Not with short adjectives. Integrated and separate writing not with adjectives

The rules for writing the particle “not” with one or another part of speech take up a sufficient amount of time in the educational process. However, the rules of the Russian language are so diverse that, unfortunately, difficulties arise not only for guests of our homeland, but also for the residents of the country themselves. Today we will look at how to spell “not” with adjectives, as well as with other parts of speech.

Writing the particle "not" with adjectives

Continuous writing

  • If you can find a synonym for a word

For example, bad - bad, inexpensive - cheap.

Note: if there is an explanatory word in the text, the spelling of the particle remains unchanged.

For example, an area unfamiliar to me, reasons unknown to us.

  • If the adjective is not used without the particle "not"

For example, careless (hairstyle), homely (appearance), clumsy (girl).

  • If the adjective ends in "my"

For example, incorrigible, indestructible.

  • If the sentence contains opposition expressed by the conjunction “but”

For example, the river is shallow, but cold.

  • If the sentence contains an addition using the conjunctions “a” and “but” without opposition (that is, the conjunctions are equal in meaning to the conjunction “and”)

For example, the House is small, but spacious.

  • If there are adverbs of measure and degree in the text (absolutely, completely, too, slightly, extremely, almost)

For example, Completely irrelevant information.

Note: The short form of an adjective with "not" is written the same way as its long form.

For example, an incurable disease is an incurable disease.

Separate writing

  • If the sentence contains opposition expressed by conjunctions

For example, the Man is not young, but old.

  • If the sentence contains negative pronouns and particles intended to enhance the negative load (nobody, nothing, not at all, far, not at all)

For example, Nobody needs information. An unremarkable day.

  • The presence of a comparative adjective in the text

For example, a winter down jacket was no warmer than a coat.

  • If the adjective is hyphenated

For example, not trade and economic activity (store).

  • As with all the rules of the Russian language, there are words whose spelling you just need to remember

For example, not happy, not eager, does not agree, not ready, not similar, wrong.

Note: The short form of an adjective is written with "not" in the same way as its full form.

For example, The child is not stupid, but smart - the child is not stupid, but smart.

Check out our article. In the publication you will also find rules for writing particles with participles.

It is most convenient to check the spelling of a particle according to the rules, which are presented in the form of a table.

General rules for writing particles with different parts of speech

  1. The particle is written together with all parts of speech if the word is not used without “not”.
  2. Usually the particle is written separately with verbs and gerunds. Exception: if the word is not used without "not". Second exception: the prefix "under".
  3. The particle is written together with nouns and adjectives, if you can find a word with a similar meaning.
  4. The particle is written together with adjectives if there is opposition in the text.
  5. The particle is written separately from the nouns if there is a contrast in the sentence.
  6. The particle is written together with negative pronouns (for example, there is no one, there is nothing).
  7. With other pronouns, the particle is supposed to be written separately (for example, not to me).

You can check the spelling of a particle by turning to a spelling dictionary for help. For example, the spelling of some words can be found.

Another assistant will be an online service (for example, Yandex dictionary).

In addition, it is important to distinguish between the particle “not” and “nor”. You can read the rules in more detail.

Interesting facts about the Russian language

The longest Russian word contains thirty-five letters. In the Russian language, there are words starting with the letter “y” and words containing three letters “e” in a row. Curious to know the details? Then read on.

  1. The longest Russian word, which was registered in the Guinness Book of Records in 1993, is “X-ray electrocardiographic”. Ten years later, a new word appeared, the length of which is two letters longer - “overly considerate.”
  2. We have words that begin with the letter "s". However, these words are the names of Russian rivers, cities and villages (for example, Ygyatta - a river in the west of Yakutia or Ynakhsyt - a village in Yakutia).
  3. A word that has three letters "e" in a row is "snake eater". In addition, words ending in "neck" also contain three letters (for example, long-necked, short-necked).
  4. Many words that contain the letter "f" are borrowed from other languages ​​(for example, federation, jacket, professor).
  5. The Russian language has more than seventy words starting with the letter "y" (for example, yeti, iota, yohimbine). Few people know about the existence, much less the meaning, of these words. The average person's vocabulary contains three or four words starting with the letter "y" (yoga, iodine, yogurt).
  6. The word "take out" has no root.
  7. In the Russian language there is only one monosyllabic adjective (which has one syllable) - “evil”.
  8. The Russian scientist and writer, as well as the compiler of an explanatory dictionary, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, proposed replacing the Greek word “atmosphere” with the Russian “kolozemitsa” or “myrokolitsa”.
  9. In Rus', abusive words were called “ridiculous verbs.”
  10. A verb in Russian can be incompletely conjugated. This verb is called "insufficient". A striking example of this is the word “win”. The verb does not have a first person singular form. That is, you cannot say “I will win” or “I will win.” In this case, substitute structures come to the rescue - I will win or I will become a winner.

Continuous writing

1. The particle not with adjectives is written together if the adjective without is not used: an innocent act, a restless child, inseparable friends, an ignorant person, remarkable abilities, a gentle character, insatiable ambition, unsightly appearance. This also includes many adjectives that are not used without -my: unshakable foundations, unimaginable noise, irreconcilable enemies, unshakable faith, an unfulfillable dream, an inexhaustible source, inevitable death, indescribable joy, an infallible conclusion, etc.

2. The particle is not written together with the full and short forms of adjectives, in which this particle is a prefix that forms a new word (such an adjective can be replaced with a synonym); cf.: incorrect information (= erroneous, false) - information is incorrect; not a stupid person (^smart enough) - a person is not stupid; uncomplicated games (=simple) - games are uncomplicated; not an easy task (-difficult) - the task is not easy; a timid person (-brave) - this man is not timid. Wed. also: Wrote a lot of unnecessary words (Bl.) - “superfluous”; Unfed horses ate all the bark on the trees of the garden (Pieces) - “hungry”; I realized that their conversation was informal (TV) - “comradely”; Unconventional thinking is a characteristic feature of a real scientist (gaz.) - “original”; Some dry and untalented natures do not know this romantic period (Hertz.) - “mediocre, mediocre.”

3. The particle is not written together with adjectives if the explanatory words are quantitative adverbs almost, absolutely, very, completely, unusually, extremely, very, extremely, extremely, too, so much, completely, decisively, more than, etc., and also the words most, such, such, so, as, reinforcing the new meaning that the adjective began to express, merging with the particle not: a very imperfect drawing; an extremely sloppy person; a very difficult burden; a highly inflexible person; an extremely immodest statement; more than an unrealistic view; Monographs and “chronicles” are extremely pathetic and very unreliable (Bl.); Verhaeren's external biography is very simple (Bl.); All this is conscientiously compiled into four acts, but it is so uninteresting and so new (Bl.). The function of quantitative adverbs can also be performed by the adverbs annoyingly, surprisingly, devilishly, damnably, scary, creepily, etc.: an amazingly unadapted person; a devilishly difficult task; damn uncooperative client; a terribly unfavorable agreement; deeply uneducated person; The public around is annoyingly uninteresting (G.).

Note. With explanatory words, both combined and separate writing not with adjectives is completely possible. If at all, they mean “completely, very”, the particle is not written together with adjectives: The commander of the vehicle... was below average height, the turret gunner... even shorter, and the driver... of very short stature (TV .) - “very small”; The method of solving this problem is completely unsatisfactory - “completely unsatisfactory”; These, as you see, completely unpretentious words feed him, water him and clothe him (T.) - “very unpretentious, simple, ordinary.”

1. Adjectives that are not used without are written together with nouns, for example: careless, homely, hostile.

2. Written together with non-adjectives, which in combination with do not acquire the opposite meaning; Usually such words can be replaced with synonyms without not. For example: small (cf.: small), unmarried (cf.: single), unreal (cf.: false, feigned).

Note: It is not always possible to find such a synonym, but the affirmative connotation of meaning contained in the adjective serves as the basis for continuous writing, for example: Someone not from here is sitting on a stone in the chapel (Zhukovsky); Gerwig had a kind of unmanly effeminacy (Herzen); His young pranks... were determined by childish thoughtfulness (Leonov).

3. They are written separately from non-adjectives if there is or is implied opposition, for example: the problem is not simple, but complex; the relationship is not hostile, the light is not harsh, the milk is not sour, the meat is not fresh, the look is not kind, the task is not urgent; Not many of those present supported the speaker (one thinks: ... but a few).

4. As a rule, it is not written separately with relative adjectives, giving negation to the attribute they express, for example: the watch is not gold, the honey is not linden, the sky here is not southern. Of the qualitative adjectives, this includes adjectives that denote color and which, in combination with not, form words with the opposite meaning, for example: the paint is not blue, the binding is not yellow, the shade is not gray.

In this case, the syntactic function of the adjective is taken into account: the rule usually applies to adjectives in the role of a predicate, since the intended opposition gives the statement the character of a generally negative judgment expressed by the particle not, but may not apply to adjectives in the role of a determiner. Wed: these people are not from here - to shine with unearthly beauty; paper that is not white – non-white citizens (colored); logic is not feminine - the girl reasoned with unfeminine logic; the shape is not round - a bill for a non-round amount of 119 rubles (figurative meaning of the word).

Note. In some cases, double interpretation and, as a consequence, double spelling are possible; cf.: this task is not difficult ("ease" is affirmed) - this task is not difficult ("difficulty" is denied); before us is an unusual phenomenon (i.e. rare) - before us is not an ordinary phenomenon (a contrast is imagined: ... but exceptional, out of the ordinary). When written separately, the logical stress falls on the particle not. A broader context is needed when addressing such issues.

5. There is a distinction between the opposition expressed by the conjunction a and the opposition expressed by the conjunction but. In the first one, one of the two opposite signs is denied, and the other is affirmed, for example: the river is not deep, but shallow; with the second, there are no concepts that are opposite to each other, they are completely compatible, i.e. two attributes are simultaneously attributed to an object without denying one of them, for example: the river is shallow, but cold. In the first case it is not written separately, in the second it is written together.

6. The presence of explanatory words, as a rule, does not affect the continuous writing not with adjectives (cf.: writing not with participles, §70, paragraph 2), for example: an author unfamiliar to us, facts unknown to science, a remark inappropriate in the given conditions, an error that is invisible at first glance, words that are incomprehensible to the student, details that are unnecessary for the case, conclusions that are incorrect in many respects; a case unlike others; behavior unworthy of a decent person; site unsuitable for construction; a lake invisible behind the forest (everywhere a negative sign is affirmed, and a positive one is not denied).

Note 1. Separate writing not with an adjective that has explanatory words is found:

1) for adjectives that have different meanings in their full and short forms (see paragraph 8 below), for example: an actor who is not ready to go out, a child who is not prone to colds;

2) if there are negative pronouns and adverbs (starting with neither) or combinations as explanatory words, far from, not at all, not at all, for example: unknown address, innocent people, not at all understandable expression, not at all harmful drink, far from a simple solution, not at all a fruitless search, by no means a new plot; Wed: in ways unknown to me - in ways unknown to anyone; but: Nothing is impossible in life; There is nothing illegal in what my neighbor is accused of (the negative pronoun does not depend on adjectives, but is itself explained by them);

3) sometimes when placing an adjective with dependent words after the defined noun, for example: enterprises not subordinate to the trust (under conditions of isolation, the construction with the adjective approaches in meaning to the participial phrase); cf: the chess player played in a style that was unusual for him - traits that are not typical of our youth.

Note 2. If the explanatory word is an adverb of measure and degree (very, extremely, very, almost, adverbial expression to the highest degree, etc.), then it is not written together with the adjective, for example: a very ugly act, an extremely inappropriate attack , very poor performance, almost unfamiliar text, extremely illegible handwriting.

Note 3. If there is an adverb as an explanatory word, it is entirely possible to write both together and separately not with adjectives, which is associated with two meanings in which the specified adverb is used:

1) “completely, very”;

2) “not at all”, “in no way”;

cf.: a completely unnecessary meeting (completely unnecessary, superfluous) is not a random meeting at all (not at all random, the logical emphasis does not fall on it). In some cases, both interpretations and, as a result, both spellings are possible, for example: very small achievements (small, modest) - not at all great achievements (not at all large). In these cases, a broader context is not needed to resolve the issue of writing (see also note to paragraph 4). Continuous writing is typical for informative texts, separate writing is typical for polemical texts.

The adverb itself allows for a double interpretation:

1) “not at all”;

2) “absolutely, completely” - in a conversational style of speech;

cf.: Against revival, he spoke inconsistently, was confused, and gave not at all convincing arguments. – The authors of these works are less popular or completely unknown scientists. As with absolutely, the final decision depends on the nature of the text.

7. With short adjectives, the negation is not written in basically the same way as with full ones: together in the absence of opposition and separately in its presence, for example: the room is not high - the room is not high, an incomprehensible question - the question is incomprehensible, an invalid transaction - an invalid transaction in violation of the law; the novel is not interesting, but boring; The bay is shallow, but convenient for sailing on a motor boat.

Wed. writing in the presence of various explanatory words: Searching for materials on the chosen topic is not difficult for him; People were too unsure about the future; He is completely unfamiliar with the latest advances in animal science. – No control is possible here anymore; They are not alike in any way. Wed. also: This river is always restless. This river is never calm.

8. Written separately from short adjectives that are not used in full form or have a different meaning in full form, for example: not ready to leave, should not do this, does not intend to remain silent, is not obliged to help, is not glad to meet you, is not inclined to believe , not in the mood for conversation.

Note. Depending on the meaning, not with short adjectives, as with full ones, it is written either together or separately; compare: our family is not rich (about the same as poor) - our family is not rich (i.e. of average income); this girl is ugly (a negative attribute is affirmed) - this girl is not beautiful (a positive attribute is denied), the address is unknown ("unknown" is affirmed) - the address is unknown ("fame" is denied). Wed. See also: It's not a big problem. – It would seem that this distance is not great for stayers.

Separate writing in pairs is more common: not needed - unnecessary, not right - wrong, disagree - disagree, unable - incapable (usually in these cases the negation of a positive attribute is felt more than the affirmation of a negative one).

9. Double spelling is also found in combinations not with the comparative degree of adjectives, for example: This screensaver is uglier than that one (more ugly). – This screensaver is not more beautiful than that one (does not have greater beauty); That night the patient's sleep was more restless than the previous one (it was even more restless). – That night the patient’s sleep was no more restful than the previous one (it was no more restful).

It is written separately: not lower, not higher, not better, not worse, not closer, not poorer, etc. (private form of writing not with comparative degree of adjectives).

It is written separately not with the forms greater, lesser, better, worse, for example: with no less success, with no better chances.

10. The spelling differs not with verbal adjectives in -my and with participles in -my; if there are explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominate adjectives), the second ones are written separately, for example:

a) an island uninhabited for a long time, crystals insoluble in water, figures of people indistinguishable in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, magazines not read by non-specialists, a child not loved by the mother.

Adjectives in -my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words are subject to the general rules of spelling not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and with explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in a short form (for example: the island is uninhabited, the disease is incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of writing adjectives separately from not remains in force if the explanatory words are pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all (see above, paragraph 6, note 1, subparagraph 2 ), for example: an incomparable impression, countries not dependent on anyone, not at all soluble crystals; This phenomenon cannot be eliminated either from life or from art. The exception is words that are not used without meaning, for example: an invincible army, an incomprehensible case for anyone, a unique experiment under no circumstances.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling not with words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be either passive participles of the present tense or adjectives (in the first case, the spelling with is not separate, in the second - continuous). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Compare: a child not loved by the mother - unloved games in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement not inhibited by air - the side of the Moon invisible from Earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxed, inalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their writing in the presence of explanatory words: a number indivisible by three, unforgettable meetings for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, feelings inexpressible in simple words, accounts unverifiable for a long time, dirt impassable in the spring, indeclinable nouns in the Russian language , intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

11. It is not written separately with an adjective in an interrogative sentence if the negation is logically emphasized, for example: Isn’t this position clear without any evidence? Who doesn't know the names of our cosmonauts?

Note. If the negation is not emphasized, then a continuous spelling is used, for example: Is this position unclear? Is this statement wrong? (replacement possible: Is this statement erroneous?)

  1. if the adjective is not used without Not , For example: Not sloppy, Not molded, Not separated, Not conquerable;
  2. If Not serves to form a new adjective, which can be replaced with a word or expression that is similar in meaning, for example: Not high(short), Not polite(rude). In this case Not is a prefix.
  3. If the adjective contains the words Very , very , extremely , enough , absolutely and some others that enhance the degree of manifestation of the symptom, for example: It was very Not high fence; It was extremely Not polite answer.

NOT a negative particle and is written separately with adjectives:

  1. if there is or is implied opposition, for example: The house was Not high and low; The answer was Not polite but rude;
  2. if the adjective uses negative particles not far , not at all, not at all , For example: not far polite answer; not at all good mood;
  3. if the adjective has dependent words with neither , For example: not to anyone interesting article, not at all difficult task.

NOT with short adjectives

Spelling Not with short adjectives, the meaning of which is the same as full ones, is subject to the same rules as spelling Not with full adjectives, for example: ceiling Not high(low); ceiling very short ; ceiling Not high and low; ceiling Not high(which one?).

Integrated and separate writing Not with short adjectives helps in writing to distinguish the meaning of what the writer wants to express, for example: story uninteresting (quite boring) - story Not interesting(i.e. it cannot be said that it is boring, but it is not read with great interest); road not wide (quite narrow) - road Not wide a (i.e. it cannot be said that it is narrow, but not very wide).


There is a small group of short adjectives with which Not always written separately. Such adjectives either do not have a full form, or have a different meaning in their full form, for example: not happy, shouldn’t, not capable, not ready, not needed, doesn’t agree, not obligated.

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The question of how to spell “not” with adjectives is quite complex, since choosing the correct option will depend on many factors, and there are exceptions. In the article we will present systematized data that will allow you to better understand spelling rules and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Let's consider when “not” is written together and when separately with adjectives. Examples will also be presented.

Continuous writing options

“Not” is written together with adjectives in the following cases:

1. When a word without this morpheme is not used at all. For example, careless, nondescript (after all, there are no words “careless”, “disgusting”).

2. If the adjective can be replaced with some synonym that does not contain “not”. For example, sad (sad); unmarried (single). It should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to find a synonym without “not”; in this case, it is permissible to clarify the adjective with some expression close in meaning. For example, non-feminine strength (that is, similar to male strength); non-childish thoughtfulness (that is, the same as in adults).

Separate writing option

“Not” is written separately with adjectives if:

1. There is a contrast. So, in sentences where one part of speech is contrasted with another using the conjunction “a”, the adjective with “not” will be written separately. This rule applies to both long and short forms. For example, it is not interesting, but boring; not sincere, but feigned.

This prescription also applies when there is no explicit opposition, but it is implied. Here's an example. We are not observing ordinary weather (that is, not ordinary, but exceptional). Please note that the meaning in such sentences can be interpreted in different ways. Compare two options:

  • This is not a difficult question (...but a simple one, that is, you do not think that the question is difficult).
  • This is not a difficult question (that is, easy).


Many people think about how “not” is written with adjectives in sentences where there is opposition, but not with the conjunction “a”, but with the conjunction “but”. Doubts arise for good reason, because, indeed, such a case is an exception, and the adjective in this situation will be written with “not” together. The fact is that the conjunction “but” performs a different function in a sentence: we also see two signs, but the second of them exists both simultaneously with the first, and as if in spite of it. Here are some examples:

  • The question is not simple, but complex.
  • The issue is not simple, but solvable (yes, it is not simple, but it can still be solved).

2. There is a denial of some quality or property. So, they are written with “not” separately characterizing a permanent property of an object. It is also possible to select a contrast for them. For example, the spoons are not steel (...but silver); honey is not linden (...but flower).

As for how “not” is written with adjectives that characterize the quality of an object, there are some nuances here. Separately, you should write “not” with qualitative parts of speech that denote color. In combination with this particle, such adjectives express insufficient manifestation or absence of quality. For example, the shade is not blue; the paint is not yellow.

3. There is an underlined statement. If in an interrogative or simply emotionally charged sentence an adjective expresses an underlined statement, then it will be written separately with “not”. Such a sentence can be mentally supplemented with an answer. Let's give examples.

  • Who doesn't know this movie! - Yes, he is known to everyone.
  • Isn't this clear without explanation? - Yes, I understand.

Spelling “not” with adjectives if there are explanatory words

1. If explanatory words such as “not at all”, “at all”, “far” are used, the adjective with “not” is written separately. The same applies to cases where adverbs starting with “neither” are used (for example, not at all) and some negative pronouns (for example, no one). For example, not a dependent woman at all; far from a close path; It's not a sad film at all.

The same rule applies to adjectives ending in “-my”. For example, incomparable to anyone; not dependent at all.


If the function is more reminiscent of a noun, that is, it is not dependent on the adjective, but, on the contrary, is explained by it, then “not” is written together with the word. For example, I haven't done anything illegal.

2. If there are other explanatory words besides those listed in the first paragraph, “not” with the adjective is also written together. Let's give examples.

  • You made a remark that was inappropriate in this situation (that is, the remark is not appropriate - a negative sign is asserted).
  • These are words that we do not understand (that is, we do not understand the words).
  • This is an unsuitable place for games (that is, the place is not suitable for games).

The rule also applies to adjectives ending in “-my”, such as waterproof, independent, incorrigible, fireproof, indestructible, etc., including their short forms. Let's give examples.

  • He set a previously unimaginable record.
  • Our state is economically independent.

3. When next to an adjective there is an adverb of degree or measure (for example, extremely, almost, very, extremely, very, etc.), it will be written together with “not”. For example: a very unlucky day; very ugly behavior.

If the adverbs “at all” and “at all” are used as explanatory words, there are two possible spelling options for the adjective with “not”. It will be written together if the explanatory word is given in the meaning of “completely”, “very”, “absolutely”, and separately - if it means “not at all”, “not at all”, etc. Compare the examples:

  • It was a completely uninteresting performance (statement: yes, not interesting at all).
  • It was not a kind look at all (denial: no, not at all kind).

Comparative degree

If you come across a combination of the particle “not” and an adjective that has a meaning, pay attention to the meaning of the statement - the spelling will depend on this. For clarity, here are some examples:

  • This picture is not more beautiful than that (that is, it is not more beautiful than the other).
  • This picture is uglier than that (that is, less beautiful than the other).

And one more thing...

Adjectives like bigger, smaller, better, worse are written with “not” separately. Examples:

  • He continued to work with no less tenacity.
  • The test did not reveal the best results.

In conclusion

Now you know how to spell “not” with adjectives. And, as you probably already noticed, there are quite a lot of nuances in this matter. To choose the right option, sometimes it is not enough just to remember the rule; you also need to be able to reason logically and correctly determine the meaning of the statement.

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