelly, donkey, ten, cornflower, fox, taxi, bones, suit, guests, sausages, orange, ladder, bicycle, insect, bead, gazebo, ribbon, letter;

and words that end with this sound:elk, goose, crucian carp.

Sima and Senya laughed merrily. U There are seven herrings in the nets. Stepan sowed beet seeds.

Card No. 4. Setting the sound "C".

Sound production ts possible only after the sound With will be corrected and included in the child’s speech.

Sound ts complex, it consists of sounds t and s, which are pronounced quickly, one after another. The methodology is based on this feature. The speech therapist says: “Tell me t, and now s, say it again. Okay, well done, now speak quickly, without interruption: ts, ts, ts."

Sometimes the child immediately sounds And, Sometimes you get a combination of sounds: tvs or ths. The best way to fix this is to show your child that t and s pronounced without interruption, immediately. An adult can bring the back of the child's hand to his mouth so that when he pronounces a sound quickly And he felt one blow of the air stream, and not two, as with TZS or thousand

Sound Automation ts begins with pronouncing words where it comes at the end (in this case it is easier for children to pronounce it more clearly and briefly):fighter, swimmer, finger, dance, singer, chick, hare, father, month, little finger, lollipop, well, baby, cabbage roll, blacksmith, destroyer, gift, arctic fox;then in the middle:face, egg, sheep, ring, sun, bird, saucer, hospital, stairs, tit, street, mill, singer, bells, motorcycle, button, unit, caterpillar, towel, onion, soap dish.Next, enter the words in which And is at the beginning:chain, heron, flower, chicken, clattering, cement, target.

With practiced words, the speech therapist comes up with sentences, for example:The fighter aims at the target. Tanya's father is a swimmer. Volodya did a great job, he gave Tolya a lollipop and etc.

Card number 3.

Setting the sound "Z".

Sound production h will not cause difficulties after the sound With will be well automated in words, phrases and short poems. Play sound h It helps to feel the vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx with your hand. The child places one hand (the back side) to the front of the speech therapist’s neck (there is no need to press the hand too hard), and with the other hand he lightly touches his neck.

First, the speech therapist pronounces the sound With, then smoothly switches to sound h. Repeats the sounds 2-3 times, after which the child pronounces them himself. You need to help your child compare sounds. “Do you hear,” says the teacher, “ With - quiet sound, “the voice is sleeping”, and h - loud, “the voice has awakened,” sings songs loudly.”

Having achieved the correct pronunciation of the sound h, you can start automating it in words: the sound is at the beginning of the word:teeth, comma, plant, curl, curtain, umbrella, building, bunny, hairpin, toothy, cufflinks, lock;in the middle of a word:mimosa, glucose, tears, sleeve, goat, eyes, vase, basins, mosaic, forget-me-nots, carp, lawn, body, box, station, hut, nest, alphabet, knots. Words with the sound z at the end are not used, since it is stunned in this position and sounds like With.

With practiced words, the speech therapist makes sentences, for example: UZoe's teeth hurt. The cufflink rolled behind the vase. Lisa forgot Zoya's umbrella and etc.

Setting the sound "Z"

After audio automation h evoke sound by imitation z". First the syllables are taken: zy, zy, ze, ze, zy. Then move on to the words in the following sequence: sound z" is at the beginning of a word:greens, earth, winter, strawberry, link, star, snake; in the middle: ointments, runners, nails, Vaseline, raisins, gasoline, jigsaw, loophole, monkey, clove, newspaper, blade, basin, goat.

With practiced words, the speech therapist comes up with sentences, for example: UZins make your feet feel cold in winter. A snake is crawling along the ground. Zina brings greens to the goat and etc.

Card No. 5. Setting the sound "SH".

Preparatory stage.When starting to work on hissing sounds, you need to check whether the child can lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth and whether he can make the tongue wide (spread it). If these movements make it difficult for the child, they are practiced,

To develop the ability to keep the tongue wide and freely spread, the child is asked to place it on the lower lip, then lightly slap his lips, as if pronouncing sound combinations la, five, la.

Then they develop the ability to bend the wide tongue upward in the shape of a spoon. To do this, it is best to slightly stick out your wide tongue and show how its front edge can press against the upper lip. If the child is unable to move, place the handle of a teaspoon under the tip of his tongue and, lifting it, press it to his upper lip.

Having mastered the movement, the child can repeat it with his mouth wide open, gradually moving his tongue behind his upper teeth. You need to keep your tongue suspended in your mouth, without touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Sound production.After the child learns to spread his tongue and bend it upward, the speech therapist suggests to him: “Open your mouth slightly, lift your wide tongue over your upper teeth, like me. Now blow on your tongue. Do you hear how the wind rustled? (Air passing through a small gap between the front edge of the tongue and the palate creates a noise resembling a hissing sound.)

It happens that a child blows with a sound X, then the jet dissipates, the sound turns out fuzzy and distorted. In this case, he must be told: “Blow on the tip of your tongue with a sound With". Developing the correct sound sh requires repeated repetition and the use of various images (the wind makes noise, a goose hisses, air comes out of a burst balloon, etc.).

The playful form of explanation combined with demonstration quickly focuses the child’s attention. Gradually, under control. teacher, he begins to perform the required movements (bring his teeth together and slightly move his lips forward) and pronounce the sound correctly I.

It must be remembered that when introducing a sound, you should never call it to a child, so as not to cause habitual incorrect pronunciation in him.

Card number 6. Setting the sound “Zh”.

First, the child is given the opportunity to feel the vibration of the vocal cords when pronouncing a sound. and. The speech therapist places the back of his hand on the front of his neck. Next, the adult and the child pronounce the sound w and adds a voice. With one hand the child feels the vibration of the teacher’s vocal cords, and with the other - in himself. Isolated sound and reinforced using onomatopoeia (imitation of the buzzing of a beetle, bee, bumblebee, etc.).

For sound automation and in words, the speech therapist draws pictures in the child’s notebook, in the names of which he appears at the beginning:toad, sting, jacket, belly, vest, animal, acorn, beetle, yolk, pearl, jelly, token; in the middle: pajamas, blackberries, puddle, cuff, knives, floors, puddles, snakes, eggplant, dagger, lawn, hacksaw, jacket, snowflake, boot, flag, hedgehog, rain, clothes, scissors, snowdrop.Words ending with and, are not taken, since in this position it is stunned and sounds like w.

With the practiced words, sentences are made up and written under the corresponding picture; For example:The toad lived in a puddle. The beetle buzzes. U Zhenya lived as live snakes.

U Zhanna has jelly for dinner.

Card No. 8. Setting the sound "Ш".

The sound u often appears automatically after the sounds are played w, f, h. To evoke the sound, the child needs to be shown that if we pronounce the sound w, We will move our tongue forward, closer to the teeth, and the sound will be heard.

Considering the relationship in the movements of the muscles of the lips and tongue, you can ask the child when pronouncing for a long time w stretch your lips into a smile; at this time the tongue moves forward and the sound sch is heard. The resulting sound is reinforced through onomatopoeia (“Show me how a scrambled egg sizzles in a frying pan... What sound does a brush make when you clean things with it”, etc.).

To automate the sound u in words, draw pictures in the names of which it is at the beginning of the word:cabbage soup, shield, slit, pike, cheeks, puppy, goldfinch, sorrel, chips, brush, bristles, latch, tongs; in the middle: things, ticks, Kashchei, box, predator, area, vegetables, boot, fishing rod; at the end: bream, tick, ivy, cloak.

When asked, the child comes up with sentenceswith learned words. For example:The comrades pulled out pike and bream. Petya, grab the pliers and we’ll pull out the nail.

Card No. 7. Setting the sound "Ch".

Sound h can be set from sound T: with the tip of the tongue raised upward, it is moved further inland from the upper incisors. show yourself where the tongue is and how much it moves back. When the child accurately copies the movements, you need to move his lips forward (pressing on his cheeks) at the time when he says Thu-tat-tat. The result will be a sound h, You should praise the child (“You said it correctly, well, repeat it again”). We can say that this sound is reminiscent of the chirping of a grasshopper (“It jumps high in the grass, just like your tongue jumps behind your upper teeth. Do you hear, h - jumped, again h - jumped").

If by imitation the sound h it is not possible to deliver, its correct sound can be achieved by pronunciating the sound combination together tsh first in slow, then in fast; pace.

The supplied sound is automated in words in which it is found at the end:night, daughter, oven, beam, sword, crying, key, roll, scarecrow, tractor, ball, owl; in the middle: barrel, dot, daughter, stove, match, bud, hummock, pack, bird, mast, glasses, tassel, butterfly, fishing rod, pipe, twig, twig, bunch, tank, cloud, heap, head of cabbage, boy, donut, cookies, swing;and only then at the beginning (if the sound is not fixed in previous positions, at the beginning of the word instead h Two sounds can be heard: tsh): tea, check, stocking, turban, shuttle, cap, seagull, teapot, cast iron, stuffed animal, suitcase, Cippolino, watch, garlic, lentils.

Together with your child, come up with and write down sentences with words in h. For example: U boy's pipe And duck. Tanya, don’t cry, the ball won’t sink. Olechka was swinging on a swing, and the bird was swinging on a branch. A girl drinks tea with cookies.

Card#9 Setting the sound "L"

Preparatory stage. To correctly pronounce the sound l, you need to develop: lifting the tip of the tongue up, lifting the back of the back of the tongue up, which can be achieved by practicing the sounds o, u, and also; the ability to lower the lateral edges of the tongue and exhale a stream of air into the gap between the lateral edges of the tongue and the molars. The solution to the last problem is the exercise “A hunter walks through a swamp.” The teacher says: “The hunter has big rubber boots, he is walking through the swamp. It’s squelching under his feet like this.” Holding the wide tip of the tongue between his front teeth, he exhales air through his cheeks; while exhaling, he evenly hits himself on the cheeks with the index fingers of both hands, resulting in a squelching sound.

Sound production.When showing a child how to bite the wide tip of his tongue, they explain to him: “Make your tongue look like a pancake. Show me how you bite it with your teeth. Do it easily so that it doesn’t hurt, and watch how your tongue will lie motionless below your teeth, like a pancake on a plate. Now open your mouth and let your tongue remain as before. Do this several times in a row." (The child practices in front of a mirror.) Imitating an adult, the child will soon learn to lightly bite his wide tongue with his front incisors, then, opening his mouth, leave his tongue in the same position.

When the child has mastered this exercise, they begin to make the sound l with the interdental position of the tongue (the so-called interdental l). Encourage your child to say the sound A the moment he releases his tongue after biting. Let him repeat this exercise in front of the mirror 5 - 6 times, holding his tongue tighter with his teeth and increasingly alternating this movement with pronouncing a sound. A. Gradually the pace of the exercise speeds up, and we will hear the syllables firstal, al, al, then-la, la, la.The teacher performs the exercise simultaneously with the child, but silently, so that he does not hear the sound l, but only sees the correct articulation and maintains the desired pace.

If the child heard that he was making the correct l sound, and then returned to his usual pronunciation, he should be stopped and asked to perform the exercise more slowly. In this case, you should draw the child’s attention to the position of the tongue: “Watch your tongue, order it not to run away from you into your mouth, hold it with your teeth.” At a slow pace, he can, without interrupting the drawn-out pronunciation of the sound A, alternately bite and release your tongue. This way he will get syllables la, la, la.

Next, you should move your tongue to the tooth position, normal for this sound. The child is asked to raise his tongue behind upper incisors and, pressing it firmly to the alveoli, pronounce the syllables ly, ly, ly. IN When combined with the sound s, the sound l acquires greater clarity.

After automating the hard soft sound, it is easy to imitate. Showing articulation in front of a mirror, the speech therapist pronounces syllables whether, whether, whether and draws the child’s attention to the fact that the lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth. Having achieved the correct pronunciation of a syllable whether, move sequentially to combinations l s e, i, e, Yu. To secure l" select words in which this sound appears at the beginning of the word:swan, lazy, quinoa, lollipop, ice, husky, blade, ribbon, petals, fishing line, cake, ladder, bream, shower, lemon, ruler, fox, face; in the middle: album, orange, ticket, pancake, saucer, felt boots, cornflower, waffles, biscuits, dumbbells, strawberries, wicket, oilcloth, cranberry, wheel, cutlet, raspberry, butterfly, coat, stove, log; at the end: binoculars, jelly, blizzard, medal, moth, zero, stem, salt, poplar, tunnel, coal, beans, target, crack, sorrel, shawl, overcoat, dust, bed, furniture, feather grass, jacket.

Sentences are made with learned words, for example:Lenya and Lena saw swans flying over the forest. Ilya and Leva were caught in a heavy downpour. Lilya was making an orange out of plasticine. U There are strawberries and raspberries on Lucy's saucer. Lyuba watered the leaves from a watering can.

Card No. 10 Distortion of sounds l, l"

Interdental pronunciation of the sound l.With this type of pronunciation, the correct sound is heard, only its articulation is slightly changed: the tip of the tongue, instead of rising behind the upper incisors, comes out between the teeth. The interdental pronunciation of l is used as a transitional stage in the production of the sound l (see above). Therefore, the correction of this defect is carried out in the same way as in the absence of the l sound. However, it must be taken into account that to automate l, it will take more time for those children who pronounce not only this sound interdentally, but also others, for example: t, d, i, s, h, q.

Nasal pronunciation of the sound ldiffers sharply from the correct one both in articulation and hearing. The tongue touches the back of the tongue to the soft palate, and not the tip to the upper incisors, as happens with the correct pronunciation of the sound l. In addition, the air stream passes partially or completely through the nose, as with the sound of and. Two fuzzy sounds are heard: ng. The child’s speech will sound like this: “Mouse vesengo zhinga, on the fluff in unggu spanga. The mouse is engga cheese and sango, but the mouse is all byngo mango.”

When correcting nasal pronunciation, first of all, it is necessary to develop the correct direction of the air stream: it should go through the mouth, and not through the nose.

The production and automation of sound with nasal pronunciation is carried out in the same way as in its absence.

Replacement of sounds l, l" with other sounds (paralambdacisms)

Replacing the l sound with the g sound.With this disorder, the tip of the tongue remains down, instead of rising behind the upper incisors, and the middle part of the back is arched upward, instead of

go down. The child says this: “The mouse is more cheerful than alive, sleeping on the fluff in the oog. The mouse is cheese and sayo, but everything is the same to the mouse.”

Replacing the l sound with the sound u. With this disorder, the lips, rather than the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. Adults often find it difficult to tell how a child pronounces the sound l, because by stretching his lips forward, as with the sound u, he quickly moves on to the next sound in the word and the listener does not have time to notice how the sound is pronounced. But if you invite a child to make a sound l, It will be easier to notice the movements of his lips. If you hold the child’s lips in the corners of his mouth with his fingers so that they are motionless, you can easily make sure that he cannot pronounce the sound l at all. With this replacement, the child’s speech sounds something like this: “Mouse veseuo jiua, on the fluff in yryy cnaya. The mouse is cheese and sauo, but everything to the mouse is mauo.” This deficiency, if not corrected, often remains for life.

Replacing the sound l with the sound s.With this type of incorrect pronunciation, the back of the tongue is raised and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing the sound, and adults often believe that the sound l is skipped. The child says: “The mouse is happy and alive, on the fluff of the bed.” The mouse is cheese and cheese, but everything is too much for the mouse.”

Replacing the sound l with the sound v.With such a replacement, the tongue does not take part; the lower lip moves towards the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a speech deficiency, but only an unclear pronunciation of the sound l. With this replacement, we hear: “The mouse is cheerfully alive, on the fluff of the ugwu shave. The mouse has cheese and savo, but everything was mavo for the mouse.”

Replacing the sound l with soundd. In this case, the tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but falls and is pulled away from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. The child’s speech sounds like this: “The mouse has a lot of fun, on the fluff in the uggoo spaga. The mouse eats cheese and sago, but the mouse eats everything.”

Correction of paralambdacisms onPREPARATION STAGEcarried out in several directions at once: they are taught to distinguish by ear the sound l and its substitute, to be aware of the difference in their articulation, to clearly perform the tongue movements necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sound l. But in some cases, exercises for the tongue and lips have their own characteristics:

when replacing l with g The child is taught to hold the tip of the tongue behind the teeth, pressing it firmly against the upper incisors, lower the middle part of the back of the tongue, and raise the back. In order for the tongue to take this position, the child is asked to insert the tip of the tongue between the front teeth and speak in a drawn-out manner and, or with the mouth open, place a round plastic tube on the middle part of the tongue, and lift the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors;

when replacing l with y First of all, you need to bring to the child’s consciousness that the lips should not move. To do this, he is asked to look in the mirror at his lips while repeatedly pronouncing the syllable whether. Then the adult himself pronounces this syllable anddraws the child's attention to that lips don't stretch forward, tonguevisible all the time - it descends from top to bottom. The child is told: “Your lips are naughty. You want them not to stretch forward, but they do it their own way. Let's teach them to obey. We command our lips: stretch forward! (The child easily performs the movement that is familiar to him.) Now stretch your lips as if you were smiling (this also does not make it difficult for the child). You see, your lips have become obedient because you told them what they should do.” The exercise is repeated several times until the child learns to easily switch from one movement to another at a fast pace. “Now let’s work with the tongue. Look what my tongue will do." (the teacher raises his tongue by the upper teeth, presses its tip firmly, then lowers it. The lips are always in a smiling position). Do the same.” The child repeats the exercise several times, and the speech therapist makes sure that he does not bend the tip of his tongue inward;

when replacing l with v it is necessary to slow down the movements of the lower lip. To do this, the child is taught to first lower it, exposing the teeth, and hold it in this position for a count of 3 to 5, then lift it to the upper teeth. These movements are repeated several times. If the child does not succeed, use mechanical assistance: lower and raise the lower lip with the index finger placed under it:

when replacing l with g the child is shown what the mistakes are in his pronunciation and how it differs from correct articulation. The teacher says: “Tell me la, la, la... (the child pronounces “ha”, “ha”, “ga”). See how far your tongue has gone? Look where I have it. It is pressed against the upper teeth. Do the same. Say and, but don’t lower your tongue, but hold it behind your teeth, like this.”.

Card No. 11 Setting the sound "R"

Production of r protoro

Preparatory stage.To pronounce the sound correctly R the front edge of the tongue needs to become wide. Some children fail to do this: the tip of the tongue narrows all the time. Comparisons can help here, for example: “Make your tongue like a pancake, let it lie on the plate.”

If the child’s tongue continues to remain tense, you should offer to spank it with your lips so that it becomes even. The speech therapist pronounces the syllables himself five-nya-five, placing your tongue on your lower lip. With these sounds, the tongue easily spreads out. The child’s attention is drawn to the fact that the tongue has become smooth and wide. “Now the pancake is ready, let’s put it on the plate.” (You should show how, by slapping your tongue with your lips, you can stop the movement of your jaw with your mouth open. The wide tongue remains lying on the lower lip.) “Now look, your tongue has become very good, it lies calmly, without moving, evenly. Shut your mouth and rest."

When the child learns to flatten his tongue, make it soft and relaxed, he is asked to raise his tongue to the top lip. This movement is demonstrated without opening the mouth too much, so that it is not difficult for the child to raise the wide tip of the tongue upward. The smaller the distance between the lips, the easier it is to make this movement.

Then you can say: “Now let’s send the tongue behind the upper teeth.” To show how the tongue moves behind the upper teeth, you need to slowly, with a smooth movement, moving it into the depths of the mouth. It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that the tongue remains as wide as it was when it lay on the upper lip. Then smoothly move the tongue onto the upper lip.

Holding your tongue wide behind your upper teeth, you need to blow on its tip. It is necessary to ensure that the child’s lips do not cover his teeth, otherwise this will prevent him from seeing the position of his tongue. You can address him with these words: “Smile so that your teeth are visible! Keep your tongue wide at the top. Tell s... s... s... Can you feel the breeze? Blow it again. Now watch how I blow!”

The production of an air stream directed at the wide, raised tip of the tongue completes the preparatory work on sound pronunciation R. The child hears a sound close to A (this is the sound that is obtained with this articulation), and does not connect it with the sound R.

By repeating the sound h with the tongue raised upward (the child’s lips are always in a smiling position), it is necessary to ensure that this articulation becomes habitual and is performed quickly and freely.

Sound production. The child pronounces the sound with the articulation indicated above h, what sounds like And, but without vibration of the tip of the tongue. If instead R will be heard, you need to ask the child to move his tongue closer to the incisors. Slightly intensifying the air stream, and then adding sound ah, we hear the sounds of ra. WITH other vowels make sound combinations ry, ro, ru.

Such careful preparation gradually and firmly establishes correct articulation in the child, but without vibration of the tip of the tongue. Resulting sound R called spacious. It also appears in correct speech in cases where it sounds short, for example: cancer, circle, motor.

Sound automation. Further R Protori is introduced into words where it is at the beginning of the word: frame, fish, hand; in the middle: drum, cow, steamboat; at the end: axe, tomato, fly agaric. WITHThe practiced words make up sentences. When used in words and phrasal speech R the child sometimes develops a booming pronunciation of sound on his own R. In other cases, it is necessary to generate vibration at the tip of the tongue.

Production of p rolling

(With vibration of the tip of the tongue)

Preparatory stage. The child develops the ability, as with R spacious, hold the wide front edge of the tongue behind the upper teeth. In order for the tip of the tongue to rise upward, you can ask the child to “drum” the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth with sound d (d... d... d...). A strip of paper brought to his mouth should vibrate with each stroke of his tongue.

Sound production.Teach your child to pronounce sounds r s vibration of the tip of the tongue (rolling r) can be done as follows. The child is asked to raise his wide tongue behind his upper teeth and pronounce the sound for a long time h (g) or pronounce the sound repeatedly d. At this time, with a wooden spatula, the flat handle of a teaspoon, or the straight right index finger of the child himself, placed under the tip of the tongue, frequent oscillatory movements are made from side to side, causing a rumbling sound to be heard. When the child’s hand gets used to it and the tongue does not slip off the finger (spatula), the baby will be able to independently cause vibrations of the tongue. Children really like this exercise and they do it with pleasure.

Having achieved vibration of the tip of the tongue with mechanical assistance, the duration of vibration is lengthened and gradually moves to the fact that the child begins vibration with mechanical assistance and continues without it. Over time, it is enough for the child to raise his finger to his mouth, and the tip of the tongue begins to vibrate; Gradually, this need also disappears. If independent vibration of the tip of the tongue is not produced for a very long time, sound automation begins R in syllables and words, achieving a peal with mechanical assistance.

Card No. 12 Distortion of sounds r, r"

Throat pronunciation of the sound rusually called burr. Burr is common in children and adults. In rare cases, it resolves without special intervention, and if left uncorrected, it can remain for life.

The difference between the throat p and the correct one is that the vibration is formed not by vibrations of the tip of the tongue, but by the small uvula or soft palate. This is the pronunciation of the sound R considered correct in French, German and some other languages.

It is not difficult to distinguish throat pronunciation from the correct one: to do this, you can ask the child to open his mouth wide and pronounce for a long time R. At the same time say the right one R impossible, but the throat one is pronounced freely. Correction of throat p can be done as follows.

Preparatory stage. If the child’s tongue is clumsy, tense and there are no correct sounds in speech w and g (which also require lifting the wide tongue upward), one should resort to articulatory gymnastics, through which the necessary positions and movements of the tongue will be developed.

If the child has the correct sounds w and g, you must immediately begin setting up the tongue and generating vibration at the tip of the tongue (as in the absence of sound R). R spacious must be obtainedSound order to activate the tip of the tongue and remove the vibration of the small uvula or soft palate. The resulting sound is consolidated through repeated repetition. It is necessary to ensure that the child uses the tip of his tongue behind the upper teeth at all times. It is also necessary that he visually controls his movements in front of the mirror.

Sound automation.When the correct r sound is obtained, it is very carefully introduced into the words. Having become accustomed to the throaty pronunciation of r, the child cannot always keep track of his articulation. Therefore, self-control and control on the part of the teacher are necessary for a long time. Number of words and sentences with sound R increase gradually. First, the child learns short poems and nursery rhymes, then short stories. Only when the child has no errors in the material he has mastered can he be required to always correctly pronounce the sound r in independent speech.

Lateral pronunciation of the sound r.With lateral pronunciation R instead of the correct sound one hears rl, it comes from the rapid connection of sounds R and l". The tip of the tongue with this pronunciation of r does not fluctuate, the entire tongue is turned so that one side of it is pressed against the upper teeth, and the other hangs down when an air stream passes and creates a peculiar overtone, resulting in rl. This pronunciation of r is often combined with the lateral pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds, but sometimes it is an independent violation.

If you ask a child to make a sound R drawn out, he will either not be able to do this at all, or a long impure sound l will be heard. Looking at the child’s articulation, we will see that the tip of the tongue is pressed upward and does not vibrate and that the side of the tongue vibrates. The vibration can be so strong that outside It can be seen how the cheek trembles. Correction of the lateral pronunciation of p is carried out as follows.

Preparatory stage start with tongue and lip gymnastics. With r lateral, the muscles of one half of the tongue are usually weakened, and prolonged work is required to achieve correct articulation. Various exercises for the tongue muscles are carried out for a long time, even at the stage of staging

ki sound.

Sound production. It is usually difficult to generate vibration at the tip of the tongue, since when trying to cause it, one of the sides of the tongue usually comes into a state of oscillatory movement. Therefore, first they put R spacious. The child assimilates the proto sound, as a rule, without much difficulty. The child needs to use R practiced constantly: introduce this sound into words, phrases and his independent speech. Only after this can you begin to generate vibration at the tip of the tongue. The teacher says to the child: “Now let’s try to start the engine.” In this case, mechanical assistance is used. When the vibration of the tongue has been developed, we begin to automate the sound.

Sound automation. The correct sound is reinforced in words, sentences, poems and stories. Usually the transition from r spacious k Rolling is carried out easily and quickly.

Card No. 13

Nasal pronunciation of the sound rsounds like a combination ng. It differs from correct pronunciation, firstly, in that the air stream comes out through the nose, and not through the mouth; secondly, by the fact that the tip of the tongue does not participate in the articulation of sound - it is pulled back into the depths of the mouth. PhraseRoma was awakened by a thunderclapwill sound like this: “Ngomu ngazbudil udang ngoma.”

When correcting the nasal pronunciation of the sound r By preparatory stagebegins with explaining to the child that air can be exhaled through both the nose and mouth. The teacher, inhaling, exhales slowly through his mouth, bringing a cotton wick to his lips. He says to the child: “Do you see how the cotton wool has deviated? It was the breeze that was blowing towards her. Now I will blow on the cotton wool - it will deviate even more. Do the same.”

After the child has practiced exhaling through his mouth, he is shown how to exhale through his nose (with his mouth closed, bring a cotton wick To upper lip so that when air comes out of the nose, it hits it - the cotton wool will deviate). The exercise is repeated several times with breaks so as not to tire the child.

Then they compare the sounds that are pronounced with exhalation through the mouth (v, is, etc.) with the sounds that are pronounced with exhalation through the nose (m, i). When applying cotton wool, monitor the stream of escaping air.

Asking the child to make a sound R, The teacher says: “You pronounce r incorrectly, air is coming into your nose. Listen to what I say." Pronounces the sound p for a long time so that the child can compare the correct pronunciation with his own.

Sound production.For this stage, the same techniques are recommended as for cases where there is no p sound. You can also cause the tip of the tongue to vibrate in the following way: invite the child to suck his tongue to the palate with his mouth open, then, without releasing the tongue, blow on it. At the moment the tongue is lifted from the palate, a strong push of the exhaled stream of air causes a short vibration of the tip of the tongue. Repeating the described exercise strengthens the child’s sense of vibration of the tip of the tongue, and then he can produce this sound independently, without mechanical assistance.

Replacement of sounds p, p" with other sounds (parorotacisms)

Replacing the sound r with the sound l. Language with the sound l, as with r, raised upward, but its tip, instead of vibrating, is pressed tightly To upper incisors or To the palate behind them, the lateral edges of the tongue are lowered, the air stream diverges on both sides of the tongue. PhraseRoma was awakened by a thunderclapthe child says: “Lomu lazbudil udaly gloma.”

Replacing the sound p with the sound y (th).When a child pronounces the sound u instead of the sound r, the middle part of the back of his tongue rises, that is, the tongue arches, and the tip remains motionless below. This position of the tongue is easy to see if you invite the child to say a drawn-out sound combination several times Rrrraaa. It will sound like “jjjaaa”, we will notice that the back of the tongue is raised and the tip is lowered. The sound ~, which replaces p, in combination with the sound and gives I, in combination with o - e, with e - e, with u-y. That is why educators and parents with this defect believe that the child replaces p with I, e, e, Yu. The child says this: “Uday Gyema woke him up.”

Replacing the sound p with the sound s.With this replacement, the back of the tongue plays an active role in articulation - it rises and is pulled back, and the tip of the tongue is lowered and pulled into the depths of the mouth. To see the position of the child’s tongue, you can invite him, opening his mouth wide, to pronounce the sound combination together macaw It will be seen that after the sound the tongue moves back and the back of its back rises up. PhraseRoma was awakened by a thunderclapwill sound like this: “Yomu woke up uday gyoma.”

Replacing the sound r with the sound g.

The back part of the back of the tongue takes an active part in articulation, which rises steeply upward and closes with the soft palate - at this moment a sound is heard g turning into x when lowering the back of the back of the tongue. The child says: “Ghomu ghaz woke udagh ghoma.”

Replacing the sound p with the sound v.With this replacement, the articulation of sound R It is carried out not by the tongue, but by the lower lip, which rises to the upper incisors and forms a gap with them, and an air stream passes into it. The tongue does not take part in pronunciation. We hear: “Voma was awakened by the gwoma boa constrictor.”

Correction of pararotacisms on preparation shipping stagegoes simultaneously in several directions: distinguishing by ear the sound p and its substitute, mastering the difference in their articulation; mastering the correct movements of the tongue with the help of articulatory gymnastics, game techniques, and imitation of a modelSetting the sound rwhen replacing it with other sounds, it is carried out using the same techniques as in the absence. However, the following features must be taken into account:

Card No. 14 Setting the sound "K"

Preparatory stage.To achieve the lifting of the back of the tongue towards the palate and to give the child the opportunity to feel these movements, he is offered a number of exercises.

“Who is stronger?”: the child’s lips are smiling, his mouth is open. The speech therapist places a cleanly washed and gauze-wrapped finger on the tip of the tongue, located behind the lower incisors, and pushes the entire tongue back. The child tries to push out the speech therapist’s finger with his tongue, while the back of his tongue rises high. Repeating the exercise, the speech therapist places his finger on the front of the back of the tongue and gradually moves the tongue further and further along the bottom of the mouth (while trying not to give the child any unpleasant sensations). When the child gets used to the new sensation of lifting the back of the back of the tongue, he will be able to use a clean index finger to press on the tongue and push it back, thereby raising the back of the back of the tongue.

Next, you can do the “Let’s make a slide” exercise: lips in a smile, mouth open, the tip of the tongue is pulled away from the lower incisors, and the back of the tongue is raised high and touches the soft palate. The speech therapist, showing a sample of this exercise in front of the mirror, says to the child: “Look how high my tongue has risen in the back, what a steep slide it turned out to be. Do the same.” Then he asks the child, with his mouth wide open, to raise the back of his tongue high and press it To palate, hold it there and lower it. By repeatedly repeating these movements, the child develops the ability to feel how the “tail” of the tongue - its back part - bends strongly upward deep in the mouth. Then you can move on to the next stage.

Sound production.First they try to make a sound To by imitation. The speech therapist shows in front of the mirror how sharply the back of the tongue arches, but does not give a sample of the pronunciation of the sound, since, having heard it, the child may return To habitual defective articulation. Then he invites the child to curve his tongue into a “slide”, press it to the palate and, without lowering it, blow the cotton ball off the back of his hand brought to his mouth (“The wind blows snowflakes off the slide”). The child should make a sound To. By repeating the exercise many times, you can consolidate the isolated pronunciation of this sound.

If you call a sound To imitation fails, it is placed with mechanical assistance. The child is asked to open his mouth wide enough to pronounce the syllable ta (ta-ta-ta...). The tip of the tongue rises upward. Then the adult presses on the front part of the back of the tongue with a wooden spatula or a clean finger of the child himself (the mouth remains open). Holding the tongue in this position, asks the baby to pronounce the syllable ta (ta-ta-ta...). As the child repeatedly repeats this syllable, the teacher slowly moves the tongue back, evenly pressing on its front part. Sounds will be heard first cha-cha-cha, then as-ka-ka and, finally, ka-ka-aa.

You can’t strive to get a syllable at once ka, this may cause discomfort in the child and reluctance to perform the exercise. Pronunciation of a syllable ka This is achieved gradually, from lesson to lesson, moving the tongue further and further back. When the child begins to pronounce easily and quickly ka, mechanical assistance is gradually eliminated. The speech therapist, pressing the child’s finger on the front of the back of the tongue, moves it back and invites him to speak syllables ka-ka-ka. After two or three repetitions, he removes his finger from his mouth, and the child continues to say these sounds on his own.

Then you can invite the child to “Blow the snowflakes off the slide,” i.e., correctly say an isolated sound And, giving him the opportunity to feel the push of air with the back of his hand. When the sound To will always be easy to pronounce when blowing a cotton ball from your hand, the teacher can say: “The air blows snowflakes off the slide the way we say the sound k. Raise your tongue in a slide, say k: k-k-k.” Having correlated the correctly pronounced onomatopoeia with the corresponding sound, they move on to the next stage.

Card No. 15 Setting the sound "G"

By the time the sound k is fixed in sentences, you can move on to working on the sound G.

Sound production. Usually the sound is g placed by imitation using tactile sensations. So, the teacher quietly pronounces the sound k (k-k-k), then loudly the sound G (y-y-y). Explains to the child: “When I speak quietly, the voice is silent, the walls of the “house” do not tremble; when I speak G loudly, the voice sings so loudly that even the walls of the “house” tremble. Let's check how loudly our voice sings." The child puts one hand with the back of his neck in front, the other - to the neck of the speech therapist, who repeatedly pronounces the sound k, then the sound G. When spoken G the child feels the vibration of the vocal cords. Next, the teacher and the child pronounce the same sounds together, the latter controls with his hand the presence of a voice in both himself and the adult.

If you call a sound G it is not possible to imitate it, it is placed with mechanical assistance, just like to, only from sound d. The teacher presses the front part of the back of the tongue, which is lowered behind the lower incisors, and moves it slowly back while the child pronounces sounds. Yes Yes Yes. Gradually begin to be heard dya, gya and finally ha. The child consolidates the received syllable ha, then - gee. Then the speech therapist draws pictures in his notebook, in the names of which G comes at the beginning of the word:newspaper, biscuit, lawn, dumbbells, jackdaw, head, mountain, dove, bootleg, pea, goal, knee socks, lips, geese, caterpillar, shoe polish, eyes, gladiolus, globe, gnome, nail, rake, rook; in the middle: leg, arc, cabin boy, taiga, navaga, cart, paper, beluga, blizzard, flask, oriole, sword, barbell, horns, road, rainbow, scarecrow, shop, berry, shoulder straps, snowfall, cucumber, revolver, parrot, carriage, cast iron, fire, twine, angle, coal.There is a sound at the end of the word G is deafened and pronounced as k or x, so words ending with G, are not used to automate this sound.

Then the speech therapist together with the child comes up with and writes down sentences with practiced words. For example:Galya drives the geese to the meadows, and the geese cackle: ha-ha-ha. Inga was reading a newspaper in the carriage. Gulya was chasing pigeons off the lawn. Goga bought dumbbells and a barbell at the store.

Sound g"

Sound production.If the child pronounces the sound well G in words, you can get syllables gee, gee. (“The little goslings cackle:gi-gi-gi (ge-ge-ge).Say so too.”) The speech therapist makes sure that the child’s lips stretch into a smile - this helps move the tongue forward, i.e., develops the articulation necessary for sound G".

If you can't get sound G" by imitation, it is placed with mechanical assistance from sound d, like a solid sound, only the tongue is moved back until sound combinations are heard yes-gya-gya.

Sound automation G" start with the words where it comes first, for example:weights, sleeve, guitar, Gena, geranium, dahlia, mushroom, croutons.Then enter words with sound G" in the middle, for example:legs, boots, irons, flags, money, splashes, pies, hippopotamusetc. Sentences are made with these words:Gena put his boots on his feet. Hera plays the guitar loudly. Gena saw a hippopotamus and a penguin at the zoo.Then the teacher selects nursery rhymes, poems, and stories with this sound for the children.

Card No. 16 Making the sound "X"

Sound production. Usually the sound is x easy to imitate. The speech therapist tells the child: “Open your mouth wide and breathe on your hands - warm them.” In this case, the adult makes sure that the tip of the child’s tongue is at the bottom, and the back of the tongue rises steeply, but does not touch the palate. You can, for example, first invite the child to make a “low rop”, and only then “let the breeze” (the movements are performed in front of the mirror).

If it is not possible to evoke a sound by imitation, it is placed I with mechanical assistance from the sound With. The child is asked to pronounce the syllable repeatedly sa, and at this time, pressing on the front part of the back of the tongue, they push it back. Sound combinations will be heard sequentially sa-xia-hya-ha.

Auto about matization of sound.Having fixed the correct pronunciation of the syllable Ha (imitating a clown's laugh), move on to automation X in words. At the beginning of the word:hut, robe, halva, stilts, collar, hamster, refrigerator, jellied meat, hockey, trunk, walkers, hill, persimmon, pine needles, tail, whip, cotton, firecracker; in the middle: fly, ear, ear, hat, alder, husk, turtle, bird, hedgehog, elephant, sea buckthorn, moss fly, ice drift, steamer, self-propelled gun, velvet, ottoman, mine, chess, shaggy; at the end: moss, fluff, fur, rooster, burdock, sunflower, shepherd, nut, pea and etc.

With practiced words, the child comes up with sentences, for example:The hut stood on a hill. Khariton carries an armful of brushwood. U dogs shaggy tail. A rooster and a corydalis walked between the burdock trees.Then the teacher selects poems, nursery rhymes, stories in which words with sounds are found X.

Sound x"

Sound production Usually the sound is x" is called immediately in syllables. The speech therapist asks the child to smile and say the syllable repeatedly hee, imitating the laughter of a little girl.

If you call a sound X" it is not possible to imitate it, it is placed with mechanical assistance, like a paired solid one, from sound With, you just need to move your tongue until you hear the sound combination hya: sa-sya-hya.

Sound automation.Resulting syllable hya reinforced through repeated repetition. Next, enter the syllable hee. Then move on to automation X" in words, for example:predator, frail, hut, dry cleaning, flies, roosters, sunflowers, burdocks, perfume and etc.

With these words the child makes sentences:Fox is a cunning little girl. Burdocks grew near the house. Mom bought perfume. The roosters wandered into the sunflowers. Flies were flying over the jam and etc.

The teacher selects poems and nursery rhymes with sound X" and teaches them to the children.

Lateral pronunciation.Usually only soft variants of back-lingual sounds are distorted, i.e. k", g", x". Their pronunciation becomes lateral. At the same time, the air stream changes direction and goes out sideways, which creates a squelching sound, and speech becomes unclear and sometimes even incomprehensible. For example: “Khlim dal Ghlene khleghli”(Kim gave Gene skittles).This is the pronunciation of sounds k", g", x" often combined with lateral pronunciation of whistling, hissing, and sounds t", d; i". The reason is insufficient work of the muscles of one half of the tongue: it does not press tightly against the molars and allows air to pass to the side.

When correcting this type of pronunciation at the final stage, the teacher gives exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and ensure uniform functioning of both halves. Then the sounds are played s, z, s", z", w, w, h, sch, t", d; i" and their correct pronunciation is fixed, and only after that can we proceed to the production a", g", x".

P ositioned in k a z v u ko V. To get the correct k", g", x" The teacher asks the child to say a sound To, and then after a pause - sound i: k - i (or g - i, x - i). By repeating these sounds with the child, the teacher reduces the pauses between them and gradually achieves their continuous pronunciation: ki, gi, hee. If you get sounds this way To", g", x" fails, they are placed with mechanical assistance, as in the absence of these sounds.

Automation of soundscarried out in the same order as in the absence of sounds k", g", x".

Card No. 17 Replacing the sounds k, k, g, g, x, x with other sounds

Most common back-lingual sounds k, g, x are replaced by anterior lingual t, d. Usually a and x are replaced by sound t, and g - d. The child’s speech sounds like this: “Tatya tatat tom”(Katya rides com), “Dusi will finish it drowsily”(Geese cackle loudly)“Muta flew otolo uta” (Myxa flew near the ear). Adults and children easily notice such defective pronunciation. Incorrect articulation can also be easily seen. By asking a child to say, for example, the word hammock, the teacher will see how the tip of his tongue rises and presses at the beginning and end of the word To the palate behind the upper teeth (normally, the tip of the tongue should be at the bottom, and the back of the tongue should rise). This deficiency can also affect written speech (letters are replaced k, x to t, and g to d), if work is not carried out in a timely manner to correct and differentiate these sounds.

Preparatory stage.In addition to exercises that help develop the raising of the back of the tongue to the palate, work should be done to differentiate sounds by ear a, d, x and their substitutes. For this purpose, symbol pictures are used. For the sound k, you can pick up a picture depicting a cloud from which it is raining; to the sound T - a picture of a railway carriage. The teacher says: “The drops are dripping: k-k-k..., the wheels of the carriage are knocking: t-t-t..... Now I will name these sounds, and you will show the corresponding pictures.” To differentiate sounds r - d you can pick up the following pictures: the goose stretched out its neck, opened its beak (he shouts: y-y-y), drum with sticks (drum roll: d-d-d). After the child learns to distinguish sounds by ear g and d, You can start producing back-lingual sounds.

Staging sounds.The teacher shows in front of the mirror the differences in the position of the tongue when pronouncing sounds To (“Drops are dripping”) and T (“The wheels of the carriage are knocking”). When the child masters upward movements with the tip of the tongue (with T) and the “tail” of the tongue (with To), the teacher tries to call To by imitation. If this does not work, sounds k, g, x placed with mechanical assistance, as in their absence.

Automation of soundscarried out sequentially in syllables, words, sentences, poems, stories.

The work ends with the stage of differentiation of the delivered sound and the substitute sound: k - t, g - d, x - t. At the same time, the teacher draws the child’s attention to differences not only in sound, but also in articulation (which part of the tongue works - the tip or the “tail”). Differentiation of these pairs of sounds is carried out in words, syllables, sentences, poems and stories. The work can be considered completed only when the child consistently uses these sounds correctly in independent speech.

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1 Card file of individual sessions of a speech therapist with children with special needs in the speech therapy group of a correctional kindergarten. This systematic material will help beginning speech therapists organize individual work with children in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten. I have been using this material in my work with children for many years. The dynamics of children's speech development makes me happy. I think that this material will help many beginning speech therapists organize their work with children, taking into account the specifics of speech defects. Speech therapist of the highest category, MDOU 1, Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory

2 Card file of individual lessons with children (ONR) (SIZING SOUNDS) Ш LESSON 1 1. Articulation gymnastics for the sound Ш. “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let's brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”. 2. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, “Men running” 3. Sound production Sh. 4. Game “4 extra” (on the topic of the week) 5. Game “One is many” "(noun singular and plural) Duck -, iron -, snail -, street -; Antenna -, watermelon -, pharmacy -, pineapple -; Willow -, turkey -, oriole -, toy -; Hoop -, Olya -, donkey -, 6. Syllabic structure of words (games) 7. Game “Attentive Ears” - isolating vowel sounds: A, U, I, O, S from a number of sounds: I, O, A, O, U, Y A,I,Y,O,U,A O,Y,U,I,O,A U,O,Y,I,A,U 8. Coherent speech: compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme (on the topic of the week ) 9. Development of attention and memory: games “What has changed?”, “Remember the name.”

3 Ш LESSON 2 1. Articulatory gymnastics for the sound Ш. “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let’s brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”, “Mushroom”, “Horses”. 2. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, “Little men run” 3. Development of an air stream exercise “Obedient breeze”. 4. Setting the sound of Sh. 5. Game “4 extra” (on the topic of the week). 6. Game “Find the sound” (A, U, I, O) at the beginning and end of words 7. Development of coherent speech - retelling the story “Vegetables” 8. Syllabic structure (games) 9. Game “Find the differences”

4 Ш LESSON 3 1. Sound Ш examination of the position of the articulatory organs, lips slightly elongated and rounded, teeth in a “fence with a gap”, tongue raised up, air warm, stream directed upward 2. Syllables and words: Sha-sha-sha hat sho- sho-sho seam Sha-sha-sha shawl Sha-sha-sha-- - chess Shi shi-shi tire Shi-shi-shi thorns Shi-shi-shi rosehip 3. Syllable rows: Sha-sho-shu-shi Sho- shu-shi-sha sho-sho-sho whisper sho-sho-sho shock shu-shu-shu fur coat shu-shu-shu joke shu-shu-shu noise shu-shi-sha-sho shi-sha-sho-shu 4 Words and sentences a) Masha our Dasha our porridge your ears neck b) Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower. Our Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower. Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower. 5. Ball game, recalling words with the sound Ш. 6. Game “Remember, repeat” Hat fur coat rosehip whisper 7. Game “Name it affectionately”: Masha -, Sasha -, Dasha -,

5 Ш LESSON 4 1. Sound Ш (long and repeated pronunciation) 2. Syllables and words: Ash-ash-ash your ush-ush-ush fly Ash-ash-ash our Ash-ash-ash tower Ash-ash-ash porridge Osh-osh-osh cat Osh-osh-osh midge 3. Syllable rows: Ash-osh-ush-ish Osh-ush-ush-ash ush-ush-ush ears ush-ush-ush cannon ish-ish-ish bear ish -ysh-ysh mouse ysh-ysh-ysh pyshka ush-ysh-ash-osh ysh-ash-osh-ush 4. Choice of words with the sound Ш from the story “The Cat and the Mouse”. Everyone left home. One cat is sitting on the window. The cat sees the mouse. But the mouse doesn’t see the cat. The mouse darted into the kitchen. There's a crumpet on the table. The mouse is eating a crumpet. And the cat is from the window and behind the mouse. 5. Syllabic structure of words (games) 6. Sound analysis: ASH, OSH, USH, YSH 7. Game “One and Many” (words with the sound Ш) 8. Game “Name it affectionately”: car -, cone -, 9. Game “Telegraph” (dividing words into syllables): hat, scarf, tire, car, balls, rosehip.

6 Ш LESSON 5 1. Articulation gymnastics for the sound Ш. 2. Finger gymnastics. 3. Sound Ш (long and repeated pronunciation) 4. Syllable series: Shk-shko-shk-shk ashk-oshk-ushk-ishk Shk-shk-shk-shk Shk-shk-shk-shko Shk-shk-shko-shk oshk-ushk-ishk-ashk ushk-ishk-ashk-oshk ishk-ashk-oshk-ushk 5. Learning tongue twisters: “Hush, mice, hush, mice, The cat sits and can barely breathe” 6. Selection of objects for signs: Plush plush plush Fluffy fluffy fluffy 7. Coherent speech: compiling a story based on key words using the plot picture “Bear” (Alyosha, car, six, grandmother, grandfather, bear, plush) 8. Sound-syllable analysis (Masha, shower) 9. Syllabic structure (games) 10. Game “Remember-repeat” Porridge machine cone cuckoo Mouse cat hat cannon Midge ears Dasha Sasha

7 S-SH LESSON 1 1. Sounds S-SH (alternating pronunciation) 2. Repetition of the sound S, syllable rows, words, phrases. 3. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllable series, words, phrases. 4. Syllable rows: sa-sha sha-sa sa-sa-sha sha-sha-sa so-sho sho-so sa-sha-sha sha-sa-sa su-shu shu-sa sa -sha-sa sha- sa-sha sy-shi shi-sy 5. Game “Let's give pictures to Sanya and Masha” (socks, stork, stroller, fur coat, wardrobe, mouse, bag, cherries, steps, sack, glass, cones, astronaut, pillow, jug, cuckoo, pine, vacuum cleaner) 6. Games to develop memory and attention with these pictures “What has changed?”, “Guess the indicated picture.” 7. Exercise in matching the game “1-2-5” with these pictures. 8. Sound analysis of words: itself, noise (scheme) 9. Syllabic structure of words (games) 10. Coherent speech composing sentences from three words (sentence scheme)

8 S-SH LESSON 2 1. Sounds S-SH (alternating pronunciation) 2. Game “On the contrary” a) syllables: sa-sa-sa - sha-sha-sha ash-ash-ash as-as-as so-so -so - osh-osh-osh su-su-su - ush-ush-ush sy-sy-sy - ish-ish-ish b) words: ears mustache you your jokes - ambassador kashka - mass Mashka - Sashka Mishka - adobe tires - our fable - cape 3. Learning a pure saying: “Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window, And your little funny cat leaves the window” 4. Selection of signs and actions for the sounds S, Sh for the subject: Cat Big Fluffy Funny Eared Plush is in a hurry breathes plays naughty sleeps eats 5. Sound analysis: fur coat, gardens 6. Games “One-many”,

9 S-SH LESSON 3 1. Sounds S-SH (alternate pronunciation). 2. Syllable series: Snoo-sno-snu-sny asn-osn-usn-ysn Snno-snu-sny-sna Snoo-sno-sna-sno Dreams-sna-sno-snu osn-usn-ysn-asn usn-ysn -asn-osn ysn-asn-osn-usn Shna-shno-shnu-shna Shno-shno-shno-shna Shnu-shna-shna-shno Shna-shna-shno-shnu ash-osh-ushn-ushn-ushn-ushn- yshn-ashn ushn-ushn-ashn-oshn yshn-ashn-oshn-ushn 3. The story “Pine” (memorization or retelling) Sasha and Masha went into the forest for pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. There is a tall pine tree at the edge. The pine tree has thick fluffy branches. And high up, at the very top of the head, there are big cones. The cones fall noisily down to the ground. There are a lot of cones under the pine tree. Sasha and Masha raise their cones. They rush home with a bag of cones. And behind you can hear the sound of a pine forest. 4. Isolating words from the story - with the sound C; - with the sound Ш. 5. Guessing riddles - descriptions about migratory birds. 6. Game “Telegraph” (dividing words into syllables): himself, fur coat, juice, balls, boots, fireworks, hat, tires, scooter, rosehip, noise, son, sleigh.

10 F LESSON 1 1. Articulation gymnastics for the sound F “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let’s brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”. 2. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, “Men running” 3. Sound production G. 4. Game “4 extra” (on the topic of the week) 5. Game “One is many” "(noun singular and plural) Table -, sofa -, bed -, wardrobe - etc. 6. Syllabic structure of words (games) 7. Game “Attentive Ears” - isolating the sound Ж from a number of sounds, from the beginning of words (noise, beetle, tea, belly, cat, Zhenya, Galya, animals) 8. Coherent speech: game “ Collect a flower” 9. Development of attention and memory: games “What has changed7”, “Remember the name”.

11 F LESSON 2 1. Articulation gymnastics for the sound F “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let’s brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”. 2. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, “Little men are running” 3. Sound production G. 4. Game “4 extra” (on the topic of the week) 5. Game “Name it kindly” "Glass -, spoon -, cup - 6. Syllabic structure of words (games) 7. Game “Attentive Ears” - isolating the sound Z from words (noise, beetle, tea, belly, cat, Zhenya, Galya, animals) 8. Connected speech: compiling a story description according to a scheme (on the topic of the week) 9. Sound analysis of words (diagram): beetle, toad 10. Development of attention, memory: games “What has changed?”, “Remember the name”.

12 G LESSON 3 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Long air stream “Push the ball into the goal”, “Obedient breeze” 3. “The Tale of a Merry Tongue”. 4. Sound ZH ZH (long pronunciation) 5. Syllable series: Zha-zha zha-zha-zha zha-zho-zhu-zhi Zhu-zhu zhu-zhu-zhu Zhi-zhi zhi -zhi-zhi jo-zhu-zhi-zha zhu-zhi-zha-jo zhi-zha-jo-zhu 6. Words: Toad acorn beetle Skin yellow hedgehogs Puddle flag snakes Lying snowball skis Knives meadow say 7. Game “Long and short words" (beetle, giraffe) 8. Finishing sentences (the phrase hedgehog with hedgehogs in different cases is added) - Zhenya ran to the forest and saw - He ran closer to - They ran away from Zhenya into the depths of the forest - Zhenya ran around the entire edge and did not find Zhenya I really regretted that I couldn’t show where they lived 9. Game “Speech therapy lotto” (sound Z) 10. Game “Remember, repeat” Live, chew dinner, beetle, toad, giraffe, etc.

13 G LESSON 4 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Self-massage of hands and fingers (exercises 2,3,7. P.21) 3. Long-term air stream “Twirl” 4. Sound ZH ZH (long pronunciation). 5. Syllable series: Zhma zhmo zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm yzhm Zhmo zhm zhma zhm zhm zhma zhm zhm zhmo zhm zhm zhm yzhm zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm zhm 6. Words game “Speech therapy lotto” (sound: Zh ) 7. Memorizing “Beetle” The beetle has fallen and cannot get up: He is waiting for someone to help him. 8. Phonemic perception, isolating words with the sound Ж from a pure saying about a beetle. 9. Selection of signs and actions for the subject Beetle Small Buzzing Alive flies sits buzzes 10. Sound analysis (diagram) - beetle. 11. Game “Telegraph” - dividing words (based on the topic of the week) into syllables.

14 H LESSON 1 1. Articulatory gymnastics for the sound H “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let’s brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”. 2. Finger gymnastics: “Fingers say hello”, “Clicks”, “Claws”, “Scissors”, “Men running” 3. Sound production Part 4. Game “4 extra” (on the topic of the week) 5. Game “Count” (coordination of numerals with nouns in gender and case) (dictionary on the topic of the week) 6. Syllabic structure of words (games) 7. Game “Attentive Ears” - isolating the sound Ch from a number of sounds, from the beginning of words (cup, beetle, tea, belly , suitcase, Zhenya, Galya, black, teapot) 8. Coherent speech: dissemination of sentences by introducing homogeneous members of the sentence into them. 9. Development of attention and memory: games “What has changed?”, “Remember the name.”

15 H LESSON 2 1. Articulatory gymnastics for the sound H “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Let’s brush the upper teeth”, “Pancake”, “Cup”. 2. Finger gymnastics: playing with fingers. 3. Sound production Part 4. Onomatopoeia: how the scissors cluck: chick-chick-chick steam locomotive: ch-ch-ch-ch-ch cars: ch-ch-ch-ch-ch 5. Repeat after me: Syllables ach- och-uch-ich, uch-och-ach, ich-och-uch-ach. Words: crying, weaver, kalach, daughter, night, oven, key, sword, ball, thorn. 6. Syllabic structure of words (games) 7. Coherent speech learn the dialogue: “In the store” - How much does a zucchini cost? Zucchini? Piglet. -Give me two zucchini. Give me two spots. - Piglet and piglet - Here, a ten-kopeck piece. 8. Sound analysis of words (diagram): chum, siskin 9. Development of attention, memory: games “What has changed?”, “Remember the name.”

16 HOURS LESSON 3 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Long air stream “Push the ball into the goal”, “Obedient breeze” 3. Sound CH-CH-CH-CH (long pronunciation) 4. Repeat pure sayings Cha-cha-cha in the room candle Chu-chu-chu with a hammer I knock Cho-cho-cho my shoulder hurts Chi-chi-chi my keys Chok-chok-chok we have a piglet Ach-ach-ach give me a roll Och-och-och night has come, etc. 5. Game “Divide the words into syllables” - wheelbarrow, barrel, water, night, stove, ball, etc. 6. Game “Say kindly” Flower - chest - side - hat - heel - lock - pillow 7. Game “Speech therapy lotto” (sound) 8. Game “Make sentences” with the words: daughter, tea, mail, clock. 9. Letter Ch. Read syllables.

17 H LESSON 4 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Long air stream “Push the ball into the goal”, “Obedient breeze” 3. Sound and letter H. Reading syllables, typing. 4. Answer the questions in complete sentences: -What is used to open the lock? -What do they drink from a cup? -When does the moon shine? -Who teaches students at school? -Who brings newspapers and letters? 5. Explain the meaning of the proverb: “if you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.” 6. Game “Say kindly” Flower - chest - side - hat - heel - castle - pillow - 7. Remember and name the rows of words: Night-night-night Mail-postman-postal Oven-oven-baking 8. Learn the riddle: I puffing, puffing, puffing, I'm knocking, knocking, knocking, I'm flying, flying, flying, I don't want to be late (train)

18 HOURS LESSON 5 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Sound and letter Ch. Reading syllables, words, typing in a notebook. 3. D/game “The sound got lost” There are no roads in the swamp I’m on the cats (bumps) Jump and jump. The blue sea is in front of us. T-shirts (seagulls) are flying above the waves. 4. Sound analysis of words: ball, clock 5. Remember and name the rows of words: Night-night-night Mail-postman-postal Oven-oven-baking 6. Make a sentence based on the picture with prepositions: because of, from under. Determine the number of words in a sentence. Create a proposal outline. 7. Retelling the story “Butterfly” with the addition of a new episode. Improve the skill of using complex prepositions. (train)

19 LESSON 1 1. Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Sound Ш (repeated pronunciation) 3. Syllables and words Ash-ash-ash cloak Oh-osh-osh horsetail, vegetable, help Another-another thing, bream Yush-yush-yush cartilage Yush-yush-yush-ivy 4. Syllable series Asch-oshch-ushch-isch Osch-ushch-isch-asch ush-isch-asch-oshch search-asch-oshch-ushch 5. Words: Borscht, tick, pimple, power Predatory, predator, comrade Powerful, vegetable, knowledgeable 6. Pure saying Ash-ash-ash Tanya has a new raincoat Still-still-bream swimming in the river Oh-sch-oshch we have delicious borscht 7. Sound analysis of words: pike, shield 8. Game “Remember, repeat” (see paragraph 2.4) 9. Selection of objects for the signs: Predatory predatory predatory Powerful powerful powerful Vegetable vegetable vegetable 10. Printing the letter Ш, syllables, words.

20 LESSON Articulation and finger gymnastics. 2. Sound Ш (multiple pronunciation) 3. Syllables and words Shch-shcha sorrel, grove, squeak Shchi-schi-schi - shield, look Shch-schi-schi pike, tentacles Shch-sche-sche brush, cheeks, more Sche-sche-schi crack, sliver, puppy 4. Syllable rows Scha-scho-schu-schi Shch-schi-schi-schi Shch-schi-schi-scho Shchi-scha-scho-schu 5. Words: Square grove gorge cave lizard latch platform tongs box treat forgive welder protector food clothespin 6. Counting “1 10” (see paragraph 3.5 selectively) 7. Sound analysis of words: pike, shield 8. Learning a tongue twister: “Two puppies are pinching a brush cheek to cheek in the corner." “I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike” 9. Printing in the wake of analysis: grove, food, pike, thicket. Spelling SHCHA, SHCHU. 10. Game “Change the word”: fist fist, strength -, hand -, boot -, pocket -, ax -, leg-, nose -, mustache -

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Murmansk 15 Summary of direct educational activities with children of the senior group on the differentiation of sounds from the school “The Adventures of a Snowman”

K-1 3. Look at and draw the letter Sh in the air with your fingers. 4. Say the syllables and words sha-sha-sha hat shi-shi-shi - tire sho-sho-sho whisper shu-shu-shu - fur coat 5. Remember and repeat the syllables sha-sho-shu-shi sho-shu-shi-sha shu-shi-sha-sho

(we “walk” along the leaves with our fingers and clearly pronounce the sound on each leaf) 1. We pronounce the syllables: 1.1. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound Ш in words with straight syllables under stress: 1.2. Consolidating pronunciation

Summary of an individual lesson in a group of senior preschool age, with a child with a speech therapy certificate from the FFNR, as part of the “Open Day of the Preschool Educational Institution”. Topic: Automation of the sound [sh] in sentences.

Sysoeva Larisa Valentinovna Teacher-speech therapist, MDOU “TsRR-kindergarten 47 “Bell”, Istra, 2014 Subject. Differentiation of sounds “С Ш” using elements of logorhythmics (preparatory group.) Goals.

CARD Ш 1 (straight syllables) 2. “Snake Song.” 3. Pronounce the syllables with a change in rhythmic pattern. SHA, SHA SHA, SHA, SHA SHO, SHO SHO, SHO, SHO SHU, SHU SHU, SHU, SHU SHI, SHI SHI, SHI, SHI 4. Remember and pronounce the syllabics

Summary of a subgroup lesson on speech development in the senior group Topic: Sound [Ш], letter Ш Developed and conducted in the senior speech therapy group of MDOBU “Kindergarten 2” by teacher-speech therapist Valkovskaya N.A. Correctional and developmental

A fairy tale about a cheerful tongue based on the book by V.N. Kostygina “TRU-LA-LA”, Articulatory gymnastics. M.: 2000 WINDOW Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tongue. He woke up early in the morning. He opened the window. Looked left, right. Looked down.

Cha-cha-cha - there is a candle in the room. Ch 1 Chu-chu-chu-I knock with a hammer. Whoa, whoa, my shoulder hurts. Chi-chi-chi- I have the keys. Chok-chok-chok - we have a heel. Achka-achka - Vova has a car. Ch 2 Ach-ach-ach-give me a roll. Oh-oh-oh-

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten 11 “Zvezdochka” Urban district Sharya city, Kostroma region Summary of individual lessons Work on

Gymnastics complexes for the tongue Prepared by speech therapist Yu.V. Plakhotnik First complex (for whistling sounds S, Z, C) Drive the ball into the goal. Stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time on the person lying

Appendix 4 Long-term work plan for speech therapy groups for the 2016-2017 academic year. The plan was drawn up in accordance with the methodological recommendations of Ivanova Yu. D. “Preschool speech center: documentation, planning

Paid additional educational service MDOU D/s 40 Photo report for the 2016-2017 school year. year Paid additional educational service “Rechetsvetik” for children of primary preschool age groups (from 2 to

Paid additional educational service MDOU D/s 40 Photo report for the 2017-2018 school year. year Paid additional educational service for children from 2 to 4 years old is carried out by a speech therapist teacher: Kushnarenko

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18" Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field "Speech development" for children of the senior group

SUMMARY OF A SUB-GROUP LESSON ON THE FORMATION OF PHONETIC-PHONEMATIC PROCESSES Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [s] - [w] (preparatory group). Objectives: 1. Learn to distinguish the sounds [s] - [w] by ear and in pronunciation.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Teremok" Summary of organized activities on the sound culture of speech on the topic: "Stepashka visiting the children" (middle group)

MDOU "Kindergarten 2 of the Sonkovsky district of the Tver region" Summary of an open lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group. "Introducing the letter H." Educator: Moiseeva E.A. 2015 Purpose: to consolidate

December, Week I Expansion, clarification and updating of children’s active vocabulary on the topic “Winter”; Learn to select words with the same root for a given word; Continue to teach how to write descriptive stories with support

Goals: Integrated lesson between a speech therapist and a teacher. For children of the preparatory group with special needs, on the topic “Into the forest to pick mushrooms” Correctional and educational: Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU TsRR DS 17 Kochneva A.V. expand

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the Kostroma municipal district of the Kostroma region “Kindergarten “Solnyshko”, Serednyaya village” Methodological development (NOOD) for training

Ivanova Elena Anatolyevna Chermnykh Maria Mikhailovna State budgetary institution of additional education Center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

MKDOU "TsRR d/s 6" Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech with children Differentiation of sounds [zh], [w] in syllables, in words and sentences Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist 1 KK Nikolaeva S.V. Goal: teach the child

Articulatory gymnastics as the basis for correct pronunciation For clear sound pronunciation, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed: tongue, lips, soft palate. All speech organs are made up of muscles. If

Topic: “Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables and words” Objectives: To clarify the articulation and correct isolated pronunciation of the sound [Ш]. Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus, develop fine motor skills

Head U.A. Zavarina INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE for correction of speech development of a child with disabilities at a speech center 2016-2017 academic year GBDOU kindergarten 71 Primorsky

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type 9, Slavyansk-on-Kuban municipal formation Slavyansk district, Pobedy street 244, Slavyansk-on-Kuban Krasnodar

Explanatory note. The workbook is intended for speech therapists and parents for classes with children 5-7 years old. The tasks are aimed at developing phonemic awareness and differentiation in preschoolers

Note to parents. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop correct, complete movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Conduct

ZKR/ phonemics vocabulary grammar word formation coherent speech motor skills “Window” “Tube” “Smile” “Proboscis” “Let’s laugh quietly” Let’s brush our teeth” “Brush our tongue” auditory perception “What sounds”

State budgetary educational institution school 657 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg LESSONS LESSONS IN Speech Therapy DIFFERENTIATION Z-Z 2 “B” class Klyuchnikova Anasatsiya Anatolyevna teacher

Individual educational route Full name: Date of birth: Conclusion of TPMPC TNR Validity period of the action plan for speech therapy assistance: 2017-2018. Goal: creating conditions for successful socialization


Speech card (FFN, FN) Last name, first name of the child Date of birth Complaints of parents Data on the progress of speech development State of general motor skills State of fine motor skills Attention, performance General sound of speech

SPEECH CARD Last name, first name of the child Age Home address Date the child entered the group Arrived from kindergarten Date the child left the group Information about the parents: Mother (address, phone number) Father Complaints from the parents

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 259" of a combined type of Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan Abstract of individual

Contents 1. Explanatory note.... 3 1.1 Purpose, objectives, principles of the program.... 4 1.2 Evaluation criteria.... 4 1.3 Speech examination methodology.... 5 2. Curriculum... 13 3. Contents programs... 13 3.1

Topic of the educational activity “Let's play with Luntik” Tasks Automation of the sound “L” Individual work Corrective: - consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound “L” in syllables, words and sentences; - development of phonemic

MADOU 16 “Thumbelina”, Krasnokamensk Summary of the organization of direct educational activities of children in the compensatory preparatory group 12 on the topic “Differentiation of sounds

A card file of articulatory gymnastics exercises for all age groups. Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Skrynnikova Olesya Aleksandrovna, Surgut, 2015 Articulation gymnastics complex (junior group)

Consultation for parents Articulation gymnastics at home Correct pronunciation of sounds by children is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work of the articulation organs. Develop clear

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Beloyarsky district "Child development center kindergarten "Fairy Tale" Visual modeling method in correctional and developmental work with children

Differentiation of sounds Сь ШЧ Symbols of sounds Сь Ш. Articulation of sounds Сь - Ш. Name the similarities and differences. Similarities: teeth at a small distance, do not squeeze; wide tongue. Differences: the sound “S” is pronounced with

Corrective direct educational activities for the development of lexical and grammatical categories in a senior speech therapy group for children with ODD. Program content Educational Expand


Advice from a speech therapist to parents: “How to do articulation gymnastics with your child at home?” To achieve the necessary expected positive results from speech therapy sessions for a child with a speech therapist, it is required


GKS(K)OU “Vvedenskaya boarding school of the VIII type Journey to the country of Beautiful Speech Speech therapy matinee Teacher-speech therapist Rzhevskaya S.I. 2012 Topic: Journey to the land of beautiful speech Objectives: Correctional and educational:


Options for didactic games and exercises on the lexical topic “Transport” for working with children with ODD Compiled by: E.V. Kalinina, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS 53 “Fairy Tale”, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region 1. “Name

Plan of individual work with 1st grade students. Correction of sound pronunciation: - preparatory exercises for setting the sounds L, R, - setting the sound L, - automation of the sound L in syllables, words, sentences,

Lesson summary “Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables and words.” Subgroup speech therapy session for first grade students. Goal: sound automation [Sh. in syllables. In words, consolidation of the visual image

Dear adults, mothers and fathers! We hope that our consultation on setting hissing sounds will help you cope with some of the sound pronunciation problems your beloved baby has. If you

“Differentiation of sounds and letters Zh and Sh” Journey for treasures Compiled by Daria Vladimirovna Zhabina, teacher-speech therapist of the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow, secondary general education

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN 84 COMBINED TYPE Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development (literacy training) in the preparatory school group. Theme: Letter

“The use of game techniques for speech correction in preschool children” The material for the workshop was prepared by a speech therapist of the highest qualification category: Svetlana Sergeevna Kulyak Components of speech

Planning individual correctional and developmental work to correct sound pronunciation The process of correctional and speech therapy work for any violations of the pronunciation side of speech can be divided into two categories:

Appendix 1 Long-term plan for the work of the “From Sound to Letter” club to prepare children 6-7 years old for learning to read and write. Preparatory stage Objectives: - development of auditory attention and auditory perception, auditory

Private educational institution "German Gymnasium "Peterschule" Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group for children with FND on sound automation [L] "Towards Winter"

Summary of the lesson in the senior group “Visiting the Hedgehog” Author - Natalya Nikolaevna Krylova, teacher of the MADOU “Kindergarten 86” in Syktyvkar. Goal: development of logical thinking, problem solving skills

1 ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS FOR WHAT? In order for a child to learn to pronounce complex sounds, his lips and tongue must be strong and flexible, hold the required position for a long time, and easily make multiple

March, Week 1 Improving the skills of speaking words and sentences. articulatory and fine, the formation of articulatory communication and communication skills, general speech skills. th and lexicogrammatical Automation

Long-term plan for individual correctional work Last name, first name of the child Year of birth Age group MDOAU d/s “Smile” year of study Speech therapist’s conclusion: Direction of correctional work 1. Clarification

Individual route for accompanying a disabled child by a teacher - defectologist F.I. of the child: Implementation period: 2016-2017 academic year. Direction of perception (sensory standards) Tasks Visual perception

Speech development in children aged 4-5 years In the fifth year of life, a child shows significant progress in mental and speech development. The baby begins to identify and name the most significant features and qualities of objects,

Educational activity “literate” Month p/p Educational area Contents of work Theme of the educational situation Objectives of pedagogical activity (types of children’s activities taking into account their age

Municipal budgetary educational institution kindergarten 1 "Teremok" of a compensatory type in the city of Olekminsk, municipal district "Olekminsky district" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 678100 Olekminsk, st.

INTRODUCTION We present to your attention a set of manuals for automating sounds delivered by a speech therapist. It consists of ten albums: Sound Automation C in Game Exercises Sound Automation 3

Shmakova Elena
Notes of speech therapy classes on production and automation of whistling sounds

Staging, automation and differentiation of whistling sounds.

Speech therapy lesson notes.

Lesson 1. .

Preparatory stage.

Target: preparation of the articulatory apparatus for sound production [s]; formation of a long-lasting directed air stream; an exercise in distinguishing words that sound similar; ability to determine the presence sound [s] in a series of sounds; development of the function of language analysis and synthesis; nurturing positive motivation in educational activities.

Equipment: Pictures whistling; image sound [S] "Breath".

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Development of spatial perception

Who are you sitting between? Who is sitting to your right? Who's sitting to your left?

2. Message to the target classes.

3. Development of fine movements of the hands and fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Friendship".

"Fist. Edge. Palm".

4. Articulation gymnastics.

1. Exercises aimed at developing mobility lips:

"Grin", "Proboscis", "Tube".

2. Exercises aimed at developing mobility language:

(see articulation exercises for sound settings [s]).

Development of exhalation force. Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue. Gymnastics Strelnikova.

Let's sing a song. Inhale air through your mouth, gradually and slowly exhale while saying sound "a"(combinations sounds ay, aui, etc.). Exhalation is controlled by the palm.

"Axe". The child is offered place your feet shoulder width apart, interlock your fingers and lower your hands down. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering your hands, say “wow!” on a long exhale.

"Cold wind". Having drawn air into your lungs, blow forcefully through your lips extended forward with a tube. Bring the back of your hand to your mouth. You should feel a sharp, beating cold stream. Games for tigers - computer technology.

6. Development of phonemic awareness

Background highlight syllables and words of sound [s] among sounds, distant in acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

A game "Catch sound» . The child should clap his hands when he hears sound [s]. First the teacher says sounds [l], [s], [r] [s], [l], [m], [b], [s], then the syllables la, so, ro, su, pa, su, sy, ba. If the child secretes sound from a sound or syllabic series, the words poppy, cheese, bough, shelf, son, bun, lamp, catfish are given.

7. Phonetic gymnastics, rhythm.

8. Exercises to develop rhythm.

Tap out in imitation.

Lesson 2.

Lesson notes on sound production [C].

Preparatory stage.

Target: Learning to pronounce correctly sound[with] mechanical assistance and imitation; continuing to perform articulation exercises for sound [s] in full; formation of a long-lasting directed air stream; strengthening the ability to distinguish words that sound similar; determination of availability sound [s] among other sounds. Development of facial expression, memory, attention, holistic perception, fine motor skills. Cultivating positive motivation in educational activities.

Equipment: Pictures: articulation gymnastics for whistling sounds [s] and [sh]; image sound [S]; hammer for tapping rhythm; toy plane; chest "Breath", working pencil case.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message to the target classes.

3. Repeating the game to develop fine movements of the hands and fingers.

4. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises aimed at developing tongue mobility. (see art. ext. for sound settings [s]) .

5. Games for the development of speech breathing.

Development of exhalation force

Blowing through a tube. Blowing soap bubbles. Comparison of expiratory duration. Pronunciation sound [f](long exhale, pronounce sound [t](short exhale).

Development of exhalation force. Developing a smooth and long exhalation. "Dandelions" "Games for tigers"– computer technology.

"Put out the candle". Developing an intense intermittent exhalation while pronouncing fuuuuu.

"The Storm Howls". Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue. Bring a bottle with a narrow neck to your lower lip and blow. If noise appears at the same time, it means that the air stream is directed correctly.

Exercises to develop the ability to form a bow with the lateral edges of the tongue with the upper molars

"The baby is learning to pronounce sound [and]» . Place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and say sound [and]. Make sure that "dimple" on the tongue it was exactly in the middle.

"Donkey's Song". Pronunciations sound combinations ia.

"Boat". Stick your tongue out of your mouth and cup it ( "groove"). If the exercise does not work, you can place a thin stick or probe on the middle part of the tongue.

6. Formation of a visual image sound [s]

Look how the lips smile, the tongue hides behind the lower teeth. (Show articulation.)

Consolidation of the auditory image sound.

The pussy pierced the ball with its claw. Listen to how air whistles: s-s-s-s. You too will soon learn to pronounce it like that sound.

Formation of a kinesthetic image sound(feeling the position of the organs of articulation)

Showing the position of the organs of articulation using the fingers. Shows first speech therapist and then the child.

Selection sound [s] among sounds, similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Sounds: [s], [z], [s], [w], [ts], [s]. Syllables: sa, for, so, sha, tso, su, zy, sy. The words dog, bunny, sunshine, fur coat, boots, garden, etc. The child raises his hand or claps his hands if he hears sound [s].

A game "The fifth wheel". Cabbage, beets, potatoes, radishes, apricots. Set aside the extra picture.

"Pick and name". Arrange in two piles pictures depicting objects whose names include sounds [s] and [sh].

Define position sound [s] in the words sledge, boots, owl, bus.

Whether there is a sound[c] in the words cabbage, beets, radishes, beans, lettuce, garlic?

Find vegetables whose names include sound [s]. Where is it heard sound [s] in the word salad? In the word garlic? In the word cabbage?

8. Phonetic gymnastics, rhythm.

9. Exercises to develop rhythm.

Tap out in imitation.

"Hammer". Repeat the rhythm that the adult taps out.

Example: 1 - 2 - s - ss.

Rhythms: 2 – 1;2 – 2; 1-3; 3-1;1 - 1-2;1-2-1;2 - 3, etc.

Lesson 3.

Lesson notes for correction of isolated sound [S].

Target: reinforcement of correct pronunciation sound"With" in isolated form; formation of the concept of the mechanism of education sound and its acoustic features; improving speech motor skills, strengthening kinesthetic (articulatory) image sound; nurturing the need for verbal communication, self-control skills.

Equipment whistling; pictures depicting objects whose names include sounds [s]; facial pictures; image sound [S]; hammer for tapping rhythm; toy plane; chest "Breath"; signal cards; letter C; visual supports of vowels sounds.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message to the target classes.

3. Repetition and consolidation of special articulation exercises.

Exercises aimed at developing muscle mobility and the tip of the tongue and producing an air stream (see previous classes) .

4. Correction of isolated sound[s] on game material.

Exercises "Water is flowing" ("Cold wind", "Pump", "Kettle") Onomatopoeia.

"Bring out sound take a walk» .

"Mimic exercises" isolated sound automation. Express with intonation when pronouncing sound different moods of people.

"The letter is lost".

Grandfather Sound eater(evil wizard) kidnapped sounds in words.

Apog is naked.

By. damn I spit.

Le. .obaka

Itrere. Mu. op

Ve. s. unduk

Oroka singing.

Lee. and runs away into the forest.

Ali. but can't pi. at.

Denis. .am puts on. andali.

Anfi. and by. adit ove. And fa. ol.

"Fist. Edge. Palm". Sing the given one sound to a well-known melody with movements.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

Raising a signal card to a given syllable.

On the syllable sa: ra, pa, sa, ma, sa, sa, yes.

On the syllable sy: sy, we, you, ry, hy, sy, ry.

Memorizing a syllable with sound followed by posting pictures. (see cards with words)

Choose pictures whose title words contain sound [s], from a number of others.

6. Phonetic gymnastics, rhythm.

sounds without voices, showing articulation in front of a mirror; pronouncing vowels in front of a mirror with changes in the strength and pitch of the voice. Visual aids are introduced - symbols for vowels sounds.

a___exhale ao aou uoa aouy

7. Exercises to develop rhythm.

Tap out in imitation.

8. Working with the letter s.

Say it sound[With] long time on one exhale: s – s – s – s.

The letter c is displayed.

Sound [s], look - this is your letter.

The crescent moon was melting in the sky, the crescent was bending towards damage.

And that’s why the letter S shone from the sky for us.

Consider the letter C, draw it in the air with each finger in turn, first with one, then with the other and with both hands at the same time.

Lesson 4.

Automation of sound [s] in reverse(closed) syllables

Target: learning to pronounce sound[s] in reverse syllables; continuing work on developing mobility of the tip of the tongue, achieving clear pronunciation of isolated sound [s] sound in syllables syllables; drawing up diagrams syllables

Equipment: pictures depicting artik. gymnastics for whistling, image sound [S]. Chest "Breath", a hammer for tapping the rhythm, counting sticks, a ball of thread. Boxes «» . Pictures of fairy tale heroes "Teremok"; pictures of objects with sound [with] and without it; pictures for the game "Define your position sound [s] in a word» .

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message to the target classes.

(see previous classes) .

4. Correction of isolated sound.

"The water is flowing" under control speech therapist.

5. Checking homework.

6. Work for sound[s] in a closed syllable.

Saying two, three, four syllables with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm, with drawing wavy or broken lines with a finger on the table, with laying out sticks, winding threads on a ball, "fingers say hello". Pronunciation syllables on behalf of children, their relatives, animals, aliens, fairy tale heroes, toys, inanimate objects.

Work for sound [s] in jokes. Finish your speech.

An adult speaks: Speaks child:

There is a delicious pineapple in the bag - as-as-as-as-as.

Barbos brought the brush os-os-os-os.

Stas Sosiskin was no coward.

I'm sledding down is-is-is-is.

The owls flew into the forest es-es-es-es.

I heard a loud bass as-as-as-as.

On the plate there is an apricot os-os-os-os.

There is a longboat as-as-as at the pier.

Pronunciation syllables on behalf of the fairy tale heroes "Teremok" with different intonation.

Analysis and synthesis of inverse syllables

Which syllable is missing? Is-is-as; ys-ys-is.

What syllable appeared? Is-is-as; ys-ys-as.

What syllable will come out if I "lady" you sound [a], and then - [s]. Indicate the syllable with color symbols (red and blue circles).

Which one is the first? sound in the syllable ыс? What's the second one? sound?

Name the second one sound in the syllable os?

Name the missing syllable in the words

How. (tus) ana. (us)

pok. (os) forec. (mustache)

comp. (ac) space (os)

Compilation syllables is, ys, as from the letters of the split alphabet.

"Mimic exercises". Use facial expressions to sound automation.

7. Development of phonemic awareness

Selection of pictures whose title words contain sounds [s].

A game "Define your position sound [s] in a syllable» The game is played using chips that mark a position sound in a word.

A game "Define your position sound [s] in a word» . The game is played using chips that mark a position sound in a word. (see words to No. 1)

Lesson 5.

Lesson notes on audio automation [C].

Automation of sound [s] in direct(open) syllables

Target: learning to pronounce sound [s] in straight syllables; continuing work on developing mobility of the tip of the tongue, achieving clear pronunciation of isolated sound [s]; formation of a long-lasting, directed air stream. An exercise in determining availability sound in syllables; analysis and synthesis of inverse and direct syllables; drawing up diagrams syllables. Development and consolidation of phonemic hearing on the acoustic image of a given phoneme; nurturing the need for verbal communication.

Equipment: pictures depicting artik. gymnastics for whistling. Pictures depicting objects whose names include sounds [s]. Mimic pictures; image sound [S]. Hammer for tapping rhythm. Toy plane. Chest "Breath". Working pencil case. Letter C, visual supports of vowels sounds, tables with syllables.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message to the target classes.

3. Articulation exercises.

Repetition and consolidation of special articulation exercises aimed at developing muscle mobility and the tip of the tongue and producing an air stream (see previous classes) .

Working on vowel articulation sounds without voices, showing articulation in front of a mirror; pronouncing vowels in front of a mirror with changes in the strength and pitch of the voice.

a___exhale ao aou uoa aouy

o___exhale u___ s___ e___

4. Correction of isolated sound.

Children take turns doing the exercise "The water is flowing" under control speech therapist.

5. Work on sound[s] in an open syllable.

Working with tables in front of a mirror frontally and individually. Attention is paid to the accuracy of articulation sound [s] and vowels.

s___a s___y s___o s___y

Game tasks, pronunciation syllables with the connection of movements and facial expressions. Are given instructions: When performing an action, pronounce syllables. For example: pronounce syllables, imitating control by car, sewing, knitting, drawing, leafing through a book, brushing teeth, washing, "Snowflakes are Falling", "Let's make snowballs", "Let's roll the snow woman". Isolation of stressed syllable.

Sa-sa; sa-sa; sa-sa-sa; sa-sa-sa; sa-sa-sa.

Sy-sy; sy-sy; sy-sy-sy; sy-sy-sy; sy-sy-sy.

Sa-sy-so-su; sy-sa-so-su.

Which syllable is missing? Sa-sa-sa-sy.

Repeat the syllables: sa-sy-so.

Listen again. Sa-so.

Which syllable disappeared from the series? (Co.) So-su-sy-sa. So-su-sy? (Sa.)

"Mimic exercises". Use facial expressions to sound automation.

Work for sound [s] in jokes. Finish your speech.

An adult speaks: Speaks child:

There is a scythe sa-sa-sa-sa against the wall.

Stop, the wheel broke, so-so-so-so.

It's scary in the forest in the evening, su-su-su-su.

We got our noses dirty sy-sy-sy-sy.

All the forests are turning green sa-sa-sa-sa.

There are sy-sy-sy-sy scales on the table.

I’ll bring the bag to mom su-su-su-su.

6. Analysis and synthesis syllables

Which one is the first? sound in the syllable sa? What's the second one? sound?

How many sounds in the syllable sa?

Sound [s]"made friends" with sound [o]. What syllable did you get?

Whether there is a sound [s] in words juice, son, bag, dump truck?

Tapping a rhythmic pattern of the words juice, bag, dump truck.

"Hammer". Repeat the rhythm that the adult taps on the syllable SA (SO, SU, SY).

Example: 1 – 2 – sa – sasa.

Rhythms: 2 – 1,2 – 2, 1 – 3,3 – 1, 1 – 1 – 2, 1 – 2 – 1, 2 – 3, etc.

7. Development of phonemic awareness.

Arrange the pictures in two piles. Place pictures with the letter w sound [sh], to the letter s - pictures with sound [s]. The teacher pronounces the words, and the child selects the necessary pictures.

Position Definition sound [s] in words elephant, rhinoceros, weasel.

Game “Count how many times the sound [s] in a series of sounds».

The speech therapist pronounces sounds: a, d, s, b, c, w, s, r, c l, s, k, w, m.

Children lay out the appropriate number of counting sticks, then count them and make geometric shapes from them.

A game "Find the syllables with sound [s]» (conditions are the same): sa, ma, fa, ka, ku, do, sy, lu, so, mo, sy.

Sounds NW
Normal articulation
Card index
individual lessons on
staging, automation and
differentiation of whistling sounds
No. 1- 25 – sound C
No. 26-29 – sound S
No. 30-32 – sound Z
No. 33-34 – sound Зз
No. 35-38 – sound C
No. 39-41 – sounds N-W
No. 42-44 – sounds S-C
The tip of the tongue rests on the lower
front teeth.
The lips are stretched, as if smiling, and not
close up teeth.
The teeth are closed or brought together.
The air is blown out with force in the middle
language; on the palm raised to the mouth,
a sharp cold stream is felt.
The sound C is dull, pronounced without
vocal cord involvement
The sound Z is voiced, pronounced with
involving the vocal cords.

Sounds NW
Sounds NW
Exercises to develop air pressure
Lip exercises
1. Taking air into your lungs, blow forcefully (not
just exhale) it through the extended
forward with a “tube” of the lips. Control
with the palm of your hand, a piece of paper or cotton wool:
a sharply beating cold stream is felt,
the piece of paper or cotton wool is deflected to the side.

Stretch your lips into a smile to the limit and
keep them in a tense position
for a while. Close your teeth.
Repeat the exercise several times.
2. Stick out your tongue so that it lies on
lower lip. Along the tongue until it
put a thin round in the middle
stick (match), and press to
groove formation. Round your lips, but
don't strain. The teeth are open. Inhaling
blow air forcefully, puffing out your cheeks.
Control with the palm of your hand, a piece of paper or
cotton wool. Repeat the exercise several times
3. Do exercise No. 2 without
using a stick.
Articulation exercises for
whistling sounds
Pussy is angry
Let's brush your bottom teeth

Sound C
Setting the sound C
1. Open your mouth. Flatten your tongue and
press the tense tip of your tongue against
lower teeth. Along the tongue to its tip
put a round thin stick (match)
so that it presses only the front
part of the tongue. The lips are stretched into a smile.
Close your teeth as far as the stick allows.
Blow air evenly with force,
controlling with the palm of your hand, a piece of paper or
cotton wool. A long sound is heard
SSSSSSSSS. Repeat the exercise.
Note: If the stick is not lying
in the middle of the tongue or air pressure
is insufficient, the sound C is unclear,
2. Do the same exercise with a slow
removing the stick from your mouth to your teeth and
3. Do the exercise several times without
using a stick.
Sound C
Lesson No. 1

whistling sounds.
2. Sound and letter U.

frontal exercises pictures on U -
game "Telephone".

four pictures for the sound U "What
has changed?"

analysis (singling out the first stressed vowel)
“Name the first sound” (in the words ear, smart,
duck, beehive, street, smart girl).
6. Development of passive vocabulary -
recall and classification of names
vegetables and fruits - educational game
"Garden Garden".

colored paper "Vegetables, fruits" (according to
child's choice).

Sound C
Lesson No. 2
1.Articulation gymnastics on
whistling sounds.
2. Finger gymnastics.
3. Exercises (games) for development
attention and memory with four
pictures with the sound U "Guess
the specified picture", "What
has changed?"
4. Preparation for staging sound C -
practicing “Football” exercises,

lower teeth."
5. Exercise to develop sound
analysis - highlighting I unstressed
vowel in the words iron, washbasin,
boa constrictor, snail, ducklings.
6. Reinforcing the names of vegetables and
fruit - didactic game "Collect
vegetables (fruits) in the basket."
7. Homework: Application from
colored paper "Basket with vegetables
Sound C
Lesson No. 3
1. Articulation gymnastics for whistling
2. Preparation for sound production C - practice
exercises "Football", "Freeze your fingers",
"Let's brush our bottom teeth."
3. Sound and letter A.
4. Recalling pictures for sound A,
discussed in the frontal lesson - playing

- highlighting the I vowel in the words antenna, quince,
atelier, album, nuclear-powered ship.
6. Consolidating the names of vegetables and fruits -
game with dummies "Fourth wheel"
speech therapist:
apple, pear, pumpkin, plum
garlic, potatoes, radish, quince
zucchini, banana, eggplant, carrots
melon, apricot, plum, peach
7.. Game for developing attention and memory “Remember,
pumpkin - quince - banana - melon (change order
8. Homework: Applique of one vegetable
or fruit from the game “Remember, Repeat” (according to
child's choice).

Sound C
Lesson No. 4
1. Articulation gymnastics on
whistling sounds.
2. Finger gymnastics.
3. Preparation for staging sound C -
practicing the exercises “Focus”, “Groove”.
4. Games to develop attention and memory with
five pictures for sound A - “What

5. Sound analysis of a series of two vowels AU,
UA "Name the first vowel", "Name
last vowel", "Count how many I
pronounced vowels."
6. Homework: Painting
"Early autumn"
Sound C
Lesson No. 5
1. Articulation gymnastics on
whistling sounds.
2. Finger gymnastics.
3. Recalling what was discussed on
frontal exercises pictures on U - game
4. Game to develop attention and memory with
six pictures for the sound U "What
has changed?", "Guess the indicated
5. Exercise to develop sound analysis
(emphasis on I stressed vowel) “Name I
sound" (in the words ear, smart, duck, beehive,
street, smart girl, iron, washbasin, boa constrictor,
snail, ducklings).
6. Homework: Painting
"An apple on a blue plate."

Sound C
Lesson No. 6
1. Articulation gymnastics on
whistling sounds.
2. Finger gymnastics.
3. Recalling pictures for sound A,
discussed in the frontal lesson,
- ball game.
4. Exercise to develop sound
analysis “Name the I sound” (highlight I
vowel in the words antenna, quince, atelier,
album, nuclear-powered ship).

six pictures for sound A - “What
has changed?", "What's missing?", "What
6. Sound analysis of a series of two vowels
AU, UA “Name the first vowel”,
“Name the last vowel”, “Count
How many vowels did I pronounce?
8. Homework: Painting
- pictures on A.
Sound C
Lesson No. 7

2. Preparation for staging sound C -
practicing "Football" exercises,
“Let’s freeze our fingers”, “Clean
lower teeth", "Focus", "Grove".
3. Sound and letter I.
4. Recalling what was discussed on
frontal lesson of pictures for sound I -
game "Telephone".
5. Games to develop attention and memory with

picture”, “Remember, name it”.
6. Sound analysis exercises
“Name the first vowel in the word” (iva, Inna,
Ivan, turkey, frost);
“Count and name the sounds” (AUI, AIU,
7. Homework: painting with paints
"Inna (Ivan) under the willow tree."

Sound C
Lesson No. 8
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Preparation for staging sound C –
practicing articulation exercises.
3. Sounds P, P", letter P.
4. Recalling pictures on P, P",
discussed in the frontal lesson -
ball game.
5. Game to develop attention and memory
"Remember, repeat"
peony - rooster - stump - petunia
Panama - parrot - spider - horseshoe
(change word order).
6. Sound analysis and reverse synthesis
syllable (AL, UP, IP).
7. Reproduction of syllable series:
8. Writing a short story based on
supporting words.
Petya, Fields, house, stump, rooster, linden.
9. Homework: Illustration for
compiled story.
Sound C
Lesson No. 9
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production C-exercise
“Pump” (imitation, using
3. Sound and letter T.
4. Recalling 7-8 pictures for the sound T,
discussed in the frontal lesson -
ball game.
5. Sound analysis of reverse syllables (at,
ut, it). Folding them from the split
6. Reproduction of syllable series
7. Homework: make a toy
from natural material.

Sound C
Lesson No. 10
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Conversion of syllables
at t-tu,

5. Sound analysis - highlighting the latter
voiceless consonant T, P in the words elevator, bandage,
bow, cat, trunk, top, blunt, collar.
6. Development of attention and memory - game
"Remember, repeat"
duck - parrot - tank - rooster (change
word order).
7. Homework: Make any
crafts made from waste material.
Sound C
Lesson No. 11
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis of reverse syllables ap,
at, ut, up, ip, it.
4. Transformation of these syllables
(exercises with split alphabet).
5. Printing the syllables AP, AT, UT, UP, IP,
6. Game "Finish the word"
bin., bon., then., hobo., bodice., topo., sn., cotton.,
co., ki., hundred..

"Guess the indicated picture" (6-7
pictures for the sounds P, T).
8. Coordination of quantitative
numerals and nouns - game
"1-2-5" (duck, rooster, parrot, tank).

Sound C
Lesson No. 12
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Development of attention and memory - game "What"
has changed?" with seven pictures and sounds
P, T: rooster, parrot, tank, stove, cat,
machine gun.
4. Sound analysis of straight syllables ta, pa, pu,
tu, ti, pi; exercises with split alphabet;
typing these syllables.
5. Education and use
possessive adjectives with suffix
-in. Making sentences based on pictures
rooster, parrot, duck, bow, cat according to this
Tom has a duck. - This is Tomina's duck. At Petya's
rooster - this is Petin's rooster.
6. Homework: Drawing "Duck".
Sound C
Lesson No. 13
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis of backward and forward syllables
(see lessons 9-12); exercises with split
alphabet; typing these syllables.
4. Development of attention and memory - games
“Remember, repeat”, “What has changed?”,
“Guess the indicated picture” (see lessons
5. Game "Finish the word"
bin., ban., to., hobo., topo., sn., co., ki., hundred..
6. Homework: Application “Favorite”


Sound C
Lesson No. 14
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Isolating the sound C by ear
a) from the syllables: as, os, us, ys, is;
b) from the words: nose, kvass, forest, dog.
4. Reproduction of syllable series
5. Sounds K, K" and the letter K.
6. Distinguishing K - K" - grouping
pictures (poppy, cat, wreath, skittles, cubes,
skates, oak trees, buttercup, horse, turkey, book,
hunters, ducks).
7. Development of attention and memory - game
"Remember, repeat" crown - oaks -
book (change word order).
8. Homework: Application "Poppy".
Sound C
Lesson No. 15
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Isolation of sound C by ear
a) from the syllables sa, so, su, sy;
b) from the words sam, catfish, soup, son.
4. Reproduction of syllable series
5. Development of attention and memory - a game with 78 pictures on K "What has changed?"
6. Drawing up proposals for
pictures with K, K" with the word no by
to this sample:
Katya doesn't have a wreath.
Tolya does not have an oak tree (poppy, cap, book).
7. Homework: Application
"Autumn pattern on a dish."


Sound C
Lesson No. 16
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis - vowel isolation
after the consonant in the words som, sleep, nose, dry,
4. Sound and letter O.
5. Reproduction of syllable series
6. Use of the genitive case
plural nouns -
making sentences with the word many
by subject pictures (horse, window,
wreath, two-piece, peony) according to the sample
There are many horses in the herd.
7. Development of attention and memory - playing with
six pictures "Guess the indicated
picture" (wreath, peony, books, oak tree,
marigold, whale).
Sound C
Lesson No. 17
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound and letter S.
Articulatory posture of the sound C,
viewing profile:
lips stretched into a smile,
teeth like a fence with a gap,
the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth,
cold, directed air stream
down - long whistle.
3. Automation of the sound C in the syllable sa:
sa-sa-sa - slowly and for a long time
sa-sa-sa-sa-sa sa-sa-sa-sa-sa
4. Introduction of the syllable sa into the words garden, sleigh
sa-sa-sa- garden, garden, garden;
sa-sa-sa-sani, sleigh, sleigh (Sanya).
5. Automation of the sound C in the words garden,
a) games “A lot - no”, “1-2-5-9”;
b) speaking sentences
Sanya has a garden. Sanya goes to the garden. Sanya waters
garden. Sanya in the garden.
6. Homework: Application "Garden".


Sound C
Sound C
Lesson No. 18
Lesson No. 19
1. Articulatory and fingering

3. Automation in the syllables sa, sy and words with
a) sa-sa-sa-sambo
sa-sa-sa - scooter
sy-sy-sy- pour
sa-sa-sa-self-propelled gun
b) game "1-2-5-9" with the words boots, scooter,
son, son, self-propelled gun, garden, sleigh.
4. Development of attention and memory - game
"Remember, repeat":
garden - sleigh - boots - scooter
sleigh - - boots - - scooter - - garden (change
word order).
5. Sound analysis of words son, himself.
6. Homework: Application "Golden"
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllables and words
sa-sa-sa-osa, scythe, cash desk
sy-sy-sy- beads, wasps, mustaches, braids
4. Game "Remember, repeat"
wasp - braids - cash register - mustache (change order
5. Determination of the location of the sound C (see paragraph 4).
Memorizing a clean tongue
Sa-sa-sa- Sanya has a garden,
sa-sa-sa- there is a wasp in the garden,
sy-sy-sy- Sanya has beads,
sy-sy-sy- the wasp has a mustache.
7. Remembering the names of trees,
word formation relative
adjectives from tree names - game
“Which leaf?”, “Which branch?”
maple - maple, maple
at the linden tree -
at the oak -
at the poplar -
at the viburnum -
8. Homework: Drawing leaves by
pencil outline, shading.


Sound C
Lesson No. 20

2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Automation in syllables and words
so-so-so - catfish, juice, Sonya, soda, sand, sock;
su-su-su- soup, bough, bag, chest, carry, dishes.
4. Reproduction of syllable series and word series
a) sa-so-su-sy
b) catfish - soup - sand - dishes (change order
5. Exercise in agreeing on quantitative
numerals and nouns - game "1-2-5-9"
1 som - 2 soms - 5 soms - 9 soms (bag, chest,
6. Speaking sentences
Sonya has juice. Sonya drinks juice. Sonya has a bag. In the bag
7. Learning tongue twisters
Sa-sa-sa- Sonya goes to the garden,
sa-sa-sa- there is a wasp in the garden,
so-so-so-osa drinks juice,
su-su-su- Sonya sees a wasp,
sy-sy-sy- the wasp has a mustache.
8. Homework: Painting "Branch"
Sound C
Lesson No. 21
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Automation in reverse syllables and words with
a) as-as-as-as-as-as-as-as
b) as-as-as- kvass
us-us-us - focus
4. "Remember, repeat"
a) cactus - bus - pineapple - kvass (change order
b) as-os-us-ys
5. Pronouncing and memorizing simple phrases,
highlighting words with the sound C
As-as-as - we have kvass at home,
as-as-as- we have pineapple at home,
wasp-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the garden,
us-us-us- Sonya has a cactus,
us-us-us- Sanya has a new bus,
ys-ys-ys- Denis drinks kumiss.
6. Homework: Applique "Bouquet of autumn flowers"


Sound C
Lesson No. 22
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllables and words (Pronunciation and
determining the location of sound C)
sta-sta-sta - glass, machine, herd,
stadium, cabbage, pasta, bride;
hundred-hundred-hundred-place, dough, empty, thick,
stoo-stu-stu - knock, mortar, steps,
oh, oh, oh, oh, bushes, bridges, tails,
4. Reproduction of syllable series
5. Agreement of pronouns mine, mine, mine,
mine with nouns (see words from paragraph 3) game "Echo"
6. Homework: Drawing
"Leaf fall."
Sound C
Lesson No. 23
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Sound analysis, transformation of syllables, words,
exercises with split alphabet.
4. Typing syllables and words
5. Practicing the pronunciation of syllables and words
a) ast-ast-ast - crust
ost-ost-ost- bridge
ost-ost-ost- tail
b) ast-ost-ust-ist
c) game “Remember, repeat” stork-bridge-
bush tail
(change word order)
6. Pronouncing sentences, highlighting words
with the sound C
There is a stork in the garden.
There is a rooster standing under a bush.
The rooster raises his tail.
Behind the garden is a high bridge.
7. Homework: Paper applique,
leaves or drawing (optional) "Autumn pattern


Sound C
Lesson No. 24
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllable rows
4. Words (pronunciation, determination of the place of the sound C)
5. Nominative plural
noun - ball game
mask –
helmet –
bench –
search 6. Coordination of cardinal numbers and
nouns - the game "1-2-5-9" (for words, see paragraph 5).
7. Pure saying "Pussy" (learning, highlighting words
with sound C:
Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl?
Pussy eats soup from a bowl:
Full pussy - empty bowl.
8 Homework: Applique of autumn leaves
Sound C
Lesson No. 25
1. Articulatory and fingering
2. Sound S - S - S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllable rows
4. Game "Remember, repeat"
sleep - confuse - sing - satellite (change
word order).
5. Pure sayings about owls and owlets
It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl is not sleeping, sitting on a branch.
We see owlets on the bitch.
The owls are sitting here together.
When they are not sleeping, they eat.
They don't sleep when they eat.
6. Isolating words with the sound C from these
pure talk. "
7. Game "1-2-5-9" (with the words owl, owlets).
8. Homework: Leaf applique
"The Owl and the Owls."


Sound S
Lesson No. 26
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Soft sound C" (repeated and prolonged
observation of the position of the articulatory organs,
especially the language.
3. Syllables
4. Syllable rows
5. Words
to weight
6. Game "Remember, repeat" with highlighted words.
7. Learning tongue twisters, highlighting words with the sound C"
We are sitting on the stairs
And we sing songs.
Everybody sings and I sing
My new song.
8. Word formation based on relatives
adjectives (phrases with them) - ball game
autumn - autumn day (leaf, ash, oak, linden, weather, sky).
9. Consolidation of education and use
relative adjectives from the words aspen, ash -
game "Which leaf, which branch, which log?"
10. Homework: Application “Ash Branch”.
Sound S
Lesson No. 27
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound C" (soft) (repeated and prolonged pronunciation)
3. Syllable rows
4. Learning pure sayings “Vasenka”, “Kittens”
Fidget Vasenka does not sit still,
The fidgety Vasenka is with us everywhere.
Vasenka has a mustache, there is gray hair on his mustache,
Vasenka has an arched tail and a spot on his back.
There are seven kittens on the bench, all the kittens want to eat.
We will pour jelly into a bowl - Here is a bowl of jelly.
There are seven kittens under the bench who don’t want to eat from the bowl.
5. Exercises with deformed phrases
Vasenka doesn’t sit still. Vasenka doesn’t sit still.
kittens want seven to eat-
Lucy's geese graze in the forest
goslings geese graze together -
want to eat fox cubs-
jelly seven not kittens eat want-
bench bowl on blue stands jelly in -
6. Completion of sentences (indirect cases of cardinal numerals and nouns)
Seven kittens are sitting on a bench.
We admire...
Vasya takes care of...
Maxim gives a bowl of jelly...
There's no one on the bench...
7. Homework: Illustration for one of the proverbs.


Sound S
Lesson No. 28
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound C" (repeated and prolonged pronunciation).
3. Syllable rows
4. Words
I'm afraid
I wash myself
I wash my face
string bag
getting dressed
Vaska (cat)
5. Memorizing an excerpt from a poem 3.
Alexandrova "My bear"
Don't be afraid: it's a goose.
I'm afraid of him myself.
Highlighting words with the sound C" (goose, be afraid, I'm afraid).
6. Sound analysis of the word goose (geese).
7. Related words for goose
goose (geese) - goose (goslings), goose, gander, goose.
8. Converting a deformed phrase
forest goose to graze -
goose gosling have a small-
goose woods goslings go with -
Lucy geese goslings from their mouths -
Vasya soft goose down -
9. Homework: Applique of autumn leaves
Sound S
Lesson No. 29
1. Sound C" (repeated and prolonged pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
3. Words
wall steppe poetry Stepan
bones guests lead misfortune
bone guest news attack
4. Repetition of familiar phrases starting with the sound C"
5. Learning a new phrase
Together with my mother I get up,
I make my own bed,
I wash my face, get dressed,
I'm going to kindergarten with my mother.
6. Recalling words starting with the sound C"
at the beginning of a word
at the end
in the middle.
7. Compiling and memorizing a story based on the plot
picture "Autumn" using reference words
autumn, autumnal, ash, aspen, leaf fall, leaves, Sima,
Senya, Vasya.
8. Homework: Drawing “Forest in autumn dress.”


Sound Z
Sound Z
Lesson No. 30
Sound 3 - by imitation, analogous to sound C, with tactile vibration control (hand on throat).
2. Syllables
3. Syllables and words
zy-zy-zy - basins
for-for-for - a riddle
zy-zy-zy - vases
zu-zu-zu- dental
zo-zo-zo- Zoya
Syllable series
Games with pictures for 3 "Remember, name, put",
"1-2-5-9" (pheasant, forget-me-nots, mimosa, umbrella, banner, star).
Letter 3.
Exercise with split alphabet following analysis
(basins, goats), drawing up diagrams of these words.
8. Printing the words TAZY, GOAT, TAZ, GOAT.
9. Learning a joke
For-for-for-Zoya has a goat,
zo-zo-zo- Zoya's umbrella,
zu-zu-zu- Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella,
zy-zy-zy-Zoya has neither an umbrella nor a goat.
Lesson No. 31

2. Syllable rows.
3. Repeating the joke about Zoya and the goat.
4. Learning a new joke about Zoya, the bunny and the goat
The bunny is not sleeping, she is calling Zoya,
The goat doesn't let the bunny sleep.
Take the goat, lock the goat,
And my little bunny will fall asleep in the basin.
The bunny yawns and Zoya yawns.
The bunny will fall asleep, and Zoya will fall asleep.
Zoya is the bunny's mistress,
The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.
5. Selecting words for sound 3 from this joke.
6. Game “Name it kindly” - consolidation
use of diminutives
suffixes -ok, -ek, -ik, familiarization with spelling
dubious consonants
basin- basin
pump -
convoy -
kvass -
7. Homework: Illustration for listening
fairy tale by I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Falling Leaves".


Sound Z
Lesson No. 32
1. Sound 3 (long pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
I know-I know-I know I know-I know-I know-I know
I know-I know-I know
know-know-know-know azn-ozn-uzn-yzn
uzn-yzn -azn -ozn
3. Words
oil depot
4. The use of prepositions for, because of, from under -
exercises with deformed phrases
bunny bush sits behind (under) -
bunny bush peek out from behind (from under) -
bunny bush crawl out from behind -
forget-me-nots Lisa for planting the hut -
Zoya Pine stand behind -
Zoya pine peeks out from behind -
Zoya Pine comes out from behind -
goat graze the forest behind -
umbrella back Lisa at behind -
Liza's back takes out the umbrella from behind -
5. Repeating words with sound 3 - playing ball or jumping
with a skipping rope.
8. Repetition of jokes and nursery rhymes based on sound 3.
9. Sound-syllable analysis, typing and diagram of the word umbrella.
Sound Z
Lesson No. 33
1. Sound 3" (soft) - caused by imitation.
2 Syllable rows
3. Words
drifting snow
4. Transformation of sentences according to the model
Zina has a newspaper. - This is Zinya's newspaper.
Zina has strawberries. -
Zina has a finch. -
Zina has Vaseline. -
Zina has raisins. -
5. "Remember, repeat"
6. Sound-syllable analysis, exercise with split
alphabet, drawing up word diagrams and typing: Zina, winter.
7. Memorizing the joke poem "Green Song"
In the green, green, green forest
I am carrying a green strawberry leaf.
The green branch under the spruce does not sleep,
Green music is ringing somewhere,
Green kid in green foliage,
He sings a green song to me.
8. Isolating words with sound 3" (soft) from "Green


Sound Z
Lesson No. 34
1. Sound 3" (soft) (long repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
I know-I know-I know-I know
I know-I know-I know-I know
I know-I know-I know-I know
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know
3. Recalling words by 3" - playing ball.
4. Repetition of the "Green Song".
5. Related words
winter - winter, winter crops, wintering, wintering, wintering.
6. Agreement of adjectives winter, winter, winter with
nouns - game "Echo" (modeled)
speech therapist: child:
winter suit
coat -
cloth -
weather -
speech therapist: child
sun blizzard-
fairy tale -
7. Compiling and memorizing the story “Winter” based on the basics
winter, snow, garden, sled, Zoya, Zina, Lisa, Sima, carry,
Tuzik, snowman, make, name, taken, winter.
8. Learning the quatrain “Winter”
My nose is chilly, winter is coming.
In a winter fairy tale, there are forests and houses.
Everything will be carried in by drifting snow:
Land, steppes and factories.
9. Homework: drawing with a “Winter's Tale” candle.
Sound Ts
Lesson No. 35
1. Production of the sound C (by imitation, from TS).
2. Automation in reverse syllables
ats-ats - ats-ats-ats
itz-its - itz-its-its
uts-outs - outs-outs-outs
3. Introduction of the sound C into words with reverse syllables
tut-tut-tut- the end
tsk-ts-ts-little finger
yuck-yuck-yuck- finally
4. “Remember, repeat” - development exercise
attention and memory (for words, see paragraph 3).
5. Exercise with split alphabet - compilation and
syllable conversion
6. Printing the letter C; typing syllables ATs, OTs,
7. Speaking sentences.
A hare sits under a bush.
Sonya's father is an infantryman.
And Sanya’s father is a singer.
The singer performs a cheerful song.
Finally, Vasya was given a lollipop.
The dog bites the finger, especially the little finger.


Sound Ts
Lesson No. 36

2. Syllable series
3. Syllables and words
tsa-tsa-tsa - bird
tsy-tsy-tsy - streets
tsy-tsy-tsy -mills
Tsa-tsa-tsa-soap box
tsk-tsy-tsy - soapboxes
Tsa-tsa-tsa - village
tsy-tsy-tsy - villages
tsk-tsy-tsy - singers
Tsa-tsa-tsa - greenhouse
tsy-tsy-tsy -greenhouses
tsk-tsy-tsy -sheep
tsa-tsa-tsa - water
tsa-tsa-tsa - hospital
tsa-tsa-tsa - smart girl
tsa-tsa-tsa - button
tsa-tsa-tsa-knitting needle
4. Game “Remember, repeat” (for words, see paragraph 3).
5. Learning nursery rhymes
The girl runs out into the street up to the water,
But the water is far away, but the bucket is large.
You, girl, don’t go, you, girl, sit down.
6. The game “Me too” - an exercise in word formation
feminine nouns modeled
smart guy - smart girl
teacher -
writer -
huntergardener -
fashionista entertainer -
7. Homework: Painting “Birds fly away”
Sound Ts
Lesson No. 37
1. Sound T (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllables and words
tse-tse-tse- chain
tse-tse-tse- assessment
tse-tse-tse- prices
tse-tse-tse- clue
3. Syllable rows:
4. “Memorize and repeat.”
face - chain - egg - ring (change the order of words).
5. "Echo" - word formation of nouns with
diminutive suffixes -ts-, -its-, ets-body – little body
case -
selosoap –
coat -
building -
exercise -
letter -
announcement -
knowledge –
explanation –
6. Learning the nursery rhyme "Chicks"
Here the chickens are running -
They are not afraid of Natka.
Near the tub there is a saucer -
They will all get drunk.
Chick-chick-chick! Chicks!
There is some water in a tub.
Who's afraid of me
I won't give him any water.
7. Homework: Application to this nursery rhyme.


Sound Ts
Lesson No. 38
1. Sound T (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
3. Memorizing the proverb “Blizzard”.
Let the blizzard blow
Light snow is spreading.
Hares were running in the forest,
A fox was spotted there
A tit sits on a pine tree,
A fox stands under a pine tree.
4. Game "1-2-5-9" with words (pictures)
hare, heron, egg, chick, bird, sheep, chicken, fighter, Street,
soap dish, button, bread box, hyacinth, singer.
5. Related words (modeled)
- bread, bread box
- soup tureen
napkin-napkin holder
candy - candy, candy bowl
- deciduous, larch
- soapy, soap dish
6. Transformation of sentences (exercise in using
possessive adjectives with the suffix -ts,)
Sonya has a bread box. - This is Sonya’s breadbox.
Sanya has a napkin holder. -
Vasya has larch in his garden. -
Sima has a glass candy bowl.-
Lucy has a blue button. -
Asya has a faience tureen.-
7. Homework: Illustration for a proverb
Sounds NW
Lesson No. 39

2. Repetition of the sound C, syllables, syllable rows, words,
pure talk, nursery rhymes, jokes.
3. Repetition of sound 3, syllables, syllable rows, words,
pure sayings, poems, jokes.
4. Syllable rows
5. Transformation of syllables, words - game "On the contrary"
a) stad
one hundred-
b) Zoya-soybean
goat -
Lizzie -
6. Grouping pictures - the game "Let's give pictures to Zoya and
Zoe on 3
Sonya in C
(dog, castle, vase, umbrella, bag, socks, stroller, cabbage,
goat, forget-me-nots, bench, vacuum cleaner, alphabet, pacifier, mimosa,
7. Based on the results of paragraph 6, compilation and transformation
phrases (sentences) with possessives
adjectives according to the pattern
Zoya has an umbrella. - This is Zoya's umbrella.
Sonya has cabbage. - This is Sonya's cabbage.
8. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet,
diagrams and typing of the words braids-goats, braids-koza.


Sounds NW
Lesson No. 40
1. Sounds C - 3 (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of lesson material 39 pp. 2-7.
3. Words (repetition after the speech therapist, division into syllables,
determining the place of sounds S, Z in these words)
fall asleep
write down
fairy tale
4. Game "1-2-5-9" (familiar fairy tale, fascinating
fairy tale).
5. Homework: Drawing or appliqué
Sounds S-Z (s-z)
Lesson No. 41
1. Sounds C" - 3" (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound C", syllables, syllable rows, words,
pure talk.
3. Repetition of sound 3", syllables, syllable rows, words,
pure talk.
4. Syllable rows
wickedly wickedly
wicked wicked
wicked wicked
it's a big deal
it's a joke
it's a joke
5. Transformation of syllables - game "On the contrary"
zi-zt-zi -
6. Grouping pictures - the game "Give Pictures"
Sima and Zina"
(leaves, snowman, finch, orange, shop, newspaper, museum,
cornflower, goose, letter, strawberry).
7. Exercise in using possessives
adjectives Simin, Simina, Simino, Zinin, Zinina,
Zinino with pictures (see paragraph 6).
8. Homework: Application “Zina and Sima blinded”


Sounds S-C
Sounds S-C
Lesson No. 42
Lesson No. 43
1. Sounds S - C (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of sound C: syllable rows, words,
pure talk, nursery rhymes.
3. Repetition of the sound C: syllable rows, words,
pure talk, nursery rhymes.
4. Comparison of sounds C - C - game "On the contrary"
a) in syllables
sa-sa-sa - tsa-tsa-tsa
os-os-os -
us-us-us -
ys-ys-ys -
b) in words
color -
heron -
colorprice -
boots -
5. Sound-syllable analysis, drawing up diagrams of words tsok,
juice, bang, bass
6. Exercises with split alphabet (drawing,
transformation of words - see point 5).
7. Typing the words COC, SOK, BAM, BAS.
8. Related words:
9. Game "Finish the word"
combat., vacuum cleaner., but., zaya.,
pe., ice., qua.,
anana., father., horse., sub., bird., bus..
1. SOUNDS S - C (alternate pronunciation).
2 Syllable rows
3. Exercises with pictures in C, C
a) selection of pictures for both sounds like sun;
b) selection of pictures in C,
c) selection of pictures on C
(pictures: knitting needle, vacuum cleaner, ladder, sun, pine,
scene, flowers, chick, chariot, singer, arctic foxes,
station, sheep, acacia, bush, mask, bench,
4. Conjugation (without the second person singular) in
future tense
get caught on an acacia bush
remove a caterpillar from an acacia bush
perform a children's song on stage.
5. Games “What has changed?”, “Guess the picture”,
“Remember, name” with pictures for both sounds (see p.
6. Sound-syllable analysis, word circuit diagrams, sheep.
7. Repetition of pure sayings in S, C.
8. Homework: Application "Hare under


Sounds S-C
Lesson No. 44
1. Sounds S-C (alternate pronunciation)
2. Syllable series
ast-ast-ast tsta
3. Comparison of sounds C - C - game "On the contrary"
(see lesson 42, paragraph 4).
4. Game “Finish the word” (see lesson 42, paragraph 9).
5. Game with pictures “1-2-5-9” (see lesson 43, paragraph 3).
6. Negotiating sentences based on these pictures
This is Sonin (Sonina, Sonino) ... This is Sanin (Sanina,
Sanino) ... This is Svetin (Svetina, Svetino) ...
7. Homework: Application "Tit".
Lesson No. 45

Sound [s]

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1

Breathing exercises

"Harmonic". I. p. - stand straight, lower your arms. Place your palms on your tummy and take a deep breath through your nose. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.

Development of exhalation force.

"Cold wind". Having drawn air into your lungs, blow forcefully through your lips extended forward with a tube. Bring the back of your hand to your mouth. You should feel a sharp, beating cold stream.

Game exercises

"Smile". “We are glad to meet a friend.” Stretch your lips in a smile to the limit and hold them in a tense position for some time. The teeth are closed. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Cranky monkeys." Movements with closed lips to the right and left. (If you have difficulty, help with your index fingers.)

Exercises to flatten and strengthen the lateral edges of the tongue

"Track". Place your wide, spread tongue on your lower lip and hold it in this position for a count of 5.

“The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence.” Extending the spread tongue between the teeth and biting it. (Teeth marks should remain on the tongue.)

“The tongue is sleeping on the crib.” Descent of the back of the tongue. Press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors and lower the back.

Note. In case of difficulty, ask the children to cough or yawn, while the soft palate involuntarily rises and the root of the tongue falls. You can interest children by offering to meet or say hello to the little tongue.

Isolation of the sound [s] against the background of syllables and words among sounds that are distant in acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

Game "Catch the Sound". The child should clap his hands when he hears the sound [s]. First, the teacher pronounces the sounds [l], [s], [r] [s], [l], [m], [b], [s], then the syllables la, so, ro, su, pa, su, sy, ba. If the child identifies a sound from a sound or syllabic series, words are given poppy, cheese, bough, shelf, son, bun, lamp, catfish.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds with changes in the strength and pitch of the voice.

“Let’s sing a lullaby to the doll”: a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a.

"Toothache": ooo

"Steam's whistle": uh-uh.

Lesson 2

Breathing exercises

Development of exhalation force

Blowing through a tube. Blowing soap bubbles. Comparison of expiratory duration. Pronouncing the sound [f] (long exhalation), pronouncing the sound [t] (short exhalation).

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue

Blow a paper snowflake off your palm. Whose snowflake will fly farther?

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

"We are having fun". "Smile". The lips are in a smile, the teeth are brought together to 2 mm.

"Sponges are swinging on a swing." Teeth and lips are clenched. Alternately lift the corners of your mouth with the help of your fingers.

“Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one. The right eye sleeps - wakes up. The left eye sleeps and wakes up.” Alternately opening and closing the eyes.

Tongue exercises

"The tongue is tanning." Place your tongue on the bottom of your mouth. “The tongue dived to the bottom of the river.” "Let's see where the little tongue lives." Lowering the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

“The tongue fits through the crack of the door.” Biting the tongue with teeth from tip to middle and vice versa.

"Monkey Teasing" Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and pronounce the syllables five-five-five-five-five.

"Conversation between the dogs Barbosa and Pushka." Pronouncing syllable combinations poo-boo, poo-boo, poo-boo whisper, quietly and loudly.

Development of phonemic awareness

Isolating the sound [s] among sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Sounds: [s], [z], [s], [sh], [ts], [s]. Syllables: sa, for, so, sha, tso, su, zy, sy. Words dog, bunny, sun, fur coat, boots, garden etc. The child raises his hand or claps his hands if he hears the sound [s].

Lesson 3

Breathing exercises Developing exhalation power

"Put out the candle." Development of intense intermittent exhalation with pronunciation ewww.

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue

"The storm is howling." Bring a bottle with a narrow neck to your lower lip and blow. If noise appears at the same time, it means that the air stream is directed correctly.

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

“The monkey is smiling, and the baby elephant is ready to drink some water.”

Lips in a smile (hold for a count of 5-6). Alternating positions - lips in a smile and “tube”.

“My teeth hurt on the right side. The teeth on the left side hurt.” Alternately raising the corners of the mouth while simultaneously closing the corresponding eye.

Tongue exercises

"Raindrops are pattering on the roof." Bite your wide tongue with your teeth and pronounce the syllables Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.

"Shovel". Place a wide tongue on the lower lip so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. The language is calm, not tense. If the tongue does not relax, suggest squeezing your lips tightly, then stretch them into a smile and push your tongue between them.

Exercises to develop the ability to form a bow with the lateral edges of the tongue with the upper molars

“The baby learns to pronounce the sound [i].” Place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and pronounce the sound [i]. Make sure that the dimple in the tongue is exactly in the middle.

"Donkey's Song" Pronouncing sound combinations ia.

"Boat". Stick your tongue out of your mouth and fold it into a boat (“groove”). If the exercise does not work, you can place a thin stick or probe on the middle part of the tongue.

"Fungus". I will collect different mushrooms in a basket - russula, moss mushroom, etc. Sucking the tongue to the roof of the mouth. (Recommended for use when correcting lateral sigmatism.)

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue

Pronouncing vowels i-yu, yu-ya, i-e, e-ya; i-i-e; and-i-e-yu.

Development of phonemic awareness

Isolating the sound [s] from words. Find toys whose names contain the sound [s], from a number of others ( owl, fox, bear, dog, baby elephant, car, giraffe, donkey).

Determining the position of the sound [s] in words owl, baby elephant, forest, nose.

Lesson 4

Breathing exercises

Development of exhalation force

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the center line

“The sled went down the hill.” Smile, lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, and lift your back up. Exhale.

Developing a long, strong exhalation when pronouncing sound combinations for a long time iffffff, iffffff.

Lip exercises

Lips in a smile (count to 10).

"The boat rocks on the waves." Alternately lifting the corners of the mouth up (with and without the help of hands).

Tongue exercises

“The tongue is sick and lies in bed.” Open your mouth wide and cough (the tongue involuntarily drops to the bottom of the mouth). Place the tongue in a “path” on the bottom of the mouth so that a small tongue appears. (Hold in this position for as long as possible.)

"Teasers." Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and say: bah-bah-bah-bah-bah, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah(with a change in intonation).

The tongue is “grooved” inside the mouth.

Note. If the exercise does not work, use a bottle with a narrow neck. When you blow into a bubble, a round gap involuntarily appears in your tongue.

"Funny Clowns" Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors. Pronouncing a sound combination e-hee-hee.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

“The tongue swings on a swing.” Pronouncing syllables ya-la, ya-la, ya-la, gradually increasing their number in one exhalation.

Development of phonemic awareness

Distinguishing words that sound similar: bearbowl, helmetporridge, cheeseball, saltplay naughty(based on pictures).

Finding pictures with the sound [s] in their names on the topics “Vegetables” and “Fruits”.

Lesson 5

Development of exhalation force

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue. "The wind shakes the leaf." The lips are in a smile, the teeth are open. Blowing on a protruding tongue lying on the lower lip.

Lip exercises

“The hippopotamus has his mouth open, the hippopotamus is asking for rolls.” Smile. On the count of “one,” clench your lips tightly, and on the count of “two,” open your mouth wide.

Tongue exercises

Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors. Pronounce and, hee, ee.

Raising and lowering the middle part of the tongue (the back of the tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered at the lower gums.

"Boat". Raise the side edges of the tongue until you have a depression in the middle of the tongue.

"Cheerful children." The starting position is the same. Pronounce sound combinations Ihee hee, Ihee hee, Ihee hee.

"Alien Conversation" Pronouncing syllables tee-tee-tee, tee-tee-tee, tee-tee-tee(with a change in stress and intonation).

Development of phonemic awareness and simple types of phonemic analysis

— Is there a sound [s] in words? cabbage, beets, radishes, beans, lettuce, garlic?

- Find vegetables whose names contain the sound [s]. Where is the sound [s] heard in a word? salad? In a word garlic? In a word cabbage?

Development of logical thinking

Game "Fifth Odd". Cabbage, beets, potatoes, radishes, apricots. Set aside the extra picture.

Lesson 6

Development of exhalation force

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue

Smile. Lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, raise your back in a “mound”, and exhale.

Lip exercises

Raising and lowering of the upper lip exposing the upper teeth.

Alternate raising and lowering of the corners of the mouth.

Tongue exercises

Keep your tongue motionless with the “groove” on the outside of the mouth, and then open your lips widely, then touch the “groove” with them.

Game “I am not me.” The speech therapist pronounces phrases, and the children answer: “And I” or “Not me.” For example, a speech therapist says: “I love chocolate.” And the children answer: “And I, and I, and I.” “I love to chew a cup.” Children: “Not me, not me, not me.”

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue

Pronouncing syllable combinations pti-pti-pti, pti-pti-pti; petit-ptit, petit-ptet; pt-pt-pt-pt-pt.

Development of phonemic awareness

“Pick it up and name it.” Place pictures in two piles depicting objects whose names contain the sounds [s] and [w].

Determine the position of the sound [s] in words sled, boots, owl, bus.

Sound setting [s]

The position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing the sound correctly [s]

The teeth are brought together and are at a distance of 1 mm. The lips are stretched as if smiling. The tongue rests on the lower incisors; a “groove” is formed in the middle of the tongue, along which a stream of exhaled air flows. The sound [s] is dull, pronounced without the participation of the voice.

Techniques for sound production [s]

Auditory perception of sound. Creating an auditory image of sound

Gaming techniques. "Whistles." "Snowstorm".

Formation of a visual image of sound

Showing the articulatory position of a sound on a dummy or articulation diagram. Articulation profile display.

Formation of a kinesthetic image of sound(feeling the position of the organs of articulation)

Showing the position of the organs of articulation using the fingers. Lower the clenched fingers of the right hand (imitation of the tongue) to the base of the fingers of the left hand (as if they were the lower teeth). Description of the position of the organs of articulation.

Open your mouth. Lower the tip of the tongue towards the lower incisors so that a gap forms in the middle of the tongue. Exhale forcefully and evenly. The sound should be [s].

Note. If a “groove” does not form along the midline of the child’s tongue, place a stick along the tongue. Close your teeth as far as the stick allows and pronounce the sound [s]. Do the same exercise with slowly removing the stick from the mouth to the teeth and out, then repeat several times without using the stick.

Correction of hissing sigmatism according to M.E. Khvatsev (1959)

1. Raising and lowering the middle part of the back of the tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered at the lower gums.

2. Blowing on the tongue when it is in a low position.

3. The tongue is set with a deep “groove” and the sound [s] is pronounced. Then gradually the depth of the “groove” decreases.

4. The sound [s] is pronounced.

Sound setting [s] according to R.E. Levina (1965)

1. Interdental pronunciation of the sound [s]. Consolidation in syllables, words, and then transition to normal articulation.

2. The child pronounces the sound [r] in a drawn-out manner, and then, doing the same, push the tongue forward as far as possible, it is necessary to rest its tip against the lower teeth.

3. Reliance on the sound [x]. Whisper the sound combination ihee, and then repeat it with clenched teeth.

4. Pronouncing the combination no with tension.

Correction of labiodental sigmatism

Show that when pronouncing the sound [s], the lip should not come into contact with the upper incisors or come close to them.

Alternating movements of the lips with a sequential change in their closing and opening, associated with baring of the teeth and exposure of the lower incisors.

If necessary, mechanical assistance is used in the form of pressing the lower lip downwards with a spatula. Long pronunciation of [s], and then syllables and words that begin with it.

Correction of interdental sigmatism

Clench your teeth and, without unclenching them, pronounce [s] in a drawn-out manner. (At first, the sound is pronounced with clenched teeth.)

Pronouncing syllables and words with clenched teeth. Gradually they move to normal pronunciation of the phoneme.

Correction of dental sigmatism

Demonstration of correct phoneme articulation. Using a profile picture. Reliance on kinesthetic sensations (feel a cold stream on the back of your hand when correctly pronouncing the sound [s]).

Articulation exercises

Inserting a flat tongue between the teeth.

Sticking out the tongue in a “groove” manner with the mouth open.

Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip of the tongue rests on the gums of the lower incisors.

Correction of hissing sigmatism

Distinguishing between the correct and incorrect sound of the sound [s] (whistle - hiss).

Showing in front of a mirror the differences between correct and defective articulation.

Additionally, use kinesthetic sensations, depicting articulation with the hands.

Having achieved correct articulation, turn on the exhalation, let you feel the cold stream of exhaled air.

You can temporarily use interdental articulation of the sound [s]. In the future, move on to normal dental pronunciation with clenched teeth, as is done when correcting interdental sigmatism.

Correction of lateral sigmatism

Achieve the formation of a “groove” along the midline of the tongue.

Use the sound [t] as a base. Pronounce [t] with some aspiration. The presence of aspiration is controlled by feeling a stream of air on the hand.

At the next stage of work, the child is asked to lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Clench your teeth and pronounce a sound close to [ts], which contains the sounds [t] and [s].

Gradually, during the exercises, the sound [s] lengthens and then separates. After which you can explain to the child that this is the correctly pronounced sound [s].

Use of mechanical assistance.

The child is asked to pronounce the sound [f], pushing the tongue forward as much as possible and resting its tip on the lower teeth. The noise characteristic of the sound [w] should be accompanied by a whistling noise.

Rely on the sound [x].

Whisper the combination ihee, and then pronounce the same sound combination with clenched teeth. In this case, a sound close to [s"] is heard.

As a result of the exercises, the sound is fixed, and then you can pay attention to the difference in the sound of the sounds [s] and [s"].

Correction of nasal sigmatism

Work out the correct direction of the air stream, closing the passage into the nasal cavity by raising the palate. Developing correct articulation of the tongue.

Correction of sound replacement [s] to [t], [d]

1. Inserting a flat tongue between the teeth.

2. “Grove” with the mouth open.

3. Bending the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors.

Correction of lateral sigmatism according to E.Ya. Sizova (1992)

Massage of facial muscles and lips

The massage is performed with hypercorrection of the affected side:

- patting the smoothed nasolabial fold;

- circular movements at the junction of the masticatory muscles;

- stroking lips;

- slight tingling of closed lips (usually on the affected side);

- circular stroking movements in the corners of the mouth (more on the side of the smoothed nasolabial fold);

- slight tingling of the lowered corner of the mouth;

- pinching of the edge of the lower jaw (more on the affected side).

Tongue massage

- lightly stroking the tongue;

- tapping the tongue with a spatula or fingers;

- very light tapping on the affected side edge of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

Teeth and lips are clenched. Alternately raise the corners of your mouth. If the corner of the mouth does not rise, help with your fingers. At the same time, keep the other corner of your mouth calm. Lift the corner of the mouth affected by paresis two or three times, and the healthy one – once.

Tongue exercises

1. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, then move your tongue to the right side and bite the left edge of your tongue with your teeth. Return to starting position.

2. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, slightly move your tongue to the left and bite the right edge of your tongue with your teeth. Return to starting position.

3. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, move your tongue to the right side and slide your teeth along your tongue.

4. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, move your tongue to the left side and slide your teeth along your tongue.

5. Biting the side edges of the tongue.

For the affected side, the number of exercises is doubled.

Consolidation of the auditory image of sound

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