Lesson plan for reading with the letter d. Teaching literacy

Introducing a new sound and the letter it is denoted by;

Mastering the ability to characterize sounds;

Formation of the skill of conscious reading of words and sentences with studied letters.

2) Developmental:

Help enrich students' vocabulary with new words

Develop phonemic awareness and creative imagination.

3) Educational

Cultivating diligence and curiosity in the learning process

To promote kindness and the ability to enjoy the successes of friends



develop a positive attitude towards learning; desire to acquire new knowledge; teach self-assessment of your actions.


learn to accept information presented in schematic form; compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships.


learn to accept a learning task and follow the teacher’s instructions;

learn to analyze your work.


develop the ability to work in pairs, small groups, to participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; learn to express and justify your point of view.



The bell has already rung,

Let's start our lesson.

Good morning everyone!!!

Children sit down at their desks, check seating:

Hands? - On the spot!

Legs? - Together!

Elbows? - At the edge!

Back? - Direct!

Well done!

The student greets the guests with a poem: We were expecting guests today

And they greeted us with excitement.

Are we good at

Don't judge too harshly

After all, we studied a little.

Guys! Today we have a lot of guests at our lesson. Someone saw familiar faces. Let's show how we can work and what we have learned.

I’m interested to know from you, in what mood did you come to class today?

Raise the traffic lights..! Amazing! I hope that by the end of the lesson everyone will be in a great mood.


Let's start our work with repetition. Eyes on the ribbon of letters!

What groups are sounds in the Russian alphabet divided into?

What can you say about vowels?

Let's call it!

What can you say about consonants?

Let's call it!


We have guys who have prepared riddles for you. The guys will guess, and you try to guess them.

Here's a funny incident. My relatives live in it.

A cloud settled in the bathroom. I can't live without her

Rain pours from the ceiling I go to it always and everywhere
On my back and sides. I won’t forget the way to him.

How nice this is! I can hardly breathe without him,

The rain is warm, heated My shelter, dear, warm.....(home)

There are no visible puddles on the floor,

What is this? This is……..(shower)

Its spring and summer I'm comfortable, very soft,

We saw him dressed, it’s not difficult for you to guess -

And in the fall, with the poor thing, Dad loves, taking the newspaper

Ripped off all the shirts (tree) Sit and lie down (sofa)

What new letter appears in each word? (D)

What do you think the lesson will be about?

What would you like to know about this letter? And what to learn in class?


Well, let’s start looking for answers to the questions posed!

I suggest working in groups!

But before we work in a group, let's review the rules of working in a group!

1. Respect your comrade.

2. Know how to listen to everyone.

3. If you don’t agree, suggest it!

And now the groups get a task!

I gr - analyze wordsSHOWER HOUSE WOOD SOFA

Find out what sound the letter D gives us, vowel or sogl? Bring evidence!
IIgr - analyze the words Find out whether the sound the letter D makes is voiced or unvoiced? Explain how they proved it!
IIIgr - analyze words Find out whether the sound the letter D makes is hard or soft? Justify the answer! Checking the work!!! And so, let’s summarize:

    The letter D stands for what sound? -SOGL This sound is voiced -Can be hard and soft
-Which pocket should we put this letter in? -Which place do you think? -What did you notice?
PHYSMINUTE (conducted by a student)

The children got up early in the morning,

We went into the forest to pick mushrooms.

(Walk in place.)

Squatted, squatted,

A white mushroom was found in the grass.


Honey mushrooms grow on the stump,

Lean towards them guys

Bend over, one-two-three

And take them into the basket!


There's a nut on the tree.

Who will jump the highest?


We wandered in the forest for three hours,

All the paths started.

Guys, in order to better remember the letter, I suggest working in pairs! You have a set of counting sticks on your desks! Construct the letter D from counting sticks! -What does it look like?
-Name the words in which the sound d or d is found! -Look in our alphabet we have two letters D? Why are two letters needed? - Stand up, please, children whose names contain the sounds d or d! DENIS VLADISLAV VLADIMIR
-Who knows the names of rivers that begin with the letter D? - And name the musical instrument. Starting with the letter D!-A, write the days of the week that you meet. letter D! - Mammal. lives in the sea!
Write on the board: D D D D D D Let's turn this entry into syllables! Read the syllables together! Children with weak reading abilities read selectively! Model diagrams! What did you notice! Once again they draw a conclusion (about soft and hard according to sound)
And now I change the position of the vowels! They read the syllables together! They read weakly! They model patterns! Why is there a sound in the syllable ED?
Guys, to read the text that the authors of the textbook offer us, let's read the difficult words that we will encounter in the text UNDERWATERDIVERDIFFICULT(they come out reading weakly, read, then in chorus)
-Name a word that denotes people’s profession! -What other professions do you know? -Self-reading. Who understood what the story was about? In the text? -Learning to read. What kind of work did Dima and Nadya’s parents do? -And now, you will hear the continuation of this story and answer my question....-What profession names are present in this story?
“A diver is a jack of all trades. You have to be under water anda mechanic, and an assembler, and a builder, and a blaster, and an electric welder.”
We will continue our conversation about professions in the next lesson!
At the beginning of the lesson, we asked ourselves questions to which we had to find answers. Did we answer these questions? Then, complete my sentences: Today in class: I learned……. I learned….. I had difficulty…… I liked it…..
Each person evaluate their work! Evaluate the work of the class! In what mood do we end the lesson? Show!
Well done! Thanks everyone for the good work!

Natalya Mukhovikova
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound and letter [D]”

Subject: Sound and letter D.

Target: introduce children to sound and letter D.


Teach to characterize sound[D] based on acoustic and articulatory characteristics, analyze syllables;

Practice highlighting sound[D] in the middle and beginning of words;

Develop phonemic processes in children;

reinforce concepts: syllable, word, sentence;

Train in laying out a sentence diagram;

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and complete the assigned task.

Equipment: mirrors, table, designations sounds, subject pictures, the title of which contains sound [D], letter D, teaching aid « Zvukarik» , pencil cases for laying out the sentence diagram.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - The one who determines the number of syllables in word:

hammock, ball, Tanya, fly, bathhouse, raspberry, owl, paw, paper, juice, ditch.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: - Listen to the words. Which 1st the sound in these words?

Children: - sound [D].

Speech therapist: - today we will meet sound [D].

3. Articulation gymnastics. (performed in front of a mirror)

Fence - tube, let's brush our teeth (lower ones only).

Pronouncing phrases.

Yes, yes, yes, the water is running.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll find you.

Do-do-do - the beep sounds.

Do-do-do - the gardens are blooming.

Our tongue is ready to go.

4. Acoustic-articulatory image sound.

Speech therapist: -Say sound [D].

Choral and individual performance sound [D].

[D] with observation of articulation before mirror: The lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue touches the upper front teeth.

The air does not come out freely, it meets obstacle: tongue and upper teeth. Means, sound D - consonant, we will denote it with a blue chip. Now listen to how firmly I say sound [D]: Y-y-y.

Sound [D] - consonant, hard, will be denoted in blue.

Several children repeat the full description sound [D].

5. Communication sounds and letters.

Getting to know letter D. Show letters. "Write" letter D in the air, and then on the table with your fingers.

Invite children to name objects that they resemble letter D.

One child finds letter among others.

6. Development of phonemic hearing. A game “Clap, don’t yawn!”

Children should clap their hands when they hear the syllables sound [D], among others syllables: yes, mu, ko, ta, do, we, tu, do, po, yes, dy, ka, do, etc.

7. Consolidation sound in syllables.

Then the speech therapist pronounces the syllable YES in an exaggerated manner.

Together with the children, he performs a detailed analysis of this syllable.

Following the analysis, a game is played "Living Syllables".

Two children go to the board and stand "living syllables": the speech therapist says which of them will be which sound, and children choose the appropriate color designation.

Speech therapist (puts the children next to each other and names the resulting syllable):

This is the syllable YES.

What Olya are we like? sound? (Sound A.)

And what about Vanya? sound? (Sound D.)

The same is true sound analysis of the syllable DU(other children come out).

Physical education minute

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up.

We'll spread our hands

And we'll all go in circles

8. Consolidation sound in words.

Location determination sound D in words:

Melon, house, dishes, oaks, gift, pencils, pillow, water, etc.

Children indicate location sound in« sound house» (dactic game « Zvukarik» ).

Speech therapist sound [D] at the beginning of a word?

Children: - two.

L: - Name which ones?

Children: - Melon and oak trees.

Speech therapist: - How many pictures, in the title of which sound[D] in the middle of a word?

Children: - two.

L: - Name which ones?

Children: - Pencils and a pillow.

9. Consolidation sound in sentences.

Speech therapist: Guess what I wished for.

They grow in the forest. They have There is: roots, trunk, branches, leaves.

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - Come up with a sentence of 4 words.

Children: - Oak trees grow in the forest.

Speech therapist: - What is the 1st word?

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - What is the 2nd word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the 3rd word?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - What is the 4th word?

Children: - Forest.

You can play the game "Live offer".

Speech therapist: How many words are there in a sentence?

Children: - Four words.

Speech therapist: - What is the action word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the smallest word in the sentence?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - The little word B is a preposition.

Speech therapist: - Lay out the outline of the proposal. And Pasha is at the blackboard.

Speech therapist: - What is the 1st word?

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - What is the 2nd word?

Children: - Growing.

Speech therapist: - What is the 3rd word?

Children: - IN.

Speech therapist: - What is the 4th word?

Children: - Forest.

Speech therapist: - Look at the board and check with you?

Children: - Yes.

Speech therapist: - I point to the word out of order. And you name it.

Speech therapist: - Well done.

Speech therapist: - What is the word in the sentence with sound [D]

Children: - Oak trees.

Speech therapist: - Where do we hear in the word OAKS sound [D](at the beginning, in the middle, at the end?

Children: - In the word oaks we hear sound [D] at the beginning of a word.

Speech therapist: - What color should you take a square to indicate sound [D]?

Children: - Blue square.

Speech therapist: - Take a square and put it at the beginning of the word.

Speech therapist: - Well done, you put everything right.

16. Summary classes.

Speech therapist: With which met by sound? Which one sound?

Name words with this sound.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Alkeevskaya basic secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Summary of a literacy lesson on the topic: “Sounds [d], [d,]. Letters D, d."

Kamaretdinova Guzelia Nigatovna,

primary school teacher of the highest qualification category.

Lesson topic:“Sounds [d], [d,]. Letters D, d."

The purpose of the lesson: introduce the sounds [d], [d, ] and the letters “D, d”; to develop the skill of correct, syllabic, expressive, conscious reading.

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge, accumulating factual material, and comprehending it.

Lesson format: traditional lesson using multimedia.

Planned learning outcome and formation of UUD:

P cognitive UUD: to develop the ability to distinguish sounds and letters, vowels and consonants; the ability to draw up word diagrams, divide words into syllables, and highlight stressed syllables; the ability to retell what you read; enrich students' vocabulary; develop children's phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, and cognitive interests.

R regulative UUD: to develop the ability to independently identify and formulate the purpose of the entire lesson and a separate task; the ability to compare, analyze, group, classify, generalize.

L personal UUD: to form a positive attitude towards literary reading lessons; attentive attitude to the beauty of the surrounding world, to the moral content of actions; formation of self-esteem based on criteria for the success of educational activities.

TO communicative UUD: to develop the ability to work collectively, in pairs, groups; exercise mutual control

Basic concepts: letters “D, d”, sounds [d], [d, ].

Interdisciplinary connections: the world.

Elements of modern educational technologies:

health-saving (physical exercises, changing types of activities, attention exercises, games);

personality-oriented (individual tasks during work);

information and communication technology (use of multimedia teaching aids);

problem-based learning (partially search-based).

Software: set of teaching aids UMK "Perspective".

  1. I.Organizing time.

Ding-ding-dong -
The bell is ringing
The lesson begins.
We sit at the desk harmoniously -
And we behave calmly.

  1. II.Updating knowledge.
    1. 1. Getting to know sounds[d], [d"]
    2. 4. Introducing the letters D, d.
    3. Reading words with the letter d.(slide No. 6)
    4. 2. Reading text. Reading to yourself. Reading aloud. (p.12)

Guys, today we are again going to the country where letters and sounds live.

Let's remember how sounds and letters differ?

(We hear and pronounce sounds, and we see and write letters)

1. Game “Sound, letter”

Let's play the game "Sound, letter."

When I say a sound, you clap, a letter, you stomp.

[r], ka, [n"], em, [t], [z"], ve, [k], es, [l"], en

2. Repetition of what has been covered about sounds.

The sea is noisy (sh-sh-sh)

The seagulls are screaming - (ah-ah-ah)

Flies are ringing - (z-z-z)

The wind howls - (ooh-ooh)

What did you say? (sounds).

What sounds are there? (vowels and consonants).

How do vowels differ from consonants?

III. Self-determination of the lesson topic.

Imagine that you have a pipe in your hands. (Children raise their hands to the mouth, imitating playing the pipe)

How do they blow a trumpet? (doo-doo-doo)

Only boys will play. (Doo-doo-doo)

What new sound do we hear at the beginning of each word? (Sound [d])

And now the bell rang. How does it ring? (Ding-ding-ding).

Only girls will repeat. (Ding-ding-ding)

What sound do we hear at the beginning of words? (Sound [d"])

Who can name the topic of the lesson? (Consonant sounds [d], [d"], letters D, d)

What should we learn in class? (Distinguish between the sounds [d] and [d"], learn everything about the letter D, read syllables, words and sentences with the letter D.)

IV.Learning new material.

Help me complete the sentences (slide number 1)

This is our... (home).

Above the house... (smoke).

Near the house... (tree).

On the tree... (hollow).

At the hollow... (woodpecker).

Leads to the house... (path).

Sitting at the house... (grandfather).

What interesting things did you notice? (All words begin with sounds[d], [d"])

Let's do a little research and find out what these sounds are.

Let's work in pairs. Make sound patterns for the words house and tree. What sounds should we look for in these words? ([d], [d"])

(Students in pairs make diagrams) ( slide No. 2,3)

How many syllables are in the word house?

How many syllables are in the word tree?

Which syllable is stressed?

In which word is [d], and in which is [d"].

Let's tell you everything about the sounds [d], [d"].

([d] – consonant, hard, voiced; [d"] – consonant, soft, voiced)

2.Introduction to paired sound.

(We heard a new sound [t])

Indeed, you heard a new sound.

What do you think can be said about the sounds “de” and “te”?

Well done! Such sounds are called paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Name the objects in the class whose names contain the sounds [d], [d"]

(Door, board, clothes, window sill)

Come up with your own words with the sounds [d] and [d"].

3. Game "Catch the Sound".

[D] - the boys stand up. [D"] - the girls stand up.

Business, domino, pipe, Dima, girlfriend, children, joy, carnation, Denis, friendship, girl, daughter, good.

How many of you know the correct name of the letter that represents the sounds [d], [d"]? (Letter de)

Look what the letter D looks like (slide No. 4)

Why are there two of them? ( Capital - used at the beginning of a sentence, in the names of people, names of animals, names of cities, villages, rivers, etc., lowercase - in writing other words)

What does the letter D look like?

This house is the letter D.
There is a window in the house.
There's smoke coming from the chimney,
And there is a cat in the window.

5. Reading syllables with sounds [d], [d’].(slide No. 5)

- Let's read it in chorus from the screen.

First read the syllables with a hard consonant, and then with a soft consonant.

V. Fizminutka

VI. Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech.

Where were the children?

What did they see?

Where did the oak tree come from?

Why did the old oaks protect the young oak?

What title can you choose for this text?

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Working on cards.

1.Distribute the letters into groups in different ways

D, G, B, F – capital letters

v, p, k, t – lowercase letters

D, G, B, v - voiced consonants

F, p, k, t – voiceless consonants

2. Game "Third Man".

(ah, uh, s - extra s

and, oh, y - extra and

t, d, k – extra k)

Game "Find the letter".

  1. VIII.Lesson summary. Reflection.

What letter did you learn about in class?

Tell us all about the letter D

(The letter D is a consonant, denotes two sounds: [d] - a consonant, hard voiced, and [d"] - a soft, voiced consonant. Forms a pair with the letter T in terms of voicedness-voicedness.)

So which group should we place D in?

To a group of consonant letters denoting voiced sounds)

If you think you did a good job in class, clap your hands.

Lesson topic: Sounds [d] – [d, ]. Letters "D d".


Educational (Educational):

− introduce children to the consonant sounds [d], [d"], the letter d;

− develop conscious reading skills;


 contribute to enriching students’ vocabulary with new words;

- develop voluntary attention;


− to promote kindness and the ability to enjoy the successes of friends.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

“Psychological attitude to work”

Let's smile at each other, children. Everyone, good morning everyone! Get out of the way, our laziness! Don’t stop me from working, don’t stop me from studying!

Now we have a literacy lesson!

Today we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters, learn to read it, but not only it, but also words and sentences where this letter will appear.

2. Updating knowledge.

Reading from the board:

3.Acquaintance with new sounds and letters.

1.) -He came to visit us for a lesson

Now listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale

Can you guess who came to us? (" Dr. Aibolit"

The teacher shows the portrait and tells what other works he wrote. (The Stolen Sun, The Cluttering Fly, Confusion, Fedorino's Grief, Moidodyr, etc.)

Doctor Aibolit invites us today to get acquainted with new sounds and letters.

But you will decide for yourself what new sounds and letters we will get to know. Help me finish this sentence.

This is our... (home).

Above the house... (smoke).

Near the house... (tree).

Called (oak)

Woodpecker sits on an oak tree

Leads to the house... (path).

Sitting at the house... (grandfather).

From the cloud came... (rain).

Name only the words you added.

What were the first sounds heard in these words?

What can you say about them? (Consonants can be hard and soft).

The sounds [d] – [d, ] are designated by the letter D

This is what the letter D looks like.

Listen to poems about the letter.

D - a house with a high roof.

We live in this house.

What does the printed letter D look like? (stove, house, etc.)

Help me collect the letter.

You have stripes on your desk, use them to form the letter D.

2. Reading syllables with the letter D.

Open the textbook p.109.

Let's read the syllables with the new letter.

3. Phys. just a minute.

4. Reading words and sentences.

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the sea

We found ourselves at sea.

After all, sea air gives us health, and not only, open your eyes

Open the textbook and look at the illustration.

Who do you see? (Divers, treasure).

This means that we may have treasures at the bottom of the sea.

Look, what kind of strange people are under water?

Who knows who it is?

People who swim underwater are called divers, they look for treasures and more, they study the seabed.

2. Reading words on page 109.

Let's read the words in a column.

Let's read the text

Open the letter box and type the word.

Dom, Dima

4. Riddles. Dividing the answers into syllables.

It will go back and forth two hundred times,
Although it stands still all day.

Name it guys
A month in this riddle,
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all the nights longer than the night,
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house,
And I won't go anywhere
Until he leaves.

Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leading.

I crawled out of the little barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
It’s okay that my fruit is small.

The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy,
He is without clouds, without clouds,
Ready to go all day.

A white pillar stands on the roof,
And it grows higher, higher,
Here he has grown to the skies,
And disappeared.

On the claws on the pine trunk
The red-headed fitter climbed in,
He worked hard
But the light did not flash in the forest.

Lesson summary.

- Doctor Aibolit gives us advice on how to properly monitor your health.

Listen to him.

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.

Well, in the morning he’s not lazy -

Is it charging?

Brush your teeth, wash your face,

They will be tempered, and then

You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies

Take off your friendship, don't change it!

Among them is quiet laziness,

You fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe

I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,

Wash your hands before eating

Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Go out for a walk

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:

I got sick,

Know. It's time for you to see a doctor.

Did you like Doctor Aibolit's advice?

− What new things did you learn, what did you learn?

Self-assessment of one’s own activities in the classroom.

− How did you work today?

- Who do you think did a very good job in our lesson today?

− What was interesting in the lesson?

Summary of direct educational activities

on teaching literacy to children 6-7 years old.

For ChPPK students.

Compiled and conducted by G.P. Povarnitsina.

January 2011

Subject: Sound and letter "D".

Software tasks:Introduce children to the sound “D” and the letter “D”.

Learn to do sound analysis of the word “house”. Come up with words with the sound “D” at the beginning, end and middle of the word. Come up with sentences where the words contain the sound “D”.

Material: subject and subject pictures, magnets for sound analysis of the word “house”, notebooks, pen.

Move: 1. Children enter the group and stand in a circle.

The one whose name begins with a vowel will sit.

Whose name begins with a soft consonant sound.

Whose name begins with a hard consonant sound.

2. Today we will introduce you to another interesting sound. Look carefully at the pictures and name what is shown on them.

What is the same sound heard in words? (sound D).

At the beginning, at the end or in the middle there is a sound D in the words: tub, pipe, melon, road.

When we pronounce the sound D, the tip of the tongue hits the cusps behind the upper teeth. Asks the children to pronounce the sound D.

The tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles and prevents the air from escaping freely when we pronounce the sound D.

Vowel or consonant sound D? Why?

Voiceless or voiced? Why?

3. -Let's come up with words with the sound D at the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word.

4. game “Say the Word.”

Once upon a time there was a cheerful gnome

He built...(a house) in the forest.

A smaller gnome lived nearby

I built...(a house) under a bush.

5. - Interesting word “house”. Let's look at this word.

How many syllables are in the word do-mik? (2 syllables).

Name the first syllable, the second syllable.

Name all the sounds in the word house in order.

Name the first sound in the word dddomik.

What sound is this? (consonant, hard, voiced)

What color should we use to mark it? Why?

What is the second sound in the word dooomic?

What sound is this? (vowel, hard, voiced), let's designate it... (red)

What is the 3rd sound in the word dommik?

What sound is this? (consonant, soft, voiced), let's designate it... (blue)

Etc. (According to the analysis of the word, the child works at the blackboard).

How many sounds are there in this word?

How many vowel sounds, name them?

How many consonant sounds can you name?

Name the hard consonant sounds.

6. Game "Traffic Light".

On the children's tables there are pictures with the sound D in their names.

If the sound D at the beginning of a word is a red light, in the middle of a word is a yellow light, and at the end of a word is a green light.

The teacher shows a red card, children who have a picture with the sound D at the beginning of the word move to the other side, etc.

7. Game “Many - One” (with a ball).

8. The sound D is indicated on the letter by the letter D (letter display).

What does this letter look like?

Gymnastics for fingers “Brothers”.

The teacher shows on the board and explains how the letter is printed.

Invites children to print it in the air, on their palm.

Now type the letter in your notebook.

Capitalize the letter D as many times as I clap my hands.

Small letter d how many fingers do you have on your left hand.

9. Reading syllables, words.

10. Working with story pictures.

Come up with a sentence based on the picture so that the sentence contains a word with the sound D, D.

11. Game "Make a word".

The letters have quarreled, they need to be reconciled, if we put them together correctly, we will get a word, you say the word in my ear. (Domino).

All tasks were done correctly. Well done!

What new did you learn in class?

Yes, a wonderful letter came to our lesson today. Kind words begin with this sound: kindness, kindness, kindness, friendship, friend, friendly. That's how many kind words you learned.

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