Mou Levashovskaya secondary school, Nekrasovsky district, Yaroslavl region.

Series "Working with a speech therapist." Addressed to speech therapists, teachers, parents for classes with older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.
Notebook No. 1 is addressed to children experiencing difficulties in developing reading and writing skills at the stage of mastering sound-letter analysis and synthesis. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating visual images of letters, ensuring the process of merging sounds into syllables and syllables into simple words, and mastering the correct articulated reading of simple speech units. The manual is also intended for children starting to read and write.
The workbook consists of 35 lessons and has a comprehensive structure.

Download and read From letter to word, from word to sentence, Notebook No. 1 for classes with children, Bezrukikh M.M., Loginova E.S., Flusova N.V., 2010

The manual is a school chemistry course in the form of calculation and chemical formulas, explanations for them, as well as reaction equations.
The manual is compiled taking into account the currently existing standards of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry for basic and specialized levels. Material that corresponds only to the profile level is indicated in the text with the sign “*”.
The manual is intended for students of educational institutions to review a chemistry course in preparation for seminars, tests, final and entrance exams.

Download and read Chemistry, Collection of basic formulas, Savinkina E.V., Loginova G.P., 2013

The final comprehensive work is aimed at assessing the development of students' conscious reading skills, the ability to work with text, understand and follow instructions, using knowledge of mathematics, the Russian language and the outside world.
The set includes four versions of basic-level tasks for the same text and one version of tasks of increased complexity for working in pairs.
The methodological appendix for teachers provides recommendations for conducting, assessing, interpreting and using the results of complex work.

Download and read My achievements, Final complex works, 3rd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher.
The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms of recording the results.

Download and read My achievements, Final complex works, 2nd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

My achievements, Final complex works, 1st grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

My achievements, Final complex works, 1st grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011.

The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher.
The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms of recording the results.

Marina Afanasyeva

Final parent meeting in the senior group

"Our achievements and successes"

Form: family living room.

Target: summing up the results of the joint educational process as a means of comprehensive development of the child.


Analyze the results of educational, cultural and leisure activities of children during the school year;

Identify individual characteristics in the development of children and outline the paths of their development;

Support parents' confidence in their own teaching capabilities, help them understand their educational role in the family;

Help create an environment of general joy and good mood.

Meeting agenda.

1. Speech by speech therapist E. A. Shakirova.

2. Analysis of the achievements of the children in the group (results of monitoring of children at the end of the school year).

3. Consultation “School maturity”

4. Prospects for next year. Brief information about the graduation ceremony.

5. Gratitude to parents for their active participation in the life of the group.

6. Report of the parent committee

7. Discussion of organizational issues in the form of “Question and Answer”

8. Memo “Indicators of educational success for a child in the senior group.”

Progress of the meeting. Hello, dear parents.

1 title slide.(question 1)

At the beginning of our meeting, the floor is given to the teacher - speech therapist Ekaterina Anatolyevna.

2 slide.(question 2)

Congratulations on the successful completion of the academic year. This year has not been easy, sometimes not everything was easy, but we can say with confidence that it was an interesting, eventful year, events, victories and successes.

3 slide.

Our children have become one more year older, which means healthier, smarter, smarter. Together with the guys, we went through many trials and difficulties, and everyone acquired new knowledge, skills and abilities.

4 slide.

For some, everything was easy, for others, it was necessary to make considerable efforts to achieve their goals, but everyone walked the difficult path called “Senior Group” with dignity.

Today we invite you to make a small portrait of your child.

5 slide.

Do you know your child's talents? Come up with a nomination for your child: “He is my most...” and write it down on a green strip that needs to be glued to a white sheet of paper.

I would like to say that every child is interesting, inquisitive, active in himself, and each has a zest - a treasure that needs to be discovered!

And now we invite you to get acquainted with the achievements and minor difficulties that your children have today.

6 – 7 slide."Chamomile"

Pay attention to your child's petal, on which the 5 educational areas of the OP are written. To begin with, we suggest you get to know what types of activities these areas include.

8 slide.

Let's look at the results.

Red circle – the skill is not formed, yellow – the skill is being formed, green – the skill is formed.

The petal also reflects the child’s achievements and points that should be paid attention to by both educators and parents.

If you have any questions based on the diagnostic results, you can approach them individually after the meeting and ask questions.

Slide 9

On May 18 (Thursday), kindergarten methodologist Olga Mikhailovna conducted end-of-year diagnostics for children in the senior group. Below the table there is a line with numbers. We would like to introduce you to the questions that were asked to the children. All questions and tasks correspond to the tasks of development of OP of senior preschool age.

10 slide.(question 3)

Next year our children will be preparing for school. When a child reaches the age of six or seven years, many parents are concerned about issues related to his enrollment in school. How can you make sure that your child learns easily, goes to school with pleasure, and is a good or even the best student in the class?

Do you think there is a criterion that allows you to adequately assess the degree of preparedness of a child for school life?

There is such a criterion, and in psychology it is called “school maturity,” or the child’s psychological readiness for school. This is our main task. A child’s success in school depends on psychological readiness. Preparing the hand for writing, developing the child’s cognitive activity. It’s not scary if he can’t remember letters or learn to read - he’ll learn everything at school if he goes to it with pleasure.

11 slide.

As you read, what is the most important indicator of school readiness? Take green leaves and write the most important indicator, in your opinion.

Parents are offered the following indicators of children's readiness for school (on the slide)

Take everything one flower at a time. Color them. (On the tables there are flowers of the same size, shape, and colored pencils). Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in size, color, and shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two that are exactly the same? (No) We, adults, under the same conditions, do everything differently. Hence our RULE: Never compare your child with another! There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER!

What do you think will help your flower grow and delight others? This is fertile soil, which consists of the knowledge that the child will receive in the family and kindergarten.

Currently, the task of a kindergarten is not to accelerate the development of the child, but to create conditions for each preschooler for the fullest development of his individual capabilities and interests, taking into account his age.

“Every child is a reason for us, and we need, in essence, not to extinguish the reasons, but to make them feel like confident people. And instead of the classic formula “learn, study, study,” we say “develop, develop, develop.”

If you agree with us, draw a sun, if you have your own opinion on this issue, draw a cloud.

12 slide.(question 4)

And now we move on to the next question - GRADUATION in the preparatory group.

The prom falls both on the shoulders of the teachers and, of course, on the shoulders of the parents. What this event will include - it all depends on your desire, what kind of holiday you want to give the children!

Part 1 – the ball itself (the work of teachers and music workers)

Slide 13

Part 2 – (parent preparation)

Photo album (can be any you wish)

Decorating the hall with balloons

Gift for graduate

Cake or personalized pastry

Small congratulatory number with gratitude for employees

Gift for a group (small) 2-3 toys possible

Family newspapers in A3 format “What I have become.”

Slide 14

Clothes for children:

Girls - floor-length dresses, without bare shoulders, new white socks are a must, white Czech shoes. Let's talk about hairstyles closer to the holiday.

Boys - a white shirt with long sleeves (new), black trousers and a belt, everyone has the same bow tie, black socks and shoes.

After the holiday in music. in the hall, if there is cake, the children drink tea and everyone goes home. If you wish, you can order a cafe.

There will be no employees at the holiday, but we believe that, having worked with your children for 4 years, they deserve to receive at least a bouquet of flowers. That is, after the holiday in June, all preparatory groups organize a concert for employees and give small gifts, but more on that later.

But I would like to immediately note that do not think that all the responsibilities for holding the prom will fall on the shoulders of the parent committee. Over the summer, it is necessary to think and come to a decision on previously voiced points, and at the next meeting in September. The committee will divide all parents into mini groups and distribute responsibilities to all parents. I repeat that teachers are only responsible for holding the ball itself and preparing the children. And how our holiday will go will depend only on how much you parents can approach the task in a friendly and responsible manner.

Slide 15(question 5)

We would like to express our gratitude to our dear parents, mothers and fathers, for their participation in the activities of our group, participation in events and creative competitions, for their assistance in creating a subject-development environment.

We want parents

Say a huge thank you.

Thank you for being

They always helped us with everything:

You sewed the costumes at night,

We created and drew with the children.

Thank you for your warmth,

For friendship, peace and understanding.

Thank you for the children too

Because they trusted us with them.

For your sensitive hearts

We say thank you!

Presentation of certificates

16 slide(question 6)

PTA report

Slide 17(question 7)

Discussion of organizational issues in the form of “Question-answer”

Notebooks for preparing your hand for writing.

Physical education uniform - for 2 years (not to be worn during free activities)

Reminders for parents.

Thank you for your attention!

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On the buttons above you can buy the book in official online stores Labirint, Ozon and others. Also you can search related and similar materials on other sites.

The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher.
The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms of recording the results.

Count and write down the answer.
A. How many more mice did the fox catch?
B. How many mice did the fox and owl catch?
Q. How many mice are left for the fox and owl to catch?

Look at the diagram. 1. Think of words to write on the lines. Write them down. 2. Find in the pictures objects of living nature and things made by man. Connect them with arrows with their names.

Task 4. Compare the number of “legs” of a mouse and a cow. Choose the correct answer and mark it with a icon.
A. A mouse has fewer legs.
B. A cow has fewer legs.
Q. A mouse has the same number of legs as a cow.
D. A mouse has the same number of legs as an owl.

Publication date: 09/04/2013 03:53 UTC

  • My achievements, Final complex works, 3rd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011
  • My achievements, Final complex works, 2nd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011
  • Russian language, grades 1-2, Methodological recommendations, Buneeva E.V., Komissarova L.Yu., Yakovleva M.A., 2004
  • Workbook on the Russian language, 1st grade, Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A., 2012

The following textbooks and books:

  • Final complex works in elementary school, 3rd grade, Nyankovskaya N.N., Tanko M.A., 2011

Artist: Popovich O. V.

Editor: Safronova I. A., Antonova M. P.

Publisher: Prosveshchenie, 2017

Series: Second generation standards

Genre: Teaching aids. The world around us, etc.

The kit includes 4 options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher. The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the world around us, compiled for the text proposed for reading. The work contains tasks of varying difficulty levels. The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, recommendations for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms of recording the results.
7th edition.

Reviews from readers “Loginova, Yakovleva: My achievements. Final complex work. 1st grade. Federal State Educational Standard":

User Vladislav Grigoriev writes:

Judging by the reviews, everyone really likes the book. But I am tormented by doubts whether the monograph covers the issues that are of interest to me personally, i.e. Does it make sense to purchase it? In particular, we are interested in questions related to the Mongols themselves, their way of life: how and by what route did they travel from their country to such distant places (are there maps with routes or descriptions of the route? How many forests and rivers did they cross on their “iron” horses? ), who prepared their food and from what (the “camp” of theirs and their household animals, how long did they drag them along?), where they lived and grazed their herds (especially when they made their way through the remote forests to Polotsk, and as soon as they didn’t drown in the swamp ?!), where they replenished their troops with new soldiers, where they mined metal and forged weapons for aggressive campaigns) and, in fact, what goals they pursued (there was no closer people to conquer? The Chinese are eager to go to Siberia, and the Mongols wanted to “see the Kremlin”? joke). No, well, it’s interesting! Get a gold medal for your book! The Mongols cannot get enough of the great exploits of their ancestors, the story of which continues to be repeated in textbooks and on television in the once “conquered” country. When else have the people of one of the MOST LESSLY POPULATED COUNTRIES in the world become so famous! Anyone who has read the book, post a photo of the pages that describe all this. Thanks in advance! Very interesting!

▫ Parishioners of the Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Khrustovaya in the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic captured on video an unusual “exorcism” ritual performed the day before by a local priest. The action consisted of the exorcist priest riding on a man who, presumably, was possessed by demons or suffering from some burdensome illness. The priest stated that he was going “to Jerusalem, and then to Mount Athos,” and then began to trample on the “sinner’s” back and neck, reports the Moldovan website The man cried, swore, made jokes and was interested in what the priest ate. The ritual lasted more than eight minutes, after which numerous spectators suggested repeating it. The rector of the Church of the Archangel Michael, Father Valery, is known for trying to treat those suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, witchcraft and cancer with prayer, holy water and anointing with oil. In addition, he "actively practices exorcism." Local media reported that the Orthodox Church of Moldova became interested in the video. They did not approve of what they saw, since the ritual of Father Valery is very different from the canonical rite. The clergy promised to consider the incident in a church court.
▫ On the collective farm, one works, and seven drink and steal. I remember in one of our movies: in a Jewish family, a drinking boy is such a rarity, such a rarity... Therefore... Dmitry Sergeevich!
▫ As I understand it, this is what is meant: Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 171.1. Production, acquisition, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products without labeling and (or) application of information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. So, sir... Regarding the first part, it stipulates a) the obligatory application of markings on the item being sold (that is, if its marking is not obligatory, you don’t have to read further) and b) large size (over one and a half million rubles) - that is, if EXACTLY these conditions are present, there will be a crime. The second part is the same by a group of people. Parts 3 and 4 concern food, parts 5 and 6 relate to alcohol. ======================== Storage should be understood as the actions of a person associated with the illegal possession of objects (keeping in open areas, indoors, special storage facilities, hiding places and etc.). This crime is considered to be ongoing, which determines the moment of its end. Sale is any alienation, for example, sale, donation, payment for services with such goods, etc.; transfer for temporary storage does not apply to sales. Sales are completed from the moment of actual alienation of goods or products. The subjective side of the crime is characterized by guilt in the form of direct intent. Another mandatory sign of the subjective side is the special goal of the culprit - to sell unlabeled products. If the latter is not proven, the actions may be classified as illegal business. Subject is a sane individual who has reached the age of 16. It seems that the subject of the crime can be not only the person responsible for labeling the goods, but also other persons who produced, acquired, stored, transported for the purpose of distribution or sold them. (These are already comments to the specified article of the Criminal Code; they are not in the Code itself. Well, if the publication does not contain article-by-article comments, of course). But in the “standard” edition - no, of course, why are they there). At the moment.
▫ Now, as soon as the layer of snow has lost its leaf, The streams rang and disappeared in the noise of the waters, We will be able to visit the colossal Caucasus Growing into the blue of sky-high heights. Or the blooming gardens and wet meadows of Easter Moldavia sometimes boil with white foam, Or the wild rocks of sad Scotland, Or the shores turn yellow like melancholy of the dunes. Or the pyramidal landscape of Switzerland, captivating with its harsh beauty - But closer to my heart is the Russian view, the commendable one, the mystery of the forests, the vastness of its fields.

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