Which teacher is considered a young specialist? Social benefits for young professionals

The legislation of the Russian Federation providedyoung professionalssocial protection, highlighting these workers in a separate category.

This category means employees who have received primary, secondary or higher vocational education and who got a job immediately after graduating from an educational institution (within 1 year).

Based on a special legal status, they are madepayments to young professionalswho, thanks to this, have a significant advantage in relation to other categories of employees.

What payments are due to specialists by law?

According to the resolution of the Moscow Government No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004 “On measures to ensure the provision of teaching staff in educational institutions in Moscow”young professionalsAdditional payments are due for 3 years from the date of employment. Magnitudepaymentsdirectly depends on the quality of employee training:

— 50% of the current salary rate for those who graduated from a university with honors;

— 40% of the current salary rate for othersspecialists.

Availability of work experience, as well as its size and form of training in an educational institution (correspondence, full-time, evening) do not matter,additional payment to a young specialistin any case will be carried out at his place of work.

According to the decree of the Moscow Government “1002 of November 27, 2007 “On changes to the resolution approved in March 2004”youngemployees are also entitled to an additional payment to the basic salary in the amount of 15% of the current rate.

In accordance with the Order of the Moscow Department No. 269 dated May 24, 2005 “On the implementationresolutions of the Moscow Government,approved in March 2004 (clause 8.4)"teachersand other teachers of teacher education are entitled to a one-time benefit after employment. Thisassistance to young professionals is 20 thousand rubles, it is accrued from the savings funds of the Moscow Department of Education. The one-time benefit began to be paid on September 1, 2005.

The decision to producepaymentsin the amount of 20 thousand rubles. or not, is accepted by the management staff of the district education departments, as well as by the heads of structural divisions of the Department of Education. Each individual case is considered individually. May be questionablepaymentsrelated to:

— When an employee goes on leave to care for a minor child or maternity leave;

— Employment, if the employee was registered for work in the period from September 1 to December 1;

— Compulsory military service in the RF Armed Forces;

— Employment as a teacher after graduating from a secondary or higher educational institution with a non-pedagogical profile.

Basis for payment of benefits

  • Law “On Education”;
  • Law “On Minimum Wages”;
  • Law “On Agreements and Collective Agreements”;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow Department of Education has also established additionalbenefits for young professionalsin the form of a 50% reduction in the cost of travel tickets. This amendment came into force on January 1, 2005 and applies to all types of surface municipal transport, including travel on the metro.

What is the concept of “lifting”?

The Regulation “On Distribution” provides for paymentyoung professionalswho have received secondary or higher pedagogical education, "lifting" means. According to this provisionteachersat the expense of the local or republican budget of the educational institution in which they studied, additionalpayments.

The accrual of “lifting” is carried out on the basis of the monthly stipend that the student received during the training process. When calculatingallowance payments to young specialistsOnly the total amount of scholarships awarded to the student for the last semester of study (no more than 45 calendar days) is included. The amount of thispaymentsthe employee receives from an educational institution after assignment to work. The relationship between the employer andyoungemployee are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 96.

Support for graduates of pedagogical universities can be provided in the following forms:

  • Allowance for professional development and advanced training - reliesspecialistswith 3–5 years of work experience;
  • Monthlyadditional payment for young specialiststo the basic salary - this is done with the aim of bringing the monthly salary to the average level valid at the time of the employee’s employment;
  • One-time assistance for employment (lifting) – amountpaymentsdirectly depends on the region in which the teacher plans to work (on average 20 – 100 thousand rubles);
  • Help to buy a home – paidyoung professionalsthose who left to work in rural areas;
  • Preferential conditions for obtaining a mortgage –additional payment for young specialistscarried out from the regional budget: the interest rate on the mortgage loan or a certain part of the loan is paid.

Conditions for receiving social support:

  • Support is provided onlyyoung professionalsunder the age of 35;
  • When concluding an employment contract for a period of 3 years or more;
  • If employed immediately after graduation (no later than 3 months from the date of graduation);
  • To receive a preferential mortgageyoungemployees must have a certain teaching experience.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own conditions for providing specialistscertain social support.

Exceptions that require extension of length of service:

  • Leave to care for a minor child under 3 years of age;
  • Full-time postgraduate studies;
  • Call for military service;
  • Additional training, as well as internship, which involves taking the employee away from work.

These exceptions allow you to obtain continuous work experience even if the work process is actually interrupted.

Conditions for receiving subsidized housing!

According to the resolution of the Government of Moscow No. 994 dated December 13, 2006 “On the 2nd stage within the framework of the city program “Affordable Housing”youngfamilies""specialistsand their families are entitled to living space. The program applies only to employees who work in Moscow and each member of their family has no more than 18 sq. m. If these conditions are met, thenhousing for young professionalsbased on the rental agreement. Families with minor children, as well as those registered to improve their housing conditions, have a priority right to receive living space.

The employment contract with the employee is concluded for 5 years. Tariffs for utility services are set within parameters that do not exceed the rates for housing and communal services, which are approved by the housing fund of social importance.

If an employee terminates an employment agreement with an educational institution, the rental agreement for residential space is terminated automatically.Housing for young professionalswhere the employee and his family live must be released within the time limits established by current legislation.

The law provides for the possibility of providing apartments to employees who are employed in non-governmental organizations. To obtain living space, the status of the employee being hired must be recorded in the collective agreement or employment agreement.

Young specialists are people who have completed a full course of higher and secondary specialized education. The young specialist remains so for the next year from the moment he received his diploma. To obtain this status, it is necessary to undergo training exclusively on a full-time basis and at the expense of the regional and federal budget.

The graduate must undergo final certification, after which he is awarded a state diploma.

Is there a concept of “young specialist” in current labor legislation?

— As such, the concept of “young specialist” does not exist in the current labor legislation. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Part 4 of Art. 70 provides that it is impossible to establish a test for persons who have graduated from institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education that have state accreditation, and who first go to work in their specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution.

Who is a young specialist and what is he entitled to?

Before the adoption of the current Labor Code, young specialists were considered to be graduates of educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education. Today, the Labor Code does not contain the concept of “young specialist”.

“Federal legislation does not provide for bonuses and benefits for young specialists,” says Olga Efimova, an expert at the GARANT Legal Consulting Service.

Young specialist in education - Question No. 36710

The current Federal legislation (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code, Federal laws adopted on the regulation of labor relations) does not contain such a concept as a “young specialist”.

However, the concepts of “young specialist” and “young worker” are used in various regulatory legal acts regulating labor and other directly related relations involving young professionals.

Young specialist, or Admission without testing

In September, after final exams and a short summer vacation, the personnel departments of companies will begin to be “besieged” by a special category of workers - young specialists. Perhaps one of them will become your employee. Today we will talk about the features of hiring yesterday’s graduate, as well as the preparation of his personal documents.

Having chosen one or another applicant, the company's management, as a rule, experiences slight doubt: “What kind of specialist comes to the company? How effective will his work be?

Young specialists in the Russian Federation are considered to be graduates of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions who were trained at the expense of the regional or federal budget on a full-time (full-time) basis, sent to work on assignment.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen for one calendar year after receiving the appropriate diploma.

State support for MS

Young public sector specialists receive very modest salaries, so many, after completing their studies, go to work outside their profession.

In order to attract graduates to the profession, incentives and compensation payments to young specialists were introduced at the state level.


In order for a citizen to count on compensation and state assistance, several mandatory conditions must be met:

  • full-time training;
  • “state employees” - training in budget places;
  • going to work for distribution.

If there are discrepancies on at least one basis, then the status of a young specialist is not assigned, and the right to payments is lost.

After completing training, a citizen can be sent to work as assigned to an organization that requires a specific specialist. An employment relationship arises between the employee and the employer, but a probationary period does not apply.

Compensation for teachers and educators

Education workers can count on several types of compensation and incentive benefits. At the same time, compliance with the mandatory conditions remains valid for the period established by law.

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One-time payment

A one-time benefit for young specialists in the educational sector is a raise that is paid in the first month of work.

Typically this is a payment in the amount of one or more salaries, which is transferred at the time of receipt of the first salary.

One-time financial assistance is a way to attract specialists to work in their specialty immediately after graduation during distribution.

The right to receive lifting funds is lost if a teacher or educator moves from their permanent place of residence due to assignment.

Permanent place of residence means the locality where the citizen lived before entering an educational institution.

Payments for housing and preferential mortgages

Teachers can count on assistance in obtaining residential property through co-financing or allocation of funds from the regional budget for purchase or construction.

As a rule, this program is implemented at the regional rather than federal level. Therefore, the amount of payments depends on which program the citizen participates in.

Relocation compensation

If, upon assignment, a young teacher is sent to a locality that is not his permanent place of residence, the move is compensated from the regional budget.

In addition to the citizen himself, his family can move with him. Family means spouse and children; parents are not included in this list.

If a citizen moves alone, he will be compensated for moving to a distance of up to 500 kilometers from his place of permanent registration. If with family, then at a distance of up to 150 kilometers.

Travel expenses are added to the moving costs - daily allowances, wages are retained for these days (no more than 6 days), and one salary is added to the wages in the first month.

Annual leave

Employees in the educational sector have the right to leave, the amount of which is set at an increased rate - 45 days per year.

Young specialists are equal in their right to rest to experienced teachers and educators. You can receive annual leave in accordance with established labor standards and the vacation schedule in the institution.

Teachers and educators can receive annual leave during the calendar year, but preference is given to the summer months, when work activity is carried out to a lesser extent.

Compensation for doctors and scientists

There are several types of benefits available to young specialists in the medical and scientific fields:

  • one-time;
  • monthly;
  • stimulating.

These payments can only be received by those specialists who meet all the requirements established at the legislative level.

One-time benefits

Young doctors and scientists are entitled to incentive payments, which are paid at the end of the calendar year. As a rule, this support measure has a limited validity period - three years.

The amount for the first year of work in the Penza, Ulyanovsk and Tambov regions from 2017 is 45 thousand rubles, for the second - 40 thousand rubles, for the third - 35 thousand rubles.

Each region independently sets compensation amounts, so in different areas they may differ from those given in the example.

If a doctor or scientist quits before reaching 3 years of work experience, then the law obliges the return of compensation payments to the budget in full. This measure is necessary to maintain initiative to work in the chosen specialty.

Monthly supplements

Doctors and scientists assigned for employment are entitled to additional payments in the first working year. The amount of additional payments is set at the regional level, however, it cannot be less than one salary.

Tax deductions from received earnings have not been abolished by law.

Young professionals can go on paid annual leave or parental leave on a general basis, while receiving monthly bonuses required by law.


If, during the distribution, a graduate was sent to work in a rural area or in a populated area outside of permanent registration, then in the first three years of work he is paid incentive funds.

The amount of payment to young specialists in the scientific and medical field is set at the regional level, as well as other benefits.

The average incentive benefit is 1 million rubles.

The right to incentive funds is reserved for workers in the scientific and medical fields only if they are assigned to work at the place of distribution. If a specialist refuses the proposed order, then the right to state support is lost.

Russian Railways employees

Graduates of universities preparing specialists to work in Russian Railways will receive government support measures for placement after training.

Such support measures in 2019 include:

  • a week's paid leave after moving;
  • compensation in monetary terms for relocation (per diem);
  • compensation for funds spent on rent or housing at a new place of work;
  • one-time cash benefit in the amount of 1 official salary;
  • compensation for funds spent on relocation.

No additional incentive payments have been established at the federal level. Regional authorities can independently develop and implement support measures for young railway workers.

In the Penza region, as a support measure, there is an incentive payment after one working year in the amount of two official salaries in addition to all amounts due under the employment contract.

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We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

The state and regional authorities establish benefits for young specialists, whose task is to stimulate the ability of graduates of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions to work in municipal and state organizations.

In this article we will examine the following issues in detail: what benefits are there for young professionals?; what is the procedure for providing benefits; concept of young specialist status; What are the conditions for obtaining the status of a young specialist?

Who is recognized as a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

Today, the status of a young specialist and the provision of required benefits are practically not regulated at the federal level. There is one legal act that contains a similar provision - Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits employers from establishing probationary periods when hiring for citizens who graduated from higher institutions and secondary vocational educational institutions less than 12 months ago. According to the Labor Code, a young specialist no longer has any benefits.

If we turn to the very concept of “young specialist”, then it is also not established in the Labor Code. It is also not found in any other federal law. Only based on the content of regional regulatory legal acts, it is possible to highlight main criteria for obtaining the status of a young specialist:

1. Age must not exceed 35 years. In some Russian regions this figure is 30 years.

2. Availability of an appropriate educational base:

  • Primary education – lyceum or vocational technical school;
  • Higher or secondary vocational education, which was received through a full-time education system in an educational institution accredited at the state level. Some regions establish training on a budget as an additional condition.

3. After training and receiving a diploma, the first work activity should be carried out at a public sector enterprise.

The provision of one-time payments, benefits and other measures of social support for young professionals is established by industry agreements of the relevant departments. If we talk about non-state structures, then such social support will be provided on the basis of local regulations of a particular enterprise.

If you want to receive detailed information about the benefits provided, when applying for a job or immediately after that, you need to ask for the collective agreement of the enterprise for review. In addition, many organizations have provisions regarding the status of a young specialist. These documents detail the working conditions of newly minted specialists, the number and amount of payments, mechanisms for providing social benefits and other important points.

Until what age is the status of a young specialist valid?

Maximum age threshold for a young specialist to receive the required benefits is 30-35 years old. This indicator depends on the region where yesterday’s student works. From the moment the employment contract is concluded, the status will be legal for 3 years. The second time, this status cannot be obtained.

There are a number of cases when the status of a young specialist can be increased to 6 years:

  • The specialist is undergoing full-time graduate or postgraduate study.
  • During compulsory military service or alternative service.
  • A specialist is also available for child care.

What measures exist to support young professionals?

To date, there are no nationwide measures for social support for young professionals. This issue is regulated at the level of regional legislation. In most cases, assistance to young professionals is expressed in the provision of the guarantees below. This:

  1. Issuing an interest-free loan for renovation.
  2. Upon employment, you can receive a lump sum payment.
  3. Subsidies or Or the specialist will be provided with corporate living space.
  4. Reimbursement of transportation expenses – monetary compensation is paid.
  5. Reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of preschool children in kindergartens in full or in part.

In this direction, two budget areas have priority: healthcare and education. For example, Decree of the Moscow Government No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004 in its current version “On measures to provide teaching staff to educational institutions in Moscow” contains the following conditions for yesterday’s student to receive the status of a young specialist:

  • Availability of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education.
  • Age should not exceed 35 years.
  • The specialist must begin teaching activities no later than 90 days after receiving the diploma.

It is important to know that if a young teacher works in this field, but does not have a special education, this does not serve as a reason for depriving him of the corresponding status. For example, a school teacher who has not yet turned 35 years old and has a diploma in any profession not related to teaching also has the right to apply for the title of young specialist.

A lower age threshold has been established for teachers from St. Petersburg. In accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg No. 107-27 “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” dated April 3, 2007 (as amended in 2011), in this field, young specialists are recognized as teachers whose age is not higher than 30 years.

To obtain the status of a young specialist, a school teacher from Saratov must also be no older than 30 years old. This issue can be clarified in the provisions of the law of the Saratov region “On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions of the Saratov region” No. 96-ZSO dated 03.08.2011.

It is important to know: if you are interested in obtaining information about social support for young professionals in a certain region, then you need to contact the territorial unit of the Department of Education at your place of work and residence.

The healthcare system is less liberal in this matter: at the state level, benefits are provided for young specialist doctors and social payments only if they move to rural areas. If we refer to Law No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010, doctors are entitled to receive compensation payments if the following conditions are met:

  • The specialist’s age does not exceed 35 years.
  • The employment contract is concluded for a period of at least 5 years.
  • Official employment and residence must be in rural areas.

What benefits are available to a young specialist in the field of education?

Similar to the status, benefits and payments to young specialists of municipal educational and government institutions are established at the regional level. For example, in St. Petersburg and Moscow this situation looks like this:

St. Petersburg

Young teachers in St. Petersburg are not provided with any salary increases, but they have the right to receive a one-time payment in the amount of:

  • 6 basic units - specialists who have a state-issued diploma of secondary and higher professional education can apply for them;
  • 8 basic units - specialists who have received a diploma of the same level with honors can count on them.

As of January 1, 2015, the size of one basic unit is 8,432.00 rubles. In addition, during the initial 3 years of work, teachers in the northern capital whose age has not exceeded 30 years are required to pay compensation once a month for travel expenses by all types of passenger transport within ½ of the cost. The exception is taxis.

To receive such a payment, you should write an application and contact the social security authority of St. Petersburg or the relevant department of education.


In the capital, young specialist teachers are given a one-time cash payment upon official employment. In addition, in the first three years of work, teachers are entitled to a salary supplement - it is 40% of the rate. If the specialist is the holder of a diploma with honors, then this figure will be equal to 50%.

Important information: the amount of additional payments and allowances is calculated without taking into account additional workload. In other words, if a young teacher works at 1.5 times the rate, then the additional payment does not apply to the additional workload.

In addition, in the capital, a young specialist in education receives an additional surcharge - 15% of the rate in order to compensate for ½ of the cost of the ticket.

What assistance is provided to young healthcare professionals

Law No. 326-FZ for newly-minted doctors who moved to rural areas establishes compensation payments in the amount of 1 million rubles as part of the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive this payment, you will need to conclude an appropriate agreement with the local government authorities at the place of work.

This allowance is provided only to doctors (specialists) who have a diploma of higher medical education and work in their field. But here one mandatory condition must be met - in order to be provided with monetary compensation, a young specialist doctor must work in a rural area for at least 5 years. And if the doctor decides to resign, he will have to return part of the amount that was previously paid to him.

The state, in addition to monetary payments, is obliged to provide young doctors with housing. This is possible in the following ways:

  • The specialist is provided with real estate for living;
  • You can compensate part of the loan or
  • A plot of land is provided for housing construction.

It is important to know: a one-time payment in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles is of a targeted nature and does not need to pay tax on it. The specialist must spend this money exclusively on improving living conditions.

For example, when the state reimburses part of a loan for the purchase of residential real estate, repayment of the remaining part is assumed from the funds that were paid under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Additional measures for social protection of medical workers in the regions

In many Russian regions, additional incentive measures are established for young doctors who find employment in rural areas. Thus, at the legislative level of the Pskov region, the list of those who are entitled to additional payments includes representatives of nursing staff. They were assigned one-time payments in excess of those provided for by federal legislation:

  • Paramedics and nurses – 30,000 rubles;
  • Doctors – 100,000 rubles;
  • Paramedics and nurses who work in paramedic and obstetric centers - 50,000 rubles.

Young doctors in the Rostov region, even before they receive a diploma, begin to receive financial support from the municipality. For 4th-6th year students of Rostov Medical University, additional payments to the scholarship have been established. And intern doctors have the right to receive a cash payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles every month as an increase in salary - this point does not depend on the course of study.

Do not forget that detailed information about payments to young doctors and benefits in the regions must be obtained from the health department and territorial departments or from local governments. There you will also find out information about the procedure for submitting them. It is important to know that if the region’s budget does not have enough funds, this cannot be a valid reason for refusing to provide cash payments.

In the regions of Russia there is an acute shortage of highly qualified specialists. We are talking, first of all, about medical workers, teachers and agricultural workers. In this regard, the Government has established several ways to stimulate young professionals who would like to devote themselves to the above areas. Traditionally, the best incentive is the payment of additional funds, and therefore the authorities have determined raise payments to young specialists, which are awarded by budgetary organizations if certain conditions are met. As for commercial companies, they are allowed to reward graduates of higher educational institutions at their discretion, but this happens extremely rarely.

Who is considered to be young specialists?

University graduates who are over 35 years old, or who studied part-time or on a paid basis, do not have the right to count on receiving allowances and take part in social programs.

It is a mistake to believe that all workers who have not reached old age are considered young specialists. The definition of young specialists implies a much broader interpretation - they are recognized as workers who:

  • have not reached the age of 35;
  • graduated from an educational institution included in the list of state-accredited institutions;
  • studied full-time at the expense of the state budget;
  • upon completion of training received a state diploma;
  • started looking for work and officially got employed in the first year after graduating from university;
  • get a job in their chosen specialty for the first time;
  • got a job in a budgetary institution in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (there must be a legal certificate).

Who has the right to apply for raise payments to young specialists?

The government has established conditions under which it is possible to receive lifting payments:

  1. Payments can be made by graduates of secondary and higher medical educational institutions.
  2. Lifting equipment is also intended for graduates of educational institutions offering professional pedagogical training.
  3. Financial support can also be provided to future young specialists who have currently completed their studies at colleges and higher educational institutions of Russian Railways.

What payments are intended for young professionals?

The specific list of payments that can be offered to specialists with a special status depends on the region of their employment, since financial support is financed from local budgets. The wider the budget capabilities of a particular subject of the Russian Federation, the greater the number of incentive payments the authorities are willing to provide. Young professionals have the right to inquire about the possibility of receiving the following accruals:

  • one-time financial incentives;
  • monthly salary bonuses;
  • one-time payments provided once a year.

What benefits are provided to young professionals?

Providing benefits by an employer to a young specialist may mean the need to work at his enterprise for a minimum agreed period, usually 3-5 years. A young specialist can receive raise payments immediately in full in the form of a one-time accrual or annually for 3 years - in the second case, the accruals will become smaller each year.

The list of benefits established by the state will depend on the area of ​​employment of the young specialist. In general, it is possible to receive any of the following preferences:

  • compensation for travel to the place of work of the specialist and his family members;
  • daily payments for all days that the specialist spent on the way to the place of work;
  • reimbursement of moving costs (usually only available to those who are willing to move to rural areas);
  • exemption from tax on lifting payments;
  • additional payments to wages specified in the collective agreement at the place of employment;
  • salary supplement for having a “red” diploma;
  • salary supplement for completing studies at a higher educational institution;
  • no probationary period for employment.

Lifting payments to young professionals who have moved to work in rural areas are practically guaranteed. In any case, you can go one of two ways:

  • first complete your studies, get a diploma, and only then find out what benefits you can apply for;
  • first conclude a contract with the future employer, negotiate the terms of cooperation, then get a budget-funded place at a university on preferential terms and begin training (in this case, the future specialist undertakes to work for the employer for a certain period of time in order to recoup his training).

How to arrange raise payments for young professionals

To receive raise payments, graduates of medical and pedagogical universities must follow the scheme below:

  1. Complete your education, receive a diploma of completion of training and passing the final certification, sign your first employment contract with the employer within the first 12 months after graduation from the university.
  2. It is necessary to find a job exclusively in the specialty chosen during training. Employment that is not related to specialized education makes it impossible to receive payments.
  3. You need to check and sign the order for hiring a young specialist - it will indicate all the payments and benefits that are supposed to be provided by this employer. Only after concluding an agreement can you begin to receive accruals.
  4. When hiring a specialist, he writes a free-form application for the accounting department to transfer lifting funds to the specialist. No additional paperwork is required to issue an order.
  5. The specialist must read the order and sign it, after which it is transferred to the accounting department.
  6. The law prohibits issuing a lifting amount of money in cash, and therefore the specialist must provide the employer with bank details for crediting the funds, or they can be sent to a salary card.

Regional features of providing lifting payments

You can find out about measures to support young professionals, including payments, benefits and social support, from the university’s student union and local governments.

If a young specialist applies for regional preferences, then they will come not from the employer, but from the local budget. For example, for teachers and teachers who are ready to move from the city to work in a rural community, there is the opportunity to participate in a special program. Its essence is to provide housing for those specialists who do not have their own housing. Program participants can either come to the village or already live in it. A subsidy will be provided from the local budget for the purchase of an apartment or house, provided that the medical worker or teacher has been working in the village for at least 5 years.

Increased payments to teachers, depending on the region of teaching activity, can reach 20-100 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, for example, the amount of support is 50,000 rubles, and in the capital of Russia there is the opportunity to receive a widow’s larger amount of money - 100,000 rubles.

It should also be taken into account that medical workers can participate in programs without being young specialists. One of such programs is the “Zemsky Doctor” project, under the terms of which a medical employee can claim a million rubles if he is ready to move to work in a rural area. The conditions for participation in the program are as follows:

  • completion of the internship at the time of application for participation in the program;
  • age no more than 50 years;
  • concluding a contract with a rural clinic for a period of at least 5 years.

Increased payments for young teachers

On average, the average size of a one-time raise payment to specialists by region is approximately 15,000 rubles.

According to the provisions of the legislative draft, young teachers can learn about the possibility of receiving the following payments:

  • additional payments to the salary in the amount of 40% of the teacher’s salary provided during the first 3 years of teaching in a new place;
  • additional payments to the monthly salary in the amount of 50% of the teacher’s regular salary, subject to graduation from a higher educational institution with a “red” diploma.

The Department of Education in its order decided that young teachers can receive salary increases only at one place of work. That is, a teacher chooses an educational institution, gets a job, works for 3 years and receives a bonus during all these years.

Increasing payments to young medical workers

Young professionals working in the medical field also have the right to apply for raise payments. The condition is to carry out activities in the relevant specialty. The specific amounts of one-time benefits and monthly bonuses will depend on the region of employment of the employee. The minimum size of a one-time raise payment will be 3 times the normal salary of a medical worker, and monthly additional payments will be 30-40% of the average monthly salary.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A young specialist who has graduated from a pedagogical school applies to receive allowance payments from two employers at once.

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