Description of the Timurites in the modern concept. Timurov and volunteer movements: similarities and differences

MBOU "Yakonur Secondary School"

Timurov detachment

9th grade


Team leaders: Artem Badakin, Alan Oroev

Address: Ust-Kansky district, Yakonur village, Ulagashev street 14A

Contact phone: 25-3-16 (school)

Class teacher: Sabina Margarita Viktorovna

Creative report on the activities of Timurov’s “Care” detachment

Our motto: Do good today and now


    Propaganda of the idea of ​​the Timur movement.

    Developing students' sense of empathy for society's problems.


    To instill in students an understanding of the essence of voluntary help to people.

    Involving children in various types of positive activities.

    Popularization of children's work activities.

    Formation in adolescents of attentiveness, modesty, courtesy and awareness of their own usefulness.

Laws of association:

friendship and camaraderie

honor and conscience

care and mercy.

Total fee: Develops, discusses and approves:

Timur's commandments;

main plans for joint action;

new guys to be initiated into the squad;

nominations for promotion.

Timurovets is always ready:

Bring goodness to people.

Protect the weak.

Save a drowning man.

Teach good things to kids.

Organize an action, operation

on Timurov's work.

In our school there is a Timurov squad "Care" In Timurov’s work, the guys provide all possible assistance to elderly people, war and labor veterans who need help.

In their work, the guys try to discern someone else’s misfortune, skillfully and quickly come to the rescue, understand the person who needs help, feel his pain, and delve into his problems. The guys follow Timur’s commandment: « No one else's troubles It happens » . Our Timurov team began its work in the 5th grade. Over all these years, the Timurites have done a lot of good things: they provided assistance to veteran teachers of our school, veterans of labor and the home front.

We want to talk about Varvara Ivanovna Sharkova, a veteran of teaching work, a holder of the Order of Lenin, the widow of a WWII veteran, a wonderful woman, a hard worker, a mother of many children, a kind and sweet grandmother and great-grandmother of many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. She turned 90 years old in 2014, so she really needs our help. We call in advance and clarify the meeting time and types of work. Especially in spring and autumn, when we need to tidy up the garden, care for seedlings, stack firewood, and in the fall we help harvest the crops. At the end of work, we all sit down at the table and drink tea with jam.

“I look forward to the hour when the guys come to me. After meeting them, it’s like I’m returning to childhood,” says Varvara Ivanovna.

Varvara Ivanovna lived a long and difficult life. All the big and small events that took place in the history of the country, in one way or another, affected her family, herself, and left their indelible mark on her life.

From the memoirs of Varvara Ivanovna

“My mother from the Shilov family was the daughter of peasants who, during the hungry years of the 19th century, from Central Russia found themselves in our area in search of a better life. They settled in the village of Cherny-Anuy, here their eldest daughter married Stepan Stenin and gave birth to four daughters. During the First World War, her husband was taken away, he visited home only once on vacation, and never returned. She was left alone with her daughters: Anna, Stepanida, Evdokia, Maria. The father-in-law and mother-in-law were wealthy people, fair and sensible like peasants, they treated their widowed daughter-in-law and granddaughters well and advised her to marry a second time to the worker in their house, Yasha Yustukov. Yasha was from the Tonzhan family, the eldest son of a large family from the village of Verkh-Belo-Anuy, he had three brothers and a sister. His brothers Echen and Syrga subsequently died in the Great Patriotic War. At that time, an Orthodox woman was only allowed to marry a baptized person, so the young man was baptized, after which he became Ivan Lavrentievich Sharkov by his godfather. In this marriage, two more sisters were born - Varvara and Praskovya Ivanov - in a family that had already moved to the village of Verkh-Belo-Anuy. Now I’m the only one left among the sisters.”

The work of a teacher, honorable and respected at all times, is invaluable for the future of the country. Varvara Ivanovna began her career as a teacher in 1941, after graduating from the 9th grade at the Belo-Anuy school. As she recalls, when they received documents confirming completion of the 9th grade, the graduates went out into the street and saw a large accumulation of carts, chaises, and riding horses. The war began, all men were called up to fight. So, from yesterday’s student, she matured early at the age of 16 and became a teacher of grades 1-3 at Verkh-Belo-Anuyskaya elementary school. In the 1942-1943 academic year they were transferred to the Yakonur seven-year school.

During the war, according to her recollections, they worked day and night. After school, teachers walked around the nearby ravines, taught children who could not attend classes at school, after work they knitted sheaves, mowed hay, threshed grain by hand, toured field camps with a propaganda team, and brought information from the front. Everyone lived under the motto “Everything for the front, everything for victory.” This all tempered a person’s character and forever instilled a great sense of responsibility, duty, helping the weak, and inner resistance to any difficulties.

After the war in 1946, she graduated from the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College, specializing in a primary school teacher. Varvara Ivanovna has worked at the school for more than 33 years, has numerous encouragements and awards, among them the high calling of her merits - the Order of Lenin. But the highest reward remains the living memory of her grateful students.

The children are interested and try to help her. She is always happy to see the guys. Varvara Ivanovna repeatedly thanked our Timurov detachment for the assistance provided in the newspaper “Voice of Time” dated 2012, 2013, 2014.

Potato harvesting

Firewood storage

Timurov detachment "Mercy" MAOU "Secondary School No. 4"

Yalutorovsk, Tyumen region

Reader 1: One, two -

Together: Three four.

Reader 1: Three four -

Together: One, two.

Reader 1:Who walks together in a row?

Together:Our Timurov detachment.



Our motto

Do good

Squad goal: providing assistance to a certain category of people and collecting material about war and labor veterans.

Program of the Timurov detachment "Mercy" for the 2018-2019 academic year

Laws of the Timurov detachment.

- Law of accuracy: start everything on time, don’t be late.

- Law of the raised hand: if a person raised his hand, it means he has something to say.

- Law of equality: all ideas are equal, whether they are proposed by the director, class teacher, commander or child.

-Law of truth:remember, the truth is needed not only by you, but also by the people around you.

-The Law of Good:be kind to your neighbor, and goodness will return to you.

-Law of Caring:Before demanding attention to yourself, show it to the people around you; remember their interests, needs, needs.

-Law of mercy: you feel good today, but there may be people nearby who have tears in their eyes. Don't forget them.

-Law of Memory:a people who have forgotten their history will die. Remember your people and your history.

-Law of respect:If you want to be respected, respect the human dignity of other people.

-Law of old age:Remember, old age is respected by all nations. Be civilized.

-Law of freedom:Every person wants to be free. When defending your freedom, do not forget about the freedom of your neighbor.

-Law of Honor:Remember about physical strength only when you are alone; remember spiritual strength, nobility, duty, dignity.

Squad Member Oath

I, full name, by joining the Timurov “Mercy” detachment, promise to be an honest and just person, to provide assistance to those in need, to work for the benefit of my school No. 4, my city of Yalutorovsk, my Motherland Russia, to be its worthy citizen.

Reader 1:We're just girls, we're just boys,
And the wise wizard Gaidar
He didn’t invent us in his sunny book,
But he only gave us a good name.

Reader 2:Guys, we don’t need speeches and fanfare,
We have a short training camp.
We rush to people for bright joy
Smiles flashed in thousands of eyes.

Reader 3: We believe everything is good.

Which is the basis of life!

And this is the compass in fate,

Saving the Fatherland from disasters!

Our “Mercy” squad has already existed for 5 years. We work closely together

with the Yalutorovsky Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population,

with the Chairman of the Veterans Council,

with the “Station of Young Tourists”,

party "United Russia",

with the Veterans Choir Yalutorovsk,

Chairman of the game "Zarnitsa" in Tyumen,

with the Tyumen search center "Poiskovik"

The main activities of the Timurov detachment "Mercy"

"Home Without Loneliness"

Constant communication with veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, and those who are practically only within the walls of their home.

1. Surrounding with care and attention, providing specific assistance to lonely elderly people.

2. Organization and holding of “lights”, meetings, concert programs, “Gift to a Veteran”, “Please accept our congratulations”, “Snow”.

A wealth of material has been collected from war and labor veterans. This is a chronicle

Our Timur detachment interviewed many war and labor veterans.

The next direction of activity of the Timurov detachment “Mercy” is “Step towards”

1. Involvement in the Timurov detachment of orphans under guardianship and children in difficult life situations.

2. Organizing and conducting charity events “New Year’s Miracle”, “Hurry to Do Good”; holidays, game programs, concerts; operations “Letter to a Soldier”, “Friendship Lantern” (greeting cards, mini-newspapers).

In the 2014-2015 academic year, wonderful holidays were held: “Older People’s Day”, “Mother’s Day” holiday in social security, New Year’s Masquerade at school No. 1, war and labor veterans were congratulated at home and on the street.

The next direction of activity of the Timurov detachment “Mercy” is “You know - I’m nearby!”

1. Involvement of students with different degrees of social well-being into the group.

2. Organization of joint activities.

H. Holding joint meetings between war veterans and home front workers. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Nikolai Antonovich Sokolov is a frequent guest at our school; a wealth of material has been collected about him. And also the representative of the “Veterans Choir” Bukharova Valentina Isaakovna, who gave us a lot of information about her parents and her choir. And unforgettable meetings with Mars Prokopyevich Ploskov, a war veteran, and Alexander Ivanovich Vishnyakov, also a war veteran. Every year we listen to stories about the army of Yuri Konstantinovich Smirnov.

The next direction of activity of the Timurov detachment “Mercy” is “Labor Landing”

  1. Cleaning near monuments in Yalutorovsk
  2. Help for all those in need: this“A Veteran Lives Nearby” campaign, Operation “Good Walkers”, “Snow”, “Care” campaign, “Parcel to a Soldier”,action “Stretch out your hands”, etc.

We have taken care of the war and labor veterans of our neighborhood under our patronage; we know that they need our help, our care.

One of the areas of activity of Timurov’s “Mercy” detachment is “Memory”. This is the memory of those who gave their lives on the battlefields for the sake of a bright future above their heads.

One of the important directions of Timurov’s “Mercy” detachment is “Presentation of our deeds”

1. Our social project “Do Good” took 2nd place at the All-Russian competition “MAUNED “MAGISTER”.

2. The work of Timurov’s “Mercy” detachment was noticed at the regional competition “We Cannot Forget These Roads”

3. Local history research works were successfully presented at the International Competition “Comrade, Believe”, where Viktor B. and Elena K. took prizes.

4. Local history work by Elena K. deserved attention at the regional competition “We live in Siberia”

5. Kulai B., a 9th grade student, and Ivan K., a 6th grade student, took 2nd and 3rd places in the regional creative work Olympiad.

6. At the regional essay competition “Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War” Nikolai D. took 3rd place

Timurovets is always strong

Timurovets deserves respect

And at the call of these times

We are reviving the youth movement.

Timurovets is a bright tomorrow.

Timurovets is the sunrise.

Timurovets is loyalty and brotherhood.

Timurovets is a flight of thoughts.

Reader 2:Join the Timurovites and be proud of it,

Let your life be more interesting.

There's no need to sit around doing nothing, guys.

After all, guys, there is so much to do!

“So among us there are modest people with pure

with my heart invisible, but with a huge soul. They are the ones

decorate life, containing everything that is in

humanity, - kindness, simplicity, trust”

G. Troepolsky

Denoting an exemplary pioneer who does good deeds free of charge for the benefit of a socialist society. Derived from Arkady Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team”, the hero of which, Timur, organized a detachment of guys who secretly helped the families of front-line soldiers, elderly or sick people.

After the appearance of this book, the informal Timur movement began to emerge. Timurites became part of the Soviet ideological system, while maintaining some spirit of volunteerism.

The first Timur detachments were created in the city of Klin, Moscow Region - in the city where Arkady Petrovich Gaidar wrote his story “Timur and His Team”. The first Timurov team was founded at school No. 2 in 1940 (now MOU-Gymnasium No. 2). It consisted of 6 Timurovites: Anna Vasilievna Kalinina, Vladimir Ivanovich Duzhenkov and others. After 1982, when school No. 2 moved to a new building (where it is located to this day), the Timurov headquarters “Red Horseman” was founded (headed by N.I. Zakharova). ) - an exemplary Timurov headquarters, which participated in many rallies (for example, a rally of Timurov’s detachments in Cherkassy). After perestroika, Nina Ivanovna Zakharova, the head of the “Red Horseman” and the school administration decided to continue the Timurov work of the old headquarters and founded the Timurov headquarters “Danko”, which still exists. At the Danko headquarters, operations such as “Veteran is always nearby”, “Let’s collect waste paper”, “Young Soldier” and many others are carried out. The Danko headquarters is a headquarters leader and an example of other children's organizations. The motto of the Danko headquarters is: “We give our hearts to people.”

In modern Russia, the Timur movement has survived in a number of regions.

Municipal educational budgetary institution
"Basic secondary school" p. Konstantinogradovka

about the activities of Timurov’s multi-age detachment “Good Hands”

1. General position

1.1. The Timurovsky detachment of different ages is a voluntary, independent, amateur, humanistic public association of children and adults at the Municipal Educational Institution of the Secondary School of the village. Konstantinogradovka, representing and protecting the interests and rights of its members, with a clearly socially significant and personally oriented focus of its multidisciplinary activities.
1.2. In its activities, the detachment is guided by the Charter of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of the village. Konstantinogradovka and the Charter of the children's association "Land of Knowledge", enjoys the rights and obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for public associations.
1.3. The detachment has its own symbols and attributes (motto, emblem), laws and slogan.
1.4. Within the framework established by law, the detachment is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of activity.
1.5. The activities of the detachment are public, and information about its constituent and program materials is publicly available.
1.6. The detachment has the right to: freely disseminate information about its activities, take initiatives to provide assistance to those in need, carry out charitable activities: labor raids not prohibited by current legislation.

2. Purpose

Raising in children the readiness to reveal and apply their abilities for the benefit of the Motherland, people, their family, and themselves.
To achieve the goal, the squad sets itself the following tasks:

  • promote the moral and spiritual development of children and adolescents;
  • shape the social experience of children;
  • interact with state and other social institutions of society;
  • organize work to attract public attention to the problems of older people and people in need of help;
  • carry out volunteer activities.

3. Rights and obligations of members (participants) of the detachment

3.1. Members (participants) of the detachment have equal rights: to discuss and make proposals at meetings and gatherings; nominate, elect and be elected; represent the interests of the detachment; freely leave the detachment.
3.2. Members (participants) of the detachment are obliged to: comply with the laws of the detachment, participate in the activities of the detachment, take care of the authority of the detachment, defend its rights, carry out the decisions of the detachment’s self-government bodies.
3.3. Members (participants) of the detachment may be expelled from it for activities that contradict the goals and objectives of the detachment, as well as for actions that discredit the detachment, causing moral and material damage to it.
3.4. Expulsion from squad members is made by the squad council by a simple majority of votes. The decision to expel may be appealed at a squad meeting, the decision of which is final.

4. Laws of the Timurov detachment of different ages

  • The law of accuracy (the “zero-zero” law): start everything on time, don’t be late.
  • Law of the Raised Hand: If a person raises his hand, it means he has something to say.
  • Law of equality: all ideas are equal, whether they are proposed by the director, class teacher, commander or child.
  • Law of truth: remember, truth is needed not only by you, but also by the people around you.
  • The law of goodness: be kind to your neighbor: goodness will return to you.
  • Law of caring: before demanding attention to yourself, show it to the people around you; remember their interests, needs, needs.
  • Law of mercy: you feel good today, but there may be people nearby who have tears in their eyes. Don't forget them.
  • Law of memory: a people who forgets its history will die. Remember your people and your history.
  • Law of respect: if you want to be respected, respect the human dignity of other people.
  • Law of old age: remember, old age is respected by all nations. Be civilized.
  • Law of Freedom: Every person wants to be free. When defending your freedom, do not forget about the freedom of your neighbor.
  • Law of honor: remember physical strength only when alone; remember spiritual strength, nobility, duty, dignity.

5. Squad structure

5.1. The detachment is divided into units according to the number of students in grades 5-9. Each unit has its own commander.
5.2. The highest body of the detachment is a meeting, which is held once every academic quarter. At the meeting, a work plan is adopted, operational issues are resolved, and commander candidates are nominated and accepted.
5.3. During the period between training camps, the detachment's activities are managed by the detachment council, which meets at least once a month.

6. Admission to squad members

6.1. Admission to the detachment is carried out from 10 years of age.
6.2. The reception ritual is held at the ceremonial assembly at the beginning of the school year.
6.3. The coordinator of the unit is the class teachers.
6.4. Children joining the squad give Promise:

"I, ............., joining Timurov's detachment promise:
Be an honest and fair person
provide assistance to those in need,
work for the benefit of my village, district, region,
my Motherland, to be its worthy citizen."

7. Symbols of the Timurov detachment

1. Emblem

2. A tie in the form of a green ribbon is a symbol of life

3. Motto:

Kind hands, warm hearts - that’s the motto of Timurov’s man!

4. Speech:
One two three four -
We will always live in peace!
Five, six, seven, eight -
We will not leave anyone in trouble!

5. Song

"Road of Good"
Words by Yu. Entin, music by M. Minkov

1. Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown.
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.

2. Forget your worries, downs and ups.
Don't whine when fate
She doesn't behave like a sister.
But if things go wrong with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle.
Hurry to him, always
Walk the path of goodness.

3. Oh, how many different ones there will be
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that life is
Not a child's game.
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law.
Go, my friend, always

8. Map of the zone of Timurov’s work “Good Hands”

Job title Responsible
1. Creation of the Timurov detachment President of the Children's School,
class managers
2. Conversation with members of the Timurov detachment. Reading plan for the month. President of the DShO, Timurov detachment
3. Assigning streets to units of the Timurov detachment
4. Assignment of Timurovites to WWII veterans, veterans of teaching work and the elderly President of the DShO, commander of the Timurov detachment, link detachments
5. Assisting elderly people in cleaning their gardens and yard Timurov detachment
6. Organization and participation in the event "Accept our congratulations" Timurov detachment
7. Distribution of "Call Granny" leaflets 1 link
8. Action "Elderly people" 2nd link
1. Organization and participation in the “A Veteran Lives Nearby” campaign Timurovsky detachment, president of the DShO
2. Cleaning the monument 3rd link
3. Organizing congratulations at home for retired teachers on Teacher's Day Timurov detachment
4. Organization of congratulations at home to WWII veterans and elderly people on the Day of the Elderly 4th link
5. Organizing birthday greetings for WWII veterans at home 5th link
1. Assisting elderly people with yard cleaning Timurov detachment
2. Monument care 1st, 2nd link
3. Organizing congratulations at home for female veterans on Mother's Day Timurov detachment
4. Organization of congratulations at home to WWII veterans on National Unity Day Timurov detachment
1. “Hurry up to do good” campaign dedicated to Disabled Persons Day Timurov detachment
2. Happy New Year at home for WWII veterans 3rd link
3. Timurov detachment
1. House cleaning. Promotion "Promotion St. George's Ribbon" 4th link
2. Action "Mercy" Providing assistance to WWII veterans and elderly people in cleaning the yard Timurov detachment
3. Cleaning the monument 5th link
4. Action "Immortal Regiment" Timurov detachment
5. Campaign "Over a Cup of Tea..." visiting elderly people Timurov detachment
1. Action "Immortal Regiment" 1 link
2. Meetings with combatants 2nd link
3. Organization and participation in the month of military-patriotic education Timurov detachment
4. Organization and participation in the operation "Happy Fatherland Defenders Day" Timurov detachment
1. Organization of congratulations at home to retired teachers and women veterans on March 8th Day Timurov detachment
2. Action "Mercy" Providing assistance to the elderly Timurov detachment
3. Campaign "Over a Cup of Tea..." home visits to war and labor veterans Timurov detachment
1. Organization and holding of the cleanup day Timurov detachment
2. Cleaning monuments 3rd link
3. Campaign "A Veteran Lives Nearby" Providing assistance to WWII veterans Timurov detachment
4. Labor landing "We are for a clean village" Timurov detachment
5. Operation "House for a Feathered Friend" Timurov detachment
1. Action "Mercy" Providing assistance in cleaning the yard Timurov detachment
2. Meeting with the Second World War, organizing a holiday for them Timurov detachment
3. Participation in the "Memory Watch", "St. George's Ribbon" campaign Timurov detachment
4. Organizing congratulations at home for WWII veterans on Victory Day Timurov detachment
5. Cleaning the monument 4, 5 link
6. Labor landing "Clean Village" Timurov detachment
7. Forest cleaning Timurov detachment
8. Assistance to the village administration in improving playgrounds Timurov detachment
9. Working in the school library. Action "Immortal Regiment" Timurov detachment
10. Work from home for WWII Timurov detachment
11. Campaign of the Timurov detachment President of DShO, team members
12. Summing up the links 1-5 links. President of the Children's School
  • Do no harm, do not destroy, but help and improve the life around you.
  • Live for the smile of others.
  • Beauty, but without embellishment and goodness not for show - this is what is dear to us.
  • Help and protect people in need of help.
  • Think collectively - work quickly.
  • Arguing with evidence is mandatory for everyone.

10. Priority areas of work

1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle.
2. Civic and patriotic education.
3. Aesthetic education.
4. Environmental education.

11. Rewards and punishments

A member of the Timurov detachment is rewarded for:

  • study;
  • community service;
  • hard work and courage.

The type of encouragement and the procedure for awarding them is determined at the general meeting of the Timurov detachment (awarding with a certificate, gratitude).
A member of Timurov's squad may be punished for violating the regulations. The following measures may be applied to it:

  • reprimand or reprimand;
  • deprivation of the right to participate in general affairs.

12. Pedagogical guidance

The pedagogical leadership of the detachment is carried out by the person responsible for the Timur movement and the class teachers, who have the right to an advisory vote at the meeting.

13. The procedure for terminating the activities of the detachment

Termination of the detachment's activities is carried out through its reorganization or liquidation. The decision on this is made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the detachment participating in the work of the collection.

President of the Children's School ______________ /________________________/
Signature Full name

Leader of the Timurov detachment ______________ /_________________________________/
Signature Full name

Were you a Timurite? Thirty years ago, this question, asked of a recent student, would have caused bewilderment. Almost all the guys in the Soviet Union were Timurites. Helping someone who needs your help and doing it selflessly was a normal human reaction to an event. This can be called morality, it can be education, but the essence was the same - this attitude towards the world around us allowed Soviet children to grow into decent people and worthy citizens.

It is also interesting that the Timurites were often confused with the pioneers. However, this is not the same thing. As a researcher of this issue, historian Alexei Nikolaevich Balakirev, writes, during the Great Patriotic War, out of twenty million schoolchildren, only a third of the children were pioneers. The reason is that in difficult times, when most men went to the front, teachers had no time for political education and children educated themselves. Or rather, they were raised by books and the personal example of their older comrades.

This is how the Timur movement was born. It quickly became popular and grew exponentially. During the five years of the war, there were already three million teenagers in the USSR who proudly called themselves Timurites. These guys were irreplaceable both in the rear and in the partisan movement, and today we also owe our Great Victory to them.

* * *

The movement was born in 1940 after the story “Timur and His Team” by Arkady Gaidar was published. The story was completed on August 27, and a week later the excerpt was published in print. Then radio broadcasts began - the success was stunning. A year later, the story was published in large numbers, it was immediately sold out, and more and more were printed. And until the end of the 1970s, the story “Timur and His Team” became one of the most significant and most importantly beloved works of children's literature.

Immediately after the release of the first edition, detachments of Timurites began to appear in all cities and villages of the USSR, like mushrooms after rain. It even happened that in one small village there were two or even three detachments. And they even fought for good deeds: they cut the same firewood twice for the widow of a war hero, swept the yard three times or rinsed the laundry. Such funny things happened.

He did not invent the organization that Gaidar describes, but created it himself in his childhood: he was the commander of a yard team, secretly did good deeds and did not ask for rewards for them. In modern language, guys who help their neighbors could be called volunteers. And then they were something new and unusual, because teenagers organized themselves, without the participation of adults and without their leadership
Konstantin Paustovsky wrote about a similar yard team; he recalls a case when the boys helped find a very rare medicine and thanks to this, a seriously ill child recovered.

During the war years, the Timur movement acquired a mass character. There were many problems in each yard and the guys, as before, did not work according to orders from above, but decided for themselves what to do and whom to help. But still, if before it was more of a game, now it is necessary help. “Conspiracy” and “secret plans” remained in peacetime, but now there were lists of urgent matters and duty schedules. Around the same time, having appreciated the attractiveness of Timur’s teams, mature people also joined the movement.

In 1941, Timurov’s team of 250 children operated in Kyiv, and a team of 200 teenagers gathered in the city of Plast, Chelyabinsk region. She was led by 74-year-old Alexandra Petrovna Rychkova.

One of her former wards recalled that when in August 1941 in the mining town of Plast they learned that a team of Timurites was gathering in the center, all the local guys came running to help the front.

And although at the very first training camp Alexandra Petrovna announced that they would work hard, without discounts for age (and those who changed their minds could immediately leave), the ranks did not move. There were 108 children and teenagers in the ranks. Those who wished were divided into groups, and a leader was appointed for each group.

We acted according to the plan that Baba Shura handed out every day. The plan included helping those in need, political information and ideological work, and holding concerts for the hospital. There were also general tasks that concerned everyone: collecting medicinal plants, preparing firewood, collecting scrap metal for the front, and other current affairs. And there were many of them: work in the fields, patronage of the families of front-line soldiers, many worked as nannies for other people’s children while their parents worked.

Over the course of six months of active work, the detachment gained an impeccable reputation. And then the authorities allocated them an empty room in which the headquarters was located. Here, Trimurites, and local residents as well, brought gifts for soldiers at the front and for hospitals: knitted socks, sleeveless vests, scarves, hats, mittens.

It is also interesting that gold was mined in the mines near the city of Plast, for which we, the USSR, bought military equipment and products from America and Britain. The main mining work was done by the miners, but if the power suddenly went out (and this happened often), the employees called Timurovites for help. The boys descended underground and, together with the adults, lifted a heavy load to the surface.

Another task that they were entrusted with was that they crawled into the dumps and selected from the already mined rocks what the miners had missed.

Despite being so busy, the children still went to school. Their military work did not go unnoticed - the detachment from the town of Plast was written about more than once in Soviet newspapers. And today a mention of this Timurov team can be found in the encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1942, the pedagogical community became worried: Timur’s teams began to replace and displace pioneer organizations. The fact came to light that the pioneer organization had been disbanded in the capital. The Komsomol members got scared and began active work to merge the Pioneers and Timurites. In the final, Timur's team took control. There were both pros and cons here. We can talk about this for a long time. But the point is that now the Timurites have lost their freedom of choice; they have been transferred to the category of an additional form of work of the pioneer organization. And some researchers believe that the movement died in the 60s and 70s.

I'm not a historian. Born in 1979. And my childhood was in the second half of the eighties. I remember long lines, coupons, lump sugar instead of sweets. But I also remember how I was part of the Timurov school team in the town of Saratov, Odessa region.
We carried water to grandmothers, cleaned apartments for disabled people, helped in gardens and played with other people's children. I don’t remember doing all this under pressure. On the contrary, she was proud that she was able to bring benefit to her country and do something good for someone. My school friends thought so too. That's how we were raised.

Therefore, I consider the talk that in the last years of the USSR the Timur movement has outlived its usefulness to be dishonest.
Today Timurites can be called volunteers, or volunteers. There are squads at schools and sports clubs. But still this is a little different. Because new times give birth to new idols. And this is inevitable.

As psychologists explain, teenagers need to form groups and have common hobbies. That’s how they, or rather, you and I, people, are structured. But what kind of groups these are, and what kind of hobbies they are, is determined by time. Or rather, those adults who are at this time are making this story today. For example, during the war there were Timurites in the USSR, and a little later the boys ran to conquer the North, build the Baikal-Amur Mainline, and develop virgin lands. In the 70s there were hippies, in the 90s the skinhead movement flourished.

Now search teams, patriotic movements, sports clubs are being revived, they say that in some places there are new Timurites. It is unlikely that they can be a real alternative to “those” Timurovites, but it’s good that they exist. Now the theme of love for the Motherland, for Russia is coming to the fore and this gives us hope that in the near future we will see a new generation. And it will be better than us...

Svetlana Khlystun

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