Offensive jokes about Nikita. Swearing poems about Nikita

Children's funny poems about the boy Nikita and baby Nikita:

N. Vargus

All Nikita did it myself
He himself got up by the hour,
When he woke up, he clapped his eyes,
I took a bath in the shower myself

He sat down to read a book himself,
The kid himself learned to read,
He himself read syllable by syllable:
“Nikit does it all himself!”

In February under the sign of "Pisces"
Birthday Nikitki,
We bought a parrot
And they gave us gifts!
But the best one is from dad,
Tin soldiers!

E. Gorbovskaya

What's for lunch today? -
Milk soup and omelet.
How big Nikita: myself
Holds a spoon: Yum-yum-yum!

T. Shokreva

Foal at the gate
Met with Nikitka,
He ate bread from his palm
And a little sugar.

S. Serezhkin

Was a good dump truck
But to Nikita he got it
No wheels and no cabin
We need a new car.


What's for lunch today? -
Milk soup and omelet.
How big Nikita: myself
Holds a spoon: YUM-YUM-YUM!

S. Nasedkina

And again Nikita roars
His plane crashed.
He fell right into the bucket
And the wing fell off.
Nikita looked sadly
And he roared very loudly.
And again the neighbors are all assembled
They sympathize with children's grief.

E. Lyudarskaya

Who cut into pieces
Scissors all socks
With blue stripe
I cut a sailor suit
From the scarf of the sail
Blue like the skies
And throws it to the floor
Anchor on a rope
Who shouts to the left of the steering wheel
I am the master of the ship
This is ours Nikita
Swimming in a trough

A. Antipova

Have trouble Nikita a lot,
He decided to help his mother,
Make the bed with a blanket,
Put the toys away
He can wash the dishes
And he’ll even set the table,
Will be in time anywhere and everywhere,
And he’ll play football with dad!

A. Kukhtina

A snail crawls on the grass,
And he crawls after her Nikita.
The baby's first time at the dacha,
But no one hears the crying.
Everything here is unknown to him
And incredibly interesting.
There’s just no time to cry -
There would be time to consider everything:
And a chamomile on the path,
And the neighbor's cat's whiskers.
And other miracles -
You have to touch everything yourself.
But he put the boy to sleep,
And in a dream he saw:
A snail crawled into the grass.
- I’ll catch up! - shouts Nikita.

N. Blinov

Here I wound the threads into a ball
Grandma in glasses.
Knit a scarf for Nikitki,
So that your cheeks don't get cold.
And let the frost be angry,
Let him crack and get angry.
Under the scarf is Nikitkin's nose,
Handles in mittens.

Here is a birch, here is a willow tree,
Here is a calf in the meadow.
Here's a bike with Nikita,
I'm running after Nikita.
Everything is visible at a glance,
The bicycle is moving fast.
No! Nikita won't catch up
Grandfather without a bicycle.

A. Eismont

You're still asleep, of course.
What can you say about Nikita.
Dawn is rising outside the window,
But he's not in bed.
There are so many tasks around the house!
Of course you are not familiar:
I need to scratch the cat
From crown to tail.
And then hug him,
Kiss me from the bottom of my heart.
And to the aquarium to wash,
Stop by, get a drink of water,
And he will take the horse with him
Will lead you to a watering hole!
Bears, squirrels and soldiers -
Everyone will be lined up for the parade!
And then he looks into the closet...
Maybe there's a giraffe sitting there?
There's no room for a giraffe -
He will pull everything out of the closet,
So that the giraffe can then
Fit in this closet!
He'll crawl back into bed,
He will settle down to sleep further.
Mommy will wake up in the morning
Smiles in surprise:
“Who was this?
Maybe in the Domovoy’s house?”
Brownie Nikita is sleeping
He snorts in both holes!

T. Revenko

U Nikita I've got my hands full
We urgently need to grow up
On the border he dreams
Bear your military duty
At the gate, along the fence
He walks with a stick on patrol
And he drives on a leash
Friend of his Trezor
Nothing can bribe them
They don't want to eat or drink
They walked for two hours
And the “border” was guarded
But then Trezor goes after the cat
Slipped out the doorway
Nikita stood for a while
He jumped on his right leg...
I went home and brought the castle
And he wrote on the fence
“The border is locked, and I’m on patrol”
He locked the gate and left.

S. Egorin

Restless child
Our Nikita, my kitten
He's already talking a little
Claps his hands loudly
Loves to cuddle with brother
And he doesn't like to get dressed
Inserted the floppy disk into the drive
And he presses his hand on the keyboard
He pokes the video with a cassette
I sat in the car like in a carriage
I'll ride him for an hour
Stop him and he'll yell
He dances to the music
And draws with a felt-tip pen
He loves to leaf through books
Loves to play with cats
Soon it will be New Year
Santa Claus will come to him
Even though Nikita is only a year old
Grandfather will bring gifts
We will arrange a holiday for you
Our Nikita, our prankster

Rhymes to the name Nikita often come in handy in poetic works. Therefore, every author must have in his luggage consonant words with this name.

How can an author make his life easier?

Every person who composes poems or songs wants to make his life easy and carefree. To do this you need to use useful recommendations, which are given by already experienced authors. You can write rhyming lines without difficulties and delays if:

  • Pay attention to the creations of other authors. In this case, you should take note of the rhymes you like.
  • You also need to write creations at the moment the muse arrives. This way the lines fit onto a sheet of paper without complications or snags.
  • And most importantly, get a notebook or notebook in which suitable rhymes for the name Nikita and other words will be written down.

All these little things will help you do creative life light and cloudless.

Consonant rhyme for the name Nikita

  • Knows what self-defense is.
  • There is no shortage of anything.
  • The soul is now protected for everyone.
  • Worthy of the title of favorite.
  • The dream of the rock of life is broken.
  • He knows that his retinue is reliable.
  • The soul for dating is revealed.
  • His path to happiness has already been paved.
  • He is not afraid of colds or appendicitis.
  • Attracts like the force of a magnet.
  • Life is fun and famous.
  • Lover of color.
  • Has a good appetite.
  • He has the best defense.
  • Faith in people is broken.
  • Lover of an unexpected visit.
  • Facial expressions are always angry.
  • The phrase can be poisonous.
  • Killed on the spot by his beauty.
  • His door is always ajar.
  • He always has a bat behind his back.
  • Any secret will be revealed to them.

Such rhymes for the name Nikita are suitable for poetic creations on any topic. Each author will be able to select those consonances that are most appropriate in his writings.

Funny rhymes for the name Nikita

Sometimes writers prefer to write humorous poems. And for such options there will definitely be rhymes for the name Nikita. As an example, you can take the following options:

  • Like a dynamite explosion.
  • Does not complain of lack of appetite.
  • He has a bat for offenders.
  • Looks a bit like a bandit.
  • His hands do not reach the loan.
  • Doesn't like red tape around him.
  • Life cannot be imagined without color.
  • His smile is like the attraction of a magnet.
  • Doesn't know the limits of the limit.
  • Every girl will be killed by his humor.
  • Like sweet cream from a sponge cake.
  • Its heart is made of durable granite.
  • Everyone nearby needs a bat.
  • Doesn't suffer from arthritis.
  • Your life will be ruined.

Such rhymes to the name Nikita will definitely find their place in one of the lines of the author’s works. The most important thing for a writer is to take notes. They are the ones who will help in right moment pick up the right words and phrases. And so that there are no barriers or obstacles to creativity, you should always have a notepad or notebook, as well as a pen or pencil on hand. After all, the muse can come at any moment, including the most unexpected. And an idea can slip into your head at any moment. A timely written phrase will allow you to use it in poems and poems at the right time.

In the question section, I urgently need a verse about Nikita given by the author Yodor Izmailov the best answer is Nikita’s face is covered in something!) Nikita walked across the bridge
stepped on his own tail)) And our Nikita
What is the head clogged with?
Nothing, and here's the secret:
Nikita has no brain)

Reply from Sag[guru]

They sharpen their teeth on Nikita
Both Sunnis and Shiites,
To arrange punishment -
Circumcision for Nikita!
Is this a punishment?
Circumcision for Nikita? !
A sharper feeling -
For Nikita, emasculation!
Comprehending the alien mind,
Nikita became cross-eyed.
But, hit by a friend,
Became binocular again.
Nikita's light is on:
He's talking to himself.
At Nikita's somehow
Insanity progresses. (With)
Do you know how to Google?

Reply from Naosobitsu[newbie]
here are some options
1) Who cut it into pieces
Scissors all socks
With blue stripe
I cut a sailor suit
From the scarf of the sail
Blue like the skies
And throws it to the floor
Anchor on a rope
Who shouts to the left of the steering wheel
I am the master of the ship
This is our Nikita
Swimming in a trough 2) A snail crawls along the grass,
And Nikita crawls behind her.
The baby's first time at the dacha,
But no one hears the crying.
Everything here is unknown to him
And incredibly interesting.
There’s just no time to cry -
There would be time to consider everything:
And a chamomile on the path,
And the neighbor's cat's whiskers.
And other miracles -
You have to touch everything yourself.
But he put the boy to sleep,
And in a dream he saw:
A snail crawled into the grass.
- I’ll catch up! - Nikita shouts. 3) Of course you are still sleeping,
What can you say about Nikita?
Dawn is rising outside the window,
But he's not in bed.
There are so many tasks around the house!
True children's poems
Of course you are not familiar:
I need to scratch the cat
From crown to tail.
And then hug him,
Kiss me from the bottom of my heart.
And to the aquarium to wash,
Stop by, get a drink of water,
And he will take the horse with him
Will lead you to a watering hole!
Bears, squirrels and soldiers -
Everyone will be lined up for the parade!
And then he looks into the closet...
Maybe there's a giraffe sitting there?
There's no room for a giraffe -
He will pull everything out of the closet,
So that the giraffe can then
Fit in this closet!
He'll crawl back into bed,
He will settle down to sleep further.
Mommy will wake up in the morning
Smiles in surprise:
“Who was this?
Maybe in the Brownie's house? »
Brownie Nikita is sleeping
He snorts in both holes!

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