Pinocchio: a horror story for naughty children, or Who really conquered the whole world? Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale expressions. Pinocchio goes to school

I have sincere admiration and respect for the brave little wooden man, whose dream is to BECOME REAL AND ALIVE, WITH A HUMAN SOUL. For me, this prosaic dream of an individual is much more important than the noble utopian desire to lead everyone to universal happiness.
In the world of Pinocchio there are no golden keys or secret doors. But there are two instructive countries there. Residents of one are tireless workers. And in the other - away with study and work, only entertainment is welcome, albeit not for long, until those having fun turn into donkeys. My skepticism about magic doors and golden keys makes me close to COLLODY WITH HIS PINOCCHIO AND THE COUNTRY OF HARDWORKING BEES.

The main “educators” of THIS wooden boy are deprivation, hunger, and clashes with dishonest people. And he learns lessons from communicating with kind and warm-hearted people and animals. Only through study and work, helping others, Pinocchio turns into a living person.
This is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale. It shows how difficult the path is to becoming a real person, to finding a living soul, how many obstacles and temptations must be overcome along this path.
Yes, this is obvious moralizing... but what's wrong with that?
The sooner children learn SUCH lessons, the easier they will enter adult life...

An amazing fact, or... a beautiful legend?... oh PROTOTYPE Pinocchio:

Pinocchio, it turns out, actually lived in Italy!
Once, British scientists, together with Italian colleagues from the Anthropological Society of the Academy of Sciences, explored old cemeteries near Florence and Pisa. And imagine their surprise when, not far from the grave of the great Italian storyteller Carlo Collodi, they came across a barely surviving tombstone with the inscription: “Pinocchio Sanchez.”
Having laughed and marveled at the incredible coincidence, the gentlemen scientists finally decided to conduct an examination in order to finally confirm or refute the existence of the prototype of the fairy-tale character. For this purpose, permission was obtained to exhume the body and the most authoritative exhumologist surgeon, Jeffrey Fiction, was invited. An autopsy and archival records have brought to life a long-forgotten story that took place shortly before the birth of the author of the tale of Pinocchio...

The year was 1760, when the youngest child was born into the Sanchez family. The baby was named Pinocchio - “pine nut” translated from Italian. The boy lived like all his peers, frolicking and running through the narrow streets of Florence. And when he sat down at the dinner table, his mother, pushing a full plate towards him, carefully reminded him: “If you don’t eat porridge, you’ll never grow up.”
But no matter how much Pinocchio ate, he still looked more like a small child than a growing youth. If Pinocchio were our contemporary, doctors would have long ago diagnosed the patient with nanism (a pathological condition characterized by abnormal short stature).
Nevertheless, Pinocchio went to war with his father - Italy was fighting for its independence at that time. The undersized boy was not accepted as a soldier, but the position of regimental drummer suited him well.
Pinocchio's military career lasted 15 years, after which he returned to his homeland as an absolute cripple. In the battle he lost his arms and legs, and his body was brutally mutilated. But fate turned out to be favorable to the disabled dwarf: chance brought Pinocchio together with the miracle worker Carlo Bestulgi, who became his fabulous dad Carlo.
They said about Bestulji that he had sold his soul to the devil, but little Sanchez was not afraid of this. The doctor made wooden prosthetic arms and legs for the strange patient, as well as a special wooden insert in place of the amputated nose, giving Pinocchio a second life. So, being essentially a “log” without arms and legs, the little man came to life and set off to conquer the theater stage.
The dwarf with wooden limbs looked more like a living marionette doll and enjoyed wild success at fair performances. The farce theater became both home and grave for Pinocchio: while performing one of the tricks, Pinocchio Sanchez crashed...

And one fine day, the little-known writer Carlo Collodi, left without cash in his pockets, was forced to resurrect his grandmother’s story about the “wooden dwarf” and write a fairy tale about Pinocchio, beginning the story with the words: “Once upon a time there was not a king, but a piece of wood, an ordinary log."

First Pinocchio - my favorite - with drawings Roberto Innocenti

These drawings by an ITALIAN artist, in my opinion, perfectly illustrate this complex and “heavy” fairy tale.
The drawings are very disturbing... drawings that stir the soul...
(and what Italian streets it has!!!)

And about translation.
This book contains a translation by Dinara Seliverstova. And in my opinion, it is inferior to E. Kazakevich’s translation. Kazakevich's translation is more artistic, it seems to me...

(translation by D. Seliverstova)
“After the fight, Master Antonio had two scratches on his nose, and Gepetto was missing buttons on his jacket. Having settled the score, they shook hands again and swore eternal friendship. Gepetto thanked Master Antonio and limped home, taking the log with him.”

(translation by E. Kazakevich)
"After the scuffle, Master Antonio's nose had two more scratches, and his friend's jacket had two fewer buttons. When they had thus settled their scores, they both shook hands again and swore to be good friends for life. Then Geppetto took the stray log under his arm and, limping, went home."

Thanks to such “cute little things” the text (or translation) becomes unforgettable!

Publishing house - Eksmo
Year - 2008
Binding - silk with embossing and blind window + strap
Paper - coated
Format - encyclopedic
Pages - 192
Circulation - 5,000 copies

Translation - Dinara Seliverstova
Artist - Roberto INNOCENTI

Publisher - Egmont
Year - 2003

Paper - offset
Format - encyclopedic
Pages - 184
Circulation - 5,000 copies

Translation - E. Kazakevich
Artist - Robert INGPEN

Publishing house - Narodna Mladezh, Sofia
Year - 1965
Binding - cardboard with fabric spine
Paper - offset
Format - SUPER encyclopedic
Pages - 128
Circulation - 100,000 copies

Translation - E. Kazakevich
Artist - Libeko MARAYA

Publisher - Makhaon
Year - 2008
Binding - silk with embossing + strap + magnetic toy
Paper - coated
Format - encyclopedic
Pages - 256
Circulation - 1,500 copies

Translation - E. Kazakevich
Artist - Svetlana BORISOVA

Almost all children deceive their parents from time to time. But if children's lies are usually harmless, then the opposite situation - when parents lie to a child - can have much more serious consequences for the child. And this is not such a rare case. Moreover, the child constantly hears lies coming from adults: “You can become whatever you want,” “Appearance doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s inside a person,” “Winning is not important. The main thing is participation."

We also love to tell our children: “When I was your age, I walked 5 kilometers to school... in the snow... without shoes... back and forth.” Really?

The truth is - everyone lies. Argue with this and you will most likely lie. A small one is called a harmless fantasy. The big one is a fiction. Necessary - “holy lie” (“No, dear, you’re not fat at all!”). But a lie remains a lie, no matter what you call it.

We live in a world of lies just like a fish lives in water. We are the Pinocchio nation. According to statistics (which are also known to lie), 90% of people tell lies every day. On average, we take time twice a day. That is, most of us lie more often than we brush our teeth.

Why do we lie?

We lie to protect ourselves. We lie to embellish reality. We lie to move up the social ladder. We lie to elevate ourselves in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. And we lie to justify ourselves - in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. We learn to lie as soon as we learn to say: “I didn’t do it!”

But the most harmful lies are the ones we tell our children. Why? Because it undermines their trust in us and distorts their perception of reality. And even though our intentions are usually noble, this does not change the situation. What a child believes determines his behavior. If a child believes in false attitudes, then sooner or later he will have to come down to earth - and this is always very painful.

Living a lie

In most cases, we lie to children for three reasons. Firstly to help them come to terms with their circumstances (“It’s okay that the dress was too small, it didn’t suit you anyway”). Secondly to help them cope with anxiety and gain self-confidence (“It’s okay that you have acne, the main thing is your soul”). AND, finally to inspire them to overcome difficulties and obstacles (“Of course you will!”). The problem is that all of this is almost 99% untrue, and the truth in these statements is a pitiful drop.

Lie #1. You can become whoever you want

I really want to believe in this, but is it really so? Can you teach someone “born to crawl” to fly? Of course not. Your dreams can help you choose a profession, learning can develop your mind, desire can give you energy. But often everything is decided by talent, and even more often by luck.

In most cases, everything depends on our abilities, which God or nature gives us. Could Beethoven have carved a statue like Michelangelo? Could Picasso play like Mozart? Instead of encouraging your child to waste time and energy on an unattainable dream, it is better to help him identify his unique abilities and develop them. And even if the child does not become the “president,” he can become the best cabinet maker in the city. And who said that it is less valuable?! A child cannot become whatever he wants, almost none of us have childhood dreams come true, but he can reach new heights by using his own abilities and do it like no one else before him.

Lie #2. “The main thing is not victory, but participation”

Then why are points in sports, grades in school, and sales revenue at work so carefully calculated? Winners are carried in their arms, losers are pitied at best, and despised at worst. You won't love your child any less if he loses. But the problem is that he may love himself less for losing.

Instead of lying to your child that winning doesn't matter, it's better to teach him to find value in losing. After all, new experience gives a negative result. Winning comes not only from a strong character, but also from skill. Losing should stimulate one to conquer unreached heights – to harden and improve one’s skills. Well, victory should inspire new exploits.

Lie #3. "Appearance doesn't matter"

Yes, we are simply blinded by beauty. From the pages of magazines and TV screens, only beauties and handsome men look at us. When applying for a job, the first thing required is “presentable appearance.” Attractive people are considered more successful, more competent, and more friendly. According to research, school teachers expect better grades from attractive students.

Of course, both character and soul are important, stupid. But telling a child that looks don't matter no meaning - stupid and dangerous. People are greeted by their clothes, and the first impression of a person is unforgettable. We must teach our child to make a good impression. We have no right to brush aside his problems - it doesn’t matter whether they exist in reality or only in his imagination. The feeling of one’s own attractiveness is a purely subjective sensation that has nothing to do with appearance, but comes “from within.” It is important to instill self-confidence in a child and increase his self-esteem, and not brush him off: “No, you’re not fat at all. It’s important that you study well!”

I was once a Pinocchio parent too. Templates that had nothing to do with reality easily slipped off my tongue. In general, it didn’t matter to me how much truth they contained and what consequences they would have. Today, from the height of my years and having extensive experience in raising children, I am determined to tell the truth and only the truth... and so help me God!

Fairy tale The Adventures of Pinocchio Chapter 36 Pinocchio finally ceases to be a wooden man

36. Pinocchio finally stops being a wooden man and becomes a real boy

Pinocchio, flapping his arms vigorously, swam forward and forward, and soon noticed that his father, who was sitting on his shoulders, his feet half-immersed in the water, began to tremble violently, as if in an intermittent fever.

From the cold or from fear? Unknown... Maybe from both. Pinocchio decided that the old man was trembling with fear, and began to calm him down:

Hold on, father! In a few minutes we will be, healthy and vigorous, standing on solid ground.

But where is your vaunted shore? - asked the old man, becoming more and more worried and straining his vision, like a tailor threading a needle. - I look around in all directions and see nothing but the sky and the sea.

But I see the shore,” said the Wooden Man, “and you can be sure that I have eyes like a cat’s, and at night I see better than during the day.”

Good-natured Pinocchio pretended to be full of confidence, but in reality his courage was weakening. His strength was exhausted, he was breathing abruptly and heavily. He felt that he could no longer swim, and the shore was not visible.

He swam as long as he could breathe. Then he turned to Geppetto and said breathlessly:

Dear father... help me... I'm dying!

Father and son were already preparing for death, but at that moment they heard a hoarse voice that sounded like an out-of-tune guitar:

Who's dying here?

Me and my poor father.

Absolutely right. And you?

I am Tuna, your fellow sufferer in the belly of the Shark.

How did you manage to escape?

I followed your example. You showed me how to do it, and I also ran away after you.

My dear Tuna, you showed up on time. I pray to you in the name of the love that you have for the little tuna, your children: help us, otherwise we are lost.

Willingly, with all my heart! Grab my tail and I will drag you. In four minutes you will be on shore.

Pinocchio and Geppetto, as you yourself understand, immediately accepted this invitation. But, instead of holding the tail, they sat on Tuna’s back, deciding that it was more convenient this way.

Isn't it hard for you? - asked Pinocchio.

Hard? Not a bit! “It seems to me that there are two shells lying on my back,” Tuna, who was strong as a two-year-old calf, reassured them.

Having reached the shore, Pinocchio jumped off himself and then helped his father get off. After that, he turned to Tuna and said excitedly:

My friend, you saved my father. And so I am at a loss for words... Let me at least kiss you as a sign of my eternal gratitude.

The tuna stuck its snout out of the water. Pinocchio knelt down and planted a heartfelt kiss on the very center of the fish's mouth. At this outburst of unfeigned tenderness, poor Tuna, unaccustomed to such treatment, was so moved that he quickly dived and disappeared so that no one would see that he was crying.

Meanwhile the day came.

Pinocchio extended his hand to his father Geppetto, who could hardly stand on his feet, and said:

Lean on my hand, dear father, and let's go on our way. We will walk very slowly, like ants, and if we get tired, we will rest by the side of the road.

Where will we go? - asked Geppetto.

Let's go look for a house or hut, where, out of pity, they will give us a piece of bread to fill us up and an armful of straw to sleep on.

They had not walked even a hundred steps when they saw two disgusting faces on the side of the road, begging for alms.

It turned out to be the Cat and the Fox, but it was difficult to recognize them. Imagine that the Cat, pretending to be blind, actually became blind because of this over time. And the aged, completely shabby and bald Fox lost her tail. It happened this way: this unfortunate thief fell into great need and one fine day was forced to sell her magnificent tail to a traveling merchant, who made a stove brush out of it.

Ah, Pinocchio! - Lisa exclaimed in a pained voice. - Give us, poor cripples, a little alms!

-...alms! - repeated the Cat.

Farewell hypocrites! - answered the Wooden Man. - You deceived me once, you won’t succeed a second time.

Believe us, Pinocchio, now we are really poor and unhappy.

-...unhappy! - repeated the Cat.

If you are poor, you deserve it. Remember the proverb: “You can’t build a house with stolen goods.” Farewell hypocrites!

Have pity on us!

- …us!

Farewell hypocrites! Remember the proverb: “Stolen wheat is not good for food.”

Have mercy!

-…yeah! - repeated the Cat.

Farewell hypocrites! Remember the proverb: “Whoever grabs his neighbor’s jacket will end up in a coffin without a shirt.”

And after these words, Pinocchio and Geppetto calmly walked on. Having walked another hundred steps, they saw at the end of the path, in the middle of a field, a beautiful thatched hut with a tiled roof.

“Someone lives in this hut,” said Pinocchio, “let’s come and knock.”

They came and knocked on the door.

“Poor father and poor son, who have neither bread nor a roof over their heads,” answered the Wooden Man.

Turn the key and the door will open,” said the voice.

Pinocchio turned the key and the door opened. Entering the hut, they looked in all directions, but saw no one.

Where is the owner of this house? - Pinocchio was surprised.

I'm up here!

Father and son raised their heads to the ceiling and saw the Talking Cricket on the beam.

Oh my sweet little Cricket! - Pinocchio greeted him with exquisite politeness.

I'm your sweet little Cricket now, aren't I? Do you remember how you threw a wooden hammer at me to drive “cute little Cricket” out of your house?

You're right, my sweet little Cricket! Kick me out too... Throw a wooden hammer at me too! But have pity on my poor father!

I will have pity on the father and also on the son. But first I wanted to remind you of your unfriendliness, so that you understand that in this world you should, if possible, treat everyone friendly, and then in bad times everyone will treat you friendly.

You are right, my dear little Cricket, you are a thousand times right, and I will take to heart the lesson you taught me. But will you tell me how you were able to get such a beautiful hut?

This hut was given to me yesterday by a lovely Goat, who has wonderful azure blue fur.

Where is this Goat now? - asked Pinocchio, very excited.

Don't know.

When will she come here?

She will never come here. She left here and, leaving, said sadly: “Poor Pinocchio! I'll never see him again. The shark swallowed him!”

Did she really say that?.. So it was undoubtedly her!.. It was her!.. My beloved, dear Fairy! - Pinocchio sobbed, and tears flowed from his eyes.

After crying, he built a comfortable bed of straw for old Geppetto. Then he asked the Talking Cricket:

Tell me, little Cricket, where could I get a glass of milk for my poor father?

Three fields away from here lives the gardener Dzhanjo, who has three dairy cows. Go to him and you can get everything you need there.

Pinocchio ran to the house of the gardener Djanjo. The gardener asked:

How much milk do you need?

Full glass.

A glass of milk costs one soldi. Give me that soldo first.

“But I don’t even have a centesimo,” Pinocchio answered, embarrassed.

Your job is bad, Wooden Man,” said the gardener. “If you don’t even have centesimo, I can’t give you even a thimble of milk.”

“Nothing can be done,” said Pinocchio and got ready to leave.

“Wait a minute,” Janjo said. - Perhaps we can come to an understanding. Do you agree to turn the gate?

What does "gate" mean?

This is a device that is used to get water from a well for watering vegetables.

I will try.

Fine. In this case, draw a hundred buckets of water from the well and you will get a glass of milk.


Djanjo took the Wooden Man to the garden and showed him how to turn the gate. Pinocchio immediately got down to business. But by the time he pulled out a hundred buckets of water, he was drenched in sweat from head to toe. He had never worked so hard in his entire life.

Until now,” said the gardener, “my donkey has done this work.” But now the poor animal lies dying.

Can I look at it? - asked the Wooden Man.


In the stable, Pinocchio saw a cute donkey on the straw, dying of hunger and overwork. After carefully examining him, Pinocchio said sadly to himself: “This donkey is familiar to me. I once saw his face."

And he leaned over the donkey and asked in donkey dialect:

Who are you?

Hearing the question, the dying donkey opened his eyes and muttered in the same dialect:

I... Fi... and... ti... il...

After which he closed his eyes again and died.

Oh, poor Wick! - Pinocchio muttered.

He took a handful of straw and wiped away a tear that had rolled down his face.

Why are you so upset over a donkey that didn't cost you any money? - the gardener was surprised. - What then remains for me, who bought it for cash, to do?

I'll explain to you... He was my friend.

Your friend?

My school friend.

What? - Janjo cried and laughed loudly. - What are you talking about? Did you go to school with donkeys?.. One must think that you studied interesting subjects there!

The Wooden Man, embarrassed by these words, did not answer anything, only took a glass of fresh milk and returned back to the hut.

And, starting from that day, for five months in a row, every day he got up at dawn and went to turn the gate to earn a glass of milk for his sick father. Moreover, during this time he learned to weave small and large baskets from reeds. And he spent the money he received from selling baskets very wisely. By the way, he independently made an elegant chair on wheels, and in this chair he took his father out for a walk in good weather so that the old man could breathe fresh air.

In the evenings he practiced reading and writing. In a nearby village, he bought for several soldi a thick book that had no beginning or end, and from this book he began to read. And for writing he used a pointed straw. And since he had neither ink nor an inkwell, he dipped a straw into a pot into which he squeezed the juice of blueberries and cherries.

Thus, he managed not only to arrange a comfortable life for his sick father, but also to save another forty soldi for himself for a new suit.

One morning he said to his father:

I'll go to the nearest market and buy myself a jacket, a cap and a pair of boots. And when I return home,” he added, laughing, “I will be so well dressed that you will take me for an important gentleman.”

And he left the house and started jumping in joy. Suddenly he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw a beautiful snail that crawled out from under a bush.

Don't you recognize me anymore? - asked the Snail.

Yes... no... I don’t know!

Don't you remember that Snail who was the maidservant of the Fairy with azure hair? Have you already forgotten how I walked down the stairs with a candle and how you stuck one foot in the door?

How could I forget it! - Pinocchio cried. - Tell me quickly, beautiful little Snail: where did you leave my good Fairy? How does she live? Has she forgiven me? Does she think about me? Does she still love me? Can I see her?

All these questions that Pinocchio blurted out in one breath. The snail answered with its usual slowness:

Dear Pinocchio, poor Fairy is in a hospital not far from here.

In the hospital?

Yes, unfortunately! She has been through so much, now she is very sick and cannot even buy herself a piece of bread.

Is this really true?.. How it hurts me! Ah, my poor Fairy, my poor Fairy!.. If I had a million, I would immediately take it to her... But I only have forty soldi... Here they are. I just wanted to buy myself a new suit with them. Take them, Snail, and take them immediately to my good Fairy!

What about your new suit?

Why do I need a new suit now? I’ll gladly sell these old rags that I’m wearing, just to help her! Go, Snail, and hurry up! And in two days, come back here again, then I’ll probably be able to add a couple more soldi. Until now I have worked to support my father. From today I will work five hours more to support my kind mother. Goodbye. Snail. I'm waiting for you in two days!

The snail, contrary to all its habits, ran away as quickly as a lizard in the hottest August season.

When Pinocchio returned home, his father asked him:

What about your new suit?

I couldn't find anything suitable. I'll try next time.

That evening Pinocchio went to bed not at ten o'clock, but at midnight. And he wove not eight baskets of reeds, but sixteen. After that, he went to bed and fell asleep. And in a dream he saw a Fairy. She was dazzlingly beautiful. She kissed him with a smile and said:

Well done, Pinocchio! Since you have a good heart, I forgive you all your misdeeds until this day. Children who help their parents in need and illness deserve great praise and great respect, even if they are not models of obedience and good behavior. Be a smart person in the future and you will be happy!

At that moment the dream ended and Pinocchio woke up.

Imagine his amazement when, upon waking up, he noticed that he was no longer a Wooden Man, but a real boy, like all boys! He looked around and instead of the usual walls of a thatched hut, he saw a beautiful, bright room. He jumped out of bed and saw a beautiful new suit, a new cap and a pair of leather boots exactly according to his measurements.

He dressed quickly and, of course, first of all put his hands in his pockets. From there he pulled out a small ivory wallet, and on the wallet was written: “The fairy with azure hair returns forty soldi to her dear Pinocchio and thanks him for his kind heart.” He opened his wallet and instead of forty copper soldi, forty brand new golden sequins sparkled in his eyes.

Then he looked in the mirror and did not recognize himself. He no longer saw the old wooden man, the doll, but saw a living, smart, handsome boy with brown hair and blue eyes, with a cheerful, joyful face.

During all these wonderful events that followed one after another, Pinocchio no longer really knew whether he was awake or sleeping with his eyes open.

“Where is my father?” - he suddenly thought. He went into the next room and found old Geppetto healthy, cheerful and in a good mood, as before. The old man again held his tool in his hands and at that time was just carving a magnificent frame with leaves, flowers and all kinds of animal heads.

Tell me please, dear father, how do you explain this sudden transformation? - asked Pinocchio, hugged Geppetto and kissed him heartily.

This sudden transformation in our house is entirely your fault,” answered Geppetto.

Why mine?

Because bad children, becoming good children, gain the ability to make everything around them new and beautiful.

Where did the old wooden Pinocchio go?

“Here he stands,” answered Geppetto.

And he pointed to a large wooden doll - a wooden man leaning against a chair. His head was turned to one side, his arms hung limply, and his crossed legs were bent so strongly that it was impossible to understand how he could even stay upright.

Pinocchio turned around and examined him closely. And, after he had examined it closely for a minute, he said with a deep sigh:

How funny I was when I was the Wooden Man! And how happy I am that now I’m a real boy!

35. Pinocchio finds in the body of a shark... Who? Read this chapter and you will find out

Pinocchio, having thus said goodbye to his good friend Tuna, staggered into the darkness. He moved in the Shark's body by touch, step by step, towards the luminous point that he saw in the distance.

The further he walked, the clearer and more definite the luminous spot became. And after a long walk he finally came. And when he arrived... what did he see there? You'll never guess! He saw a table with a burning candle on it. The candle stuck out in a green bottle. An old man, white as a harrier or as whipped cream, sat near the table, chewing live fish. And the fish were so alive that every now and then they jumped out of his mouth.

At the sight of all this, Pinocchio was overcome with such intense and spontaneous joy that he almost went crazy. He wanted to laugh, he wanted to cry, he wanted to talk endlessly. But he could only utter, stuttering, a few fragmentary, incoherent words.

Finally, he managed to let out a cry of joy, and he threw himself on the old man’s neck, shouting:

Ah, my dear father! Finally I found you! Now I will never, never leave you!

So I was right? - answered the old man, rubbing his eyes. - So you really are my dear Pinocchio?

Yes, yes, it’s me, I’m the one! And you forgave me everything, didn’t you? Oh, dear father, you are so kind! Imagine, my poor father: on the day when you sold your jacket and bought me an ABC book so that I could go to school, I didn’t give a damn for the sake of the puppet theater, and the owner of the theater wanted to throw me into the fire so that his lamb would roast, and then he gave me five gold coins for you, but I met the Fox and the Cat, who led me to the Red Crayfish tavern, where they ate like wolves, and I walked alone into the night again and met robbers who ran after behind me, and I am in front, and they are behind me, and I am always in front, and they are always behind me, and I am in front, until they hung me on the branch of the Big Oak, where the Beautiful Girl with azure hair ordered me to be taken in a carriage , and when the doctors examined me, they immediately said: “If he is not dead yet, then he is still alive,” and then I could not stand it and lied, and my nose began to grow, and I could not get through the door, and so I then, with the Fox and the Cat, buried four gold coins, because I had spent one in the tavern, and the parrot began to laugh, and instead of two thousand coins I found nothing at all, and when the judge heard that I had been robbed, he immediately imprisoned me to prison so that the thieves would be happy, and from there I ended up in a vineyard and saw beautiful grapes there and found myself in a trap, and the peasant had every reason to put a dog collar on me so that I would guard his chicken coop, but then he realized my innocence and again let me go free, and the snake with the smoking tail began to laugh, and the vein burst in its chest, and so I went home again to the Beautiful Girl who died, and the Dove saw that I was crying and said: “I saw how your father was making himself a small boat to look for you,” and I said to him: “If only I had wings like you!” and he said to me: “Would you like to see your father?” and I said to him: “Very I would like to if I could,” and he said to me: “I’ll take you,” and I asked: “How?”, and he said: “Climb on my back,” and so we flew all night, and then I In the morning, the fishermen who were looking at the sea said: “There is a poor fisherman in a small boat, and it is sinking,” and I immediately recognized you from afar, because my heart told me, and I made signs for you to return to the shore.

“I recognized you too,” said Geppetto, “and I really wanted to come back.” But how? The sea was rough, and a large wave capsized my boat. Then the terrible Shark, who was just nearby, noticed me. She rushed at me, stuck out her tongue and swallowed me like a pill.

How long have you been imprisoned here? - asked Pinocchio.

From that very day. It's almost two years already. Two years, my dear Pinocchio, which seemed like two centuries to me.

How did you live here? And where did you get the candle? And who gave you the matches?

I'll tell you everything. Imagine, the same storm that capsized my little boat also capsized a merchant ship. All the sailors managed to escape, but the ship itself sank, and the same Shark, very hungry that day, swallowed the ship.

How! Swallowed the ship in one gulp? - Pinocchio was amazed.

Yes, in one sip. Only she spat out the mast back because the mast was stuck between her teeth like a fish bone. Luckily for me, the ship had meat, crackers in boxes, toasted bread, bottled wine, raisins, Swiss cheese, coffee, sugar, as well as stearin candles and boxes of matches. This kept me alive for two years. But now the warehouse is empty, and this candle you see here is the last one.

And then?..

And then, my dear, we will both be left in the dark.

“In that case, my dear father,” said Pinocchio, “we must not waste time.” We must think about escape immediately.

About escape? How?

We must get through the Shark's mouth and jump into the sea.

It's easy to say, my dear Pinocchio. The thing is, I can't swim.

It doesn’t matter!.. You will sit on my shoulders. I am a good swimmer and can bring you to shore unharmed.

“It seems to you, my dear boy,” objected Geppetto, shaking his head and smiling bitterly. “Do you really think that a little Wooden Man like you will be strong enough to carry me on his shoulders?”

Try it and you will see! And if we are destined to die, then at least we will die together.

And without wasting too much time, Pinocchio went forward, saying to his father:

Follow me and don't be afraid!

So they walked a considerable distance, passing the entire stomach and entire body of the Shark. But when they reached the place where the monster's throat began, they considered it necessary to stop, look around and choose the most suitable moment to escape.

It should be said that the Shark was very old, suffered from asthma and heart failure and for this reason was forced to sleep with his mouth open. Therefore, Pinocchio, standing below, near the throat, and observing, was able to see a good piece of the starry sky and the radiance of moonlight.

“This is an opportune moment to escape,” he whispered in his father’s ear. - The shark sleeps like a marmot, and the sea is calm and bright. Follow me, father! We will soon be saved.

No sooner said than done. They climbed up the throat of the sea monster and, finding themselves in a huge mouth, walked on their toes along the tongue - the tongue was wide and long, like a garden path. But at that moment, when they were completely ready to throw themselves into the sea. The shark sneezed. And, sneezing, she leaned back with such force that Pinocchio and Geppetto again flew into the monster’s stomach.

A swift shock extinguished the candle, and father and son were left in the dark.

What to do now? - Pinocchio asked very seriously.

Now we are lost, my boy.

Why did they disappear? Give me your hand, father, and try not to slip.

Where do you want to take me?

We must try again. Come with me and don't be afraid.

Pinocchio took his father's hand, and they again tiptoed up the monster's throat, passed the entire tongue and climbed over all three rows of huge teeth. Before you take a giant leap. The Wooden Man said to his father:

Sit on my shoulders and hold on tight. Everything else is my business.

Geppetto sat firmly on Pinocchio's shoulders, and the Wooden Man, full of self-confidence, jumped into the sea and swam. The sea was calm as butter, the moon was shining with all its might, and the Shark continued to sleep, and her sleep was so deep and sound that even the thunder of the guns could not wake her up.

33. After turning into a real donkey, Pinocchio was put on sale and bought by the director of the circus

Seeing that the door does not open. The gentleman opened it himself with a strong kick of his foot. And, entering the room, he said, turning to Pinocchio and Wick with his usual grin:

Well done, guys! You roared well, I immediately recognized you by your voices. And that's why I'm here.

At these words, both donkeys became silent and subdued. They stood with their tail between their legs, their heads down and their ears drooping.

First of all, the gentleman stroked and felt them. Then I took out a scraper and cleaned it very thoroughly.

And when he had cleaned them so well that their skins shone like two mirrors, he put a bridle on them and took them to the market to sell them at a good profit.

And indeed, buyers were not forced to wait.

The wick was bought by a certain peasant whose donkey had died the day before, and Pinocchio was sold to the director of a troupe of clowns and rope dancers. The director decided to train him so that he could dance and jump with other animals.

Now do you understand, my dear little readers, what kind of craft the Gentleman did? This disgusting dwarf, whose face was just like milk and honey, from time to time took his wagon for a walk around the world. Along the way, with the help of promises and flattering words, he collected all the lazy children who were sick of books and school, loaded them into his van and brought them to the Land of Entertainment, so that they would spend all their time there on games, fuss and fun. When the poor, deceived children became donkeys from continuous games and idleness, he took them with great pleasure by the bridle and led them to sell at various fairs and animal markets. Thus, in a few years he earned a lot of money and became a millionaire.

What subsequently happened to Wick, I cannot tell you. But I know that from the first day Pinocchio began to lead a hard, harsh life.

When he was brought into the stall, the new owner poured straw into his feeder. But Pinocchio, having tasted this food, immediately spat it all back out.

Then the owner, grumbling, put hay in his trough, but the novice donkey didn’t like the hay either.

What, you don’t even eat hay? - the owner exclaimed angrily. - You can rest assured, dear donkey, that I will beat the crap out of you!

And, in order to bring the donkey to his senses, he hit him on the legs with a whip.

Pinocchio cried and roared in pain. And said:

And ah, and ah, I can’t stomach the straw!

In that case, eat some hay! - answered the owner, who understood the donkey dialect very well.

And ah, and ah, the hay makes my stomach hurt!

You seem to think that I would feed a donkey like you chicken livers and capons! - the owner became even more angry and pulled him out with a whip again.

After the second blow, Pinocchio considered it best to remain silent and did not make another sound.

The owner locked the stall, and Pinocchio was left alone. And since he had not eaten for a long time, he began to roar from hunger. And at the same time he opened his mouth wide, like an oven.

But, not finding anything else in his feeder, he finally began to diligently chew the hay. And, having chewed it well, he closed his eyes and swallowed it.

“Hay is not such a bad thing,” he then said to himself, “but it would be better, much better, if I continued to study!.. Then today, instead of hay, I would eat a crust of fresh bread and a good piece of sausage, too! Oh, oh, oh!..”

When he woke up the next morning, he immediately began looking for hay in the feeder. But he found nothing, because at night he devoured everything without a trace. Then he stuffed himself with a mouthful of chopped straw. Chewing this food, he definitely found out that the straw did not even remotely resemble Milanese rice babka or Neapolitan pasta.

Patience! - he said and continued to chew. - If only my misfortune could at least serve as a lesson to all naughty and lazy boys! Patience!.. Patience!..

Patience, here's more! - shouted the owner, who had just entered the stall. “You probably think, my dear donkey, that I bought you only so that you could eat and drink?” I bought you so that you would work, and I would earn a lot of money from you. Come on! Come with me to the circus. I will teach you to jump through a hoop, punch paper barrels with your head, and dance the waltz and polka on your hind legs.

Willy-nilly, poor Pinocchio had to learn all these tricks. And for three months he received lessons and an endless number of blows to the skin with a whip.

Finally the day came when the owner was able to announce this truly extraordinary performance. On the colorful posters, which he ordered to be posted on all corners, it was written:


Tonight you will see the famous

and amazing jumps and other numbers,

performed by all the artists and horses of our troupe.

In addition, it will be presented to the public for the first time

the famous DONKEY PINOCCHIO, called the "Star of the Dance".

The theater will be brightly lit.

It is clear that the circus that evening was filled to capacity an hour before the start of the performance.

It was impossible to get a place in the stalls, a side chair, or a box, even if they were paid for in pure gold.

The steps of the circus were alive with little girls and boys of all ages eager to see the famous donkey Pinocchio dance.

When the first part of the performance ended, the director appeared before a large audience. He was wearing a black tailcoat, white leggings and a pair of leather boots that went over his knees.

After bowing deeply, he made the following stupid speech with great solemnity and dignity:

Dear audience, gentlemen and ladies! I, the undersigned, passing through your brilliant capital, have the honor as well as the pleasure of introducing to this wise and respectable audience the famous donkey who had the honor of dancing in the presence of His Majesty the Emperor of all the main European courts. And may we feel your inspiring presence, and ask you to show us your indulgence!

This speech caused a lot of laughter and applause. But the applause doubled and reached hurricane force when Pinocchio the donkey was brought into the arena. He was festively dressed, adorned with a new patent leather bridle and copper buckles and horseshoes. Two white camellias hung on his ears, his mane was braided with red silk ribbons into small braids, his stomach was tied with a silver-golden scarf, and his tail was intertwined with velvet bows of amaranth and sky blue. In short, this was a donkey you could fall in love with.

Having introduced him to the public, the director made the following short speech:

My dear listeners! I do not intend at this moment to tell you the great difficulties which I had to overcome in order to understand how to subdue this mammal, which until recently freely and carelessly jumped from hill to hill in the sun-dried tropical valleys. Pay attention to how much wildness there is in his gaze! Due to the fact that all other means of bringing him into a civilized four-legged form turned out to be untenable, I often had to speak to him in the proven language of the whip. But no matter how kind I was to him, he did not love me; on the contrary, he hated me more and more. However, I discovered, according to the scientific system of Galles, in his head a small curl, which even the medical faculty in Paris identified as signifying genius in the art of dance. And I used this discovery to teach him to dance, and also to jump through a hoop and through a paper barrel. Be surprised first! Then judge! But before I begin, please allow me, ladies and gentlemen, to invite you to the evening performance tomorrow. If rain affects the weather, the performance will be rescheduled from the evening to eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

Here the director once again made a deep bow, turned to Pinocchio and said:

Go Pinocchio! Before you show your art to the best of your ability, greet this esteemed audience - gentlemen, ladies and children!

Pinocchio obediently bent his front legs and remained on his knees until the director cracked his whip and shouted:

Step by step!

Then the donkey stood up on its four legs again and walked around the arena.

A minute later the director exclaimed:


And Pinocchio obediently moved from a walk to a trot.


And Pinocchio began to gallop.

To the quarry!

And Pinocchio ran as fast as he could. But suddenly the director raised his hand and fired a pistol into the air.

At this shot, the donkey pretended to be wounded and fell to the ground as if dead.

And when he rose to his feet again amid a storm of applause, he, of course, also raised his head and looked around... and saw a beautiful lady in one box. A heavy gold chain hung around her neck, and on the chain hung a medallion. And on the medallion there was a portrait of the Wooden Man.

“This is my portrait!.. This signora is a Fairy!” Pinocchio said to himself. He immediately recognized the Fairy and, overwhelmed with joy, wanted to call:

Oh my Fairy, oh my Fairy!

But instead of these words, such a loud and prolonged roar burst from his throat that all the spectators, and especially the children, almost died of laughter.

The director hit him on the nose with the handle of the whip to make him understand how indecent it is to cry in front of an audience.

The poor donkey stuck out his tongue and licked his face for almost five minutes. Maybe he thought this way would alleviate the pain.

But great was his surprise when, raising his head for the second time, he saw that the box was empty and the Fairy had disappeared.

He felt deeply unhappy. His eyes filled with tears and he began to cry bitterly. But no one noticed this, least of all the director, who again cracked his whip and shouted:

Be brave, Pinocchio! Now you will show these gentlemen how well you can jump through hoops.

Pinocchio tried this two or three times. But every time he found himself in front of the hoop, he did not jump through it, but was much more willing to run under it.

Finally he jumped, but his hind legs, by an unfortunate accident, got caught in the hoop, and he fell on the other side to the ground like a sack.

When he regained his feet he found that he was lame and could only reach his stall with great difficulty.

Pinocchio! We want to see the donkey! Donkey here! - the children in the lower rows shouted, full of pity and sympathy for the small animal.

But that evening they did not see the donkey again.

The next morning the vet examined him and determined that he would remain lame for life. Then the director said to the groom:

What should I do with a lame donkey? It will be a useless meal. Take him to the market and sell him.

At the market they quickly found a buyer who asked the groom:

How much do you want for the lame donkey?

Twenty lire.

I give you one lira. Don't think I need this donkey. I only need his skin. He has such a beautiful, tough skin that I want to make a drum out of it for the village orchestra.

Can you imagine how Pinocchio felt when he heard that he would become a drum!

One way or another, the buyer paid one lira and immediately led the donkey to the seashore. There he hung a large stone around his neck, tied a rope to his leg, the other end of which remained in his hand, and with an unexpected strong push pushed the donkey into the water.

Pinocchio, with a huge stone around his neck, immediately sank to the very bottom. And the buyer, still holding the rope tightly in his hand, sat down on a rock and began to wait patiently for the donkey to drown, so that he could then skin it.

34. At sea, Pinocchio is eaten by fish, and when he escapes, he is swallowed by a terrible shark

The donkey had been under water for almost fifty minutes, and the buyer said to himself:

Now my poor lame donkey is probably drowned long ago. Therefore, you can pull it out and make a beautiful drum out of its skin.

And he began to pull the rope. And he pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled, and what do you think finally appeared on the surface of the water? Instead of a dead donkey, a living Wooden Man appeared on the surface of the water, spinning and squirming like an eel.

When the unfortunate buyer saw the Wooden Man, he thought he was dreaming, became numb, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes went to his forehead.

When he came to his senses a little, he said, sobbing and stuttering:

Where is the donkey that I threw into the sea?

This donkey is me,” answered the Wooden Man, laughing.


Oh, you scammer! Are you laughing at me, or what?

Am I laughing at you? Nothing like that, dad. I'm completely serious.

But how did you just recently be a donkey, and then turn into a Wooden Man in the water?

This is probably a consequence of the influence of sea water. The sea loves to joke.

Beware, Wooden Man, beware!.. Don't think that you can have fun with my money. Woe to you if my patience runs out!

Listen, dad, I'll tell you my whole story. Untie my leg and I'll tell you everything.

The buyer, full of curiosity, untied the rope, and Pinocchio, feeling free again, like a bird, began his story:

So, let it be known that I used to be a Wooden Man, just like I am now. And I really wanted to become a real boy, like there are many in this world. But, since I had no desire to study and was influenced by bad friends, I ran away from home... and one fine day I woke up as a donkey with long ears... and a long tail. How ashamed I was of this! May blessed Saint Anthony protect you from such shame. I was taken to the donkey market, where I was sold to a circus director, who took it into his head to make me a great dancer and rope dancer. But one evening during a performance I fell badly and went limp. The director did not know what to do with the lame donkey, and ordered me to be sold at the market. And you bought me.

Unfortunately! And I paid the lira for you. And who will give me back my good money?

Why did you buy me? Did you want to make a drum out of my skin? Drum!

Unfortunately. Where can I get another skin now?

Don't worry, dad. There are plenty of donkeys in this world.

Tell me, impudent boy, have you finished your story?

No,” answered the Wooden Man. - I just have a few words left to add. Having bought me, you brought me here, very humanely tied a heavy stone around my neck and threw me into the sea. Such philanthropy does you great honor, and I will be forever grateful to you for it. However, dear dad, you didn’t take the Fairy into account this time.

What kind of Fairy?

This is my mother. She is the same as all good mothers who love their children, never lose sight of them, and help them out of any trouble, even if these children, with their foolishness and bad behavior, essentially deserve to be abandoned to their fate. When the good Fairy saw that I was beginning to drown, she immediately sent a whole flock of fish, which considered me a completely dead donkey and began to devour me. And what huge pieces they grabbed! I never thought that fish were even more voracious than little boys... They ate my face, my neck and mane, my skin on my legs, my skin on my back... and there was even one responsive little fish that found it possible to devour my tail.

From now on,” said the buyer with disgust, “I, with God’s help, will never eat fish!” It would be too unpleasant: to find a donkey's tail in the stomach of some red beard or fried cod!

“I completely share your opinion,” answered the Wooden Man and laughed. - So, when the fish ate the donkey skin in which I was wrapped from head to toe, they naturally came across bones... or, more precisely, wood, for, as you see, I am all made of the best hard wood. But after the first attempt, these voracious fish noticed that the tree was too tough for them, and, full of disgust for this indigestible food, they rushed away from me, never turning around or saying thank you. Thus, I explained to you why you used your rope to pull the Wooden Man out of the water, and not the donkey.

I don't care about your story! - the buyer cried in rage. - I paid the lira for you and I want my money back. Do you know what I will do to you? I will take you back to the market and sell you like dry wood for kindling.

Of course, sell me. “I have nothing against it,” said Pinocchio.

And with these words he quickly jumped into the sea. He swam cheerfully from the shore, further and further, and shouted to the poor buyer:

Goodbye, dad! When you need a drum skin, think of me!

Goodbye, dad! When you need some dry wood for kindling, remember me!

And in the blink of an eye he was so far away that he could no longer be distinguished. On the surface of the sea, only a black dot was visible, which from time to time poked out of the water and jumped up like a playing dolphin.

Sailing into the open sea at random, Pinocchio saw a white marble rock. And on the top of the rock stood a cute little Goat, who bleated tenderly and made signs for him to swim closer.

The most amazing thing was that her skin was not white, or black, or spotted, like all other goats - it was azure in color, and as shiny as the hair of a little Beautiful Girl.

You can guess how Pinocchio's heart started beating! He redoubled his efforts and swam as fast as he could towards the white rock. He had already swam half the distance when the terrible head of a sea monster suddenly rose from the water. She was approaching him. The wide open mouth was like an abyss, and three rows of teeth were visible in it, so terrible that even if they were only drawn, they could mortally frighten a person.

And do you know what kind of sea monster it was?

This sea monster was the same giant Shark, which was mentioned more than once in our history: it caused such devastation and was so insatiably gluttonous that it was rightly known as the scarecrow of fish and fishermen.

Imagine how scared Pinocchio was at the sight of this monster. He wanted to wriggle out, to escape, to swim in a different direction. But a huge open mouth kept getting in his way.

Hurry, Pinocchio, by all means, hurry! - the beautiful Goat bleated.

And Pinocchio desperately worked with his arms, chest, and legs.

Hurry up, Pinocchio! The monster is approaching you!

And Pinocchio gathered all his strength and swam twice as fast.

Beware, Pinocchio!.. The monster is grabbing you!.. Here it is!.. Hurry, hurry, otherwise you’re lost!

And Pinocchio didn’t swim, but just flew like a bullet. Now he had already reached the cliff, and the Goat leaned over the sea and extended her hoof to him to help him get out of the water...

But it was too late! The monster grabbed him. It sucked in the water - almost the way you suck in a chicken egg - and swallowed the poor Wooden Man. He swallowed with such greed and force that Pinocchio, rolling into the Shark’s stomach, choked heavily and lay unconscious for a quarter of an hour.

When he came to his senses, he did not know where he actually was. The darkness around him was so deep and all-encompassing that he felt as if he had plunged headlong into a barrel of ink. Pinocchio listened, but did not hear the slightest noise. From time to time he felt strong gusts of wind on his face. At first he could not understand where the wind was coming from, but then he noticed that these gusts were coming from the lungs of the monster. The fact is that the Shark suffered from severe asthma, and when she breathed, a kind of north wind rose in her gut.

At first Pinocchio was cheerful. But when he was finally convinced that he was imprisoned in the body of a sea monster, he began to cry and complain and, sobbing, exclaimed:

Help! Help! Oh, I'm miserable! Is there really no one here who can help me?

Who can help you, poor thing? - a voice was heard from the darkness, low, cracked, like an out-of-tune guitar.

Who's talking here? - asked Pinocchio, whose back was cold with fear.

It's me, poor Tuna, who was swallowed by the Shark along with you. What kind of fish are you?

I have nothing to do with fish. I am the Wooden Man.

If you are not a fish, why did you let yourself be swallowed by a monster?

I didn't allow myself to be swallowed at all. It swallowed me up! What are we going to do in the dark now?

We will sit and wait until the Shark digests us.

But I don't want to be overcooked! - Pinocchio shouted and began to cry again.

“I don’t want to be overcooked either,” Tuna objected, “but I’m a philosopher and I console myself with the thought that if you were already born into the world as tuna, then it’s better for you to end your days in water than in a frying pan.”

Nonsense! - Pinocchio exclaimed.

“This is my personal opinion,” Tuna objected, “and personal opinion, as Tuna politicians say, should be respected.”

In any case, I want to leave here... I want to run...

Run if you can.

Is this Shark that swallowed us big? - asked the Wooden Man.

Imagine that her body without a tail is a kilometer long.

While they were talking in the dark, Pinocchio suddenly thought he saw a faint light in the distance.

What could that light be over there in the distance? - Pinocchio was surprised.

Probably our fellow sufferer, who is also waiting to be digested.

I want to go to him. Maybe he's some old fish who can tell me how to get out of here.

I wish you with all my heart, my dear Wooden Man, that it will be so.

Goodbye. Tuna!

Goodbye. Wooden Man. I wish you good luck!

Will we ever meet!

Who can know?.. It's best not to think about it.

32. Pinocchio grows donkey ears, and then he turns into a real donkey and starts braying like a donkey.

What kind of event was this?

I’ll tell you now, my dear little readers. When Pinocchio woke up one morning, his head itched and he began to itch. And when he started to itch, he noticed...

What do you think he noticed?

To his great surprise, he noticed that his ears were longer by a whole palm.

You know that the Wooden Man from birth had very small ears, such that they could not be seen at all with the naked eye. Therefore, you can imagine how he felt when he discovered that his ears had become as long as two whisks overnight.

He immediately began looking for a mirror to see what was the matter. Not finding a mirror, he poured water into a bowl and saw in it such a reflection that God forbid: he saw his own head, decorated with a pair of first-class donkey ears.

You can imagine poor Pinocchio's grief, shame and despair.

He cried, trembled, banged his head against the wall. But the more he despaired, the longer his ears became, and soon their tips were even covered with hair.

His shrill cries attracted the attention of the cute little Marmot who lived on the top floor. The marmot came running and, seeing the Wooden Man in such a state, carefully asked:

What happened to you, dear neighbor?

I am sick, dear Marmot, I am very sick... I have an illness that terrifies me. Can you feel your pulse?

A little bit.

Then please feel if I have a fever.

The groundhog raised his right front paw, felt Pinocchio's pulse and, sighing, said:

My dear friend, I unfortunately have to give you an unpleasant message.


You have a severe fever.

And what kind of fever is this?

It's donkey fever.

“I don’t understand,” answered Pinocchio, who, however, understood everything very well.

Then I’ll explain to you,” Marmot continued. - Let it be known to you that in two or three hours you will no longer be a Wooden Man, and you will also not be a boy...

Who will I be?

In two or three hours you will become a real donkey, like those who are harnessed to a cart and who carry cabbage and lettuce to the market.

Oh, I'm unhappy! Oh, I'm miserable! - Pinocchio exclaimed in despair, grabbed both his ears with his hands and began to furiously tear and torment them, as if they were someone else's ears.

My dear,” Marmot tried to console him, “what can you do!” This is determined by fate. For it is written in the books of wisdom that all lazy boys who turn away from books and teachers and spend their days only in games and entertainment, sooner or later must become donkeys, all without exception.

Is this really true? - the Wooden Man sobbed.

Unfortunately, this is true. And all the groaning is in vain. I should have thought about this earlier.

But it's not my fault! Trust me. Marmot, only Wick is to blame.

And who is this - Wick?

My school friend. I wanted to return home, I wanted to become obedient, I wanted to continue my studies, I wanted to make progress... but the Wick said: “Why do you need to bother yourself with learning? What do you need school for? Better come with me to the Land of Fun! There we will no longer study, we will chill and have fun from morning to evening!”

Why did you listen to the advice of this unfaithful and bad friend?

Why?.. My dear Woodchuck, because I am a Wooden Man, devoid of reason... and heart. Ah, if I had even a little heart, I would not have run away from my kind Fairy, who loved me like a mother and did so much for me!.. I would now no longer be a Wooden Man, but a real boy, like other. If I now get hold of this Wick, I will get it! I'll give him pepper!

And he rushed to the exit. But on the threshold he remembered his donkey ears, and he became afraid to appear in this form before honest people. What did he do? He took a large flannel cap and put it on his head, pushing it down to his nose.

Then he went to look for Wick. He looked for him in the streets and squares, in small theater booths, in a word - everywhere. But I didn't find him. He asked everyone he met about him, but no one saw the Wick.

Then he went to his house and knocked on the door.

Who's there? - Wick asked outside the door.

It’s me,” answered the Wooden Man.

Wait a minute, I'll open it for you now.

Half an hour later the door opened. And imagine Pinocchio’s amazement when he saw Wick in a large flannel cap pulled down to his nose!

At the sight of this cap, Pinocchio felt some pleasure and immediately thought: “Is my friend suffering from the same disease as me? Does he have donkey fever?

But he pretended not to notice anything and, smiling, asked:

How are you doing, my dear Wick?

Everything is fine. I feel like a mouse in Swiss cheese.

Are you serious?

Why should I lie?

Sorry, buddy, why did you put a flannel cap on your head to cover your ears?

The doctor prescribed this for me because I hit my knee too hard. And you, dear Wooden Man, why did you put this flannel cap on your nose?

Doctor's orders because I hit my heel too hard.

Oh, poor Pinocchio!

Oh, poor Wick!

These words were followed by a long, long silence, during which both friends looked at each other with mockery.

Tell me, my dear Wick, have you never had ear disease before?

I? No!.. And you?

Never! But today one of my ears really bothered me.

And it’s the same for me.

And you too? Which ear hurts you?

Both. And you?

Both. So we have the same problem?

I'm afraid so.

Do me one favor. Wick…

Willingly. With all my heart!

Won't you show me your ears?

Why not? But first I want to see yours, dear Pinocchio.

No, show yours first.

No, honey! First you, and then me.

“Okay,” said the Wooden Man, “in that case, let’s conclude a friendly treaty.”

Please read this agreement.

We both take off our caps at the same time. Agree?


So, pay attention! - And Pinocchio shouted in a loud voice: - One! Two! Three!

On the count of three, both boys tore their caps off their heads and threw them into the air.

And then something happened that could not be believed if it were not true. Namely: what happened was that Pinocchio and Wick were not at all overcome with grief and shame when they saw that they were sick with the same disease - on the contrary, they began to wink at each other and, after numerous jumps and grimaces, burst into uncontrollable laughter.

And they laughed until they dropped. But suddenly the Wick fell silent, began to stagger, turned pale and shouted to his friend:

Help, help, Pinocchio!

What's wrong with you?

Oh, I can't stand straight on my feet!

I can't either! - Pinocchio exclaimed, began to cry and staggered.

And with these words, they both dropped to all fours and began to run around the room on their hands and feet. And while they were running like this, their arms turned into legs, their faces stretched out and became muzzles, and their bodies were covered with light gray fur dotted with black specks.

But do you know what moment was the most terrible for both unfortunates? The moment they noticed that their tails had grown from behind. Overcome with grief and shame, they began to cry and complain about their fate.

It would be better if they remained silent! For instead of crying and complaints, a donkey’s braying was heard from their throats. And, roaring loudly, they said in agreement, like a duet:

And a, and a, and a!

At that moment there was a knock on the door, and a voice was heard from the street:

Open up! I am the Master, the driver of the van who brought you to this country. Open it immediately, otherwise you will dance in front of me!

Children's book: "Pinocchio" (The Golden Collection of Disney Fairy Tales, issue No. 35)

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A long time ago, in a small village, a talking Jiminy Cricket walked along the streets. He noticed a light in the window of one house and decided to look into it. He was lucky enough to end up in a wood carver's shop. What was missing here! Beautiful clocks, charming music boxes and shelves with toys. The shop belonged to the good old man Gepetto.
Cricket saw that the master was drawing eyebrows and a mouth on a wooden doll. Figaro the cat and Cleo the goldfish also watched with interest what their owner was doing.
“All that remains is to choose your name,” said Gepetto when he finished. — Invented: Pinocchio!
The old man took the doll and walked around the store, skillfully pulling its strings.
In the evening Gepetto and Figaro went to bed. The master looked out the window and, looking at the sky, exclaimed:
- Oh, this is a star that makes wishes come true!
And he thought about what he would like most, and then he saw his desire in a dream. He dreamed that Pinocchio became a real boy.
Suddenly the woodcarver's room was filled with magical light, from which the beautiful Blue Fairy appeared.
“Okay, Gepetto,” said the magical creature, “your wish will come true!”
She waved her magic wand over Pinocchio and sang:
- Your shine, your light
Brighter than the stars and all the planets.
Hear me, give me the answer
Whether the dream will come true or not.
- Am I a real boy? - Pinocchio asked unexpectedly.
“Not yet,” explained the Fairy. - First you need to prove that you are brave, honest and selfless. You should learn to distinguish good from bad.
The Blue Fairy explained to Pinocchio that his conscience will tell him what to do right, and persuaded Jiminy Cricket to become his conscience.
Hearing strange sounds, Gepetto jumped out of bed. Entering the workshop, the woodcarver saw that his new doll was dancing and singing.
Overjoyed, the old man took the toy in his arms and hugged it tightly. The fish Cleo and the cat Figaro watched with interest what was happening.
The next morning, Geppetto was walking with Pinocchio and pointed out to him the children passing by.
“They are going to school,” the master explained. - Now you are a boy, which means you also have to go to school.
Pinocchio really wanted Gepetto to be proud of him, and he happily ran to study. He had no idea that two cunning creatures were watching him.
- A living doll without ropes! - exclaimed the fox. “We can sell it to the puppeteer Stromboli,” and Pinocchio stopped. “My name is J. Worthington Fowlfellow, but my friends call me Honest John.” “And this is Gideon,” he added, pointing to the cat.
Pinocchio explained to his new acquaintance:
— I have to go to school.
The fox convinced the doll that it was a waste of time.
“Come with us,” he persuaded. - We'll make you a celebrity.
Jiminy noticed that Pinocchio, Honest John and Gideon were walking in the opposite direction from the school.
Cricket tried to convince his friend to go to school, but it was too late! The cunning fox persuaded the doll to perform on stage - the trio went to the puppeteer Stromboli.
Honest John gave Pinocchio to the owner of the puppet theater, and in the evening Pinocchio danced on stage. Jiminy watched his performance carefully. The audience in the hall was delighted with the doll.
When the performance ended, the audience in the hall applauded loudly and threw gold coins at the artist’s feet. Pinocchio really enjoyed being the center of attention, and Stromboli could not get enough of how much money this little unusual doll brought him.
Our hero could not wait to return home and tell Gepetto about how interesting he had spent the day. However, when Stromboli heard that the doll was going home, he threw it into the cage and locked the door.
Pinocchio screamed and called his friend for help. The nimble cricket climbed into the puppeteer's van and tried to free his friend.
Suddenly the room was filled with magical light, from which the Blue Fairy suddenly appeared. She asked Pinocchio why he didn't go to school, but the boy didn't dare tell the truth. And the more he lied, the longer his nose became. Realizing that he had done wrong, Pinocchio promised that he would never tell a lie again. The sorceress freed him and disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared.
Geppetto was looking forward to Pinocchio's return from school and when it got dark, the old man became worried and went in search of the boy.
Meanwhile, in a nearby tavern, Honest John and Gideon met the Cabman, who was luring naughty boys to Pleasure Island. The insidious villain promised the fox and the cat a lot of money if they brought new children to him.
And then the cunning couple decided to lure Pinocchio. Honest John deceived the boy, saying that he looked tired and should rest... on Pleasure Island.
The fox and the cat led the trusting child along, talking about how many miracles awaited him there: games, toys, candies, and attractions - and everything was completely free!
Poor Jiminy tried to stop them, but he couldn't.
Honest John handed Pinocchio into the care of the Cabman. The doll climbed into the carriage, where there were many children. The driver waved his whip, and the carriage, harnessed by a pair of frightened donkeys, set off for Pleasure Island. When they arrived, the boys couldn't believe their eyes! They saw attractions, sweets... And most importantly, in this wonderful place there were no adults telling them what to do! The kids could do whatever they wanted!
Pinocchio befriends a boy named Wick.
“If mom saw me, she would be angry,” the child said to the doll, who greedily attacked the sweets.
Meanwhile, Jiminy Cricket heard the Cabman giving orders to his employees:
— Close all doors!
Jiminy sensed danger and hurried to find his friend.
The cricket saw the light in the billiard room and found a friend there.
- Let's go home now! - Jiminy exclaimed.
The wick laughed:
-Are you following the cricket's orders?
Poor Pinocchio was torn between his new friend and his conscience.
Soon Jiminy saw the Coachman and his assistants herding the donkeys into wooden boxes.
“I’ll sell these boys at a bargain price,” muttered the owner of the island.
Cricket realized that the donkeys were once boys who were lured to this place!
Jiminy hurried to warn Pinocchio, but he was too late!
The wick had already become a donkey and was rushing back and forth in fear.
And Pinocchio looked with horror at the donkey ears and tail that appeared on him.
- Faster! We must run! - Jiminy shouted desperately.
The boy and the cricket ran across the deserted island, leaving the Cabby and the poor donkeys behind. They climbed onto a rock and jumped into the sea.
Tired and exhausted, the friends finally swam to the shore and went home. However, they could not find Gepetto anywhere. At that moment, a dove flying over them dropped a letter to Pinocchio. It reported that the master went to look for the boy, but he was swallowed by the whale Monstro. The friends ran to the sea again.
They sank into the depths of the sea and began to look for the whale.
Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket asked every fish and sea creature how to find the sea giant.
But, unfortunately, none of the sea inhabitants knew where the whale named Monstro lived. They searched everything they could and interviewed absolutely everyone. And suddenly Pinocchio noticed how a school of fish suddenly darted to the side. It turned out that the fish were scared away by the awakened Monstro.
Meanwhile, in Monstro’s huge belly there was a small boat on which sat the old man Gepetto, the fish Cleo and the cat Figaro. They went looking for Pinocchio and were swallowed by a whale...
“There are no more fish left,” the old man explained to his friends. “If the monster doesn’t eat soon, I’m afraid we’ll die.” We can only hope for a miracle...
And suddenly Monstro began to swim. He was ready to have lunch. The whale opened its huge jaws and swallowed a school of fish, and with them Pinocchio!
The doll ended up in the animal’s stomach and... unexpectedly fell into the hands of the happy Gepetto!
“We need to get out of here,” said Pinocchio, “but how?”
And he came up with it! The boy began smashing wooden objects in the whale's stomach.
“We will light a fire, there will be a lot of smoke,” Pinocchio explained. “And then Monstro will open his mouth and let us out!”
The giant felt that a fire had started in his stomach. Inside, everyone quickly jumped onto the raft that Gepetto had made and rowed towards the whale's throat. When he exhaled, the raft floated out to sea.
Monstro got very angry. Seeing the raft, he chased Pinocchio and Gepetto, who were struggling to stay afloat. The whale got to them and crushed the raft into pieces.
And then Pinocchio did a very brave thing: he lured the whale to a rock, and Monstro crashed into it.
Pinocchio made sure that the old man reached the shore safely. Gepetto went out onto land and saw the fish Cleo in the aquarium and Figaro lying next to him. However, when the elderly man looked around for his son, he saw him lying face down in the water. Gepetto carefully took the doll and took it home.
The woodcarver, Cleo, Figaro and Jiminy Cricket have finally returned home. The old man put the lifeless Pinocchio on the bed and knelt down, wishing with all his heart that the boy would wake up. And suddenly the Blue Fairy appeared.
The sorceress waved her wand over the doll and said:
- Pinocchio, you have proven that you are brave, selfless and honest. Now you will become a real boy!
And the wooden doll turned into a real boy! Gepetto was so happy that his wish came true. He started the music box and started dancing.
Everyone took part in the celebration: the woodcarver, his son, the cat, the goldfish and the wise Jiminy Cricket!

So, children, I will tell you that while Geppetto was innocently imprisoned, the impudent boy Pinocchio, having escaped the clutches of the policeman, went straight across the field home. He jumped over the hills, thick thorns and ditches with water, like a wild goat or hare hunted by beaters. At home, he opened the unlocked door, walked in, pulled the latch behind him and plopped down on the floor with a deep sigh of relief.

But he did not enjoy the peace for long - suddenly he heard someone squeak in the room:

- Kri kri kri...

-Who is calling me? – Pinocchio asked in horror.

Pinocchio turned around and saw a large Cricket slowly crawling up the wall.

- Tell me, Cricket, who are you?

– I am the Talking Cricket and I have been living in this room for more than a hundred years.

“Now this is my room,” said the Wooden Man. - Please, get out of here, preferably without looking back!

“I won’t leave,” objected the Cricket, “until I tell you the great truth.”

- Tell the great truth, but quickly.

- Woe to the children who rebel against their parents and foolishly leave their father’s house! It will be bad for them in the world, and sooner or later they will bitterly regret it.

- Scream, squeal. Cricket, if you're interested! In any case, I know that tomorrow at dawn I won’t be here. If I stay, I will have to live as boringly as all the other children: I will be sent to school, forced to study, whether I want it or not. And between you and me, I don’t have the slightest desire to study. It is much more pleasant to run after moths, climb trees and steal chicks from nests.

- Poor fool! Don't you understand that in this way you will turn into a real donkey and no one will give you a penny?

- Shut your throat, evil old Cricket! – Pinocchio was seriously angry.

But Cricket, full of patience and wisdom, was not offended and continued:

“And if you don’t like going to school, then why don’t you learn some craft and honestly earn your bread?”

- Shall I tell you why? - Pinocchio answered, gradually losing patience. - Because of all the crafts in the world, there is only one that I really like.

- And what kind of craft is this?

– Eat, drink, sleep, enjoy and wander from morning to evening.

“Note to yourself,” said the Talking Cricket with his characteristic calm, “that everyone involved in this craft always ends their life in a hospital or in prison.”

- Take it easy, evil old Cricket... If I get angry, it will be bad for you!

- Poor Pinocchio, I really feel sorry for you!

- Why do you feel sorry for me?

- Because you are a Wooden Man and, worse, you have a wooden head!

At the last words, Pinocchio jumped up, furious, grabbed a wooden hammer from the bench and threw it at the Talking Cricket.

Perhaps he did not think that he would hit the target, but, unfortunately, he hit the Cricket right in the head, and poor Cricket, having only managed to utter the last “kri kri kri”, was left hanging on the wall as if dead.

‹ 3. Geppetto, returning home, immediately begins to carve a wooden man and gives him the name Pinocchio. The first steps of the wooden man 5. Pinocchio feels hungry and, having found an egg, wants to fry himself some scrambled eggs, but at the most beautiful moment the scrambled egg flies out the window ›

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