Project festival September 1st. Masyutina Lidiya Valentinovna, mathematics teacher, Extracurricular activity in mathematics

I. Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”. Collection of abstracts of articles, 2007/2008 academic year. Book 1.-M.: First of September; Chistye Prudy, 2008. :

1. Tatyana Nikolaevna Gorkunova, primary school teacher. Integrated lesson in 2nd grade: Russian language + mathematics on the topic: “Mountains”. R section: Teaching in primary school.

2. Efimova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, biology teacher. Lesson “Man is responsible for nature” (grades 5–7). R section: Teaching biology.

3. Nadezhda Vileganovna Glavatskikh, mathematics teacher, Math game “Fun Zoo”, chapter: Extracurricular activities.

4. Masyutina Lidiya Valentinovna, mathematics teacher, Extracurricular activity in mathematics. Game "Around the World Mathematical Travel".

5. Mukhametyanova Ilyusya Mukhamatvafievna, mathematics teacher Extracurricular event in mathematics. Game "Oh, this math."

6. Shiryaeva Tatyana Vasilievna, mathematics teacher, Extracurricular event in mathematics. Game "Around the World Mathematical Travel".

7. , chemistry teacher Intellectual and entertaining game “Generalization of the topic “Hydrocarbons””.

8. , primary school teacher KVN "Traffic Light". 2nd class

II. Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”. Collection of abstracts of articles, 2008/2009 academic year. Book 1.-M.: First of September; Chistye Prudy, 2009. :

1. Nadezhda Vileganovna Glavatskikh, Extracurricular activity in mathematics. Game "Academic Council".

2. Masyutina Lidiya Valentinovna, Extracurricular activity in mathematics. Game "Academic Council".

3. Mukhametyanova Ilyusya Mukhamatvafievna Extracurricular activity in mathematics. Game "Academic Council".

4. Tychkina Olga Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature Methodological development of the final lesson on the comedy “The Inspector General” (8th grade ). Chapter Teaching literature.

5., history teacher. Lesson-presentation on history in the 11th grade. Topic: "Defense of the Decade"

6., history teacher Lesson-business game on the history of the Urals, 8th grade. Ural dynasties of entrepreneurs (cultural and everyday appearance of the Ural mining manufacturers of the 18th–19th centuries)

7., primary school teacher. Extracurricular event on the topic "Tree of Knowledge" (game-competition)

8., primary school teacher. Poems for children about children .

9. , chemistry teacher, Fullerenes as an allotropic modification of carbon, creative works of students “Portfolio”.

10. , primary school teacher Integrated lesson in the Russian language (2nd grade) "Spelling patterns that are easy to remember" .

11., primary school teacher Summary of an open lesson on literary reading in the 4th grade. Topic: Jonathan Swift. "Gulliver's Travels to the Land of Lilliput".

12. , at primary school teacher. Summary of an integrated lesson on Russian language and literature for 4th grade. Subject: . "Autumn".

Guys! I congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, I wish you health, success in your studies, mutual understanding with classmates and interesting communication with friends.

After a hot summer and a wonderful holiday, you and I will travel around the continents of our planet.

  1. What is a continent?
  2. How many continents are there on our planet? What are their names?
  1. A continent is a large massif of the earth's crust, most of which protrudes above the level of the world's oceans.
  2. There are six continents on the globe. The smallest is Australia, the largest is Eurasia. North and South America are two continents connected by the Isthmus of Panama. Africa and Eurasia are separated by the Suez Canal. Australia and the huge ice sheet of Antarctica, the coldest part of the world, are not in contact with any other continents.

First, we will go to the largest continent of our planet. You and I live on this continent. Remind me what it's called?

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth. The most populated countries of Eurasia: China, India, Russia.

Do you know?..

  1. The highest mountain on Earth is in Eurasia. What is it called?
  1. Chomolungma city (Himalaya mountain system).

Before heading to the next continent, we must answer a literary quiz. Who is talked about in the following literary passages?

And he learned like this:

  1. “I was already good at Russian, but I didn’t like arithmetic. The worst thing for me was solving problems. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a summer job in arithmetic.”
  2. “I went to school almost every day, learned to add words, read and write a little, and learned the multiplication table by heart up to six seven – thirty-five.”
  3. 3) “If Kostya Malinin and I had not managed to get bad marks in geometry at the very beginning of the school year, then perhaps nothing so incredible and fantastic would have happened in our lives.”
  4. “He studied in the third grade of the fourteenth school and was always behind, both in Russian writing, and in arithmetic, and even in singing.”
  5. “I would hardly have dared to go to school if I had left at least one lesson unlearned, so in all subjects except French I got straight A’s.”
  6. “Both Volka and Zhenya are now studying very diligently, getting straight A’s, so as not to lose face in front of their elderly student.”
  7. “And I got a bad mark in every subject. Only five deuces per day! I probably got four deuces because I didn’t answer the way the teachers would have liked. But the fifth grade was completely unfair. It’s even funny to say why I was slapped with this unfortunate deuce. For some kind of water cycle in nature.”
  1. About Vita Maleev. N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.”
  2. About Huckleberry Finn. M. Twain “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”
  3. About Yura Barankin. V. Medvedev “Barankin, be a man!”
  4. About Petya Zubov. E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time.”
  5. About the boy from V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”.
  6. About Kostylkov, Bogorad and Hottabych. L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”.
  7. About Vita Perestukin. L. Geraskina “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.”

We answered all the questions in the literary quiz, and now our path lies to Africa.

Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Off the northwestern coast of Africa are the Canary Islands. Also in Africa is located one of the oldest states in the world - Egypt.

Do you know?..

  1. The longest river in Africa flows through Egypt and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. What is the name of this river?
  2. The Nile River is home to some of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet. Who is this?
  3. In which countries located on other continents do crocodiles live?
  4. How are crocodiles born?
  5. Length of a newborn crocodile?
  6. Length of an adult (10-15 years old) crocodile?
  7. How many years do crocodiles live?
  8. The oldest tree in the world?
  1. Crocodiles.
  2. USA, Japan, Cuba, China.
  3. They hatch from eggs, in a clutch of 10-100 pieces.
  4. 20-30 cm.
  5. up to 7 meters.
  6. up to 100 years.
  7. Baobab - 5000 years old, grows in Africa.

Having visited the largest and hottest continents of our planet, we will continue our journey through one of the most exotic continents - Australia.

Australia is a continent in the Southern Hemisphere. The average temperature in July is from +12 to +20 degrees, in January - from +20 to +30 degrees Celsius. Deserts, semi-deserts, forests of eucalyptus, palm trees, ferns. Animals: kangaroo, ostrich, emu, cockatoos, etc.

Do you know?..

  1. There is only one country on the mainland of Australia. What is it called?
  2. The capital of Australia?
  1. Australia.
  2. Canberra.

Canberra is home to the Australian National University, the Australian Academy of Science, and the seat of parliament and government.

Make up new words using the letters of the word “STATE”.

Let's continue our journey and go to South America.

South America is a continent connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama.

Do you know?..

  1. What major river flows in South America?
  1. Amazon.

Before leaving for the next continent, we must complete tasks of ingenuity:

  1. Styopa Smekalkin thought of a number. Then he multiplied this number by 19 and added 19 to the product. He got 19. What number did he have in mind? (0)
  2. What is greater: the sum of all the numbers or their product? (The sum is greater than the product, since the product is 0)
  3. What three equal numbers when multiplied give one? (1, 1, 1)
  4. The doctor gave the patient 3 tablets and ordered them to be taken every half hour. The patient strictly followed the doctor's instructions. How long did the pills prescribed by the doctor last? (for 1 hour)
  5. The hedgehog has three whole apples, 10 halves, and 8 quarters. How many whole apples does a hedgehog have? (10)
  6. The age of the great-grandfather is the smallest three-digit number, which is written in various numbers. How old is your great-grandfather? (102)

The tasks are completed. Our path lies to North America.

North America.

The following countries are located in North America: USA, Canada, Mexico and others.

Do you know?..

  1. North America is home to one of the largest rivers in the world. What is it called?
  2. Right tributary of the Mississippi?
  1. Mississippi
  2. Missouri River

The continent of “North America” invites us to complete the tasks “Keep up - don’t yawn!”

  1. An institution where illiterate people are admitted. (School.)
  2. Part of the body that is offered together with the heart. (Hand.)
  3. Room on the ship. (Cabin.)
  4. The name of Captain Vrungel's ship. (“Trouble.”)
  5. A girl who is afraid of very hot weather. (Snow Maiden.)
  6. Favorite food of the residents of Chunga Changa Island. (Coconuts and bananas.)
  7. What is more on Earth: land or water? (Water.)

Well done! We completed the tasks. The last continent on our way is Antarctica.

Antarctica is the only continent without a permanent population. In 1959 A world treaty was signed on the use of Antarctica for peaceful purposes and for scientific research. Over 99% of the territory is covered with ice. There are small areas on the coast where lichens and algae can be found. The most common animals on the coast of Antarctica are penguins and seals.

Continue according to the example: “The seal is a beast”:

Chicken - …,

Mosquito -...,

And the penguin is...

Do you know?..

  1. What is a penguin's body covered with?
  2. Can a penguin fly?
  3. Why does a penguin need wings?
  1. Feathers.
  2. The penguin uses its wings as oars.

Our journey is coming to an end. Last task: collect a proverb:


Well done! You have completed all the tasks. I am sure that your journey through the land of knowledge this academic year will be successful and interesting!


  • Full perception of what you see.
  • In the field of communicative universal actions, develop the ability to express one’s point of view and respect the opinion of the interlocutor.
  • To form the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards school.
  • Create a sense of beauty.

– Hello, dear guys! Today is your first day of school. You came to meet your classmates and teachers. Today you crossed the threshold of our school. Schools 1. How beautiful, happy, and elegant you are today! Today is a real holiday! Guys, this day is very important for you: you came to study at school. The school will become a second home for you, here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, and find many new friends. I wish you success, good luck!

I'm glad to see you.
And today at this hour
I will take you with me.
Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains
There are many different tests in it.
And it is full of miracles.

We will travel along it
A lot of days.
What kind of country is this?
We have to find out.

On the board: Land of Knowledge.

– Only schoolchildren can travel through the land of knowledge. The heroes of fairy tales came to congratulate you on the holiday. They live together and help each other. Will you help them?
And so the journey begins. - But what is it? Who is this?

In the summer you will find her in the swamp
Green frog.
Who is this? (Frog)

– What fairy tale is this heroine from?
-Who turned her into a frog? And what's her name?
- Well done! This is the princess.

- This is the princess’s house, (children's description of the house)
He is really very handsome. But you and I know that home is better. To get to your home castle and become a princess again, you need to overcome many difficulties.
Shall we help the princess? Together with her we will walk the difficult path from the swamp to her castle, where her parents and friends live. After all, on September 1 she will go to school with them.

– Our journey begins.

The forest is full of fairy tales and miracles.
And here it is a miracle -
Leshy is on the way.
He won't let us pass.
Oh, how scary!

- But we are not afraid of him. He is bored and offers to play a game with him. Shall we play?

– How many of you know what to put in your briefcase? Now let's check, imagine that you are going to school. What will you put in your briefcase? I will call things. If you have to take them to school, then you have to clap your hands. Get your hands ready. Let's play!

ABC, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, telephone, ruler.

- Well done! Leshy is happy. The forest came to life. Look how many animals, birds, insects and plants there are in it. After all, the forest is their home. How should we behave in the forest? (Children's stories)
What kind of forest dwellers are these?

Drilled the earth
I left the spine
He came into the world himself,
He covered himself with a hat. (Mushroom)

- How many of them can you count quickly? Tell Leshy how to pick mushrooms correctly.
- Guess who is hiding behind the tree and watching us.

Jumps from branch to branch,
He hides supplies in a hollow. (Squirrel)

She loves to collect mushrooms.

(The squirrel jumps into the clearing with a click)

- Here she is. She has a gift for friends. Which? How many nuts does she have?
- And now she will collect mushrooms.
– Can all the mushrooms be collected?
– What are the names of mushrooms that cannot be collected? (Poisonous, inedible)
– Squirrel has come up with a task for you. He wants you to solve it. Decide? Then listen. The squirrel found 7 edible mushrooms. But the forest is magical. One mushroom escaped. (Click to remove the mushroom) How many mushrooms are left in the clearing? (6)

– And this girl’s mother sent her to visit her grandmother. Who is that girl? Why is she called that?
- Well done! You have completed this task.

- Here is another kind forest dweller - Kikimorka. She is friends with the princess and will go to school with her. Help her. She really wants the princess to return home. Guess the riddles.

Then I'm in a cage
That's in line.
Be able to write about them!
You can also draw...
What am I? (Notebook)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain. (Rubber)

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year.
From class to class. (Desk)

- Who is he? And where does this little miracle come from? Why is he dressed so strangely? The hero from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots". He asks you to remember the names of the fairy tales. What fairy tales are these words from?

The little goats opened the door,
And everyone disappeared somewhere ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Said a word -
The stove rolled
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don’t know
Lucky I'm lazy. ("By magic")

And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

“You sing nicely, sit on my sock, sing again,” the fox asked.

He trembled before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
But the fox still got into the tooth... (“Kolobok”)

- And who is this? What happened? The frog became a beautiful princess.

- And here is the castle. The princess is walking along the path towards him. Her friends are waiting at home. It's time for them to go to school.

– Look how beautiful and bright their class is.

(Song “What They Teach at School”)

– And the Wise Owl gives us all advice. Listen to them.

– Our journey has come to an end. You helped the princess well.

The Chunga-Changa dance is performed by everyone.

All the children make a gift for the school: Rays for the sun. Children trace their palms and cut them out. A sun made from “palms” is laid out on the board. The palms are signed. I keep them until 11th grade.

At the line, I congratulate the guys on becoming first graders. I give them a symbolic key to knowledge, with which they must open the knowledge room - our classroom. But on the way to the treasured room, the key will be unexpectedly stolen.

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat Appear

Greetings, dear children and dear adults! And are you here Cat Basilio? You look kind of sad. Oh, you lost your key and you can’t get into the knowledge room? So-so. Well, if you are brave and reasonable and complete all our tasks, so be it, I will return your key to you.

So, guess:

  1. Who speaks silently? (Book)
  2. The white pebble melted
    He left marks on the board. (Chalk)
  3. 33 siblings-
    Written by beauties.
    Live on one page
    And they are famous everywhere. (Letters)

You quickly completed Alice's tasks. But my task will be more difficult. Think and answer, what do people on earth need most? (Knowledge)

How much did you learn in preparatory class?

Who can tell me what your teacher's name is?

Now let’s check how you can quickly find numbers and count.

5 7 10
3 11 6
2 4 8
9 12 1

Yours took it! You have completed all tasks. We'll have to return the magic key to you.

Well done boys!

Now we will open our magic knowledge room. Remember this day. Today, from ordinary girls and boys, you have turned into students. Get on the road! To the land of knowledge! (Children enter the classroom and sit down.)

This is our classroom - our classroom. Here you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, learn to write, count, and make strong friends. You will also meet different fairy tale heroes. And here is one of them. Find him out:

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Instead of school, he ends up in a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What's that boy's name?

(Pinocchio, from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key").

Pinocchio enters.

Hello guys! I'm Pinocchio.

What's your name? (Children say their first and last name). It’s very good that we met you. I will often come to your lessons to learn something new and interesting. Guys. And I know that you went to preparatory class, and you know the rules of conduct in class and at school during recess. Name them. (Children name the rules of behavior)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I'll check now. Find out which fairy tale these words are from:

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard.

Kolobok, I am Kolobok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
I'm baked in the oven too
It's cold at the window.

Now let's talk about another fairy tale.
There's a blue sea here
There is a seashore here.
The old man went to the sea
He threw the net,
He will catch someone and ask for something.

Well done boys! You know the fairy tales! Do you know the poems? (Children read poetry).

Now let's learn another poem written by S.Ya. Marshak "First of September".

Fox Alice:

And now we will play a game

“I’ll take it, but I won’t take it.”

Cat Basilio:

And I will conduct a physical exercise with you called “Pinocchio”.

Pinocchio stretched,
He bent over once, he bent over twice.
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently I didn't find the key.
To get us the key -
You need to stand on your toes

Guys, did you like the Knowledge Day holiday? What do you remember most today? Now you can draw everything you liked at school or draw something of your own according to your desire. (Children draw, then their drawings are hung on the board).

And now our parting guests will give the first-graders some advice.

The desired hour has come,
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We give you an order.

Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at the desk.

Train yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book,
Keep your briefcase clean.

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,
Try to help everyone at school,
Don't frown in vain, be brave -
And you will find friends.

Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch,
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair here or there.

That's all our advice,
They are wiser and simpler.
Don't forget them, my friend.

Goodbye! Good luck!

Thank you, dear guests, for your advice. The guys will try to fulfill them. Today we began our journey through the Land of Knowledge. Congratulations to everyone on this significant event. Guys, you have become students. I really want the school to become your second home, and for your journey through the Land of Knowledge to be exciting, interesting and exciting. We have a long way to go. I wish you success. Patience to your parents.

Try to fantasize at home and draw the Land of Knowledge .


Our contacts:

Actual address (for visitors): Moscow, st. Platovskaya, 4, "First of September"

Postal address (for correspondence): st. Kyiv, 24, Moscow, Russia, 121165, Publishing House "First of September", Organizing Committee of the festival "Open Lesson"

Dear Colleagues! We invite you to take part in the Open Lesson festival.

The following can take part in the festival:

  • educators,
  • speech therapists,
  • teachers,
  • psychologists,
  • vocational education teachers,
  • additional education teachers,
  • heads of educational institutions,
  • students of pedagogical universities, etc.

You can:

At the end of the festival, its participants receive a diploma, certificate and a collection of abstracts in electronic form (optional).

brief information

To participate in the Open Lesson festival you must apply. Login to your Personal Account or create one (for those who are participating for the first time). Go to the “Open Lesson” section, click on the “Submit an application” link and fill out the proposed forms.

All organizational documents of the festival are posted in the participant’s personal account in the “Open Lesson” section. Please note that festival organizational documents are not sent by Russian Post.

In the 2018/2019 academic year, the “Lesson Presentation” competition is traditionally held as part of the festival.

Festival participants prepare work according to.

You can send an article to the Organizing Committee in different ways:

For those wishing to receive a diploma and certificate of participation without waiting for the end of the festival, we are ready to provide it electronically immediately after receipt of all payments (see section), and also send “paper” versions of documents by Russian Post. For such participants it is introduced express processing submitted materials with accelerated publication of works on the website. This service is paid additionally (see section). The mechanism for interaction with the organizing committee to receive this service is described in the section.

The collection of abstracts in electronic form is posted in your Personal Account in September 2019.

All invoices for payment are posted in the participant’s Personal Account in the “Open Lesson” section (invoices are not sent by Russian Post).

For the convenience of festival participants, online payments have been introduced. You can make payment through your Personal Account in the “Open Lesson” section.

1. Calculation of the cost of participation in the festival

To calculate the cost of participation in the festival, it should be taken into account that the cost consists of three components:

  • registration fee (300 rubles per participant),
  • the cost of preparing the publication of materials (690 or 990 rubles for one material),
  • the cost of the collection of abstracts (190 rubles for the electronic version of the collection).

The bill for the collection of abstracts is paid only by those participants who wish to receive it.

You download the invoice for payment for the collection from your Personal Account. If you wish to receive a collection of abstracts, the invoice must be paid before June 1, 2019.

Registration fee 300 rub. is paid once upon first participation in the Open Lesson festival. If a teacher has participated in the “Open Lesson” festival previously, he is exempt from paying the registration fee. When submitting an application from your Personal Account, the specified discount is granted automatically, provided that you use an existing ID and do not create a new Personal Account.

If you decide to submit your work to the Open Lesson festival, the cost of participation will be:

  • 690 rub. + 300 rub. (registration fee if you are participating for the first time) + 190 rub. (if you need a collection of abstracts)
  • 990 rub. + 300 rub. (registration fee if you are participating for the first time) + 190 rub. (if you need a collection of abstracts)

The teacher can submit several works; each article is invoiced separately.

All invoices for payment are posted in your Personal Account, section “Open Lesson”.

A teacher can submit an article to the festival either individually or in collaboration with colleagues. One article can have up to 3 authors. If an article has several authors, the cost of its publication does not change and remains 690 rubles. (or 990 rubles) depending on which participation option you chose.

Cost of express processing, sent materials (the service becomes available from September 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019)

If you urgently need to obtain a diploma and certificate, the cost of participation will increase by 450 rubles. and will be:

  • 690 rub. + 300 rub. (registration fee if you are participating for the first time) + 190 rub. (if you need a collection of abstracts) + 450 rub.

If you decide to submit your work to the Presentation Competition, the cost of participation will be:

  • 990 rub. + 300 rub. (registration fee if you are participating for the first time) + 190 rub. (if you need a collection of abstracts) + 450 rub.

If you decide to use the “Express Processing” service, please note that all invoices for this service are paid ONLY in your Personal Account using online payments.

If you decide to use the “Express Processing” service, you need to send your work along with accompanying documents (personal card + accompanying card for the article) by email. address: [email protected] or download the article from your Personal Account by filling out the accompanying card electronically and attaching the necessary files.

When sending by email. By mail, the article must be submitted in the form of attached files, and in the letter field indicate your identifier, full name and title of the work. After which the materials you sent are registered, and invoices for payment for the publication of the article are placed in your Personal Account. (An invoice for express processing will be sent to your email.)

When downloading an article from your Personal Account, an invoice for payment for the article is generated taking into account express processing.

After paying all bills: registration fee 300 rubles. (if necessary), an invoice for payment for the publication of the article (690 rubles (regular) or 990 rubles (Presentation competition, competition “The Earth is our common home”) and an invoice for express processing of 450 rubles. You can take an electronic version of the diploma and certificate of participation, and the paper version of the documents will be sent on the same day by Russian Post.

Attention: The specified email address is used only for receiving work on the “Express Processing” application.

2. General provisions and key deadlines

2.1. The festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” for the 2018/2019 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the festival) is held by the Publishing House “First of September” with the aim of presenting and popularizing the pedagogical experience of educators - teachers, administrators, preschool workers, psychologists, etc. Individuals (teachers, educators, speech therapists) can take part in the festival.

2.2. The festival is held from May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Anyone who intends to take part in the festival must personally submit an application from their Personal Account on the website. Applications for participation are accepted from May 1, 2018 to April 10, 2019. The festival organizing committee reserves the right to extend the deadline for accepting applications and works.

2.3. Materials from festival participants will be accepted until April 30, 2019. The festival organizing committee reserves the right to change the deadline for accepting works.

Materials are sent to the Organizing Committee via regular (“paper”) mail, ordinary mail, parcels or parcels, as well as through your Personal Account in electronic form. The format for presenting materials must comply with, which are an integral part of these Regulations.

2.4. As materials are received and processed, they are published on the festival website on the Internet: (formerly Upon completion of processing of all materials received on time, a set of final festival materials is formed, including a collection of abstracts of all articles sent by participants. The collection of abstracts is posted in the Personal Account of those who paid the corresponding invoice before June 1, 2019).

All festival participants will be awarded personalized diplomas and certificates certifying the fact of publication of articles. Diplomas are sent before June 15, 2019.

The results of the “Lesson Presentation” competition are announced by June 15, 2019. The results are published on the festival website. Certificates and diplomas of the competition are sent to participants, laureates and winners.

If at any stage of the festival it is discovered that the work does not comply with the above provisions of this paragraph, the Organizing Committee blocks the work regardless of the possibility of promptly informing the author about this. Amounts paid for participation in the festival are not refundable.

Festival sections

Competition "Presentation for the lesson"
☐ Astronomy
☐ Biology
☐ Primary school
☐ Geography
☐ Foreign languages
☐ Computer Science
☐ History and social studies
☐ Local history
☐ Literature
☐ Mathematics
☐ Music
☐ MHC and ISO
☐ Life Safety
☐ Russian language
☐ Sports at school and children's health
☐ Technology
☐ Physics
☐ Chemistry
☐ Ecology
☐ Economy
☐ School administration
☐ Video tutorial
☐ Extracurricular activities
☐ Additional education
☐ Inclusive education
☐ Cool tutorial
☐ Corrective pedagogy
☐ Speech therapy
☐ Master class
☐ General pedagogical technologies
☐ Organization of a school library
☐ Patriotic education
☐ Profession ‒ teacher
☐ Work with preschoolers
☐ Working with parents
☐ Social pedagogy
☐ Lesson using an electronic textbook
☐ Psychological service

2.6. Sending materials to participate in the festival implies agreement with all clauses of these Regulations.

2.7. Current information about the progress of the festival and the passage of materials is reflected in the Personal Account and on the festival website.

2.8. Decisions on all issues not explicitly reflected in these Regulations are made by the Organizing Committee, taking into account the interests of the festival participants.

3. Procedure for participation in the festival

The festival organizing committee is preparing organizational documents for teachers who have applied to participate in the “Open Lesson”:

  • personal participant card,
  • accompanying card for the work (article),
  • labels with barcodes for sticking on envelopes (for sending articles by Russian Post),
  • brochure “How to make a presentation for a lesson?”

All organizational materials are posted in the participant’s personal account, section “Open Lesson”.


The teacher needs to print out:

  • personal participant card,
  • accompanying card for the work (article),
  • labels with barcodes for sticking on envelopes.

The missing information must be entered into the personal card or the existing information must be corrected and signed by the head of the educational institution.

The accompanying card for the article must be filled out:

  • write the title of the article, video lesson or master class,
  • indicate your identifier (or the identifiers of all co-authors and write the identifier of the author to whom to invoice),
  • mark the sections to which the article relates,
  • Be sure to sign your name confirming that your work is not plagiarized.

Preparation of a master class and video lesson

For the Open Lesson festival, you can submit a lesson (a fragment of a lesson) or a master class in video format.

A description (thesis) must be added to the video, which is drawn up in free form, indicating the purpose of the event. The volume of abstracts is up to 500 characters.

Memo: How to post a video on a website

  1. Let's go to YouTube
  2. In the upper right corner of the screen, click the gray “Add Video” button. You will be redirected to the login page for your Google account.
  3. If you have gmail, you can log in using an already created account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password for your email.
    If you don't have a Google account, you need to create one. Click on the blue “Create an account” and follow the instructions.
  4. After successfully logging into your Google account to add a video, you will be prompted to create your channel. Click on the blue “Create Channel” button in the pop-up window.
  5. Next, you will be asked to select a video file to download and file access options. Upload the file and select "Public" (default). This way the video will be available to everyone.
  6. The video will begin downloading. Please wait until the download is complete, because... This may take some time. While the file is being downloaded, you can fill in the fields with the video title, description and tags. Be sure to add an informative title and description of the video.
  7. After the video has finished downloading, you need to click the blue “Done” button (located to the right). Now the video is available to all users and can be viewed using the link indicated under the video window: “Your video will be available at the following address: http://...”. This link must be indicated immediately after the title of the work in the description of the video tutorial that you send to the festival organizing committee.

Compliance with third party copyrights

It is very rare to deal with materials that do not mention or use the work of other authors. This practice is generally accepted and encouraged. At the same time, plagiarism - the theft of other people's materials - is categorically discouraged. Formal determination of the fact of plagiarism is often very difficult and requires special examinations. However, there are two criteria by which a work can be classified as plagiarism. And exactly:

  • the work uses fragments of materials from other authors without explicit references to primary sources (we also note that quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks);
  • The work uses fragments of materials from other authors, the links are carefully made, but apart from the mentioned fragments, the work does not have any content of its own.

The last case may look quite controversial, but on an informal level everyone understands that it makes no sense to simply retell other people’s works - the author must have his say, express his thought, his pedagogical idea.

By signing the accompanying card for the work, the authors express their agreement with this paragraph of these Regulations.


We ask:

  • do not send more than one application for participation;
  • do not register more than one Personal Account on the website;
  • if possible, check your documents for computer viruses (we would like to mention that more than 20% of participants’ files are infected with computer viruses);
  • pay bills on time and accurately (in this case, accuracy is required not so much from you as from bank employees; often they are lazy and inaccurately reproduce the “Purpose of payment” column, as a result of which we receive an anonymous payment and cannot identify it; please ask them be careful and watch it);
  • contact us and clarify all unclear questions of any kind (if you once again call or write an email and ask whether your material has arrived, how to issue a card, etc., we will only be grateful, because in some cases we don’t even suspect about the existence of a potential problem and, therefore, cannot contact you).

Formal description of the procedure for participation in the festival

3.1. Any employee of an educational institution can participate in the festival. A participating teacher can publish any number of materials. Materials can be published in collaboration, and all co-authors must be registered as participants, i.e. Everyone must apply to participate no later than March 31, 2019.

3.2. Anyone who intends to take part in the festival must submit an application within the deadlines specified in. In response to each application, the Organizing Committee posts in the Personal Account:

  • personal participant card containing the individual participant identifier;
  • a set of accompanying cards for publishing materials;
  • a set of postal stickers for sending materials to the Organizing Committee;
  • invoice for payment for a collection of abstracts;
  • an invoice for payment of the registration fee (if the participant is given a 100% discount on the payment of the registration fee, accordingly, this invoice will not be included);
  • this Regulation.

4. Technical requirements

4.1. Technical requirements for materials submitted by participants

So, this section describes the format for presenting materials. First of all:

  • materials for the festival are accepted exclusively in electronic form;
  • if shipping is carried out by Russian Post, then along with the material (but not instead of it!) you must submit a paper printout (one copy). The printout must include the author's name and ID.

The text part of the material is presented in the form of two files in MS Word format. First file name: Article.DOC, second name: Abstracts.DOC. The first file, no more than 10 A4 pages, contains the actual material, the second contains brief abstracts reflecting the essence of the material, the main idea (no more than 500 characters). In addition to these two files, you can send JPG or GIF files (with appropriate extensions) with the names Figure1, Figure2 etc. Drawings, if any, should be placed in these files. In the main text (file Article.DOC) drawings can be included in the file or indicated by links like<Рисунок1>, <Рисунок2>etc.

In addition, files of any type can be written with names Appendix1, Appendix2 etc. These files will be provided with links from the material. Let us explain the purpose of these files. Let's say you are presenting an original program to the festival. In this case, it is reasonable to include a description of the essence of the program and its distinctive features in the article itself. And put cumbersome tables with thematic and lesson plans in appendices.

It also makes sense to include presentations in the appendices, but only if you are not submitting them for the “Lesson Presentation” competition.

If you want to take part in the “Lesson Presentation” competition, you must send a presentation in the format. ppt (.pptx). If there are several presentations submitted to the competition, they must be named Presentation1.ppt, Presentation2. ppt and so on.

Thus, the electronic media must contain the following files:

Article.DOC(up to 10 pages A4);
Abstracts.DOC(up to 500 characters).

The files may be:


If you take part in the “Lesson Presentation” competition, you must submit a file

Presentation.ppt (pptx)

or (if there are several presentations)

Presentation1.ppt (pptx)
Presentation2.ppt (pptx)

If the presentation uses additional files (music, video, text files, etc.), then they need to be recorded in a separate folder.

Also, the disk may contain files of any type:

Annex 1;

The total volume of all work files should not exceed 50MB.

Requirements for the design of MS Word files are given in.

4.2. Format of materials prepared in MS Word

Page format: A4.

Fonts: Times New Roman (as the main font) or (if necessary) Arial, 12 point.

Headings should be separated from previous and subsequent text by spaces (blank lines).

You are only allowed to use the following text highlighting tools: bold font(bold) italics(italic), underlined font(underline), highlighting, superscripts and subscripts. No other means of highlighting text should be used. Tables should use only one border style - solid line. You should not set border styles on individual cells. It is permissible, if necessary, to highlight cells with color and merge cells.

The list of references (if necessary) should be placed at the end of the document. List items are numbered starting from 1. In the text, references to literature are presented in square brackets. Example: .

Figures may be included in the text, but in any case they must be presented in separate JPG or GIF files. If figures are not included in the text, then links to figures are indicated in the form<РисунокN>(For example,<Рисунок1>). The numbers of figures in the text must strictly correspond to the numbers in the names of files with figures.

The following should not be used: headers and footers, footnotes, embedded objects, frames (labels), frames and fills, objects drawn using MS Word.

Regulations on the presentation competition “Presentation for the lesson”

Informal introduction

For many years, “Open Lesson” has been held in the format of a festival and serves as an open platform for the publication of a wide variety of materials from educators. It is pointless to evaluate them and compare them with each other - the materials are too different for there to be at least some formal criteria for comparing them.

In 2018/2019 exclusively for those interested This is the ninth time the competition has been held as part of the festival. The subject of the competition is presentations for lessons. If authors accompany their material with a presentation(s) and want a complex publication (article + presentation) to be reviewed and evaluated by an expert council, they can submit their work to the competition, indicating in the work passport the additional competition section “Lesson Presentation”. Presentations submitted for the competition may be intended not only for use in lessons, but also in other educational activities, in any case all of them must be created for direct use in the educational process when working with students.

Let us note right away that, although the competition will have laureates and winners, the works submitted to the competition, in fact, are not compared with each other. The concepts of “better - worse” are not entirely appropriate here. Each work only receives a certain number of points. Works with more points are ranked higher.

In order to help festival participants, we have prepared a brochure “How to make a presentation for a lesson?” This brochure contains some approaches to the criteria-based assessment system that will guide the expert council. Of course, the criteria are not limited to what is outlined in the brochure, which primarily deals with design issues. Each presentation will be considered both in terms of content, and in terms of connection with the material of the main article submitted to the festival, and in terms of design. We would like to emphasize right away: when deciding to participate in the competition, you must be prepared for the fact that your work may be rated higher or lower - it may or may not be among those noted. The assessment of the expert council is final; there is no system of appeals and dialogue between participants and the expert council. If you are not ready for such a formulation of the question, it is better to limit yourself to just participating in the festival.

Formal provisions

1. The “Lesson Presentation” competition is held as part of the “Open Lesson” festival. Materials that include presentations for educational purposes may be submitted to the competition. in PPT(pptx) format(created in Microsoft PowerPoint or others, but saved in PPT(pptx) format). Materials submitted to the competition are subject to all the requirements for materials submitted to the Open Lesson festival, plus some additional ones set out in these Regulations.

2. The presentation submitted for the competition must be intended for direct use in the educational process, for working with students. This is a mandatory requirement. Presentations for other purposes cannot be submitted for participation in the competition (but can be published within the framework of the festival).

3. The presentation cannot be the only content of the material. She must be addition to the main material (article). It is the article that must contain a description of the author’s pedagogical experience (ideas). The presentation file should be called Presentation.PPT (pptx). If the material includes several presentations, they should be named Presentation1.PPT (pptx), Presentation2.PPT (pptx) etc. If the presentation uses additional files (music, video, text files, etc.), then they must be placed in a separate folder along with the presentation. Thus, the work submitted for the competition must, at a minimum, include files Abstracts.DOC, Article. DOC And Presentation.PPT (pptx).

Even if the material includes several presentations, such division into files is considered as technical - all presentations within the framework of one material are considered and evaluated in a complex as one competitive work.

4. Works submitted to the competition are evaluated by a commission of experts. Expert assessments are final and there is no appeal system.

5. Based on the results of the competition, winners and laureates are determined. The winners (authors of 10% of the total number of works submitted to the competition) are awarded diplomas and memorable prizes. The competition laureates (authors of 30% of the total number of works submitted to the competition) are awarded diplomas. The rest of the competition participants, in addition to documents confirming participation in the festival, receive diplomas confirming their participation in the competition. The results of the competition are summed up in June 2019 and published on the website of the Open Lesson festival.

Dear Colleagues!

If, after reading these Regulations, you decide to become a participant in the festival, then please, if possible, send your works early, without waiting for the deadline for accepting works. The sooner you send your materials, the faster we will process them and post them on the website.

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