Matrix polynomial. Characteristic polynomial of a matrix allows you to find . The site performs the calculation. In a few seconds the server will issue the right decision. The characteristic equation for the matrix will be algebraic expression, found by the rule for calculating the determinant matrices matrices, while along the main diagonal there will be differences in the values ​​of the diagonal elements and the variable. When calculating characteristic equation for the matrix online, each element matrices will be multiplied with corresponding other elements matrices. Find in mode online only possible for square matrices. Finding operation characteristic equation for the matrix online comes down to calculation algebraic sum products of elements matrices as a result of finding the determinant matrices, only for the purpose of determining characteristic equation for the matrix online. This operation takes special place in theory matrices, allows you to find eigenvalues ​​and vectors using roots. The task of finding characteristic equation for the matrix online consists of multiplying elements matrices followed by summing these products over a certain rule. finds characteristic equation for the matrix given dimension in mode online. Calculation characteristic equation for the matrix online given its dimension, this is finding a polynomial with numerical or symbolic coefficients, found according to the rule for calculating the determinant matrices- as the sum of the products of the corresponding elements matrices, only for the purpose of determining characteristic equation for the matrix online. Finding a polynomial with respect to a variable for a quadratic matrices, as a definition characteristic equation for the matrix, common in theory matrices. The meaning of the roots of a polynomial characteristic equation for the matrix online used to determine eigenvectors and eigenvalues For matrices. Moreover, if the determinant matrices will be equal to zero, then characteristic equation of the matrix will still exist, unlike the reverse matrices. In order to calculate characteristic equation for the matrix or find for several at once matrices characteristic equations, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, while our server will find in a matter of seconds characteristic equation for matrix online. In this case, the answer to finding characteristic equation for the matrix online will be correct and with sufficient accuracy, even if the numbers when finding characteristic equation for the matrix online will be irrational. On the website character entries are allowed in elements matrices, that is characteristic equation for matrix online can be represented in general symbolic form when calculating characteristic equation of the matrix online. It is useful to check the answer obtained when solving the problem of finding characteristic equation for the matrix online using the site When performing the operation of calculating a polynomial - characteristic equation of the matrix, you need to be careful and extremely focused when solving this problem. In turn, our site will help you check your decision on the topic characteristic equation of a matrix online. If you do not have time for long checks of solved problems, then will certainly be a convenient tool for checking when finding and calculating characteristic equation for the matrix online.


For a given matrix , , where E- the identity matrix is ​​a polynomial in , which is called characteristic polynomial matrices A(sometimes also the “secular equation”).

The value of the characteristic polynomial is that eigenvalues matrices are its roots. Indeed, if the equation has a non-zero solution, then the matrix is ​​singular and its determinant is equal to zero.

Related definitions




  • V. Yu. Kiselev, A. S. Pyartli, T. F. Kalugina Higher mathematics. Linear algebra. - Ivanovo State Energy University.

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See what “Characteristic polynomial of a matrix” is in other dictionaries:

    Characteristic polynomial- In mathematics, a characteristic polynomial can mean: a characteristic polynomial of a matrix, a characteristic polynomial of a linear recurrent sequence, a characteristic polynomial of an ordinary differential equation.… … Wikipedia

    CHARACTERISTIC POLYNOMIAL- matrices over the field K polynomial over the field K The degree of X. m. is equal to the order square matrix A, coefficient b1 is equal to the trace of the matrix. (b1 = tr A = a11+ a 22+ ... +a pp), coefficient b t equal to the sum all major minors of the th order, in particular bn=detA... Mathematical Encyclopedia

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Let A- square real or complex matrix of nth order. Matrix

with the variable A, which accepts any numeric values, called characteristic matrix matrices A. Its determinant

represents a polynomial in a variable of degree A p. This polynomial is called characteristic polynomial matrices A.

The fact that the characteristic polynomial is actually a polynomial in the variable A follows directly from the definition of the determinant. Highest degree, equal to n, among all terms of the determinant A - E has the product

The remaining terms of the determinant do not contain at least two matrix elements A- A E with variable A and therefore have a degree no higher p - 2. Therefore, the degree of the polynomial is equal to p. Note that the product (5.9) determines not only the degree of the characteristic polynomial, but also its two terms with higher powers

The free term of the characteristic polynomial coincides with its value at A = 0 and is equal to |A - A E= |L|, i.e. determinant of the matrix A.

So the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A order n has the form (see, p.83 and, p.55):

Where Pk- the sum of the main minors of the A>th order of the matrix A, in particular, Pi= ac + «22 + - - +ftnn - the sum of the elements of the main diagonal of the matrix A, called the trace of this matrix and denoted by Sp A, p p- determinant |L| matrices A.

Roots of the characteristic polynomial |A - HE called characteristic roots or characteristic numbers matrices A. Multiplicity to g characteristic root A* in a characteristic polynomial is called algebraic multiplicity this root. Plenty of everyone characteristic roots matrices in which each characteristic root is repeated as many times as its multiplicity is called spectrum of matrix A. If all the characteristic roots of the matrix are simple (i.e., have unit multiplicity), then the spectrum of the matrix is ​​called simple.

In accordance with Vieta's formulas, the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial are related to the characteristic roots as follows:

From these formulas, in particular, the often used relations follow

According to the last equality, the characteristic polynomial of a matrix has zero characteristic roots if and only if the determinant of this matrix is ​​equal to zero, i.e. when the matrix is ​​singular.

Example 5.5. Calculate the characteristic polynomial of a matrix

Solution. In accordance with the definition of the characteristic polynomial, we obtain:

If we use formula (5.10), we first find

and then write

For methods for calculating the characteristic polynomial, see the appendix at the end of the book.

Theorem 5.7.The characteristic polynomials of such matrices coincide.

> If matrices A And IN similar, then for some non-singular matrix Q equality holds IN = Q~ l AQ. Hence,

To an arbitrary polynomial

instead of the variable L you can substitute a square matrix A order p. As a result, we get the matrix P(A) = in A p + a A p ~ 1 --

N----+ a n _ 1 A + a p E, which is called the value of the polynomial P( L)

at L = A. If for a given matrix A equality is true P(A)= O (the value of the polynomial P( A) with L = A is the zero matrix), then A called matrix, root of the polynomial P( A), and the polynomial P(A) itself is a polynomial annihilated by matrix A.

Theorem 5.8. Every square matrix is ​​the root of some nonzero polynomial.

> The set of all square matrices of order n with elements from the field R there is a linear space over R dimensions n 2. In this linear space any system in which at least n 2+1 elements is linearly dependent. Therefore, the system A p , A p -1 , ..., A, E from p 2 + 1 matrices are linearly dependent, i.e. there is such a set of numbers ao, from, ..., a p 2 , which simultaneously do not vanish, so that the equality

This equality means that the matrix A is the root of the polynomial

The theorem proved actually follows from the following statement.

Theorem 5.9 (Hamilton's theorem - Kaley).

Any square matrix is ​​the root of its characteristic polynomial.

Before proving this theorem, let us introduce the concept X-matrices- a matrix whose elements are polynomials in variable A. Any A-matrix can be represented as a polynomial in variable A, the coefficients of which are square matrices of the appropriate order. For example,

> Let A- square matrix of nth order. Consider the adjoint matrix WITH to the matrix A - E. Its elements are algebraic additions elements of the determinant | A - E|, which are polynomials of degree no higher than p- 1. As noted above, the matrix WITH can be represented in the form

where Ci, C2, ..., C p - some numeric matrices. By the main property of the adjoint matrix (see Section 3.S, Corollary 3.2) we have:

In this equality, we replace the matrix C with the sum (5.11), and the characteristic polynomial with the sum (5.10). Then we get the equality

Opening the parentheses on both sides of the equality and equating the coefficients for equal degrees L, we obtain a system from n+ 1 equalities:

Let us multiply the first equality of the system by A p, the second - on L p_1, etc., n-e equality - on A, (p+ 1)th equality - on = E:

When adding these equalities on the left side we get a zero matrix, and on the right side we get the expression

That's why f(A) = 0. ?

5.6. Characteristic and minimal polynomial

A polynomial 92(A) of minimal degree, having a leading coefficient equal to one and annihilated by the matrix A, called minimal polynomial this matrix.

Theorem 5 . 10 . Any polynomial that is canceled by the matrix A is completely divisible by the minimal polynomial of this matrix. In particular, the characteristic polynomial of a matrix is ​​divided by its minimal polynomial.

O Divide the polynomial P( A) to the minimal polynomial 9?(A) with remainder: P( A) = 99(A) g(A) + g(A), where the polynomial g(A) has a degree less than the degree 92(A). Replacing variable A with a matrix A, we get:

Because P(A)= p(A) = 0 , then G (A) = 0 . But this equality is possible only if the polynomial g (A) null. Otherwise, a contradiction arises with the definition of a minimal polynomial. Equality G = 0 means that the polynomial P( A) is completely divisible by 92(A). ?

Consequence 5 .1 . Any root of the minimal polynomial of a matrix is ​​the root of its characteristic polynomial.

O As established in the proof of the theorem, the characteristic polynomial /(A) is related to the minimal polynomial 92(A) by the equality /(A) = 99(A) q(). The statement of the corollary follows from this equality. ?

Let's note a few more useful facts(cm. [ 7 ], With. 100 ).

Characteristic polynomial | A - HE the matrix A and its minimal polynomial 92(A) are related by the relation

Where Dn- 1 - largest common divisor all minors of the matrix A - A E, having (n - 1 )th order.

The roots of the minimal polynomial 92(A) are all the different roots of the characteristic polynomial | A- A E and if

where 1^ p to ^ t k: k = 1,2

Formula (5.12) allows you to find the minimum polynomial of the matrix. Another way to construct a minimal matrix polynomial is discussed below (see Section 6.5).

Example 5.6. Find the minimum polynomial of a matrix

Solution. In the previous examples for the matrix A characteristic polynomial found A - E= - A 3 + 2 L 2 + L - 2. General greatest divisor D2 all second order minors of the matrix

is equal to one, since its minors

mutually simple. That's why

Example 5.7. Find characteristic and minimal polynomials of matrices

Solution: For a matrix A direct calculation of the determinant we find the characteristic polynomial

Let us write down all the minors of the second order of the matrix A - A E:

Common greatest divisor D2 of all these minors there are A - 4. Therefore, the minimal polynomial of the matrix A has the form:

Note that D2 can be found differently. Indeed, if in the matrix A - E substitute A = 4, we get the matrix

rank G - 1. Consequently, all second-order minors of this matrix are equal to zero. This means that all second order minors of the matrix A - L E are divisible by A - 4, and all these minors cannot be divisible by greater degree binomial A - 4, since, for example, minor

is divisible only by the first power of this binomial. Consequently, ?>2 includes the factor A -4 to the first power. Other multipliers from | A - A?^1 are not included in?>2, since, for example, the second-order minor just written out is not divisible by them. Therefore Dg = A - 4.

For matrix A2 Also, by directly calculating the determinant, we find the characteristic polynomial

second order minors

mutually simple. That's why D2 = 1 and

The considered example shows that different matrices may have the same characteristic but different minimal polynomials.

Considering that the matrices of a given linear operator in different bases are similar and have the same characteristic polynomial, it is logical to call this polynomial characteristic polynomial of a linear operator, and its roots are characteristic roots of a linear operator.

Note also that the transposed matrix A T has the same as the matrix A characteristic polynomials and characteristic numbers.

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues ​​of the linear operator

Let A be a linear operator from . The number is called operator eigenvalue A, if there is a non-zero vector such that A . In this case, the vector is called operator eigenvector A, corresponding to its own value. The set of all eigenvalues ​​of a linear operator A is called its spectrum.

Determinant of the linear operator And detA is called det A, where A is the matrix of the linear operator A in any basis. Polynomial relative l called characteristic polynomial of the operator A. It does not depend on the choice of basis.


called characteristic(or centuries-old) operator equation A.

In order for the number l was an eigenvalue of the operator A, it is necessary and sufficient that this number be the root of the characteristic equation (7.7) of the operator A.

For identical operator All non-zero vectors of space are eigenvectors (with eigenvalue, equal to one). For zero operator All non-zero vectors of space are eigenvectors (with eigenvalue, equal to zero). The simplest form is taken by the matrix of a linear operator having n linearly independent vectors.

Theorem 7.2. In order for the matrixAlinear operator A was diagonal in the basis, it is necessary and sufficient that the basis vectors be eigenvectors of this operator.

However, not every linear operator in n-dimensional vector space has n linearly independent eigenvectors. A basis of eigenvectors is usually called an “eigenbasis”. Let the eigenvalues linear operator A are different. Then the corresponding eigenvectors are linearly independent. Consequently, an “own basis” exists in this case.

So, if the characteristic polynomial of a linear operator A has n different roots, then in some basis the matrix A operator A has a diagonal form.

When finding the eigenvectors of a linear transformation, it should be borne in mind that they are determined up to an arbitrary factor, i.e. if some vector is an eigenvector, then the vector is also an eigenvector. Thus, the proper direction or proper straight line is actually determined, which remains unchanged under a given linear transformation.

Characteristic polynomial

is defined for an arbitrary square matrix as 1) , where is an identity matrix of the same order.

Example. For :


Figuratively speaking, the coefficient at is obtained by summing all the minors of the th order of the matrix, built on the elements of its main diagonal.

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