Cool hour of winter fun. Class hour in elementary school on the topic: Winter

Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktobe region Mugalzhar district, Emba, secondary school № 2.

Class hour on the topic: "Snow-White Winter"

Prepared by: teacher of Kazakh language and literature Kurantaeva Elvira Magauevna

2011-2012 academic year.

Purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with changes in nature in winter.


Give basic concepts about winter nature;

Instill respect for the environment;

Develop a desire for knowledge;

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Nature in winter is completely different than in spring, summer and autumn. With the onset of December, forests and fields are covered with snow, becoming white, light and clean. Nature seems to be plunging into a fairy-tale dream (slide№2)

Student: (“Snowflake” by Mikhail Sadovsky)

I wanted to bring a snowflake home,

He put it on his palm, She whispered to me quietly:

"I'm sorry, but you better not touch me!"

It's like I didn't hear anything

He carried a prickly snowflake,

She pricked my palm slightly

And she became a drop of tears!

I came home with a snowy tear

And then he grieved for a long time:

Why did you warm her in the snowy winter,

Took me away from my snowy friends?!

Riddles about the winter months(slide№3,4,5)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.


It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me?


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably

Well, what month is this?


Birds in winter(slide№6)

Winter is not easy for birds. Some birds cannot withstand our Russian winter and fly away to warmer climes. Some remain. Where can they get food now? Both the birds, our feathered friends, are cold and hungry. They sit on branches and wires, ruffled, and fly closer to human habitation in the hope that they will find at least some food here. Who can help the poor birds? Just us people. Only we know how to make feeders. Only we can hang them on the surrounding trees and sprinkle grains and bread crumbs into them. Find out what birds live in your area, what their habits are, what food they eat. You can make a feeder and hang it in the yard, in

the nearest park, garden or forest. You can arrange a feeder on your balcony or outside your window. At first, the birds will be afraid to fly up to it, but then you will get used to it and you can watch how they cheerfully peck the grains from the wooden plank that you have placed for them. The board should have sides so that the food does not fall off and a roof so that it does not get covered with snow.

Animals in winter(slide№7)

The forest was covered with snow. How nice it is in the forest in winter! The trees are all covered in fluffy snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun. But life is not easy for animals in the winter forest. It’s not easy to get food from under the snow and conserve energy. The foxes hid in their warm holes. Squirrels live by gnawing nuts hidden in reserve in the fall. Bears in dens suck paws. Wolves stalk their prey.

Exercise for the eyes(slide№8).

How are the paintings different?? (slide No. 9) Children's stories about the seasons.


We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

We lie in the rain, we run in the frost,

This is our regime.


What a table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds with grain and bread.


They fly faster than the wind

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift.


What doesn't burn in fire

And doesn't drown in water? (Ice)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once.

What kind of horses do I have?


Winter on gray roofs

Throws seeds -

Grows white carrots

She is under the roofs.


Lesson summary:

How can you help birds in winter?

People's work in winter.

Sources used:

Class hour “Winter games and fun”

Target: identify and expand students’ ideas about winter sports, ensure safe and useful time for students outside.


1. Involve students in sports, develop strength, agility, and ingenuity.

2. Foster independence and a creative attitude to business.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today let's dedicate our meeting to winter games and fun. After all, the frosty Russian winter is a wonderful time to improve your health! Cool wind, light frost, movement in the air - good conditioning of the body. (Slide 2)

Zimushka - winter

We arrived in a troika

Fast, spirited horses

Winter is beautiful

Ice spit.

In a white fur coat to the toes

I started to amuse the guys!

She waved her right sleeve -

The grass is covered with frost,

She waved her left sleeve -

The clear field turned white.

Hit with a hammer -

The river was bound by a bridge.

I took skis, sleds,

The kids are beckoning:

"Come out into the open

Yes, go down steep mountains!”

Leading: Did you know that there is a day dedicated to snow on the calendar? On January 22, Snow Day is celebrated all over the world. This holiday is still very young, this year it turned 5 years old. He was born in the winter of 2012 at the suggestion of the International Ski Federation. The second name is International Winter Sports Day.Snow Day is celebrated not only by northern countries, where there is traditionally a lot of snow, but also by snow-free states - Australia, New Zealand. They use artificial snow for entertainment.

Presenter: Snow... This is a white miracle given to us by nature itself. He constantly inspires our admiration.
He flies in a white flock, and sparkles as he flies.

He is ruddy in the sun, blue under the moon,

He is both white and shaggy,

And fluffy like a feather.
Snow is always so different, but charming and beloved. No wonder a whole holiday was dedicated to him!

Student 1: I. Bursov
Look at this, guys.
Everything around was covered with cotton wool!
And in response there was laughter:
- It was white snow.
Only Lyuba disagrees:
- This is not a snowball at all -
Santa Claus brushed his teeth
And he scattered the powder.

Leading: In the winter of 2014, Russia hosted athletes from all over the world atWinter Olympic Games, which took place in the citySochi from 7 to 23 February. These were the XXII Olympic Winter Games. Winter Olympic Games the largest international winter sports competitions, held once every 4 years.

Now let's solve the riddles and remember what sports are included in the Winter Olympic Games.

1 .He's on skis, but like a bird,
It might appear in the sky.
Push off and forward,
Takes flight.Ski jumping.

2 . And the athlete shoots at the target,
And he races on skis.
And the sport is called
Very simple: .. Biathlon

3. Rush down the snowy slopes -
A very courageous sport!
And it will help the champions,
In this sport... Snowboarding

4. Down the slope, athletes,
Faster than a tram
They go skiing
Rounding the flags. Slalom.

5. Look - here's a hero,
He flies upside down
Lying on your stomach on a sled.
It's so scary, it gives me chills. Skeleton.

6 . There's a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids played out.
Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -
So there's a game there -…hockey

7. There is such a sport in the world,
It is popular in winter.
You're running on runners
You rush after your opponent. Ski racing.

8. On the icy platform,
It's icy on the platform
The players throw a broom
And they drive a stone across the ice.
What kind of sport is here before us? Curling

Leading: Everyone loves winter, especially children. It is at this wonderful time of year that you can have a lot of fun.

Winter offers us a lot of interesting fun. Some people like to sled down a snowy mountain. Some people have snow fights with friends after school. Some people are great at figure skating. Some people want to go skiing.

After a snowfall, the air is especially clean, and you can go sledding down the mountain.

My sled is racing

Quickly down the hill yourself.

The wind blows in my face

And twists the snow into a ring!

While sledding, it is easy to develop agility, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements.

You can play the following games: while driving down the mountain, tear off a ribbon from a branch of a bush, take out a flag stuck in a snowdrift, hit a hoop with a snowball. And all this on the go!

Many children ride snow scooters in winter. A snow scooter is similar to a sled, but is heavier and is controlled by a steering wheel.

Student: Sleds have been known in Rus' for a very long time. They are mentioned in written sources from the 12th century. "Sanki" is a word of Russian origin. The word "san" in the Old Church Slavonic language meant... "snake". This is not surprising - the trail of sleigh runners really resembles the trail of a slithering snake. And the word “runners” is similar to the name of the snake - runner. Both words probably come from the verb "to crawl."

Now sleds are entertainment for children and adults who have retained their childhood, as well as sports equipment for downhill racing on specially equipped mountain trails.

Leading: Guys, which of you have skis? What do you prefer: downhill skiing or skiing on flat terrain? Why?

I think that in physical education lessons you have already learned how to ski, that is, take long sliding steps. Skiing develops muscles. If you ski regularly, your arms will grow and become stronger faster, and your legs will become longer and stronger.

Push off harder with either your right or left foot, bending your knees. The poles will help you glide and develop rhythmic movements.

What games can you play while skiing?

For example, in a stream. To play this game, you need to make a gate out of tilted sticks and drive through the gate without hitting the stick. It's not that easy! Especially for a beginner skier!

Many kids love to ski down the hills. When driving down a mountain, you need to learn how to brake and make turns. It is better to ride down the mountain by leaning forward and holding the poles behind. If you feel that you cannot stay on your feet, then try to fall on your side.

How do you go up the mountain?

It can be a herringbone or half-herringbone, or it can be sideways - like a ladder.

Student: The sun comes out higher

Every day.

We'll put on our skis -

Let's go to the forest.

Like a white tower

The boron froze,

We're skiing boldly

We rush from the mountains.

Sparkles merrily

Pure snow.

Will brighten faces

Fast run.

Leading: Let's think together about how to dress properly for skiing. You need to dress lightly, but at the same time warmly. The skier's clothing consists of a cotton T-shirt or T-shirt, a woolen sweater, an insulated jacket, a sports cap, a scarf, and woolen mittens.

After you've had a blast skiing, you need to shake off the snow, wipe it with a soft cloth and put it in a cool, dry place.

Student: The very first skis were primitive snowshoes. They were oval-shaped wooden frames covered with animal skin straps. Sometimes such devices were woven from flexible rods. It was impossible to glide on such skis, but it was relatively easy to step on them in deep snow.
The appearance of skis in ancient Rus' before the beginning of our era is evidenced by studies of rock carvings off the shores of Lake Onega and the White Sea. On the rocks, primitive man left carved inscriptions and drawings that have survived to this day, which are indisputable evidence of the invention of skis by primitive man. Moreover, even then they were sliding skis.

Leading: Guys, how to choose the right slopes for sledding and skiing?

Leading: If you recently bought skates, then first of all you need to learn how to put on and lace your shoes. Then stand on skates on the floor and do simple movements. But get out on the ice! Learn to run and glide on parallel skates. Two or three days will pass, and you will master skating on a straight track, begin to make turns, and then run in a circle. The main thing to remember is: when skating, always tilt your torso forward!

Student: Evening. The music is playing.

The skating rink is full of kids.

The elegant spruce shines,

The lights are burning all around!

We cut with sharp skates

Silvery smooth ice,

And sparkles with lights

Round dance of white flakes.


Initially, animal bones were used to run on ice. Then, for this purpose, wooden blocks were adapted into which metal runners were inserted. These skates were used until the mid-eighteenth century.

The word “skates” came to international sports from the Russian language skates, runner skates, hunchback skates. The front part of the wooden skates was decorated with a horse's head - hence the affectionate name, a diminutive of the word “horse”: skates.

What about today's skates? They were born almost three hundred years ago.

Tsar Peter I came to Holland to learn how to build ships. The Dutch taught Peter I not only how to build ships, but also their winter fun - ice skating.

Returning from Holland, the Tsar brought skates to Russia. Everyone liked the new product, and after a few years thousands of Russians began skating.

Leading: In winter there are thaws. Then the snow becomes sticky and wet. It's a lot of fun to play in the snow in this weather! You can build a snow fort or a snowman.

Student: Let's collect a lump of snow.
We'll put a pot on top.
A carrot will replace his nose.
He holds the broom deftly in his hands.
We'll put a scarf on him,
And he won’t freeze in a snowstorm.
He was not at all used to the warmth.
It's a miracle
- snowman.

Student: A snowman or snow woman is a simple snow sculpture.

Making a snowman is a favorite pastime for children and adults.
Do you know that in ancient times they were considered angels who descended from heaven, who convey to God the requests and dreams of people. Therefore, as soon as the snowman was ready, people quietly whispered their cherished wish to him, and then they waited and believed that as soon as the snow figure melted, the wish would immediately be taken to heaven and soon come true. And in order for the snowman to fly into the sky, a broom was inserted into his hand.
By the way, snow women are our Russian heritage. Our ancestors believed that snow and blizzards were controlled by female spirits.
A snowman was always made near the house, sometimes generously decorated with garlands, and a scarf hung around his neck. Mandatory were a carrot in the nose - for the spirits sending the harvest, an inverted bucket on the head - a symbol of prosperity in the house.

Student: Records are being set for making snowmen all over the world.
One of the largest snowmen, 37 meters high and weighing more than 6,000 tons, was sculpted in the American city of Bethel. In 2013, the tallest snowman in Russia was created in Moscow, the officially recorded height being 9 meters 40 centimeters.

Leading: I am sure that many of you like a fun, active game - hockey.

What do you need to play hockey?

Right. Skates, sticks, puck, goal and, of course, ice.

The players are divided into two teams, and each team tries to score the puck into the opponent's goal. There is a goalkeeper at the goal. His job is not to miss the puck.

Student: Pillow head

Get up quickly

Take your skates and stick -

Let's go play hockey!

Frost blushes your cheeks,

The skating rink is already filled.

Silver in the sun

Sparkling ice.

Reflecting attacks

We'll hit the puck

And the puck is like a living one,

Spin and slide.

Sanya will stand at the gate -

Experienced goalkeeper.

Play hockey with us

Grandfather January himself!

Student: Modern ice hockey is, one might say, a “casual” game. That is, it was started by chance. One day, soldiers of the Canadian military garrison, while walking, saw an empty tin can on the ice of Lake Ontario. The day was frosty, and the young people decided to warm up. They grabbed sticks and started pushing the can around, trying to get it away from each other. 130 years have passed. The can has long been replaced by a cast rubber washer.

Ice hockey appeared in Russia only in 1946.
Leading: All children love to draw. And one of children’s favorite winter pastimes is drawing in the snow.

Student: Dilute food coloring or gouache paints of different colors in plastic bottles at home. Make small holes in the bottle caps. You can have two sets of caps. One whole - for transportation, and one with a hole - for “drawing”. Through the hole, if, pressing on the bottle, water flows in a thin stream. Now you can draw pictures in the snow or paint a snowman.

Leading: It turns out that to draw in the snow, you don’t have to take any tools or supplies.

You can draw an angel in the snow using your own body.

To do this, lie down on the snow (it should be freshly fallen and soft), then do not lift your arms and legs off the ground, make rotational movements with them (raise your arms up, spread your legs to the sides.

You need to get up carefully, it is advisable to have someone help, so as not to leave unnecessary prints in the snow.

Leading: If you like to draw with a stick on damp sand in the summer, then in the winter you can try drawing with it in the snow.

Leading: To get such beautiful fairy-tale bubbles, they should be blown in severe frost, at least minus 15 degrees. Take a jar of soapy water, a straw for cocktails (the tube for blowing bubbles can be slightly modernized - make four small cuts (3 cm) at its end and bend them upward) and get to work. When you blow a soap bubble in the cold, small crystals will immediately appear on its surface and begin to quickly increase in size. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the “ball” will burst before it has time to freeze. When you try to blow a soap bubble several times, you will get used to it and will already feel when you should stop blowing and wait for the soap ball to freeze.

Leading: Name the sports or winter activities that we talked about today. What would you like to do outside today?

Class hour in elementary school “Hello, Zimushka - winter!”

Natalya Viktorovna Suslova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description of material: The material of the event will be of interest to teachers - organizers, class teachers when organizing winter leisure in primary schools; in lessons - consolidation of the surrounding world, extracurricular activities. It is convenient to spend a class hour in the form of a trip through the stations-stages.
Target: Generalizing children's knowledge about winter.
Tasks:- form and expand ideas about winter as a season;
- consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter;
- develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, and the ability to act in a group;
- cultivate a love of nature, winter is the time of year.

Stages of winter travel.
1. Brothers-months.
What time of year has replaced autumn? (winter)

Reading a poem.
We say it... “Hello, Zimushka - winter!”
Name the winter term. (December, January, February)

Let's imagine every month.

Name the signs of inanimate nature.

2. Ditties:
- Finally in December
The yard turned white at dawn.
There's plenty of snow for snowballs,
I'll treat all my friends to it!
- It’s in our yard
Snowman with a broom.
Watches the dark night
He is our home from the wolf.
- They don’t want to stand in winter
Maples without clothes.
Instead of leaves on the branches
Sparrows, crows.

3. Winter guests.
With the onset of winter, winter guests appear. Who is this?
Let's find out - who spends the winter?

4. Riddles:
I'll tell you, guys,
Very difficult riddles.
If you guess it, don’t yawn,
Together, answer in unison!
White as sugar
There are no legs, but he walks. (snow)
I'm spinning, I'm muttering,
I don't want to know anyone. (blizzard)
Old joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street,
It makes me want to go home. (freezing)
In the new wall.
In the round window
During the day the glass is broken
Inserted at night. (ice hole)

Every year I fly to you,
I want to spend the winter with you.
And even redder in winter
The bright red tie is mine. (bullfinch)

He doesn't know how to play
And it will make you dance,
It will brighten all people.
Who is this sorcerer? (freezing)
I have longer needles than a Christmas tree,
I'm growing very straight in height,
If I'm not on the edge,
The branches are only on the top of the head. (pine)

You will put magic shoes on your feet -
And you’ll immediately rush along the winter road. (skis)
She ran and made noise,
She fell asleep and began to sparkle. (river)
I am water
I swim on water. (ice)
Walking in the field, but not a horse,
Flying in the field, but not a bird. (wind, blizzard)
A strange star fell from the sky,
It fell on my palm and disappeared. (snowflake)

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you up.
Their names are... (mittens)
What bird turns white for the winter? (partridge)
How many rays does a snowflake have? (6)
What year lasts one day? (New)

5. Winter proverbs, sayings.

Winter is not summer - she’s wearing a fur coat.
In winter, a fur coat is no joke.
In winter, the sun, like a stepmother, shines but does not warm.
In the winter cold everyone is young.
The snow that is blowing, and the snow that is falling.
The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.
The snow is cold and provides protection from the cold.
In December the frost increases, but the days decrease.
In December there are seven weather conditions: it blows, it blows, it swirls, it storms, it tears, it sweeps, it sings a song.
At the end of December, the sun turns to summer and winter turns to frost.
December - the year ends, winter begins.
In January, the days grow, and the cold also grows.
In January there will be snow and bread will arrive.
January puts wood in the stove.
January wears a sheepskin coat down to his toes, paints intricate patterns on the windows, amuses his eyes with snow and tears his ears with frost.
February knocks down the horn of winter.
February brings the winter to a close and shows the way to the new season.

6. New Year's living room.
“Say the word!”
Bengal... (lights)

Carnival… (costume)

Congratulatory... (postcard)
Christmas tree... (toy)

Paper... (confetti)
Silver... (ball)
Multi-colored... (tinsel)

I’ll tell the kids what they decorate the Christmas tree with.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer.
If we tell you correctly, say “Yes!” in response.
Well, if it’s suddenly incorrect, answer boldly “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Are the beads multi-colored?
And the garlands are light?
Snow made from white cotton wool?
Satchels and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Are the candies shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the stars radiant?

"Restore the New Year's menu"
TROT - cake
RITSAKU - chicken
LASTA – salad
JONOREMORE - ice cream
BARS – fish
POTCOM – compote
APUSTAK – cabbage
OTKLETKA - cutlet.

7. Let's play!
Game “Say it!”
What did you do in winter?
Give me the answer, my friend.
Listen carefully
Answer “yes” or “no”!
Did you play snowballs with your friends?
Did you pick mushrooms yourself in the forest?
Did you sled down the hill?
Did you swim in the river in the village?
Have you wandered through the forest on skis?
Did you find many flowers?
Did you dig a bed in your garden?
And did you dance with Santa Claus?
Friends, are you tired of answering yet?
Are you expecting winter again in a year?

Song Contest. Sing winter and New Year's songs in turn. Whoever is last wins.
“A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”
"Little Christmas tree..."
“Once in a frosty winter...”
“Oh, frost, frost!...”
"Somewhere in this world..."
“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?...”
“At the edge of the forest...”, etc.

Competition “If you guess it, draw it!”
We are from a fairy tale
You know us...
If you remember, you will guess!
If you don’t remember, so what?!
Read the story again!
1. An evil blizzard has arrived,
Gerda has lost her friend!
Kai rushed off to the kingdom of ice...
Gerda, Gerda, help me out!
The blizzard circles to the right, to the left
In a fairy tale... ("The Snow Queen")

2. People are surprised:
The stove is moving, there is smoke!
And Emelya on the stove
Eating big rolls!
The tea pours itself
According to his will,
And the fairy tale is called... (“At the command of the pike”)

3. She is like snow, white and bright...
She is afraid of heat like snow!
Both the children and the chicken are happy
He’s just not happy... (Snow Maiden)

Competition "Snowflake". Cut out a snowflake for a while, take into account the beauty.
Competition "Chocolate". Who will eat the chocolate faster?
Competition “Bring the snowball in your palm”.
Competition "Whose traces?"

Target: create an atmosphere corresponding to the sensations of a real Russian winter; introduce the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech; cultivate a sense of admiring the beauty of Russian nature.

Equipment: The teacher has a tape recorder, an audio cassette with a recording of light instrumental music, materials for a photo exhibition on a winter theme, printouts of the assignment for composing figurative sentences for each student; Students have a squared notebook, colored pencils, and a pen.

Teacher. In this lesson, guys, we will talk about winter, about the real Russian winter - with frosts, snowfalls, snowdrifts...

To create the appropriate atmosphere, I suggest you solve winter-themed riddles.

Whose drawings are on the window,

What's the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter grandfather... (Frost).

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now on New Year's Eve

On the river we see... (ice).

Her house is on a white cloud,

But she is afraid of the sun's ray.

Silver fluff,

Hexagonal... (snowflake).

The snow swirls along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens.

Winter-winter friend,

Northern guest - ... (blizzard).

Got caught on the ledge

The head hangs down.

Tiny acrobat

Winter candy - ... (icicle).

He is made of snow alone,

His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, she'll cry instantly

And it will melt... (snowman).

(E. Savelyeva)

Now, guys, write down all the answers in your notebook, preferably in the same order. (Examination)

How many of you experience winter at any time of the year? Why? (Children's responses.)


Ah, winter, winter, winter

- Beauty - go crazy!

The forest stood still, like a miracle,

A blizzard lay in the meadows,

And wherever you look - everywhere

White-faced snows.

And let the frosts crackle,

Bringing fear into the heart,

The stronger they are, the more roses

They glow hotter on the cheeks!

(I. Maznin)

Children's answers.

Next, the teacher invites the children to familiarize themselves with the photo exhibition placed on one of the walls of the classroom, which presents photographs from calendars, reproductions of paintings, and children’s drawings on a winter theme. While the children are looking at the proposed material, a corresponding light instrumental melody sounds. At the end, children share their impressions and mark their favorite materials.

Teacher. One of the most beautiful sights in winter is snowfall.

It's snowing like a real romantic

All snowflakes are sterilely clean,

Into the whiteness of ermine robes

Even the bushes are clothed...

(S. Smirnov)

Draw a fragment of snowfall in your notebooks.

Independent work.

Exchange of impressions.

Now try to make figurative sentences about winter beauty yourself, using comparisons. To do this, connect the left side of the sentence with the right.

Students receive printouts of the assignment. Independent work.


Answer. 1 - 5; 2 - 3; 3 - 1; 4 - 2; 5 - 6; 6 - 4.

Which comparison did you like best? Come up with your own figurative sentences on the theme of winter nature.

Children's responses.

Real winter pleases not only with the beauty of nature, but also with a variety of games that are possible only at this time of year. One of them is mentioned in a poem by Agnia Barto.


We dug ourselves in the snow,

We shoot at the enemy

I can't handle a machine gun

I can't tear myself away.

From today I -

Master of accurate fire.

Mom didn't know this

She took me home.

What winter fun do you like?

Children's answers

Teacher. The next task can be called a snowball fight, but only an intellectual one. Look at the table, find a pattern and think about what you need to draw in the cells instead of question marks.

The table is shown on the board. Teamwork.

Winter is rich in holidays. The most significant for most of us are those encrypted below. Decipher them using the arrows.

Answer. 1. New Year. 2. Christmas. 3. Old New Year.

Surely you understand the meaning of the New Year and Christmas holidays. But what kind of tricky holiday is Old New Year?

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14 arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia. This day once fell on January 1st and was called...



Answer. VASILIEV DAY. We read, skipping every second letter, i.e. E.

Vasiliev evening, generous evening - New Year's Eve. It was considered the most suitable time for fortune telling. Girl fortune tellers, for example, laid out a pinch of cereal, a piece of bread, scissors, ash, coal on the table and placed a bowl of water. They brought a rooster into the house. It was believed that if a rooster pecks at cereals or bread, then the groom will be from a rich family, if there are scissors, then he will be a tailor, if there is ash, then he will be a tobacconist, if he drinks water, then he will be a drunkard, and if he decides to peck coal, then the girl will not get married at all.

In the old days, the New Year was celebrated noisily and cheerfully. Favorite pastimes were sledding down the icy mountains. For this purpose, ice mountains were built in advance. Their height sometimes reached twelve meters. They built mountains from wooden logs and planks, the upper platform was surrounded by railings, and the path itself was filled with water. The police were always on duty at the top so that in the cheerful crowd no one would fall down. Foreigners called these slides Russian. What Russian doesn't like driving fast? Up to 30-40 sleighs gathered and all together, like an iron, they rushed through the streets of the city. You could fall out on the bumps and turns, but that’s all the more fun!

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