Derivative of hyperbolic tangent. Formulas with hyperbolic functions

Definitions of inverse hyperbolic functions and their graphs are given. And also formulas connecting inverse hyperbolic functions - formulas for sums and differences. Expressions via trigonometric functions. Derivatives, integrals, series expansions.

Definitions of inverse hyperbolic functions, their domains of definition and values

arsh x - inverse hyperbolic sine

Inverse hyperbolic sine (areasine), is the inverse function of the hyperbolic sine ( x = sh y) , having a domain of definition -∞< x < +∞ и множество значений -∞ < y < +∞ .

Areasine strictly increases throughout number axis.

arch x - inverse hyperbolic cosine

Back hyperbolic cosine(areacosine), is the inverse function of the hyperbolic cosine ( x = сh y) , having a domain of definition 1 ≤ x< +∞ and many meanings 0 ≤ y< +∞ .

The areacosine strictly increases in its domain of definition.

The second branch of the areacosine is also defined for x ≥ 1 and is located symmetrically relative to the abscissa axis, - ∞< y ≤ 0 :
. It strictly decreases in the domain of definition.

arth x - inverse hyperbolic tangent

Back hyperbolic tangent(areatangens), is the inverse function of the hyperbolic tangent ( x = th y) , having a domain of definition - 1 < x < 1 and the set of values ​​-∞< y < +∞ .

The areatangent strictly increases in its domain of definition.

arcth x - inverse hyperbolic cotangent

Inverse hyperbolic cotangent (areacotangent), is the inverse function of the hyperbolic cotangent ( x = cth y) , having the domain |x| > 1 and the set of values ​​y ≠ 0 .

The areacotangent strictly decreases in its domain of definition.

Graph of inverse hyperbolic sine (areasine) y = arsh x

Graph of inverse hyperbolic cosine (areacosine) y = arch x , x ≥ 1
The dotted line shows the second branch of the areccosine.

Graph of inverse hyperbolic tangent (areatangent) y = arth x , |x|< 1

Graph of inverse hyperbolic cotangent (areacotangent) y = arcth x , |x| > 1

Formulas with inverse hyperbolic functions

Relation to trigonometric functions

Arsh iz = i Arcsin z; Arch z = i Arccos z;
Arcsin iz = i Arsh z; Arccos z = - i Arch z;
Arth iz = i Arctg z; Arcth iz = - i Arcctg z;
Arctg iz = i Arth z; Arcctg iz = - i Arcth z;
Here i - imaginary unit, i 2 = - 1 .


arsh(-x) = - arsh x; arch(-x) ≠ arch x;
arth(-x) = - arth x; arcth(-x) = - arcth x.

Functions arsh(x), arth(x), arcth(x)- odd. Function arch(x)- is not even or odd.

Formulas for connecting inverse hyperbolic sines through tangents and cosines through cotangents


Sum and difference formulas


Derivatives of inverse hyperbolic functions


Integrals from arsh x, arch x, arth x, arcth x

arsh x

To calculate the integral of the hyperbolic arcsine, we make the substitution x = sh t and integrate by parts:

arch x

Similarly, for the hyperbolic arc cosine. We make the substitution x = ch t and integrate by parts, taking into account that t ≥ 0 :

arth x

We make the substitution x = th t and integrate by parts:

arcth x

Similarly we get:

Series expansions

arsh x

When |x|< 1

arth x

When |x|< 1 the following decomposition takes place:

arcth x

When |x| > 1 the following decomposition takes place:

Inverse functions

Hyperbolic sine

At - ∞< y < ∞ и - ∞ < x < ∞ имеют место формулы:

Hyperbolic cosine

At 1 ≤ y< ∞ And 0 ≤ x< ∞ the following formulas apply:

Hyperbolic tangent

At - 1 < y < 1 and - ∞< x < ∞ имеют место формулы:

Hyperbolic cotangent

At - ∞< y < - 1 or 1 < y < ∞ and x ≠ 0 the following formulas apply:

Used literature:
I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendyaev, Handbook of mathematics for engineers and college students, “Lan”, 2009.

Reference data for hyperbolic functions. Definitions, graphs and properties of hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent. Formulas for sums, differences and products. Derivatives, integrals, series expansions. Expressions through trigonometric functions.

Definitions of hyperbolic functions, their domains of definitions and values

sh x - hyperbolic sine

, -∞ < x < +∞; -∞ < y < +∞ .

ch x - hyperbolic cosine

, -∞ < x < +∞; 1 ≤ y< +∞ .

th x - hyperbolic tangent

, -∞ < x < +∞; - 1 < y < +1 .

cth x - hyperbolic cotangent

X ≠ 0 ; y< -1 или y > +1 .

Graphs of hyperbolic functions

Hyperbolic sine graph y = sh x

Graph of hyperbolic cosine y = ch x

Graph of hyperbolic tangent y = th x

Graph of hyperbolic cotangent y = cth x

Formulas with hyperbolic functions

Relation to trigonometric functions

sin iz = i sh z ; cos iz = ch z
sh iz = i sin z; ch iz = cos z
tg iz = i th z ; cot iz = - i cth z
th iz = i tg z ; cth iz = - i cot z
Here i is the imaginary unit, i 2 = - 1 .

Applying these formulas to trigonometric functions, we obtain formulas relating hyperbolic functions.


sh(-x) = - sh x; ch(-x) = ch x.
th(-x) = - th x; cth(-x) = - cth x.

Function ch(x)- even. Functions sh(x), th(x), cth(x)- odd.

Difference of squares

ch 2 x - sh 2 x = 1.

Formulas for the sum and difference of arguments

sh(x y) = sh x ch y ch x sh y,
ch(x y) = ch x ch y sh x sh y,

sh 2 x = 2 sh x ch x,
ch 2 x = ch 2 x + sh 2 x = 2 ch 2 x - 1 = 1 + 2 sh 2 x,

Formulas for the products of hyperbolic sine and cosine



Formulas for the sum and difference of hyperbolic functions


Relation of hyperbolic sine and cosine with tangent and cotangent

, ,
, .



Integrals of sh x, ch x, th x, cth x


Series expansions

sh x

ch x

th x

cth x

Inverse functions


At - ∞< x < ∞ и - ∞ < y < ∞ имеют место формулы:


At 1 ≤ x< ∞ And 0 ≤ y< ∞ the following formulas apply:

The second branch of the areacosine is located at 1 ≤ x< ∞ and - ∞< y ≤ 0 :


At - 1 < x < 1 and - ∞< y < ∞ имеют место формулы:


At - ∞< x < - 1 or 1 < x < ∞ and y ≠ 0 the following formulas apply:

Used literature:
I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendyaev, Handbook of mathematics for engineers and college students, “Lan”, 2009.

Hyperbolic functions are found in mechanics, electrical engineering and other technical disciplines. Many formulas for hyperbolic functions are similar to formulas for trigonometric functions, except for the property of boundedness.

Function Name Derivative
1. hyperbolic sine
2. hyperbolic cosine
hyperbolic tangent
hyperbolic cotangent

Formulas for hyperbolic functions

1. .

Proof. Let's consider the required difference

. .

Proof. Let's look at the work


Let's look at the work

Let's add two products and give similar ones:

Connecting the beginning and the end, we obtain the equality to be proved: .

There are many other properties of hyperbolic functions similar to the properties of trigonometric functions, which are proven in a similar way.

Let us prove formulas for derivatives of hyperbolic functions.

1. Consider the hyperbolic sine .

When finding the derivative, we take the constant out of the derivative sign. Next, we apply the property of the derivative of the difference between two functions and . Find the derivative of a function using the table of derivatives: . We look for the derivative of the function as the derivative complex function

Therefore, the derivative

Connecting the beginning and the end, we obtain the equality to be proved: .

2. Consider the hyperbolic cosine .

We fully apply the previous algorithm, only instead of the property about the derivative of the difference of two functions, we use the property about the derivative of the sum of these two functions.

Connecting the beginning and the end, we obtain the equality to be proved: .

3. Consider the hyperbolic tangent

We find the derivative using the rule for finding the derivative of a fraction.

4. Derivative of hyperbolic cotangent

can be found as the derivative of a complex function

Connecting the beginning and the end, we obtain the equality to be proved: .

Function differential

Let the function – is differentiable at the point, then its increment of this function at the point, corresponding to the increment of the argument, can be represented as

where is a certain number independent of , and is a function of the argument , which is infinitesimal for .

Thus, the increment of the function is the sum of two infinitesimal terms And . It was shown that the second term is infinite small function higher order than i.e. (see 8.1). Therefore the first term is the principal linear part of the increment of the function . In Remark 8.1. another formula (8.1.1) was obtained for the increment of the function , namely: . (8.1.1)

Definition 8.3.Differential functions at a point is called the principal linear part of its increment, equal to the product derivative at this point by an arbitrary increment of argument , and is denoted (or ):


Function differential also called first order differential.

The differential of an independent variable is understood as any number independent of . Most often, this number is taken to be the increment of the variable, i.e. . This is consistent with rule (8.4) for finding the differential of the function

Consider the function and find its differential.

Because derivative . Thus, we got: and differential functions can be found using the formula

. (8.4.1)

Remark 8.7. From formula (8.4.1) it follows that.

Thus, the notation can be understood not only as a notation for the derivative , but also as the ratio of the differentials of the dependent and independent variables.

8.7. Geometric meaning of the differential function

Let the graph of the function a tangent is drawn (see Fig. 8.1). Dot is on the graph of the function and has an abscissa - . We give an arbitrary increment such that the point did not leave the scope of the function .

Figure 8.1 Illustration of a graph of a function

The point has coordinates . Segment . The point lies on the tangent to the graph of the function and has an abscissa - . From rectangular it follows that , where angle is the angle between the positive direction of the axis and the tangent drawn to the graph of the function at point . By definition of the differential of the function and the geometric meaning of the derivative function at point , we conclude that . Thus, geometric meaning differential function is that the differential represents the increment of the ordinate of the tangent to the graph of the function at point .

Remark 8.8. Differential and increment for an arbitrary function , generally speaking, are not equal to each other.B general case, the difference between the increment and differential of the function is infinitesimal higher order small than the increment of the argument. From Definition 8.1 it follows that
, i.e. .

In Figure 8.1, the point lies on the graph of the function and has coordinates
. Segment.

In Figure 8.1 the inequality is satisfied , i.e. . But there may be cases when it is true opposite inequality . This is done for linear function and for an upwardly convex function.

Answer: Hyperbolic functions - family elementary functions, expressed through an exponential and closely related to trigonometric functions. Hyperbolic functions were introduced by Vincenzo Riccati in 1757 (Opusculorum, Volume I). He obtained them from consideration of the unit hyperbola.

A further study of the properties of hyperbolic functions was carried out by Lambert. Hyperbolic functions are often encountered when calculating various integrals. Some integrals of rational functions and from functions containing radicals are quite simply performed using changes of variables using hyperbolic functions. The derivatives of hyperbolic functions are easy to find because hyperbolic functions are combinations. For example, the hyperbolic sine and cosine are defined as The derivatives of these functions have the form Hyperbolic functions are given the following formulas: 1)hyperbolic sine: (V foreign literature denoted sinx); 2) hyperbolic cosine: (in foreign literature it is designated cosx); 3) hyperbolic tangent: (in foreign literature it is designated tanx); 4) hyperbolic cotangent: ; 5) hyperbolic secant and cosecant: Geometric definition: In view of the relationship, hyperbolic functions give a parametric representation of the hyperbola. In this case, the argument t = 2S, where S is the area of ​​the curvilinear triangle OQR, taken with the “+” sign if the sector lies above the OX axis, and “−” in the opposite case. This definition is similar to the definition of trigonometric functions in terms of unit circle, which can also be constructed in a similar way. Connection with trigonometric functions: Hyperbolic functions are expressed in terms of trigonometric functions of an imaginary argument. Analytical properties: Hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine are analytic throughout complex plane, with the exception of an essentially special point at infinity.

The hyperbolic tangent is analytic everywhere except at the poles at points where n is an integer. The residues at all these poles are equal to one. The hyperbolic cotangent is analytic everywhere, except for points, its residues at these poles are also equal to one.

Derivative table.

Answer: Table of derivatives (which we mainly need):

46) Derivative of a function – specified parametrically.

Answer: Let the dependence of two variables x and y on the parameter t be given, varying within the limits from Let the function have an inverse: Then we can, taking the composition of functions get the dependence of y on x: The dependence of the value y on the value x, specified parametrically, can be expressed through the derivatives of the functions since and, according to the formula for the derivative of the inverse function, where is the value of the parameter at which the value x we ​​are interested in when calculating the derivative is obtained. Note that applying the formula leads us to the relationship between, again expressed as a parametric relationship: the second of these relations is the same one that participated in parametric task functions y(x) . Despite the fact that the derivative is not expressed explicitly, this does not prevent us from solving problems related to finding the derivative by finding the corresponding value of the parameter t. Let's show it on following example. Example 4.22: Let the dependence between x and y be given parametrically by the following formulas: Find the equation of the tangent to the graph of the dependence y(x) at the point The values ​​are obtained if we take t=1. Let's find the derivatives of x and y with respect to the parameter t: Therefore At t=1 we get the value of the derivative; this value specifies slope k of the desired tangent. Coordinates the touch points are specified in the problem statement. This means that the tangent equation is as follows: Note that based on the obtained parametric dependence, we can find the second derivative of the function y with respect to the variable x:

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