Report on the event for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group. Report on the event for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group Report on Cosmonautics Day at school

Tatyana Ivanova

Target: expand children's knowledge about space, about the planets of the solar system, stars and constellations. Continue to introduce interesting events space, Happy Holidays astronautics.

During the week, a lot of work was done with the children, which was aimed at the date of April 12. We had conversations about Yu. A. Gagarin, about space, about the planets of the solar system, stars and constellations, read poems, stories about space, astronauts, looked at a lot of albums and illustrations. During the classes, they built rockets from geometric shapes and went into flight; they made original rockets using manual labor; they drew “As I see space". In the kindergarten, two exhibitions were created with flying objects, in which parents and children became participants. All the works turned out to be unusual, different from each other. Children and parents were able to admire the exhibition. Take a photo in the costume everyone could become an astronaut. A trip to the library was also organized, where we were told in detail everything about space, watched an educational presentation, an exhibition of fiction with interesting illustrations.

Publications on the topic:

On February 17, entertainment was held in the second junior groups, dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” The children learned many dedicated poems.

"Trip to Hawaii" Hawaiian girl Mary congratulates all mothers on International Women's Day and invites them to Hawaii. Let's all fly together.

Abstract “Space travel” in a preparatory school group dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Program content: -summarize children's knowledge about the history of the development of astronautics; - arouse interest in space; -activate the dictionary.

MBDOU No. 7 “Golden Fish” Art. Otradna Krasnodar region. There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked throughout the centuries! The most beautiful.

October 28 was declared Health Day. Wellness activities began in the morning. Vitamins were provided for all pupils.

Report on the physical education event held at MBDOU d/s OV No. 8 The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the performance.

10/28/2016 in the municipal preschool educational budgetary institution of a combined type, kindergarten No. 1 of the municipality.

In the year of the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight, the annual lesson named after Yu.A. was launched in all schools and preschool institutions of the Russian Federation. Gagarin "Space is us. Gagarin's lesson." In accordance with the work plan, from April 4 to April 16, 2016, events dedicated to Cosmonautics Day were held at our school.

Target activities: expand children's knowledge about space, space discoverers and famous cosmonauts; develop curiosity, creativity, and foster pride in one’s country.

As part of the event, the following were organized:

Event name





Thematic book exhibition “Space Age of Humanity”


Khvastunova T.M.


Conversations during class hours: “This amazing space”, “Across the vastness of the Universe”, “Man. Earth. Space”, “From the history of astronautics”, “Earth’s first cosmonaut”, etc.


04.04.- 16.04


Participation in the regional remote quiz


Class teachers, subject teachers


Drawing competition "Star Opening Day".



04.04 - 16.04

Art teacher


Exhibition of creative works “Across the Expanses of the Universe”



Art teacher, class. hands


Design of the themed stand “Space”.




Intellectual quiz “Earth in the porthole”





Organizing teachers (on request)


Watching feature films and documentaries on the topic of space exploration.



Subject teachers, class teachers

“And apple trees will grow on Mars...”

Listening to space-themed songs in the school lobby during breaks.




In grades 1 to 4, the enrollment of children was 100% . Conducted by class teachers;

  • conversations in all classes.
  • Quizzes: 2b, 3b, 4c
  • Creative work competitions with exhibition design in 1b, 1c, 2c, 3b, 3c, 4b, 4c,
  • Library lesson 4b.
  • “Mathematics and Space” 4a.
  • Fine arts teacher Zraichenko E.A. held a competition of drawings and creative works using various artistic materials: watercolor, gouache, crayons, colored pencil, applique, plasticine. In the school lobby she created an exhibition of children’s works “Across the Expanses of the Universe.”
  • Quiz among 4th graders “The smartest.” Zraychenko E.V.


Class topic


Number of students


1. “The first cosmonaut”

Golke E.G.


1. “Why do people explore space”

Kiseleva T.G.


1. “All about space and astronauts”

2. “Across the vastness of the universe” exhibition of creative works

Kakharova Z.V.


1. “History of space”

Wolf Z.M.


1. “All about space”

Kutkina S.V.


1. “Russia - the birthplace of astronautics”

2. “Space Quiz”

Stakhieva E.A.


1. “The Vast Universe”

2. “Across the vastness of the universe” exhibition of creative works

Gonke D.E.


1. “About space and astronauts”

Laptsai L.M.


1. “What do we know about space”

2. “Space Quiz”

3. “Across the expanses of the universe” exhibition of creative works

Popova L.M.


1. "Space"

2. “Space” drawing competition

Nesterova L.V.


1. “Space is us. Gagarin's lesson"

Nesterova E.N.


1. “Space.” Cosmonauts"

2. “Mathematics and space.” Math lesson

Wolf Z.M.


1. “About space” library lesson.

2.Drawing competition and exhibition of creative works

Ulnyrova N.Yu.


1. “For children about space” video lesson

2. Quiz “The most cosmic”

3. Drawing competition about space

Kutyaeva L.A.


  • In the senior level, class hours were held in 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7a, 7c, 9b, 9c. on the topic “Space is us. Gagarin's lesson"
  • In the 8th grade, an intellectual quiz “Earth in the Porthole” was held,
  • “Me loa cosmonaut” Lesson in Komi language grades 6a and 6b. Ignatova L.N.
  • Drawing competitions based on parallels “Star Vernissage” with the design of an exhibition in the school foyer. Art teacher Volkova S.V.
  • A themed stand “Space Space” has been set up. Mikusheva A.N., Zraychenko E.A.
  • book exhibition “Space Age of Humanity” Khvastunova T.M.
  • Listening to songs on the space theme “And apple trees will grow on Mars...” in the school foyer during breaks (teacher-organizer A.N. Mikusheva)
  • Students of grade 11A participated in the video conference “100 points for victory” at the district House of Culture. (Kazakova T.M.)

Student coverage in this level was approximately 70%.


The plan of events dedicated to the celebration of Space Day has been completed in full, except for:

  1. Participation in the regional remote quiz.
  2. They did not provide information about the work done 7b (S.A. Podorov), 10a (Zh.V. Pavlova), 11b (E.V. Stepanova).

Deputy for HR Volkova S.V. and Ryabinina E.V.

Svetlana Fomina

If you really want it,

Possible in space fly.

To take flight,

We don't need a plane.

Let's fly to the stars easily

Not on the tram, not on the subway,

Not in a taxi, not on a moped,

And in space rocket.

Those who are taken on a flight

They're called astronauts.

Not everyone is ready to fly,

Only strong and brave.

And the rocket is higher than the house,

Flies away with cosmodrome,

Residents of other planets

Say hello from Earth.

Koval Ya.

Day Cosmonautics, like any important date on the calendar, is celebrated in kindergarten with various events.

Preschool childhood is the most important period of personality development, and such Events, contribute to the development of patriotic feelings. It is very important to instill in children a sense of pride and respect for their country, its culture, and an awareness of personal involvement in the life of the Motherland.

April 12th was held in kindergarten events dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. Pupils got acquainted with information about the first human flight in space and about space in general, watched an interesting presentation, dedicated to Yuri Gagarin.

The children consolidated the knowledge acquired in kindergarten in their creative works. The group organized an exhibition of children's works, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

Final the event was entertainment"Trip to space» . The guys went on a trip to the planets and passed tests to become real astronauts. The holiday brought children a good mood and sweet surprises.

A thematic exhibition was organized with children dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. The works turned out to be bright, original and colorful.

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon, colleagues. In September, our city celebrated the 74th anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi invaders. In September 1943.

Goal: expand children's knowledge about space and planets Objectives: teach children the technique of plasticineography, develop a sense of taste, and the ability to work.

March 8 is a holiday of miracles, Love, spring and beauty! And every second in a day is for the fulfillment of a dream, for the wishes and whims of those who enter.

This Defender of the Fatherland Day coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Red Army, the history of which is full of heroic deeds and bravery, courage and endurance.

Report on the implementation of the action plan for Preschool Worker Day Plan of events for the Day of Preschool Worker of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 139”, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 2017. 1. Name of the event:.

Report on events for the Day of the Unknown Soldier and the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland in the preparatory group for school Report on the holding of events for the “Day of the Unknown Soldier” and “Heroes of the Fatherland” by me, the teacher of the Saenko preparatory school group.

Svetlana Efremova

Information about thematic entertainment«» , dedicated"Day astronautics» in the middle group MBDOU Kindergarten No. 6 "Chaika"

April 12, 2017 in MBDOU Kindergarten No. 6 “Seagull in the middle group” passed themed entertainment« Great space journey» , dedicated"Day astronautics» , with presentations.

The purpose of such educational recreational activity: expand children’s understanding of the solar system, the names of the planets, enrich and activate the vocabulary - star, planet, etc., bring to the understanding that astronaut Only a healthy and fearless person can instill pride in their children for their country.

The teacher Karagodina L.A. was done big preliminary Job: reading books about space, a series of conversations about space and astronauts, including female astronauts, exhibition of drawings "Universe", crafts spaceships.

Began entertainment with an educational quiz « Astronaut If you want to become, you must know a lot, a lot!”. Children answered questions about the first astronaut, about the planets of the solar system, etc.

Then pre-flight charging took place "To space training helps to be dexterous!”.

And after that the most interesting thing began - space trip in an imaginary rocket. A accompanied guys in this unusual traveling real astronaut(teacher Karagodina L.A.):

Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets we want, we’ll fly to them...

The flight began with a video presentation "This Mysterious World" space" O space objects and phenomena, about the planets of the solar system. Then the children, in the process of playing, themselves became planets and revolved around the sun, they themselves were big sun.

Then they had fun introducing themselves" astronauts in zero gravity", competed on spaceships, etc. Ended entertainment showing a cartoon about the planets of our galaxy "Milky Way". The guys received a huge charge of cheerfulness, fun and, of course, knowledge.

Conducted Special games and exercises formed preschoolers’ ideas about the essence of this holiday. The teacher contributed development interest in studying the history of discovery space, rocketry, life astronauts. Contributed to expanding children's knowledge in the field of astronomy.

Carrying out promotes such holidays development, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity; on the other hand, search activity, striving for novelty, speech and creative imagination.

The tasks set by the teacher were completed completely.

Deputy Head of VMR S. V. Efremova

Exhibition of drawings "Universe", crafts spaceships

To space to be dexterous - training helps!

Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets we want, we’ll fly to them...

Video presentation "This mysterious world" space"

The children became planets and revolved around the sun.

And they themselves were big sun

The guys received a huge charge of cheerfulness, fun and, of course, knowledge.

Publications on the topic:

"Space trip". Summary of a thematic lesson for Cosmonautics Day for children 2–3 years old“Space travel” Summary of a thematic lesson for Cosmonautics Day for children 2-3 years old using information technology.

“Living and believing is wonderful. We have unprecedented paths ahead of us. Cosmonauts and dreamers claim that apple trees will bloom on Mars” V. Troshin.

Abstract “Space travel” in a preparatory school group dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Program content: -summarize children's knowledge about the history of the development of astronautics; - arouse interest in space; -activate the dictionary.

Scenario of a fairy tale for Cosmonautics Day “Masha and the Bear are preparing for a space journey” Characters: Masha and the Bear. Masha enters the hall to the music. Masha: Now I’ll be all cosmic, I’ll make myself “Vostok” and fly.

Objectives: To introduce children to the concept of “Solar System”. Expand children's knowledge about planet earth. Talk about how people used to imagine.

Every year on April 12, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a real holiday that unites people all over the Earth in a common desire to understand what is beyond its borders. Events dedicated to this holiday were held in the district's libraries.

Central District Children's Library named after. Koshevoy invited her young readers on a virtual trip to the space station “Man in Space.” The children were interested in learning the history of the creation of the first space stations, how preparations for flights take place, what astronauts eat in zero gravity, and what qualities are needed in order to go to the stars. A colorful multimedia presentation and a film about life on the space station complemented the librarian’s story.

From April 6 to April 12 at the Family Reading Center library Space week dedicated to World Cosmonautics Day has passed.

On April 6, the children went on the space adventure “A Million Adventures” with Alisa Selezneva. Together with Alice, they learned about how man explored outer space and about the first animal astronauts. During the trip, the children worked together to solve crossword puzzles and solve space riddles.

On April 7 and 10, the guys went on a journey through the Solar System “Wonderful Family of Planets.” Children learned which planets are part of our solar system and studied the characteristics of each. The meeting was especially enlivened by the information about our cosmic address – planet Earth. The children learned that in the family of the Sun, the Earth is unique - it is a fragile world, shrouded in water and oxygen, with an amazing diversity of life. At the end of the trip, the Teremok theater group showed the sketch “Cosmonautics Day,” which the children really liked.

On April 10, an hour of learning “They were the first: Alexey Leonov” was held in the library conference room, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned spacewalk. The guys (24 people) got acquainted with the book of the famous pilot-cosmonaut “I’m going into space”, the facts of the biography of Alexei Arkhipovich. Various surprises awaited them, for example, the guys were surprised to learn about Leonov’s passion for painting. He is the author of about 200 paintings and 5 art albums, including space landscapes.

Readers library named after V. Bianchi We attended the interactive lesson “Space Space”. The lesson was divided into several stages. At the beginning of the lesson, there was a story about the planets of the solar system and how to reinforce the material - an interactive crossword puzzle. Then the young explorers of the starry sky learned about the background of the development of cosmic thought, about K. Tsiolkovsky, S. Korolev, the first victories of Soviet science in space exploration (1st satellite, the flight of Belka and Strelka), problems in preparing the first man's flight into space. Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space on April 12, 1961 was examined in detail. Further achievements of the USSR in space exploration (1st female cosmonaut, spacewalk), cosmonaut training programs, significance for the development of space exploration science. At the end of the lesson, the children took part in a big space quiz, with the help of which they consolidated their acquired knowledge in a playful way.

IN Library and leisure center a history lesson “Man Steps into Space” and a portrait conversation “Son of the Earth and Stars” took place. The guys went on an exciting journey through time and space. Together with the librarian, we visited the origins of the development of astronautics, were present at the launch of the first satellite, and met four-legged “cosmonauts”. During the trip, photos of the planet's first cosmonaut, orbital station, etc. were shown. Children worked together to solve space problems and answer questions in the “Young Astronauts” quiz.

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