Platonov this beautiful and furious world. Platonov, analysis of the work in this beautiful and furious world, plan

Platonov - Soviet writer. His stories are interesting, they are captivating because they very often describe events from life. They are autobiographical, telling us about the fate of the writer himself. In his works, the author tries to understand man, to find his place in this simultaneously beautiful and furious world. Such a story by Platonov is story of the same name In a beautiful and furious world. By this work that's what we have to do.

Platonov wrote his story in 1937, in it he used a lot of information taken from life, because in the story the author describes the events that happened on railway with the train driver. The writer knew this profession well, since he himself had been on a locomotive and worked as an assistant.

So, Platonov in the story In a Beautiful and Furious World tells about Maltsev, a driver from God, since he did not just drive the train, he felt it and was the best. Maltsev was completely dedicated to his work, always drove the car confidently and aroused admiration for this. He studied everything so well railway tracks that even during the emergency it did not stop. This happened during a rainstorm with a thunderstorm. Lightning blinded Maltsev, and he continued to drive the car, not understanding that he could not see, because all the pictures of the world around him appeared in his head. But they were only in his head, so he did not see the warning lights. This almost led to an accident, but the assistant was able to react in time, saving hundreds of people.

Alexander Maltsev was tried and arrested, but Kostya managed to achieve an experiment that proved Alexander’s innocence. Only during the experiment the hero of the work becomes completely blind. This became a tragedy for him, because for him work was the meaning of life. And only a year later, when the assistant passed the exams and began driving the train himself, he managed to bring Maltsev back to life. Kostya invites Maltsev to go together and even promises to give up the driver’s seat to blind Alexander. And at that very moment, when Maltsev found himself in the same place, his vision returned to him again.

After the flight, Kostya volunteered to take the former driver home, wanting to protect the hero of the story from the hostile forces of such an unpredictable, violent and such a beautiful world.

The main characters of the work

Getting acquainted with Platonov's work In a Beautiful and Furious World, we can highlight such heroes as Alexander Maltsev and his assistant Kostya.

Alexander Maltsev is a master of his craft, a talented train driver who knew these machines better than anyone. This is a person who was not afraid to trust various trains, including a new locomotive, because Maltsev, like no one else, could cope with everything, even with such a powerful machine of a new type. Alexander not only drives the car, he feels its heartbeat. Maltsev is devoted to his work, sees his meaning in it and is so immersed in it that he does not see the surrounding reality. In my opinion, this should not be the case. Although a person must love work, work fully and be responsible at work, he must also be able to see other angles. In addition to work, we must see the beauty of the world, be able to take the best from fate and get carried away by something else, so that in case of unforeseen circumstances we can switch to something else, because life goes on. Maltsev was unable to make the switch; with the loss of his job, he grew old, and life became unpleasant.

Another hero is Kostya, who was first an assistant and then became a driver. He also loved work, tried to fulfill all the functions assigned to him, but at the same time he was sympathetic, kind and noticed other people. Moreover, he also comes to their aid, as in the case of Maltsev. It was Kostya who achieved a review of the case, after which Alexander was rehabilitated. Later, he will bring back to life a person for whom work has become the meaning of life. He will take Maltsev on a flight, during which his sight will return. And even after this, Kostya does not leave his friend and walks him to the door of the house.

Jan 17, 2017

In a beautiful and furious world Andrey Platonov

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Title: In a beautiful and furious world

About the book “In a Beautiful and Furious World” Andrei Platonov

Andrei Platonov, known primarily for his story “The Pit” and the novel “Chevengur,” is also the author of many wonderful stories.
“In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a beautiful lyrical and philosophical work O " little man"and its place in a complex, confusing world. This is a story about human destiny, talent, and vocation.

The main character is a talented driver Maltsev. He is so immersed in his work that he does not notice anyone around him. Maybe that's why he's so lonely.

Andrei Platonov portrayed in his work a man completely absorbed in the only activity that brings him pleasure. For Maltsev the world around us only makes sense when it rushes past it. He is literally fascinated by his profession, and his entire existence comes down only to it. But some things and events are beyond human control, so unforeseen circumstances can interfere with the usual course of life at any moment. And then you can easily lose what you value so much. And no matter how strong a person is, he has no power over the elements.

“In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a story about how one misfortune can be part of another. And also that a person is able to overcome any obstacles.
Andrei Platonov makes his hero a winner. The ending of the story is completely unpredictable. But is this victory worth the effort? In order to give an independent answer, you need to read both the story and the book.

“In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a wonderful work, filled with genuine faith in a person capable of fighting cruel fate and unfair circumstances. The author writes warmly about ordinary people, about their everyday problems and difficulties in relationships with eternity.

Andrey Platonov is the author of many excellent stories. Without exaggeration, all of them are wonderful and full of light sadness. We can recommend reading them to those who, despite everything, continue to believe in man and his unique mission on earth.

The author's works are absolutely unique phenomenon in Russian literature. Its bright, unique heroes with thinking in which both the surrounding Soviet reality and the irrepressible imagination of the author were imprinted, remain forever in memory. With his creativity, Andrei Platonov managed to expand many of the usual frameworks into which Russian literature had been squeezed before him. He was one of the most talented and mysterious writers of his era. He perfectly felt the tragedy of every person, torn off and thrown to the margins of existence.

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In a beautiful and furious world

At the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first-class driver and had been driving fast trains for a long time. When the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. Worked as an assistant to Maltsev old man from the depot mechanics named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov, but he soon passed the driver exam and went to work on another machine, and instead of Drabanov, I was assigned to work in Maltsev’s brigade as an assistant; Before that, I also worked as a mechanic’s assistant, but only on an old, low-power machine.

I was pleased with my assignment. The IS machine, the only one on our traction site at that time, made me feel inspired by its very appearance; I could look at her for a long time, and a special, touched joy awakened in me - as beautiful as in childhood when reading Pushkin’s poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilyevich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently; he apparently did not care who his assistants would be.

Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its servicing and auxiliary mechanisms and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilievich saw my work, he followed it, but after me with my own hands I checked the condition of the car again, as if he didn’t trust me.

This was repeated later, and I was already accustomed to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered with my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my disappointment. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the condition of the running locomotive, from monitoring the operation of the left car and the path ahead, I glanced at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who had absorbed all outside world into one’s inner experience and therefore has power over it. Alexander Vasilyevich’s eyes looked ahead abstractly, as if empty, but I knew that he saw with them the whole road ahead and all of nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow, swept from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted Maltsev’s gaze, and he turned his head for a moment after the sparrow: what will happen to him after us, where did he fly?

It was our fault that we were never late; on the contrary, we were often delayed at intermediate stations, which we had to proceed on the move, because we were running with time catching up and, through delays, we were put back on schedule.

We usually worked in silence; Only occasionally did Alexander Vasilyevich, without turning in my direction, knock the key on the boiler, wanting me to turn my attention to some disorder in the operating mode of the machine, or preparing me for sudden change this regime so that I am vigilant. I always understood the silent instructions of my senior comrade and worked with full diligence, but the mechanic still treated me, as well as the lubricator-stoker, aloof and constantly checked the grease nipples in the parking lots, the tightness of the bolts in the drawbar units, tested the axle boxes on driving axles, etc. If I had just inspected and lubricated any working rubbing part, then Maltsev, after me, inspected and lubricated it again, as if not considering my work valid.

“I, Alexander Vasilyevich, have already checked this crosshead,” I told him one day when he began checking this part after me.

“But I want it myself,” Maltsev answered smiling, and in his smile there was sadness that struck me.

Later I understood the meaning of his sadness and the reason for his constant indifference towards us. He felt superior to us because he understood the car more accurately than we did, and he did not believe that I or anyone else could learn the secret of his talent, the secret of seeing both a passing sparrow and a signal ahead, at the same moment sensing the path, the weight of the composition and the force of the machine. Maltsev understood, of course, that in diligence, in diligence, we could even overcome him, but he could not imagine that we loved the locomotive more than him and drove trains better than him - he thought it was impossible to do better. And that’s why Maltsev was sad with us; he missed his talent as if he were lonely, not knowing how to express it to us so that we would understand.

And we, however, could not understand his skills. I once asked to be allowed to conduct the composition myself; Alexander Vasilyevich allowed me to drive about forty kilometers and sat in the assistant’s place. I drove the train and after twenty kilometers I was already four minutes late, and I covered the exits from long climbs at a speed of no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Maltsev drove the car after me; he took the climbs at a speed of fifty kilometers, and on the curves his car did not throw up like mine, and he soon made up for the time I had lost.

Platonov Andrey

In a beautiful and furious world

A. Platonov


At the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first-class driver and had been driving fast trains for a long time. When the first powerful passenger locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. An elderly man from the depot mechanics named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov worked as an assistant for Maltsev, but he soon passed the driver’s exam and went to work on another machine, and instead of Drabanov, I was assigned to work in Maltsev’s brigade as an assistant; Before that, I also worked as a mechanic’s assistant, but only on an old, low-power machine.

I was pleased with my assignment. The “IS” car, the only one on our traction site at that time, evoked a feeling of inspiration in me by its very appearance: I could look at it for a long time, and a special, touched joy awakened in me, as beautiful as in childhood when reading Pushkin’s poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilyevich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently: he apparently did not care who would be his assistants.

Before the trip, as usual, I checked all the components of the car, tested all its servicing and auxiliary mechanisms and calmed down, considering the car ready for the trip. Alexander Vasilyevich saw my work, he followed it, but after me, he again checked the condition of the car with his own hands, as if he did not trust me.

This was repeated later, and I was already accustomed to the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich constantly interfered with my duties, although he was silently upset. But usually, as soon as we were on the move, I forgot about my disappointment. Distracting my attention from the instruments monitoring the condition of the running locomotive, from monitoring the operation of the left car and the path ahead, I glanced at Maltsev. He led the cast with the courageous confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist who has absorbed the entire outer world into his inner experience and therefore dominates it. Alexander Vasilyevich’s eyes looked ahead, as if empty, abstractly, but I knew that he saw with them the whole road ahead and all of nature rushing towards us - even a sparrow, swept from the ballast slope by the wind of a car piercing into space, even this sparrow attracted Maltsev’s gaze , and he turned his head for a moment after the sparrow: what will happen to him after us, where did he fly?

It was our fault that we were never late; on the contrary, we were often delayed at intermediate stations, which we had to proceed on the move, because we were running with time, and through delays we were put back on schedule.

We usually worked in silence; Only occasionally did Alexander Vasilyevich, without turning in my direction, tap the key on the boiler, wanting me to draw my attention to some disorder in the operating mode of the machine, or preparing me for a sharp change in this mode, so that I would be vigilant. I always understood the silent instructions of my senior comrade and worked with full diligence, but the mechanic still treated me, as well as the lubricator-stoker, aloof and constantly checked the grease nipples in the parking lots, the tightness of the bolts in the drawbar units, tested the axle boxes on the drive axes and so on. If I had just inspected and lubricated any working rubbing part, then Maltsev followed me again inspecting and lubricating it, as if not considering my work valid.

“I, Alexander Vasilyevich, have already checked this crosshead,” I told him one day when he began checking this part after me.

“But I want it myself,” Maltsev answered smiling, and in his smile there was sadness that struck me.

Later I understood the meaning of his sadness and the reason for his constant indifference towards us. He felt superior to us because he understood the car more accurately than we did, and he did not believe that I or anyone else could learn the secret of his talent, the secret of seeing both a passing sparrow and a signal ahead, at the same moment sensing the path, the weight of the composition and the force of the machine. Maltsev understood, of course, that in diligence, in diligence, we could even overcome him, but he could not imagine that we loved the locomotive more than him and drove trains better than him - he thought it was impossible to do better. And that’s why Maltsev was sad with us; he missed his talent as if he were lonely, not knowing how to express it to us so that we would understand.

And we, however, could not understand his skills. I once asked to be allowed to drive the train myself: Alexander Vasilyevich allowed me to drive about forty kilometers and sat in the assistant’s place. I drove the train - and after twenty kilometers I was already four minutes late, and I covered the exits from long climbs at a speed of no more than thirty kilometers per hour. Maltsev drove the car after me; he took the climbs at a speed of fifty kilometers, and on the curves his car did not throw up like mine, and he soon made up for the time I had lost.

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