Is it necessary to treat Internet addiction? What to do if an addict does not want treatment

How to cure a person from alcoholism is a question most often asked by relatives of alcoholics who have lost hope of overcoming the disease. There are many methods of therapy with proven effectiveness and dubious reputation. To make the right choice, it is important to understand what each of them is.

Drug treatment of alcoholism in a hospital setting

Those who cannot get out of binge drinking or experience painful withdrawal symptoms are the first to contact a narcologist in the hospital. How to cure a person from alcoholism with medication? Therapy is carried out in drug treatment departments of psychiatric hospitals and specialized drug treatment institutions.

The result of drug intervention is relief of hangover symptoms, improvement of general condition, and normalization of cardiovascular system indicators. When wondering how to cure an alcoholic with the help of IVs in a hospital?, keep in mind: the conditions of stay may be uncomfortable. Being an alcoholic is accompanied by the negative influence of “permanent patients” - unicamerals who encourage violation of the regime.

Another disadvantage: registration at the regional drug dispensary. It is carried out automatically when applying for a referral for treatment.

Paid inpatient treatment is possible without registration, but it should be understood that IVs and medications are the first stage of overcoming the disease. To know how to cure a person from alcoholism, he must have his own desire to recover, otherwise there is a risk of wasting money.

Outpatient treatment (detoxification) using medications

Activities for outpatient therapy are similar to the previous method, only medications are taken at home. The patient has the opportunity to visit a psychologist, but is not registered. The method works in the presence of the initial stage of alcoholism, and is effective only with stable motivation for treatment. How to cure a person from alcoholism in the final stages? Choose another method - hospital.

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The advantages of outpatient treatment are that there is no need to stay in a hospital; registration with a drug treatment center is not necessary. Disadvantages include a high risk of relapse.

Will coding cure a person from alcoholism?

To understand how to cure alcohol addiction, you need to take into account the causes of the disease. Coding is a method that is widely used in many countries around the world, but it does not allow the patient to fully participate in recovery.

The most common is Dovzhenko coding - anti-alcohol suggestion. The main condition for its effectiveness is the addict’s faith in the effectiveness and efficiency of the sessions. The patient must be suggestible. This parameter is assessed by the doctor during a preliminary consultation.

If the patient does not have a sufficient degree of suggestibility, the specialist refuses to conduct the session.

The procedure is relatively safe and harmless, despite the interference in the psyche. It consists of one or more sessions of hypnosis, the result of which is the conviction that alcohol is no longer needed for a happy life. Coding does not help everyone, and despite its apparent effectiveness, a breakdown may occur when the suggestion expires.

“Sewing” as a method of treating alcoholism

Drug treatment may consist of the introduction of special drugs into the addict’s body - sewn under the skin or by injection. There is no guarantee that the patient will be cured of alcoholism - driven by fear of complications, he temporarily gives up alcohol. Each medicine has an expiration date, after which it may fail.

Fear intensifies due to the doctor’s explanations about the possible fatal consequences of consuming any doses of alcohol. If the patient violates the regime and drinks, this leads to serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, panic attacks, and severe deterioration of the condition. This method, like most others, is not based on studying the causes of alcoholism, but on intimidation and external influence. How to cure an alcoholic with this method? A certain psychological barrier is formed, due to which the patient does not allow himself to drink, but the effect is temporary.

Sensitizing therapy is a radical way to treat alcoholism

The essence of the method is the same as with sewing in, only the routes of entry of sensitizing agents into the body are different - in this case, the patient takes the prescribed medications in a course. Depending on the mechanism of action, it can be short or long-lasting.

How to cure a person from alcoholism using medications? Taking medications causes alcohol intolerance. Alcohol is not absorbed by the body, decay reactions do not occur, poisoning of the body and intoxication occurs, which provokes vomiting, deterioration of health, headaches, and pressure surges. Fear of side effects forces an alcoholic to give up even small doses of alcohol. But at the end of treatment, the addict returns to his previous lifestyle; nothing holds him back anymore.

Common drugs:

  • Disulfiram (Antabuse, Teturam, etc.) – blocks enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol. Alcohol becomes a toxic compound and provokes negative reactions - vomiting, nausea, and disruption of the cardiovascular system. The principle of treatment for alcoholism is simple - he physically cannot drink alcohol;
  • Esperal is a medicine whose effect is similar to the above, only made in France;
  • Lidevin has a similar effect, but supplemented with vitamins. How to cure a person from alcoholism with its help? Additional components reduce the effects of poisoning on the nervous system and improve tolerability;
  • Colme - the active ingredient cyanamide causes intolerance to alcohol, the reactions are pronounced, and provokes a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. The course of treatment is up to 6 months.

When wondering how to independently recover from alcoholism, you should remember: such drugs are available without a doctor’s prescription, but you absolutely cannot self-medicate. The body of a person with addiction undergoes enormous stress; additional use of serious medications can worsen the condition. Only a doctor prescribes this or that type of remedy.

Acupuncture: How effective is this method of treating alcoholism?

Acupuncture allows you to influence biologically active points using mechanical action - special needles. The result is activation of metabolic processes, normalization of energy flow through the channels of the human body, and improvement of well-being. Some masters claim that in this way you can achieve the same effect as curing a person from alcoholism - blocking the craving for alcohol. But the statement is controversial; acupuncture cannot be an independent method of treatment; it is intended only to improve the patient’s health. There are certain contraindications to acupuncture, and the body of an alcoholic often undergoes irreversible changes. The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors, endocrine and other disorders is a direct contraindication to performing acupuncture sessions.

Traditional methods: herbal treatment at home

This group of treatment methods is the most extensive. It is worth remembering that the patient will not be cured of alcoholism using herbs alone, but as an auxiliary method they can support the condition.

Some recipes are designed to cause a persistent aversion to alcohol. Getting rid of cravings and giving up alcohol can be achieved in the early stages of the disease.

  1. Thyme. 20 gr. dried herbs are infused with boiling water for 20 minutes. Reception regimen: 1 tbsp. How to cure alcohol addiction with thyme? If an addict drinks alcohol, vomiting and gastrointestinal disorders may occur.
  2. Thyme, wormwood, centaury. 4 tbsp. l. thyme and 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the rest of the dried herbs and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  3. Lovage root. Chopped root and several bay leaves are poured with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. How to cure a person from alcoholism with the help of lovage? After straining, offer it to the patient when he is ready to drink.
  4. Baranets. The juice is squeezed out of the leaves of the plant, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. This is a prerequisite, the ram is poisonous. You need to consume 50-70 grams. of the resulting mixture per day. 15 minutes after use, give the patient a whiff of cotton wool soaked in vodka. Nausea, vomiting and inability to drink alcohol occur. You need to be treated for 5-10 days until recovery – permanent abstinence from alcohol.

Disadvantages of home treatment:

  • the likelihood of intolerance to some herbal components;
  • unpredictable reactions to taking medications;
  • high risk of relapse due to the lack of direct participation of the addict in the recovery process.

How to cleanse alcoholism from alcohol,

Why are traditional methods in high demand? Due to confidentiality. This type of therapy does not require registration, contact with a specialist, or hospital stay. How to cure a person from alcoholism only with herbs? It is important to remember that it is impossible to overcome psychological dependence at home, especially when the patient does not make any effort of will.

The use of dietary supplements for alcoholism

Dietary supplements are not medicines and cannot cope with withdrawal symptoms or psychological cravings for alcohol. Their use is determined by the need to maintain the general condition of the addict, improve well-being, and replenish the deficiency of vitamins and important substances. How to cure a person from alcoholism with vitamins? No way.

Read more about the symptoms of alcoholism,

Basically, dietary supplements are prescribed by a doctor in cases where, as a result of chronic alcoholism, a person has acquired diseases of the internal organs, nervous, and endocrine systems. However, they are only part of a comprehensive treatment, and the main course is prescribed by the therapist. In order to know how to cure an alcoholic, it is not enough to choose the right dietary supplement - it is important to work through the causes of the disease.

Is it possible to cure an alcoholic without his knowledge? Comments from a narcologist.

How to cure alcohol addiction if a person does not want to lead a sober life? No way. The first and main condition for the effectiveness of any therapeutic measures is the patient’s sincere desire to become healthy.

This is possible due to the awareness of one’s illness and the reluctance to continue life in the same way.

An alcoholic who has decided to recover may find himself at a dead end: willpower alone is not enough to give up the addiction forever. Specialists are called upon to help with this - narcologist, psychologist, psychotherapist, addiction consultant.

Any measures that do not involve the addict’s direct participation in their own recovery run the risk of being ineffective.

The second condition, thanks to which the patient is almost guaranteed to recover from alcoholism, is attention to the root cause of the disease.

Independent measures to remove a loved one from addiction do not give the desired result, but this does not mean that you no longer need to take part in the life of your loved one. How to cure a person from alcoholism?

Gently guide the addict, convince him of the need for treatment, provide moral support - independently or with the involvement of specialists from the motivational team working in the rehabilitation center. Only this approach allows us to “include” the psychological aspects of recovery into the work.

Getting rid of psychological dependence on alcohol

Psychological assistance is a tool for completely restructuring a person’s way of thinking. You can start a lot of work at home - in order to know how to cure an alcoholic, relatives need to follow several recommendations in order to motivate a loved one to receive outside help:

  • try not to provoke the addict into conflict;
  • do not blackmail, do not threaten;
  • do not “nag”, refuse long lectures, lectures on harm;
  • do not relieve the patient from the consequences of his illness - this promotes rapid awareness of the disease;
  • talk about what you have learned about new ways to cure a person of alcoholism;
  • gently but confidently stand your ground – the need to receive help.

A change in attitude towards the disease acts as a kind of shake-up for an alcoholic. He thinks about his lifestyle. You need to act gently, making it clear that they are not giving up on him - they want to help him. How to cure a person from alcoholism when he prefers to remain dependent? Contact the motivational team of the rehabilitation center. After awareness has come, an understanding of the need for outside help, and abstinence from drinking alcohol, it is advisable to continue treatment - rehabilitation and adaptation.

Schematically, further work with an alcoholic in a rehabilitation center can be represented as follows:

  • awareness of values, acquisition of new goals and aspirations;
  • understanding the principles of how to cure alcohol addiction;
  • gaining a sober view of things;
  • understanding the possibilities for a new “start”;
  • participation in group work;
  • physical activities - the formation of a new regime, exercises, sporting events;
  • the emergence of hope for a future without alcohol;
  • the basis for understanding how to cure a person from alcoholism is accepting the root causes of the disease and realizing that alcohol is not a way to solve them;
  • formation of hobbies and interests;
  • formation of needs for self-realization (professionally);
  • stability, return to normal life - to the family.

After the patient is cured of alcoholism, he can receive psychological help from specialists at any time, being in familiar conditions. The support of a psychologist is an excellent prevention of relapse. It relieves tension, allows you to resolve emerging issues, and not go astray.

The effectiveness of deep psychological work depends on the timeliness of its beginning, so you should not delay contacting specialists. If you or your loved one is faced with the problem of alcoholism, ask the specialists of the “Generation” rehabilitation center and receive qualified help. We know how to cure a person from alcohol addiction.

Like any psychoactive substance, alcohol causes physical and mental dependence. The first can be cured without the person’s knowledge, but in order to rid him of cravings for alcohol, the support of loved ones and a healthy environment in the family is required.

Traditional methods should be used with great caution. Violation of the recipe and dosage will lead to extremely negative consequences, including hospitalization and death.

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    How to help a reluctant relative

    • arrhythmia;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • poisoning;
    • stroke;
    • disruption of the nervous system;
    • asphyxia.

    The patient may experience worsening chronic diseases caused by regular drinking: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems.

    There are three main types of recovery from alcoholism at home:

    1. 1. With the help of magic, spells and lapels. Often this method is promoted as time-tested, “traditional”. As a rule, it is chosen on the advice of friends or after viewing an advertisement that guarantees a quick healing result. Such tricks are designed for those who have lost hope of curing alcoholism in a loved one.
    2. 2. A pseudoscientific method based on supposedly declassified developments of the special services, which help even senior Kremlin officials fight the disease. Fraudsters promise to use an electromagnet to suppress the area of ​​the brain responsible for drinking alcohol. In addition, the traditional set of such healers includes miracle bracelets, necklaces, infrared irradiators, and special tablets, the effects of which have been “proven by numerous scientific studies.”
    3. 3. Coding. Through hypnosis, the patient is forever instilled with a complete aversion to alcohol. Unlike the two previous methods, this method is really effective, although not always.
    4. 4. Folk recipes. Some of them - for example, tincture of green bugs - have come down to us since the times of Ancient Rus'. Relatives mix various plants and herbal infusions into food or drinks, which cause nausea, vomiting, fever and other painful sensations when drinking alcohol. Over time, the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. Proponents of the method claim that the effect will last until the end of life, however, with the help of folk remedies, only physical dependence can be relieved. This type of help in a professional environment is called the method of conditioned reflex therapy for alcoholism.

    Getting rid of physical addiction

    Treatment should preferably be carried out under the supervision of qualified professionals. However, often binge alcoholics refuse to admit that they are such, so desperate relatives carry out procedures to get rid of addiction on their own without the consent of the patient.

    Treatment with medications

    Most people prefer to solve the problem of alcoholism without turning to doctors. Many people choose medications that can be divided into those that alleviate hangovers and those that relieve cravings for alcohol. Among the first are paracetamol, aspirin, and succinic acid. These medications, available in any home medicine cabinet, can relieve the discomfort that occurs with a hangover.

    Drugs that relieve cravings for alcohol are not widely used in Russia. An analogue of the American “Gold Standard” is Proproten-100, but experts say that it does not have the effect stated in advertising. There are also drugs that cause alcohol intolerance. The most famous of them:

    • Lidevin;
    • Esperal;
    • Colma;
    • Teturam;
    • Tetlong 250.

    High prices and inaccessibility in the countries of the Customs Union are the main disadvantages of medications to combat alcohol addiction.

    Coding without the knowledge of the patient

    The coding method for alcoholism is based on the theory that the patient can be given the appropriate setting during sleep, when suggestibility supposedly increases.

    The procedure is repeated every night until the suggestion begins to take effect. Despite its apparent simplicity, in some cases the method gives positive results.

    Folk remedies

    The effectiveness of folk remedies depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The main advantage of the method is gradual weaning from alcohol. This is how the patient comes to an independent decision to stop drinking. An alcoholic believes that his body cannot cope with alcohol. Suffering from the complications and pain that have arisen, he decides to get rid of the bad habit without unnecessary persuasion.

    Preventative methods

    The degree of intoxication of the body decreases if a person drinks a lot of alcohol. Ordinary dishes of meat, fish, smoked meats and fried foods help if an alcoholic is in the first stage of the disease, or in cases where a healthy person sometimes goes on a binge. For a chronic drinker with experience, the snack does not have the desired effect.

    Green tea helps reduce the risk of developing the disease if you drink 4-5 cups per day. The body is cleansed of toxins, and the craving for alcohol decreases. Only loose green tea is suitable for treatment. Analogues in sachets do not contain enough nutrients.

    Another remedy for maintaining poor health at home is honey. It strengthens the immune system, enriches the body with microelements and vitamins, including potassium, the lack of which provokes cravings for alcohol. Bee honey should be taken 1 teaspoon every half hour on the first day after quitting the binge. After a few days, reduce the dose and frequency of administration. During the first week you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of honey.

    Lemon juice with sugar and water will help improve the condition of an alcoholic. It contains vitamin C and antioxidants, which facilitate the elimination of products formed during the breakdown of ethanol. Detoxification is easier if you take lemon juice on an empty stomach every day. At the same time, the desire to get hung up with new doses of vodka disappears. Sour apples have a similar effect.

    Important! The latter method is contraindicated for people suffering from heartburn, ulcers and gastritis.

    Potent methods

    To treat people suffering from alcoholism for several years, methods are used that cause an acute reaction of the body to alcohol, even in cases where the patient does not want to change his life.

    Dung mushroom

    This is an effective method that is most often recommended to friends through word of mouth. After drinking alcohol, a person suffering from alcoholism begins to experience nausea, vomiting, headaches and discomfort.

    The found mushroom is cut into small slices, the pieces are placed in a frying pan and dried over low heat, adding vegetable oil in the process. After all the moisture has been removed from the mushroom, the slices are crushed in a coffee grinder. 1 tbsp. l. dung beetles are added to the dish unnoticed by the drinker. A person who has tasted food mixed with mushroom powder reacts painfully to subsequent drinking:

    • the complexion becomes purple and then purple;
    • the tips of the ears and nose turn pale;
    • a feeling of thirst appears, alternating with nausea;
    • body temperature increases;
    • vision decreases;
    • speech becomes incoherent;
    • Sometimes side effects occur in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

    The reaction occurs one and a half to two hours after drinking alcohol and goes away after the same period of time. The course of treatment with dung fungus lasts up to 10 days. The maximum permissible dose is 3 g per meal, but not more than twice a day. Dung beetle is extremely toxic, so it is necessary to follow the dosage recommendations and promptly respond to the occurrence of severe side effects, otherwise the treatment will not bring the desired result.

    Tincture of green bugs

    This is an old and very effective method. To prepare, you need to find several insects living in raspberry bushes, add them to vodka and leave for 3 days. The bugs must be removed before giving the bottle to the drinker.

    To obtain the effect, it is enough for the patient to take 50 g of the resulting mixture daily. The inevitable aversion to alcohol lasts from two weeks to six months.

    Clefthoof root

    This is one of the most effective ways to combat alcoholism. 1 tbsp. l. dried crushed roots of the coffin are poured with 250 ml of water, the liquid is placed on low heat and waited for 5 minutes, then the broth is cooled for an hour. After this, the mixture is filtered and refrigerated for 6 hours.

    1 tbsp. l. The resulting infusion is added to a bottle of vodka. After taking the mixture, the alcoholic feels nausea and a general deterioration in his condition. With regular use, a persistent gag reflex from alcohol is developed.

    Important! Clefthoof is a poisonous plant. It is necessary to ensure that the patient does not take more than 2 tablespoons at a time.

    Thyme infusion

    Dried thyme (creeping thyme) is sold in any pharmacy. There are many recipes for tinctures from this plant. For example, 15 g of thyme is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. The resulting solution is filtered and diluted with water to a volume of 500 ml.

    The infusion is taken 50 ml half an hour before meals.

    Red pepper infusion

    Not to be confused with pepper, which alcoholics love to drink!

    Recipe: 20 g of ground red pepper is poured into 500 ml of 60-degree alcohol, the liquid is tightly closed in a container and left in a cool, dark place. The mixture is shaken from time to time, and after 15 days the liquid is filtered.

    Red pepper infusion works best dissolved in wine or a wine drink. It is enough to add a few drops to a glass or shot glass. The effect is similar to that produced by a dung mushroom or an infusion of thyme: a person feels a severe headache, feels nauseous and vomits, which causes the craving for alcohol to disappear.

    Sweet syrup

    Helps relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare, take 80 grams of tansy flowers and 2 tbsp. l.yarrow flowers, then infuse the plants in 2 liters of water for 24 hours. The resulting liquid is put on fire and removed a few seconds before boiling, the cycle is repeated after 6 hours, then the broth is filtered, 4 tbsp is added. l. honey, 6 tbsp. l.sugar and boil for 5-7 minutes. The finished product is filtered, the foam is removed and allowed to cool.

    The syrup is stored in the refrigerator. It should be given 25 ml daily (half an hour before meals and before bedtime). The duration of treatment is 8-10 weeks. If necessary, the cycle is repeated every other month.

    Herbal decoctions and infusions

    A relatively safe method that helps in the treatment of addiction. Wormwood and centaury are mixed in equal proportions and a decoction is made. Taking such a drink, the alcoholic gradually feels disgusted with drinking.

    You can get a person out of binge drinking with the help of a decoction of sorrel roots. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. root of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The broth is kept in a sealed container over low heat for 5 minutes, the resulting mixture is infused for 3-4 hours. The medicine is taken 6 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

    Another known folk remedy is hazel catkins, which appear in the spring. They fill a 500 ml jar or bottle, after which the container is filled with vodka. The mixture is infused for 9-10 days. The finished tincture is filtered.

    Oat decoction helps restore the liver and affects the perception of alcohol. Take 1 kg of oats, wash it well, then add 2 liters of water. The liquid is boiled over low heat for half an hour, then the broth is drained and 100 g of calendula is added. The mixture is poured into a container with an airtight lid and left for 11-13 hours, wrapped in a blanket. The solution is taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

    Add 3 tsp to regular sauerkraut. green tea. In addition, for every kilogram of cabbage you need to put about 300-400 g of beets, celery, and carrots in a jar. Eating such pickles allows you to recover from alcohol addiction.

    Folk recipes for beer alcoholism and female drunkenness

    Beer alcoholism is not as dangerous as addiction to strong alcoholic drinks, but it is still a disease. To treat it, a grape diet is used. The principle of action is similar to replacing cigarettes with seeds or caramel candies: grapes are eaten until the craving for beer disappears completely.

    Depending on the degree of addiction, it takes from 2 months to six months. Intoxication from constant drinking of beer is relieved with apples and pumpkin juice, which has a beneficial effect on the liver.

    Among the folk recipes for the treatment of alcoholism in women, a collection of 3 herbs is used. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the thyme, cover tightly with a towel and wait 15-20 minutes. The cooled solution is taken 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

    To prepare bearberry infusion, grind 20 g of plant leaves and mix with 250 ml of boiling water, put the liquid on low heat and wait 15 minutes. The decoction is taken 1 tbsp. l.every 2 hours.

    To convince a woman of the need to take tinctures, we can say that these medications improve complexion and help get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes.

    Getting rid of mental addiction

    An alcoholic can develop an aversion to alcohol on a physical level, but treatment with medications and folk remedies gives only a short-term effect. Sooner or later the patient experiences a relapse. To overcome addiction, a person needs the support of loved ones.

    The convalescent person should not be burdened with work. The more responsibilities, the sooner the temptation to drink will appear. It is also not recommended to play psychological games with a patient: praising a sober person and scolding a drunk person.

    Relatives should know that the drinker is not able to control the amount of alcohol consumed and build full-fledged relationships with loved ones. Creating a healthy environment in the family should fall on the shoulders of spouses and children. You cannot start quarrels and scandals, issue ultimatums or in any way blackmail the patient. If faced with a choice - to quit drinking or leave the family - an alcoholic can easily choose the latter.

    Final recovery is facilitated by playing sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude and breaking previous contacts with drinking buddies. For additional advice, relatives should contact competent specialists: psychiatrists and professional narcologists. They will give recommendations on the behavior of loved ones during the treatment period.

Below we will outline in “human” (if possible) language how to treat addiction. That is, those things that I explain to patients in the rehabilitation department (narcology). Naturally, the material will be incomplete. Because the site is entertaining, and it’s unrealistic to fit everything even into 10 posts.

So it is impossible to get rid of addiction. At this stage of medical development. Changes occur in the brain. But our brain is a harmful thing. It can be destroyed, but cannot be restored. Compensation of functions is possible, so every addict has a chance to go into remission. But for this you need:

1. Realize that there is a disease. Well, that is, absolutely. And it's difficult. Very.
One day a patient wrote a poem that repeated the phrase “I understood everything when the hangover came.” Capaciously, would you agree? But a hangover is a thing that tends to come and go. Accordingly, all fears, anxieties, feelings of guilt, and somatic “sores” will pass and be forgotten. And imagine a patient who came for treatment. Especially often they come in an acute state of “hangover, withdrawal”, and the general withdrawal syndrome that most psychoactive substances (PAS) have. And so we stopped his abstinence and he was like this:
-Am I sober? Sober. Don’t feel like drinking (smoking, injecting yourself)? Doesn't work. In fact, I will never use it again!
And he is discharged. And he breaks down. Well, not right away, but over time. Or right away.

To understand the disease, you need to know the signs of this disease. Not only in exacerbations, but generally always.
Here they are briefly:
-increase in tolerance (amount taken)
-loss of protective reflexes (for example, nausea during intoxication)
-loss of quantitative control (drank the first glass and away we go)
- And situational (you have to go to work, but “I’ll probably have a loaf”)
-Change in the nature of intoxication. For example, I always drank and was the “life of the party,” but then aggression appeared. And the effect of the surfactant changes. Let’s say a substance caused euphoria, but here it simply relaxes.
- Amnesia of intoxication. “I remember that I drank, but I can’t remember what happened after.”

Now I will highlight 2 signs separately.
-An irresistible need to take a surfactant. A very complex concept. Here you need to understand. Alcohol and drugs give the brain pleasure. Any human brain. And the only reason for an addict to use is to gain pleasure. The only one. CAUSE.
There can be any reason. And then someone calls it “relax, get away from problems, Friday, slipped-fell-hit-on-a-bottle.” Now, if at this stage a person admits that he drinks on his own, that it is his decision, and not due to the fault of circumstances, then we can already say that the treatment process has begun.
-Personal changes. This seems to be a sign of addiction and the consequences of use. And it's just a song. Yes, a person’s circle of interests narrows, many views change. But each drug and alcohol also has its own changes. Heroin is a monstrous intuitive, and they “can’t help but lie” and test you “where are his weak points.” Speeders are becoming infantile. Alcoholics are characterized by, so to speak, “senile changes.” And these changes are very difficult to show to a person. Firstly, does anyone see their shortcomings, well, just like that? I doubt. Secondly, changes do not occur in one day, so a person gets used to it and “forgets” what he was like before.

Subtotal. The patient must see in himself the signs of the disease and through them understand that “I don’t just want to use, I want not to use,” but I have a disease and “sooner or later I will relapse.”
By the way. There are no miracles. The craving for surfactants will worsen periodically. For a long time. For years. And this also needs to be understood. And be ready for it. But as?

Part two "learning to live with this disease"
I don't like this phrase. Because it is often pronounced formally, without understanding the meaning.
So. The patient “realized” that he was sick. This means he needs “pills” and a regimen. And this is what we will “prescribe”:

Replacement. Replace the pleasure of taking surfactants with other pleasures. Buy a Bentley and fly to Thailand in it... No. Kidding. I will not describe what pleasures life can have. Simply because there are a LOT of them. We write in groups with more than 50 patients (available), then the space on the board simply runs out. I will only say that those patients who go into remission find pleasure in “everyday life”: family, work. Yes, they are reconsidering their lives. And they just LIVE. And there are a lot of addicts who become quite successful people. Not everything is about replacement, but that’s enough for now.

Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Anonymous. Whether you like it or not, you won’t be sober alone. Need support. Moreover, the family, as a rule, will not give what is needed (even vice versa, but more on that later). And who understands an addict (well, except for a narcologist))). Another addict! No matter how disgusting they show “anonymous” people on TV, the system works. Not all patients can take it and not right away. But those who accept take a big step forward. I won’t write about the 12 steps, especially since we don’t work with this program 100%, we take only part of the elements.

Remove codependency. The topic is huge. Briefly: relatives, with their overprotection or hypercontrol, contribute to further use. Until, let’s say, the mother sends her tiny little son (usually 30-40 years old) into free sailing so that he can provide for himself, work, yes, wash his own socks, he will drink. It’s difficult to isolate yourself from a dependent relative, especially a child (“he’ll be lost without me!”), but it’s necessary. Otherwise, no treatment, no psychological trousers will help. Codependent relationships can exist not only between parents and children, but also other relatives.

Pharmacotherapy. There are a lot of medicines. I just don’t know if it’s possible to write them here. Therefore, general information:

Mood correctors: antidepressants and mood stabilizers. The former improve mood, the latter do not “reduce” irritability and anger. Partially (only partially) they reduce cravings for surfactants. The price is quite affordable. You need to drink for a long time. Sometimes, for years.

Causing intolerance (usually only for alcohol). Many block alcohol dehydrogenase. As a result, drinking alcohol causes intoxication with consequences (once the patient had pulmonary edema). Prices vary (150-5000 RUR/month). Drink for a long time. For months

Opiate receptor blockers. (for alcohol, heroin). Yes, alcohol acts on opiate receptors by stimulating the body’s production of internal “opiates” (for more details, see any guide to addiction medicine). These drugs block the “pleasure” of drinking alcohol and opiates. They are expensive, 5,000-20,000 rubles/month. Take for at least 6 months. Prescribed in conjunction with psychotherapy and antidepressants (at a minimum).

The night is in full swing, and I seem to have written a lot. Therefore, I take my leave))). Thanks to those who read.

Treatment for addictions must be comprehensive. The main thing is liberation from mental dependence. Persistent and correct work is required to change your stereotypes, picture of the world and self-image. Treatment of physical dependence (where it exists) is not difficult.

How to determine whether there is an addiction or not? After all, drug addicts and alcoholics do not always admit their addiction. It's simple - if you can, without any conditions, give up your habit for at least a month - you are free. If you can’t, you have a problem and it needs to be solved.

Treatment of mental dependence

Recognizing the problem

To solve a problem, you need to understand it and go beyond it. As long as you are inside, you are part of the problem.
Separate it and place it in front of you. Look at it directly and admit it: “yes, there is a problem.”
Listen to yourself, how you are connected to her, what feelings you experience.
Do you want to solve it or are you satisfied with the current state of affairs?

Congratulate yourself (I'm not kidding) - you have a reason to attract attention! Any problem is an opportunity to develop yourself as an individual.

Dependency Analysis - With Paper and Pen

  • Why did I do this? . What attracted me to this, what did I get from the process?
  • What prevents you from giving up your addiction?
  • What do I gain and what do I lose by quitting my addiction?
  • How can I replace the loss? What I want?
    Here it is useful to remember your interests before getting into addiction. What was valuable in your life then?

Make a decision

It must be final. There is no room for doubt, your whole being makes this decision. You understand (feel) that from this moment you have started a new life.

Dealing with desires


Learn to constantly be aware of all your sensations and inner motivations. This is necessary to control your behavior.
Be aware of everything you do. This ability is very useful for effective living in general.
Be alert to notice that you are moving towards a result.

Changing our behavior pattern

By tracking the impulses and behaviors that lead to “use,” . Change your actions until you get the desired result.
Use the feedback principle for this. Remember: there is no failure, there is result. If the result is not satisfactory, adjust your efforts.

Changing our environment

Break up with people who drag you into the past. Communicate with those who are where you want to go, whose interests coincide with your new interests.

ALL IN OUR HANDS! The solution to the problem is to take responsibility for your life. Success lies in the installation: I am the owner and I am responsible for everything that happens to me. I am the creator of my life. This position helps you withstand any situation on the way to a worthy goal.

Treatment of physical dependence

  • Treatment with dietary supplements
  • The goal is to help the body easily adapt to natural metabolism.
    The use of medications is an extra burden on a weakened body. The best option is (dietary supplement).
    The course includes three stages.
  1. Cleansing the body of toxic compounds.
  2. Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Restoration of impaired functions.
  • Increasing vital energy levels.
    1. relaxation in nature, preferably among the trees or by the sea,
    2. meditation, "".
  • Physical activity (sports, gymnastics, yoga, etc.)
  • Exercises to develop flexibility of the spine.
  • Massage for removal.
  • The problem of Internet addiction is one of the hottest topics in global medical forums. Computer addicts are treated like drug addicts and are subject to forced treatment. In Europe, there were cases when young people were not taken into the army because of this “disease” and were forced to undergo rehabilitation courses with psychiatrists. Now doctors and psychologists are concerned about another painful phenomenon, which is called information vampirism.

    For several years now, doctors have been using a special term that describes a person addicted to the Internet - netaholic (Netaholic, analogous to shopaholic, workaholic, alcoholic).

    “Nataholics are truly sick people who need treatment,” says Australian doctor Nigel Plott. - Most patients are diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis and paranoia. If they are away from the network for a long time, addicts become depressed, or, conversely, become aggressive and dangerous to society.

    The first symptoms of the disease are visible in small details. A person plays computer games more than five hours a day, eats at the computer, and stops paying attention to family members and his appearance. He prefers the network to all other entertainment.”

    In the West, scientists have long sounded the alarm, considering the Internet dangerous for the psyche and social development of children and adolescents. Recent data from researchers prove that Internet addiction is stronger than addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling and is more difficult to treat. In extremely advanced cases, netogolism is similar to schizophrenia: the patient loses touch with reality and lives in some kind of his own world.

    Here is the latest data from the research center Computer Economics:

    In Europe, more than 40 percent of Internet users are addicted;

    Netocholics spend more than 18 hours a day online;

    15 percent of people on the planet are diagnosed with information vampirism.

    60 percent of Europeans equate virtual friends with real ones;

    3 percent of Europeans prefer virtual marriages;

    In the United States, every 20 married women are “computer widows.”

    40 percent of Americans hardly leave their home. They order everything they need via the Internet (clothing, food), have virtual wallets, virtual sex and go on a virtual vacation.

    Here is an excerpt from the diary of netaholic Sandra, 29 years old, she is undergoing compulsory treatment in one of the American clinics: “My husband and I were web designers. When we bought our personal laptops, we were sure that we would only use them for work. It took two years to immerse myself in the virtual world.

    At the height of our illness, we had virtually no contact with the outside world, didn't pay our rent bills for months, ate out of plastic utensils seems like we hadn't washed the dishes in six months. We didn't take a bath, there was soaked dirty laundry in it... for several months. Our dog died of starvation. One day the police came to our house because the neighbors noticed that we had not left the house for several months. We were sent for treatment."

    Doctor of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh Kimberly Young identifies the following alarming symptoms of the onset of the disease:

    1. Obsessive desire to check e-mail.

    2. Constantly waiting for the next Internet connection.

    3. Preference for virtual friends and entertainment over real ones.

    4. Information overload - an irresistible urge to search for information on the WWW or surf the web.

    5. The desire to play online games, attachment to online auctions and online stores.

    Researchers note that most Internet addicts come online for the sake of communication, but over time, all real people are forced out of life by virtual ones. It seems to the patient that he has wonderful friends, a rich life, he met his love, got married, went to the other side of the world to travel... But all this is not happening for real, which, however, the patient does not realize.

    In the United States, the problem of “computer widows” (Cyberwidows) is acute. These are wives whose husbands have lost interest in a real family in favor of a virtual life.

    Psychologists say that in the near future, Internet addiction will be recognized as mental illness No. 1. Professional clinics have already appeared in the West, where various “cyber disorders” are treated, but patients prefer to seek help from specialized Internet clinics that function like Alcoholics Anonymous. Patients do not come to see a psychiatrist; they communicate with a virtual doctor.

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