List of innovations in preschool education. Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions

Currently, the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions are intensively introducing innovative technologies into their work. Therefore, the main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards for preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Pedagogical technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies.

Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:






Conceptuality- reliance on a certain scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Systematicity– the technology must have all the features of the system:

The logic of the process

The interconnection of its parts,


Controllability– the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.

Efficiency– modern pedagogical technologies that exist in specific conditions must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training.

Reproducibility– the possibility of using (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher who uses it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personal characteristics.

The educational technology structure consists of three parts:

    The conceptual part is the scientific basis of the technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are embedded in its foundation.

    The procedural part is a set of forms and methods of children’s educational activities, methods and forms of the teacher’s work, the teacher’s activities in managing the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

Thus, it is obvious: if a certain system claims to be a technology, it must meet all the requirements listed above.

The interaction of all subjects of the open educational space (children, employees, parents) of preschool educational institutions is carried out on the basis of modern educational technologies.

Modern educational technologies include:

    health-saving technologies;

    technology of project activities

    research technology

    information and communication technologies;

    person-oriented technologies;

    preschooler and teacher portfolio technology

    gaming technology

    TRIZ technology, etc.

Health-saving technologies

The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher’s influence on the child’s health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for shaping his health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on:

depending on the type of preschool institution,

on the length of time the children stay there,

from the program in which teachers work,

specific conditions of the preschool educational institution,

professional competence of the teacher,

children's health indicators.

The following classification of health-saving technologies is distinguished (in relation to preschool educational institutions):

medical and preventive (ensuring the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical means - technologies for organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children, monitoring children's nutrition, preventive measures, a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions);

physical education and health (aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health - technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises, etc.);

ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child (ensuring the mental and social health of the child and aimed at ensuring the emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family; technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of the child’s development in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution);

health conservation and health enrichment for teachers (aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and stimulating health (technology for using outdoor and sports games, gymnastics (for the eyes, breathing, etc.), rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation);

educational (cultivating a culture of health in preschool children, person-centered education and training);

teaching a healthy lifestyle (technologies for using physical education classes, communicative games, a system of classes from the “Football Lessons” series, problem-based games (game training, game therapy), self-massage); correctional (art therapy, music technology, fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.)

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include the pedagogical technology of an active sensory-developmental environment, which is understood as a systemic set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals.

Technologies of project activities

Target: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and teaching of preschoolers unanimously note that life activities organized according to it in kindergarten allow them to get to know the students better and penetrate into the child’s inner world.

Classification educational projects:

“game” - children's activities, participation in group activities (games, folk dances, dramatizations, various types of entertainment);

“excursion” aimed at studying problems related to the surrounding nature and social life;

“narrative”, during the development of which children learn to convey their impressions and feelings in oral, written, vocal artistic (painting), musical (playing the piano) forms;

“constructive”, aimed at creating a specific useful product: putting together a birdhouse, arranging flower beds.

Types projects:

according to the dominant method:






by the nature of the content:

include the child and his family,

child and nature,

child and the man-made world,

child, society and its cultural values.

by the nature of the child’s participation in the project:



participant from the inception of an idea to the receipt of the result.

by the nature of contacts:

carried out within the same age group,

in contact with another age group,

inside the preschool educational institution,

in contact with family,

cultural institutions,

public organizations (open project).

by number of participants:




by duration:


average duration,


Research technology

Target research activities in kindergarten - to form in preschoolers basic key competencies, the ability for a research type of thinking.

It should be noted that the use of design technologies cannot exist without the use of TRIZ technology (technology for solving inventive problems). Therefore, when organizing work on a creative project, students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques experimental research organization


Heuristic conversations;

Raising and resolving problematic issues;


Modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);

Recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities;

- “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;

Use of artistic words;

Didactic games, educational games and creative development


Work assignments, actions.

Experiments (experimentation)

State and transformation of matter.

Movement of air and water.

Properties of soil and minerals.

Living conditions of plants.

Collecting (classification work)

Types of plants.

Types of animals.

Types of building structures.

Types of transport.

Types of professions.

Travel on the map

Sides of the world.

Terrain reliefs.

Natural landscapes and their inhabitants.

Parts of the world, their natural and cultural “marks” are symbols.

Journey along the “river of time”

The past and present of humanity (historical time) in the “marks” of material civilization (for example, Egypt - the pyramids).

History of housing and improvement.

Information and communication technologies

The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This places qualitatively new demands on preschool education as the first link of lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).

Informatization of society poses tasks for preschool teachers:

go with the times,

become a guide for a child to the world of new technologies,

mentor in choosing computer programs,

to form the basis of the information culture of his personality,

improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.

Solving these problems is not possible without updating and revising all areas of the kindergarten’s work in the context of informatization.

Requirements to computer programs of preschool educational institutions:

Research character

Easy for children to practice independently

Development of a wide range of skills and understandings

Age appropriate


Classification programs:

Development of imagination, thinking, memory

Talking dictionaries of foreign languages

The simplest graphic editors

Travel games

Teaching reading, mathematics

Using multimedia presentations

Advantages computer:

presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children;

carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;

movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time;

has a stimulus for children's cognitive activity;

provides the opportunity to individualize training;

in the process of working at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

Errors when using information and communication technologies:

Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher

Incorrect definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom

Unplanned, random use of ICT

Overload of demonstration classes.

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational classes with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

Personally-oriented technology

Personality-oriented technologies place the child’s personality at the center of the entire preschool education system, ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool institution, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of existing natural potentials.

Personally-oriented technology is implemented in a developmental environment that meets the requirements of the content of new educational programs.

There are attempts to create conditions for personality-oriented interactions with children in a developmental space that allows the child to show his own activity and realize himself most fully.

However, the current situation in preschool institutions does not always allow us to say that teachers have fully begun to implement the ideas of personality-oriented technologies, namely, providing children with the opportunity for self-realization in the game, the lifestyle is overloaded with various activities, and there is little time left for play.

Within the framework of person-oriented technologies, independent areas are distinguished:

humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence and psychological and therapeutic focus on providing assistance to a child with poor health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

This technology can be well implemented in new preschool institutions, where there are rooms for psychological relief - upholstered furniture, many plants that decorate the room, toys that promote individual play, equipment for individual lessons. Music and physical education rooms, aftercare rooms (after illness), a room for the environmental development of preschoolers and productive activities, where children can choose an activity of interest. All this contributes to full respect and love for the child, faith in creative forces, there is no coercion here. As a rule, in such preschool institutions, children are calm, compliant, and do not have conflicts.

The technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the “Adult-child” relationship system. The teacher and children create conditions for a developing environment, make manuals, toys, and gifts for the holidays. Together they determine a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).

Pedagogical technologies based on humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with procedural orientation, priority of personal relationships, individual approach, democratic management and a strong humanistic orientation of the content. The new educational programs “Rainbow”, “From childhood to adolescence”, “Childhood”, “From birth to school” have this approach.

The essence of the technological educational process is constructed on the basis of given initial settings: social order (parents, society), educational guidelines, goals and content of education. These initial guidelines should specify modern approaches to assessing the achievements of preschoolers, as well as create conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

Identifying the pace of development allows the teacher to support each child at his or her level of development.

Thus, the specificity of the technological approach is that the educational process must guarantee the achievement of its goals. In accordance with this, the technological approach to learning distinguishes:

setting goals and their maximum clarification (education and training with a focus on achieving results;

preparation of teaching aids (demonstration and handout) in accordance with educational goals and objectives;

assessment of the current development of a preschooler, correction of deviations aimed at achieving goals;

the final assessment of the result is the level of development of the preschooler.

Personality-oriented technologies contrast the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional technology - an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, and create conditions for individual creativity.

Preschooler portfolio technology

A portfolio is a collection of a child’s personal achievements in various activities, his successes, positive emotions, an opportunity to once again relive the pleasant moments of his life, this is a unique route for the child’s development.

There are a number of portfolio functions:

diagnostic (records changes and growth over a certain period of time),

The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of portfolio options. The content of the sections is filled out gradually, in accordance with the capabilities and achievements of the preschooler, for example

Section 1 "Let's get to know each other." The section contains a photograph of the child, indicating his last and first name, group number; you can enter the heading “I love...” (“I like...”, “I love it when...”), in which the child’s answers will be recorded.

Section 2 “I’m growing!” The section includes anthropometric data (in artistic and graphic design): “That’s what I am!”, “How I’m growing,” “I’ve grown up,” “I’m big.”

Section 3 “Portrait of my child.” This section contains essays by parents about their baby.

Section 4 “I dream...”. The section records the statements of the child himself when asked to continue the phrases: “I dream of...”, “I would like to be...”, “I’m waiting for...”, “I see myself...”, “ I want to see myself...", "My favorite things..."; answers to the questions: “Who and what will I be like when I grow up?”, “What do I like to think about?”

Section 5 “This is what I can do.” The section contains samples of the child’s creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books).

Section 6 “My achievements”. The section records certificates and diplomas (from various organizations: kindergarten, media holding competitions).

Section 7 “Advise me...” The section provides recommendations to parents by the teacher and all specialists working with the child.

Section 8 “Ask, parents!” In this section, parents formulate their questions to preschool specialists.

A portfolio, the content of which will primarily be of interest to parents, can be filled out both in kindergarten and at home and can be presented as a mini-presentation at a child’s birthday party.

Technology "Teacher's Portfolio"

Modern education needs a new type of teacher:

creative thinker, proficient in modern educational technologies,

methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, methods of independent design of the pedagogical process in the conditions of specific practical activities, the ability to predict one’s final result.

Every teacher should have a record of success, which reflects everything joyful, interesting and worthy that happens in the life of a teacher. A teacher’s portfolio can become such a dossier. A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a teacher in various types of activities (educational, educational, creative, social, communicative), and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of a teacher. To create a comprehensive portfolio, it is advisable to introduce the following sections:

Section 1 “General information about the teacher”

This section allows you to judge the process of individual personal development of the teacher (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth);

education (what and when you graduated from, the specialty received and diploma qualifications);

labor and teaching experience, work experience in a given educational institution;

advanced training (name of the structure where the courses were taken, year, month, course topics);

copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees;

the most significant government awards, diplomas, letters of gratitude;

diplomas of various competitions;

other documents at the discretion of the teacher.

Section 2 “Results of teaching activities.”

The content of this section forms an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of a teacher’s activities over a certain period. The section may include:

materials with the results of children’s mastery of the implemented program;

materials characterizing the level of development of children’s ideas and skills, the level of development of personal qualities;

a comparative analysis of a teacher’s activities over three years based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the results of students’ participation in various competitions and olympiads;

analysis of the learning results of pupils in the first grade, etc.

Section 3 “Scientific and methodological activities”

materials that describe the technologies used by the teacher in activities with children and justify their choice;

materials characterizing work in a methodological association or creative group;

materials confirming participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions;

in weeks of pedagogical mastery;

in conducting seminars, round tables, master classes;

creative reports, abstracts, reports, articles and other documents.

Section 4 “Subject development environment”

Contains information about the organization of a subject-development environment in groups and classrooms:

plans for organizing a subject-development environment;

sketches, photographs, etc.

Section 5 “Working with parents”

Contains information about working with parents of students (work plans; event scenarios, etc.).

Thus, the portfolio will allow the teacher himself to analyze and present significant professional results and achievements, and will ensure monitoring of his professional growth.

Gaming technology

It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:

games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;

groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;

groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

Compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator. Learning in the form of a game can and should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. To implement this approach, it is necessary that educational technologies developed for teaching preschoolers contain a clearly defined and step-by-step described system of gaming tasks and various games so that, using this system, the teacher can be confident that as a result he will receive a guaranteed level of learning a child of one or another subject content. Of course, this level of the child’s achievements must be diagnosed, and the technology used by the teacher must provide this diagnosis with appropriate materials. In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.

Game technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. Some modern educational programs propose using folk games as a means of pedagogical correction of children's behavior.

TRIZ technology

TRIZ (the theory of solving inventive problems), which was created by the scientist-inventor T.S. Altshuller. The teacher uses unconventional forms of work that put the child in the position of a thinking person. TRIZ technology adapted for preschool age will allow you to educate and train a child under the motto “Creativity in everything!” Preschool age is unique, because as a child is formed, so will his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child.

The purpose of using this technology in kindergarten is to develop, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialecticity; on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty; speech and creative imagination.

The main task of using TRIZ- technology in preschool age is to instill in a child the joy of creative discovery.

Main criterion in working with children - clarity and simplicity in presenting material and in formulating a seemingly complex situation. You should not force the implementation of TRIZ without children understanding the basic principles using simple examples. Fairy tales, playful, everyday situations - this is the environment through which a child will learn to apply TRIZ solutions to the problems he faces. As he finds contradictions, he himself will strive for an ideal result, using numerous resources.

You can use only TRIZ elements (tools) in your work if the teacher has not sufficiently mastered TRIZ technology.

A scheme has been developed using a method for identifying contradictions:

The first stage is the determination of the positive and negative properties of the quality of any object or phenomenon that do not cause strong associations in children.

The second stage is the determination of the positive and negative properties of an object or phenomenon as a whole.

Only after the child understands what adults want from him should he move on to considering objects and phenomena that evoke lasting associations.

Often, the teacher is already conducting TRI classes without even knowing it. After all, it is precisely liberated thinking and the ability to go to the end in solving a given task that is the essence of creative pedagogy.

The technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies guarantee the achievements of preschoolers and subsequently guarantee their successful learning at school.

Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Everything is in our hands, so we cannot give them up.

A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others improve. Create it yourself. Just as there are no children without imagination, there is no teacher without creative impulses.

Participation in the main all-Russian competitions for preschool institutions (“Teacher of the Year”, “Kindergarten of the Year”) requires the presence of an impressive portfolio with examples of the use of innovative technologies. At the same time, innovative technologies in preschool education can be a refinement of old educational models or represent a completely new developmental program.

A modern teacher is one who is constantly developing, self-educating, looking for new ways to develop and educate children. All this becomes possible thanks to his active position and creative component.

The introduction of new technologies may be due to a number of reasons. Innovative technologies in preschool education are used, first of all, to solve current problems, to improve the quality of services provided, and to fulfill the increasing demands of parents. In addition, competition is also important, when kindergartens compete with each other for the title of the most modern preschool educational institution. The reward is well known - a large number of people want to get into this particular kindergarten.

Innovation can manifest itself not only in the form of new programs, but also in a number of other areas that together ensure the harmonious work of a preschool institution. This includes management activities, and work with personnel, and work with parents.

In the article we will dwell in more detail on working with children.

Modern educational technologies include:

  • health-saving technologies;
  • technology of project activities;
  • research technologies;
  • information and communication technologies;
  • person-oriented technologies;
  • gaming technologies.

Health-saving technologies

Health-saving technologies are aimed at strengthening the child’s health and instilling in him a healthy lifestyle. This is especially relevant in light of environmental deterioration, general health, and poor nutrition.

Health-saving technologies can be implemented in different ways. Depending on the goals:

  • they can be aimed at maintaining health and implemented by medical personnel: nutrition control, health monitoring, providing a health-preserving environment;
  • they can be aimed at the physical development of the child through various types of gymnastics (breathing, finger, orthopedic), hardening, dynamic pauses, stretching, alternative methods - for example, hatha yoga;
  • they can introduce a culture of health;
  • they can teach a healthy lifestyle through communicative games, game sessions, logarithmics, physical education classes;
  • they can be corrective and implemented in sessions of various types of therapies (art, fairy tale, color).

Technologies of project activities

Project activities in kindergarten are carried out by the child together with the teacher. The goal is to work on a problem, as a result of which the child receives answers to questions.

Projects vary:

  • by number of participants: individual, pair, group, frontal;
  • by duration: short-term, medium-term, long-term;
  • by priority method: creative, gaming, research, informational;
  • by topic: include the child’s family, nature, society, cultural values ​​and more.

Research technologies

Research activities help a child identify a current problem and solve it through a series of actions. At the same time, the child, like a scientist, conducts research and experiments.

Methods and techniques for organizing research activities:

  • observations;
  • conversations;
  • experiments;
  • didactic games;
  • modeling situations;
  • work assignments, actions.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies have received their natural development in our “advanced” age. A situation where a child would not know what a computer is is almost impossible. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills. With the help of exciting programs for teaching reading and mathematics, developing memory and logic, children can be interested in the “sciences”.

The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classical lesson. Animated pictures flashing on the screen attract the child and allow him to concentrate his attention. With the help of computer programs, it becomes possible to simulate various life situations that would not be possible to recreate in a kindergarten.

Depending on the child’s abilities, the program can be tailored specifically to him, that is, focusing on his individual development.

At the same time, due to computer illiteracy, teachers can make a number of mistakes. For example, overloading a lesson with slides, being insufficiently competent in computer literacy due to lack of relevant experience.

Personality-oriented technologies

Personality-oriented technologies provide conditions for the development of a child’s individuality. These are various sensory rooms, corners for individual games and activities.

Programs widely used in kindergartens have a personality-oriented approach: “Childhood”, “From birth to school”, “Rainbow”, “From childhood to adolescence”.

Gaming technologies

Gaming technologies are the foundation of all preschool education. In the light of the Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards), the child’s personality is brought to the fore and now the entire preschool childhood should be devoted to play.

At the same time, games have many cognitive and educational functions. Among the game exercises we can highlight those

  • which help to highlight the characteristic features of objects: that is, they teach to compare;
  • which help to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
  • who teach the child to separate fiction from reality;
  • which foster communication in a team, develop speed of reaction, ingenuity, and more.

It is worth mentioning the TRIZ technology (the theory of solving inventive problems), which puts creativity at the forefront. TRIZ puts complex material into a form that is easy and accessible to children. Children learn about the world through fairy tales and everyday situations.

This paper examines the essence of innovation as a phenomenon in preschool education, its classification, origin, and significance for the development of the preschool education system.

The goal is to study innovative processes in modern preschool education.

1. Consider the preschool educational institution as a developing system.

2. Research trends in innovative processes in preschool education.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 73 of a combined type, Frunzensky district

St. Petersburg

Innovations in a modern preschool educational institution.

Innovative processes in modern preschool education.

Medvedeva Elena Georgievna - teacher

Saint Petersburg


During the period of socio-economic changes in Russia, when the entire system of social relations is being reassessed, changes are also taking place in the education system. A characteristic feature in our time is the activation of innovative processes in education.

This paper examines the essence of innovation as a phenomenon in preschool education, its classification, origin, and significance for the development of the preschool education system.

The goal is to study innovative processes in modern preschool education.


1. Consider the preschool educational institution as a developing system.

2. Research trends in innovative processes in preschool education.

1. 1. Preschool educational institution as a system – complex socio-psycho-pedagogical education, consisting ofa set of system-forming factors, structural and functional components, operating conditions.

System-forming factorsare presented by the goal, concept and development program, partial programs that record the totality of leading ideas, the goal and results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

Structural componentsare the control and managed systems, their composition (educators, parents, children), as well as technologies of activity of subjects of all levels of management for the implementation of program content in preschool educational institutions.

Functional componentsare determined by the purpose of management functions in preschool educational institutions (analytical-diagnostic, motivational-stimulating, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-evaluative, regulatory-correctional) according to the form of interrelated activities in the “teacher-child-parents” system and the corresponding subsystems.

Operating conditionsare determined by the existing spaces of activity of preschool educational institutions - medical-valeological, social, psychological and pedagogical environments, time frames and psychophysiological characteristics of participants in the educational process.

The openness of the preschool educational institution as a system is determinedby development spacesthat exist in the institution, as well as the dynamics of their changes. Characteristics of the openness of a preschool educational institution can be: the degree of compliance of its state, the mechanism of self-regulation and response to environmental changes (adaptation or over-activity), the type and degree of regulation of the management system (traditional or innovative, the predominance of vertical or horizontal connections), etc.

The main result of the functioning of an open system is successful interaction with society, mastering which, the preschool educational institution itself becomes a strong means of socialization of the individual. Dedicated spaces are necessary today and, as a rule, are sufficient to ensure high results of educational activities in preschool educational institutions

The development space of a preschool educational institution consists of three interconnected spaces of its subjects: educators, parents and children. The main structural unit in it is the interaction of participants in the educational process.

1.2 Structural and functional model of the activity of a preschool educational institution as an open developing system

Development space for preschool educational institutions:

Personnel and information support;

Material and technical base, resources;

Control system.

Parent development space:

Family involvement in preschool educational institutions (degree of integration);

Continuity and unity of the requirements of the preschool educational institution and the family;

Relationship between parents in the family;

Family parenting style;

Parent community.

Space for teacher development:

Incentive and motivation system;

Craftsmanship and professionalism;

Cooperation, co-creation;

Pedagogical community (socio-psychological climate in the team, cohesion).

Child development space:

Subject development environment;

Educational space;

Additional educational space;

Social development situation;

Medical and socio-psycho-pedagogical support;

Children's community.

The logic of the deployment of development processes in each of the spaces lies in the change of stages and levels of development: adaptation, integration, individualization. These stages, on the one hand, indicate the continuity and quantity of transformation of changes in a particular development space of a preschool institution.

1.3 Preschool educational institution in development mode

The development mode is a purposeful, natural, continuous, irreversible process of transition of an institution to a qualitatively new state, characterized by a multi-level organization, a cultural orientation and an ever-expanding growth potential.

Functioning mode is the life process of a preschool educational institution, aimed at stabilizing any condition, characterized by cyclical repetition, reproduction of accumulated experience and use of accumulated potential.

Many researchers associate the development of preschool educational institutions with the processes of targeted development and creation, implementation and mastery, dissemination and stabilization of innovations, which determine its qualitatively new state.

In table 1.3.1. comparative characteristics of the modes of life of institutions are presented, which serve as guidelines in the management of innovation processes, allowing the institution to be transferred from a traditional mode to an innovative one.

Table 1.3.1

Main characteristics of preschool life modes





Type/type of preschool educational institution

Traditional, typical


Goals and objectives of management

Maintaining stable results, reproducing experience, using accumulated potential

Updating the components of the educational process to ensure mobility, flexibility and variability

Subject of management

Administration, with limited rights of other entities, underdeveloped horizontal connections, unity of command prevails over collegiality

Collective subject of management. Development of horizontal connections. Parity of unity of command and collegiality: encouragement and initiatives.

Scientific management concepts, approaches

Empirical, based on personal experience

Motivational program-target management, its variations. Reflexive management. Creation of comprehensive targeted programs and development programs

Motivational support

Creating a favorable psychological climate for stable work

Creating an atmosphere of creativity and search with an appropriate system of material and moral stimulation for self-realization of subjects

Educational process

Achieving sustainable results in stable conditions

Obtaining qualitatively new results in changing conditions

Using traditional ideas, curriculum and programs

The use of development plans, comprehensive targeted programs for the development of innovations


Provides consistent results

Personality-oriented upbringing and education that ensures self-development of subjects

Organization of educational process

The old system with a certain number of days and levels of training

Multi-level, multi-stage, continuous education in the systems of preschool education - school - university

Regulatory support

Using standard documents to ensure stable operation

Standard documents become the basis for developing your own


Traditional requirements for the level of professional competence necessary to obtain stable results of education and training

Competition basis. Competitiveness. Innovative training methods. Variability of courses

Scientific and methodological support

Traditional Curricula and Plans

Financial support


Budgetary and extra-budgetary

Logistics support

Organizing a basic process using existing materials

Constantly expanding provision as a result of dynamic development

There are several signs by which you can determine whether a preschool educational institution is in development mode:

1. Relevance (significance and timeliness) of the work being carried out aimed at developing practical measures to solve a serious problem.

2. Involvement in the search activities of the majority of teachers; innovation potential and climate in the team, as well as the balance of interests of all participants in innovation activities.

3. Characteristics of results: efficiency, productivity, optimality.

4. There are indicators of innovative development: sustainability, reproducibility, qualitative transformation of the management system of all components of the holistic pedagogical process and the conditions for its implementation in preschool educational institutions.

1.4 Current trends in the development of preschool education




Pedagogical activity

Support and support


Reflective. Co-management. Self-government.

Personality-oriented, personality-activity approaches.

Expanding the range of services to meet the needs and interests of the individual.


Expanding the composition of the collective subject of management. Expansion of horizontal connections.

New relationships and positions:


The ability to flexibly change the position of the object and subject by each participant.

Expanding the powers and composition of subjects of the educational process


Expansion of types and levels of control.

Individualization and differentiation. Variability in the implementation of educational services.

Expansion of support structures:

Medical and valeological;

Social and pedagogical;


Correctional pedagogical.

The transformation of preschool education into preschool education reflects a global development trend. V.T. Kudryavtsev notes that in Russia preschool education is subordinate to educational management structures: this actually indicates that a preschool child needs upbringing, training and development. Thus, preschool education becomes the initial, integral and full-fledged stage of the educational system as a whole, as defined by the Law “On Education”.

Today we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions to the search mode.

According to V.T. Kudryavtsev, the situation that currently exists in preschool education can be called moderately critical due to the lack of intelligible strategies and doctrine for the development of preschool education as a distinct, strictly defined system of social, organizational, economic-financial, psychological, pedagogical and other priorities. Many years of confusion associated with the development of the state standard for preschool education indicate the significance of this problem.

As a result, preschool educational institutions are forced to focus on “exemplary requirements”, maintained in the traditional administrative spirit. According to the scientist, the actions taken by preschool education workers to increase budget funding, open a number of experimental sites with additional funding for their activities (every year this becomes more and more difficult), hold meetings to exchange experience, etc., are ineffective.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular:

Combining innovative programs with existing ones;

Coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;

Split of the teaching community;

Inconsistency of new types of educational institutions with the requirements of parents;

The need for new scientific and methodological support;

The need for new teaching staff;

Adaptation of innovations to specific conditions;

The problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations;

The problem of reproducing innovativeness and creating conditions conducive to this.

V.T. Kudryavtsev identifies four leading areas of innovation in preschool educational institutions.

1. Consideration of preschool education as not a preparatory stage for school, but a relatively independent, valuable, developing and developing system aimed atamplification (enrichment) of child development due to the opportunities that are inherent in preschool activities (the creative nature of play, active perception of fairy tales, various productive activities, etc.).By cultivating creativity in and outside the classroom, we thereby contribute not only to the general psychological maturation of the child, but also to the creation of the foundation for full school readiness based on the development of creative capabilities and intellectual strength of students. It is enough just to be attentive to the main psychological feature of preschool age - productive or creative imagination, which should develop in all the variety of children's activities. The development of imagination is associated with the acquisition of humanity in the broadest sense of the word by introducing the child to culture. Therefore, educational programs aimed at developing the imagination of preschoolers are needed.

2. Approval of humane subject-subject relations in the process of equal-partner interaction and cooperation of children and adults through dialogue in the pedagogical process.

3. Development of communication between practitioners and theorists in the field of innovation.

4. Extensive search and experimental activities organized from the perspective of a research approach.


2.1 Prerequisites for the development of innovative activities in the preschool education system

The prerequisites and sources for the formation of innovation in preschool education are determined by the course of social development and educational policy in general: innovative processes in the economy, production and other spheres of life, democratization of public life, humanization of relations between participants in the educational process, creativity of subjects of interaction in education, search, innovation, experimental activities of educational institutions.

The main concepts of innovation are novelty, innovation, innovation process, innovation.

Innovation : - an idea that is new for a specific person;

Remedy (new method).

Innovation process– innovations, innovations and conditions that ensure the success of transferring the system to a new qualitative state.

Innovation – the content side of the innovation process (scientific ideas and technologies for their implementation).

A.I. Prigogine defined the concept innovation : a purposeful change that introduces new, relatively stable elements into a certain social unit (organization, society, group).

Innovations in the field of education include changes:

In the social position of education and the level of funding of the system;

In the structure of the education system;

In the internal organization of the educational institution;

In teaching methods;

In the equipment of educational institutions and the use of information technologies in education;

In the construction of buildings and premises for educational activities.

Change is the replacement of one thing with another (change, variation) as a visible deviation from the previous one. If the deviation is for the better, it is an innovation.

Innovation and change on a large scale for the entire system is reform.

Novelty as a criterion for evaluating research, value, the property of an innovation is specific historical (absolutely or relatively new)

Innovation indicators:

A) focus on solving current problems (pedagogical innovation contains a new solution to this problem);

B) the possibility of use in broad pedagogical practice. The use of pedagogical innovations should lead to updating the pedagogical process and obtaining qualitatively new (sustainable) results. Efficiency – the influence of realized potential on various parameters of the system in which innovation is implemented;

C) adaptability (regardless of conditions);

D) presence of a scientific idea;

E) completeness (the degree of realization of innovative potential): ideally, a transition from simple to expanded reproduction.

V.I. Slastenin, L.S. Podymova, A.I. Prigozhin and other researchers highlightspecifics of innovations:

Pedagogical innovations retain all the generic features of innovation;

The object of influence and the subject of activity is a developing personality;

The emergence and existence of an innovation is influenced by social order;

The psychological readiness of the teaching community to perceive, accept and implement innovations is necessary;

They exist as ideal products of the activities of innovators;

There is a relative elongation of innovation processes over time;

The holistic nature of the goals of innovation;

The existing dependence of innovation processes on socio-pedagogical conditions;

Difficulty in determining the results of innovation.

Requirements for innovations:

Balancing goals with the goals of the preschool educational institution;

Stability (relative).

Classification of innovations.

1. According to the level of innovation potential (formalized scale):

· construction of the known in a different form – formal novelty (the actual absence of something new) – conditional novelty;

· repetition of the known with minor changes: particular novelty;

clarification, specification of what is already known;

· addition of the known essential elements;

· creation of a qualitatively new object.

2. By mass numbers:


· massive.

3. By scale:

· private;

· modular;

· systemic.

4. By novelty:

· absolutely new;

· relatively (subjectively) new.

5. By type of occurrence:

· spontaneous;

· targeted.

6. By type of innovation:

· material and technical;

· social (pedagogical).

7. By the nature of occurrence:

· external (borrowings initiated by governing bodies);

· internal (know-how).

8. In terms of innovative potential:

· modification (changing an existing one);

· combinatorial (combination of elements of the former);

· radical (fundamentally new).

9. By the nature of focus on the future:

· operational;

· strategic.

10. In relation to the existing:

· substitutes;

· opening;

· canceling;

· retro-introduction.

11. By the nature of the results obtained:

· expected (planned);

· random (unplanned).

12. In terms of timeliness:

· timely;

· untimely;

· current;

· focused on the future.

13. Upon completion:

· completed;

· unfinished.

14. According to the development process:

· easy to learn;

· difficult to master.

the need for classification is associated with the possibility of a more detailed study of individual aspects of innovation and their adequate perception. It is also necessary to determine

three main areas requiring innovation in preschool educational institutions:

1. management of the institution;

These areas interact through the creation and development of innovations. The specifics of managing innovation processes are determined by the area of ​​their implementation.

Below are the main positions in the classification of innovations, showing the connections between the main aspects of the innovation process at the content and managerial levels.

Areas of application of pedagogical innovations:

· goals;

· forms;

· methods;

· structure.

Scope of changes:

· private;

· modular;

· systemic.


· modification;

· combinatorial;

· radical.

Nature of occurrence:

· internal;

· external.

Ways of occurrence:

· planned;

· spontaneous.

Control system area:

· value orientations;

· image of the desired control system;

· composition, structure of the collective subject of management;

· changes in resource provision;

· changes in the results of training and education.

Control object:

· new developments in the management of education levels;

· in managing the processes of basic and additional education;

· interdisciplinary connections;

· functions of preschool educational institution;

· external relations;

· teaching teams;

· technologies of training and education.

2.3 Sources of innovation in preschool educational institutions

The main figure in the innovation process is the teacher, who is able to change and rebuild his activities in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the child and his own development resources. Its innovative potential is decisive in achieving the effectiveness of innovations, the success of the implementation of which is closely related to the innovative behavior of the subject - actions in which a personal attitude to the changes taking place is manifested.

The bearer of innovations - the teacher - as an element in the structure of the innovation process is characterized from the point of view of perception, mastery and evaluation of the new, the unity of goal setting and goal achievement.

In the structure of a teacher’s personality and innovative activity, the following essential elements can be distinguished:

Motives, attitudes, orientation, characterizing the teacher’s openness and receptivity to new things;

Creative abilities such as creativity and individuality. Active self-awareness, pedagogical culture, base of creativity;

A technological component that provides variable ways to implement traditional tasks;

Reflection that promotes an adequate understanding of the teacher about himself and his place in the innovation process.

The source of development of the subject of innovation is culture and the object of influence - the child, and the mechanisms of development - personality and activity.The combination of motivational (I want), theoretical (I can), technological (I do) and effective (I receive) readiness constitutes a system of innovative competence of a preschool teacher.

2.4 Patterns of innovation processes

The innovation process, like any other, is subject to certain lawsm. They are pointed out in his work by V.E. Gmurman.

1. The law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment. Innovation causes irreversible destructive changes in the innovative socio-pedagogical environment: starting with the destruction of holistic ideas, images and concrete consciousness, the views of individual subjects.

2. The law of the final implementation of the innovation process. The innovation process must be realized sooner or later. Innovation makes its way: another question is whether it is viable? At what level in terms of optimality and efficiency does the process occur?

3. The law of stereotyping pedagogical innovations. Innovation becomes obsolete, stereotyping occurs, cliches of thinking and activity arise, and therefore routinization is a crisis.

4. The law of cyclic repetition, the return of innovation. Revival of innovation in new conditions.

M.M. Potashnik and O.B. Khomeriki studied in detail the structures of the innovation process in an educational institution. In their work, they identify several types of structures.

Activity structure: motive – goal – objectives – content – ​​forms – methods – results.

Subject structure: activities of development subjects (education management bodies, persons involved in the process of updating preschool education), the functional and role relationship of all participants in the innovation process at each stage.

Level structure: activities of subjects at different levels (international, federal, regional, city, rural, within preschool educational institutions).

The structure of the life cycle includes the following stages: emergence (idea, its design) – growth (detailing, specification) – maturity – development (diffusion, penetration) – saturation – routinization (for the main part of subjects, innovation ceases to be new) – crisis – finale: innovation becomes routine or is replaced.

Management structure: development program.

Organizational structure: diagnostics – forecasting – organization – practice – generalization – implementation.

Life cycle of innovations.

1. Discovery stage: inception, emergence of the concept of innovation.

2. Development: invention, creation of an innovation embodied in an object (material or spiritual).

3. Implementation of innovation: practical application, refinement, lasting result, independent existence of innovation subject to receptivity.

4. Dissemination, replication: widespread introduction, diffusion or dominance of an innovation in a specific area, the innovation ceases to be such, loses its novelty.

5. An effective alternative, or its replacement, or a reduction in the scale of application of the innovation.

The linearity of the stages may be violated: within one stage others are permissible, breaks, phase loss, etc. are possible. From the fourth stage there is continuous improvement.

From the point of view of interaction with the environment, the life cycle includes:

· start;

· rapid growth;

· maturity;

· saturation;

· crisis.

Stages of perception of innovation according to Eric Rogers.

1. Familiarization: a person hears about innovation for the first time and is not yet ready to receive additional information.

2. Appearance of interest: interest + search for additional information. While the internal need to accept innovation is impossible (the subject does not try it on himself).

3. Evaluation: the subject tries on the innovation and decides whether to use it, looks for clarifying information, and critically evaluates it.

4. Approbation: portioned application in practice, depending on the result - acceptance or refusal.

5. Final perception: the decision follows to adopt the innovation and widely use it in practice (through evaluation of the results of the fourth stage).

The presented parameters of the innovation process need to be adapted to the preschool education, which is currently characterized by the dynamics of individual areas and processes. It is innovations that are designed to synchronize and integrate the main aspects of the functioning and development of preschool educational institutions in order to ensure the quality of preschool education.


The ongoing changes in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to the social development and evolution of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for serious changes in the functioning of the institution.

The search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions is the main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system. Many researchers associate the development of preschool educational institutions with the processes of targeted development and creation, implementation and mastery, dissemination and stabilization of innovations, which determine its qualitatively new state. It should be noted that the degree of innovativeness of education is determined by the level of development of society and dictated by the level of “underdevelopment” of education. In other words, innovation occurs where and when there is a need for change and the ability to implement it.

Today, innovations of various nature, focus and significance are being introduced in the field of education. There are three main areas that require innovation in preschool educational institutions:

1. management of the institution;

2. structure of the educational process;

Innovative processes in the field of education determine the essence of the formation of an educational institution: they have a positive effect on the quality of training and education in educational institutions, increase the professional level of teachers, create better conditions for the spiritual development of children, and allow for a person-oriented approach to them.


1. Law “On Education”

2. Gmurman V.E. Introduction of pedagogical achievements into school workshops.

M., 1981.

3. Kudryavtsev V.T. Innovative preschool education: experience, problems and development strategies // Preschool education. 1997. No. 7, 10, 12. 1998. No. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11. 1999. No. 3, 12.

4. Polonsky V.M. Criteria for the theoretical and practical significance of the study // Soviet pedagogy. 1988. No. 11.

5. Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. Pedagogy: innovative activity. M., 1997.

Innovation (innovation) - in the socio-psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice.
- New - created or made for the first time, appeared or emerged recently, to replace the previous one, newly discovered, relating to the immediate past or to the present, not familiar enough, little known.
- Innovation (innovation) is a complex process of creation, dissemination, implementation and use of a new practical tool, method, concept, etc. - innovations to meet human needs.
- Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment, causing a transition of the system from one state to another.
- Innovation is precisely a means (a new method, methodology, technology, curriculum, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means.
- In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations.
The main reasons for innovation can be identified:
1. The need to actively search for ways to solve existing problems in preschool education.
2. The desire of teaching staff to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.
3. Imitation of other preschool institutions, teachers’ intuitive understanding that innovations will improve the activities of the entire team.
4. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the results achieved, a firm intention to improve them. The need to be involved in a big, significant matter.
5. The desire of recent graduates of pedagogical universities and students of advanced training courses to implement the acquired knowledge.
6. Increasing demands from individual groups of parents.
7. Competition between kindergartens.

Participants in the innovation process must always remember that the new achieves recognition and makes its way with great difficulty; is of a specific historical nature and can be progressive for a certain period of time, but become outdated at a later stage and even become a brake on further development. Innovations often include originality (not better, but in a different way), a formal change of names, and inventive little things.

The directions of development of innovation processes can be divided as follows:
Innovations in management activities:
- program-targeted pedagogical management;
- creation of a unified management program;
- broad delegation of powers and expanding the degree of participation of employees in managing the development of the institution;
- development of the Concept for the development of preschool educational institutions, Development Programs, educational programs;
- changing the algorithm for conducting internal control over the quality of education, introducing new forms of it, delegating control functions.
Innovations in educational content:
- adaptation and implementation of new programs;
- development of individual education programs;
- organization of additional educational services.
Innovations in working with personnel:
- creation of a system of continuous education for teachers;
- development of a program for the formation of human resources;
- development of individual programs for the creative development of teachers;
- individualization of forms and methods of methodological work depending on the level of professional skills of teachers;
- use of master classes, pedagogical rings, internship sites, pedagogical projects;
- self-realization forms of advanced training - creative competitions and laboratories, publications of work experience. Creation of a bank of innovative ideas
- active teaching methods.
Innovations in working with children:
- organization of various forms of children's activities, hobby classes in clubs and studios;
- providing an individual-personal, differentiated approach;
- development of an individual development route and compilation of a portfolio of achievements in working with gifted children;
- organizing simple experimentation and modeling situations.
Innovations in working with parents:
- application of interactive methods;
- the use of informal ways of interacting with parents, involving them in the life of the children's community through clubs and family events;
- organizing a press service to publish a newspaper for parents.
Innovations in the subject-development environment:
- enrichment of the macroenvironment of preschool educational institutions and the microenvironment of groups, taking into account the author’s developments;
- construction of a developmental space for preschool educational institutions based on the principle of integration and modeling;
- transformation of the subject-spatial environment based on the gender principle, reflecting the interests of girls and boys;
- development of alternative forms of preschool education;
- organizing the work of the weekend group.
Innovation in technology:
Innovative technologies are a set of methods and means aimed at maintaining the stages of implementation of a specific innovation.

Modern educational technologies include:
health-saving technologies;
These are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health for preschoolers.
Orthopedic gymnastics; Gymnastics for the eyes; Relaxation; Stretching; Breathing exercises; Finger gymnastics; Corrective gymnastics; Outdoor and sports game; Dynamic pause.
Healthy lifestyle training technologies: Physical education class; Communication game; Game therapy, game training; Acupressure.
Corrective technologies: Technologies of musical influence; Fairytale therapy; Logorhythmics; Color therapy; Art therapy.
technologies of design and research activities;
This is a purposeful activity with a specific purpose, according to a specific plan for solving search, research, and practical problems in any area of ​​educational content. The main goal of the project method in a preschool institution is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children's research activities.
When organizing work on a creative project, students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.
Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities: conversations; observations; modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);
recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities; “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;
use of artistic words; didactic games, game-based educational and creative development situations; work assignments, actions.
information and communication technologies;
1. Selection of illustrative material for GCD and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).
2. Selection of additional educational material for GCD, familiarization with the scenarios of holidays and other events.
3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.
5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.
The following programs are used in the educational process:
- Development of imagination, thinking, memory
- Talking dictionaries of foreign languages
- The simplest graphic editors
- Travel games
- Teaching reading, mathematics
- Use of multimedia presentations
person-oriented technologies;
The goal of the technology of person-centered learning is the maximum development (and not the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his existing life experience.
Research (problem-search)
A characteristic feature of this technology is the teacher’s implementation of the “learning through discovery” model.
Communicative (discussion)
A feature of this technology is the presence of discussions characterized by different points of view on the issues being studied, their comparison, search through discussion of the true point of view
Simulation modeling (game)
A characteristic feature of this technology is the modeling of vital professional difficulties in the educational space and the search for ways to solve them.
Psychological (self-determination)
A characteristic feature of this technology is the student’s self-determination to carry out one or another educational activity.
A characteristic feature of this technology is the child’s ability to design upcoming activities and be its subject.
A feature of this technology is the child’s awareness of the activity: how, in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, and how he felt at the same time.

Gaming technologies.
It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:
games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;
groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.
Compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.
At the same time, games have many cognitive and educational functions. Among the game exercises we can highlight those
which help to highlight the characteristic features of objects: that is, they teach to compare;
which help to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
who teach the child to separate fiction from reality;
which foster communication in a team, develop speed of reaction, ingenuity, and more.
Technology "Teacher's Portfolio"
Modern education needs a new type of teacher (creatively thinking, proficient in modern educational technologies, methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, ways of independently constructing the pedagogical process in the conditions of specific practical activities, the ability to predict their final result, who should have a dossier of successes that reflects everything joyful, interesting and worthy of what happens in the life of a teacher. A teacher’s portfolio can become such a dossier.

TRIZ technology is a theory for solving inventive problems.
The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. That is, the goal is to develop, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity, dialecticism, and on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination.
TRIZ gives you the opportunity to show your individuality and teaches children to think outside the box; develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation.
- Brainstorming method. This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.
- Directory method. The method allows us to largely solve the problem of teaching preschoolers creative storytelling.
- Method of focal objects. The essence of this method is to transfer the properties of one object or several to another. This method allows you not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking.
- Method "System analysis". The method helps to consider the world in a system as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, conveniently functioning with each other. Its goal is to determine the role and place of objects, and their interaction for each element.
- Method of morphological analysis. When working with preschoolers, this method is very effective for developing creative imagination, fantasy, and overcoming stereotypes. Its essence lies in combining different options for the characteristics of a certain object when creating a new image of this object.
- Method of substantiating new ideas “Goldfish”. The essence of the method is to divide situations into components (real and fantastic), followed by finding real manifestations of the fantastic component.
- MMC method (modeling with little people). modeling of processes occurring in the natural and man-made world between substances (solid – liquid – gaseous).
- Thinking by analogy. Since analogy is the similarity of objects and phenomena according to some properties and characteristics, we must first teach children to determine the properties and characteristics of objects, teach them to compare and classify
- Typical techniques of fantasy (TPF). To help develop a child’s imagination, six wizards are brought in to help. The goal of wizards is to change the properties of an object. Magic techniques: increase-decrease, division-union, transformation of signs of time, revival-petrification, specialization-universalization, vice versa.
So, the general goal of innovative activities in preschool educational institutions is to improve the ability of the kindergarten pedagogical system to achieve qualitatively higher educational results.
The problem of managing innovative processes in preschool educational institutions has become the subject of serious study due to the focus of a modern preschool institution on the development of the child’s personality, on revealing his creative abilities, which requires appropriate professional and personal development of teachers, the priority of the tasks of developing the personality of the child and the teacher, ensuring the continuity of the educational process and a professional approach to his organization.

Analysis of the educational system of preschool educational institutions from the point of view of its developmental potential and the design of all components of the educational space as a system of effective opportunities for each subject of the educational process is one of the most important directions and resources for improving the quality of modern preschool education.

In modern conditions of development of preschool education, the process of introducing innovations into all spheres of life of preschool educational institutions, regardless of their subordination, types and forms of ownership, is becoming increasingly widespread. The content of preschool education is being updated, new programs are being developed, and a new system of interaction between preschool institutions and the external educational environment is being developed. Sometimes research into the problem of forming a teacher’s readiness for innovative activities is fragmentary. In particular, a system for mastering the methodology and technology of management activities for the purpose of effectively introducing innovations in the workplace, conceptual and technological provisions for the development of content, procedures, and criteria for determining the levels of teacher readiness to work in conditions of innovation have not been developed. The solution to this problem, in our opinion, requires the creation of a new model for training a future specialist in the field of preschool education for innovative activities in the form of a scientific and methodological system aimed at taking into account the conceptual, organizational and methodological aspects of retraining specialists for innovations Kalinchenko A.V. Development of play activities of preschoolers / A. V. Kalinchenko Yu.V. Miklyaev, V. N. Sidorenko. - M: Iris-press, 2004. P.18-20..

In the last decade, the key idea of ​​education has been and remains the idea of ​​its development, the introduction of innovations in preschool education. This idea was embodied in a number of documents, special programs at the state and regional and other levels. According to the authors, they define models for the system’s transition to an innovative development regime. However, the terminological definition is still debatable: there are no clear parameters, criteria and indicators by which one could determine whether it is an innovation or the embodiment of a long-forgotten technique. From the point of view of modern scientific approaches, innovative activity is characterized by a set of criteria - the conditions of the educational process, management, the results of this process, activities, etc. Innovative activity - innovative project, product and products, motivation and technology.

Innovative pedagogical activity is a reflection of the main changes in the trends and patterns of modern education. An analysis of scientific works on the research topic indicates that without a scientific substantiation of the structure of innovative activity of a preschool education specialist, the system of professional pedagogical training does not correspond to the modern pace of education development. This is due to the presence of certain contradictions: between the increased demands of society for the professionalism of a teacher in a preschool educational institution and the low level of its manifestation in practical activities; between the widespread use of the concept of “innovative activity” in pedagogical vocabulary and the insufficient scientific substantiation of its essence and structure content; between the requirement of modern education to ensure the innovative activity of preschool education workers and the latter’s unpreparedness for its implementation.

Educational innovations involve updating the content of education, methods, forms of teaching and upbringing, developing and introducing new ones and disseminating existing pedagogical systems. They are aimed at changing and updating all components of education and are systemic in nature. Innovative practice in the work of a preschool teacher: a method. allowance. / N. Dyatlenko, A. Goncharenko, A. Shevchuk [and others]. - M.: School World 2010.

Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions are carried out in the following main areas:

  • 1. Development of new educational content.
  • 2. Introduction of new systems, techniques, technologies, methods, techniques, means of teaching and raising children.
  • 3. Creation of preschool institutions with priority areas of development.
  • 4. Application of optimal mechanisms for managing institutions, etc.

The very embodiment of new ideas is a sign by which innovation is distinguished from innovation: if a teacher discovers something fundamentally new, then he is an innovator; if he transforms a scientific idea into practice, then he is an innovator.

Novelty is one of the main criteria for assessing pedagogical research; the main result of the creative process; property and independent value of innovation.

The problem of pedagogical creativity is closely related to the various manifestations of novelty in pedagogical innovation.

The results of pedagogical creativity can be:

  • 1. Pedagogical discoveries - large-scale innovative pedagogical solutions related to the formation, justification of new pedagogical ideas and their implementation in a specific pedagogical system.
  • 2. Pedagogical inventions - transformation, design of individual elements of pedagogical systems, means, methods, conditions of training and education.
  • 3. Pedagogical improvements - modernization and adaptation to specific conditions of already known methods and means.

So, an important condition for the innovation process and an objective need for the innovative activity of a teacher, an essential characteristic of the innovation process is creativity.

We can note the introduction of pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions, conditionally defining the following groups.

  • 1. System innovative pedagogical technologies:
    • * humane-personal pedagogy of Vasily Sukhomlinsky;
    • * self-development technology of Maria Montessori;
    • * technology of free development (pedagogy of R. Steiner “Waldorf kindergarten”)
  • 2. Modular and local innovative pedagogical technologies:
    • * early learning technologies (Fas Trac Kids Program, Masaru Ibuka, M. Zaitsev, G. Doman, B. Nikitin, etc.);
    • * technology of personality development by G. Altshuller (“TRIZ”);
    • * personality-oriented education “Step by step”;
  • 3. Health-saving, health-improving and health-forming technologies:
    • * natural healing system of Porfiry Ivanov “Baby”;
    • * educational and health programs in valeology;
    • * psycho-gymnastics;
    • * health systems of eastern peoples.
  • 4. Author's, alternative pedagogical technologies:
    • * integrated personality-oriented technology by Svetlana Yakimenko;
    • * natural education of Lilia Bludova;
    • * children's creativity of Galina Podkurganaya and others.

The named materials are a creative professional search for teachers in the field of innovative activities of preschool educational institutions, which indicates the irreversibility of the process of creating an innovative space for preschool education.

Preschool educational institutions today are an ideal field for the deployment of personally oriented technologies, since, unlike schools, they are not focused on a strictly fixed result; they, in fact, are designed to be developmental and protective from the point of view of physical, mental, social and spiritual health Galiguzova N. Pedagogy for young children: textbook / l. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. - M.: humanities. published VLADOS center, 2007. - 301 p..

In the modern sociocultural situation, education is being given increasing importance in the development of society and improving the quality of life. Education today is a special value in the world community. One of the central ideas of the new educational situation is the recognition of the humanistic paradigm of education, reorientation towards human values, the formation of him as a subject not only of educational activities, but also of culture.

The essence of the problem is that in preschool education there is a gap between knowledge and culture as a practical action. In solving the problem, a strategy for bridging this gap is important. Bridging the gap or building an overcoming is the design of an educational space, where management is considered as a process of creating an environment adequate to changes in society.

The priority in solving this problem is a unified approach to building the educational process, including technology for assessing the quality of education. This allows you to create a unified educational space in the preschool educational institution.

The educational space of preschool educational institutions belongs to complex, multidimensional pedagogical phenomena that are characterized not so much by quantitative as by qualitative indicators. A necessary condition for designing the educational space of a preschool educational institution is to determine the aspect of perception of this special pedagogical phenomenon. The educational space of a preschool educational institution is a set of local educational environments that are in interaction (“built-in”) with each other.

In the structure of the educational space of preschool educational institutions, two main levels of local educational environments can be distinguished:

  • * at the level of activity of the educational institution - the cultural pedagogical environment of the preschool educational institution;
  • * at the level of the individual activity of the teacher - the environment of the professional functioning of the teacher.

Training teachers in pedagogical design techniques is one of the essential conditions for the development of the educational space of preschool educational institutions, and the creation by teachers of local pedagogical projects is one of the performance indicators of the preschool education process. The main emphasis in this process is on establishing a connection between teachers’ mastery of pedagogical design techniques and pedagogical objects related to the objects of direct functional responsibility of a preschool teacher, a combination of personally and professionally significant.

Pedagogical design plays a significant role in the development of the educational space and its compliance with the humanistic paradigm of education.

Pedagogical design is considered as a phenomenon that arose as a result of the interaction of the latest trends in the development of pedagogical theory and innovative pedagogical practice, as well as as an essential component of the process of solving a pedagogical problem.

The patterns of pedagogical design of an educational space are associated with understanding it as an innovative process that goes through stages of local, modular and systemic changes, taking into account external (social) and internal (actually pedagogical) conditions.

The principles of designing an educational space include Galiguzova N. Pedagogy of young children: a textbook / l. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. - M.: humanities. published VLADOS center, 2007. - 301 p.:

  • * development of a preschooler in the context of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account sensitive periods, leading types of activity, as well as the creative development of the child as a subject of his life activity;
  • * taking into account the sociocultural context of design, its cultural conformity and dialogical nature;
  • * amplification (enrichment) of development conditions from a monomodel environment to an open type environment;
  • * integration of communication, cognitive, transformative, assessment and control and other types of child activities;
  • * interaction of sociocultural experience, professional, personal experience of the teacher and personal experience of the child;
  • * co-creation and cooperation of all subjects of the educational space.

One of the tools of pedagogical design is modeling.

The study of approaches to the problem of designing an educational space, the essence of pedagogical design, the role of modeling in the process of pedagogical design allowed us to determine the main approaches to developing a model for designing the educational space of a preschool educational institution:

  • * the educational space of preschool educational institutions belongs to complex, multidimensional pedagogical phenomena that are characterized not so much by quantitative as qualitative characteristics; can be described in the form of various models; which is almost impossible to describe fully and in detail, because the methods of describing the educational space of a preschool educational institution are characterized by simplification and subjectivity;
  • * subjectivity in understanding and describing the educational space of a preschool educational institution influences the choice of an adequate model of the pedagogical design process;
  • * development of a model of the design process of such an object in pedagogical practice contributes, on the one hand, to clarifying, systematizing, “collecting” ideas about this object, and, on the other hand, influences the further design process, contributes to establishing the stability of the functioning of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of the regime of innovative transformations ;
  • * models may change during the design process; this occurs due to the enrichment of designers’ ideas about the essence of the designed object, and is formed under the influence of pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical practice and those situations that arise in a particular preschool educational institution in the process of pedagogical design;
  • * the process of designing the educational space of a preschool educational institution should be based on the value-semantic coordination of the positions of all subjects of the educational process, and also be accompanied by the training of teachers in pedagogical design techniques.

The model of the educational space in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution is the interaction of external and internal components, procedurally and meaningfully connected due to compliance with the following conditions Burovaya A., Dolinnaya A., Nizkovskaya A. Planning the educational process in a modern preschool institution // Preschool education. - 2002. - No. 11:

  • * the presence of an environmental basis for all types of child activities;
  • * heterogeneity (diversity) of environmental elements;
  • * freedom of choice of activities and transition from one to another;
  • * flexibility and openness in relation to activities and interaction on both the part of the child and the adult;
  • * “Stimulation of freedom” and creativity on both the part of the adult and the child.

The internal background of the educational space model is the use of traditional approaches and modern innovative technologies adapted to preschool age (Sh. Amonashvili, V. Voskobovich, P. Erdniev, M. Zaitseva, S. Lysenkova, M. Montessori, B. Nikitina, M. Shchetinin, etc.), agreed upon at the value, general psychological and technological levels. The implementation of the educational space model in a preschool educational institution contributes to the personal development and growth of both the child and the teacher.

A distinctive feature of modernity is the involvement in the innovation process not only of individual teachers, but also of teaching teams. This encourages employees of preschool educational institutions to search for optimal ways to model and effectively implement innovative technologies aimed at updating the theory and practice of education, improving the educational process, and managing the activities of the educational institution. The system-forming center of renewed education - innovative pedagogy - requires research into the relationship between the processes of development, upbringing and teaching of children, determining the patterns of this complex system Burovaya A., Dolinnaya A., Nizkovskaya A. Planning the educational process in a modern preschool institution // Preschool education. - 2002. - No. 11..

The result of innovative processes in education is the use of theoretical and practical innovations. Educational innovations involve updating the content of education, methods, forms of teaching and upbringing, the development, implementation of new and dissemination of existing pedagogical systems, understanding and support by teaching staff of changes aimed at updating all components of education and having a systemic nature.

The multidimensionality of the interaction of a modern child with the world around him and with himself actualizes the need and expediency of constructing pedagogical activities in different ways, stimulates innovative processes in the educational space, and forms the diversity of modern pedagogical reality. This was clearly manifested in the formation of innovative types of preschool educational institutions, the formation of a humanistic paradigm of preschool education, and the introduction into practice of preschool institutions of various types of personality-oriented models of education.

The multiplicity of development of teaching practice is an indicator of the dynamic development of the preschool education system, when it acts not only as an object of reform, modernization, reconstruction on the part of society and science, but also as a subject of its own self-development. In this two-way process, the leading role is played by his own self-development, since it must change, rethink, transform not only the purpose, content, technologies of preschool education, but also, above all, its essential paradigmatic basis. The formation of new general cultural standards in real pedagogical practice requires a new type of pedagogical thinking, new ways of transforming reality Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy. - M.. 2002..

An important principle for improving the quality of preschool education is the principle of its variability, the essence of which lies not only in the presence and support of various models of the pedagogical process, pluralism of methodological approaches that are being developed and improved, the creation of variable preschool education programs, ensuring a plurality of modern educational technologies, which is the key to increasing their quality and competitiveness in the global market of educational services, not only in reflecting real changes, but also in identifying and grouping the conditions that make it possible to effectively modernize preschool education.

In the conditions of the innovation process in preschool education, the leading role of psychological and pedagogical science in educational practice is increasing. Its design function comes first, namely, it offers various models for improving teaching activities. Consequently, an important feature of modern pedagogical practice is its scientific nature. The presence of new ideas, models, and technologies in pedagogical science is a condition for updating (modernizing) the development of modern preschool institutions. They influence practice in the conditions of its demand as a means of modeling an innovative educational system, constructing a new pedagogical practice on its basis. Lavrentieva G. Computer and gaming complex in a preschool institution // Preschool education. - 2003. - No. 1.

The integration of scientific and pedagogical ideas with practice contributes to the innovative process in pedagogical reality: the ways of functioning of its individual components are developed, changes occur, pedagogical activity as an integral system is qualitatively transformed, which determines the process of self-development of a preschool institution.

Taking into account the new social requirements for the preschool education system, a preschool educational institution should become an important factor in the humanization of life, the formation of new life attitudes in a growing individual in the direction of environmental conservation, environmental consciousness, a healthy lifestyle, prerequisites for citizenship, and creativity. The formation of the spiritual component of the personality is carried out in the process of introducing children to culture as one of the sources of creating in them real ideas about the social, legal and moral norms produced by humanity, the value of life and the activities of people in the spiritual and material spheres Mchedlidze N.B. The place of play in the pedagogical process of kindergarten // Psychology and pedagogy of preschooler play / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova. - M., 1966.

Axiological guidelines, embodying national and universal humanistic values, constitute one of the essential foundations of the strategy in the field of preschool education. In the context of the idea of ​​humanizing the goals, principles and content of preschool education, new approaches to the implementation of its personality-oriented model have been developed.

Modernization of content presupposes the orientation of preschool education towards protecting and strengthening the health of children, increasing their intellectual potential, developing the child’s personality, his system of values, relationships, and ideals. The transition from the “knowledge paradigm” of preschool education to a personality-oriented one focuses on creating developmental conditions for the child to fully demonstrate basic personal qualities. The coordination of the processes of personality development and the achievement of educational standards by preschoolers is implemented by psychological and pedagogical technologies based on taking into account the holistic life experience of children, the formation of competent behavior in various spheres of life. Fundamentals of Preschool Pedagogy / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, T. A. Markova. - M., 1980.

A new direction in the implementation of a personality-oriented model of preschool education is the individualization of the educational process, children’s choice of different types of activities, partners in joint activities (differentiation), the individual’s right to an open educational space, amateur activities, elementary creativity, personal time.

Modern life realities, in addition to an integral system of universal, generalized, vital knowledge and practical skills, require from children the first six (seven) years of life to experience independent activity and personal responsibility for their own choices, decisions, and their consequences for the environment. The social demand for an independent, creative, healthy, curious personality is a fundamental guideline in the structuring and content of modern preschool education.

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