Project work "What is the cuckoo sad about?" Evaluation of written works in the Russian language

Administrative control dictation on the topic “Repetition of what was learned in 3rd grade” (input work)

1 quarter 15 .09.2016


The sour and very healthy cranberry berry grows in the summer and is harvested late in the fall. The sweetest cranberries are in the spring, when they lie in the snow all winter.

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries.

According to M. Prishvin

Words for reference: grows, sometimes turns.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write down one word each with root spellings: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants. Select test words and mark spellings.

berry, Option 2 – late.

in the third sentence, Option 2 – in the sixth sentence.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 18.09. 2016

Educational presentation “The cat is a thief.”

The cat is a thief.

Some cat came to visit us. We didn't know how to catch him. He hid so cleverly that none of us really saw him.

Only a week later it was possible to establish that the cat’s ear was torn and a piece of his dirty tail was cut off. It was a cat who had lost all conscience, a cat - a tramp and a bandit.Behind his back they called him Thief . He stole everything: fish, meat, sour cream and bread.

Once we managed to catch a cat. It turned out to be a skinny cat - a stray. At first we wanted to teach him a lesson. Then they decided to feed him.

They dragged the koto into the closet and gave him fried pork and perch aspic. Cottage cheese, sour cream.

The cat ate for more than an hour. He came out of the closet, sat down on the threshold and began to wash himself, and then stretched out by the stove.

From that day on, he settled in with us and stopped stealing.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 09/24/2016

Test “Test yourself” No. 1 in the section “Repeat - learn new things” (Textbook, p.34)

1.Answer the questions ( orally ) .

What goals might the interlocutor have in verbal communication?

What are the basic rules for successful communication?

What is dialogue and what is monologue?

What are the main features of the text?

2. Test your ability to place missing commas in sentences. What do they highlight in these sentences?

1. Why did you come to visit us early in autumn? (A. Pleshcheev.)

2. Come out rainbow - arc onto green meadows.

3. Goodbye old year! It's sad to leave. (R. Zaslavsky.)

3. Copy the story by A. Bachai. Determine its topic. Title the text.

We live together with the cat Klyopa and the cat Martha. One day I fed them for the night and went to bed.

A knock woke me up, like someone was playing football in the house. I got up and saw such a scene. Klepa is jumping on the floor with a can on his head with milk left in it.

She took Klepa out of the house into the yard, carefully broke the jar with a stone and freed him. The cat jumped on me and began to lick my face and hands as a sign of gratitude. Here's the story.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 25.09. 2016

Control dictation “Autumn” in the section “Repeat - learn new things” on the topic “Text as a speech work.”


Early autumn. The Russian forest is beautiful and sad on these wonderful days. The thicket of golden foliage is cut through by maples engulfed in fire. The light heels of the leaves fly slowly. Between the trees, thin threads of cobwebs shine with silver. The late mushroom turns red. There is silence in the forest. Only the soft carpet of foliage rustles sadly underfoot.

The air is fresh and clear. The water in forest streams is clean and cold. The oak tree is still green. But the tops of the birches are already bare.

According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov

Words for reference : slowly.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write what type this text belongs to. Write down phrases that prove this.

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word:

Option 1 – sad,

Option 2 – leaves.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 07.10. 2016

Control dictation “Thunderstorm” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Means of communication”


A summer storm was approaching. A giant purple cloud slowly rose above the forest. Low willows rustled and babbled. A sharp wind roared overhead. The trees went wild. Large drops of rain pattered furiously on the leaves. A blinding long lightning streak crossed the gloomy sky. There was a deafening crash. Thunder rumbled. The rain poured down in streams.

But then the bright sun shone cheerfully again. The air became fresh and light. How joyfully everything sparkles after the rain! How wonderfully fragrant strawberries and mushrooms smell!

According to I. Turgenev.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write down three words with unstressed vowels being tested, select test words, and indicate the spelling.

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: Option 1 –rain, Option 2 – furiously.

3. Indicate the grammatical basis: Option 1 –in the fourth sentence, Option 2 – in the third sentence.

4. Indicate the emphasis in words.

Needles, bows, sorrel, cakes, ringing, understood, asked, tools, beets, driver.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 08.10. 2016

Test "Test yourself" No. 2 in the section "Language as a means of communication" on the topic "Means of communication" (Textbook, p.51)

1.Complete the sentence. Write it down.

The most important means of communication is...

2. Indicate the number of sounds and letters in these words.

Dandelion, ball, speech, spruce, hedgehog, weeds.

3. Divide the words first into syllables, and then into parts for hyphenation. Can all words be separated for hyphenation?

Mike, met, sneak, acacia, mine.

4. Make a sound-letter analysis of each word. Underline the letters that represent the two sounds.

Cradle, fat, fir-tree, loach, will announce.

5. Write down the text, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters where necessary.

(On) a sunny day in autumn..on the edge of a spruce forest, young people gathered in..selye, as if there, in the spruce forest, they felt cold..deep, Their life has become boring. They (wanted) to bask in the open sun. So in the villages the villages go out (into) the sun and sit (on) benches near their houses.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 18.10. 2016.

Test cheating “Mom” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Main and secondary members of a sentence”


You always you will remember mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. Mom taught you to walk and talk. Mom read you the first book. From your mother you learned the names of birds - sparrow, swallow, tit. I learned that every flower has a name - chamomile, cornflower, ivan - damarya. Mom is always there for you. Everything you saw seemed to start with mom. And love for the Motherlandbegins with love for mom.

According to Yu. Yakovlev.

Note. Draw children's attention to writing the underlined words.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 27.10. 2016

Educational presentation “The First Snow”.

First snow

Tanya looked out the window. The sky was full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, swirled and fell. They lay on village roofs, stale dirt on the road, frozen puddles, bare tree branches.

Tanya went out into the yard and began to look at the snowflakes. In the air they look like light fluff. And closer - stars. Everyone is different. One had wide rays, while the other had them sticking out like sharp arrows.

After lunch, Tanya did not recognize her village. She became all white. And the roofs, and the roads, and the gardens were white.

The sun came out, the snow shone and sparkled. Winter has come.

According to L. Voronkova

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 29.10. 2016

Control dictation “Coward” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Sentence”


The guys played war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not included in the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha only knew how to crawl.

Suddenly the guys heard screams. The dog Lokhmach broke free from his chain. The children scattered, only Andryusha remained on the street.

Valya rushed to her brother. The huge dog rushed straight towards the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly.

A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away.

The guys came out of their shelters. Happy Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying bitterly. She was very scared.

According to N. Artyukhova

Words for reference : across, sobbing, scattered.

Grammar tasks:

1.Write down sentences for the diagrams.

Option 1 O, O, and O

Option 2 O and O

2. Write down the phrases, graphically indicate the main and dependent words:

Option 1 – from the second sentence of the third paragraph.

Option 2 – from the first sentence of the last paragraph.

3. Perform sound-letter analysis of words:

Option 1 – suddenly,

Option 2 – Very.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 1st quarter 30.10. 2016

Test No. 3 in the section “Language as a means of communication” to summarize knowledge on the topics “Sentence” and “Phrase”(Textbook, p.80)

1.Complete the sentence. Write them down.

Sentences for the purpose of the statement are: ... .

In terms of intonation, sentences can be….

The main members of the sentence are….

In addition to the main members, a sentence may also contain....

2. Choose the correct answer.

a) Homogeneous members of a sentence are the same member of a sentence and answer the same question. Refer to the same word in a sentence.

b) A comma is placed between homogeneous members if they are connected using conjunctionsA , But

c) A comma is not placed between homogeneous members if they are connected using conjunctionsA , But or using enumeration intonation (without conjunctions).

d) A comma is placed before a conjunction and with homogeneous members of a sentence if this conjunction is used once.

3. Answer the questions.

a) Which sentence is called complex?

b) What punctuation marks are used in a complex sentence?

c) What is a phrase?

d) How are the words in the phrase connected?

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

2nd quarter 14.11. 2016.

Test No. 4 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “The Word and its meaning”

(Textbook, p.93)

1.Choose the correct answer.

The word has only a sound - letter form.

The word has a lexical meaning and a sound - a letter form.

2. Distribute the words into five synonymous groups.

Message, funny, brave, news, amusing, courageous, news, kind, eyes. Comical, bold, warm-hearted, eyes, courageous, undaunted, soulful, news.

3. Choose a synonym and antonym for each of these words.

Quiet - … .

Thin - … .

Joy - … .

Is it true - … .

Laugh - … .

Run –….

4. Give your examples of words - homonyms.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

2nd quarter 25.11. 2016

Control dictation “Cuckoo” on the topic “Spelling of prepositions and prefixes”


All birds build nests and hatch chicks. But the cuckoo has different habits. The warbler will fly away from the nest to get food. Leaves eggs unattended. Here the cuckoo will throw its egg into the bird’s nest.

Here the cuckoo warblers are hatching. He grew up and threw the warbler chicks out of the nest onto the ground. The birds were left with one large, disheveled chick.

Warblers are carried all day long in the beaks of caterpillars, larvae, and beetles. And the cuckoo eats the food, opens its mouth wide and squeaks again. And his mother flies carefree through the forest.

Words for reference: carefree again.

Grammar tasks:

1. Copy a poem - a joke, opening the parentheses. Label the noun with a preposition and the verb at the top.

I, without sparing soap,

I washed my nose patiently.

It would depend (on) the soap,

I would wash my freckles.

Y. Kozlovsky

2. Write down one word each with a hard separator and a soft separator, and graphically explain the spelling.

3. Write down one word each with a spelling - vowel and with a spelling - consonant in the prefix. Label the spellings.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

2nd quarter 05.12. 2016

Educational presentation “Bitter water”

bitter water

Tolya and Vitya were returning home from the forest.

An old woman was walking along the road with a bucket of water. It was obvious that it was hard for her.

Vitya ran to help the old woman, and Tolya passed by. The old woman thanked the boy from the bottom of her heart.

One day Tolya was coming from a walk. He was thirsty. I knocked on one of the huts. A familiar old lady opened the door. She greeted Tolya warmly and gave her water. The boy blushed. He hastily drank some water and ran out into the street. The water seemed bitter to him.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 2nd quarter 15.12. 2016

Test No. 5 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Composition of a word” (Textbook, p. 111)

1. Disassemble these words according to their composition.

Crossroads, hollow, old, let's leave.

2. Distribute the words into groups according to the meaning of the root. Highlight the root in the words of each group.

Blind, go blind, stick together, stick, sticky, dazzling.

3. Read the statements and choose the correct answers.

a) The separating solid sign is written only after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root that begins with one of the vowels:e, e, yu, i.

b) The separating solid sign is written only after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root that begins with one of the vowels:e, e, yu, i, i.

c) Words that have two roots are called complex.

4. Complete the sentences.

The root of the word is….

The root expresses... the meaning of the word.

The basis of the word is….

5. Write down, opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters into the words where necessary.

    (Under) throw (under) the tree, (over) return (around) the corner.,,, etc..assume,

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

2nd quarter 16.12. 2016

Control dictation “Trouble” for the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Composition of words”.


It was a clear day. The spring sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the spruce forest. A light breeze blew. There was a strong smell of smoke in the air. The tourists did not put out the fire. Dry grass caught fire. This is a great danger for the forest. The fire got close to the old spruce. The lower branches are busy. Now narrow tongues of flame began to lick the anthill.

We broke off the heavy spruce paws and began to put out the fire. A thin stream of smoke came from the anthill. The hardy ants survived the frosty and hungry winter. But they were not saved from the forest fire.

Young trees have drooped. The birds stopped singing. Black marks remained in the clearing. Nature will take a long time to lick its wounds. Take care of the forest!

Words for reference: anthill caught fire.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write down any group of words with the same root, sort them by composition.

2. Form 2 – 3 words with the same root using suffixes- ik -, - yonok -, - them -, - ok -, - at -, - yat -.

Option 1 – elephant

Option 2 – wolf

3.Write down three verbs with prefixes, highlight the prefixes.

4.Write down the words, underline those that do not have a suffix.

Period, granddaughter, bump.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

2nd quarter 24.12. 2016 Test No. 6 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “The word as a part of speech”

(Textbook, p. 119)

1.Choose the correct answer.

a) Parts of speech are a noun, an adjective, a pronoun, a verb, a preposition, a conjunction.

b) Parts of speech are prefix, root, suffix, ending, stem.

2.Distribute the words into groups (parts of speech).

Good, prettier, blue, little blue, turn blue, distant, distant, remove, caress, affectionate, caress.

3.Indicate which part of speech each of the highlighted words belongs to.

We built a birdhouse For cheerful starling.

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

4.Form with each of these roots one noun, one adjective and one verb.

Vesel - , black - , blue - .

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 2nd quarter 25.12. 2016.

Test dictation “In the Tundra” for the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “The Word as a Part of Speech.”

In the tundra

A tractor crawls across the tundra. In summer there is no other way to get through the local swamps. The spikes of the steel tracks tear away the green cover of the tundra. And underneath it is pure liquid mud. Another car will not follow the old trail. You can get stuck. Drivers are looking for a new road.

A terrible picture appears from the plane. The whole tundra seems to be cut up with a knife. The track of the caterpillars will heal after decades. After all, northern mosses grow slower than trees! And without moss it is difficult for reindeer and other tundra animals to live.

Grammar tasks:

1. Underline the main parts of the sentence and identify the parts of speech:

Option 1 – in the first sentence;

Option 2 is in the eighth sentence.

Option 1 – (across) the tundra, locals, pick it up.

Option 2 – caterpillars, crawling, terrible.

3. Indicate the parts of speech and sort the words according to their composition.

Option 1 – crawling, green, northern.

Option 2 – steel, heal, cover.

Increased difficulty level.

Sort out the words according to their composition, find the extra word.

Fisherman, stranger, fool, simpleton, nickel.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

3rd quarter 12.02. 2016

Control dictation “Forest” in the section “Word as a part of speech” on the topic “Noun”


The forest is a large city with thousands of inhabitants. This giant is built up with various dwellings. Forest inhabitants settled in deep burrows, warm nests, spacious dens, and tiny huts. Forest inhabitants are animals, birds, insects. They spend the whole day busy with housework.

From morning to evening, birds scurry between tree trunks, bushes, and branches. They catch beetles and caterpillars and take them to their chicks. Hard-working ants do not sit idle. They eat forest pests. Predators – forest orderlies – protect the forest from diseases.

Our forests are a storehouse of wealth. Take care of trees, bushes, grass. Don't destroy birds' nests. Don't destroy anthills. Be nature's friends and careful owners.

Words for reference: shacks, storehouse, thrifty.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write down three phrases with plural nouns, determine case and declension.

2.Copy down the sentences. Write the nouns given in brackets in the genitive plural form.

The juice of (oranges) and (tangerines) contains a lot of (vitamins). Grandma made jam from (cherries) and (apricots)

3. Parse nouns as parts of speech:

Option 1 – pests,

Option 2 – caterpillars

4. Write down phraseological units with opposite meanings in pairs.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

3rd quarter 03/03/2017.

Control dictation “Winter day” on the topic “Adjective”

Winter day

It's a wonderful winter day. There is a clear blue sky above us. Everything around is covered with a fluffy snow carpet. Bright light blinds the eyes. We entered the forest. The trees stand as if in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers the bump. Tits and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. A red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.

Traces are visible under the pine tree. This is a white hare running through the untouched snow.

Good in the forest! It's easy to breathe fresh frosty air.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out three phrases “adjective + noun” from the text. Highlight the endings in adjectives and determine the case.

2. Make up phrases using the diagrams.

“adjective + noun, m.r., etc.”

“adjective + noun, s.r., d.p.”

“adjective + noun, w.r., pp.”

3. Copy by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In ..., ..., ... the autumn forest is in full swing.

On ..., ... bright stars lit up.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

3rd quarter 12.03. 2017..

On a sunny day I wandered in a birch forest. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo calling. I've heard it many times. But I never saw it. What is she like?

It turned out to be quite difficult to see her. I follow her voice, and she follows me. Plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play the other way around: I’ll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo fell silent. And suddenly her scream was heard nearby. I'm silent: look better. And she is already very close to crowing.

I look - a bird is flying across the clearing. Her tail is long. The breast itself is gray, with dark speckles. Could it be a hawk? And the bird flew up to a nearby tree, sat on a twig and crowed. That's what she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar tasks:

1.Copy the pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number and case.

2. Write down the words, dividing them into two groups.

For, he, by, her, from, for, you, us, with you.

3. Insert appropriate pronouns into the text.

On Saturday... we went to the park. The trees stood in a colorful outfit. On... there were red, yellow, orange leaves.

stood under a tree. Autumn leaves fell on...

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

4th quarter 21.04. 2017..

Test dictation “Spring Morning” in the section “Word as part of speech” on the topic "Verb"

Spring morning

What a nice spring morning! The sun appeared from behind the blue strip of forest. The tops of giant pines turn red in its rays. The fog swirls above the river like a golden haze. Now the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue surface of the river. In the mirror surface of the river you see the blue sky and clouds. Dew sparkles on the bright greenery. A light breeze sways the willow catkins. A blackbird on the top of a spruce whistles a song. He whistles and listens. And in response to him there was amazing silence.

Grammar tasks:

1.Write down two verbs and parse them as parts of speech.

2. Parse the composition of the verbwhistles.

3.Find two verbsI And IIconjugations and highlight the endings in them, indicate the conjugation.

4. Form from a verbshakes feminine verb in past tense.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

4th quarter 04.05. 2017.

Control dictation “Weather predictors” in the section “Word as part of speech” on the topics “Numerals” and “Adverbs”.

Weather forecasters

Birds are great at predicting the weather. They are constantly in the air and are sensitive to even small changes in nature. Before inclement weather, air pressure drops sharply. Insects fly low. Swallows and swifts also reduce their flight when hunting for them. Sunlight is weakening. Birds and insects sense this change in advance. The voices of birds fall silent. Butterflies and dragonflies do not flutter.

The sharp cries of jackdaws and crows are the first sign of rain in summer or autumn. All the crows sit in a row with their heads in one direction - wait for the wind.

Grammar tasks:

1.Copy five adverbs from the text. Ask them questions.

2. Select appropriate adverbs for the verbs and write down the phrases.

Scream, jump, run, write, sleep.

3.characterize the names of numerals by category and composition.

One thousand, five hundred, ninety-nine.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 4th quarter 18.05. 2017..

Test writing “Forest fires”

Forest fires

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire.

A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky.

A forest fire started.

How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die!

Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire.

And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.

Additional task

Complete the text with calls and advice to take care of the forest.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 4th quarter 20.05. 2017..

Final control dictation “The Last Days”

Last days

The sun woke up early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their order. A fresh snowball was thrown near the birch tree, the hills were covered with milky fog. And in the forest they hung ice icicles on the pine trees. The children are happily running through the last snowball.

The light looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. The ice and snow immediately dimmed. A cheerful, talkative stream ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.

Grammar tasks:

1. In the last sentence, highlight the basis, write down phrases from it. Write the parts of speech above each word.

2. Parse words as parts of speech.

Covered with milk overnight.

3. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the wordicy

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

4th quarter 27.05. 2017..

Test presentation “Who is the boss?”

Who's the boss?

A large black stray dog ​​responded to the nickname Zhuk. The Beetle had a sore paw. Ilya and Vanya began to look after the unfortunate dog. Each of them wanted to be the owner of the Beetle.

One day in the fall, boys and a dog were walking through the forest. Suddenly a furious bark was heard. Two shepherd dogs jumped out of the raspberry bushes and knocked down Zhuk.

Vanya instantly climbed the tree. Ilya grabbed a long stick and rushed to protect the Beetle. A local forester came running and drove away the brutal shepherd dogs.

The forester inquired about the owner of the Beetle. Ilya said that this was his dog. Vanya remained silent.

According to V. Oseeva

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year 4th quarter 29.05. 2017..

Final test for 4th grade.


School _________________________________________________Class 4 “c”

Last name, first name ________________________________________________


45 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

In your work you will encounter different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose an answer from several proposed ones and circle the number next to the answer that you consider correct. Please note: sometimes in multiple-choice tasks there is only one correct answer, and sometimes there are several correct answers. Read the assignments carefully! In some tasks you will need to write down a few words, sometimes you will need to write short texts.

Some tasks will seem...esoft, others difficult. Next to the numbers of some tasks there is a signeasterisk (*) - this is how more difficult tasks are marked. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If there is time left, you caneTry again to complete the missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to correct your answer, cross it out and circle it or write down the answer that you think is correct.

We wish you success!

1. Circle the number of the row in which the names are in alphabetical order.

1) Gruzdev, Dunaev, Redkin, Moskvin

2) Klyuev, Pirogov, Tikhonov, Fedin

3) Borisov, Rozhkov, Nikulin, Shchepkin

4) Aristov, Volgin, Zhurov, Dyatlov

2. Circle the number of the correct statement about the word seagull.

1) In the word seagulls, all consonants are soft.

2) The word seagulls has three syllables.

3) The word seagulls has more letters than sounds.

4) There are no voiceless consonants in the word seagull.

3*. Read the names of the columns and rows of the table. Write the words below in the correct part of the table. Please note: the first word has already been written down.

Greens, weight e ly, you decide, thicket, blizzard sprat,


4. Circle the number of the row that includes related words and does not include a form of one of the words.

1) city, urban, city, town

2) snow, snowy, snowball, snowy

3) wind, windy, breeze, windy

4) leaf, leaf, leaf fall, leaf

5. Circle the number of the word that matches the diagram:

1) painting

2) bandage

3) weather

4) strip

6*. Combine words that have the same word structure into groups. Write each group on a separate line.

Head, crimson, key, magazine, seaside, frost

7. Write 2 words from these sentences in each column of the table.

Before dawn, a cool breeze swirls over the forest. The sun slowly appears in the sky. In late autumn, the water in the streams is clean and clear.

1) ......................................

1) ......................................

2) .....................................

2) .....................................

8. Circle the number of the phrase that contains a noun of the 3rd declension in the singular, in the dative case.

1) fall asleep from fatigue

2) turn to the crib

3) go to the lilac

4) reflect on life

9. Circle the number of the phrase that contains a masculine adjective in the instrumental case.

1) bright sun

2) new film

3) scented soap

4) sweet peas

10. Read the sentence.

On this sunny morning, the forest was filled with extraordinary joy.

Determine in what form the highlighted adjective is used in the sentence. Circle the answer number.

1) in the form of m.r., units. h., I. p.

2) in the form of m.r., units. h., V. p.

3) in the form cf. r., units h., V. p.

4) in the form cf. r., units h., I. p.

11. Circle the number of the sentence in which the highlighted word is a verb.

1) It was such a prolonged howl that we froze.

2) Alma, don’t howl so loudly, they will hear us.

3) It wasn’t even a howl, but a very sad song.

4) Wolf howls always scared me very much.

12. Circle the number of the sentence that contains a verb in the present tense, singular. numbers, 3 persons.

1) The city smiles at you with flowers in the flower beds.

2) In summer in the southeThe eyes shine very brightly.

3) Are you going eAre you going to the show today?

4) Early in the morning water in puddlese rzla.

13*. The teacher asked two questions; Katya and Gena’s answers are given below. Mark which of the guys gave the correct answer. Support your chosen answer with two examples. If there is no correct answer, write your own and support it with two examples.

Question 1. Do they all eDo nouns have endings?

Katya: Yes, everyone.

Gena: No, not everyone.

There is no correct answer.

My answer: _________________________

Question 2. Do all nouns change according to number?

Katya: Not all nouns are inflected by numbers.

Gena: All nouns change according to numbers.

There is no correct answer.

My answer:__________________________

14. Read the sentence. Underline the subject and predicate.

A ray of sunshine fell on the snow under the spruce tree.

15. Find and mark a sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction and.

1) We walked along the path, listening to the sounds.

2) We lived in my grandmother’s houseѐ zhik and cat.

3) The hare noticed us and galloped into the forest.

4) Evening has come, soon the stars will light up in the skyѐ Hello.

16. Read the word check options. Find the correct statement. Circle his number.

1) The word ...cucumber can be checked with the word vegetable.

2) The word p...left can be checked with the word field.

3) The word s…lonka can be checked with the word sunny.

4) The word shoot can be checked with the word shoot.

17*. Combine words that have the same spelling at the root into groups. Write each group on a separate line.

Flexible, oral, late, fish, winter hut, heart, spot, rare, useful

18. Read the recording of the telephone conversation.

Fedya called his friend Gene. Go to the phoneel Gena's dad, Igor Seme newbie

1) - Is Genka at home? - Good afternoon, Fedya! No, he's stilledidn't return from school. 2) - Tell him to call me! - Agreed, Fedya! I'll tell him. Goodbye.

3) - Okay.

Write down the words that you consider necessary to insert into Fedya’s remarks.

Reply 1 ______________________________________________________________

Reply 2 ______________________________________________________________

Reply 3 ______________________________________________________________


I had a barrel of water at my dacha. Nearby, two young sparrows sat side by side on a tree, justeyoung, with down showing through the feathers.

Here one sparrow smartly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the barrel and began to drink. Drank and that's itelooked at the other, and echoed with him in his ringingem language. The other one is a little smaller - about the size of an earehe sat on a branch with a sultry look and glanced warily at the barrel. But I was thirsty - my beak was agape from the heat.

And suddenly I saw clearly: the first one - he had been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other with his example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He jumped along the edge of the barrel, lowered his beak, grabbed the water and immediately dropped itefrom his beak, and looked at his brother, and called him.

The little brother on the branch made up his mind and flew to the barrel. But as soon as his paws touched the damp, green edge, he immediately fluttered back into the tree in fear.

And he started calling him again. And finally he achieved it: the little brother flew onto the barrel, sat down hesitantly,efluttered his wings for a while and got drunk. Both flew away.

(according to V.V. Veresaev)

19. Complete the missing points of the plan.

1. Two sparrows on a branch.

2. I'm thirsty!

3. _________________.

4. _________________.

5. Good try

20*. What do you think about ѐ m this story? per hour ѐ m its main idea? Write about it. Your entry should contain 2-3 sentences, and it must be a coherent text.

Slide 1

Who is this bird? He never builds nests for himself, leaves eggs for his neighbors, and does not remember the chicks.
Guess the riddle:

Slide 2

Presentation of the Cuckoo

Slide 3

Read the text:

Slide 4

Slide 5

Answer the questions.
Remember what you know about the habits of the cuckoo. What were the birds doing in the grove? What did the cuckoo care about? Whose nest did she choose for her future chick? Tell us how she threw her egg into the flycatcher's nest.

Slide 6

Read the text and retell:
The cuckoo sat calmly on the tree. Birds flew between the trees, carrying feathers, moss, and grass. The chicks should hatch soon. The birds were in a hurry to build, twist, and sculpt. The cuckoo has its own worries. She doesn’t know how to build nests or raise chicks. She was looking for a better nest. That's where I was going to throw the egg. The cuckoo watched the birds for a long time. She liked the flycatcher's nest. The cuckoo flew from the birch tree and laid an egg straight to the ground. Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew up to the nest and carefully lowered it there. The cuckoo was happy. She placed the chick in a safe place.

Slide 7

Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of words:
the chicks rushed by, flew, dragged, hurried, demolished the nest
- rushes by
- chick
- flight
- drags
- rush
- nests
- demolished

Slide 8

Fill in the missing letters:
wings trees feathers
wings trees feathers

Slide 9

Place punctuation marks in the sentences:
Birds flew between the trees, dragging feathers, moss and grass.
Birds flew between the trees, carrying feathers, moss, and grass.
The birds were in a hurry to build and sculpt.
The birds were in a hurry to build, twist, and sculpt.
Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew to the nest and carefully lowered it there.
Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew up to the nest and carefully lowered it there.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children station of young naturalists


Lesson notes

"What kind of mother cuckoo"

1-4 grade

Bugakova Larisa Borisovna.

additional education teacher


What kind of bird is this?
Doesn't sit on the egg
Snooping around other people's nests,
He doesn't know his children.


Few people have seen this bird, but perhaps everyone has heard it. The cuckoo can be unmistakably recognized by its voice. At the word -Cuckoo-The image of a bird immediately appears that does not build a nest for itself and does not show interest in its own children.As soon as they don't scold the cuckoo! Like, she is the worst and most useless mother, which means she is also the most harmful bird.

And you want to know why she does this, and whether she can be called a good mother.

Slide 2 . Therefore, the topic of our lesson is “What kind of mother is the cuckoo”

Slide 3 . Purpose of the lesson : find out what a cuckoo really ismother,and prove that the cuckoo is a very useful bird.

First, I want to hear what you think about this. I suggest you answer 2 questions: “Is the mother cuckoo good?”, “Is she a useful bird?” (children's answers)

Slide 4 .To achieve the goal of our lesson, I set the following tasks:

    Find out which birds the cuckoo throws its future offspring into the nests.

    Find out why the cuckoo is forced to throw up its chicks.

    Think about whether the cuckoo brings harm or benefit to nature.

    Answer the main question - is a mother cuckoo good or bad?

Main stage

Slide 5. Few people think about what an interesting bird the cuckoo is! People think since she puts hers into other people's nests and does not care about the offspring, she is a bad mother, but not everyone knows that the bird carefully chooses future adoptive parents - this suggests that it does not care who it trusts with its chick.

1. She chooses a nest similar to the one in which she herself once hatched.

2. The nest she has chosen must already contain eggs laid by another bird.

3. The cuckoo will lay its egg, making sure that the owners leave the nest at this time.

4. If the nest is in an unusual place: in a hollow, under a canopy, the cuckoo will lay an egg on the ground and carry it into the nest in its beak.

This is the first plus in favor of the cuckoo as a good mother.

Slide 6. Question 1. In the nests of which birds does the cuckoo throw its future offspring?

Usually, rather small birds are chosen to play the role of foster parents. The nests of garden warblers, wagtails, goldfinches, and warblers are especially popular with the cuckoo. Cuckoo eggs are colored very differently. Each female chooses a nest where the eggs are similar in color to hers.

Slide 7. A cuckoo that lays blue eggs lays them in nests with blue eggs; carrying variegated ones - puts them with variegated ones, etc.Therefore, birds accept cuckoo eggs as their own. It has been noticed that the cuckoo continues to take care of its eggs even after they are laid. Sometimes it transfers a disturbed egg from one nest to another, more reliable one. Thus, for about 6 weeks, when the cuckoo lays eggs, this bird has no less worries than other birds. This is the second plus in favor of the cuckoo.

And, despite all these tricks, for every 5 cuckoo eggs thrown, onlyone cuckoo Therefore, in order to continue the race, the cuckoo lays from 10 to 25 eggs per season.

Having thrown the eggs, the cuckoo calmly goes to South Africa for the winter. And tragedies play out in the nests.

Slide 8. The cuckoo hatches blind, naked, but quite strong. And he already has the throwing instinct: he throws out eggs or other chicks. By lifting them onto its back and helping itself with its bare wings, the cuckoo chick “cleans” the nest for itself. The cuckoo is in a hurry - the throwing instinct lasts three to four days, then subsides. If he does not have time to throw it away during this time, and the chicks remain in the nest, they are still doomed: the cuckoo will intercept all the food.

Slide9. The “foster parents” feed the only chick with amazing zeal. The explanation for this is the bright red throat and yellow mouth of the cuckoo chick - a powerful signal that forces not only the “foster parents” to feed it, but also “stranger” birds to give the cuckoo chick food caught for their own chicks. And also, in order for foster parents to feed enough, you need to be able to beg for food and imitate their voice. If on the very first day the cuckoo does not learn to imitate this, the foster parents will not feed it.

At the same time, no one notices the colossal size of the chick. Feeder birds sometimes sit on the back or head of their offspring, thrusting their entire heads into its wide-open mouth.

Only a month and a half after leaving the nest does the cuckoo begin to lead an independent life.

Slide 10. Question 2. Why is the cuckoo forced to throw up its chicks? .

One of the reasons is the bird's nutrition. Among insects, especially among caterpillars, there are poisonous ones. Many birds do not eat them. And the cuckoo eats with pleasure. She won’t feed them to her children?! The chicks, although they are very voracious, have delicate, small necks, and they cannot swallow caterpillars. And in an adult cuckoo, the stomach is designed in such a way that the “hair” of the caterpillars digs into a special coating of the walls, and then this coating is removed from the stomach along with the “hair”. So the cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds, so that these birds feed the cuckoos with tender midges and mosquitoes.

Slide 11. Another reason is that the cuckoo cannot hatch its eggs itself, since they appear over a long period of time: its first chick would have already hatched, and the last egg would still be fresh. And this means that all the offspring would inevitably be doomed to death: the first one already needs to be fed, and the last one still needs to be hatched... In addition, one cuckoo is so voracious that the cuckoo is simply not able to feed all the offspring. So a way out was found - to use the help of other birds. Each cuckoo has one pair of foster parents!

Slide 12. Question 3. Does the cuckoo bring harm or benefit to nature?

The cuckoo is useful due to its appetite. The cuckoo's appetite is truly extraordinary. She can eat up to 100 caterpillars in an hour, but insatiability is not the only advantage of cuckoos. If there are a lot of pests in the forest, then the birds will work until they destroy all the insects.

In other words, one cuckoo destroys many more harmful insects than all the birds killed by the cuckoo would destroy.

There are never many cuckoos in the forest. Their numbers are very small compared to other forest birds.

So for the forest, the cuckoo is a very useful bird, because by destroying millions of pests it completely atones for its “guilt.”

Slide 13. Conclusion

It would seem that everything is clear, cuckoos are very harmful birds, and careless mothers. But we found out that this behavior of the cuckoo is not explained by the lack of maternal feelings, but, on the contrary, by concern for the preservation of its offspring.The cuckoo is a very smart bird, and you shouldn’t label it a “bad mother”, since it is simply forced to do just that and no other way.

Means,The cuckoo is a good, caring mother!

And the cuckoo is the most useful bird!The forest benefits greatly from the cuckoo. There are cases when they saved entire oak groves, gardens and parks from the invasion of various pests.

Slide 14. I would like to end our lesson with Lyudmila Radul’s poem “Cuckoo”

Everything is thought out in nature,
Although sometimes it seems strange.
Here, for example, is that cuckoo,
What is crowing at the edge of the forest?
This bird will never
Didn't build a nest for herself.
People began to repeat,
What is she -bad mother.
Just what is her fault?
Why doesn't she build nests?
There are many alien nests in the forest.
Birds lay eggs in them.
The cuckoo has no home
But there is a secret:
Lay eggs for neighbors
They're in the nest while they're gone.
But the hostess has no idea
Who could have done this?
She is surprised
But she must sit through it.
A chick appears
Size like father
The family where I ended up
Even though he is small in age.
Feeding him is not easy
Small birds.
And to feed our own...
This one eats for three.
Drives out all the chicks
Those that mother and father feed.
Finally, he flew away -
And the chaos is over...
Why the mother cuckoo
Find yourself out of work?
And the whole reason is food.
Mom knows: there will be trouble...
Nature joked with her
Among the bird people,
Rewarding the cuckoos with food—
Scary fat caterpillars:
And shaggy and prickly,
There is a terrible burning sensation in the stomach.
If the chick eats it,
Then he faces... the end.
And his mother decided
Spare, give away the egg
To the nest where there is food,
What do chicks always eat?
The little cuckoo eats bugs
Delicious worms.
Well, then the caterpillars
Accepts with an adult belly.
At home the offspring would have perished,
And the whole cuckoo family.
So nature decided
Although not everyone is pleased with the decision.
Nature has a higher view:
So that all the niches are filled.
And the cuckoo is wise.
And as a mother she is kind.

List of used literature.

Akimushkin I.I. Animal World (Bird Tales)/Eureka Series; Artists A. Bloch, B. Zhutovsky - Moscow: Young Guard - 1971, p. 384

Animals. Great encyclopedia. Under the general editorship of T.A. Rudenko. Moscow. OLMA Media Group. 2008



Lubok is the lower layers of tree bark. Long ago, pictures were made from bast wood. People often decorated their homes with such pictures. Pictures appeared in Moscow. Traveling traders carried them in backpack boxes. These boxes are similar to our large backpacks. Only they are made from bast.

Happy birthday

A Lesser Spotted Eagle congratulates its eaglets on their birth. The chicks have not yet emerged from the egg. And the father is already bringing them a frog to the nest. He will hear the squeaking of the chicks in the egg. He listens and hurries to get the gift. For little eaglets, a frog is like candy for human children.

According to Yu. Dmitriev


This fish has a fin on its back that has turned into a sucker. Sticky often helps fishermen. You can use it to catch sea turtles. Fishermen attach a line to the tail of the fish and throw it towards the turtle. The fish sticks to the turtle shell. Then they begin to quietly pull her towards the boat along with the turtle.

According to N. Sladkov


In autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. The worms hid in the ground. It's hard to find bugs and snails. On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares his burrow. Day and night he carries dry leaves and soft moss there. Winter will come. A deep snowdrift will cover the hole. I feel warm under the snow. The hedgehog will sleep until spring.


The largest nest is the eagle's. He makes it from thick branches. The eagle places it on a huge, strong pine tree. The tit's coziest nest. Her nest is made of fluff, feathers, and moss. The nest is round, like a pumpkin. The cuckoo does not build nests. She places her eggs in the nests of other birds.


Indoor plants not only decorate our homes. Long ago, garden geranium was considered in Europe a flower of the urban poor. She healed the damp air in their homes and improved sleep. People believed in the healing power of garden geranium and loved it.


Rhinoceroses are the largest animals. The weapons of a rhinoceros are a horn, incisors and small hooves on the toes. This weapon helps the rhino survive. Often the rhinoceros hits them. This is how he protects himself. Rhinoceroses sleep on their stomachs or sides. These animals live a long time.


Deer is a large animal with strong legs and a high head. The head is crowned with beautiful horns. Young animals have small horns. Young antlers are soft and warm to the touch. They are easy to damage. Deer live in small herds.


The bison is similar to the bison. There used to be a lot of them. But the bison were often killed. Animals live in small herds. Bison have long fed and clothed people. People made goblets and spoons from bull horns. They made shoes, roofs and walls of their homes from leather.

Dappled deer

Baby deer are dressed in a spotted coat. For the first seven days they lie hidden. The cubs are small and weak. But after a month they already begin to pinch the grass. By the end of the year, stumps appear on boys' foreheads. And three months later the horns appeared.


Seagulls feed their chicks on the shore. But then the seagulls roam over the seas. More often, birds eat seafood. They search for living creatures on the shallows. And the polar gull abducts the chicks. She often takes prey from seabirds.

Seagull chicks

The chicks have hatched and are asking to eat. They look at the world with yellow eyes. But they don’t notice anything around. They are looking for a red spot. It is found on the beak of an adult gull. The chick knocks its nose against its parents' beak. This is an order for parents. We need to feed!


At the end of spring, swifts come to us. They fly screeching over fields and cities. On the fly they eat, drink and even sleep. Swifts have a wide mouth. It helps catch insects in flight. They can only crawl on the ground. Their long wings and short legs prevent them from walking on the ground.


Larch needles are soft and fall off every autumn. Like the foliage of other trees. But its wood is heavy. The tree may drown in water. The wood is very durable. It does not rot in the soil or even in water. Therefore, long ago people made piles for bridges from larch.


A carpet of duckweed covered the water surface of the ponds. People call her frog sack. Its thickets look like floating cereals. Duckweed purifies water well. Geese and ducks readily eat duckweed. People can also eat duckweed. Its salad tastes similar to regular leaf lettuce. But it’s better to eat duckweed with sour cream.


Lots of mushrooms in the forest. There are mushrooms under the birch and aspen trees. They are called boletus and boletus. But the boletus can grow far from the birch tree. But the boletus is tightly connected to the aspen. The red boletus mushroom is very slender. His hat and leg are beautiful.


The magpie is called the white-sided magpie. She has white feathers on her sides. But the head, wings and tail are black. This makes her look like a crow. The magpie's tail is very beautiful. It is long and straight. The feathers on it are not just black. They are green. A smart magpie bird!

According to G. Skrebitsky

Where do fish eggs hide?

Where do fish eggs hide? The seahorse and pipefish carry their eggs in a pouch on their belly. Bitterfish lay their eggs in a shell. Another fish managed to hide its eggs under the shell of a Kamchatka crab. And sharks and eelpouts immediately throw live fry.

According to N. Sladkov

Fish doctors

Sick fish are cleaned by cleaner fish. Their fins are cleaned of scabs, crustaceans and pieces of skin. Even the mouth and teeth of large fish are cleaned. Living toothbrushes! A whole line of fish waits patiently for such cleaners. The fish present their sides to their doctor and open their mouths wide.

According to N. Sladkov

Fish friends

The goby fish lives in the same hole as the shrimp. A poisonous jellyfish saves fry from predators under its dome. There are animal sea anemones in the seas. They look like aster flowers. Clown fish live together with them. Sea anemones often receive crumbs from fish prey. And for this they protect clowns from predators with their poisonous tentacles.

According to N. Sladkov


The mole does not like clear sunshine and fresh wind. He spends his entire life in a dark dungeon. He digs the earth and catches worms. It doesn’t even come out for dry grass for a nest. He likes to pull it straight out of the ground by its roots. But from time to time he wants to at least glance at the world. He will stick his head out and his mouth will gape in surprise!

According to N. Sladkov

Who lives in the little house?

Small animals have settled under the bark of the tree. Who are they? Slugs eat leaves and mushrooms. In dry weather they hide in cracks in the bark. Centipedes live under the bark. They come out at night and look for insects. Bark beetles and their larvae cut passages under the bark. Woodlice hide in damp places under the bark. Centipedes live in the ground near a tree. They eat fallen leaves.


One of the African cobras shoots venom very accurately. She sharply contracts the ring muscles around the poison glands. Then it releases two streams of poison. The streams fly three meters straight into your eyes. This poison blinds the animal. But the snake also uses this weapon for defense. How does a snake kill its victim? She bites her with poisonous teeth.

According to V. Alekseev

Fish names

A gudgeon can crawl along a sandy bottom. Why loach, barbel, stickleback, verkhovka? It's also clear. But tench fish? Can a fish molt? And the tench tapped the ground with its fat tail and began to molt before our eyes. He became all spotted on the ground. The mucus on it hardened and began to fall off in rags. The line has come off. The tench has shed. That's why he's a tench!

According to N. Sladkov

Thin dish

Ant pupae are good. Like cookies! Sweet green caterpillars. They are soft and juicy. Many birds feed their chicks with this food. But such food is not suitable for chicks. What should you treat the kids with? The chicks are the size of a pea. Mouth and belly. Give me some juice. Not strawberry or cherry. They only drink spider juice.

According to N. Sladkov

New voice

Three eggs lay in the nest. The two lie quietly. And the third had a hole crumble at the blunt end. A bird's beak appeared. He immediately opened up in surprise. So there is one more seagull in the world. The little seagull became shy for a moment. But then the baby stood up and walked. The fluffy bun rolled into life.

According to N. Sladkov

Hot time

A large clump of cotton wool bounces on the ground. All the sparrows' beaks opened in surprise. So a clump of cotton fluttered up and sat down on a tree. Then he flew straight to the pole. Is he blind, or what? Then a sparrow fell out of a piece of cotton wool. It was not the cotton wool itself that flew. It was the sparrow who was dragging her. He grabbed a piece of hair that was taller than himself. One tail was sticking out of the cotton wool.

According to N. Sladkov

Smart monkey

They put a slice of orange in a clay jug. The monkey really wanted to pull it out of the jug. But the neck is narrow. The paw doesn't fit through. Then the people pulled out the orange with a stick with a sharp end and put it back into the jug. The monkey understood everything. She grabbed a stick and made a slice. Then she pulled the orange stick out of the jug.


An egg lies in the leaves. A hole appeared in it. There was a hole. A snake the length of a pencil crawled out of it. There are two white spots on the back of the head. Yes, this is a small snake! And only the eyes are like those of a bird. The snake teased me with its tongue. Then he hissed and crawled. Crawled deftly. It was as if he had been crawling on leaves all his life. There are other snakes behind him. There were many eggs under the leaves.

According to N. Sladkov


Kostya Vorobyov has a wonderful fluffy puppy living with him. What to name the dog? The puppy ran across the floor. Like a gray ball rolled. For this they named the puppy Tangle. He spent the whole winter in the house. Tangle lived well in the warmth. He kicked the ball with his paws and hid his mittens under the bed. The puppy dragged his coat along the floor with his teeth. The boy and Tangle became great friends.

According to Ya. Pinyasov


Giraffes are the tallest animals living on Earth. They have long legs and necks. The small head is topped with small horns. The head is decorated with good-natured brown eyes and narrow ears. The coat is short. There are dark spots of bizarre shape on it. Giraffes are inhabitants of the plains. They avoid hills.


The gray warbler has a very small beak. He can only catch a fly. You can't carry a lot of food in such a beak. There are five chicks in the nest. The warbler is working. What a way to relax! Look at the sky. Isn't the fox cowardly, isn't the weasel sneaking around? But the chicks are shaking with impatience and their mouths are open to their ears.

Miracles in the testicle

An egg lies in the sand. Here it swayed. A piece of the shell fell out. A bird's nose appeared. So funny. Thick and short. And then a turtle crawled out of the egg. She's about as big as a piglet. Eyes like a snake. Legs with a spatula. One bird's nose. He runs deftly. It’s like I’ve been running on sand my whole life. Then other turtles crawled out of the sand. They crawled out of the eggs themselves. They crawled out of the sand themselves. How big. Only as tall as a button.

According to N. Sladkov

Butterfly farm

What insects are listed in the Red Book? Very many. Which insects are the majority? Don't be surprised. These are butterflies. In England, one farm began preserving and breeding rare insects. First of all – butterflies. There are about four hundred species of them living on the farm.


Raisins are small and very sweet grapes. They were carefully dried in the sun. Before this, the grapes were brought to the factory. There, special machines remove debris. The grapes are drying. Moisture is removed from it. The grapes are losing a lot of weight. The raisin variety produces seedless raisins.


Perch cannot live in salt water. It lives only in fresh water. Perch have sharp spines. With its thorns it can sting badly. Perch is a predator. The main prey is a small fish. Perch has many enemies. These are pike, catfish, birds. And people often eat perch and its eggs. Small perch are easy prey. You can catch perch in winter too.


The spring sun awakened the ants from sleep. The anthill came to life. The ants got out of their winter quarters. They began to repair their home. The ants carried twigs, twigs, and dry needles. Red ants exterminate forest pests. They help us preserve forests. You cannot destroy the homes of ants and dig up ant heaps with a stick.

According to G. Skrebitsky


Watermelon first appeared in tropical Africa. It is one of the varieties of melons. But watermelons are juicier than melons. Its rind is green. The flesh is pink or red. Watermelons need a hot climate and a long time to ripen. Watermelons are eaten fresh. But they can also be salted. And you can make jam from the crust.

3rd grade

Moon fish

The moon fish amazes with its appearance and size. This is the heaviest of all bony fish. Its weight reaches two thousand kilograms. These heavyweights live in the seas of the tropical zone. The fish is fantastically prolific. This is the most prolific fish in the world.


The longest worm lives off the coast of the Atlantic. It reaches fifteen meters in length. The little ones live in whole families. The worm is colored brown. But it has a purple tint. It has dark and light stripes on its back. The worm comes out to hunt at night. During the day he hides among the stones of the coast.


Lucky hamster. He found a bird's nest. There are two huge eggs lying on the ground. Take it to your hole and feast to your health! Just don’t grab the egg with your paws. Slippery! And you can’t carry it by the cheeks. Doesn't fit. It's a shame to quit. The hamster was fidgeting, sniffling and puffing. It still doesn't work. Then he rested his forehead on the egg and rolled towards his hole.

According to N. Sladkov

How do crocodiles hunt?

Crocodiles are hiding in ambush. Wild pigs, antelopes, and monkeys come to drink.

Crocodiles attack them from the water. They put only their eyes out of the water and watch. Who came to the shore? Who floats on the water? The crocodile grabs the antelope and tries to drag it under the water. Crocodiles often hunt for snakes.

According to N. Sladkov


It was hard for a kite to live in a cage with a broken wing. He didn't want to eat. Maryin caught a crow, put it in a cage with a kite and began to feed it fish. The kite and the crow cannot live peacefully. The kite did not take the fish from Maryin’s hands, but took it from the crow and began to eat it. A month later, the predator became completely tame and was no longer sad.

According to A. Kovalenkov


Often an angler even manages to scratch his fingers on the thorns of a ruff or on the teeth of a small bee! But there are truly dangerous fish.

Large sharks are very dangerous. In a shark's mouth, the teeth come in six rows. They are sharp as a saw. But whale sharks don't bother people. They graze in their pastures and eat small crustaceans.

According to N. Sladkov


Katya was walking home from school. On the road she saw a small puppy. He sat by the fence and howled quietly.

Katya stroked the puppy. He began to lick Katya's hand. Katya took the baby home. At home she gave him milk. Then the girl put the puppy to sleep by the stove. The puppy got used to its owner. Katya took care of him.

Albatross chicks

Albatrosses build nests on the Hawaiian Islands. The albatross chick is born after two months. For a very long time, the only child does not leave the nest. The child is bored. His parents entertain him. They bring him pieces of combs, toothbrushes, and children's toys and place them near the nest. Play, baby!

According to V. Alekseev

How insects escape

How do insects escape? Flies and butterflies fly away. Bees and wasps can attack and sting. Grasshoppers make long jumps. Most bedbugs and ladybugs are more cunning. They armed themselves with chemistry. The smell from bedbugs is terrible. And ladybugs and bedbugs secrete a toxic liquid.

According to V. Alekseev

Little mouse

Can a mouse fit in a teaspoon? Maybe. But not an ordinary gray mouse. This species of mouse lives in Africa. Before night, she stacks pebbles in front of the entrance to the hole. For what? This is how she prepares her drink for the morning. The warmth from the mink meets the coolness of the night. Dew appears on the pebbles. The mouse drinks it.

Earth pig

The ground pig lives in Africa. This is an animal with long ears, sharp claws and a long sticky tongue. This animal resembles a pig. But still refers to anteaters.

At night, the pig digs out ant colonies and catches the unfortunate ones with its long sticky tongue.

milk tree

Who gives milk? Cow. Can a tree replace a cow and produce milk?

There is such a tree in Venezuela. Its juice tastes like cow's milk. Local residents cut the bark of a tree. Juice flows from there. Residents provide cups for this liquid. It is very nutritious and healthy. Even scientists think so.


Perun is one of the most ancient gods of the Slavs. He has a favorite flower. In Bulgaria it is called perunica. The flower has six purple petals. The petals are covered with golden hairs. They look like lightning. Perunitsa blooms in spring. At this time the first thunderstorms thunder. This flower is very beautiful. We call it iris.

According to M. Semyonova


There is often a knocking sound in the forest. This woodpecker is building a nest. A woodpecker pecks at a soft tree with its strong nose. The woodpecker throws out the pieces of bark and all the rubbish. Woodpecker chicks grow on the smooth bottom of the nest. This gives them blisters on their heels. Young woodpeckers deftly cling to the walls with their sharp claws and crawl out of the nest.


Pine needles are also leaves. Only their shape is special. It is long and narrow. These leaves can survive the winter. They are strong enough for this. The waxy skin prevents them from drying out. The needles live on the tree for several years. Then it turns brown and falls off. But not all at once. Therefore, the tree retains foliage all year round.

Plants in medicine and chemistry

Many plants are used in medicine. In such plants, the beneficial substances are usually found in the flowers. Plants also provide raw materials for the chemical industry. They cut the bark of a pine tree, and resin flows out - oleoresin. It is a raw material for the manufacture of paints and varnishes.

Bird's nests

Most birds build their own nests. Nests protect both eggs and chicks. The nests retain heat well. The chicks die from the cold. The female sits on the eggs for several weeks. At this time, the male must feed her. The chicks are always hungry. They open their beaks and squeak loudly. More work for parents in the summer!

Tea picking

To make tea, leaves are collected from the tea bush. High-grade tea requires the youngest and softest leaves. Women have been doing this for many years. They moved slowly between the rows of bushes and carried huge baskets on their backs. Now special machines have been created. They collect a lot more leaves.

Making tea

Carefully collected leaves are dried and subjected to special processing. To preserve the aroma and give the leaves strength, they are colored and scented. That's why tea in stores varies so much in smell. We also often call tea mixtures of leaves of different plants. Tea with mint is very tasty and healthy.


Murka was a strange cat. She loved sweet honey. Once Murka was basking in the sun. Then she smelled a familiar smell. Murka opened her green eyes and moved towards her cherished goal. In front of the hive, the gourmet stood on its hind legs. She stuck her sweet little face into the hive. And suddenly there was a loud cat squeal. Murka rushed into the bushes.

According to A. Dorokhov

Goose families

Goose is a good family man. Often these smartest birds remain faithful to each other all their lives. Goose families are very friendly. Grown-up goslings do not leave their parents all year round. They roam the steppes together. Together they fly to distant hot countries. Sometimes the goose dies. Then the goose remains a widower for a very long time or for the rest of his life.


Young flamingos are gray in color. They turn pink later. Flamingos fly with their necks stretched forward and their legs back. They build nests along the seashores. There they fish out crustaceans and snails. Feathers, shells, and crumpled stems lie on the mud. They hold the material together with silt. This is how a flamingo’s nest appears on the sticky mud.

Belkin fly agaric

A squirrel dries mushrooms on twigs in the fall. Here are russula, honey mushrooms, and moss mushrooms. The mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones you can also see fly agaric. Why does a squirrel need poisonous fly agaric? Isn't there poison for squirrels in dry fly agaric? Is fly agaric a cure for squirrels? There is no exact answer.

According to N. Sladkov


How do woodcocks save their chicks? The mother can carry the chick in her paws. To do this, she grabs it from the sides with her paws and presses it to her chest. No other bird carries chicks in its paws. Mergansers sometimes carry their babies in their beaks. Great grebes ride chicks on their backs. But such a miracle is rarely seen by anyone. After all, woodcock lives in dense thickets.

Smart tits

Tits are distinguished by great intelligence. Dip an edible piece for the bird into the bottle on a long string. She will first try to peck it through the glass of the bottle. Then it will sit on the neck and pull the thread with its beak. But the thread is too long. You can't pull it out in one go. Then the bird will begin to hold it with its paw after each time and will soon pull out the food.


There are fish-eating spiders in the world. Such a spider weaves a trapping web and immerses it in water. Fish and frogs get caught in the net. The spider eats everything with pleasure. A spider of another species is engaged in real fishing. It holds onto the shore with two paws, and places the other six on the water. The spider grabs the fish with its paws and injects poison into it.

According to V. Alekseev


How do frogs prepare for spring concerts? Just like people do for the holidays. The frogs are dressing up. The herbal ones have a blue neck. The sharp-faced ones turn blue from head to toe. But especially colorful ones are tropical frogs. The frogs sing diligently and diligently. Moans, hissing, squeaking, roaring, grunting, croaking! Singing for every ear and taste.

According to N. Sladkov

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  • Improve the ability to determine the topic of the text, highlight semantic parts, title them based on the definition of the main idea, convey the content close to the text;
  • help enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions;


  • To promote an attentive attitude to the word, the need to listen carefully and understand it, to feel and emotionally perceive expressiveness. Foster mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and respect for other people’s opinions.


  • Development of cognitive interest; curiosity;
  • Strengthen the communicative properties of speech;
  • Develop the ability to find new things in what you read.

1) Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Slide 2 (Summer forest, cuckoo cuckooing - click on the gramophone)

What mood did these paintings evoke?

What bird voiced them?

Why did you recognize her right away?

Which of the pair of cuckoos is calling?

2) Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Who guessed who I chose as the hero of the text?

Slide 4 (Cuckoo in flight, on a tree.)

What do you know about these birds?

Slide 5 (animation - a cuckoo, a warbler, a warbler, and a furry caterpillar appear with a click)

By throwing eggs into other people's nests, the cuckoo destroys the chicks of the owners; this causes harm to the cuckoo, as it destroys beneficial insectivorous birds. In some places where there are many cuckoos, warblers and warblers sometimes cannot hatch a single chick during the summer. But considering the cuckoo harmful is a big mistake. Throughout the summer, this voracious bird destroys harmful caterpillars, especially hairy ones, which almost all small birds avoid, eats cockchafers, butterflies, and occasionally soft berries. Its stomach is often so clogged with caterpillar hairs that it looks like it is overgrown with hair. With this useful work, the cuckoo covers the harm that it causes by tossing the egg. Many scientists consider it one of the most useful birds of the forest. (Wikipedia. “Common cuckoo”)

3) Initial acquaintance with the text of the presentation.(text read by teacher)

Your task is to listen to the text and determine its semantic parts.


As soon as spring comes, birds begin to build nests. Then they raise the chicks. Only the cuckoo doesn't build a nest. She doesn't raise chicks either.

The cuckoo will lay an egg. He will find a nest of caring birds. Will track when the owners of the nest fly away. She will quietly place her egg in their nest.

The birds will return, but they won’t even notice someone else’s egg. This is how the cuckoo hatches with its chicks.

The chicks will hatch. Here the cuckoo takes care of itself. He pushes all the babies out of the nest and is left alone with the adoptive parents. They fly from morning to evening for food, feeding the voracious baby. They take care of him like his own!

4) Conversation on the content of the text.

What new did you learn from the text about cuckoos?

What mood did the story evoke? Why?

Is it possible to divide the text into semantic parts?

How many pictures can you draw for the text?

(Slide 7, 8, 9, 10,11)

5) Secondary reading, dividing into parts.

A task for students at this stage of work.

I will read the text again, and you clap to determine the boundaries of the parts.

What will we write about in part 1?

How would you title this part?

1) Bird chores. (Slide 12)

What keywords will help you remember this part?

(will come, begin, grow, does not howl)

Part 2. - Does the cuckoo lay eggs? Where are her chicks hatched?

2) Foundling (Slide 13)

(keywords: will demolish, caring, track, unnoticed)

Part 3.- What do birds do with someone else’s egg?

3) They didn’t notice the stranger. (Slide14)

(will return, hatch)

Part 4 -Who is in charge of the nest?

Why is he left alone?

4) Restless baby. (Slide15)

(takes care of, pushes out, adoptive, parents)

6) Working on a dictionary. Slide 16)

What words in the text may be repeated often?

What words can be replaced to avoid repetitions?

Cuckoo –

  • bird,
  • mother,
  • she's a villain

Cuckoo -

  • chick,
  • he, baby, is a robber, a foundling
  • parents, owners.

(words are written on the board, students use them while writing the exposition)

7) Retelling the text.(Slide 17)

Here is a plan of the text and keywords for each point of the plan.

Work in pairs.

Tell your neighbor:

  • 1 in – 1 part, 3 part
  • 2 in – part 2, part 4

Task: I listen to the part, and if my neighbor forgot, I remind you.

During the retelling, you can use the plan and words - assistants. (Children take turns telling each other the text)

Whose retelling was complete, without hints?

Who did your friend help?

8) Grammar reading of text.

I read the text for the last time. Your task is to close your eyes and mentally draw a series of pictures to accompany the text.

9) Letter of presentation. Slide - (outline and keywords)

You can write a questionable spelling in pencil, and during the break you can consult and write correctly.

10) Individual work.

A) Children with memory and retelling problems receive a card with questions:

1. When do birds build nests?

2. Who doesn’t hatch chicks?

3. Where does she lay her eggs?

4. What do birds not notice in a nest?

5. Who appears in the nest?

6. Why is the cuckoo left alone in the nest?

7. Who feeds him?

11) Reflection.

What secrets did you learn when working on your presentation?

What helped you remember the text?

12) Lesson summary. Everyone managed to write the presentation, but the marks will show you how.

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