St. Petersburg Military Medical University. Military Medical Academy named after

The Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation conducts educational activities in the field of professional and additional education in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Academy carries out, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the training of military personnel (specialists) for federal executive authorities.

The conditions and procedure for admitting citizens of the Russian Federation to the Academy are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Ministry of Defense. The volume and structure of admission of variable first-year students to study at the academy at the expense of the federal budget are established by the Minister of Defense.

In 2020, the Academy will organize the admission of graduates of educational organizations of secondary general and secondary vocational education to the faculties of training military doctors and the faculty of secondary vocational education.

Admission is organized in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities by the academy in higher education specialties "Medicine", “Medical and preventive care”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy” and in the specialty of secondary vocational education “General Medicine”.


Contingent of trainees

Secondary vocational education, qualification "Paramedic"

General Medicine

graduates of educational institutions of secondary general education

Higher education, qualification "Doctor" ("Pharmacist")

Specialty with a duration of study of 6 years

General Medicine

Medical and preventive care

graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education

Specialty with a duration of study of 5 years


graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education


graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education

The period for mastering basic professional educational programs is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards and is 6 years for higher education in the specialties “General Medicine” and “Medical and Preventive Care”, 5 years for the specialties “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy”. , for secondary vocational education in specialty "Medicine" 3 years 10 months.

Persons who have completed training and passed the state final certification in the main educational programs of higher education are issued a state diploma of higher education, are awarded the qualification of a doctor (pharmacist) and are assigned a military rank medical lieutenant.

Academy graduates who have completed their studies at the faculty (of secondary vocational education) are issued a state diploma of secondary vocational education, are awarded the qualification of a paramedic and are awarded a military rank ensign.

The rights, obligations, social guarantees and compensation for cadets are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, general military regulations of the Armed Forces, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the Charter of the Academy and other local acts. Ensuring compliance with the norms and standards of social and living conditions of study and living of students at the academy is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Ministry of Defense.

Control of the quality of education and compliance with licensing and accreditation indicators at the academy is carried out by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education and science, and the Ministry of Defense.

II. Requirements for candidates for training as cadets

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have state-issued documents on secondary general, secondary vocational education, fit for health reasons, from among:

  • aged citizens from 16 to 22 years old who did not undergo military service;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - until they reach age 24 years old;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) - until they reach the age of 27 years old,
  • Citizens who have only secondary general education are considered for the faculty of secondary vocational education to study as cadets under a program with secondary military special training until they reach the age of 30 years old.
  • The following citizens are not considered as candidates for admission to the academy:
  • in respect of whom a guilty verdict was passed and punishment was imposed;
  • in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation is underway or a criminal case in respect of which has been transferred to court;
  • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime or serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • deprived for a certain period, by a court decision that has entered into legal force, of the right to occupy military positions for a specified period of time;
  • in other cases determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. Procedure for pre-selection of candidates

Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service is carried out by military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, conscription commissions created in municipal districts, urban districts and in the intracity territories of federal cities, heads of educational organizations with special names administered by the Ministry of Defense , and candidates from among the military personnel - commanders of military units (formations).

Pre-selection activities are carried out for the purpose of sending candidates to entrance examinations who meet the requirements provided for in paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 of these Rules, and include determining the suitability of candidates for training:

  • by having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • by level of education;
  • by age;
  • for health reasons;
  • by level of physical fitness;
  • according to the category of professional suitability.

Citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the academy, submit an application to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at their place of residence (graduates of general educational organizations with special names administered by the Ministry of Defense - addressed to the head of the general educational organization in which they are learning) until April 20, 2020.

Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enter the academy submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit until April 1, 2020.

The candidate’s application shall indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, information about citizenship, details of his identity document (including details of the issue of the specified document), information about the previous level of education and a document on education and (or) qualifications, confirming it, the postal address of the place of permanent residence, email address and contact telephone number (at the candidate’s request), the specialty of training in which he wishes to study at the academy.

In the report of candidates from among the military personnel, in addition to the above, the following shall be indicated: military rank and military position held, and instead of the address of residence - the code name of the military unit, as well as the military command authority (branch of the Armed Forces, military district, branch of the Armed Forces).

The following certified documents are attached to the application (report):

  • copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education (with a copy of the document containing the grades obtained during the period of study attached);
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of study, work or military service in the prescribed form;
  • three certified photographs measuring 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • military service card;

School students, instead of a copy of the document on secondary general education, attach to the application an extract from the report card for the 10th grade and the first half of the 11th grade. Persons who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education that have state accreditation, submit a certificate of training or the period of training reflecting current performance.

Military personnel serving under contract in other federal executive authorities provide the consent of the relevant department to transfer them to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for training if they enter the academy.

Candidates submit (if available) copies of documents confirming special rights (advantages) for admission to study at the academy and (or) individual achievements.

Submitted documents must be dated the year of admission.

Citizens of the Russian Federation living in military units stationed outside the Russian Federation submit an application to the head of the academy before May 20, 2020. The documents listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules are attached to the application.

Citizens living outside the Russian Federation, where there are no military units of the Armed Forces, arrive at the academy no later than June 28, 2020 with a document on education and (or) qualifications and an identification document of the candidate, for their consideration by the admissions committee as a candidate for admission to the academy with the registration of a personal file and a decision on their admission to undergo professional selection.

Documents of candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service, listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules, as well as a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirming the absence of the grounds listed in paragraph 2.2 of these Rules for refusing a candidate to participate in professional selection, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection military Commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of general educational organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense) send to the academy until May 20, 2020.

Documents of candidates from among the military personnel listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules, and for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in addition to this - personal files, are sent to the academy until May 15, 2020.

The following must be attached to the medical examination card:

  • vaccination certificate; certificates from anti-tuberculosis, psychoneurological, drug addiction and dermatovenerological dispensaries;
  • an extract from the medical record of an outpatient (about past illnesses, injuries, operations, existing chronic diseases);
  • fluorogram (x-ray) of the lungs in 2 projections, x-ray of the paranasal sinuses; electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise;
  • results of a general (clinical) blood test ( platelet level is required) and general urine analysis; results of tests for narcotic drugs, RW (syphilis), HIV infection, hepatitis (B and C).

Medical documents must be dated the year of admission.

Based on the consideration of the received documents of the candidates, the admission committee of the academy determines the compliance of the selected candidates with the established requirements and makes a decision on admission to professional selection. The decision of the Academy's selection committee on the admission of candidates to undergo professional selection is sent to the departments of the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service, to Suvorov military schools, military units no later than one day from the date of acceptance decisions by the academy's admissions committee indicating the time and place of professional selection or reasons for refusal.

Based on the decision of the academy’s admissions committee on admission to professional selection, candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service are sent by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (candidates from among graduates of general educational organizations with special names, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense - these general educational institutions organizations) to the training center of the academy (Krasnoye Selo) to undergo professional selection.

Candidates from among the military personnel who meet the requirements established by paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of these Rules are sent to the training center of the academy (Krasnoe Selo) by commanders of military units to participate in training camps in preparation for passing professional selection and subsequent passing professional selection, regardless of receiving a military certificate part of the decision of the academy’s selection committee on admission to professional selection:

  • those entering programs with full military special training are sent to the academy by June 1, 2020, where they undergo 25-day training camps;
  • applicants for programs with secondary military special training are sent to the academy by June 10, 2020, where they undergo a 15-day training camp.

A passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, the original state-issued document on the level of education and (or) qualifications are presented by the candidate to the admissions committee of the academy upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the admissions committee to make a decision about the candidate's admission. If available, candidates submit original documents confirming special rights (advantages) for admission to study at the academy, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and (or) the individual achievements of the candidate.

IV. The procedure for professional selection of candidates

Professional selection of candidates entering the academy to study as cadets (secondary vocational and higher education) is carried out by the admissions committee from July 1 to July 30 in order to determine the candidates’ ability to master educational programs at the appropriate level.

Professional selection of candidates for enrollment as cadets at the academy includes:

A) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to the academy based on health conditions (medical examination by a military medical commission), which is organized in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565, Requirements for the health status of certain categories of citizens, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 20 October 2014 No. 770.

Medical examination of citizens entering the academy is carried out by specialist doctors included in the military medical commission: surgeon, general practitioner, neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, doctor- dermatovenerologist, and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

The results of the medical examination of candidates are announced no later than one day after the military medical commission issues an opinion on the candidate’s state of health.

If a candidate is declared unfit for health reasons to enter the academy, the candidate and his legal representatives (parents, if the candidate is a minor) have the right to receive explanations and recommendations from a medical specialist.

b) determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination is carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2000 No. 50.

During professional psychological selection, the compliance of professionally important qualities of candidates is assessed in order to predict the success of their training and further effective performance in primary military positions, and based on the results, one of the following conclusions is made:

  • recommended first- first category;
  • recommended- second category;
  • conditionally recommended- third category;
  • not recommended— fourth category (applicants are informed about the decision made individually).

An opinion on the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination is made and documented using automated workstations of professional psychological selection specialists accepted for supply in the Armed Forces.

Candidates classified in the fourth category of professional suitability are considered to have not passed professional psychological selection and are not allowed to undergo further professional selection. They are informed about the conclusion made individually, and if necessary, individual psychological counseling is carried out with these candidates, during which explanations and recommendations are given.

The results of determining the category of professional suitability are communicated to the candidate or his legal representatives no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

V) entrance examinations , consisting of:

  • assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates .

For all higher education training specialties (specialty) implemented at the academy, the level of general educational preparedness of candidates is assessed in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. The core subject for assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates is chemistry.

Assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates entering higher education programs is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) obtained in 2016 - 2020, as well as for certain categories of graduates of educational organizations - based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the academy independently and assessed on a 100-point scale.

Candidates from among certain categories of graduates of educational organizations can present the corresponding Unified State Examination results as the results of entrance tests conducted by the Academy independently in one or more general education subjects.

The minimum number of points for all forms of general education entrance examinations is the minimum number of Unified State Examination points approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The results of assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates based on the results of the Unified State Exam are announced to candidates no later than one day after the verification of the accuracy of information about the candidate’s participation in the Unified State Exam and on the results of the Unified State Exam in the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education. , and admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education (hereinafter - FIS Unified State Examination). The results of the entrance test conducted by the academy independently - no later than the second day after the entrance test.

For candidates entering the secondary vocational education program (paramedic), when assessing the level of general educational preparedness, the results of their mastery of the educational program of secondary general education, indicated in the educational documents submitted by the candidates, are taken into account.

  • assessment of the level of physical fitness.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is assessed in accordance with the Manual on Physical Training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NFP-2009), approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2009 No. 200, on a 100-point scale based on the results of three test elements (exercises) :

  • for boys: pull-ups, 100-meter run and 3 km cross-country;
  • for girls: body bends, 100-meter run and 1 km cross-country.

The minimum number of points based on the results of candidates performing physical training exercises, confirming the successful completion of entrance tests to assess the level of physical fitness of candidates (except for officers), is:

  • for each individual exercise - 26 points;
  • in total, based on the results of three exercises - 120 points.

Officer candidates take the exam in accordance with the standards for their age groups.

Exercises are performed in sportswear.

In case of failure to overcome the minimum threshold for one of the exercises or the sum of the results of three exercises, the requirements for the candidate are considered unfulfilled, the candidate is considered unfit for admission based on the level of physical fitness and is excluded from further professional selection.

Performing physical exercises to improve your grade is not permitted.

The results of assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates are communicated to the candidate or his legal representatives no later than one day after the entrance test.

Candidates from among the winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren's Olympiads held in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, for the four years following the year of the relevant Olympiad, the results of the general education entrance examination tests corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad are equal to 100 points if they have USE results in this subject not lower than 75 points.

Individual achievements of candidates for studying at the academy in educational programs of higher education, confirmed by documents, are taken into account by assigning points for the results of individual achievements, in accordance with the procedure for their accounting approved by the academy.

The Admissions Committee monitors the accuracy of the information specified in the application for admission (about the candidate’s participation in the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam results, participation in school competitions, the candidate’s individual achievements, etc.), and the authenticity of the submitted documents. When conducting this check, the selection committee has the right to contact the relevant state information systems, state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

An appeal based on the results of the entrance test, conducted in the form of the Unified State Exam, in chemistry, biology, or the Russian language, can be filed at the place where the Unified State Exam is held, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The response to the appeal must be provided by the candidate to the secretariat of the selection committee no later than one day before the final meeting of the selection committee to make a decision on the admission of candidates. Otherwise, the result obtained by the selection committee from the FIS Unified State Exam is applied. If the Unified State Examination result is below the established minimum value, the candidate is not allowed to be considered on the competitive list.

Candidates and their legal representatives (parents, if the candidate is a minor), on the day of announcement of the results of the entrance test conducted by the academy independently, or during the next working day, have the right to familiarize themselves with their work (with the work of the applicant), as well as contact the secretariat of the admissions committee with an application on an explanation of the assigned grade in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the academy.

The appeal is submitted in writing on the day the results of the entrance test are announced or during the next working day. The appeal is considered no later than the next working day after the day it was filed. Candidates and their legal representatives have the right to be present during the appeal hearing. Appeals from second parties, including relatives, are not accepted or considered.

Consideration of the appeal is not a retake or retake of the admissions test. During the consideration of the appeal, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and (or) the correctness of the assessment of the results of the admissions test are checked.

Appeals, applications, complaints of candidates and their legal representatives are accepted for consideration at the secretariat of the selection committee in person, as well as through public postal operators or in the form of an electronic document. When conducting a personal reception of candidates and their legal representatives, officials of the selection committee are involved in accordance with their competence. The procedure and timing for their consideration correspond to the procedure and timing for considering citizens' appeals determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Candidates who received an unsatisfactory assessment in the exams (who scored a number of points below the established minimum value) or who did not appear without good reason for one of the exams at the scheduled time are not allowed to participate in further professional selection events and are excluded from the competition for admission to the academy. The candidate must inform the secretariat of the selection committee before the start of the exam about the inability to take the exams for health reasons or other documented reasons.

Repeated professional selection events are not carried out with the candidate.

V. The procedure for enrolling candidates entering cadet training

Candidates who have passed the professional selection are included in the competitive lists for enrolling candidates as cadets at the academy and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in training.

Competitive lists for enrolling candidates as cadets at the academy are compiled according to levels of professional education and specialties of training.

Candidates entering higher education programs (specialty) are placed on competitive lists depending on the amount of points that determines the level of general education preparedness (scores for each general education subject of entrance examinations are summed up), the level of physical fitness and individual achievements.

Candidates entering secondary vocational education programs are placed on competitive lists depending on the average score of the certificate of secondary general education.

In this case, candidates assigned to the third category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection are placed on the competitive list after candidates assigned to the first and second categories of professional suitability, regardless of the amount of points received.

Candidates who score an equal number of points are included in the competition list in the following sequence:

  • first of all- candidates enjoying preferential rights when entering military educational institutions;
  • secondly- candidates who received a higher score in the core general education subject - chemistry (candidates entering secondary vocational education programs - who received a higher score when assessing the level of their physical fitness);
  • thirdly- candidates who received a higher score in the general education subject - biology.

Candidates who do not pass the professional selection are not included in the competition lists. They contain lists of candidates who have been denied admission to the academy, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

The reasons for not passing the professional selection include:

  • receipt by the candidate of the results of the Unified State Examination or an entrance test conducted by the academy independently in a general education subject (chemistry, biology, Russian language) of less than the minimum number of points approved for the year of admission in the declared specialty of training;
  • recognition of the candidate as unfit for health reasons to enter the academy;
  • assigning the candidate to the fourth category of professional suitability;
  • receiving an unsatisfactory grade in physical fitness;
  • refusal by the candidate to enter the academy after the start of professional selection;
  • failure to appear without a good reason at the scheduled time for a professional selection event (entrance test);
  • failure to submit the original education document within the prescribed period;
  • refusal of a candidate to further undergo professional selection due to indiscipline.

Them. CM. Kirov has existed for more than 200 years, and all this time it has been producing highly qualified medical specialists who save lives every day around the world. Many of the university’s graduates are rightfully considered leading doctors of our time.


The official date of creation of the academy is considered to be the end of December 1798, it was then that Emperor Paul I signed a decree on the creation of medical schools at existing hospitals. At that time it had the status of a school, however, this did not last long. Since 1808, the university received the name "Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy".

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov at one time influenced the development of pharmaceutical and veterinary education; it is there that you can find the originals of the first medical textbooks, which are considered the fundamental basis of modern medicine. In the period from 1808 to 1904, the academy actively developed, with the active assistance of the holders of the throne, as well as titled advisers and officials.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a split occurred; some teachers did not support the new government and went to work abroad. All those who remained helped the new government build relationships with the people and provided assistance to the wounded as a result of the Civil War. In the early 20s of the 20th century, the Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirova focused on the development and further teaching of special military-type disciplines.

Over the entire history of the academy, about 300 of its graduates have become outstanding scientists in various fields of science, for which the university was awarded the title of an institution of world importance. In 1998, the academy became one of the especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of all peoples of the Russian Federation.

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov: what to do?

For admission, an applicant will need to provide a standard package of documents: a copy of a passport, a copy of a school certificate or other document indicating higher education, a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, two 3x4 photographs, and also fill out an application in the form established by the university.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 16 to 22 years can become students, provided that they have not served in the military. If they did serve, then the age limit increases to 24 years. If we are talking about military personnel who serve under contract, they can enter the academy until they are 25 years old. If an applicant enters to receive secondary vocational education, his age must be less than 30 years.

Passing scores

Them. Kirov, which changes annually, offers applicants who have not passed the Unified State Exam for one reason or another to take it upon admission. For each specialty, there are certain thresholds in scores that must be overcome by an applicant to participate in the competition.

In total, the academy has four specialties: “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Pharmacy” and “Dentistry”. To qualify for the first specialty, you need to score 55 points on the Unified State Exam in chemistry, and 50 points in the Russian language and biology.

To successfully pass the specialty “Dentistry” you must score 50 points in all three subjects. In the specialty "Pharmacy" you need to score 45 points in chemistry and 40 in Russian language and biology. To enter the specialty “Medical and Preventive Care”, it is enough to score 40 points in all three subjects.

Help for newbies

Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov, which constantly provides assistance to applicants, offers everyone who wishes to take preparatory courses. It is there that you can improve your knowledge of the Russian language, chemistry and biology - those subjects that must be taken at the Unified State Exam for admission.

There are several methods and preparatory programs that you can use to study at the academy. The training is paid; detailed costs and class schedules can be clarified at the university admissions office, which operates from May to August. Among other things, you can turn to the university students themselves for help; they will be happy to advise you on all the nuances necessary for admission and help you cope with all pressing issues.

Reviews about the university

Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov, which even foreign students and guests leave reviews of, is a real field for experimentation, which can be used by those who are eager to improve their own knowledge, skills and abilities. That is why students from other countries often come here, wanting to receive a quality medical education.

All students and graduates speak positively about the educational institution that gave them their favorite profession. Most of the graduates work in their specialty, some of them are engaged in private practice. Quite often, graduates come to the university for advice from their former teachers, and they never refuse them.

University structure

If we talk about the structure of the university, then the Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov has grown greatly over its more than 200-year history. As of 2015, there are 7 faculties, more than 40 secondary vocational education institutions, two medical colleges, and its own admissions department.

In addition, the university has many laboratories where clinical research is conducted, an experimental clinic, a pharmaceutical center, a military medicine research institute, a consultation center, a dental clinic, and a large number of other medical institutions, each of which is open to students and patients around the clock.

Reception of patients

Military Medical Academy named after. Kirova is engaged not only in teaching students, but also in providing free assistance. Thus, preferential contingents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation, whose right to this service is guaranteed by federal legislation, have the right to receive free assistance.

In the event that a patient enters the academy for urgent reasons, he will be provided with medical care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. All other categories of citizens have the right to use medical care on a general basis and within the framework of VHI. In this case, the provision of medical services will be provided for a fee, according to the existing price list, which can be found at the university admissions office.

Scientific work

CM. Kirova constantly conducts scientific activities, which for many years have remained at the highest level. More than 80 graduates and employees of the university bear the proud title of “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,” two became members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 28 became members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. All this became possible thanks to numerous studies and experiments aimed at improving the medical industry.

The teaching staff of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov in St. Petersburg, includes highly professionals in their field. In total, the university employs more than 250 professors, 450 associate professors, 430 doctors and more than 1,200 candidates of science, who jointly support the work of scientific schools engaged in research into the leading areas of modern medicine.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to active scientific and educational activities, university students have time to take part in the extracurricular life of the university. Military Medical Academy named after. Kirova has repeatedly become a laureate of city and all-Russian student springs, a winner of regional KVN competitions and a participant in various entertainment events.

Every university student can count on help from the local trade union organization. Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov, whose photos remind of the former greatness of Tsarist Russia, periodically conducts excursions for everyone. Students actively participate in these excursions, trying to learn as much as possible about their university.

The trade union committee also periodically offers students work in existing medical institutions in the region, which can be combined with studies. Since studying is the main responsibility of the student, the trade union committee strictly ensures that work does not interfere with studies and, if necessary, helps students.

Today in Russia there are few universities left that specialize in training doctors for the Armed Forces, and the main one is the Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirov (VMA, or VMedA), located in the Northern capital.

List of universities

Until recently, the list of military medical universities in Russia included:

  • Samara Military Medical Institute.
  • Saratov Military Medical Institute.
  • Tomsk Military Medical Institute.

But in 2010, these three universities were completely disbanded and remained only in the blessed memory of their graduates and in reference books.

The Nizhny Novgorod Military Medical Institute of the FSB of Russia was more fortunate: in 2007 it was reorganized and merged with the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel (IPPKS) of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, the updated university received the name FGKOU “Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod)”.

The current list of military medical academies after all the reorganizations and reorganizations looks very modest:

  • Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (St. Petersburg).
  • Branch of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov (Moscow).
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod).

School graduates have only one option left to purposefully apply for a diploma (and, of course, specific knowledge) as an army doctor - the Kirov Military Medical Academy (VMedA) in St. Petersburg. Its Moscow branch provides training in the following programs:

  • additional professional education - already certified current workers with secondary and higher medical education;
  • residency.

The branch is recruiting yesterday's eleventh-graders only for the secondary vocational education program "nursing" on 02/34/01.

The FSB Institute of Medical Sciences accepts medical students only by transfer. Candidates for admission can be students who have already completed at least four courses in civilian medical institutes in one of the specialties: “dentistry”, “general medicine”, “pediatrics”, “medical and preventive care”.

Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov

The university recruits not only cadets (for the budget), but future civilian doctors (for paid places). Training for both is conducted exclusively in a face-to-face format.

Cadets must comply with a number of conditions:

  • accommodation at the academy during the entire training period;
  • a limited number of layoffs to the city (in the absence of student debt and disciplinary action);
  • fulfillment of the terms of the contract, according to which the graduate is obliged to work for 5 years according to the assignment of the Ministry of Defense (for the most part, newly minted army doctors are not sent to the capital’s garrisons, hospitals and military units).

During their studies, Military Medical Academy cadets are provided with state support: they are given seasonal sets of uniforms, sports uniforms, medical gowns and even briefcases with “full ammunition” - atlases, stationery and a tablet loaded with electronic versions of educational literature. Three buffet meals a day and accommodation in a block-type dormitory with double rooms are also free.

Cadets who did not serve in the army before entering the Military Medical Academy are assigned a monetary allowance (analogous to a scholarship in civilian universities) of 2,000 rubles, after signing the contract the amount increases to at least 14,000. Excellent students receive increased payments, their annual income is more than 270,000 rubles.

Contractors learn under different conditions. Along with tuition fees, they will have to provide for the cost of accommodation and food, since they are considered civilians and are not provided with a hostel. There is also no stipend for paying students. But there is also a plus - freedom of action during and after studying.

Faculties, specialties

In the structure of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kirov 8 faculties:

  • senior medical staff;
  • additional education and residency;
  • training of doctors:
    1. navy;
    2. ground, missile and airborne forces;
    3. air force;
  • SPO (secondary vocational education);
  • training for advanced civilian doctors and pharmacists (“7th faculty”);
  • special faculty for training doctors for foreign armies.

The range of specialties at the Military Medical Academy is standard for all medical universities:

  • general medicine (training period - 6 years);
  • pharmacy (5 years);
  • dentistry (5 years);
  • medical and preventive care (6 years).

Graduates are issued a state-issued diploma of higher education, are awarded the qualifications of a doctor or pharmacist and the rank of lieutenant of the medical service. Paramedics in vocational training programs study for 3 years and 10 months. As a result, they have a corresponding document on secondary vocational education and the rank of warrant officer.

Medical service officers can complete a two-year master's degree in "Management of medical support for troops."

Paid training

Future civilian medical and pharmaceutical specialists of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kirova is recruiting for studies under the contract:

  • to a specialty in three areas: general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry;
  • residency (about 40 specialties - from obstetrics and gynecology to endocrinology);
  • for additional professional education programs for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education.

Tuition fees are set annually. Approximate figures: general medicine - 240 thousand per year, dentistry - 250 thousand, pharmacology - 140.

Admission rules

The procedure for admission to the Military Medical Academy depends on the format in which the training will take place.

On a budget

The requirements are the same as for admission to military universities:

  1. Age limit:
    • 16-22 years for those who did not serve in the army before entering university;
    • up to 27 years of age - for those serving under contract;
    • up to 24 years old - for conscripts,
    • up to 30 years old - for applicants to secondary vocational education programs. Age is calculated as of August 1 of the year of admission.
  2. No criminal record.
  3. Availability of Russian citizenship.
  4. State of health. Determined on the basis of a medical examination by a military medical commission. Applicants undergo mandatory urine and blood tests, have an ECG, fluorography and are examined by a surgeon, neurologist, dermatovenereologist, psychiatrist, therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist and otolaryngologist.
  5. Fitness level. To evaluate it, applicants undergo sports tests. Boys take pull-ups, 100 m run, and 3 km cross-country. For ease of comparison with the Unified State Exam results, the results are displayed in points. The passing minimum for each exercise is 26. A future cadet can receive a maximum of 120 points for the level of physical training.
  6. Professional suitability. In order to determine it, socio-psychological testing is carried out. It is necessary to identify character traits that can help or, on the contrary, hinder a potential cadet from mastering the profession of a military medic.

Based on the results of the medical examination, physical training exam and psychological testing, applicants are divided into 4 categories of professional suitability: first stage (100% fit for military service); recommended for enrollment in the second place; conditionally recommended; not recommended (their verdict is announced individually).

To enter a military medical university, as well as a civilian one, you will need Unified State Examination results in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. Minimum scores with which you can count on admission to the Military Medical Academy:

  • in the specialty “general medicine” - 185;
  • medical and preventive care" - 150;
  • pharmacy - 150;
  • dentistry - 185.

When entering the Military Medical Academy (the only military medical university in Russia today that accepts school graduates), Unified State Examination scores play an important, but not decisive, role. Even with 100 points in each of the three subjects, an applicant may not be selected due to psychological or physical inadequacy. Nevertheless, with an annual competition of about 30 people per place, high USE results will not hurt.

Applications for admission to a military medical university are submitted by non-serving applicants to the military registration and enlistment office before April 20, graduates of cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools - to the heads of the educational institution, conscripts and contract soldiers before April 1 - to the commander of the military unit.

The following are attached to the application:

  • copy of passport;
  • photocopy of birth certificate;
  • a copy of the diploma or certificate (school graduates submit an extract from the report card for the 10th grade and the first half of the 11th grade);
  • photo for documents;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the previous place of study, service or work;
  • Service ID of a military personnel (if available).

Military personnel who serve under contract in other law enforcement ministries submit the department’s consent to transfer them for training to the Ministry of Defense if they enter the academy.

For a contract

Admission to the paid department at the Military Medical Academy is carried out for 3 specialties - general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. Contract workers do not undergo preliminary rigorous professional selection; they are enrolled based on a competition of Unified State Examination results.

Documents can be delivered in person (or through an authorized representative), sent by mail or using a courier service. The required package includes:

  • mandatory state-issued documents confirming the required level of education;
  • photocopy of SNILS;
  • 6 photos in 3x4 format with a corner on the right;
  • autobiography;
  • certificate of preventive vaccination (vaccinations);
  • photocopy of a military ID (or registration certificate for conscripts).

The applicant indicates personal data, the results of the Unified State Exam, along with the direction of study and other necessary information in the application, which, along with other documents, is submitted for consideration by the admissions committee.

Admission to the Academy girls

There are no gender restrictions for admission to the civilian faculty of the Military Medical Academy, but the academy began training female military doctors and paramedics only ten years ago, then suspended enrollment, but resumed it in 2017. Cadets can study in two programs:

  • medical practice in ground forces (higher education);
  • medical practice (secondary vocational education program).

The requirements for female applicants are the same as for boys: the criteria for competitive selection based on Unified State Exam scores and personal achievements, professional suitability, and health conditions are completely the same. There are minor concessions only when determining the level of physical fitness. Girls applying for cadet status take the torso bend, 100-meter dash and 1 km race.

According to the results of last year’s admissions campaign, 65% of applicants were not selected due to poor physical fitness or low Unified State Examination results. Due to unsatisfactory health and insufficient professional suitability, only 6% of candidates dropped out. The competition among female VMedA applicants is much higher than among male students.

Branch of VMedA in Moscow

The capital branch of the Military Medical Academy operates on the basis of military hospitals and departmental sanatoriums in Moscow and is focused on postgraduate training of doctors and education under vocational training programs. The branch has the following levels:

  • medical college, which provides training in the specialty “nursing” (2 years 10 months);
  • residency (2-3 years depending on the specialty);
  • advanced training for military doctors (from 14 days to a year);
  • professional retraining.

Residency training is conducted on the basis of one of 4 departments: military healthcare management; emergency treatment; integrative and oriental medicine; emergency surgery and oncology. Possible areas of training are therapy, surgery, exercise therapy and sports medicine, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology, healthcare organization and public health.

The cost of residency training ranges from 90 thousand (physical therapy and sports medicine) to 180 thousand (neurology; cardiovascular surgery); other specialties - 160 thousand rubles.

Students of civilian medical universities who have completed 4 courses of study in one of four specialties: medical-preventive or general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics can enroll in higher education programs at VMI FSB by transfer. Age limit - 27 years. Only young men are accepted.

Admission is based on the results of a comprehensive certification, which includes:

  • determination of suitability for admission for health reasons (applicants undergo a medical examination at the military medical service of the FSB Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region);
  • assessment of academic performance for 4 completed medical university courses (the average score is calculated based on data from the certificate for the period of study);
  • selection by level of physical fitness.

If the candidate has passed the selection, the FSB Military Medical Institute sends a certificate confirming the transfer to the applicant’s alma mater within 5 days.

Graduates of the institute, physicians - employees of state security agencies and other law enforcement agencies can enter the residency program at the VMI FSB. List of specialties:

  • therapy; surgery; traumatology and orthopedics;
  • pediatrics; obstetrics and gynecology;
  • urology;
  • general dentistry;
  • psychiatry;
  • general hygiene; healthcare organization; epidemiology;
  • neurology; . anesthesiology-reanimatology;
  • oncology.

Admission is based on the results of a 60-minute computer test, consisting of 60 random questions included in the unified database of assessment tools of the Ministry of Health. As an alternative, the admissions committee, at the applicant’s request, can count the results of testing that took place as part of the accreditation procedure in the current or previous year.

Graduates of schools and colleges at the Military Medical Institute of the FSB have access to training at the vocational training level in the specialty “medicine”. The conditions for admission are the same as for military doctors - preliminary selection (but not by military registration and enlistment offices, but by state security agencies), medical examination, and professional selection. Admission is based on the average score of a certificate or college diploma. Major subjects - Russian, biology, chemistry.


To become a military doctor, you can make a roundabout tactical maneuver. Its essence consists of completing studies at a classical or medical university that has a military department with the appropriate specialty, and the subsequent transition to contract service. There are few such universities, but they still exist.

List of universities that have military departments and training centers with medical specialties:

University Civil areas of university training and medical specialties of the military department (center) Notes
1. FEFU (Far Eastern Federal University) Biotechnical systems and technologies 04/12/04 Candidates for admission can be 1st year master's students of the FEFU School of Biomedicine
2. PMGMU (Sechenov University)
  • military radiology, toxicology, medical defense
  • military epidemiology and hygiene
  • organization of sanitary and epidemiological support of the armed forces
  • physiology of military labor
  • medical support for troops
Admission before age 24.
3. TSMU (Pacific Medical University, Vladivostok)

Military registration specialties (VUS):

  • 901200 “medical practice in the Navy
  • 901000 “medical practice in ground forces”
Since 2019, recruitment for contract service has been suspended
4. MGSMU im. Evdokimova VUS - 902900 “dentistry” Graduates are awarded the rank of "lieutenant of medical service"
5. Tula State University (Tula) Biotechnical systems and technologies 03/12/04 Reserve Sergeant Training
6. SPbSU
  • Clinical psychology 03.04.01
  • Psychology 03/37/01
  • Psychology of professional activity 05.37.02
Training of reserve sergeants, VUS - 187182 “commander of the radiation chemical reconnaissance department.” Admission of students after the first year, but not later than the third.

Where do graduates work?

The issue of employment for graduates of a military medical academy or institute is decided upon admission: the Ministry of Defense is responsible for the distribution of army doctors. You must work under the contract for at least 5 years.

Possible duty stations:

  • hospitals;
  • Ministry of Defense clinics;
  • army units and units;
  • Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Entering a military medical university is not easy; as an option for building a career, you can consider obtaining a doctor’s diploma from any specialized civilian university with subsequent (before turning 35 years old) concluding a contract for military service. But the future military doctor must be an officer, otherwise it will be possible to work only as a paramedic, medical instructor or nurse (nurse) - these are the positions available to privates, sergeants and warrant officers.

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