Outline of a group speech therapy session aimed at correcting optical dysgraphia. List of used literature

Alesya Korolkova

Differentiation of sounds N-M.

Preparatory group


1. Teach children to give a comparative description of the sounds N, M.

2. Teach children to distinguish the sounds N, M in syllables, words, and by ear.

3. Learn to visually distinguish the letters N and M.

4. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.

5. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have two dolls visiting us. And both without a name.

Guys, let's help the dolls come up with names. The name of one doll should begin with the sound M, and the other with the sound N (Natasha and Masha). Today we will learn to distinguish these sounds.

Give a description of the sound N. (The sound N is consonant, hard, voiced).

And now the characteristics of the sound M. (The sound M is consonant, hard, voiced).

What are the similarities? What is the difference?

Now let's check how you can distinguish them. Pick up the letters M and N. I will say syllables and words, if you hear the sound M or N, then show the corresponding letter.

Syllables: an, am, om, ut, yn, ma, na, pa, mu.

Words: Natasha, poppy, mind, cinema, com, con.

Selection of words with the sounds M and N: Let's give pictures to doll Masha and doll Natasha:

poppy, knife, T-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, com, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

Now change the sound M in the word to the sound N:

Masha is our Wash - whine Frames - wounds

Mil - nil Washing - whining Lump - skate

Mig - Nick Flour - science Females - sled

Lady - given House - Don Herself - Sanya

Rama - early Kom - dream Dima - Dina

Misha - niche There - tone Mol - zero

Name the pictures. Determine the place of the sound N, M in the names of the pictures:

poppy, knife, T-shirt, macaque, elephant, ringing, catfish, com, bow, book, laughter, bag, sled.

Well done guys!

What does the letter N look like? and the letter M?

Lay out letters from counting sticks.

Now complete the tasks in your notebooks. Color the letter M and N blue.

Determine which sound M or N is hidden in each word. Write the letters M or N in the squares. Color the pictures.

What sounds have we learned to distinguish? Give them a description.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [t]-[d]. Our Motherland" Topic: Sounds [t - d]. Goal: Differentiation of sounds [t - d] Objectives: Correctional - educational: 1) clarify the acoustic features of sounds.

Topic: “Differentiation K - G” Type of lesson: lesson to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities. Goal: to teach to distinguish sounds and letters K-G orally.


Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [s]-[w]” Goal: to differentiate the sounds [s], [w] in isolated pronunciation and in reverse syllables. Main tasks: Correctional and educational:.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [S]-[W]” I. Organizational information (According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education) 1 Dominant educational area Speech development 2 Type of children's activity Play,.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [Ш] and [Х]” Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to identify similarities and differences between the sounds [w] and [z]. Continue to develop children’s ability to identify sounds [w].

Summary of the subgroup speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [S]-[W]” Summary of the subgroup speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of sounds [s-sh]" Purpose: Differentiation and consolidation of the correct one.

Differentiation of sounds K-T-G-D

teacher-speech therapist MDOU

"Kizilsky kindergarten No. 3"

With normal speech development, the sounds of “early ontogenesis” K, G, T, D are acquired by preschoolers by the age of 2-3 years.

One of the common defects in pronunciation is the replacement of the sounds K, G with the sounds T, D.

In the literature, enough attention has been paid to the production and automation of the rear lingual sounds K, G (,),

However, in practice in recent years, we have increasingly encountered cases of replacing the sounds T, D with the sounds K, G by preschool children.

When working with such children, difficulties arose in finding lexical material for the automation of the sounds T, D and their differentiation with the sounds K, G.

To solve this problem, we selected lexical material for correcting the sounds T, D

1. Formation of perception of sounds T, D.

- "Clap (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear the sound T, D)."

The sounds are named interspersed with any sounds except G, K.

- “Clap (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear the syllable (ta, tu, from, dy, to).”

One of these syllables is called interspersed with any other syllables that do not contain the sounds G, D.

- “Clap your hands (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear a word with the sound T: (work, lotto, cloud, fog, mouth, table)”

- "Clap your hands (raise your hand, flag, chip) when you hear a word with the sound D"

(gardens, melon, smoke, daughter, outfits)

One of these words is named interspersed with any other words.

2. Isolated pronunciation of the sound T, D).

Repeated isolated pronunciation of a sound based on symbols or pictures (woodpecker and wheels)

"How do the train wheels rattle? - t-t-t,

How does a woodpecker knock on wood? - d-d-d.

The teacher shows the pictures one by one - the child pronounces the sounds T or D

3. Automation of T sound in layer gah

ta-ta-ta, to-to-to, to-to-to, you-to-you, to-to-to, to-to-to, to-you-to,

at-yat-ut, yut-et-it, at-at-at, ut-ut-ut, it-it-it, yat-yat-yat, ut-ut-ut, et-et-et, etc. d.

4. Automation of the sound D in syllables

yes-yes-yes, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do, de-de-de

yes-dy-do, de-do-du, ada-oda-udu, uda-oda-ida, etc.

5. Automation of the T sound in words.

there, Tom, Tanya. Tolya, Tonya, Tom, Tamara, shoes, cabinet, axe, pipe, here, cloud;

salad, robe, fireworks, light, hello, mouth, mole, ticket, brother, leaf, writes, squeaks, flies,

flight, pilot, plane, howls, sings, draws, sculpts, beats, sleeps, sews, carries, carries, sits, does, lies, washes, reads, licks, offends;

old, curtain, hard, notes, table, chair, bus, wolf cubs, guys, girls, calves, lambs, chickens, ducklings, piglets, foxes, goslings, puppies

6. Automation of the D sound in words.

house, smoke, ladies, Danil, blowing, giving, melon, hole, thinking, firewood, oaks, yard, daughter, dacha, distance, giving, door, yard, Dasha, giving,

gardens, throws, outfits, melon, beard, cold, give out, dishes, water, here, trouble, medal, pedal, ice, necessary, rows, nearby, palms, lunches, victory, team, pyramid, shower, hollow, perfume,

7. Automation of sounds T, D in phrases and sentences

(simultaneous pronunciation of sounds T and D is allowed)

Tanya makes a salad. Tamara has new shoes. Tonya and Tolya are drawing. Airplanes fly there. Tonya sews a robe and curtains. An ax and a pipe lie near the cabinet. Guys and girls are sitting on the bus. The plane flies behind a cloud. The brother is sitting on a chair at the table. Dasha gave Danil new pencils. Smoke is coming from the chimney. There's a fountain there.

Wolf cubs and fox cubs hid in the forest. Smoke is coming from the chimney. Danila’s house is far from the gardens. Tolya and Dasha go to dinner. They opened the door and it became cold. Danil and Tolya wash their palms; they will have lunch. Cold water is poured into the bucket. Tamara has a plane and is taking off. Here are gardens, and there are houses.

Tanya is there. Tom is here. Here are your shoes. I think Danya is sleeping. The bunnies left tracks. Tom takes the lipstick. Piglets are sleeping in the garden. Dad tightens the screw. The guys are playing lotto. Tanya takes out dominoes. The foals are standing near the house. Grandfather chops wood. Grandfather has a beard. Baby squirrels are sitting in a hollow. There is water in the shower. Friends eating melon. Tolya walks across the bridge.

8.Differentiation of sounds K-T,

Differentiation of K-T sounds by ear.

1. Alternate naming of isolated sounds. Game "Rain - Train". Instructions: “When I say “rain”, you pronounce the sound K, when I say “train”, you pronounce the sound T.”

2. Game "Palm-fist".

The child shows his palm if he hears a syllable with the sound T, clenches his palm into a fist if he hears a syllable with the sound K.

Differentiation of sounds K-T in syllables

Repetition of one, two and three syllables with the sounds K-T.

ka - ta - ka, ta-ta - ka, ta-ka, ka-ta, ko-to, to-ko, tu-ku, ku-tu, at-ak, at-ak, ut-uk, uk - ut

to-to-ko, to-to-to-ku, to-to-to, to-to-to, ak-at-ak, yat-yak-yat, o-ok-ok,

you-ky-ky, it-ik-ik, ik-it-ik, ka-ta-ka, ku-ku-tu, aka-ata, oto-oko,

ita-ika, tla-kla, ank-ant, ink-int, fta-fka, etc.

. Differentiation of K-T sounds in words

tank, cat, grass, crib, gate, bush, captain, current, rope, tassel, swallow, scarf, parsley, cheesecake, joke, couch, hammer, bone, plate, current, jumps, whines, pumpkin, office

paints, hood, rolls, digs, drags, branch, duck, room, hooves, skating rink, skein, so, cage, potatoes, candy, jacket, knock, hammer, boat.

9.Differentiation of sounds G-D

Differentiation of G-D sounds by ear.

1. Alternate naming of isolated sounds. Game "Geese-Woodpecker". Instructions: “When I say “Geese”, you pronounce the sound “G”, when I say “Woodpecker”, you pronounce the sound “D”.

2. Game "Palm-fist".

The child shows his palm if he hears a syllable with the sound G, clenches his palm into a fist if he hears a syllable with the sound D.

Differentiation of G-D sounds in syllables

Repetition of one, two and three syllables with the sounds G-D.

Ga-da, dy-gy, go-do, do-go-do, doo-doo-gu, gee-dye-gye, oga-oda, oda-oga-oga, gna-dna, gra-dra-dra, dly-gly-gly, etc.

Differentiation of G-D sounds in words

catches up, cities, berries, friend, rainbow, vegetable gardens, road, guesses, weather, guess T

10.Differentiation of sounds K-T, G-D in sentences

Katya has a red jacket. The bunny eats a carrot. Danil plays as a tank. This is a gift from his friend Sergei. There are bones on the plates. The puppy whines near the garden. The cow eats grass. Dasha is walking with Tanya. Tolya reads a newspaper and a book. There is parsley on the plates. Galya and her friend are working in the garden. The hammer lies on the table. A bunny is jumping under a bush. The road runs along the garden. Galya is painting the house. After the rain a rainbow is visible. Thunder rumbles over the house. The fairy tale talks about a good gnome. The guys go to the skating rink. Tolya and Galya are skating at the skating rink. Katya reads the fairy tale “Puss in Boots.” Natasha was bitten by a mosquito. Vaska the cat loves milk and sour cream. Kolya drags a huge pike from the river with a fishing rod. A rainbow is visible over the city. A parrot sits in a cage. A cat and a whale are drawn on the card. Potatoes grow in the garden. Geese are grazing far away.

Katya collects a bouquet. A fly is flying in the room. The house has two floors. Kolya eats cake. There is a cactus on the table. The sailor looks through binoculars. I'm going to the pharmacy for cotton wool. Tanya puts on a jacket. There is a chest of drawers in the room. Mom puts on a scarf. There are sweets on the plate. Grandfather pulls a turnip. The stork's nest is high. There is a bus at the stop. A cat is sitting on the window. The spider weaves a web. Katya has a beautiful bow. Grandfather sees a hippopotamus.

11.Differentiation of sounds K-T, G-D in pure tongues

Ta-ka, ka-ka - we saw a beetle

Ick-it, ick-it - the plane is flying

Now, now, now - he will fly far away

Ka-ta, ka-ta - we let the cat in

Ut-uk, ut-uk - planting onions in the garden

Ak-at, ak-at - Katya tears the salad

Whoa, whoa, whoa - there are bridges on the river

At-ak, at-ak - there is a tank in the garden

Aha-ada, aha-ada, - there is a high fence

Don-gon, don-gon - there is an empty carriage

After the sounds M, N have been introduced and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse these sounds.

Practical material on differentiating sounds M - N

1. Repeat the syllables.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Tanya is at home. Masha is cleaning the room. Nata washes his hands. Anton drinks milk. Mom put on her coat. Masha wrote a letter. The subject is talking on the phone. Nina collects daisies. Roma saw an elephant. Nonna bought a bag. Vanya draws in an album. Galina saw smoke from the chimney. Tom wears a sundress. Lena washes the frame. Masha is carrying a sled. Mom forgot her umbrella. Masha put on high boots. Roma goes to the cinema. Masha loves viburnum. Roma takes care of the horses. Misha saw a rhinoceros. Misha wrote a note to Natya.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Ma - na - ma - the lady is coming.

Ma - na - ma - winter has come.

Na - ma - na - Lena sings.

We - we - we - we wash the frames.

We - we - we - we eat bananas.

Mi - no - mi - we walk on our own.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.

Lots of water, lots of grass.

Skillful in words, incompetent in the eyes.

The century is long - it’s full of everything.

Skill is half the battle.

Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

Behind the cockroach with a drum, behind the mosquito with an axe.

Called for raspberries

Marina Galina.

Galina Marina

Called across the viburnum.

7. Repeat the riddles.

What is the name of the bush? He

Throws the trash out.


Molten Arrow

An oak felled near the village.


If sharpened well,

He cuts everything very easily -

Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

Fish, apples and butter.


8. Learn a poem.

Don't argue, it's the letter "am"!

No, "mu"!

No, "meh"!

Not there"! Am! Am!..

Such a racket went up,

Such a terrible noise and scream!..

Completely confused

Scientist dog, goat and bull,

Seeing the letter M...

(A. Shibaev)

9. Game “Make sentences”.

The adult asks the child to make sentences based on the following reference words:

10. Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Mom bought Nina a doll. Nina really liked the new toy. She named the doll Masha. Masha had a lot of clothes, a crib, and a pacifier. Nina really enjoyed feeding Masha, dressing her, and walking with her. Even at night the girl did not part with her doll. Masha slept next to Nina on the pillow and had beautiful dreams. Masha became Nina's real friend.

List of used literature

1. Alifanova K. A., Kgorova N. E. Speech therapy rhymes and miniatures. A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. - M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2001.

2. Hegelia N. A. Correction of pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren and adults. - M.: Vlados, 1999.

3. Entertaining ABC studies / Comp. V.V. Volina. - M.: Education, 1991.

4. Kozak O. Riddles and tongue twisters. - St. Petersburg: Union, 1997.

5. Kozyreva L. M. Speech therapy manual. - M.: School, 2000.

6. Leongard E.I. Formation of oral speech and development of auditory perception in deaf preschoolers, - M.: Education, 1971.

7. Maksakov A.I. Does your child speak correctly? - M.: Education, 1982.

8. Russian proverbs and sayings / Ed. V. P. Anikina. - M.: Fiction, 1988.

9. Collection of riddles / Comp. M. T. Karpenko. - M.: Education, 1988.

10. Sukhin I.G. Funny tongue twisters for “naughty” sounds. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2002.

11. T "umanova T. V. Correction of sound pronunciation in children. - M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2000.

12. Tsvshtarny V. We play, listen, imitate - we get sounds. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 1998.

The speech therapist puts symbols on the board to indicate the letters of the lesson.

III . Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Remember the words from the last task and name them for the gnome and for the cat.

Lesson 16. Differentiation of letters k - n, K - N in phrases, sentences and text.

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about the letters of the lesson; teach children to differentiate the letters of the lesson in words, sentences and text; develop in children the skills of sound-letter analysis, the ability to construct sentences from individual words, visual perception, and logical thinking.

Equipment: letters k-n, K-N, K-N, k-n (write on the board); cards with words; manual "Chineword"; album 2.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

1. Development of visual attention and logical thinking.

Speech therapist: Put the words in pairs and remember the topic of the lesson.

Cards with words:



(Cats are notes, porridge is ours, crusts are minks)

2.Formulate and write down the topics for the lesson on the board.

II . Main part of the lesson

1. Development of logical thinking.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddles of the cat and the gnome.

What's that creak, what's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?


Round, crumbly, white.

She came to the table from the fields

Salt it a little

It's really delicious...


- Tell me, hunter, really:

How did you meet the wolf?

He wanted to run away, but

I walked straight into... (trap)

2.Working with the “Nose” manual (task 6, p. 20).

Speech therapist: The gnome has brought you an interesting game.

1. Insert the missing letters I or Ш into the words.

R__ka we__ka __group

Gla pu__ka __zbu__ka

2. Insert the missing letters I or Ш. Write down the phrases.

fucking bitch

mom__na cha__ka

p__sovaya ka__a

Scarf, grandmother, knits, Sasha.

Independent work No. 27

Differentiation L – M

1. Insert the missing letters L or M into the words.

co__ar __odka __e__kiy

help __arch __a__ina

2. Insert the missing letters L or M. Write down the phrases.

E__ky __uk

And juice

Isya __horde

3. Make a sentence from these words and write it down.

Kissel, Marina, raspberry, loves.

Independent work No. 28

Differentiation K–N

1. Insert the missing letters K or N into the words.

b__ti__ clow__ __angry__o__

Anava __i__ka __i__o

2. Insert the missing letters K or N. Write down the phrases.

Lubo__ __ito__


beautiful boy

3. Make a sentence from these words and write it down.

I bought it, a red bow, Marina.

Independent work No. 29

Differentiation N–P

1. Insert the missing letters N or P into the words.

Ushka ka__ava __avli__

A__ka k__iga __a__ama

2. Insert the missing letters N or P. Write down the phrases.

blue __a__ama


woolly __faces

3. Make a sentence from these words and write it down.

Dad, I received a letter, registered.


1. Barylkina L.P., Matraeva I.P., Obukhova L.P. These difficult consonants: How to help a child with writing and reading disorders: A manual for teachers, speech therapists and parents. – M.: 2005.

2. Efimenkova L.N.

Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic perception. Issue 1. – M.: Knigoloub, 2003.

3. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic hearing. Issue 2. Part 2. Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants. – M.: Knigoloub, 2005.

4. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. – M.: VLADOS, 2001.

5. Kobzareva L.G., Rezunova M.P., Yushina G.N. Corrective work with schoolchildren with NVOND or OHP at the first stage of education. – Voronezh: Uchitel Publishing House, 2000.

6. Kozyreva L.M. Riddles of sounds, letters, syllables. Notebook for speech therapy classes No. 1. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2001.

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10. Mazanova E.V. Speech therapy. Dysgraphia caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis: A set of notebooks on corrective speech therapy work with children with developmental disabilities. Notebook 1. M.: Aquarium BUK LLC, 2004.

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