Oge on literature how to write. Types of fiction

The examination paper in literature consists of two parts.

The first part of the work involves analyzing the text of a work of art located in the examination paper itself; in the second part, essay topics are proposed.

When assessing the performance of all types of tasks, the verbal format of the answers is taken into account.

First part consists of two alternative options (we need to choose one of them). The first option offers an analysis of a fragment of an epic, dramatic or lyric epic work, and the second - an analysis of a lyric poem or fable.

Each of first two tasks involves a written response in an approximate amount 3–5 sentences and is assessed with a maximum of 3 points.

Third task The first part involves not only thinking about the proposed text, but also comparing it with another work or fragment, the text of which is also given in the examination paper. Approximate volume 5–8 sentences.

It is recommended that the examinee take 120 minutes to complete the tasks of Part 1 of the work.

Second part The examination paper contains four essay topics that require extensive written argumentation.

The first topic refers to the work from which the fragment for the first version of the first part is taken, and the second - to the work of the poet, whose lyric poem or fable is included in the second version of the first part.

Tasks 2.3 and 2.4 are formulated based on the works of other writers whose works were not included in the versions of Part 1 (Old Russian literature; literature of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries). Tasks 2.3, 2.4 are not related to the problems of the works given in the first part of the examination paper. The examinee chooses one of four topics offered to him.

In the lyric essay, the examinee must analyze at least two poems.

The student is asked to take 115 minutes to write the essay.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education does not plan fundamental changes in the structure of literature testing for ninth graders.

The management of a school institution may leave a student for a second year if he refuses to pass the final state certification. Without passing the test, a certificate for grade 9 will not be issued. Ninth-graders will also have three attempts to pass the exams.

State Academy of Literature 2018 one of those school curriculum subjects that is not particularly popular among schoolchildren. Literature is not a compulsory subject for the exam, but students may well choose the discipline as an additional exam.

Examination results are not included in the nine-year education certificate.

The testing procedure will change quite seriously. Now all schoolchildren will be required to take exams after the ninth grade. Also, it will be allowed to choose for examination any disciplines from the list approved by the Ministry of Education. It is noteworthy that this list will include life safety and physical education.

Next year it is planned to leave the Russian language and mathematics as compulsory exams, and the students themselves must decide on the subjects of the remaining tests. Those students who became winners in Olympiads or took a prize are exempt from the GIA in this discipline.

In addition, amendments will be made regarding obtaining a certificate. If previously the document was issued to schoolchildren only upon successful passing of all state exams, now it will be enough to pass the required subjects with a “satisfactory” mark.

The system for evaluating completed work will also change significantly. For this purpose, a new federal point scale will be developed, which will be unified.

Structure of the 2018 GIA assignments in literature

The State Examination in Literature occupies a special place among examinations in other disciplines. The peculiarity is that KIMs on the subject contain only four questions, which are divided into two parts.

The main group of tasks consists of 3 questions, and the answers to them include an analysis of a poem or passage of your choice.

The second group is represented by one question, in which you need to write an essay of at least two hundred words on one of the four topics provided. Topics are selected based on the school curriculum.

GIA essay 2018

The last KIM assignment in literature requires you to write an essay. It is extremely important to complete the task, since it is for this task that the maximum number of points is awarded.

To write an essay as it should be, it is worth getting acquainted with the typical mistakes that students make.

First of all, you should avoid paraphrasing and presenting unnecessary information. The text must be clearly constructed and the arguments presented to support the point of view must be well-reasoned. The student should adhere to the following essay plan:

  • introduction – statement of the problem;
  • the main part is the argumentation of your point of view regarding the problem of the essay;
  • conclusion – a brief conclusion to the text.

Categories of those taking the State Exam in Literature

Next year, all schoolchildren will be required to take a state exam after the ninth grade. As for literature, this discipline will remain solely the choice of students.

The order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation defines categories of teenagers who can register to take the state exam. These may be students who did not achieve a passing grade in previous years. Also eligible to apply are those schoolchildren who have grades of at least “satisfactory” in all disciplines.

According to the order, those students who have an “unsatisfactory” mark in one subject of the school curriculum are allowed to take the exam, but this subject is included in the list of state exams taken.

At the moment, the examination schedule has not yet been approved. We follow the latest news.

How to become a participant in the State Examination 2018

In order to become a participant in the final test, a student must register. To do this, the teenager must fill out and personally submit an application in a unified form to the commission at the place of his education.

The application is submitted in writing and contains all the student’s data and a list of subjects that will be taken. The document must be filed and registered until February 1.

If there are reasons why a student is unable to take any subject, he has the right to submit an additional document indicating these reasons, as well as attach to the application the relevant medical certificates or other official documents justifying the re-application.

Such an application must be submitted no later than per month before the state examination.

Early completion of the State Examination in Literature in 2018

Several years ago, only those students who had valid reasons were allowed to take the final state certification early. These schoolchildren included: teenagers who participated in sports competitions at the federal level; children who had serious illnesses and were undergoing treatment; students who went to study abroad.

This option for passing the test made it possible to pass the entire exam on time and get free time in the future in order to pay more attention to entering further education (if such is included in the plans).

The disadvantage is also quite significant. Early examination may have a bad effect on the results of the State Examination in Literature. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren will be forced to combine studying at school with preparing for the exam, which will become an additional burden on the child’s body.

Demo version of the State Academic Examination in Literature 2018

It is considered quite good material for preparing for the exam. demo version of the State Academic Examination in Literature 2018 FIPI. This manual represents tasks that were presented at the state examination of past time periods. It is worth noting that the tasks do not fully coincide with the exam ones. As a rule, the demo version includes variants of questions that contain data similar to those that will be used for state certification.

In order for this manual to allow for high-quality preparation, the KIM codifiers of official state exam tasks were taken as the basis for the demonstration options.

On our website you can download the latest demo versions to prepare for the literature exam.

Additional information about the State Examination 2018

As with all disciplines, you must take your passport, pen, registration form and answer form with you for literature. If necessary, you are allowed to bring medications and food with you. All other personal items, for example, cell phones, are left in a place specially designated for these purposes.

It is also not allowed to use various reference literature, except as permitted.

In literature, a student has the right to use the full texts of works of art and collections of poetry. List of works approved in accordance with the course of the school curriculum.

In order for the results of the examination in literature to be counted, the student must score at least 7 points, which is equivalent to three. To score “5” you must get at least 23 points.

The student has the right to protest the GIA results. This is possible in two cases. First of all, a student has such a right when he does not agree with the exam results. For this, in four-day period, the student must write an appeal and apply to the conflict commission with a request to re-check his work.

In the second case, the student has the right to appeal if the organizers violated the examination procedure itself and the student did not have the opportunity to fully pass the exam. In this case, the complaint is filed after the fact, namely, without leaving the audience.

The conflict commission may refuse an appeal for the reason that the student himself was a participant in violations during the exam or the complaint contains claims regarding the form and content of the tasks.

How to prepare for the 2018 State Examination in Literature

Preparation for the State Examination in Literature 2018 requires not only putting in some effort, but also drawing up a plan. It is these factors that determine how successfully the state exam will be passed. It is extremely important to decide what materials will be used in preparation. Specially developed manuals such as a demo version of the State Examination Test or online State Assessment Tests on literature are quite suitable here. You can also take into account the following list of references:

  1. Preparation for the OGE in 2016. Literature. Diagnostic work. Federal State Educational Standard, 2016 Novikova L.V. – the manual is compiled to help the student develop practical skills when working with exam questions.
  2. OGE 2016. Literature. Typical test tasks, 2016 Kuzanova O.A. – the brochure includes 12 tasks with answers necessary to prepare for the State Examination in Literature.
  3. OGE 2015. Literature, 2016. Erokhina E.L. – a set of standard assignments on literature.
  4. OGE-2016. Literature. 20 options for examination papers to prepare for the main state exam in grade 9, 2015 – Zinina E.A., Fedorov A.V. – a guide for preparing for the State Examination, contains 20 tasks on literature.

All of these manuals and brochures can be purchased at any specialized store or downloaded from the official website.

Also, a demo version of the GIA in literature can be downloaded on the official website of the FIPI in the Open Task Bank. This bank contains all the GIA assignments for previous years, and any student can download all the necessary materials there.

It is extremely important to prepare mentally for the exam. Undoubtedly, for any teenager, passing exams is a serious stress. To avoid difficulties during the exam, the student is required to tune his brain to a positive outcome of the test and believe in himself.

Parents will be required to provide maximum support, create the conditions necessary for preparation, and monitor their child’s sleep and nutritional patterns.

Statistics for passing the State Examination in Literature in past years

Statistics for past years show that about a quarter of students were able to write papers with the maximum mark, and about a quarter of the students were able to write papers with the “satisfactory” mark. 36% . Near 8% students were unable to achieve a passing grade.

Exam Schedule

An example of developing tasks for the OGE, literature, grade 9

Pilipenko Nadezhda Anatolevna,

teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 12 with UIOP" Stary Oskol,

Belgorod region

Part 2.

To complete the task of part 2, choose only ONE of the proposed essay topics (2.1–2.4). In the answer form, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least two poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, observing the norms of speech.

Part 2 contains a task of a high level of complexity (suggested

choice of four tasks: 2.1–2.4), which aims the examinee at

writing an independent full-length essay on literary

Completing the task requires a high level of mastery from the graduate

educational material, a creative approach to creating independent

written text, the ability to consciously apply skills and abilities:

to interpret factual material in a new way, to find original

way to solve problematic problems.

This part of the examination allows you to fully assess

degree of mastery by graduates of the genre of coherent content

statements, the degree of formation of the ability to interpret

literary text, consistently express your point of view and

argue for it.

Completion of the task in Part 2 is assessed according to the following

universal generalized criteria independent of content

specific texts.

Criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks 2.1–2.4,

requiring writing an essay (at least 200 words)

Among the five criteria by which an essay is evaluated, the first criterion

the first criterion is given 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled for the others

the criteria are not assessed (0 points are given in the answer verification protocol).

When assessing the completion of tasks in Part 2, you should take into account the amount of writing

less than 150 words (the word count includes all words, including function words), then such

The work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

With a workload of 150 to 200 words, the maximum number of errors for each

the point level does not change.

Criteria Points

1. The depth of disclosure of the topic of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments

a) the examinee reveals the topic of the essay, based on the author’s position

formulates his point of view;

convincingly substantiates his theses;

there are no factual errors or inaccuracies

b) the examinee reveals the topic of the essay, based on the author’s position

formulates his point of view,

does not convincingly substantiate all theses;

and/or makes 1–2 factual errors

c) the examinee reveals the topic of the essay superficially or one-sidedly,

and (or) does not substantiate its theses;

and/or makes 3–4 factual errors.

d) the examinee does not disclose the topic of the essay;

and/or makes more than 4 factual errors

2. Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts

a) the examinee uses theoretical and literary concepts for analysis

works; there are no errors or inaccuracies in the use of concepts

b) the examinee includes theoretical and literary concepts in the text of the essay,

does not use them to analyze the work,

and/or makes no more than 2 mistakes in their use

c) the examinee does not use theoretical and literary concepts;

or makes more than 2 errors in their use.

3. Validity of using the text of the work

a) the text of the work in question is used in a variety of ways and

justified (quotes with comments to them, retelling of text fragments from their

b) the text is attracted,

not always justified (i.e. not directly related to the thesis put forward)

c) the text is not involved, judgments are not substantiated by the text 0

4. Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation

a) the composition is characterized by compositional integrity, parts

statements are logically connected, thoughts develop consistently, no

unreasonable repetitions and violations of logical sequence

b) there are violations of compositional integrity in the essay: parts

statements are logically related to each other,

the thought is repeated;

and (or) there are violations in the sequence of presentation (including within

semantic parts of the statement);

and/or there are deviations from the topic of the essay

c) there is no compositional intent in the essay;

and (or) there were gross violations in the sequence of presentation;

and/or there is no connection between parts and within parts

5. Following speech norms

a) no more than 2 speech errors were made 3

b) 3 speech errors were made 2

c) 4 speech errors were made 1

d) the number of speech errors made makes it much more difficult

understanding the meaning of the statement (5 or more speech errors were made).

Maximum score 12

Task 2.2. As in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov reveals the theme of loneliness?

Sample answer

The theme of loneliness is characteristic of all the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. The poet believed that it is possible to comprehend the meaning of life only by abstracting from the outside world. This is probably why in most of this author’s poems we are faced with a lyrical hero, reflecting and searching for the truth against the backdrop of various pictures of nature.

In the poem “I go out alone on the road...” the landscape complements the state of the lyrical hero. Gloomy pictures of nature help to penetrate deeper into the thoughts and ideas of the hero, to better understand his inner world:

I go out alone on the road;

Through the fog the flinty path shines;

The night is quiet. The desert listens to God

And star speaks to star.

Unrealization is the main motto of this poem. The hero understands that he has managed to do a lot in this life. In the desperate phrase (“I am looking for freedom and peace...”), a symbol is clearly visible: the poet, unclaimed and incomprehensible by society, leaves the hope that sooner or later his poems will win the hearts of many:

I don't expect anything from life,

And I don’t regret the past at all;

I'm looking for freedom and peace!

I would like to forget myself and fall asleep.

The theme of loneliness is most fully revealed by Lermontov in the poem “The Prisoner”. The lyrical hero is trying to get free. But this freedom is unique: the author wants to find a place on earth where he will be understood by others and find peace and hope:

I am alone - there is no joy:

The walls are bare all around,

The lamp's beam shines dimly

Dying fire.

Motives of loneliness permeate all of Lermontov’s work. The poet tried to determine his place in life by putting thoughts into the mouths of lyrical heroes.

The examinee quite fully and convincingly reveals the problem of the essay, showing how the theme of loneliness is reflected in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov. Based on the author’s position, the examinee was able to show that loneliness is one of the main factors in the poet’s work. When analyzing the poems, the author's intention was taken into account. The examinee formulates his point of view, drawing on the text; but not all theses are convincingly substantiated; there are no factual errors or inaccuracies.

Score according to criterion K1: 2 points.

2.2 What is the meaning of Pushkin’s definition: “The goal of poetry is poetry?”

Sample answer

Poetry is not a game, not fun, it is the main thing that determines everything that is most fundamental in human life. And therefore, no matter what this or that poem is dedicated to, its goal is, first of all, art itself.

This is exactly what Pushkin talked about in his poem “Elegy”. The poet associates future “pleasures” with art and creativity, which will help him overcome fatigue from life, moods of melancholy and despair:

And I know I will have pleasures

Between sorrows, worries and worries:

Sometimes I’ll get drunk again with harmony,

I will shed tears over the fiction...

Indeed, poetry supported him in the most difficult situations. Then, when he found himself far from friends, in the “wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment” of Mikhailovsky exile. Even when, upon returning, he felt the cooling of the readers and reflected in a number of poems (“The Poet”, “The Poet and the Crowd”) gloomy reflections on misunderstanding and reluctance to hear the words of the poet. In these poems, Pushkin seems to have returned again to the idea of ​​art that arose back in the romantic period of his youth. If there is “no response” to you, then isn’t it better to focus on poetry itself, run away from the bustle of the world and listen to the “divine verb”? And let the crowd not understand you if “you yourself are your own highest court,” and the main reward is creativity, but then how can you understand Pushkin’s words about the prophetic mission of art, expressed in the poem “The Prophet”? If the purpose of poetry is itself, then why is the poet’s highest purpose expressed in the words “burn the hearts of people with the verb”?

I think that all apparent contradictions are removed by a poem written long before his death, in which Pushkin summed up his work - “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...”. Here it is clearly stated: the main thing that earned his lyre immortality is that in a “cruel age” it awakened “good feelings” in the hearts of people. This is its purpose and meaning. This basic idea of ​​the poem is prepared by the entire previous movement of poetic thought, all the imagery and even the sound itself. The slow, majestic rhythm of Alexandrian verse, the high odic style created by the selection of special epithets (monument not made by hands, the head of the rebellious, the treasured lyre), the use of a large number of Slavicisms (erected, with the head of the head, until), correspond to the image of the muse, obedient to the “command of God.”

It is such a muse that can and should create poetry that meets the highest purpose, which means, indeed, “the goal of poetry is poetry.”

A comment. Assessment according to criterion K1.

The examinee quite fully and convincingly reveals the problem of the essay, explaining the meaning of Pushkin’s definition. Based on the author's position, the examinee was able to show that poetry determines everything in human life. When analyzing poems, the examinee takes into account the author's intention. Formulates his point of view; convincingly substantiates his theses using text; There are no factual errors or inaccuracies.

2.2. How the image of the homeland is revealed in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin?

Sample answer

Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin rose to the heights of world poetry from the depths of people's life. The Ryazan land became the cradle of his poetry, Russian songs, sad and dissolute, were reflected in his poems. The theme of the Motherland is the leading theme in Yesenin’s work. Yesenin himself said: “My lyrics are alive with one great love - love for the Motherland. The feeling of the Motherland is fundamental in my work.” For him, there was nothing outside of Russia: no poetry, no life, no love, no glory. Yesenin simply could not imagine himself outside of Russia. The theme of the homeland was revealed to them in rich, defined colors:

I left my home

Left Blue Rus'...

S. Yesenin's poems are landscape sketches of amazing beauty, in which the Motherland is, first of all, the corner of the world where the poet was born and raised. Yesenin makes nature animated in order to reflect as clearly as possible the beauty of the surrounding world, its living essence. Everything around lives its own life: “the cabbage beds are watered with red water by the sunrise,” “the birch trees stand like big candles.” Even “the nettle was dressed in bright mother-of-pearl” in the poem “Good Morning.”

Yesenin speaks of an all-consuming love for the Motherland, love “to the point of joy and pain.” Such love, which every truly Russian probably experiences, cannot exist without “lake melancholy”, without a drop of bitterness... “I will not give up these chains,” says Yesenin about that unaccountable melancholy that mixes with love and makes it the feeling is truly deep and eternal. “Chains” are familiar to the lyrical hero, and there is sweetness in their heaviness.

Yesenin’s work is one of the brightest, deeply moving pages in the history of Russian poetry, filled with love for people, the beauty of his native land, imbued with kindness, a feeling of constant concern for the fate of the people and all life on earth.

A comment

The examinee quite fully and convincingly reveals the problem of the essay, showing how Russia is depicted in the works of S. Yesenin. Based on the author’s position, the examinee was able to show that the feeling of homeland is fundamental in the poet’s work; when analyzing the poems, he took into account the author’s intention. Formulates his point of view; convincingly substantiates his theses using text; There are no factual errors or inaccuracies.

Score according to criterion K1: 3 points.

2.2. How is the theme of war revealed in the lyrics of A.A. Akhmatova?

Sample answer

Many of Akhmatova’s poems are an appeal to the tragic destinies of Russia. The First World War in Akhmatova’s poetry marked the beginning of difficult trials for Russia. Akhmatova’s poetic voice becomes the voice of people’s sorrow and at the same time hope. In 1915, the poetess wrote “Prayer”:

... I pray at Your liturgy

After so many tedious days,

So that a cloud over dark Russia

Became a cloud in the glory of the rays.

During the Great Patriotic War, Akhmatova was evacuated to Tashkent and returned to Leningrad in 1944. During the war years, the theme of the Motherland becomes the leading one in Akhmatova’s lyrics. In the poem “Courage,” written in February 1942, the fate of the native land is associated with the fate of the native language, the native word, which serves as a symbolic embodiment of the spiritual principle of Russia:

It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,

It's not bitter to be homeless,

And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word.

We will carry you free and clean,

We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity


During the war, universal human values ​​came to the fore: life, home, family, homeland. But the idea of ​​"Courage" is not limited to patriotism. Spiritual freedom forever, expressed in faith in the freedom of Russian speech - this is for the sake of which the people perform their feat.

And here again Akhmatova’s personal is combined with a national tragedy and the eternal, universal. This is the uniqueness of Akhmatova’s poetry: she felt the pain of her era as her own pain.

A comment. Scores according to criterion K1.

The examinee does not reveal the problem of the essay deeply and completely; it superficially and one-sidedly reflects the author’s intention. When analyzing poems, he limits himself to presenting his point of view, partly replacing analysis with quotation, without substantiating his theses.

Score according to criterion K1: 1 point.

2.2 How does A. Blok’s lyrics convey the world of purity and beauty?

Sample answer

In A. Blok’s lyrics, the leitmotif is the dream of a universal unification of the world, from the depths of which a world of purity and beauty grows. Modern life, according to Blok, is mired in chaos. The poet’s soul strives for unification, the merging of the forces of good, their victory over a world afflicted by vice.

The main advantage of objects and phenomena is their purity, connection with the common World Soul, harmonious combination with all the realities of life. World Harmony or Soul appears in Blok's poems in the form of a woman, a Beautiful Lady.

I enter dark temples,

I am performing a secret ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering red lamps.

In the shadow of a tall column

I'm shaking from the creaking of doors

And he looks into my face, illuminated,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

It is this unification, the emergence of saving beauty, that the poet anticipates. Premonition in Blok's lyrics is as important as the feeling itself, and always precedes thought. Blok's world is a world of halftones and subtle sensations, a kingdom of intuitions and secrets.

The expectation of a miracle or the repetition of a beautiful moment from the past is constantly present in Blok’s lyrics. This attitude gives strength to the lyrical hero, who believes that now something is about to happen, something that will make life more beautiful, better, or return former happiness.

The tension of expectation prepares the reader for a sensitive reading of the poems, for the anticipation of a phenomenon that Blok must certainly be beautiful.

I have a feeling about you. Years pass by -

All in one form I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The block talks to us through a palette of colors and a range of sounds. Sound and color are the most important expressive elements in his poetry. Contrast and halftones create unique images, a mysterious atmosphere of closeness to beauty, which is always present in Blok.

The melody of his poems sets us in a lyrical mood, leading us along the path that the hero himself walked in his dreams and dreams.

The real world of suffering, mired in vanity and lies, is depressing, so the hero strives for that life that should be established on earth, but its time has not yet come. The constant search for the kingdom of truth leads the poet through the hardships and difficulties of life, leaving the soul young and believing in bright feelings and ideals, searching, restless. Blok’s hero reveals to the reader a world inaccessible to ordinary eyes, sharing what he was able to see thanks to his poetic talent and special spirit.

I told you something unearthly.

I chained everything in the airy darkness.

There is an ax in the boat. In dreams there are heroes.

So I landed on the ground.

Blok’s hero is not a lonely man in the desert world, not a lyricist left alone with nature. His hero is among the crowd, among the noisy city, train stations, squares. Blok’s lyrics break through to us through the noise of the crowd; they are close to our life today. And in crowded cities, the Poet knows how to listen to silence, find an island of calm and feel a connection with the higher world:

In the night when there is anxiety,

And the city will disappear into the darkness -

Oh, how much music God has,

What sounds on earth!

Blok’s image of his homeland appears in the form of an endless plain, roads, blizzards, and blizzards. Love for the homeland gives the hero hope and consolation. This is the purest and truest love. The homeland for Blok is the world where all dreams were born and where they will go, a world closely intertwined with invisible threads with the fate of the poet himself. He is looking for salvation, joy, and faith in his homeland. The poet himself said that his lyrics are about Russia, about its fate. The truly Russian spirit, forgiving everything, believing in the light of the future, seeking ideals, remembering them in any trouble - this is Blok’s homeland. Russia is shrouded in mystery, full of strength and calm, like a mother.

You are extraordinary even in your dreams.

I won't touch your clothes.

I doze - and behind the doze there is a secret,

And you will rest in secret, Rus'.

Alexander Blok proved with all his creativity: beauty, harmony, internal and external purity, love for the Motherland, women, respect for nature - makes a person a Human.

The maximum OGE score in literature (GFA grade 9) in 2018 is 33

The passing score for the OGE 2018 in literature in specialized classes is 22

Minimum score (score 3) - 12

Scale for converting OGE 2018 literature scores into grades

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 22 points.

The scales for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale for conducting the OGE, developed by specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI", are of a RECOMMENDATIONAL NATURE.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

The assessment of the completion of the examination work tasks is carried out on the basis of special criteria developed for the three specified types of tasks that require a detailed answer in different volumes.

Tasks of the basic difficulty level (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) are checked according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 “Compliance of the answer with the task”,

Criterion 2 (“Using the text of the work for argumentation”,

A maximum of 6 points are awarded for completing each task (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) (maximum 2 points for each criterion). If criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” 0 points are assigned. If according to criterion 2 0 points are given, then according to criterion 3 the work is not assessed, in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” according to criterion 3 0 points are given.

Completion of a task with an increased level of complexity (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is assessed according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 “Comparison of works”;

Criterion 2 “Using the text of the work for argumentation”;

Criterion 3 “Logicality and compliance with speech norms.”

A maximum of 8 points are awarded for completing each task (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) (for criteria 1, 3 - a maximum of 2 points, for criterion 2 - 4 points). If Criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria, 0 points are given in the answer verification protocol. If according to criterion 2 0 points are given, then according to criterion 3 the work is not assessed, and 0 points are assigned to the protocol for checking answers to criterion 3.

Completion of the task in Part 2 (2.1–2.4) is assessed according to five criteria:

Criterion 1 “Compliance of the essay with the topic and its disclosure”,

Criterion 2 “Using the text of the work for argumentation”,

Criterion 3 “Reliance on theoretical and literary concepts”

Criterion 4 “Compositional integrity and consistency”,

Criterion 5 “Compliance with speech norms.”

The maximum score for completing task 2 is 13 points (for criteria 1, 2, 4 - a maximum of 3 points, for criteria 3, 5 - 2 points each). Criterion 1 is the main one. If, when checking the work, the expert gives 0 points according to criterion 1, the task of part 2 is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” 0 points are assigned.

When assessing the completion of tasks in Part 2, you should take into account the volume of the written essay. A minimum length of 200 words is recommended for examinees. If the essay contains less than 150 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

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