L. Michael Hall - NLP

Michael Hall - about the author

In the late 80's he studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming with one of the founders, Richard Bandler, and became a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP. On behalf of Bandler, he wrote materials for trainings, which were subsequently published in the form of the book “Time of Change.”

A prolific writer, he has written and published more than two dozen books, including such bestsellers as The Spirit of NLP, Taming of Dragons, Meta-States, Lines of Mind, How to Spot a Person, The Structure of Excellence, Frame games”, etc.

Michael Hall - books for free:

Our consciousness has unique ability- reason about yourself, create higher logical levels and use them to structure life experience and attitude towards the environment. Dr. Hall will introduce you to the psychotechnology of compiling...

This manual is a meaningful continuation and logical conclusion of the book by M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer “NLP Practitioner: Complete Certification Course”. Well-structured and professionally organized, distinguished by its richness...

Well-structured and professionally organized, distinguished by a wealth of exercises and methods, rich useful information, promoting reliable assimilation of the material, this manual provides the reader...

This manual is a meaningful continuation and logical conclusion of the book by M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer “NLP Practitioner: Complete Certification Course...”.

Good day everyone!!!

The fact is that I am interested in psychology and I have always been interested in what motivates a person in a given situation. And this book has answers to many questions. It provides a description of all these meta-programs with examples of human behavior when exposed to various factors.

First of all, she was interesting to me, most likely even as visual aid behavior. After reading it, you begin to understand that sometimes a certain person one should not expect what is not characteristic of him. Because watching him, you begin to see the meta-programs that he constantly uses.

This book really helped me to finally start not to be disappointed in people.

I would recommend reading this book to anyone who wants to learn to understand the motives of other people’s behavior and their own motives too. She will also be very useful topics, who works with people, and especially those who are involved in personnel selection, since in it, for each meta-program, points are voiced that allow it to be identified. Allows you to select the most suitable personnel for a particular position.

The book itself is well written in clear language, even for ordinary person, which may even be far from psychology.

She really helped me build relationships with people with whom I constantly communicate, as well as qualify new acquaintances and build more harmonious relationships with them.

Bob G. Bodenhamer, L. Michael Hall

NLP. Big book effective techniques

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (UK) with the assistance of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

The User's Manual for the Brain: Vol. II, Mastering Systemic NLP by L. Michael Hall, Bob G. Bodenhamer

© 2003 by Bob G. Bodenhamer, L. Michael Hall

© Mironov N., translation into Russian, 2004

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017


What does it mean to become a master?

Becoming NLP practitioners(neuro-linguistic programming), we are going on a journey - a journey during which we will learn to “control our own brain.” Along the way, you will discover the structure of experience and improve your skills in using various conditions your mind-body. At the very beginning of our journey you will become acquainted with the basic NLP model, and then have many opportunities to practice using the model, allowing you to gain experience and proficiency.

We described all this in the first volume of this guide. Here we prepare you for your journey by introducing you to the NLP model and content. Then we began to study the components of NLP, the process of modeling structure subjective experience, original linguistic model(meta-model of language), the original neurophysiological model (states and strategies), and then the basic representational model (sensory modalities and “sub-modalities”), also known as the communication model. In addition to all this, we included dozens of transformation patterns in the first volume. Being practical course, the guide introduces you to the language of hypnosis (the Milton Model), the use of “sub-modalities” and games with them, as well as the essence of meta-states that explain the high effectiveness of NLP meta-levels.

In the first volume of the manual we laid the foundation for this work. Now we present to you new aspects of the NLP model, knowledge of which is necessary for complete understanding and perfect mastery of the model. What are these additional aspects? What new does this book offer you?


“Sub-modalities” as a means of framing at the meta level.

Differences top level in the metamodel.

Lines of Mind as Speech Patterns of Reframing (formerly known as "trick of the tongue" patterns).

Linguistic distinctions of the highest level (presuppositions).

Trance as a meta-level phenomenon.

Higher level timeline patterns.

Systems thinking in NLP.

System model of metaspheres.

Practical applications of NLP.

But the most main goal What we are trying to achieve in this second volume of the master level manual is to plant in your consciousness something even more important, namely the very attitude that allows a person to use the model effectively.

Anyone who already has experience working with NLP has no doubt that when we're talking about about the human factor, this approach can truly work wonders. NLP offers many models and patterns that can cause wonderful transformations human mind and soul. But if we want to achieve the level of real magic in the use of this transformative power, we ourselves must rise to higher limits your thinking and consciousness. And that's it good reasons: NLP is not for the timid.

To achieve mastery of the mind-body system model requires a great deal of courage, determination, and passion. These patterns will never reveal their true potential to you if you approach their use with doubt, fear, or lack of enthusiasm. The power of any wizard lies not only in the tools at his disposal, but also in the love, courage and passion that drives him in using those tools. And here to help advanced achievements science and technology comes the art of the magician.

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