Unusual deaths of people. The most unusual deaths

The most unusual deaths

270 BC The poet Philetas (Philetas of Cos) died of insomnia while trying to derive Liard's paradox.

207 BC e. The Greek philosopher Chrysippus died laughing while watching his drunken donkey try to eat a fig.

121 BC Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, during the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, was killed for a reward of gold equal to the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder, Septimuleius, beheaded Gaius, cleared his skull of brains and filled the cranial cavity with molten lead. Once the lead had hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. Septimuleius received gold weighing seventeen pounds.

260 BC e. The Roman Emperor Valerian, after being defeated in battle, was captured by the Persians and then used as a stool at the feet of King Shapur I. After being humiliated for a long time in this way, he offered a huge ransom for his release. In response, Shapur poured molten gold down his throat. Then he skinned the unfortunate Valerian and stuffed his effigy with straw and dung, and placed it on display for everyone in the Persian temple. It was only after the defeat of Persia in their last war with Rome three and a half centuries later that his remains were buried..

668 Constans II of the Byzantine Empire was killed in a bath (Daphne baths) by a eunuch, Andreas. He smashed his head with a marble soap dish.

1277 Pope John XXI died in the collapsed building of his scientific laboratory.

1327 Edward II was executed after the defeat. A piece of hot iron was inserted into his anus.

1478 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence was executed. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine.

1514 Gyorgy Dozsa, leader of a peasant revolt in Hungary, was roasted alive on a white-hot metal chair. His associates were forced to eat his meat.

1559 King Henry II of France was killed in a knight's duel when a spear, covered with a soft lattice of gold, pierced his eye, penetrated his brain.

1573: Matija Gubec, leader of the peasant uprising in the Kingdom of Croatia, was crowned with a crown of red-hot iron.

1671 François Vatel, Louis XIV's cook, committed suicide out of shame because he was late in receiving the fish ordered for the royal table. His body was discovered by his assistant, who was sent to report the arrival of the order.

1791 or 1793. Frantisek Kotzwara, double bassist and composer, died of suffocation while having sex with a prostitute.

1834 David Douglas, a Scottish botanist, fell into a pit trap with a bull chasing him. The bull gored him to death and most likely trampled him.

1850 Zachary Taylor, the twelfth President of the United States, ate too much ice cream after a ceremony on a particularly hot 4th of July day. He then suffered from indigestion and died five days later, after only 16 months in office. Many said that he might have been poisoned, but after his exhumation in 1991, doctors ruled that he was not poisoned.

1884 Allan Pinkerton, a detective, died of gangrene after biting his tongue while tripping on a sidewalk.

1899 French President Felix Faure died of a stroke while having a blow job in his office.

1911 Jack Daniel, the founder of Jack Daniel whiskey, died of blood poisoning, six years after he injured his leg when he kicked it in anger over forgetting the combination to a safe.

1916 Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after being poisoned, beaten, castrated, and suffering multiple gunshot wounds to the head, lungs and liver. Strange, but he died precisely because he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas (J.G. Parry-Thomas), an English racing driver, was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record from last year. Even though he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record of 171 miles per hour.

1927 Isadora Duncan, a dancer, died from accidental suffocation and a broken neck when her scarf got caught in the tire of the car she was driving.

1928 Alexander Bogdanov, a Russian doctor, died after one of his experiments in which the blood of students suffering from malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1941 Sherwood Anderson, a writer, swallowed a toothpick at a party and then died from inflammation of the peritoneum.

1943 “Lady be Good”, a US Air Force bomber went off course and landed in the Libyan desert. The mummified remains of its crew, who survived a week without water, were found in 1960.

1943 Critic Alexander Woollcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.

1944 Chemist and inventor Thomas Midgley, Jr., accidentally strangled himself in his own mechanical bed design.

1960 The famous baritone Leonard Warren died on stage in New York from a stroke while performing La forza del destino. His last words were: “Morir? Tremenda cosa.” (“To die? A great honor.”)

1978 Georgiy Markov, a Bulgarian dissident, was poisoned in London by an unknown person who shot him from an umbrella with a special small ball bullet full of poison - ricin.

1978 Claude Francois, a French pop singer, died from an electric shock when he tried to change a light bulb while standing in a full bathtub.

1981 A 25-year-old Dutch woman studying in Paris, Renee Hartevelt, was killed and eaten by a classmate, Issei Sagawa, after he invited her to lunch. The killer was sent back to Japan, after which he was released from custody.

1993 Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, was killed while filming The Crow. No one knew that instead of blank cartridges, there was one real one in the pistol.

2003 Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose in front of everyone. During an internet chat, his death was broadcast live on webcams.

2003 Timothy Treadwell, an American zoologist who lived alone in Alaska with bears for thirteen years, was eaten alive by one of the shaggy bears, apparently in a bad mood.

2005 year. 28-year-old Korean video game fan Lee Seung Seop fell and died in an Internet Cafe after playing Starcraft for 50 hours non-stop.

2006 Steve Irwin, a television star and outdoor enthusiast and intrepid crocodile hunter, accidentally died after being stabbed by a stingray's tail.

2006 Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB spy who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned with polonium-210, an extremely rare radioactive material.

2007 Jennifer Strange, a 28-year-old Sacramento woman, died of water intoxication while trying to win a Nintendo Wii in a local radio station contest. At the competition, you had to drink the most water without going to the toilet.

Hit parade of stupid deaths

Number 7.
A young Canadian, thinking how to get drunk cheaper, because he had no money, mixed gasoline with milk. Of course, such a mixture made him vomit, and he could not find a better place to vomit than a burning fireplace. As a result
an explosion and fire that burned the entire house killed him and his sister.

Number 6
A 34-year-old white man found dead in the basement of his home was suffocated to death, police said. His height was approximately 185 cm and his weight was 100 kg. He was wearing a pleated skirt, a white bra, black and white riding boots and a woman's wig. It looked like he was trying to dress up like a schoolgirl in uniform. He was also wearing a gas mask, which did not have a filter, but instead there was a piece of rubber hose. The other end of the hose was connected to a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm and a length of 30 cm. The far end of the pipe, for unknown reasons, was inserted into the anus of the deceased, which was the cause of suffocation. For a long time, the police could not find words to explain the causes of death to his family.

Number 5.
Three Brazilians were flying in a light private jet at low altitude. When another plane approached them, they seemed to decide to collectively show their asses to its passengers, but lost control of their plane and crashed. They were all found dead in the rubble with their pants pulled down to their ankles.

Number 4.
A 22-year-old man from Glade Drive, Virginia, was found dead after he tried to use bungee cords to jump from a 23-meter train tower. Fairfax County police said Eric Barcia, a diner worker, tied several ropes together, caught one end on a tower, the other on his leg, jumped off and hit the asphalt. Warren Carmichael, a police spokesman, said he believed Barcia was alone and his car was found near the scene. “The length of the cord,” he added, “was greater than the distance from the top of the tower to the ground.” Police listed the cause of death as "major trauma."

Number 3.
An Alabama man died from a rattlesnake bite. It appears he and a friend were playing catch (catching a baseball with a glove) using the snake as a ball. A friend, no doubt a future Darwin Prize candidate, was hospitalized.

Number 2.
Employees at a medium-sized warehouse in West Texas smelled gas. As expected, the manager evacuated the entire building and turned off all possible sources of ignition: lights, electrical appliances, etc. After this, two technicians from the gas company arrived. Entering the building, they discovered that they could not move in complete darkness. As luck would have it, not a single switch worked. Witnesses later described how they saw one of the technicians reaching into his pocket and pulling out an object that resembled a lighter. As a result of the use of an object resembling a lighter, the gas in the building exploded, spreading pieces of the structure over a radius of up to three miles. There was nothing left of the technicians, but the lighter was completely undamaged. The technician who caused the explosion was always considered "dumb" among his colleagues.

And finally, the winner.

Following a bet made by two of his buddies, Everitt Sanchez attempted to wash his balls in the golf ball washer at a local golf club. Proving once again that beer and testosterone are an unfortunate mixture, Sanchez managed to straddle the car wash and dangle his scrotum into the car. Much to his chagrin, one of his buddies upped the ante by spinning the serve on the machine, with Sanchez's scrotum still in the ball-washing position, both testicles clamped tightly into the mechanism. Sanchez, whose threshold for tolerating pain was immediately exceeded, fell and fell off the side of the car. Unfortunately for him, the height of the sink was a full foot higher from the ground than the height of his scrotum in its normal state, and the scrotum was the weak link. The scrotum was torn, and one testicle was torn out of it forever, remaining in the sink, and the other was compressed and fairly flattened as a result of being pulled between the body of the machine and the rotating mechanism inside. To add insult to injury, Sanchez broke the new golf club he had bought for $300 the day before and was trying to balance while standing in the car wash. Sanchez was taken to the hospital, and his friends were asked to leave the club. This case officially seemed unworthy of an award, since the idiot survived. But since he will no longer be able to reproduce as a result of an idiotic act, they decided to recognize the case as counted

Hit parade of the stupidest inventions

Tenth place
The tenth place in terms of absurdity is occupied by a children's tricycle equipped with a lawn mower. It is attached to the back and, when the bike is moving, it cuts the grass. The invention is intended for those who teach their children to work from an early age. And in an unobtrusive form. According to the designer, the child should enjoy riding a bicycle and at the same time perform the socially useful function of mowing lawns...

Ninth place
A slightly more stupid invention is in ninth place. Mechanical rotating ice cream cup. The essence of the device is to rotate the ice cream cone clockwise. And the person can only stick out his tongue and hold it motionless. The inventor himself, a dentist by profession, spoke about the importance of this invention.

Eighth place
The next position in our rating will be of interest to tourists. Sleeping bag with zippers. Fasteners for going to bed at night to relieve yourself, big or small, without leaving your sleeping bag. Depending on the degree of need, additional zippers are located on the front and back of the wonderful bag. At the end of the night's mission, all that remains is to zip it back up and continue to sleep. The main thing is to be more careful with lightning when you are awake. Otherwise, trouble may happen.

Seventh place
In seventh place on the hit parade of the most stupid inventions is the beer umbrella. We all would like cool beer in the heat. Inventors offer the best way to keep the temperature of the drink low and protect it from exposure to sunlight. A small umbrella is attached to a special holder directly to the bottle. This way the beer stays cold and they look at you like you're an idiot.

Sixth place
According to statistics, the most dangerous type of transport is a motorcycle. A motorcycle driver, picking up high speed, risks breaking his neck by accidentally falling to the ground. Inventors for safe driving! They came up with an inflatable suit especially for motorcyclists. As soon as a person begins to fall, the suit is filled with compressed air. The motorcycle was shattered, but the driver's life was saved.

Fifth place
In fifth place are watches for dogs. The inventors were once struck by the question of why human friends are deprived of the ability to independently find out the time. A solution was found immediately. Ordinary wristwatch. They only show dog time. As you know, a dog's life is seven times shorter than a human's. That's why the dog clock runs seven times faster. I think it's very logical.

Fourth place
The inventors offered an interesting thing to criminologists. It turns out that interrogations of dangerous criminals must be carried out with the help of a mechanical skeleton. That is, the skeleton is in the room with the criminal, and his actions are controlled by an investigator from the next room. Cameras are installed in the eye sockets of the skull, with their help you can observe the reaction of the suspect. It is implied that the criminal will become afraid to communicate with the human skeleton, and he will quickly split.

Third place
An honorable third place is occupied by a wig on a spring. A bald man wearing a wig can amuse others at any time by discreetly pressing a button. His wig will fly over his head and start bouncing. There is no practical benefit from the invention, but there is more than enough fun.

Second place
Saving people in a gas-filled room is the priority task of any inventor. And that's what they offer. If a fire occurs, you need to quickly run to the toilet. A special device, a long rubber tube, is stored there. You need to insert it into the toilet drain hole, then further into the pipe through which fecal water flows. As the water flows downwards, air remains at the top, which can be breathed using this tube. Of course, the aroma is not pleasant, but human life is at stake

First place
In first place on the hit parade of the most idiotic inventions is a device for a radical fight against obesity. Down with all massagers, creams, ointments and pills! Down with vibrating belts, vitamin supplements and morning jogging! Down with diets! Overweight can be dealt with much easier. It is enough to wear a special muzzle mask. You can breathe, talk, smoke cigarettes in it, but you cannot eat food. The mask is secured with a lock, the key to which is kept by another person. These were the methods used to combat adultery in the Middle Ages. True, then the mask was put on in a different place. But the meaning hasn't changed at all...

The most ridiculous deaths in the world
Debbie Mills, a 99-year-old Newbrafton resident, was killed while crossing the road. She would have turned 100 the next day, but as she was crossing the road with her daughter on their way to her birthday party, her wheelchair was hit by a truck delivering her birthday cake.

Peter Stone, 42, was killed by his 8-year-old daughter, whom he had just sent to her room without dinner. Young Samantha Stone decided that since she couldn’t have dinner, no one else would, so she quickly slipped 72 tablets of rat poison into her dad’s coffee while he was preparing dinner. The victim took one sip and died immediately. Samantha Stone was given a suspended sentence because the judge found she didn't realize what she was doing - until she tried to poison her mother in the same way a month later.

David Danil, 17, was killed by his girlfriend after he tried to sexually assault her. His uninvited advances were met with a double-barreled shotgun. Carla's (friend's) father gave her a weapon an hour before the date, just in case.

Javier Halos, 27 years old, was killed by the owner of Javier's rented apartment because he had not paid rent for 8 years. The landlord, Kirk Weston, beat the victim to death with a toilet seat after realizing how long it had been since Mr Halos last paid rent.

Megan Fry, 44, was killed by 14 patrol officers when she wandered into a live-fire simulation at a purpose-built city station. When Megan Frye saw the patrol officers walking slowly down the street, she jumped out in front of them and barked, “Boo!” The patrol, thinking that it was a suddenly appearing target for shooting, fired 67 shots, of which more than 40 hit the target. “She just looked like a very realistic target,” one of the patrolmen testified in the report.

Julia Smith, 20, was killed by her brother Michael for hanging on the phone for too long. Michael beat his sister to death with a cordless phone and then stabbed her several times with a broken antenna.

Helena Simms, the wife of the famous American nuclear physicist Harold Simms, was killed by her husband after cheating on him with a neighbor. For 3 months, Harold replaced Helena's eye shadow with a highly radioactive uranium composite until she died from exposure. Despite the fact that Helena suffered from many symptoms of radiation sickness, including complete baldness, skin ulcers, blindness and extreme nausea, even one of her earlobes fell off, she never saw a doctor.

Army sergeant John Joe Winter killed his unfaithful wife by loading TNT into the trunk of her car. The Ford Taurus she was driving was filled with 750 kilograms of explosives, creating twice the power of the Oklahoma attack. Some people heard the explosion even 14 kilometers away. There was not a single trace left of either the car or the victim - only a crater 55 meters deep, and the absence of 500 meters of road.

Patti Winter, 35, was killed by a neighbor early Sunday morning. Her neighbor, Flat Heim, kept an F4 Phantom fighter jet engine in his backyard for years. He would sometimes fire up a jet engine aimed at the empty lot behind his house. Patti Winter constantly complained to local police departments about noise and potential fire hazards. Mr. Heim received notice from the police that he must remove the engine immediately. He didn’t like it, and he invited Miss Winter for a cup of coffee to discuss the situation. Only Winter didn't know that he had changed the position of the engine, and when she entered the yard, he started the engine, hitting her with a shock wave of 5000 degrees Celsius, killing her on the spot and imprinting her outline into the path forever.

Michael Lewis, angry at his lover, took inspiration from the movie Die Hard 3. Он накачал наркотиками своего бойфренда, Тони Берри, практически до бессознательного состояния, а потом одел его только в двусторонний белый деревянный щит, на одной стороне которого было написано «Смерть всем ниггерам!», а на другой – «Бог любит KKK». Lewis then drove the victim to downtown Harlem and dropped him off there. Two minutes later, Berry was dead.

Conrad Middleton, 26, was killed by his twin brother Brian after they argued over who should get the house after their parents died. Conrad had a problem with his nose and could not smell. After the quarrel, Brian ran out of the house, and after a while he snuck back in and turned on 3 gas burners, filling the house with gas. Then he left a box of cigars, a lighter and a note: “Sorry for all the noise, I’m treating you to some cigars. Brian". Conrad immediately lit a cigar, thereby destroying the entire house and himself.

The strangest and most ridiculous deaths in human history

Most people pass into another world prosaically - from old age and illness... A few - tragically... But it also happens that the “old woman with a scythe” seems to want to mock a person - she kills stupidly, or even doesn’t want to clean up at all... For the time being... Sometimes circumstances the death of a person seems so strange and incredible that it is difficult to believe that this is not a joke...

Death by Moonlight... Chinese poet Li Po is one of the two most famous and revered in Chinese literature in its entire history. A great lover of liquor, he, when drunk, often recited his immortal creations to random passers-by. One night, Li Po fell out of his boat and drowned in the waters of the Yangtze River while trying to hug the reflection of the moon in the water.

Death because of a beard... Austrian Hans Steininger gained worldwide fame because of the world's longest beard (about 1.4 meters) and...death because of it. In 1567, there was a fire in the city where Hans lived. In his haste, running away from the fire, Hans forgot to pin up his beard so that it would not get under his feet. Accidentally stepping on the tip of his own beard, he lost his balance, fell, broke his neck and died.

Death from “restraint”... The Danish aristocrat and astronomer Tycho Brahe was known for his eccentricity: at dinner parties he was accompanied by a jester - a dwarf who sat under the table during meals; Tycho kept a moose in his castle as a pet; During a duel, the tip of his nose was cut off with a sword, and from then on he wore a special overlay made of gold and silver. Quietly died as eccentrically as he lived...
In 1601, during one of the very long banquets, he could not leave due to necessity (leaving halfway through dinner was considered very bad manners and could be interpreted as rudeness towards the hosts), and was forced to endure for several hours. As a result, an infection formed in the bladder, and the disease provoked by it killed Tycho in a matter of days. An interesting fact is that later historians tried to give Tycho’s death a more “noble” connotation, suggesting that he was poisoned with mercury.

Death from the “conductor’s baton”... While conducting the orchestra during the performance of the Te Deum written for the French king Louis XIV in 1687, Jean-Baptiste Lully was so carried away by maintaining the rhythm, which he beat with the help of a special “conductor’s staff”, that he seriously injured his finger on the foot. However, the conductor refused medical help and continued the rehearsal. The wound on his finger became inflamed and the abscess developed into gangrene, but the stubborn musician refused amputation and died from the spread of the disease. Ironically, the hymn he conducted was dedicated to Louis's successful recovery.

1. Dispute
The winner, Armando Pinelli, a 70-year-old resident of Italy, had a long argument with his neighbor over which of them would sit on the only chair in the shade of a palm tree. He won the argument
after which the tree fell straight on him.

2. Wise advice
In New York, a man was hit by a car. He was not injured at all, but a smart passerby who became a witness advised him to pretend to be seriously injured and demand compensation. The man agreed, but as soon as he lay down in front of the car again, it moved and crushed him to death.

3. Marriage ending
Believing rumors that her husband was cheating on her, Vera Chervak ​​from Prague threw herself from the third floor and fell straight on her husband, who was returning home to his beloved wife. She later came to her senses in the hospital, but the “cheater” died on the spot.

4. Hellwalkers
After watching a Taiwanese supernatural drama, four Chinese teenagers ate a melon filled with rat poison to "go on a trip to hell." They left a note with the words: “If hell is as bad as here, then we will return.” We managed to return two, the rest apparently liked it there.

5. Relaxed
Veteran climber Gerard Omel has made six ascents of Everest. He died at home when, while changing a light bulb, he fell down the stairs and hit his head on the sink.

6. Springed
80-year-old Adelaide Magnoso pulled a folding bed out of her closet and went to bed. She died when the bed unexpectedly returned to its original position.

7. Farewell wave
A South Korean fisherman was preparing his catch for sale. About to gut it, he already raised a knife over it. However, the fish, which turned out to be alive, suddenly swung its tail, causing the weapon to hit him in the chest. He died on the spot.

11. Premature funeral
New Yorker Julia Carson died of a heart attack. That's what the doctors decided. Preparations for the funeral began. Suddenly, during the funeral service, she came to her senses, sat up in the coffin and asked what was happening here. Her daughter Julie died at the scene from shock.

12. Sleep in hand
Linda Goody of Stoneheim, Massachusetts, canceled a cruise to the Caribbean because she dreamed that she was dying in the car. It probably would have been better for her to go after all, because a few days later she was found strangled in her own car in the parking lot.

13. Curious Varvara...
About 50 curious people gathered on a bridge in the Vietnamese city of Ho Chi Minh City to watch the suicide of a young girl. The bridge could not bear their weight and collapsed into the river. Nine people died. The girl was saved.

14. Rabbit Avenger
Farmer Vincent Carroggio was hunting rabbits. Tired, he lay down in the meadow to rest, and put the gun next to him. Running past, the frightened rabbit stepped on the trigger, thereby avenging his killed brothers.

15. You will become an atheist
In Hong Kong, 65-year-old Chai Wan-Fong decided to thank God that her daughter-in-law managed to get out of a car accident unharmed. When she was praying in the courtyard of a multi-story building where she lived with her son’s family, she was killed by a bag of cement that fell from above.

16. "...and died on the same day"
George Story was born almost on the same day as Life magazine. The cover of the new edition featured a photograph of newborn George with the subtitle “Life Begins.” Subsequently, Story's fate was periodically covered on the pages of the magazine - his two marriages, fatherhood, retirement. George, 64, appeared in the final issue, in May 2000, this time under the headline “Life Ends” (referring to the closure of the magazine). A few days later, George Story died of a heart attack.

18. Plyushkin is resting
Amygdalia Balta, 86, was found dead of starvation in her home on the Greek island of Evia. And the bank left 350,000 pounds belonging to her and a collection of 150 gold sovereigns.

19. You gave birth to me...
A ten-year-old boy got into an argument with his father over a missing package of chocolate frosting for a cake. The quarrel became increasingly emotional, and in desperation, 38-year-old Mr. Hurst put a knife in his son’s hand: they say, if you hate me so much, then hit me. Which is what the son did. The father died in hospital an hour later.

20. Destiny!
Stephen Hiett, at age 32, underwent a revolutionary operation involving a stomach, liver, kidney, duodenum and pancreas transplant. Six years later he stood on a chair to screw in a light bulb. He fell, hit his head and died.

21. Happy as hell
Syrian Najib Saddi, 35 years old, felt so happy that he decided... to give up his life. In his suicide note, he stated that he was completely happy, but was afraid of future misfortunes.

22. Exhibit in service
Bonn resident Peter Gruber died while trying to rob the Museum of Art. Noticing the approaching guards, he panicked and tried to run, but, sharply turning a corner, he came across a meter-long sword of a statue. The exhibit was called "Weapons of Justice."

23. In a friendly way
Joshua Thomas Burchett, 23, experienced a bout of hiccups and asked a friend to hit him hard on the chest. He reluctantly complied with the request, and Joshua fell on the pavement and died. He did not take into account that there were many cases of heart disease in their family.

24. Made a career
Egyptian government employee Adel Nazim Jergez waited eight years for a promotion. When he finally saw his name on the “advanced” list, he died on the spot from a heart attack.

25. And cows fly
A driver in California was killed when a cow flew into his windshield. The animal came out onto the roadway during a thunderstorm, where the impact of a car sent it flying, which ended on the hood of a car driving in the oncoming lane.

26. Overexerted
A Ukrainian poacher threw a live electric cable into the river. When the electrocuted fish surfaced, he went into the water to collect it, forgetting to turn off the crime weapon. As a result, he accepted the fate of his own catch. According to relatives, the unlucky fisherman was planning to fry the fish he caught to celebrate the first anniversary of his mother-in-law's death.

27. Lightning Retribution
A boss and his secretary were killed by lightning while making love in an inflatable boat in the middle of a lake in Germany. The widow of the murdered man perceived this as divine intervention.

28. Love is evil
Jame Dinardi, 44, of Colombia, traveled to Maine to meet a woman he met online. Probably, the woman did not like him during live communication and refused to meet with him. After some time, he again came to her house and, to prove his love, cut his throat with a chainsaw. He died in the hospital.

29. Fatal yawn
A circus dwarf nicknamed Od died in a circus arena in northern Thailand. Jumping on a trampoline, he flew to the side and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus waiting to enter the arena. As the veterinarians explained, Hilda had developed a reflex to large objects in her mouth, which is why she swallowed the artist.

30. Sounding tragedy
A visitor to a beer hall in Hamburg had a mobile phone that kept ringing, with a very unpleasant sound. Other clients repeatedly asked him to turn off the device, but he did not respond to their requests. Finally, the most nervous of the visitors killed the stubborn one with a beer bottle and surrendered to the police.

31. Excited
A young gymnast jumped on the sofa during a party on the occasion of her seventeenth birthday. Getting excited, she flew out the window from the sixth floor.

32. Phantasmagoria
A 34-year-old man was found dead in the basement of his home. He dressed strangely, to put it mildly: a pleated skirt, a white bra, leather shoes and a woman's wig. There was a gas mask on his head connected by a hose to the anus, which caused suffocation.

33. Tamagotchi got hungry
A young French woman lost control of her car and crashed into a tree. The passenger was seriously injured and the driver died. Her attention was distracted by the Tamagotchi keychain, which suddenly beeped, demanding food. By pressing the right buttons, the lady saved the toy’s life, but lost her own.

34. Ofonarel
Santiago Alvarado decided to rob a small bicycle shop. Since it was dark, and he used his hands to help himself get through the roof, he had to hold a long flashlight in his mouth. This lighting device became the cause of death when the clumsy robber fell face down.

35. Lost place
A seven-year-old boy fell from a 300-meter cliff, losing his balance. He was swinging on a cross that marked the place where another person died 10 years ago.

36. Erotic tragedy
Four people were simultaneously taken to the hospital: Shelly Muller with a head injury, Tim Vegas with a slight concussion, Brian Corcoran with serious damage to his gums and Pamela Klesik missing two fingers on her right hand... Muller drove her husband to work and to say goodbye - in addition for a kiss - she showed him her breasts for a second. Tim Vegas, a passing taxi driver, saw this. Carried away by the spectacle, he lost control and drove into the hospital building, where dentist Pamela Klesik was examining Corcoran’s oral cavity. From a strong push, the doctor jumped and injured the patient’s gums with the instrument. In shock, Corcoran sharply closed his jaws, biting off two of Klesik's fingers. Muller took a building fragment on her head.

37. Belfry in the anus
Prosecutor Antonio Mendoza confirmed the old truth: you can laugh at yourself in any situation. Having slipped on the tiles in the bathroom, he sat on a cell phone, which his dog brought there and put in an upright position. The operation to remove the phone from the anus lasted as much as three hours, since the cover of the device opened. During the operation, the phone rang several times, and the victim made such jokes about it that the doctors and nurses chuckled. By the end, they had already decided that they would find an answering machine there.

Aeschylus - ancient Greek poet, founder of classical tragedy; 525-456 BC He lived and worked, as we see, for a very long time. It is not for nothing that Aeschylus is called the first of the three great Greek tragedians; he, in fact, laid the foundations of modern tragedy.

But he died in a very strange way. Several sources have survived to this day that describe his death. And everywhere it is said that the cause of Aeschylus’ death was his own bald head. An eagle flying past, with a turtle in its paws, was about to throw it onto the rocks and then eat the contents from the broken shell.

But the eagle saw the tragic man’s bald head and dropped his heavy burden straight onto the great man’s head. Of course, Aeschylus died without regaining consciousness. Nothing is known about the fate of the turtle.

Pietro Aretino

This figure was not a tragedian; on the contrary, Aretino was a satirist, both in words and with a brush in his hands. He lived in the Middle Ages, but was by no means afraid to ridicule everything and everyone, including the church. Judging by the data that has survived to this day, Pietro Aretino was a very cheerful person. And not only in his work was he cheerful, Pietro often held parties for friends.

During one such party, Pietro laughed so much that he simply choked. Whether it’s true or not is unknown, but it sounds very plausible if you consider that at parties they eat and drink a lot, so it’s easy to choke from laughter, you just need to choke.

Dragon, Dragon

Dragon - Athenian statesman who composed in the 7th century. BC. a set of cruel laws. The rules were indeed very strict, it is not for nothing that the saying “draconian measures” still exists. Nevertheless, his contemporaries were grateful to their legislator and received him everywhere with honor.

And since previously it was customary to throw hats and capes at a respected person, Draco was always covered with a pile of clothes in his public places.

And so, during one of their speeches, the grateful Athenians were so delighted with their legislator that they simply threw clothes at him. Well, there were so many clothes that he suffocated.

The story is strange, of course, but it is hardly possible to come up with something so implausible, so we will trust the historians.

Li Bei

Another creative person, this time a Chinese. He is a very important figure in the history of Chinese poetry, Li Bei composed many poems and poems. Among other things, he was also a very romantic person.

so romantic that one day, on a full moon, he climbed into a boat and swam to the middle of the river to... kiss the reflection of the Moon. A dangerous undertaking for a person who cannot swim. Leaning overboard, he lost his balance, fell into the water, and drowned.

Not very romantic =(


According to many historical accounts, Pyrrhus was a great military leader. He was probably surpassed only by Alexander the Great.

Modern historians agree that modern history could have been completely different if Pyrrhus had lived longer.

But he died early, and not of his own free will. One day, walking through the ancient city, along the narrow streets, Pyrrhus became the object of attention of an old woman standing on the roof. She took the tile, and throwing it accurately, hit Pyrrhus in the head. The hit was so “successful” that he died on the spot.

Does death have its own plan?..

Mystical correspondence between the Soviet writer Yevgeny Petrov and the mysterious stranger who foresaw his death

The Soviet writer Yevgeny Petrov - the one who, together with Ilya Ilf, wrote the famous "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" - had a very interesting hobby. He collected envelopes - but not all in a row, but from his own letters. It would seem that this was an unthinkable thing, but Petrov came up with an excellent method: he wrote a letter abroad and made up the entire address - the city, the street, the house, and the addressee's last name. Naturally, after a couple of months the letter was returned, decorated with beautiful stamps “The addressee is incorrect.”

And so in the spring of 1939, Evgeny Petrov decided to receive an envelope with New Zealand stamps. He invented the city of Hydeberville, in which the mythical Meryl Eugene Weasley lived in house number 7 on Wrightbeach Street. And, carried away by the game, he put a letter in the envelope: “My dear Meryl! My sincerest condolences to you on the passing of your Uncle Pete. Hang in there, buddy! And I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer you. How is Ingrid doing? Kiss your daughter, she’s probably quite big already. I’m waiting for your answer, your Evgeniy.”

A month passed, a second, a third - and the letter was not returned. Petrov began to forget about him, but at the end of the summer he unexpectedly received... an answer from New Zealand. Having read the return address, the writer received a real shock - the envelope read: “Meryl Eugene Weasley, 7 Wrightbeach, Hydeberville, New Zealand.” There was also a post office stamp confirming the sender. But what was most surprising was the contents of the envelope.

The text of the letter received was as follows: “Dear Evgeniy! Thank you for your sympathy! Uncle Pete died in a completely ridiculous way, and this tragedy unsettled our entire family for six months. That’s why I haven’t written for so long, but Ingrid and I haven’t forgotten you and the three days that you spent with us. Gloria has really grown half a head, but she still won’t part with the Russian bear that you brought her. Yours, Meryl." But that was not all - from the envelope, Petrov, with shaking hands, took out a photograph in which he was captured in an embrace with a completely unfamiliar man! Seeing the date in the photo, the writer grabbed his heart - it was on that day, October 9 last year, that he ended up in the hospital with a severe form of pneumonia, and for several days the doctors literally pulled him out of the other world...

Evgeniy Petrov never believed in any mysticism, and therefore immediately wrote to New Zealand again. But he did not wait for an answer - a war began in Europe, and Petrov became a war correspondent for the Informburo from its very first days. By the way, his colleagues claimed that after receiving a strange letter, this eternal joker became gloomy and withdrawn, and stopped joking altogether...

Well, this story didn’t end funny at all. In 1942, Yevgeny Petrov was flying on a plane from Sevastopol to the capital, and this plane was shot down by the Germans in the Rostov region. Mysticism - but on the same day when it became known about the death of the plane, a letter from New Zealand arrived at the writer’s home. In this letter, Meryl Weasley admired the Soviet soldiers and was worried about Petrov's life. Among other things, the letter contained the following lines: “Do you remember, Evgeny, you told me after swimming in the lake that you were not destined to drown, but that you were destined to crash on a plane. I beg you, fly as little as possible!”

Based on this story, the short film “Envelope” was shot with Kevin Spacey in the title role, which was directed by Russian director Alexei Nuzhny based on his own script.

Death from exhaustion at the screen. All its unusualness lies in its surprise.

2005 year. A 28-year-old Korean video game fan collapsed to the floor and died in an Internet bar after playing for 50 hours non-stop.

From the claw of a lioness

2007 45-year-old Oktay Makhmudov from Azerbaijan climbed down a rope into a lion's cage at the Kiev Zoo and shouted to the numb visitors:

God will save me if he exists!

A few seconds later, the lioness jumped on him and severed his artery, killing the intruder instantly.

The unusual death of a little girl

2008 Seven-year-old Abigail Taylor died after her internal organs were partially sucked into the powerful swimming pool pump she was careless to sit on. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. The baby died from cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

In 207 BC e. Greek philosopher Grisippus died laughing watching his drunken donkey try to eat figs.

121 BC, Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, was killed for a reward of gold equal to the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder beheaded Guy, cleared his skull of brains and filled its cavity with molten lead. When the lead hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. The murderer was rewarded with seventeen pounds of gold.

And you will die from the eagle and the turtle

458 BC Aeschylus was killed... by an eagle! He dropped a turtle on Aeschylus's head, confusing the playwright's bald head with a stone.

Hotter coals!

42 BC Portia Cato, wife of Marcus Brutus, died after swallowing hot coals after learning of her husband's death.

1927 died of suffocation and a broken neck when her long scarf got caught in the wheel of the car she was riding in with the driver. He did not immediately notice that Isadora’s body was dragging behind the car (the driving was terribly noisy then). The screams of the crowd helped the driver wake up, but it was too late. Duncan's heart stopped.

The Unusual and Unsightly Death of Herod

4 BC King Herod fell ill with a fever, became covered in a rash, and suffered from inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Herod's genitals rotted. Before his death, convulsions became more frequent and Herod found it difficult to breathe. During his death throes, many worms swarmed in Herod’s body, as evidenced by the court doctors.

The death of his grandson Herod Agrippa in 44 was surprisingly similar: abdominal pain, worms. This happened shortly after he put the Apostle Peter in prison.

Crucified upside down

64 – 67 years. The Apostle Peter was crucified on an inverted cross, upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ.

Brutal death by shells

415 The world has too often been cruel to extraordinary women. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Hepatia was killed by a mob who skinned her alive with sharp shells. All that was left of the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake.

The King "who drank himself to death"

771 The King of Sweden, Adolf Fredrik, died of indigestion. For lunch he ate crayfish, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, and drank a lot of champagne. He ate all this with his usual dessert of 14 servings of sweet pie with hot milk. In Sweden they still call him “the king who drank himself to death.”

Death of an Explorer

1928 Doctor Alexander Bogdanov died after one of his experiments in which the blood of students suffering from malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1911 Jack Daniel, the founder of Jack Daniel whiskey, died of blood poisoning, six years after he injured his leg when he kicked it in anger over forgetting the combination to a safe.

1916 Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after being poisoned with prussic acid, beaten, mutilated, and suffering several gunshot wounds to the head, lungs, and liver. Strange, but he died precisely because he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas, an English racing driver, was decapitated by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record from last year. Even though he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record of 171 miles per hour!

1943 Critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.

On December 8, 1997, in Kamchatka, at the base of the Russian Navy, a mysterious incident occurred: an officer from one of the many formations in the northeast of the country disappeared.

The captain of the third rank, as usual, took up his next duty in the brigade, having undergone the instructions required by the regulations. During the day he was on watch, nothing special happened at the coastal base.

However, the next morning the officer did not show up at the appointed time to hand over his post to the newcomers. The situation was complicated by the fact that along with the duty officer, his service weapon, which must be handed in after the watch, also disappeared.

A hot investigation was carried out, which showed that the captain of the third rank was last seen two hours before the end of his shift by the sailor on duty. According to him, the officer followed the pier to the end of the base and never returned.

When examining the territory of the compound, no traces of the presence of the missing sailor were found. It also turned out that he did not go home or visit his colleagues. Thus, a picture emerged of the unauthorized abandonment of a unit with service weapons, and this is already an emergency on the scale of the entire flotilla. Given the great resonance of the incident, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were involved in the investigation, who blocked possible exit routes from the Kamchatka Peninsula.

And, in fact, there were few of them: this is a civil airport and naval aviation, with which sailors are traditionally very friendly. True, the measures taken turned out to be useless in operational activities: the officer did not appear anywhere.

Now and a century and a half ago

And two months after the start of the investigation, in the mountainous region of Kamchatka, hunters found the remains of a man in the uniform of a captain of the third rank. Surprisingly, it was a complete skeleton with no traces of soft tissue. No damage was found on the bones that remain after a fight with wild animals or after separating soft tissue with a sharp object.

The uniform also showed no signs of mechanical damage, but looked very old. In the pockets of the uniform there were documents in the name of the missing officer, but they were also quite dilapidated.
The find was taken to a military medical institution in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where military doctors conducted a forensic examination.

Based on its results, the following conclusions were drawn: the bone remains belong to a thirty-year-old man who died about one hundred and sixty years ago! Laboratory analysis of fragments of the form indicated the same time period. Moreover, all this time the corpse was in the open air and was not buried.

The investigation decided to transport the strange remains to the mainland, to one of the central military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense, for more thorough research.

The results were not long in coming. Genetic testing most likely identified the remains as belonging to the missing officer. Radiocarbon dating also confirmed the age of death: 160 years ago. The investigation has reached a dead end. The mystery has not been solved to this day.

The only explanation?

Perhaps the only plausible explanation is that, beginning in 1996, Kamchatka experienced a long period of geomagnetic activity. Small earthquakes occurred every day for several years.

Tectonic activity was protracted and led to the eruption of two large local volcanoes. Unusual phenomena in the atmosphere were observed everywhere.

Perhaps this could be the reason for the space-time anomaly in which the missing officer found himself. In any case, no other explanation for the mysterious disappearance was found.

The officer is now officially listed as missing. Many questions remained unanswered. The weapon that was supposed to be in the officer's possession was not found. Legal aspects related to monetary payments to relatives have not been settled. Only one thing is clear: orthodox science is not ready to explain such cases.

Vyacheslav Mityashov, “Secrets of the 20th Century” February 2013

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Death is a natural process in the life of every person. Everything has a beginning and an end, so does human life, but the end can come completely unexpectedly, not from old age or illness, but because of an accident or other strange circumstances! This is what we will talk about in this article. The strangest deaths of people that have happened in the world. Even a brick falling out of nowhere may seem like a very logical outcome, compared to the deaths we are about to tell you about. These ridiculous deaths may not qualify as Internet Darwin Awards, which are awarded for curious deaths, but they do have the absurdity of them, so let's take a look at them.

Ridiculous deaths in the world. Top 10

1. A man and his lawnmower.

A tragic story took place in southern Sweden. A forty-year-old farmer was working on his plot, where he was leveling the lawn using a gasoline lawn mower. Apparently, the man drove the machine up a hill, but couldn’t get down from it; he turned over and fell off the lawnmower! A lawn cutting machine drove straight towards him, cutting the farmer's body apart with its sharp grass blades.

2. Shot himself for training.

A strange death occurred in 2013 at one of the firearms shooting ranges. Brian J. Parry committed suicide with a gunshot to the head. Dozens of people, including children, observed the suicide's death. Eyewitnesses say that the man was a regular visitor to the shooting range, he was withdrawn and never spoke to anyone.

3. Death during a threesome.

A bizarre death occurred in 2009, when a man died of a heart attack during a threesome. But the most interesting thing is that his family sued the cardiologist who controlled the man’s health for $3 million. The fact that the man was unfaithful did not even bother his wife, who began to actively sue the medical clinic after his death.

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4. The pastor turned out to be a sinner.

Pastor Mac Wolford, 44, from West Virginia, was bitten by a rattlesnake during an outdoor service in a local park. A man convinced that all Christians should communicate with snakes, pick them up, and if a snake bites a person, then God will not allow him to die from poison and will certainly save him - he made a mistake. Wolford was taken to a local clinic, where he died due to a delay in seeking medical attention.

5. She died because of soup...

One of the most idiotic deaths occurred in Brazil. 88-year-old Ilda Vitor Maciel died in a Rio de Janeiro hospital after receiving an injection of soup through an intravenous tube! A young nurse confused a feeding tube with a package of soup. The daughter of the victim, who was with her mother at that moment, says that at the moment the nurse injected the soup, the mother began to writhe in pain and twitch! The hospital refuses to admit the fact of medical error, and legal proceedings continue to this day.

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