New in astrology - cycles. NASA is ready to include Xenu in the list of planets of the solar system

The official name of the celestial body discovered 3 years ago is 2003 UB313.

“For the first time, the Hubble telescope was able to clearly “see” the so-called “tenth planet” in our solar system - Xenu. Using the telescope, scientists came to the conclusion that it is only slightly larger than the size of Pluto,” says the NASA press service, which was released on Tuesday, April 11.

Previously, astronomers, based on observations from Earth, assumed that the diameter of Xena is almost a third greater than the diameter of Pluto. Now, images obtained from Hubble on December 9 and 10, 2005, indicate that the diameter of the “tenth planet” is about 2.4 thousand kilometers (with an error of 100 kilometers), while the diameter of Pluto is about 2 thousand 290 kilometers.

"Hubble is the only telescope that can make clear measurements of Xena's true diameter," says the Caltech scientist in Pasadena whose team discovered Xena.

The "tenth planet" is located 16 billion kilometers from Earth.

The largest Kuiper Belt (KB) objects known to science
Scientists suggest that Xenus once had an atmosphere. As the planet moved away from the Sun, the atmosphere was frozen and methane drizzle appeared on the surface. Thanks to this, Xena reflects light very well, and Hubble was able to capture images of the “tenth planet.”

“Methane frost could have formed due to the constant leakage of methane from the warm interior of the planet. When the gas hits the cold surface, it immediately freezes and covers the craters of Xena with a hard crust, which makes it bright and visible to the eye of the Hubble telescope,” - NASA reports.

According to the aerospace agency, Xena orbits the Sun once every 560 years. “Currently, the “tenth planet” is at the maximum distance from the Sun in the trajectory of its orbit,” the report notes.

NASA experts note that new data on the size of Xena - the largest object in the Kuiper belt and practically a twin of Pluto - can only complicate further debate over the classification of "frozen worlds" of the Kuiper belt as planets.

Tenth Planet

Discovered in 2003 and studied in more detail two years later, Xena is located among the Kuiper asteroid belt, located beyond Neptune. It is considered the largest celestial body discovered in the solar system since the discovery of Neptune in 1846. It is located at twice the distance from the Sun than Pluto, which was previously considered the outermost planet of our system.

Since 1992, more than a thousand objects similar to Xene, although smaller, have been discovered in the Kuiper Belt. Astronomers estimate that there are still more than half a million undiscovered objects awaiting their turn. As more pieces of the birth of the solar system are discovered, Pluto blends in with the crowd, and its claim to being a unique planet becomes less and less solid, Nature magazine wrote in February 2006.

Some astronomers believed that Pluto should be stripped of its "title" and should become a Kuiper Belt object like its orbiting cousins. Others believed that any object larger than Pluto found on the outskirts of the solar system should be called a planet, in which case UB313 would fall into that category.

The data obtained corrects scientific hypotheses about the status of Xena, but it is unlikely to stop discussions among scientists about which celestial bodies deserve the title of planets and which do not, observers say.

4. Seven races of humanity

5. Platonic solids as primary elements

6. Constellations and eras

7. Zodiac Explained

8. Decoding mantras

II. Meaning of numbers

9. The Sacred Seven and the Archangels
10. Golden ratio and planetary orbits
11. Life expectancy and the essence of the zodiac
12. Precession and change of eras
13. Teleportation and the origin of life
14. Divine justice
15. Life cycles

III. God, evolution, creation

16. The meaning of the planets
17. Multidimensional space
18. God and matter

IV. New scientific ideas

19. The birth of the universe from light
20. Astral and teleportation
21. Platonic solids and the structure of space
22. Nuclear fusion reaction
23. Technology of the future

V. Conclusion

24. The meaning of life

What does the planet Xena discovered in 2003 mean? Astrology as a science has its own logic and can derive this meaning from the properties of the 10 planets already mastered. It is only necessary to precisely formulate and generalize these properties.

I offer my option. Saturn is an object, an individual existence. Jupiter – the movement of an object in time, growth and development. Mars – movement of an object in space, action, will, struggle. Earth (and Moon) – consciousness, “I”, soul. The previous three planets relate to the body, matter. Saturn - to the physical (stones), Jupiter - to the ethereal (plants), Mars - to the astral (animals).

These four authentic levels of evolution or creation correspond to the four elements. Stones lie in the ground, plants drink water, animals breathe air, people light a fire. These are four aggregate states of matter: solid (form), liquid (change in shape), gaseous (interaction with other forms) and plasma (formlessness, energy as the content of forms).

From the Earth to the Sun, the elements indicate the stages of consciousness. Planet Earth is the earth, its beginning, knowledge of man as an individual, the Moon is a personality, the manifestation of consciousness outside. Venus – water, emotions, feelings, imaginative thinking as awareness and reflection of Mars, movement in space. Mercury – air, contacts, exchange, information, mind, conceptual thinking as awareness and reflection of Jupiter, movement in time.

The sun is fire, creativity, enlightenment, spirit, the subject as awareness and reflection of Saturn, the object. Stones are zero-dimensional, plants are one-dimensional (growing upward), animals act in a two-dimensional plane, on the earth's surface, people live in three-dimensional space, angels (Venus) - in four-dimensional space, archangels (Mercury) - in five-dimensional space, God (Sun) - in six-dimensional and further.

These are seven visible, individual planets (translated as bodies wandering across the sky). Counting from Saturn to the Sun - knowledge, evolution. From the Sun to Saturn - creation, a flow of energy from the Creator. With Uranus the score is clear. Collective planets invisible to the naked eye act on the subconscious and superconscious. They are symmetrical to individual planets and have similar properties.

Uranus is a collective existence, the collective itself as an object. Neptune is the movement of the collective in time, development, growth through psychology, ethics and religion. Pluto - movement of the collective in space, collective action, collective will, energy. The eleventh planet, equivalent to Earth, is the collective consciousness, the beginning of awareness of the reality of other collective planets.

The twelfth planet is collective emotions, as the mistress of Taurus is life. The thirteenth step is Proserpina, the collective mind, as the mistress of Virgo - service, realism. The fourteenth astrological factor is the center of the Galaxy, the likeness of the Sun, collective creativity. In a planetary system, a planet can correspond to it, at least it corresponds to a cycle of astral energy, spiritual energy and events.

Perhaps in our system there are no planets between Xena and Sedna; cycles can be realized by themselves or with the participation of planetoids. Or as projections from other planetary systems. For example, from Sirius.

The cycles of known planets are related to each other according to the golden ratio, determined by neighboring Fibonacci numbers or through one. And they themselves are close to these numbers in days or years. Fibonacci numbers highlight energy levels in any living or nonliving system and, when planets form, determine the limit of their orbits. To which the planets tend from one side or the other, deviating under the influence of additional factors.

Mercury corresponds to the 11th number, 89, Venus - 13th, 233, Earth - 14th, 377, Mars - 15th, 610, etc. Jupiter begins counting in years - 13. Saturn corresponds to 34, Uranus – 89, Neptune – 144, Pluto – 233, Xene –610, Sedna – 11000. (377 corresponds to the 11th astral planet or cycle of directions).

The golden ratio is approximately equal to 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21, 21/34, 34/55, etc. Each Fibonacci number is equal to the sum of the previous two -1,1,2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, then rounded 1600, 2600, 4200, 6800, 11000, etc. Ratios of numbers far apart from each other in Fibonacci sequences form harmonics of the golden ratio, each of which is also equal to the sum of the two previous ones - 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, etc. For example, 5x11=55, fifth harmonic turns the fifth Fibonacci number into the tenth.

Or 5x199=995. The harmonic number is the number of steps by which the multiplication result differs, 5+11=16. The shift from the exact Fibonacci number is a small Fibonacci number, 995-987=8. As an algorithm for quickly calculating large numbers, 199 can be rounded to 200, 5x200=1000, 8x200=1600 (the exact number is 3 less), 13x200=2600, etc. The product of the Fibonacci number and the harmonics of the same total number gives the exact Fibonacci number with the number twice as much, 8x18=144, 13x29=377, 21x47=987, 34x76=2600-16, 55x123=6800-35.

The Uranus cycle is a golden proportion to the Neptune cycle, approximately ½ (the ratio of the first numbers). To the Pluto cycle - the golden proportion of numbers through one - 1/3 and the second harmonic. Uranus is the embodiment of numerology in its exact form - 84 = 7x12, planets and zodiac. Therefore it is the basis for several cycles.

With Jupiter he has the exact seventh harmonic, with Saturn - the second. The Saturn cycle, like the lunar month, is 29 = 7x4 + 1, the product of the third and fourth harmonics, and the result is the seventh. With a good degree of accuracy.

The cycle of the eleventh (astral) planet or the cycle of directions is 360 years, a degree per year. Like Uranus, the embodiment of exact numbers, which means the basis for new cycles. Indeed, Sedna (10.5 thousand) is the seventh harmonic of the eleventh planet, 360x29. The product of two harmonics gives the cycle of millennia - 360x4x7=10 thousand. It is logical to assume that the cycles between Xena and Sedna are also golden proportions and harmonics.

Then we will get - the 12th cycle, Xena herself - 600 (360x5/3), the 13th - 960 (360x8/3 or 600x5/3) or 1080 (360x3). The version used by astrologers for Proserpina, the golden proportion of the 360-year cycle of directions (720x1/2=360), is justified as the cycle of Neptune. Galactic, 14th cycle – 360x4=1440 (144x10, 12th Fibonacci number, Vulcan, and Pluto). The following cycles resonate with millennia, the 15th – 2.5 thousand, the 16th – 4 thousand, the 17th – 6.5 thousand and the 18th – 10.5 thousand years.

The precession cycle is approximately 26 thousand years, this is 6.5 x4, resonance with the 16th cycle. The centuries of centuries are 100x100, i.e. tens of thousands of years, resonate with the 15th cycle and the 16th Fibonacci number (987), which is equal to 1000-13 (7th number).

Millennia have their own internal sub-cycles – 7x11x13=1001. This is the seven-year movement of Uranus through one zodiac sign, the eleven-year cycle of solar activity and thirteen lunars per year (28 projected as progressions onto a larger cycle. The Bible says that with God a thousand years are like one day, in progressions a day is equal to a year.

This means that a thousand years are divided by 13 to 77 (the possible duration of a human life). It is also divisible by 7 by 144 (shift by 1, 11x13=143). This is the 12th Fibonacci number, or the 12th zodiacal harmonic (12x12=144). And seven is a repeat of the week.

The meaning of numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is determined by their numbers corresponding to the numbers of the planets. The first seven are in two versions, from Saturn to the Sun and vice versa. The fifth number is 5, identity with itself and the essence of sequence. Venus is the planet of harmony, beauty and love, an explanation of the aesthetic impact of the golden ratio in works of art and in life as a work of the Creator.

This is also the key to the meaning of planetary aspects. Quintile, 1/5 of the circle is a harmonious aspect of Venus associated with creativity. It is drawn in green, the color of the fifth chakra, also corresponding to Venus. The remaining aspects correspond to the planets and cycles between Xena and Sedna. And also to the structural levels of space. Like the center of the Galaxy, for example.

Coincidence, 1/1 is Saturn, opposition, ½ - Jupiter, trine, 1/3 - Mars, square, ¼ - Earth or Moon, sextile, 1/6 - Mercury, septile, 1/7 - Sun, semisquare, 1 /8 – Uranus, nonagon, 1/9 – Neptune, decile, 1/10 – Pluto.

The eleventh, astral planet corresponds to 1/11 - 33-34 degrees (3x11, solar cycle, or 9th Fibonacci number, Neptune). Xene (or Vulcan) corresponds to 1/12, reduced by factorization to 6 and 3. The entire group of aspects is drawn red, the observed color of Mars. Coincidence is also red like the first chakra, Saturn. These are positive aspects. Saturn, coincidence means real contact, identification, mutual coloring of the planets.

Mars, trine – active interaction, mutual reinforcement and exchange of energy. Mercury sextile – communication, exchange of information and cooperation in specific issues of benefit and benefit. Vulcan, semi-sextile - hard work, life. Prime numbers - new qualities that cannot be reduced to the previous ones, 1/11 - awareness of a new reality, including a collective one, creativity (11-year solar cycle and the first unit of the second ten as the new Sun).

Also spiritual insight and a window into the Galaxy or Universe, the third eye of humanity, seeing the heavens. The eleventh harmonic adds a look into eternity, a quick counting algorithm, penetration into the highest structural levels of the cosmos and into the secrets of the Universe. The age of which is calculated by the number of revolutions of an average galaxy like the Milky Way. Now it is 18 billion years old, which is approximately 89 revolutions of 200 million years, the 11th Fibonacci number.

The beginning of man's awareness as a creation of God of his past and his future. Which may indicate a new stage in the development of all civilizations, which coincided with the appearance of ours, their new contacts with each other and humanity, the awareness of common roots. At the previous stage, the emphasis was on astral, energetic interaction, since the previous Fibonacci number, 55 revolutions of the Galaxy, is Pluto.

The end of the basic ten planets, realized in the decagon, which has the golden proportions between sides and radius and is the basic structure of the plane, the basis of space, reflected in the decimal system (and ten fingers). In the three-dimensional version, these are twenty vertices of a dodecahedron (10x2), the faces of which, the pentagons, are also built on golden proportions, like the star that fits into them.

The number of billions in the stages of the Universe are the golden harmonics, the number of revolutions of the Galaxy in a billion is the fifth Fibonacci number, the number of millions in the cycle of the Galaxy is the 11th harmonic. It seems that a year (million, billion) is also a unit of measurement that works at the level of the entire Universe. If the Earth is an average inhabited planet, and the Sun is an average star, then this can be explained by God’s plan for man as a microcosm and an intelligent being for whom the whole world was created.

According to scientific concepts, the primary differentiation of matter in the Universe occurred 2-3 billion years after its origin. This is the seventh Fibonacci number, Saturn, 13 units of measurement equal to the revolution of the galaxies, which were then only in God's plans, 13x200 = 2.6 billion years. The proposed astrological model works here. The matter was divided into future superclusters of galaxies, “pancakes”, which formed the cells of the universal network of galaxies.

This means you can try to use Fibonacci numbers to calculate the time of the emergence of life and man. The next, eighth number is Uranus, 21x200=4.2 billion years, the formation of real space in its current form, galaxies and stars. Life could have arisen at the stage of Neptune (origin in the sea), 34x200=6.8 billion years, man (the crown of creation) - at the stage of Pluto, 55x200=11 billion.

And exist for 7 billion years according to the model of the planetary cycle, known as the race cycle or week. During two cycles of precession, 52 thousand years, mentioned in the Koran, 24 epochs and seven races alternate as planets, masters of epochs corresponding to the days of the week according to the seven-pointed star, realizing the properties of constellations in earthly culture as the emergence of religions. Christianity - the era of Pisces (the main rite is baptism, likening to a fish), Judaism - Aries (the main symbol is the Easter lamb), Brahmanism - Taurus (the main symbol is the cow).

Confucianism is the reproduction of Gemini, Taoism is Cancer. Islam - Aries after the collapse of Judaism as a parallel and replacement.

Constellations are projected onto the Earth's surface in 30 degree sectors. The prime meridian corresponds to the position of the vernal equinox at zero degrees Aquarius. Europe is the center of Christian civilization - the Pisces sector. The Middle East, the space of Islam and Judaism, is the Aries sector. India - Taurus sector. China - Gemini and Cancer.

The first race, australoid, is the Sun and Leo sector of the southern hemisphere, Australia and New Zealand. The second race, Negroid, is the Moon and the Cancer sector of the southern hemisphere. Australian aborigines are relatives of Africans, in Madagascar there are genes of the Australoid race. During the era of southern Cancer, the Negroid settled across the Indian Ocean to Australia and India, feeding on energy from its cultural center in the Cancer sector in the center of Australia, and then returned back after the end of its era.

The third, red race is Mars and Scorpio, the central part of the North American continent. It began in the fiery era of Sagittarius. Fourth, yellow - Mercury and Gemini, China. It began in the fiery era of northern Leo, but since there is no territory suitable for life in this sector, there is a gap between the third and fourth races, although both are called Mongoloid.

Leo was realized as a source of energy on a spiritual level; real civilization arose further south in the Cancer sector, which gave rise to yin-yang symbolism and Taoism. The astrological symbol of Cancer is the spiral of the Galaxy, which is visible only at night as many stars. Just like the main mistress Luna. White race – Jupiter and the Pisces sector. It began as an independent culture from the fiery era of Aries.

The Bible is the basis of her worldview, the Vedas and Brahmanism are prehistory, passing on the baton from previous races.

The sixth, future one is Venus and the Libra sector in the USA, as well as Vulcan and the Taurus sector in Siberia (for India this is a repetition of the old in a new round). The new race begins, like the previous ones (except for the 2nd) with fire, the Leo sector in Australia and New Zealand. Aquarius in the northern hemisphere is the second pole of the race, a projection from the future of the next, seventh, which realizes Saturn in the era and sector of Capricorn in South America and in the second possession in the Aquarius sector in England as an additional option.

The sixth race will develop within 13 thousand years (like the seventh). This is an analogue of lunars in an annual cycle, one lunar is a thousand years. This means the week is 500. Resonance of two cycles of Pluto, three cycles of Neptune and six cycles of Uranus. One day is 72 years, a person’s life and the movement of precession through one degree of constellations. Two turns of precession are like two turns of hands in a clock, 24 epochs are 24 hours or a day of a larger cycle of civilization, a year consisting of 19 million years, 55 such years are a billion.

The life of civilization is comparable to the life of man as the crown of creation in space, since civilizations are part of the Creator’s unified program. They reincarnate under the influence of the internal aspects of the rotation of the galaxy, for the Milky Way 1/10 - 20 million years, decile or Pluto. Passing on genes and knowledge to new developing worlds.

Pluto - death and rebirth, the Phoenix bird rising again from the ashes, 55 years - the tenth Fibonacci number, the beginning of man's transition to another world, the end - 89, the eleventh number. Death usually occurs between or in the middle of 72 years, 98-55=34 (Neptune), 34:2=17, 55+17=72. This period should be devoted to meditation or prayer, study of religion and purification of life karma.

To improve your fate in the afterlife spaces, to go to heaven. If a person passes to another world consciously through spirituality, he may not leave his body. The secret of long-livers is faith in the Creator. Five or eight 11-year solar cycles are the 5th and 8th of the Fibonacci sequence, Venus and Mercury or Jupiter.

The Solar or Saturnian stage lasts up to 143 (11x13). It's heaven or hell. Milestone - 144 years, 12th, Vulcan, new life. There are seven such milestones in a millennium.

Seven-phase cycles unfold in time the spatial structure of seven individual planets. In the center of which is the Earth, man. The redistribution of planets in a week along an acute-angled seven-pointed star occurs due to the transition from a divine, heliocentric view of the world to a geocentric, human one. The Sun takes the place of the Earth (Moon), setting the motion vector in two steps.

On Venus, the planet of angels, it’s another week, a star is one step away. On Mercury

The planet of the archangels is not a star, but a regular heptagon. These variations of the seven-phase cycle can work for spiritual processes at transcendental levels of being. For example, when religion unfolds over an epoch (7x300=2100 years), the count proceeds sequentially from the Sun to Saturn without jumping every step or two. Acute angles on a star, seven or five-pointed, mean difference and conflict. Dull – soft reflection, smooth transfer of energy.

In acupuncture, the five-pointed star is used for destruction, suppression of primary elements and channels associated with them, while the pentagon is used for creation, strengthening, and activation. Although the golden proportion in the five-pointed star discharges the conflict with harmony, just as dissonance is resolved in music. In the horoscope, the biquintile is as harmonious as the quintile.

The primary elements of Chinese philosophy are the five Platonic solids, which fit between the orbits of individual planets: Saturn - cube - Jupiter - tetrahedron - Mars - dodecahedron - Earth - icosahedron - Mercury. The properties of the Platonic solids are from neighboring planets, the names of the three are from the elements of the signs they control. Cube - earth, Capricorn, tetrahedron - fire, Sagittarius and Aries, octahedron - air, Gemini and Libra.

The icosahedron is water, because Venus corresponds to it with the second level of consciousness, and the Moon, the representative of the Earth, is the mistress of Cancer. The dodecahedron is the Universe, because man, the Earth, is a microcosm and the center of symmetry in the planetary system. The planets external to the Earth are matter, the internal ones are consciousness, man is their unity, the connection between earth and sky, the image and likeness of God.

The three-dimensional world was created for him, and the three-dimensional dodecahedron is its basis, because it is closest of all Platonic solids to the sphere, the real observable form of physical fields, planets, stars, centers of spiral galaxies, spherical galaxies and the entire Universe.

Chinese primary elements are individual planets redistributed along a five-pointed star. Saturn - earth, Jupiter - wood, Mars - metal, Venus with the Sun (heart) - fire, Mercury with the Moon - water. A person is shaped like a star: Saturn - left, supporting leg, Jupiter - head, body control center, Mars - right, striking leg, Venus - left hand, protection for the heart, Mercury - right, work, writing.

The Sun and Moon are the solar plexus, the geometric center. The Sun signifies the heart connected to it, the Moon – the stomach, connecting in Chinese primary elements with the functions of the nearest planets.

Planets and spiral galaxies lie in a plane, realizing a decagon, Pluto (abbreviated as a pentagon, Venus). Stars and spherical galaxies exist in three-dimensional space, realizing Platonic solids inscribed into each other. After the sphere and dodecahedron there is its dual icosahedron (the vertices correspond to the centers of the faces). Then the cube and its dual octahedron. Then the tetrahedron, dual to itself.

Dodecahedron - Mars, energy, waves, fields as the basis of all matter (spheres of the real world) Cube - space, octahedron - its measurement and study or Logos, laws of nature, logic of God. The tetrahedron is the cause of oneself, i.e. God Himself, spiritual fire. The scattering of galaxies with greater speed at a greater distance from the epicenter of the Big Bang is possible only if they are points on the surface of a uniformly expanding four-dimensional sphere.

Moving as expected after an explosion by inertia without acceleration, which requires constant application of force. The high speed of galaxies at a distance in three-dimensional space looks like acceleration, but there is no accelerating force in nature. The only logical way out of this scientific, pseudo-scientific dead end is the abandonment of the three-dimensional model of the Universe and the transition to a actually observable, familiar, but not recognized four-dimensional one.

This also means that the Universe is not flat like our Galaxy, but spherical like all physical fields. And its symbol is the dodecahedron, as suggested by Plato. Then its center is empty, as it should be during an explosion. The uniformity of the distribution of matter is only on the surface of a four-dimensional sphere. After the explosion, only light remained in the center.

An analogue of the ether, relative to which modern science measures the speed and direction of the retreat of galaxies. This primary light is an observable fact by astronomers. We are moving relative to this electromagnetic radiation towards the constellation Leo. On the other side, the light comes towards you and therefore becomes a little warmer.

Due to the addition of speeds. This symbolizes the warmest time of the year, the sign of Leo, and is the basis for highlighting this direction as corresponding in name and properties to the constellation. The opposite direction, Aquarius, is the projection into three-dimensional space of the center of the four-dimensional Universe, Uranus.

The remaining constellations are distinguished as phases of rotation relative to this axis. This means that the constellations exist outside the zodiac as an independent layer of reality and the movement of precession proves this at a specific observable level by the change of religions with the change of eras.

In the southern hemisphere, the point of the vernal equinox, the beginning of the zodiacal circle, is in the opposite constellation, since the seasons there are symmetrical to the northern ones. This means that the era of Leo, not Aquarius, is coming. This explains the biblical prediction of baptism by fire and the emergence of Agni Yoga. From a spiritual point of view, Leo is a direct manifestation of God, his master the Sun.

A possible new stage in the development of biblical culture, the Testament of the Spirit. The third and final for the entire sixth race. Like passing the baton from the fifth to a new round of precession. Forever and ever, i.e. tens of thousands of years. Until the next first race, which will also begin in Leo. Aquarius is associated with science and space, it opens the way to heaven, but does not create a new religion on its own.

Although contact with an alien religion can play the role of a catalyst and speed up the earthly process. The appearance of UFOs is associated with the transition to a new era. Obviously, the alien guests know about the change of eras and openly appear to realize Aquarius. Gradually preparing humanity for the awareness of life in space and the emerging prospects.

God uses Aquarius to modernize and spiritualize astrology, turning it into a tool for understanding spiritual spaces. But the main focus is on the Age of Leo. Because she realizes Himself.

The strengthening of the Sun in connection with the new era increases the significance of the septile and highlights the 11-year solar cycle. Shifting the emphasis in the horoscope to the Sun, turning it into the center and goal. Strengthens all golden harmonics, since they are connected with the Sun through 4, 7 and 11 (geocentric position, heliocentric and real cycle).

The seventh harmonic, 29 days in a month, is associated with the shift of the Moon due to the movement of the Sun. The moon itself is a lunar, 28 days. The Sun, through the third golden harmonic, turns the square into a harmonious aspect that realizes the lunar cycle. By sequential switching in four spaces from one to another. Which takes us out of the dead end of squares in the usual interpretation.

The opposition, Jupiter, turns like the third Fibonacci number into a path, a line of development from one planet to another, according to the model of the lunar nodes. If a person does not want to develop, this is a problematic aspect, just like a square, if a person does not maneuver and does not use intuition (this is also the Moon). If a person embarks on a spiritual path or strives for a significant goal, he leaves the traditional influence of the stars.

He needs a new astrology, the old one only creates and perpetuates the conflict. The semi-square of Uranus is realized in the new astrology as ingenuity, the emergence of something new and helps to find it.

The symmetry of the seasons, and therefore of the zodiac signs in the southern hemisphere, means that the horoscopes that traditional astrologers set for it are only a shadow of the true ones. Projection to the northern hemisphere through opposition travel (in astral space). Australia, for example, as a country is not Capricorn, but Cancer. And the movie star and singer Natalia Oreiro is not a Taurus, but a Scorpio.

When moving from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the natal chart remains unchanged, but the annual chart must be interpreted differently. Although planetary aspects work the same way. The same thing happens when moving from the south to the north. The projection of the horoscope to the north is a little stronger, because in the era of Aquarius there

It is strengthened by Uranus. And in the southern hemisphere the Sun weakens. Because of Leo's opposition.

The zodiac is formed by the projection of the planets onto the annual cycle of waxing and waning solar energy on Earth. The Sun and the heated planets closest to it are projected onto the warmest time of the year. The most distant and cold planets - for the coldest time of the year. Warming up and cooling down takes time, so the planets are offset by one month from the longest and shortest days. The point of the vernal equinox also falls not on the border of Venus and Mars, corresponding to the average temperature, but on the beginning of Mars, zero degree of Aries.

Where does the zodiac begin as a cycle of life based on the plant cycle. Next, the energy is redistributed between the phases along a triangle that corresponds to Mars, the third planet denoting the impulse of the Sun’s energy from the solar plexus to the material world (astral body). The exaltation of the planets is their projection onto the zodiac signs in order from Aries to Pisces. The sign number is the number of the planet, counting from the Sun (main option) or Saturn (additional).

Crosses of will, feelings and reason are formed from Aries (Mars), Taurus (Venus) and Gemini (Mercury) by the redistribution of personality qualities across the square by the Moon, the planet of personality and consciousness. Will, feeling and reason are its levels. The second version of the annual cycle begins with the growth of the day (with a shift of 10 days, accumulated due to the inaccuracy of the calendar). This is an administrative year associated with the state, city, civilization, because it begins in Capricorn.

Or the cycle of light. The zodiac is the cycle of warmth and life of nature, as well as man as part of it. Mars is instincts, the astral body as the driving force of the physical. The animal world also obeys the zodiac. Like a cycle of struggle for existence and selection of the strongest. The cycle of energy and activity as its implementation. The cycle of fire. Earth, Capricorn - form, fire, Aries - its content. The square of two annual cycles is their difference and complementarity.

Form, earth - surface of the Earth, horizontal, content, fire - Sun above, vertical. The cross is a dialectical unity of form and content, realized as a four-phase cycle. Each phase of which is divided into three parts as thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Mars, will - the beginning, Venus, feeling - symmetry, opposite quality, Mercury, reason - their reconciliation. Mars is also associated with the body, Venus with the soul, Mercury with the spirit.

Projection of 12 phases onto the daily cycle of rotation of the horizon, the Earth - a system of houses. The house number corresponds to the number of the sign and specifies its qualities as an area of ​​human life, since the Earth is a person. The academic year (shifted by 10 days due to the accumulated inaccuracy of the calendar) embodies the 13-phase cycle of the Lunars (28x13=364), associated with Proserpina, the mistress of Virgo, to which she corresponds as the 13th planet and phase.

First planet and phase, the Sun corresponds to Leo. The remaining planets and phases are assigned to zodiac signs or constellations. Eleventh phase, Xena to Ophiuchus, occupying most of Scorpio and a little of Libra. The phases of the academic year are counted in reverse order. Precession is also associated with the 13-phase cycle; it takes 2 thousand years to complete each phase from Leo to Virgo. Just not by zodiac, but by constellations. Phase counting is direct.

The multidimensionality of the Universe, confirmed by the recession of galaxies, is described by Pascal's triangle. In the four-dimensional space of angels there are four three-dimensional spaces of people. Divided by elements and united like a tetrahedron, each face

Which corresponds to one of the four subspaces. The quad on Venus is realized according to the tetrahedron model, not as a square and there are no oppositions in it. On Mercury there are already 10 three-dimensional spaces for people (the main planets), on the Sun – 20 (the dodecahedron of the Universe). Uranus is seven-dimensional, Neptune is eight-dimensional, Pluto is nine-dimensional.

The dimension is one less than the planet number and the structural level of space. The galaxy is thirteen-dimensional. Cluster of galaxies - 15th level of the universe, Mars (10+5, counting from the Sun). Supercluster of galaxies - 16th (10+6), Jupiter. The node of the galaxy network is Saturn, 17th. Cell of the galaxy network – Uranus, 18th. The network of galaxies itself is Neptune, the 19th. The metagalaxy is Pluto, the last, 20th level, realizing the dodecahedron with its 20 vertices.

The center of the Universe is the center of the dodecahedron, the 21st in a row, light.

The dodecahedron is projected onto a plane into the circle of the zodiac as two intertwined decagons, dividing it into arcs of 18 degrees. This is an aspect of hidden interaction, cosmic energy and the fullness of being. We reduce it to five and is included in the group of harmonious aspects as a decagon, decile. The faces of the dodecahedron are projections of the zodiac or constellations.

When rotating, the 10 alternate, from Aries to Capricorn, and the two opposite ones, Aquarius and Pisces, form a fixed axis. All matter rotates, forming cycles. The Universe was built according to the same laws and by the same Creator. This means that it must rotate around its center relative to the primary light.

If its current age, 18 billion years, corresponds to one side of the decagon, 18 degrees, then the complete cycle is 360 billion. In any case, the rotation of the Universe must have phase-aspects based on numerical patterns and measured by the orbital periods of galaxies and billions of orbital periods of inhabited planets.

The 18 degree phase is the 6th harmonic and can be multiplied by any Fibonacci number to get a Fibonacci number 6 steps apart. One billion as a degree is 5 revolutions of the Galaxy, the entire phase then is 90 (89+1), i.e. the 11th Fibonacci number. The ratio of diameter to radius is approximately 44/7. The radius is seven planets, the center is the Sun, the Creator, the periphery is Saturn, creation, the physical world.

The circle is divided into 4 parts of 11 phases or 11 parts of 4 phases. This is the Moon and the eleventh planet, individual and collective consciousness, man and humanity. That's what the world was created for. This corresponds to 89 revolutions of the Galaxy. This means that the proposed option is geometrically justified, implements the very structure of space and can be not only an astral cycle of energy, the reincarnation of the Universe through the decagon, double Pluto, but also the real cycle of the physical rotation of the Universe, chosen for it by the Creator.

The aspects created by dividing the circle into numbers from 11 to 20 repeat the aspects of the first ten on the transcendental, cosmic level. Transcendence requires meditation or prayer to be realized. The simplest version of meditation is mantras. They can be general like Aum and Om and personal. Which can be compiled on the basis of a personal horoscope using an astrological key. R – earth, L – water, N – air, M – fire.

A – Saturn, Uranus, E – Jupiter, Neptune, I – Mars, Pluto, O – Venus, Vulcan, U – Mercury, Proserpina. B - Capricorn, P - Aquarius, V - Sagittarius, F - Pisces, T - Scorpio, D - Aries, G - Libra, S - Taurus, W - Virgo, F - Gemini, G - Leo, K - Cancer. Y – variation I. Ch – T and Shch. C – T and S. Shch – variation Sh. The first mantra composed with its help is Eum. Pluto coincident with Jupiter in creative aspect to Mercury coincident with the Sun.

M – fire and the Sun, the source of fire. These are the key planets in my horoscope. Pluto is the ruler of the Ascendant in Scorpio, Jupiter is the ruler of the Sun in Sagittarius. Both are in the 10th house, Pluto's orb is at its zenith. Mercury and the Sun are in the 2nd house near the cusp. This means survival and solving material problems with the help of energy or secret affairs. The Yeum mantra accentuates and enhances these aspects, ensuring hidden success.

In addition, it resonates with the center of the Galaxy on the border of Scorpio close to Sagittarius through their masters, Pluto and Jupiter. In the intergalactic zodiac, the center of the spiral galaxy represents Mercury and Proserpina. As symmetry to individual planets, the center of the Galaxy corresponds to the Sun. The Eum mantra in space becomes common and helps to connect to the energy of a transcendental level, which gives collective creativity and enlightenment.

When combined with ancient mantras, a more convenient rhythmic version is obtained - Aum Eum Om. Manra Aum means wisdom (A - Uranus), Eum - strength, Om (O - Venus) - love.

To compose mantras based on a personal horoscope, you need not only to know astrology, but also to have real spiritual experience in order to choose the right path through the planets to the Creator Sun, the source of spiritual energy and vitality. Taking into account the system of houses and the real problems of a person that the mantra should solve.

Before the Eum mantra, I connected to the center of the Galaxy with the help of God through a prayer received from Him during the parade of planets in the fall of 1983 during the transition of Pluto into its sign, when the resulting vector of the planets was directed towards the center of the Galaxy in Scorpio. You can change the last word in this prayer to connect it to the situation and needs that need to be asked for.

Lord, You are my peace! Lord, You are our protection! Lord, You are our success! And so on. The first word for non-believers can be replaced with the symbol of the Creator. Sun, you are our health! Sun, you are our life! The variable formula of prayer and meditation corresponds to the variability of Aquarius.

Its repetition throughout the day or at specially designated times provides an understanding of new ideas corresponding to the new era and a general solution to vital problems.

Meaning of numbers

The modern world is built on numbers. This would seem to lead people away from emotion-based faith. But, as the Bible says, God created the world by number and measure, and man is His image and likeness. So numbers are not a sin. Perhaps they may also have a spiritual meaning? And even somehow help in explaining God’s plans?

Indeed, without this understanding, modern man begins to lose faith. Every theory is tested by logic, facts and aesthetic, ethical intuition. To evaluate the meaning of the numbers proposed in this article, the reader will have to pray and reflect.

Lord, You are our wisdom!

God – 1, archangels – 2, angels – 3, people – 4, animals – 5, plants – 6, stones – 7. This is the hierarchy of existence. The reverse order of counting is also possible; it corresponds to the stages of evolution and cognition. Physical world, facts, reality – 1, life, growth, development – ​​2, instincts, actions, will – 3, consciousness, “I”, soul – 4, harmony, beauty and love – 5, information, mind, knowledge – 6 , spirituality, enlightenment, creativity – 7.

The first version of the account illustrates the idea that God is one and one, the cause of Himself and all existence. The second option explains the sacredness of seven as a manifestation of the Creator. The seven archangels were created to bring spiritual knowledge to all beings. The seventh archangel, corresponding symbolically in order to the stones, fell because of pride, wanting to become higher than the place he occupied, and contrasted the visible physical world with the invisible spiritual one, beginning to spread materialism and atheism.

The first archangel, Michael, is called god-like, because the unit is a symbol of the Creator. The second archangel, Uriel, is associated with knowledge. The third, Salafiel, helps in prayer. The fourth, described in detail in the Bible, manifests itself in the world of people, helping them in their personal lives. The fifth, Gabriel, is the archangel of action and struggle. The sixth, Jeremiel, promotes spiritual growth, awareness of the spiritual dimension, the heights of heaven.

The new seventh, appointed in place of the fallen one, Egudiel subjugates the physical world to God. They are mentioned in the Bible as the seven angels because they are still realized for people mainly on an emotional level, without showing their full potential.

Quartet, the human world, consists of four aggregate states of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma. Symbolically, this is designated as the elements - earth, water, air, fire. The cross has four ends and is a symbol of human life, task, destiny. Geometrically, this is a coordinate system on a plane, the surface of the Earth, on which all our lives take place.

Vertical - another world, up - the direction to heaven, to heaven, down - to hell, to hell. Three-dimensionality is the manifestation of angels in the human world. Already during our lifetime we can make a choice where we want - up or down. And they can help us with this. Among polygons, the embodiment of the four and the cross is the square. A three-dimensional cross is a cube. By the number of vertices, two are in the second power and two are in the third.

The figure eight, a cube, is formed by shifting the square upward and denotes space. The upper square created by the shift is the sky, the lower square is the earth. Planets (seven main ones - a symbol of the archangels) and stars (symbols of angels) are visible in the sky. The sun in all religions symbolizes God, the Moon influences people's lives.

If we number the objects of the planetary system in order, the Sun will correspond to one, Mercury to two, Venus to three, Earth and Moon to four, Mars to five, Jupiter to six, Saturn to seven, Uranus to eight, etc. up to Xena , a recently discovered planet. The fourth planet is the human world, which confirms the meaning of the numbers, as well as the correspondence of the Sun to God, confirmed by the Bible and the works of the saints.

Venus is mentioned in the scriptures as the morning star descending in our hearts. This is an indication of the angelic world, which it symbolizes, because the life of angels is love.

The lunar month consists of four weeks, the Moon's own period of revolution is about 28 days (4x7). The shift of the Sun during the month leads to its increase to 29.5 days, since the Moon must catch up with it. The numbers 4, 7 and 29 refer to the sequence of harmonics of the golden ratio, created by the ratio of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Each of the numbers is the sum of the two previous ones - 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 987, etc. The ratio of neighboring numbers is approximately 2/ 3 3/5 5/8 8/13 13/21, etc. Its harmonics are the ratio of numbers separated from each other by a number of steps equal to the number of the corresponding harmonic: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29 , 47, 76, 123, 199, etc. Each harmonic is also equal to the sum of the previous two.

Harmonic ratios are also harmonics (with a reasonable degree of accuracy). For example 4x7=28 (close to 29). Scientists find the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers everywhere. They are present in all talented works of art and in body proportions. In the rhythms of the brain and in the structures of living nature. The orbital periods of the planets also relate to each other according to the golden ratio and are themselves close to the Fibonacci sequence numbers in days and years.

Mercury - to 89, Venus - to 233, Earth - to 377, Mars - to 610, the asteroid belt - break and transition from days to years. Jupiter is close to 13, Uranus - to 89, Neptune - to 144, Pluto - to 233, Xena - to 610, followed by the Kuiper belt planetoids and Sedna, which is close to 11000 (21st Fibonacci number plus 54).

Unity, God - the first harmonic, the triad of body, soul and spirit or will, feelings and mind - the second harmonic, four elements, states of matter, the cross, the number of weeks in a month - the third harmonic. The seven of archangels and planets visible to the naked eye (previously the Moon and the Sun were considered planets, which translated means “wandering”) is the fourth harmonic. The eleven-year cycle of solar activity is the fifth harmonic.

The rest are also embodied in real processes and structures of space and Earth. Seventh, 29 – the period of revolution of the Moon between new moons in days and the period of revolution of Saturn in years. The ratio of the periods of Jupiter and Uranus is also a harmonic, 84:12=7. The ratio of the periods of Uranus and Neptune, Pluto are the golden proportions formed by the first Fibonacci numbers ½, 2/3 and 1/3. The latter is also the second harmonic.

The ratio of the periods of Sedna (10,500) and the cycle of directions (360 years) is equal to 29. And 28 periods of the cycle of directions (4x7) is equal to 10 thousand years, i.e., “the century of centuries” (100x100). The previous harmonic of the directional cycle is equal to 6.5 thousand years, the precession cycle (the movement of the vernal equinox point across the constellations due to the tilt and vibrations of the earth's axis, like a spinning top). This cycle is approximately 26 thousand years or 13 periods of 2 thousand.

Which repeats at a higher level the year (13x28=364), consisting of 13 own periods of revolution of the Moon, lunars. Thirteen is the seventh Fibonacci number, representing the seventh archangel and the physical world. The fifth harmonic of the direction cycle is 4 thousand years. This is the same number of days in the 11-year solar cycle. Precession takes 72 years to complete a degree; this is a person’s life, like a day or a year in the life of a people and humanity.

Different cycles overlap each other through symbolic correspondence and general similarity, exchanging qualities and meanings derived from the meaning of the numbers they embody. The eleventh planet and the cycle of activity of the Sun embody the same number - 11, which makes it a symbol of the Sun and associates it with the year as the main solar cycle, consisting of 12 phases of 30 degrees on the ecliptic, known as the zodiac.

And embodied in 12 months of the calendar with a shift of 10 days due to the accumulated inaccuracy of its calculation. The number of the sons of Jacob and the number of the apostles realizes the same symbolic structure of space and time (as its deployment in the 12-phase cycle). This number itself is a product of harmonics, 3x4, forming a combination of a triad with a cross. The Eastern New Year is closer to the zodiacal cycle, which also begins in the spring at the vernal equinox as the beginning of the life cycle of plants and animals. And at the energy level - and people.

The number of years of average life expectancy of an ordinary person is also a product of harmonics - 4x18=72. The sixth harmonic itself is the age of majority, a real stage in people’s lives. Average life expectancy is the arithmetic mean between the 10th and 11th Fibonacci numbers, 89-55=34, 34: 2=17, 55+17=72. These are also the solar activity cycles multiplied by the 5th and 6th Fibonacci numbers - 5x11=55, 8x11=88 (close to 89).

The fifth Fibonacci number is the study of the world of angels, the sixth number is heaven. The period from 55 to 89 years is intended to take stock of life and prepare for the transition to the spiritual world. Eight is equal to the cube of two, the sky is the space of the archangels, the path to heaven lies through spiritual knowledge. Nine is equal to the square of three and denotes love of the second order, that is, love for God and for one’s neighbor as His image and likeness.

That is, ethics, commandments, spiritual path. Ten is equal to the product of two and five. Five is the space of action, will, struggle (as in animals). Two – the space of knowledge and reason (like the archangels). Ten - control over instincts, sublimation of sexual energy, reasonable actions. The result is management of the actions of groups of people. The energy of the collective unconscious, which gives hidden power to the actions of an individual if he is a leader or acts in the interests of all.

Ten is realized in a decagon, the sides of which form the golden proportion with the radius. The decimal system is based on the basic structure of space, ten fingers for counting is its embodiment for people. For decades, counting has been emphasizing the actions of collectives and the energy of the masses. A century is a ten of the second order, ten cycles of ten. The third order is a thousand years. It resonates two harmonics and one Fibonacci number – 7x11x13=1001.

Life, 77 years - equivalent to Lunar, 1/13 of a year. A thousand years as a 7-phase cycle highlights 143 (11x13) close to the twelfth Fibonacci number – 12x12=144. Which denotes a 12-phase cycle of the second order, life in a square or life in heaven.

Christianity existed for 2 thousand years. This is 1/13 of a precession cycle, the equivalent of a lunar. Judaism in the Promised Land existed for about the same amount of time. Before this there was a 2-thousand-year flowering of Brahmanism. The spiritual baton of humanity is passed from East to West along the course of the Sun. Precession at this time passed through three constellations: Taurus, Aries and Pisces. The sacred animal of the Hindus is the cow, a symbol of Taurus.

The Passover lamb of Judaism is a projection of Aries. Christian baptism is likened to fish. The early Christians consciously compared themselves to them. Now the precession has moved to the constellation Aquarius, in the Apocalypse he is called an angel because he really looks like him. Taurus and Leo are described in it under their own names. And Scorpio is mentioned by its second name, known as Eagle. These four constellations are marked with the cross of the beginning era.

Also 2 thousand years old. The era of the Eagle was the peak of development of the red race, the era of Leo was the australoid one. The yellow race reached its peak in the eras of Cancer and Gemini. The thirteenth zodiac sign is Ophiuchus. It occupies most of the Scorpio sector and takes away several degrees from Libra. During the transition from the annual 12-phase cycle to the 13-phase cycle of millennia in the circle of precession. Confucianism reproduces the culture associated with Gemini (the cult of knowledge), and Taoism reproduces the culture of the Cancer era.

The symbolism of yin and yang is similar to the symbol of Cancer and the spiral of the Galaxy, with which the queen of the night sky, the Moon, is associated (since the stars are visible only at night). When distributing planets according to zodiac signs, the Moon falls into Cancer, and the Sun into Leo. The remaining planets are distributed symmetrically around the axis connecting the hottest and coldest times of the year. The planets heated by the Sun, Mercury and Venus, are closer to the hottest times - Cancer and Leo.

Mercury is in Virgo and Gemini, Venus is in Libra and Taurus. Those who are chilled due to their distance from the Sun are in the coldest signs. Saturn is in Capricorn and Aquarius, Jupiter is in Sagittarius and Pisces, Mars is in Scorpio and Aries. This symbolic distribution of planets according to the seasons is the essence of the zodiac. The primary distribution of elements is the same. Fire is the hottest time, then air, then water and the coldest time is earth.

The final distribution is along the triangle, the embodiment of the three, symbolizing action and energy.

In the 13-phase zodiac, the emphasis is shifted from the elements and seasons to the cycle, the sequence of planets from the Sun to Proserpine, the mistress of Virgo. In the southern hemisphere, precession passed through these constellations at the very beginning during the activation of the Australoid race and at the very end during the era of the 2-thousand-year reign of Christ. Because the vernal equinox points in the southern and northern hemispheres move along opposite constellations.

Because of the opposite of the seasons and all its phases. The cultural and spiritual baton of ancient humanity passed from Australia to North America, then to Asia and, finally, to Europe. Now in Australia it is again the era of Leo, symmetry to Aquarius in the Northern Hemisphere. A new 26 thousand-year precession cycle has begun, consisting of 13 phases of 2 thousand years each.

Leo according to the element is fire, a symbol of fiery baptism, according to the planet of the owner - the Sun, a symbol of the Creator. The end of this evil age is the end of northern Pisces. The new stage, the Testament of the Spirit, is the era of Leo.

The sixth harmonic of the 360-year cycle of directions distinguishes four apocalyptic signs in precession as four stages of the general cycle, forming the zodiacal cross. The fourth harmonic of the direction cycle is 2.5 thousand years. This is Buddhism. It is not associated with precession and constellations or phases of 2 thousand years, but with the seven archangels, implementing seven cycles of directions of 360 years.

Or 10 periods of Pluto of 250 years each. The end of this cycle is the emergence of the teachings of Maitreya Buddha, a new Buddhism. Obviously for the next 2.5 thousand years. The fourth harmonic is multiplication by seven. Seven is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. The essence of Buddhism is inner light.

The Old and New Testaments together – 4 thousand years, the 5th harmonic of the cycle of directions – 360x11. Or 360 cycles of 11 years. 360 multipliers – 2x2x2x3x3x5. Two cubed - eight, sky, Uranus. Three squared - nine, highest love, Neptune.

Five is Venus, the fifth Fibonacci number, the essence of oneself and the entire sequence. It is embodied in a pentagon or a five-pointed star, which have golden proportions between all segments.

Five revolutions of the Galaxy, 200 million years each, equals one billion. This is a unit of measurement of the life of the Universe. Its current age is 89 revolutions of the Galaxy, the 11th Fibonacci number, about 18 billion years. The stages of its emergence and development are the previous numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, multiplied by 5. The tenth number is 55x200=11 billion. Perhaps then people appeared.

The ninth number is 34x200=6.8 billion, perhaps life appeared then. The eighth number is 21x200=4.2 billion formation of galaxies and stars. The seventh number is 13x200=2.6 billion, the identification of future superclusters, the formation of the physical world. Sixth – 8x200=1.6 billion, the formation of the etheric world. Fifth – 5x200=1 billion, the formation of the astral world, the beginning of subtle matter, which was later gradually compacted.

Fourth – 3x200=600 million, the border of the Consciousness of God and spiritual beings. Third – 2x200=400 million, the creation of angels. The second is 1x200=200 million, the creation of the archangels. The first is 1x200=200 million, God as the cause of Himself. Both stages are combined.

According to this model, man has existed for 7 billion years. It's the 11th, spiritual epiphany. The next stage, the 12th Fibonacci number is life. Seven billion years of human existence - seven stages of knowledge under the guidance of seven archangels, seven steps along the levels of existence from the physical world through the ethereal (plants, life) and further astral (animals, will) to the awareness of one’s soul. Then the help of angels, archangels and the Creator.

The next 11 billion years as the eleven year cycle of activity of the Sun and the eleventh planet are associated with the unfolding of spiritual possibilities and enlightenment. A normal life at the next stage still needs to be earned.

Lord, You are our protection! Lord, You are our success!

The sun exists for 5 billion years and can shine for another 10, until the hydrogen in its depths turns into helium. This is 2/3, the golden ratio. The unit of measurement for cosmological processes is one revolution of the Galaxy every 200 million years. This means that the Sun will exist for 75 revolutions of the Galaxy. This is the sum of 8 and 10 Fibonacci numbers, 21+55, or the 9th harmonic, the ratio of Fibonacci numbers spaced 9 steps apart.

The eighth Fibonacci number is Uranus, the eighth from the Sun, representing space. Tenth Fibonacci number – Pluto, energy, waves, fields, interaction at a distance. And also nuclear reactions and the end, death, extinction of a star. 21 revolutions of the Galaxy or 4 billion years after its origin, the Sun became part of the Galaxy and the Universe through the seven-dimensional space of Uranus. Perhaps then life came to Earth from space.

Which existed there for a very long time, arising as a result of the cosmological process of creation. There was no need for God to create life from scratch again, and it was simply transferred to Earth through multidimensional space, that is, teleported. Just like later - a person. The previous stages of the evolution of the Sun and the entire planetary system are determined by the value of Fibonacci numbers from 1 to 7, counting from Saturn to the Sun.

The first stage (1x200) is the physical world, Saturn, the second (1x200) is ethereal, Jupiter (both stages develop in parallel), the third (2x200) is Mars, astral. These are three levels of the material world, then spaces appear for various creatures. The fourth stage (3x200) is for man, Earth, the fifth is for angels, the four-dimensional world of Venus, the sixth (8x200) is for the archangels, the five-dimensional space of Mercury, the seventh (13x200) is for God, the six-dimensional Sun, 2.6 billion years.

Eighth stage (21x200) – space, Uranus. Lasts now and will end by 6.8 billion years of the Sun's existence. When the 9th stage begins (34x200) - spiritual evolution, knowledge and development of spiritual spaces, the eight-dimensional space of Neptune. Will last about 4 billion years (21x200), which corresponds to the eighth Fibonacci number, Uranus, space, stars. The last, tenth cycle is the completion of the evolution of the Sun and the transfer of life, the baton of evolution to other, newly emerging worlds through the nine-dimensional space of Pluto.

Due to the exaltation of Uranus in Scorpio, teleportation in space is easier than on Earth. Uranus - the god of the sky, denotes multidimensionality, instantaneity, suddenness. Teleportation from a physical point of view is the dematerialization of an object with subsequent materialization at another point in space. The particles turn into waves and are emitted in the astral field as light. UFOs teleport to us from other stars.

Proving that teleportation through multidimensional space is possible in the future for us too.

The growth of dimension can be considered from Saturn (dimension of living space) and from Pluto (dimension of the objective world). Saturn is zero-dimensional because it is not alive, like stones, the physical plane of existence. Pluto is zero-dimensional, like an invisible thing, space rolled into a point, shunyata, nirvana, nothingness that hides being within itself. Saturn, the physical world, is objectively three-dimensional, Jupiter, the etheric world, is four-dimensional, Mars, the astral world, is five-dimensional.

The Sun, the fiery world, is geocentrically six-dimensional, heliocentrically – nine-dimensional. Mental plane – Venus, imaginative thinking, imaginative thinking, seven-dimensional, Mercury, conceptual thinking, eight-dimensional. On the first scale from Saturn to the Sun, Pluto is like the tenth nine-dimensional; when moving to the second scale, its nine dimensions are collapsed and projected to zero.

Uranus as the surface of a sphere is a field, Neptune as a line, radius is a ray, Pluto as a point is a particle. These three invisible planets describe the invisible reality of the microworld, the structure of space in which physical matter exists, the next step, Saturn. The planets external to the Earth denote the external world of man, matter. Inner planets – inner world.

The sun is the highest “I”. The border, the Earth - the unity of the opposites of the material and spiritual, man himself as an inhabitant of the Earth. Teleportation can be carried out through any dimensions, starting from the fourth, but the fifth, Mars, and the astral plane are best suited for this.

The ratio of diameter to radius is approximately 44/7, 49/8 or 63/10. If the radius is 7, then this is Saturn, the form, the physical world. If - 8, then this is Uranus, space. If - 10, then this is Pluto, energy, another world. Each version of the radius corresponds to its own version of the diameter phases as a cycle of rotation or a version of aspects, polygons dividing the circle into equal parts.

For Saturn 44=4x11 (square, Moon and decagon, Xena), for Uranus 49=7x7 (septile, Sun), for Pluto 63=7x9=7x3x3=21x3 (septile, Sun, nonagon, Neptune, trine, Mars and triseptile, Universe). The center of the circle is the Sun, God. Uranus is projected onto Mercury, 8=2x2x2, Neptune onto Venus, 9=3x3, Pluto onto Mars, 10=5x2. We count Mercury, Venus, and Mars from the Sun.

This means that Pluto is also an astral plane and teleportation is associated with space 63/10. Mars is an astral impulse, movement in space, the Sun is a source of energy necessary to overcome a distance, Neptune is a prayer or meditation that attracts the help of the Creator of space, capable of changing its properties and opening the way to other worlds.

Divine justice is realized through the abilities and talents that God distributes to those who deserve them. If they cannot use them themselves, the baton is passed on to children or more distant descendants. To take advantage of your chance, you need to study something yourself, because without knowledge, even a brilliant idea cannot be realized. Results do not come immediately; mastering new opportunities takes time, often years of work.

Quantity turns into quality. Even from unsuccessful experiments you can extract information about reality and yourself. To adjust plans, programs and achieve successful ones. Optimism based on faith in God and justice sooner or later bears fruit. Pessimism and skepticism cut everything in the bud. Without giving God the opportunity to manifest Himself. New ideas in science, art, and business advance both humanity and the person who proposed them.

Astrology is no exception. Knowledge of the properties of a new planet opens up new opportunities for solving all problems associated with its function in the planetary system. Discovered in 2003, Xena as a collective consciousness helps to adapt to society, to find one’s place in an organization or a group of people. As a spiritual awakening, it opens the way to the Sun, the Creator. Through the eleven-year cycle of its activity, realizing its number in the planetary system.

As the third eye of humanity, it allows you to see cosmic reality, understand the structure of the Universe, and look into its center. The consciousness of humanity develops with the change of eras and races. Xena helps to find the keys to these processes and cycles, shows where the turns of the evolutionary spiral are moving, millennia and tens of thousands of years, “centuries of centuries.” Knowledge of the future allows you to understand the present and extract results from the past, make the right choice in religion and politics, and establish cooperation with those who will win.

Understanding the possibilities of the new era of Leo-Aquarius awakens personal potential in the field of religion, in the study of space and astrology or the exact sciences. Reveals a person's creative potential and helps to see creative potential in others. Knowing that the emerging sixth race is realizing Venus for all Scorpio for the USA and Gemini for Russia helps to correctly assess geopolitics and life within these countries.

Venus is the planet of harmony, beauty and love, the sixth race begins through the art and emotions of ordinary people.

The cycles generated by the harmonics and overtones of the directional cycle and the Sedna cycle are realized over epochs and millennia, but they affect real life now. Preparing the future through the present, the universal through the personal. They are associated with collective emotions, collective thinking, collective creativity and transcendental levels of being. The tenth harmonic of the 360-year cycle of directions, a cycle of 44 thousand years, connects humanity with the center of the Universe, helps to understand where it came from, i.e. Who created it.

This is a cycle of spiritual development of humanity, independent of precession, with which it intersects at the level of 4 million, summing up the overall life of civilization and passing the baton to other worlds, 44000x7x13=52x7x11=4000000 years.

The final reward for good and evil occurs at the end of life cycles, large for humanity and nations, smaller for individuals. Saturn's 29.5 year cycle works for generations. A fair summing up is a condition for continuing activities in the new cycle. Two cycles of Saturn, 59 years, the main result of human life and the beginning of the transmission of results through one generation to grandchildren, the limit for which is three cycles of Saturn 88-89 years.

Closer dates are Jupiter's cycles of 12 years. For each of them (with good aspects), God can give an idea on how to achieve success in a particular area of ​​activity, if a person deserves it. Or maybe he won’t, leaving it to himself. The cycles of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto sum it up for countries and peoples. Sedna (10.5 thousand) is the main range of humanity as a separate civilization.

Then there are cycles of interaction between different worlds. The cycle of 44 thousand years is divided into 4 parts of 11 thousand (the 21st Fibonacci number, indicating the center of the Universe). Four is the fourth planet Earth and its satellite the Moon, the world of people or four elements as four levels of energy and states of form, four options for humanity’s awareness of the cosmos.

When multiplied by seven (the major planets), it gives an analogue of the lunar cycle, a lunar of 28 days. There are 13 such lunars in a year - 28x13=364, and the solar activity cycle is 11 years - 4000 days, 4x7x13 x11=4000 (+4). The large cycle is projected onto the small one, creating a really working resonance. Sedna's orbital period is close to 11 thousand years, which means it resonates with a cycle of 44 thousand, completing 4 of its revolutions during this time and creating a projection of the center of the Universe on a closer scale.

There are 80 levels in the Universe, four dodecahedrons - earth, water, air, fire (physical, ethereal, astral and fiery world). Together with their centers – 84. In years – the period of revolution of Uranus – 21x4=7x12=28x3. This is the possible duration and stages of human life, since man is a microcosm. The centers of the dodecahedrons can be combined into one, then you get 81 levels of existence, 9x9, the square of Neptune, the vertical of religion, faith, prayer and meditation, leading collective development through all worlds.

Binonagon, 2/9 at 80 degrees is a projection of existence into the zodiac circle, the 81st degree goes to the center. Double Neptune is the universal transcendental Uranus - 9x2=18=10+8. Universal transcendental Neptune, 4200=21x200, eleventh harmonic of the 8th Fibonacci number, Uranus. Neptune follows Uranus and so Uranus prepares it. Science can lead to religion, astrology can lead to belief in God. Since their influence cannot be explained by the purely physical properties of the planets.

Astrology is the logic of the astral. The zodiac begins in Aries, and its owners - Mars and Pluto - are the astral world. But since the astral level of existence is reality, then atheistic materialism is mistaken. We cannot reduce the world to the astral plane. And if he is wrong about this, then he is wrong about everything else. He did not provide evidence that there is no God. And modern scientific data about the emergence of the Universe 18 billion years ago is closer to the traditional religious idea of ​​​​the creation of the world from nothing than to the traditional materialistic belief in eternal and infinite matter.

20th century mathematics has proven that the concept of actual infinity is contradictory. That is, infinity exists only potentially as an unlimited process of growth, but in reality it does not and cannot exist. Materialism is a belief (like religion) only with a minus sign that there is no God. And if you have to choose between two faiths, then it is better to choose the one that is not contradictory and confirmed by modern science, that is, faith in the Creator.

God, evolution, creation

Whether the world was created or whether it arose through evolution is a theoretical question that can be resolved at a philosophical level. The seven-level hierarchy of existence, given to humanity as an observable spiritual or material fact, has practical significance. The basic model summarizes data from world religions, science and astrology. The Sun is God, Mercury is the archangels, Venus is the angels, Earth is people, Mars is animals, Jupiter is plants, Saturn is stones.

Stones, plants, animals and humans are the four stages of evolution, logically substantiated by the collected scientific material. God, archangels, angels, man - the four stages of creation, described by religion and supported by real spiritual experience

Correct use of a planet as the ruler of a sign and, accordingly, the house whose cusp falls in this sign.

1. Mars is classically responsible for the sign of Aries. But it's not that simple. As it turned out, the arrangement is as follows: if in an individual horoscope Pluto is direct, then he will be responsible for the sign of Aries (by the way, and this is important, I noticed that the directness and retrograde of Pluto remains until it moves to the next degree). If Pluto is retrograde, then Mars will be in charge of the sign of Aries. If Mars is retrograde, then regardless of whether Pluto is direct or retrograde, it (Mars) will be responsible for the sign of Aries.

2. The ruler of Taurus is Venus.

3. The ruler of Gemini is retrograde Mercury.

However, the Gemini sign has a problem. The fact is that, in fact, the planet that was previously located between Mars and Jupiter should be responsible for this sign. Now all that remains of it is the asteroid belt. Judging by the fact that this planet is on the clay tablets of the Sumerians, it can be assumed that it was destroyed no earlier than 5 thousand years ago. I tried to use large asteroids remaining from this planet for prediction, but, unfortunately, the result was zero. But experience has shown that it is retrograde Mercury that can be used as the ruler of the sign of Gemini in forecasting.

If Mercury is direct in the radix, then, unfortunately, the sign of Gemini is left without a ruler and it is almost impossible to obtain complete information on those areas of the horoscope for which the sign of Gemini is responsible (I define this for myself as a “blind spot” in the horoscope), you have to use indirect indicators. For example, in a horoscope with direct Mercury, the cusp of the 6th house falls in the sign of Gemini. Then the problem arises with accurately predicting those aspects of life for which the 6th house of the horoscope is responsible, for example, work in a subordinate position (hired labor). Well, etc.

However, it is often possible to obtain information about the affairs of the house whose cusp falls in the sign of Gemini, with minor aspects of transit Mercury and minor aspects of transit planets to Mercury.

4. The ruler of Cancer is the Moon.

5. The ruler of Leo is the Sun.

6. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury direct. Please note that if Mercury is retrograde in the radix, it will be the ruler of Gemini. And the sign of Virgo will remain without a ruler (problems arise again with obtaining prognostic information).

7. The ruler of Libra is Eris-Proserpina (discovered in 2005 by Xena).

By the way, you should not use Proserpina ephemeris, which are used in the Zet astroprocessor. They have nothing to do with her real situation and are nothing more than speculation, a mistake. Now Eris is at 23 degrees. Aries. You can download the Proserpina-Eris ephemeris on the Internet. In addition, Eris ephemeris is available in Neil Michelsen's 21st Century Ephemeris Tables.

8. Retrograde (or maintaining the quality of retrograde) Pluto is responsible for the sign of Scorpio. With direct (or maintaining the quality of directness) Pluto, Mars becomes the ruler of Scorpio. If Mars is retrograde in the natal, then Pluto will be the ruler, regardless of whether it is retrograde or direct.

9. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter.

10. The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn.

11. The ruler of Aquarius is Uranus.

12. Ruler of Pisces - Neptune.

Please note that the planet retains the qualities of directness or retrograde until it moves to the next degree. This is especially evident when making predictions, when the ruler is Pluto and you need to decide which sign and house it rules. We'll make a mistake and make the wrong diagnosis.

For example, a woman was born on June 10, 1971. Pluto is at 26 degrees. Virgos. Until June 7 it was retrograde, and on June 7, 1971 it becomes direct. The next one, 27 gr. He passes Virgo on June 16, so we continue to believe that he retains the qualities of retrograde, and mark him in the natal chart as retrograde, responsible for the sign of Scorpio, and not Aries, because Mars is direct.

I call this the “Rule of Maintaining Directness or Retrograde Until Moving to the Next Degree.”

The name Xena, what does it mean? Does the name xen influence the fate of the bearer or does everything depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s a pure xena!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant features of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most complete information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Xena: Meaning, origin

  • Meaning of the name Xena: girl from afar
  • Origin of the name Xena: Greek English

Numerology of the name Xena

  • Name number: 8
  • Heart number: 7
  • Personality number: 1
  • Happiness number: 8
  • Lucky numbers for the name Xena: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 116
  • Happy days of the month: 8, 17, 26

The meaning of the letters of the name Xena

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • k – mystery, endurance, nervousness, insight
  • s – nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, authority, moodiness
  • e – vitality, ability to mobilize in a critical situation, straightforwardness, talkativeness
  • n – energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • a – strength and power

Talismans named after Xen

  • Happy season: Winter
  • Lucky days of the week: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Sunday
  • Lucky Color: Pink
  • Mascot plant: Fern
  • Talisman stones named after Xen: Silver, Lead, Sapphire, Black Pearl, Garnet, Alexandrite, Onyx, Turquoise, Zircon, Amethyst
  • Spirit animal: Otter
  • Tree: Rowan

Astrology named after Xena

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Xena, the ruling planet is Uranus and Saturn, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits given by Uranus and Saturn: Freedom, genius, invention, brotherly feelings, peacefulness, openness

Disadvantages that the name gives to Uranus and Saturn: Intolerance, revolutionary spirit, devoid of creativity

  • Astrological color of name: Blue
  • Side of the world: North
  • Astrological stone: Obsidian, Sardonyx, Tiger's Eye
  • Representing animal: Wolf, Swan, Deer

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Xen:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Xena

For the name Xena the planetary number is 2 and manages this name Moon.

Two is a dual number that always confronts a person with the need to make a choice. Therefore, everything in life depends on your choice, by which you predetermine your future. The key planet for such names is the Moon, so you need to pay more attention to home, family, loved ones, and continue the spiritual traditions of your family and people. Only in this case will you be able to develop a name protection system for yourself.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Xen

For the name Xena, the Zodiac number is 11 Aquarius.

The names Aquarius involve you in the mystery of searching for a new and free conscious choice. They create a field of change, independence, originality and unpredictability around a person.

The sacred number for the name Xena is 5 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Lion

Leos create a field of celebration, theater and games. They place a person in the center of attention of others and require brightness, visibility, the disclosure of talents and creative realization.

Author:Astrologer Pakhomov Sergey Viktorovich
The eleven-year cycle of solar activity is explained by the 12th Fibonacci number, 11×13=143. The Lunar coincides with the Sun’s own rotation period – 28 days, which means it realizes its energy on Earth. This is exactly four weeks, the resonance of seven visible planets and four elements. Alternatively, the same number of Lunars can be obtained using the zodiac - 12x12=144. This is the cycle of life squared, i.e. resonating with itself. The Sun is the source of life on Earth and the key to its cycle is the 12th Fibonacci number, signifying life. Eleven years is the period of collective awareness (11th planet) of this reality, 13 Lunars is the period of collective analysis of this fact (Proserpina) with the help of individual consciousness and intuition (Earth and Moon).
In the solar plexus, the Sun merges with Mars, the superior mesenteric node into a single fire. The exaltation of the Sun in Aries, the domain of Mars, is the beginning of the zodiac circle. The exaltation of Mars in Leo, the domain of the Sun, is the peak of energy, the hottest time of the year. Six planets are projected onto the Earth's surface in belts of 15 degrees parallel to the equator, symmetrical relative to the Earth's orbit, which is projected at the 45th parallel. The equator is the hottest zone, the Sun, then Mercury and Venus. These are planets internal to the Earth. External - Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, distant from the Sun and cooled like the climate in the corresponding zones. Stavropol, where I live and write this text, is located on the 45th parallel, combining the qualities of Venus and Mars and resonating with the Earth as an axis of symmetry for individual planets. It was founded on October 22, 1777, the year after the United States. The collective planets are in the same signs, and the Plutos are in coincidence, which creates a resonance with America and feeds the energy of Stavropol leaders such as Andropov and Gorbachev. The approaching anniversary of the USA (and Stavropol) is the cycle of Pluto (plus two years), its return to the starting point in their horoscopes. Summing up and the beginning of a new stage of the same duration in their life. Stavropol according to the sign Libra-Scorpio. (Ophiuchus), his Sun is projected into the corresponding sectors of the Virgo-Libra constellations on the territory of Canada with a shift to the territory of the United States. Due to the identity of the constellations and zodiac signs in terms of qualities. A new surge of energy will move from the United States to Russia within a year and will include some new project. Most likely on the Internet. For sharing information, music and movies. Associated with the advent of the era of Aquarius and the emergence of a new, sixth race. The first wave of which will be deployed in the United States. The second is parallel to the seventh race in the East of Russia.
The seven races are activated as a result of the precession of the vernal equinox through the constellations and their corresponding sectors. The first, australoid - the Sun and the Leo sector in Australia. The second, Negroid - the Moon and the Cancer sector. (Australian Aborigines are relatives of Africans). The third, red – Mars and the Scorpio sector in America. Fourth, yellow - Mercury and the Gemini sector in China. Fifth, white - Jupiter and the Pisces sector in Europe. Sixth - Venus and the Libra sector in America. Seventh – Saturn and the Capricorn sector in Brazil. Additional constellations and epochs are associated with the symmetrical collective planet and its primary domain. For the sixth race it is Vulcan and Taurus, Siberia. America now dominates the world as the territory of the sixth race. To improve its status, Russia needs to shift its focus to the East and become the center of Eurasia. The Pisces sector is the past, and Aquarius and England are far away. And it is oriented through genes not towards Russia, but towards America. Siberia is the future of Russia, new scientific discoveries and inventions will make it more suitable for life and the center of development will move to the Taurus sector. The goal of which is well-being and prosperity achieved through one’s own labor. The key to life, the 12th Fibonacci number, is the 12th harmonic of the zodiac, dividing each sign of the zodiac into 12 parts, and the entire zodiac into 144.
Harmonics, like aspects, are deciphered through the numbers that generate them, the numbers of the planets. Like the harmonic aspects, you can count up to 21, that is, up to the last level of the cosmos or the eighth Fibonacci number, Uranus. Harmonics complement the main horoscope with overtones, resonances with the cosmos and with oneself. Their sequence in projection onto the zodiac circle forms a cycle of 16 years. This is two to the fourth power, the four-dimensional space of Venus, the planet of harmony and love. Two such cycles, 32 years - Mercury, the five-dimensional space of the mind, 64 - the Sun, the six-dimensional space of spirituality, creativity and enlightenment, 128 years - this is the sky, seven-dimensional Uranus. Possible life stages in this world and the next.
The seven races correspond to the days of creation and the day of rest described in the Bible. The properties of the planets and constellations through which precession passes are the key to deciphering the biblical symbolism of these seven phases of existence. The light from which everything begins is the Sun, the era of Leo. The Spirit of God is Uranus, the Age of Aquarius. First race - day one. Firmament and water - the eras of Capricorn and Cancer. The second race is the second day, the mistress of Cancer is the Moon. The green created on the third day is Jupiter, the lord of the age of Sagittarius, in which the third race begins in the northern hemisphere. The fourth race begins with the eras of Leo and Cancer in the northern hemisphere, their masters the Sun and the Moon are luminaries created on the fourth day. The fifth race begins in Aries, its lord Mars denoting the animals created on the fifth day. Man, man and woman, correspond to the sixth race, Venus, the planet of love. Seventh day of rest - Saturn.
In space, a person could appear at one of the new stages of the existence of the Universe, determined by Fibonacci numbers. The unit of measurement for the life of the Universe is one revolution of the Galaxy, 200 million years. At the 2-3 billion years of its existence, the primary gas differentiated into “pancakes”, which later became superclusters of galaxies. This corresponds to the 7th Fibonacci number, Saturn, because... 200×13=2.6 billion. The next stage is the 8th Fibonacci number Uranus – 200x 21=4.2 billion. Next comes Neptune - 200x34=6.8 billion. Then Pluto – 200×55=11 billion. Uranus may be associated with the formation of galaxies and stars, space as it is now. Neptune can be associated with the emergence of life, plants and animals (the origin of life in the sea), Pluto with the emergence of man. The seven billion years of its existence can be divided into seven stages according to the planets from the Sun to Saturn. The Earth corresponds to man, the fourth stage, modern man has existed for 3 billion years. The first three stages are associated with the multidimensional space of the Sun, Mercury and Venus; man still sees the kingdom of God, the world of archangels and angels. And starting from the fourth, human space becomes limited, isolated in three dimensions, such as we live in now. Three billion is 15 revolutions of the Galaxy, the previous 15 billion is 45 revolutions. Which is close to the proportion of diameter and radius 44/7.
The emergence of modern man is the beginning of a new turn of the circle, consisting of 44 parts. Two turns equal 88, which is close to the 11th Fibonacci number representing humanity. Neptune as the emergence of life in space is the owner of Pisces, the 12th sign, in which the 12th planet, the owner of Taurus, is exalted. Pluto as a human creation is the last of the basic planets associated with the structure of space, the decagon, which has golden proportions between radius and sides. Man is the crown of creation, the completion of the Creator's plan. Now the Universe is moving to the stage of the 11th Fibonacci number, and in 11 billion years the 12th stage, a new life, will begin.
Counting the planets from Saturn to the Sun - evolution, knowledge of God, counting from the Sun to Saturn - creation, grace. The first ten levels of the universe are stages of human development, the second ten are the manifestation of the Creator. Therefore, the cosmos in Agni Yoga is described as a source of energy. In fact, God gives cosmic energy. The first planet of the second ten is a window to the Universe, the new Sun as a transmitter of energy from transcendental levels of existence. The solar 11-year cycle is its manifestation in the life of man and humanity; years divisible by 11 are serious milestones. Especially those derived from 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 13, the Fibonacci numbers of the first seven. They are close to Fibonacci numbers 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. The seventh milestone is new life in heaven. This is due to the fact that 11 is the harmonic of the golden ratio, the ratio of Fibonacci numbers removed by 5 steps. It turns the seven individual planets into 12 zodiac signs (7+5=12) and is the key to concrete practical astrology working on Earth. The previous harmonics 4 and 7 (elements and planets) are also easily deciphered and found in people's lives. Each 4- and 7-phase cycle can be divided into subcycles by Fibonacci numbers, their final number is also a Fibonacci number, respectively 3 and 4 steps away from the number forming the subcycle. All these resonances bring harmony, beauty and love to life. As the Bible says, God created the world by number and measure, therefore we have the right and obligation to study them. Harmonics are reproduced for Fibonacci numbers at the thousands level, i.e. a thousand is 987+13, close to the 16th Fibonacci number, denoting universal Jupiter, growth. Center of the Universe, 21st Fibonacci number – 11 thousand, the following numbers – 17.8 thousand, 28.8 thousand, 46.6 thousand. These are the 18th, 29th and 47th, harmonics that allow you to quickly calculate approximate Fibonacci numbers after the 21st. The harmonics themselves are also simply calculated, each harmonic is equal to the sum of the two previous ones - 1+3=4, 3+4=7, 4+7=11, etc. The calculation algorithm is the algorithm for the creation of the world, the key to understanding the Creator.
Whether man appeared on Earth from space as a result of teleportation or was created on Earth from scratch is not important. The laws of the Universe are the same and man on Earth implements the same model as in space. If you believe the biblical version of the origin of all people from one person, there was teleportation of intelligent life to Earth. If Adam is the first man on Earth, then he is an analogue and symbol of the first man in space. Who can also be called Adam. And the biblical patriarchs are then symbols of the founders or leaders of different civilizations, connected along a chain by the relay race of religions or material cultures (and therefore the genes of the very first man in the Universe). This relay race could come to us, or rather fly with Noah from Antares. His ship could be cosmic, and the waters of the flood could mean the astral plane. The chariot of the prophet Elijah could also be a symbol of a starship and he could fly to Vega. Where he was received as a heavenly prophet. Technical teleportation, the flight of a UFO, proves the possibility of natural or supernatural teleportation. An experiment can clarify this question. Protection and influence through the fourth or fifth dimension. With the help of bioenergy, mantras and prayers.
If the biblical chronology is taken literally, the creation of man occurs at the beginning of the Age of Taurus in India, the homeland of the Indo-European peoples. Which, according to the sectors of the constellations on the surface of the Earth, corresponds to the position of the Sun in the Galaxy (sector, constellation Gemini-Taurus) and the alien base of Shambhala in the Himalayas. Symmetrical to the center of the Galaxy in Sagittarius-Scorpio. The orbit of the center of the Galaxy is up to 7 degrees.
Perhaps, along with energy and knowledge, alien genes also came to Earth, creating a new, rapidly developing genotype. The symbol of which was Adam. Then the years of life of all patriarchs are periods of their influence on their descendants and earthly events. And they themselves are important links in the chain. Myths are multifaceted and multidimensional; the Bible can describe both space and events on Earth at the same time. The book with seven seals can only be deciphered by astrology with its algorithms of the seven planets as the key to all cycles of the Universe and humanity. Another interpretation of the six days of creation is the man of the sixth race as the new Adam. Venus, the planet of angels, is his goal. People can move to the next stage of evolution, becoming angels, in order to restore their number after the fall of the third part, which turned into demons. This chance is not for everyone, but for the sixth race of the Earth and its future continuation in new civilizations, which it can create by teleportation into space with the help of God and on ships.
The number of the harmonics of the golden proportion corresponds to the number of steps between the Fibonacci numbers that it compares, as well as to the planet, which gives a decoding of its meaning. The seventh harmonic is 29, lunar month. The Moon is a reflection of the Sun. Eleventh harmonic – 199 (about 200), window to the Universe, algorithm for quickly calculating Fibonacci numbers at the thousand level – 55×200=11000, 34×200=6800, 21×200=4200, 13×200=2600, 8×200= 1600, 5×200=1000. Then thousands turn into millions – 11000×200=2200000, etc. The period of revolution of the Galaxy, 200 million years, is divided by the golden ratio into harmonics 199=123+76, 76=47+29, 29=18+11, 11=7+4. This is the galactic key to the meaning of the millions of years by which the life of a civilization is measured. Four million - four elements and the third harmonic, Mars, struggle, or Venus love, beauty and harmony, i.e. art, culture as a result, passed on to the next 4 millionth stage. Five such stages are the Pluto aspect, 1/10 of the Galaxy cycle, energy, teleportation, astrolets. Death and resurrection, i.e. reincarnation into a new phase of the same civilization or a new civilization that retains a hidden connection with the previous one. According to progressions, a day is like a year, 4 million is 11,000 years, i.e. 21st Fibonacci number, Sedna orbital period, universal limit. This is the key to the meaning of millions from the point of view of the Sun and the planetary system and from the point of view of the Earth.
In a millennium there are 34 cycles of Saturn, 12 cycles of Uranus, 6 cycles of Neptune, 4 cycles of Pluto. Millennium - resonance of the main slow-moving planets. Although, due to the inaccuracy of resonance, they shift according to the zodiacal signs, forming large cycles of millennia that realize the properties of these planets. More precisely, this resonance is realized in parades of planets, when their vectors are not extinguished as usual, but are added up, creating a large resulting vector that creates contact with distant space. In 1980-1986, the parade of planets created a connection with the center of the Galaxy; in its focus in 1983, when Pluto moved into its sign, a variable formula of prayer and meditation appeared: Lord, You are my peace! Lord, You are our...! The last word changes according to the situation and needs. Now this formula is spreading throughout the Galaxy and beyond as a projection of the Sun based on its center. Creating spiritual prerequisites for contact with earthlings in the future. The next parade of planets in about a thousand years will shift the focus from the center of the Galaxy to the Large Magellanic Cloud and the center of the Universe. The current parade of planets is associated with Maitreya, the future may be associated with the prophet Mahdi. Or another equivalent religious leader using the energies of the peak of the Age of Leo. Either it will be a breakthrough of humanity into space at the peak of Aquarius energy and the leader will be a scientist or explorer of the Universe. Or it will be both. But in any case, something will happen. And this will be associated with the direct manifestation of God as in Islamic culture and the exploration of distant spaces.

Vulcan and Xena
Vulcan is a hypothetical 12th planet, the properties of which logically follow from the properties of the known planets. It can exist in another star system and be projected onto us through the astral plane. The next planet after Pluto, and therefore the eleventh, is Xena (Eris), because It is larger in size than Pluto and there are no planets between them. The sun in astrology is also considered a planet. Number one. But according to the logic of the golden proportion, Vulcan must correspond to the Fibonacci number, as well as Xena and Proserpina. Xena's orbital period is 557 years (close to the 15th Fibonacci number, 610). The cycle of Proserpina, empirically deduced by astrologers, is about 720 years. Although the closest Fibonacci number is 987, which casts doubt on the Proserpina cycle as a planetary cycle and suggests that it is not a planet, the resonance to the directions is 360 years for a full circle in the zodiac, a degree per year. The cycle of the 13th planet should be longer, somewhere between 900 and 1000 years. Then the period of the 11th planet should be less than 377. Pluto, following this logic, should be close to 233. Which is what we actually observe. This means that Xena cannot be the eleventh planet with its orbital period. In reality it occupies the place that in theory Vulcan occupies. God is a worker, a master, uniquely corresponding to Taurus and suitable for the role of the owner of this sign and the house of life and money associated with it. The name “Xena” is not taken from Greco-Roman myths like all other planets. But a mythological analogue, associated with astrology like all Greco-Roman gods, must exist and explain a lot. The main analogue is Vulcan. This means that astrologers can use two names – astronomical and their own. (Eris is the goddess of discord, disputes about the status of the planet due to a problem with its numbering).
The main thing is to understand the function of this planet in the system (as collective emotions) by its number and symmetry to the individual planet (Venus). And also by Fibonacci number. And according to the properties of its possession, the sign of Taurus. The eleventh planet has not been discovered, although there are many planetoids that could lay claim to this role. As well as the role of all other logically calculated planets from Xena to Sedna and even beyond. The asteroid belt after the orbit of Mars and before the orbit of Jupiter could also be realized as a cycle or planet, because according to the golden ratio it fits and there is a Fibonacci number corresponding to it (17th). But not all Fibonacci numbers are realized as planets. Between Mercury and Venus such a number (144 days) is missed. And between Mars (15th) and Jupiter (19th) as many as three are missing. One each between Mars and asteroids and asteroids and Jupiter. Just like the asteroids themselves. They did not take on the function of Jupiter. One step (three in total) in the system was missed due to their fragmentation. Between Saturn and Uranus the number is also missing. All individual planets except the Earth are realized through a step. And the collective ones are in order without gaps. The eleventh planet is symmetrical to the Earth. This means all the more so it must be realized at least as a cycle on the astral level. According to the golden ratio (5/8) from Xena (557), its period is 348 years, almost 350 and close to 360 (directional cycle). Which corresponds to the 14th Fibonacci number - 377. If the cycle is implemented even without a real planet as a function in the planetary system, then the next planet receives the next function. Xena does not get the collective consciousness (like the 11th), but collective emotions, money and life. She becomes the full-fledged mistress of Taurus, the second mistress of Libra and the key to solving many pressing problems. Its aspects, as well as its position by sign and house, will indicate ways to survive and achieve material success. The eleventh planet will represent humanity and man as part of it. His human nature and the universal human subconscious or superconscious. As the source of his intuition and his personality. It is impossible to study the origin of man outside of humanity. The eleventh planet is a vision of life as it is. On Earth and in space or in heaven.

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