Beautiful phrases about butterflies. Quotes on the topic “Butterflies in the stomach

Most of the time—ninety-nine percent—you simply don't know how or why the threads are woven, and that's okay. Do good and evil will happen. Do evil, and good will happen. Do nothing and everything will explode.
And only very, very rarely, when, thanks to the miracle of chance and coincidence, the butterflies beat their wings exactly as they should, and all the threads are woven together for a minute, you get a chance to do the right thing.

Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What is his voice? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.
When you tell adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, there are geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house. They must be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

Look at the drama club
parents tagged along
because of them we are nothing but asses
didn't see anything
I heard branches crunch
I saw my aunt's legs
aunt peed on the bush
from a large shoe brush
the rain was pouring monotonously
it was boring to live in the world
how I peed from the balcony
no one noticed
dad hurt mom once
both were terribly angry
and then I saw it at night
how they made up
whispering how unfortunate
and my strength is already running low
climbed on a butterfly
we closed all the windows
but we couldn't sleep
the cats were screaming at night
like tigers were eating them
watching nature
the hedgehog wanders and laughs
this is young weed
tickles hedgehog's balls

Is it true that we are still a little alike? And you’re not in love, and neither am I. This life is short with other people, And you don’t suffer, And I don’t suffer. And it’s certainly not your concern, Who will meet me after work. And I don’t give a damn - there’s no anger, no anger - About the butterflies of these ephemeral butterflies of yours. But you know, always with a small interval They left, and I stayed. I just - was. It just is. No catch. When you are sad, when you feel bad and in pain. When, hating pity, You ask me to hold your hand. Cold February And a snowstorm outside the window, I warm your palm in the warm palms The flocks of snow subside outside the windows, And the night recedes, And the pain recedes. The frozen morning emerges from a coma And to me yours the hands are painfully familiar, down to the fingertips, down to the blue veins. Or maybe it’s for the best that it didn’t work out. That the heart is calm and the mind is on alert, That I haven’t been assigned a serial number. Not a mother. Not my wife. Not my sister. Not a friend, I'm just quietly holding your hand.

Live in the moment. Forget the past, it brings sorrows, do not think about the future, it brings worries, live in the present, because this is the only way to be happy. Every day someone always says these words to me. This is not difficult to understand, such thinking is in fashion now, colorful pictures are full of it, and bored housewives love to repeat it thoughtfully. This is convenient, just as the psychology of a one-day butterfly is convenient, the psychology of living on credit. Take your piece of light now, man, yawn satiatedly over your rumbling needs and don’t think about anything, you’ll only pay tomorrow, and that’s so far from you. I talk to people who carry this simple thought like a banner, and suddenly I understand that the world has broken down. In their naive eyes, believing in infinite goodness, it began to crack, fell apart into scanty fragments of times, into a mosaic of little things. Live in the present, because living in the past or future is so painful. But life, it includes everything, it has no boundaries, it is not divided into times. And I say: live, love life, appreciate the past, it taught you, rejoice in the present, love is poured in it, believe in the future, it belongs to you, do not split yourself into days, do not deny the integrity of being, do not lock your soul with a wounded beast or in the past, not in the future, not in the present. And be happy, because happiness is not in the chosen piece of fate, it, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.

There are many women who are attracted to powerful men. Like the fire of butterflies. But there are women who most of all need not a hero or even an ardent lover, but a friend. Remember: when you grow up, stay away from women who love dictators, and among those who need a man friend, try to find not the one who needs a friend, because her life is empty, but the one who will happily fill your life and yourself. And remember: friendship between a man and a woman is a rare thing and much, much more expensive than love: love, in fact, is a rather rough and not very subtle thing compared to friendship. Friendship includes a certain spiritual subtlety, a generous ability to listen, and a perfect sense of proportion.

Mood of the day: “butterflies in the stomach”

How and why do these cute creatures end up in such an inappropriate place? It's all because of the unconventional thinking of the British - it was they who compared the sensations that arise in the happiest and most exciting moments of life with the slight movement of the wings of a butterfly. “Butterflies in my stomach,” they say to each other, trying to express their intense emotions.

Butterflies flutter in the stomach, usually from love. But the reason for their appearance can be anxiety in front of the public, or an upcoming exam, or in general any situation in which everything depends on the ability to gather strength - that’s when we need a positive psychological “anchor.” Very joyful situations also cause a surge of adrenaline - just like those in love.

Life is never as multifaceted as at turning points, before the next sharp turn. Let happiness excite and make hearts beat stronger, let winged friends declare themselves more often and help us feel the real taste of life!

I kicked you out, honey, do you know how much it hurts?
My killer moths uprooted you,
My killer moths didn't want to listen to you
They gnawed out the heart, they gnawed out the soul.
Beautiful butterfly wings painted with scarlet blood
Beautiful butterfly wings, you were uprooted,
By cell, by touch, away from my body,
They didn’t allow me to chalk out my memory.
They didn't allow me to leave at least something
My moths are killers - that's their job.
I tore you out, dear, and with you my soul
Beautiful wings of butterflies from heaven to deserted land...
Gobchinova Anna Elga

You know, I understood this thing called love...
At first I didn’t understand this...
Maybe I dated a lot, but sometimes I fell in love...
I broke everyone’s hearts, and this happened...
Constantly falling in love...
Kissed under the moon...
We walked everywhere hand in hand...
Everywhere together, and not a day without each other...
Then they separated, they both became stupid...
I went to the camp, and it all started...
The boys plucked flowers from the flowerbed and put them on the pillow...
The slow-movers danced and just lit up...
The counselors didn’t like that a lot of attention was being shown to me...
When I arrived home, I realized everything...
I also saw everyone, walked, talked...
Then it happened...
Butterflies flew up in my stomach, my eyes lit up...
It may not be exactly her, but there is something about it!
Then he left and stayed there!
Plaka, waited, called...
Appreciate what you have!!!

Again the butterflies in the stomach revive the desire to live...
I am grateful to you for them. And recently I wanted to howl.
And recently I wanted to go down. Under your feet there is a cornice and a step.
The dust of previous happiness hung like a veil on my soul.
Not poetry, not a glass of wine, not a novel about great love...
Just a room and winter. Cigarettes and smoke from them.
Where do the fruits of loss nest? Is it life to treat or will it do?
Don't believe me at first. That's how it's supposed to be - wait a year.
And then a bed for two. The sweet scent of simple flowers.
He promised that you would be back at seven. The subscriber is unavailable again.
Vodka, so as not to hear the pain. Hysterical until the morning alone.
You left without slamming the door, saying, “I’m tired of you like this.”
Cut veins? They'll save you in an hour. There is a cornice under your feet - to fly up.
This will happen later... Now - again butterflies in the stomach...

Flying from shadow to light,
She herself is both shadow and light,
Where was she born like this?
Almost devoid of signs?...
Arseny Tarkovsky

Do not eradicate vices if you want to have lovely women, otherwise you will become like those who, admiring a butterfly, destroy a caterpillar.
Victor Hugo

As long as a butterfly can fly, it doesn't matter how worn out its wings are. And if a butterfly cannot fly, there is no more butterfly.
Victor Pelevin

The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the glory.
George Carlin

Butterflies are not very important creatures; they have never played a significant role in international trade, either as a commodity or as a business idea.

Happiness is a butterfly that inevitably slips away while you are chasing it, but if you freeze, it can land on your shoulder.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

A butterfly has not years, but moments, and it has enough time.
Rabindranath Tagore

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the teacher calls the butterfly.
Richard Bach

I could be that butterfly: it loves light too much to be afraid of fire.

To make friends with a butterfly, you must first transform yourself into a piece of nature. Turn off the person inside, hide inside - and imagine yourself as a tree, grass or flower.
Haruki Murakami

Butterflies often forget that they were once caterpillars.
Swedish proverb

Butterflies cannot see their wings. They don't realize how beautiful they are, but others see their beauty. This happens to people too.

Butterflies cannot speak, so on their wings they will deliver the request directly to heaven and the wish will definitely come true.

The butterfly is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, the ability to transform, to transform, since this winged heavenly creature is born, transforming from a worldly caterpillar. There is no negative image of the butterfly in any culture in the world. Only symbols of love, beauty and prosperity.

An ancient legend says: you must whisper your desire to the butterfly so quietly that it remains a secret for all earthly creatures, and let it go. Butterflies cannot speak, so on their wings they will deliver the request directly to heaven and the wish will definitely come true.

An ancient Japanese legend says: you must whisper your desire to a butterfly so quietly that it remains a secret for all earthly creatures, and let it go.

You can't glue wings to a caterpillar and make it fly like a butterfly. She must change from within.

If the caterpillar held on to the past, it would never have become a butterfly.

Happiness is like a colorful butterfly, it can fly away, or you can catch it and never let go...

The secret is not to chase butterflies... take care of your garden and they will come to you...

Happiness is like a butterfly: you just have to wait for it to land on your shoulder...

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it escapes. But if you shift your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

The secret is not to chase butterflies....take care of your garden and they will come to you...

Happiness flies away like a butterfly: the closer you get to it, the faster it slips away...

Quietly... On tiptoe... Side by side, near... The butterfly touched my heart with its wings... Sweeping away, Swinging closer, Maybe there was no touch? Quietly on tiptoe, as if with lips... My heart shuddered in response...

Eh, if only we were like insects... once - and from caterpillars - and into butterflies!

I'm happy... silent... fluttering... melting... and only I know about it!!

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