Naro-Fominsk attractions and tourist routes.

Naro-Fominsk is a city located in the southwestern part of the Moscow region. It is the administrative center of the Naro-Fominsk district, which includes 9 municipalities, including the Naro-Fominsk urban settlement. The area of ​​this city is 22 sq. km, and the population is 62,971 people. Naro-Fominsk is located on the banks of the Nara River, at the 70th kilometer of the Kyiv Highway.

The village of Fominskoye on the site of the city of Naro-Fominsk has existed since 1339. Then it was the center of the Fominsk principality. Starting from the 19th century, this village began to actively develop, and then a factory settlement was formed in its place. During the USSR, in 1918, it became the center of Naro-Fominsk district. In 1926, Naro-Fominsk finally became a city, and only in 1929 it became part of the Moscow region.

The ecological state of the Naro-Fominsk region is very favorable. Of course, there are several large factories that pollute the air, but they do not cause significant harm. According to studies, this area has fairly low levels of harmful substances. The Nara River, on the contrary, is quite polluted: this is due to the fact that insufficiently treated wastewater from wastewater treatment plants is discharged into the river.

Industry in Naro-Fominsk is not very developed. Notable is “NFMZ” (Naro-Fominsk Machine-Building Plant), as well as “NFZMP” (Naro-Fominsk Plastics Plant). In addition, the Naro-Fominsk Meat Processing Plant is located here.

The Kiev Highway passes near Naro-Fominsk, connecting it with Moscow, Vnukovo airport, Kaluga, Obninsk and Bryansk. From the capital to this city you can take bus number 309. There are quite a large number of bus routes within the city. There are also minibus taxis.

The Kyiv direction railway line runs through Naro-Fominsk. Nara Station is located in the city center. Most commuter trains stop here. There is also an express train from Moscow to Naro-Fominsk. There are 9 secondary schools in this city, and there are also branches of such large universities as MFLA, RGSU, MGIU. In addition, there are 3 vocational schools in Naro-Fominsk. This city has all the necessary medical institutions, such as Naro-Fominsk District Hospital No. 1, adult and children's clinics, a military hospital and some others.

One of the first places worth visiting is the Naro-Fominsk Museum of Local Lore. It is thanks to him that you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about the city and its history. For shopping lovers, several large shopping centers are open in Naro-Fominsk. One of them is “Zarechye”. It has existed for 10 years and has an area of ​​3 hectares. This shopping center has everything from clothes and shoes to home goods. No less famous is Serpentine, which, among other things, also houses the Salyut cinema. There are also several cafe restaurants in Naro-Fominsk, for example, “Alexander”, “Eastern Paradise” and “Melnitsa”.

Those who come to another city for a few days always face the question: “Where to stay?” There will never be any problems with accommodation in Naro-Fominsk. There are several good hotels in this city, for example, “Lira”, located in the Malkovo microdistrict. It is also worth paying attention to such hotels as Alliance Service, Cascade Hotel and Sportivnaya Hotel.

Naro-Fominsk is a city that has everything you need to spend a few days pleasantly. Hotels in Naro-Fominsk will provide comfortable accommodation, and cafes, shops and attractions will not let you get bored.

The city is located on the banks of the Nara River, 70 km southwest of Moscow. Within the boundaries of the district there are two cities - Aprelevka and Vereya. Leo Tolstoy and Sergei Yesenin, the Merzlyakovs and Musin-Pushkin, Stanislavsky and Chekhov, Grabar and Vereshchagin, Chertkov and Kruglikov visited the villages of the region over the years. The exhibitions of the Naro-Fominsk and Vereisky local history museums reflect with great completeness the cultural cross-section of the historical heritage. The first mention of the village of Fominskoye on the river. Nara dates back to 1339 - the village is indicated in the spiritual will of Ivan Kalita.

The Naro-Fominsk region is a veritable storehouse of Russian cultural objects that have not yet been discovered or are not used for widespread tourism and excursion business. Many Narofominsk residents simply do not realize how many historical treasures are located very close to them. Naro-Fominsk settlement, Ryzhkovskoe settlement, Petrovskoe settlement and many other archaeological sites. Near the village of Kamenskoye there is St. Nicholas Church - a unique architectural monument of the turn of the 14th–15th centuries; In the village of Petrovskoye, a manor architectural complex has been preserved, including the current church of St. Peter the Metropolitan, the manor palace (in ruins), many other buildings erected by the great Russian architect M. F. Kazakov; Tikhvin Church in Burtsevo, erected in 1708 in imitation of the cathedral of the Donskoy Monastery; the remains of the Berg estate in Pervomaisky; the church on Posad in Vyshgorod and the church in the village of Spas-Kositsy. In Vereya, for example, it is impossible to immediately count how many temples there are.

In the 1830s, landowner Dmitry Petrovich Skuratov acquired the village of Malaya Nara. And in 1840, he and Nikolai Dmitrievich Lukin organized a paper spinning factory. This factory became a city-creating enterprise. In 1845, the owners of a paper spinning mill received permission to build a new church in the village of Fominskoye. The former wooden church of St. Nicholas burned down in 1812, along with the entire village, during the retreat of French troops. By 1852, the stone Church of St. Nicholas was built on the left bank of the Nara River. At the end of the 19th century. The artist V.V. Vereshchagin often came to Naro-Fominsk. Here he wrote sketches for paintings dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812.

In April 2009, Naro-Fominsk was awarded the title of City of Military Glory.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Naro-Fominsk was built in 1852 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Victory in the War of 1812.

Earlier, back in the seventeenth century, in the village of Fominskoye there was a wooden St. Nicholas Church, which was burned by the French in 1812 during their retreat. In 1845, it was decided to build a stone church next to the place where the temple once stood.

In 1900, the chapel of the Great Martyr George began to be added to the church. However, it was not possible to complete it - the events of 1917 prevented it. In February 1930, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was closed. The temple suffered greatly during the war years, was looted and subsequently used as a warehouse. In 1973, the church building was restored and given over to the Naro-Fominsk Historical Museum.

Only in 1988 it was decided to open the church again.

Nara River

The Nara River flows through the Moscow and Kaluga regions and is a left tributary of the Oka. The length of the river reaches 158 kilometers, the basin area is 2,030 square kilometers.

The river originates in Lake Poletsk, then flows through the Nara ponds and flows into the Caspian Sea. Large cities such as Naro-Fominsk and Serpukhov are located on the river.

On one of the banks of the river there is the Rainbow Falls, which flows into the Nara from a height of about three meters from a steep bank.

In summer, the river and the surrounding area are very beautiful - at this time there is a lot of water and everything is surrounded by lush greenery.

The river is often used for picnics and hikes, and is also constantly visited by fishermen.

New and old stone bridges were built on the Nara.

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Petrovskoye Estate

The Petrovskoye (Knyazhishchevo) estate is a unique estate ensemble and a formerly luxurious estate, which, unfortunately, is now going through hard times, but is nevertheless worthy of attention. There is still no clear opinion about the authorship of the estate; the names of such architects as Bazhenova, Kazakova, Starov, Lvov are heard in disputes.

In the 18th century, the estate came into the possession of N.A. Demidov and it was under him that she flourished. A brick two-story house in the classicist style, a sculpture of Catherine II, cast-iron sphinxes, all this amazed with its beauty and harmony.

On the territory of the estate, the Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan and a separate bell tower were also built, which were closed in 1930 and converted into industrial buildings.

There is a legend that Empress Catherine II visited the estate in the village of Petrovskoye, and A.S. stayed several times. Pushkin.

The village of Krekshino is located just 20 kilometers southwest of the Moscow Ring Road, and it is very easy to get here by car. The ruins of the manor house are somewhat distant from the highway; they are located in a vacant lot, surrounded by modern residential buildings. Not far from the ruins of the house you can see a pond, but there are no reliable sources that would confirm that it was dug during the prosperity of the estate.

The Krekshino estate was founded in the second half of the 18th century by the collegiate assessor I.D. Tatarinov, then his son inherited the estate. In the middle of the 19th century, the estate passed to a new owner - it was acquired by General A.V. Pashkov, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829. His heirs owned the estate until the 1917 revolution. Among the guests of the estate were very famous people of Russia; it is enough to mention, for example, the name of the great writer Leo Tolstoy.

The two-story manor house was a very picturesque frame structure, built using the half-timbered technology, which was very popular in European countries in the Middle Ages and flourished at the beginning of the 20th century. Unfortunately, only ruins remain of the house, as it was seriously damaged by fire in 1996.

Afineevo Estate

It so happened that the Afineevo estate has had many owners throughout its history. Historians are still arguing about who was the first owner. The nobleman Stupishin was the third landowner of these lands. By his will, a linden park, artificial ponds with openwork bridges and a main manor house in a classical style appeared in Afineevo.

After him, Afineevo passed to the publisher and editor of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, Svinin. He, in turn, practically did not live in the estate and sold it to the merchant Vlasov.

In 1913, the collector Bakhrushin became the full owner of the estate. He brought order to Afineevo: he built a barnyard and raised bees. But his peace was disturbed by the revolution. The estate was captured by nationalists who destroyed everything.

Only the Church of John the Baptist, made in the Moscow Boroque style, has survived to this day, as well as a fountain, the foundation of a manor house and a path paved with marble. The memory of the former beauty of the estate is preserved by the centuries-old spruce and linden trees of the overgrown park.

Lyubanovo Estate

Today the building bears little resemblance to an estate. Nowadays a rural school is located there, which both can and does maintain the former beauty of the historical monument, which is made in the neoclassical style with modern elements.

But before this was one of the richest houses in the Moscow region. The first owner of Lyubanovo was K.I. Czartoryski. Chronicles have been preserved where he is described as a despot. Czartoryski treated his serfs harshly. Walled up skeletons of mutilated people were found in the basement walls of his estate. The noble family of a tyrant and fanatic lived in the estate until 1881. Then the estate passed to Privy Councilor V.K. Schlippe. But he did not live on the estate for long. Schlippe was repressed to Germany in 1917.

Two years later, F.E. visited the estate. Dzerzhinsky. The head of the All-Russian Cheka and his family were placed in Lyubanovo to improve their health during the holidays. Felix Edmundovich enjoyed nature, practiced shooting with a revolver, hunted and took boat trips along the Nara River. This is confirmed by a memorial plaque attached to the wall of the manor house.

Milyukovo Estate

The Milyukovo estate belongs to another architectural and historical complex of estates near Moscow, as it was here that the former patrimony of the steward S.Ya. Milyukova. Subsequently, the owners of the estate were various famous historical figures G.N. Belsky, I.I. Shcherbatov, P.P. Shakhovskoy and his heirs, merchants Iroshnikovs, Lyapins and others.

Now the estate is in a dilapidated state, but there you can see the remains of the stone Milyukov Church, which was assigned to the temple in Staro-Nikolskoye and built in the 18th century, a small two-story outbuilding in the classicist style, facing the road, and two cascading ponds along the stream have also been preserved .

Spas-Kositsy Estate

The Spas-Kositsy estate is an architectural monument located near Moscow, which is located away from the road and belongs to the ancient Shuvalov estate, created in the mid-18th century.

The pearl of the estate is the magnificent temple complex, presumably built by K.I. In blank. The complex consists of a four-pillar, five-domed Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, a three-tier bell tower in the Elizabethan Baroque style. The buildings themselves are impressive with their pediments and pilasters, very beautiful arched and oval windows and many other decorative elements.

The Transfiguration Church has been preserved and is active; not far from the estate there is the Pafnutyevo-Borovsky Monastery, although there is no direct road to it.

Estate Staro-Nikolskoye

The Staro-Nikolskoye estate is located in the Moscow region near the village of Pervomaiskoye. It is believed that the first owner and founder of the estate was V.M.’s grandfather. Rtishchev - F. M. Rtishchev, an adviser close to the tsar. Next, Ya.S. becomes the owner in turn. Esipov, Musins-Pushkins, A.E. Krygin, V.P. Berg. With each owner, something new is added to the estate, complementing the architectural ensemble.

At the moment, a three-story Empire style manor house, a two-story outbuilding, and an entrance gate built at the beginning of the 19th century have been preserved. Also, on the territory of the estate there was a temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and a hipped bell tower in the pseudo-Russian style in honor of the martyr Juliana. Lovers of history and architecture will find many interesting details in this estate, and all guests can enjoy a walk along the linden alley.

Estate V.P. Berg

The estate appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. According to a special order for Berge, the architect V. Adamovich built small two-story houses from wood in the eclectic style. Carved windows, high columns, and walls lined with cut birch bark delighted the eyes of passers-by. The owner of the estate was a famous gold miner and loved to live on a grand scale.

Today, very little remains of the former luxury. Some of the ceilings in the manor houses collapsed, the paint was peeling, and the doors were lopsided. But this did not affect the overall appearance at all. In addition to the rich Berge mansion, outbuildings have also been preserved on the property: a barnyard, a carriage house and a water tower.

The centuries-old buildings are surrounded by a park that stretches all the way to the bank of the Desna River. Rare varieties of larch, fir and other coniferous trees grow there.

In 2008, the land next to the estate was sold for the construction of a cottage village. The work has been in full swing for a long time. The new owners, remembering their predecessors, did not change the name. So they left it - the village of Bergov.

Stele "City of Military Glory"

In 2009, Naro-Fominsk was named the “City of Military Glory.” A year later, in honor of this event, the city Victory Square was decorated with a memorial stele.

The monument is made of marble. The stele rises 12 meters and is crowned with the coat of arms of Russia. Three special plates are fixed in its lower part. One shows the full words of the Decree of the President of Russia on conferring a special title on the city. The other briefly describes the feat of the residents of Naro-Fominsk during the Great Patriotic War. The third shows tragic figures about the residents who died during the war and the destroyed buildings of the city.

The modest but majestic stele has become another city landmark, reminiscent of the heroic Soviet people who defended their hometown.

Monument "Tank T-34"

Naro-Fominsk is a city of military glory. In the autumn of 1941, there were hot battles here. At the turn of the Nara River, a motorized rifle division, reinforced by a tank brigade, stopped the German advance. The KV-1 heavy tank, under the control of Lieutenant G. G. Khetagurov, distinguished itself, which managed to defeat the enemy headquarters and inflict great damage on the enemy.

Nowadays, not far from the bridge through which the heroic tank crossed Nara (now Victory Square), a T-34 tank is installed in memory of the tragic and glorious events.

The monument is carefully monitored. He looks well-groomed and valiant. On the pedestal on which the tank is mounted, there are two memorial plaques.

The most popular attractions in Naro-Fominsk with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Naro-Fominsk on our website.

Naro-Fominsk is a small city located southwest of Moscow on the Central Russian Upland. It is comfortably located on the banks of the Nara River and its tributaries - Berezovka and Gvozdnya. Its population is 62,055 people.

From the history of the city

As a result of excavations at the Fominsky settlement (Smolensk region), archaeologists received confirmation of previously existing versions that in the 12th century there was a settlement on these lands, which was the center of the Fominsky principality-appanage, which was part of the Smolensk principality of ancient Rus'.

The village of Fominskoye on the Nara River was first mentioned in the spiritual will of I. Kalita in 1339. The next mention of him was found in the royal Decree of Alexei Mikhailovich (1654). Leaving Moscow during the War of 1812, the French, led by Napoleon himself, stopped in Fominskoye.

In the thirties of the 19th century, landowner D.P. Skuratov bought the village of Malaya Nara. Together with N.D. Lukin, he organized a paper spinning factory here in 1840, which became a city-creating enterprise. By 1852, a stone church was built on the left bank of the Nara. At that time the population of the town was 365 people.

Merchants from Moscow, the Yakunchikovs (father and son), bought the factory in 1864. Since then, the villages of Fominskoye and Malaya Nara have been united under a common name - the village of Naro-Fominskoye. It became the center of Naro-Fominsk district in 1918, by decision of the local executive committee. The new district included four volosts: Tashirovskaya, Rozhdestvenskaya, Petrovskaya and Rudninskaya.

In 1941, after the German troops attacked Moscow, Naro-Fominsk was occupied by the Nazis. In December of the same year, he was liberated by the forces of the 33rd Army, under the leadership of General M. G. Efremov. During the fierce fighting, which lasted two months, 687 residential buildings were destroyed in the city, and the weaving factory was completely destroyed.

Nevertheless, the city was restored. In 1959, the Vereisky and Kalininsky districts of the Moscow region were included in the Naro-Fominsk district. Dilapidated buildings from the historical part of the city were demolished in 1976. The modern Malkovoy microdistrict appeared on the vacated territory. Today it is the city center. The long and interesting history of the settlement is preserved by its sights. Photos of the city of Naro-Fominsk are not very often found in the press. But there are many interesting and memorable places here that are inextricably linked with the history of our country. Therefore, in this article we will take you on a short virtual trip to Naro-Fominsk. You can see the sights (photos with descriptions) of the city below.

Zosimova Pustyn

In 1826, Elder Zosim founded a monastery, which was built with donations from the Lepeshkin merchants from Moscow. Zosim is a representative of the old noble family of the Verkhovskys (Smolensk province). After his death (1833), the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was erected over the elder’s grave.

The construction of the monastery was finally completed in 1856. In 1928 the monastery was closed. Many of its buildings were destroyed. Initially, on the territory of the monastery there were: the Temple in honor of John the Baptist, located at the refectory, the gate church of the icon of the Mother of God, and the Trinity Cathedral.

In 1999, the monastery was reopened, however, the gate temple was not preserved. In March 2000, the monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

St. Nicholas Church

Orthodox sights of Naro-Fominsk mainly date back to the beginning of the 19th century. And the wooden St. Nicholas Church existed even before 1812. In 1845, the first stone was laid for the construction of a stone cathedral. The author of the project was the architect P. Burenin. In 1852, construction work was completed.

In 1904, a sacristy, an almshouse, and a chapel of St. George were built on the territory of the temple. At the same time, a trustee society for the poor was founded here, and the foundation of a refectory was laid. In 1930, the temple was closed to believers.

The St. Nicholas Church community was registered in 1989. A dome and a cross were installed, and in 1999 an iconostasis appeared in the cathedral. Complete restoration and interior decoration of the walls with frescoes was completed in 2004. Today, the church (since 1998) operates Sunday schools for children and adults. The honorary rector of the cathedral is Bishop Ilian Vostryakov, the rector is Archpriest Oleg Mitrov.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

There are also more ancient sights of Naro-Fominsk. For example, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built at the beginning of the 14th century. The structure is a white stone, pillarless, single-domed church with three apses. For Russian church architecture, the building plan is quite rare.

It represents the shape of an equilateral cross inscribed in a square. The branches are covered with inclined arches, which serve as support for them. The temple is famous for its light drum, which has eight high slitted windows.

In 1938 the temple was closed. In 1975, restoration was carried out according to the design of the architect B. Altshuller. Since 1990, the temple came under the control of the Russian Orthodox Church, and since 1999, services have been held there.

Dimitrievskaya Church

Many city attractions are still of great interest to historians. Naro-Fominsk attracts researchers with its ancient religious buildings. A special place among them is occupied by the Demetrius Church in Dubrovo.

It was built in the 14th century by Dmitry Donskoy, in honor of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. The stone temple, which now stands on the banks of the Protva, was built by the priest-brothers Pshenichnikov (1896) according to the design of the architect A. Nikiforov. This is a single-domed quadrangle with a refectory, connected to the base of a tent-roofed (two-tier) bell tower.

In 1930 the temple was closed. Since 1994, a large-scale restoration has been carried out here, and in 2003 the cathedral was completely restored.

Historical and architectural sights of Naro-Fominsk: Lyubanovo estate

This estate is located in the village of the same name in the vicinity of Naro-Fominsk, on the shore. Today it bears little resemblance to a luxurious estate built in the neoclassical style with some modern elements. After construction, this house became one of the richest in the Moscow region.

The estate dates back to the end of the 17th century. It was built by K. Czartoryski. It belonged to his family until the mid-19th century. The first owner was distinguished by a cruel disposition: the walled remains of mutilated serfs were found in the walls of the estate’s basement.

In 1881, Privy Councilor K. Schlippe became the owner of the estate. But in 1917 he was repressed. In September 1920, F.E. Dzerzhinsky visited the estate. Nowadays a rural school is located here.

Spas-Kositsy Estate

This small town near Moscow has very interesting architectural sights. Naro-Fominsk is known far beyond its borders for the estate built in 1761 by Count A. Shuvalov. The Spas-Kositsy estate was famous for the churches built on its territory.

The first church to be erected was in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Today only the church itself has survived, while the manor house and outbuildings have been completely destroyed. The domed pentagonal church is made in the style. In addition to the belfry, the bell tower was created. On the territory of the Transfiguration Church there is a tomb of the Shuvalov family.

During the Soviet years, the church was destroyed and services were suspended. In 1942, the village of Spas-Kositsy was occupied by German troops. Everything was already ready for the terrible execution - the Nazis planned to burn all the villagers alive. Fortunately, the 6th Automatic Division of the People's Militia managed to save civilians. This is stated on the memorial plaque located on the western wall of the temple.

Cultural attractions: Naro-Fominsk, local history museum

The local history museum opened in the city on May 9, 1973. Until 1991, it was located in the building of the Old St. Nicholas Church. After the return of the church to the Russian Orthodox Church, the museum was moved to a separate building on the street named after Marshal Zhukov.

The Local History Museum has a rich collection of exhibits. Here are presented: some types of weapons, documents, photographs, awards and belongings of front-line soldiers from the Second World War. Visitors are interested in exhibitions that represent Naro-Fominsk from ancient times to the present day. The names and photographs of the townspeople who fought for their Motherland are carefully preserved here.

House with toys

Many visitors to the city will be interested in unusual sights. Naro-Fominsk has an amazing house on its territory. Locals call it the “Wizard’s House.” The small building itself and the buildings adjacent to it are hung with toys, color pictures, and mirrors. The history of this house is amazing. Nikolai Panferov (owner of the “magic” house) recalls that it all started with one toy, once brought to a summer cottage and hung on the fence. The collection began to grow spontaneously, and this process continues to this day. Sometimes tourists come to the house and give toys. Children from orphanages are frequent guests here.

Victory Park

Describing the sights of Naro-Fominsk (you can see the photo in this article), one cannot help but mention this park. It has become a favorite vacation spot for residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict.

The park is located on the Nara embankment. A shady rowan alley and benches make for a pleasant pastime. But the main attraction of this park is the airplane-monument to the pilots who gave their lives during the Second World War.

Any person planning a trip makes a list of attractions in Naro-Fominsk that must be visited. Some plan arbitrary ways to get to know the city, while others prefer different sightseeing tourism programs. Traditionally, they capture the main attractions of Naro-Fominsk and introduce tourists to the main milestones of the history and cultural life of the city.

Art lovers always mark sculptural attractions on the map of Naro-Fominsk. In the central squares of the city you can often visit classical sculptures, against which all travelers take traditional photos. But in the parks beloved by the local population, you can visit exhibitions of hi-tech sculptures and art objects. They can be made from the most unconventional materials and have amazing shapes that you will need to think about more.

Among the main attractions of Naro-Fominsk, objects of religious significance attract much attention. They are an integral part of the appearance of the Russian city, some of them have an interesting and mysterious history. In Naro-Fominsk and outside the city, you can visit the famous monastic monasteries, feel the splendor of iconic Orthodox churches, or go to the modest and miniature chapels that are so popular among local residents.

While exploring the area near the city, you can also stumble upon interesting religious sites. These could be objects of other religious movements, ancient religious buildings, or generally mysterious places of power. Not far from Naro-Fominsk you can see the following: Temple of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dubrovitsa).

A great idea is walking around Naro-Fominsk. You can first get a map of Naro-Fominsk with attractions and routes, or just go wherever your heart desires. This makes it even more exciting. Allow yourself to get lost in the ancient streets or take a walk in the parks. And if you get tired, you can have a snack or order a cup of coffee in some cozy cafe. By the way, in Naro-Fominsk there are a couple of famous establishments that any guest of the city wants to visit.

If you want to thoroughly study the historical past and modern life of the city, go to the museum institutions of Naro-Fominsk. They contain extensive collections of folk studies, paintings, objects of folk art and everyday life, and archeology. Traditionally, these attractions are located in the center.

At the same time, thematic open-air museums can often be found outside the city. They organize interesting exhibitions telling about national traditions and folk art. Moreover, this can be a format of realistic recreation of ancient cities or military fortresses. These attractions of Naro-Fominsk will be interesting for children.

For family travelers, the main question is always on the agenda: where to go with children. The most popular offer is to go to one of the aquatic complexes in Naro-Fominsk. Most often, there are discounts when ordering a family pass for the whole day.

If you are planning a trip in winter or spring, it is worth considering the ski resorts of Naro-Fominsk for active leisure. There is a lot of entertainment for children and parents: various slopes for skiers and snowboarders, snow tubing, interesting snow parks for experts. As a rule, these resorts are located several tens of kilometers from the city, for example: Lata Track, Iksha (sports park), Chulkovo Ski Resort, Malakhovo (ski resort), Novoperedelkino Ski Slope. So it’s easier to arrive at the place with your own car or rent a car.

An excellent idea for a family vacation is active nature tourism. Such attractions are usually located near Naro-Fominsk. These can be reservoirs, gorges, famous protected areas. Where better to go is always up to you. You can get to these natural attractions either independently or using the services of public carriers. Study in advance the traffic pattern of shuttle buses starting from the city bus stations in the direction you need. In such an adventure you will get many pleasant impressions from being in nature and will put your mind and body in order.

If you came to the city for business purposes, then you do not have free time for long excursion trips. In such circumstances, we advise you to buy a condensed guide to the sights of Naro-Fominsk with photos and descriptions.

You can certainly find such a guide upon arrival in the city at souvenir kiosks at railway stations or at the airport. This guide provides a list of the most iconic places to go in Naro-Fominsk, with names and photos of attractions. Agree, this greatly simplifies the task of what to see in Naro-Fominsk if you have a tight time limit.

But, if the printed catalog describes the most popular places in Naro-Fominsk, then online you can find a list of little-known, but no less interesting attractions with reviews from experienced travelers. Abandoned quarries, mysterious craters, unusual railway tracks, bridges - such attractions attract adventure seekers. For example: Position A-135 of the Moscow missile defense system.

When planning a trip to Naro-Fominsk, we recommend that you find out not only about the attractions, but also about other important city sites. To move around the city, it is good to understand the routes of public transport, the localization of railway and bus stations or ports, and metro stations. Nevertheless, these large transport hubs of Naro-Fominsk can become objects of tourist interest. Often they become the calling card of the city.

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