Test work Nature of the Earth: main patterns. Where are high pressure areas on Earth? Provides the atmosphere with warmth and moisture

Test repetition 8th grade

1. Which geography studies the population, its composition, its types of activities, economy, features of the material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the world?

A) physical; c) economic and social;

B) regional studies; d) political.

2. The position of a geographical object on the surface of the Earth relative to other objects with which it is connected is called:

A) geographical location;

B) economic and geographical location;

B) physical-geographical location.

3. Which of the patterns of development of the geographical shell implies its unity?

A) zoning; c) rhythmicity;

B) integrity; d) azonality.

4. Which of the patterns of development of the geographical shell implies the repetition of certain natural phenomena at a certain time interval, or rhythm?

A) rhythmicity; c) integrity;

B) zoning; d) azonality.

5. The basic law of distribution of natural complexes on the surface of the Earth is the law...?

A) geographical zones; c) azonality;

B) altitudinal zone; d) geographical zoning.

6. The change of natural zones with geographic latitude is a manifestation of the geographical law:

A) altitudinal zone; c) latitudinal zonality;

B) azonality; d) vertical zoning.

7. Lithospheric plates are...?

A) stable blocks of the earth’s crust;

B) moving blocks of the earth's crust;

C) both answers are incorrect.

8. Choose where among the listed there is an option that does not apply to the largest lithospheric plates of the Earth:

A) Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American;

B) Pacific, Eurasian, African;

B) Pacific, South American, Atlantic;

D) Antarctic, North American, South American.

9. Global fold belts form in places...:

A) divergence of lithospheric plates;

B) collisions of lithospheric plates;

B) destruction of lithospheric plates.

10. Select the option where the pleated belts are correctly indicated:

A) Pacific and North Atlantic;

B) Pacific and Alpine-Himalayan;

B) Alpine-Himalayan and North Atlantic;

D) African and South Asian.

11. Tectonics is the science of...?

A) the structure of the earth’s crust; c) movement of the earth's crust;

B) terrain; d) the structure and movement of the earth's crust.

12. The platform is...?

A) a large, stable section of the earth’s crust;

B) a large, mobile section of the earth’s crust;

B) a large, stable section of the earth’s crust with a two-tier structure;

D) a large, mobile section of the earth’s crust with a three-tier structure.

13. Within the platform there are:

A) crystalline foundation and shields;

B) shields and sedimentary cover;

B) crystalline basement and sedimentary cover;

D) slabs and panels.

14. Which of the following applies to plains?

A) Eastern European; c) Appalachia;

B) Great Chinese; d) Amazonian.

15. Accumulative plains include:

A) Caspian and Indo-Gangetic; c) Mesopotamian and West Siberian;

B) Indo-Gangetic and Amazonian; d) Mexican and Orinoco.

16. A lowered section of the earth’s crust, bounded by faults, is... ?

A) graben; b) horst; c) reset.

17. An elevated section of the earth’s crust, bounded by faults, is...?

A) reset; b) horst; c) graben.

18. Fold mountains include:

A) Ural; d) Khibiny;

B) Carpathians; e) Himalayas;

B) Alps; e) Andes.

19. Block mountains include:

A) Kun-Lun; d) Western Ghats;

B) Cordillera; e) Andes;

B) Draconian; f) eastern Ghats.

20. How many thermal zones are allocated to the Earth:

A) seven; at five;

B) eight; d) two.

21. The thermal equator is a parallel in... ?

A) 20º N; c) 10º N;

B) 0º; d) 10º S

22. The main reason for atmospheric circulation…. ?

A) difference in air humidity; c) a and b.

B) difference in atmospheric pressure;

23. Which belts belong to low pressure belts?

A) tropical and equatorial; c) polar and tropical;

B) equatorial and polar; d) equatorial and temperate.

24. Seasonal winds that change their direction twice a year:

A) monsoons; c) westerly winds;

B) trade winds; d) squalls.

25. Winds blowing all year round over the ocean from the tropics to the equator:

A) monsoons; c) squalls;

B) trade winds; d) westerly winds.

26. The maximum annual rainfall (12,000 mm) falls at Charapunji station in:

A) the foothills of the Andes; c) the foothills of the Himalayas;

B) foothills of the Cordillera; d) East Australian Ridge.

27. What causes warming in the weather, the formation of nimbostratus clouds and drizzle?

A) with the movement of a cold front to a warm one;

B) with the movement of a warm front to a cold one;

B) with a collision of two fronts.

28. Cyclone is...?

29. Anticyclone is...?

30. Air masses are...?

Part 1.

(each task - 1 point)

Choose the correct answer(s).

1. The thickness reaches 70 km, there are three layers: basalt, granite and sedimentary. What are we talking about?

A) about the oceanic crust; B) about the continental crust; B) about the lithospheric plate.

2. Speed ​​of movement of lithospheric plates:

A)1-2 cm; B)1-8 cm; B) 15-20 cm per year.

3. What forces create ravines, river valleys, dunes, and hills on Earth:

A) internal; B) external.

4. They occupy a vast territory, retain their properties for a long time and determine the weather of the places where they come:

A) high pressure belts; B) air masses; B) underlying surface.

5. Throughout the year, the same air masses dominate here, all 4 seasons are clearly visible:

A) subarctic belt; B) temperate zone; B) subtropical zone.

6. They are equatorial, tropical, surface, deep, coastal, etc. What it is?

A) nekton; B) water masses; B) ocean currents.

7. A section of the earth’s surface within which all components of nature are interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrate each other:

A) natural area; B) altitude zone; B) natural complex.

8. The single ancient continent was called:

A) Pangea; B) Laurasia C) Gondwana.

9.What determines the distribution of precipitation on Earth:

A) from the currents of the world's oceans B) from constant winds; B) on geographic latitude;

10. Where on Earth are low pressure areas located?

a) at the equator, in temperate latitudes b) in temperate and tropical latitudes c) at the poles

11. The main climatic zones include:

a) subequatorial, b) equatorial, c) tropical, d) subtropical.

12. Constant winds include:

a) westerly winds and trade winds; b) trade winds and breezes; c) breezes and westerly winds.

13. Where are high pressure areas on Earth?

a) at the equator, b) in temperate latitudes, c) in tropical latitudes, d) at the poles

14. What part of the Earth's surface is occupied by the World Ocean?

A). 3/4 B). 1/2 V). 2/3

15. Water salinity is measured

A) millimeters B) moles C) ppm

Part 2.

(each question is worth 2 points)

Fill in the missing word(s)

1. Boundary areas between lithospheric plates -. . .

2. The shell of the Earth, within which the lower layers of the atmosphere, the upper parts of the lithosphere, the entire hydrosphere and the biosphere mutually penetrate each other and interact, is called ....

3. This is a section of the earth’s surface that is distinguished by the characteristics of natural components that are in complex interaction called ...

4. This large complex, which has common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, vegetation and fauna, is called ...

5. a set of irregularities on the earth’s surface, varying in size, origin and age, is called ...

6. A line connecting points on a map with the same temperatures is called...

7. Match the researcher with his contribution to geography:

1) F. Magellan A) discovered the sea route from Europe to India around Africa

2) H. Columbus B) was the first to circumnavigate the world

3) Vasco da Gama B) discovered America

Part 3.

(each correctly completed task is worth 3 points)

C 1. What determines the salinity of ocean waters? Please provide at least two reasons.

C 2. What is the role of the World Ocean in the life of the Earth?

Evaluation criteria:

31-35 points - “5”

26-30 points - “4”

25-20 points - “3”

Less than 20 points - “2”



Part 1

A1. Where is the earth's crust thickest?

1) OnWest Siberian Plain 2)In the Himalayas 3) At the bottom of the ocean 4) In the Amazonian lowland

A2. Earth's seismic belts are formed:

    At the boundaries of collision of lithospheric plates;

    At the boundaries of collisions and rupture of lithospheric plates;

    In areas with the highest speed of movement of lithospheric plates.

A3. What data does a climate map contain?

    Data on air temperature and precipitation;

    Data on atmospheric pressure and winds;

    All answers are correct.

A4. What is the name of the line connecting points on a map with the same temperature?





A5. What primarily influences the formation of various atmospheric pressure belts at the earth's surface?


    Uneven heating of the ocean and land;

    Uneven distribution of solar heat depending on latitude;

    Rotation of the Earth.

A6. Which of the following processes is not a manifestation of internal forces?

    The process of introduction of the mantle into the earth's crust;

    The process of shaking the earth's crust.

A7. Activated areas of the earth's crust include:
1 ) Platforms;

A8. If the terrain of the territory is flat, then at the base there is:

Part 2.

IN 1. Determine the type of climate from the description: Low atmospheric pressure prevails here. Due to the high position of the Sun above the horizon, air temperatures are high here all year round. Due to the predominance of rising currents, this climate receives large amounts of precipitation throughout the year. Which continents have this type of climate?

Part 3

C1. What determines the salinity of ocean waters? Please provide at least two reasons.



Part 1

A1. Where is the earth's crust thinnest?

1) In the Cordillera 2) In the Himalayas 3) At the bottom of the ocean 4) In the Amazonian lowland

A2. Surface currents of the World Ocean depend on:
1) The topography of the ocean floor;2) Constant winds of the Earth;3) Ebbs and flows; 4) Land relief.

A3. On what maps can one detect the dependence of the relief on the features of the earth's crust?

    Physical map of the world and map “Structure of the earth’s crust”;

    Map of the “Structure of the Earth’s Crust” and map of natural zones;

    Geological map and map of natural areas.

1) Isotherms;




A5. Why is Africa the hottest continent?

    Most of Africa is located between the tropics;

    The largest deserts in the world are located here;

    Africa is washed by the warmest ocean on Earth – the Indian Ocean.

A6. Which of the following processes is not a manifestation of external forces?

    The process of absorption of solar energy by the Earth;

    The process of movement of lithospheric plates;

    Wind erosion;

    The process of gully formation.

A7. Stable areas of the earth's crust include:
1 ) Platforms;

2) Areas of new folding (young mountains);

3) Areas of ancient folding (old mountains).

A8. If the terrain of the territory is mountainous, then at the base there is:

1) Folded area; 2) Platform.

Part 2.

IN 1. Determine the climate type from the description: January temperature -10 0 …-15 0 C, July temperature +20 0 … +25 0 C. Precipitation occurs throughout the year, but with a summer maximum. The annual precipitation is 250-300 mm. Which continents have this type of climate?

Part 3

C1. The Pacific Volcanic Ring contains 80% of all modern active volcanoes. How can this be explained? Please provide at least two reasons.

Sources of material:

    GIA - 2010: Examination in a new form: Geography: 9th grade: training versions of examination papers for the state final certification in a new form / author's compilation. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. – 89 p.

    Unified State Exam 2010. Geography. Federal Bank of Examination Materials / Authors – comp. V.V. Barabanov, E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova. – M.: Eksmo, 2010. – 224 p.

    Nikitina N.A. Lesson developments in geography. 7th grade. – M.: “VAKO”, 2005. – 288 p.

    The most complete edition of real Unified State Exam assignments: 2008: Geography / author-comp. Yu.A. Slovyova. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. – 254 p.

Subject: Test control for section No. 1 “Main features of the nature of the Earth”


  • consolidate the acquired knowledge about the shells of the Earth; ability to work with maps; identify geographic objects; identify patterns of development of geographical shells;
  • help students assess their level of preparedness.

Option 1

1. Select the name of the layer that distinguishes the continental crust from the oceanic crust:

1) sedimentary rocks

2) granite layer

3) basalt layer

1) M.V. Lomonosov

2) A. Humboldt

3) A. Wegener

4) O.Yu.Schmidt

3. Determine which of the modern continents are located in the place of Gondwana:

4. Which layer of the atmosphere blocks ultraviolet rays?

1) troposphere

2) stratosphere

3) ozone layer

4) ionosphere

5. Indicate the incorrect answer. The following symbols are shown on climate maps:

1) arrows – wind direction

2) isotherms - average annual temperatures

3) color – annual amount of precipitation

4) in numbers - the angle of incidence of sunlight

6. Where on Earth are low pressure areas located?

1) at the equator, in temperate latitudes

2) in temperate and tropical latitudes

3) at the poles

7. What winds are called trade winds?

8. The main climatic zones include:

1) subequatorial

2) equatorial

3) tropical

4) subtropical

9. Which climate zone is characterized by downward air currents, hot summers, and very little precipitation throughout the year?

1) for tropical

2) for equatorial

3) for moderate

4) for the Arctic

11. What determines the salinity of ocean water?

12. What is latitudinal zoning?

13. Using the map of natural zones of the world from the atlas, determine which natural zone in Eurasia is located north of the tundra and forest-tundra zones?

14. Indicate the energy source under the influence of which the main part of the processes in the geographical shell occurs?

Option 2

1. The thickness of the earth’s continental crust is greater, because it includes:

1) layer of sedimentary rocks

2) granite layer

3) basalt layer

2. Who put forward the theory of continental drift?

1) M.V. Lomonosov

2) A. Humboldt

3) A. Wegener

4) O.Yu.Schmidt

3. Determine which of the modern continents are located in the place of Lavrisia:

Africa, Antarctica, Eurasia, Australia, North America, South America

4. Which layer of the atmosphere is most important for life on Earth?

1) troposphere

2) stratosphere

3) mesosphere

4) ionosphere

5. Indicate the incorrect answer. The formation of the climate of any territory on Earth is influenced by:

1) geographic latitude

2) geographic longitude

3) air flows

4) underlying surface

6. Where are high pressure areas on Earth?

1) at the equator

2) in temperate latitudes

3) in tropical latitudes

3) at the poles

7. What winds are called western?

8. Transitional climatic zones include:

1) subequatorial

2) equatorial

3) tropical

4) subtropical

9. Which climate zone is characterized by ascending air currents? The air contains a large amount of water vapor. As it cools, powerful clouds form and precipitation falls in the form of rain:

1) for tropical

2) for equatorial

3) for moderate

10. What are the patterns of temperature distribution on Earth?

11. What determines the temperature of ocean water?

12. What is altitudinal zonation?

13. Based on the map of natural zones of the world from the atlas, determine which natural zone in Africa is located near the northern tropic?

14. Indicate the mechanism due to which all components of the geographic shell are connected into a single whole?

Option 1.

A) Eurasia B) Australia C) North America D) South America

A) Africa B) North America C) Eurasia D) Antarctica.

1.Only A is correct 2.Only B is correct 3.Both answers are correct 4.Both answers are incorrect

A) North Pacific B) Kuroshio C) Gulf Stream D) Californian

Climate zone Natural area

Part B. Write down the answers to the questions.

Part C.

Test on the topic “Nature of the Earth: main patterns” 7th grade

Option 2.

Part A: Choose one correct answer.

A) 71% and 29% B) 39% and 61% C) 50% and 50% D) 81% and 19%

A) Africa B) Australia C) North America D) South America

A) Africa B) America C) Australia D) Eurasia

1.Only A is correct. 2.Only B is correct. 3.Both answers are correct. 4.Both answers are incorrect.

A) Northern trade wind B) Canary C) Gulf Stream D) Californian

6. Arrange the listed eras of the geological history of the Earth in chronological order from earliest to latest

7. Establish a correspondence between the climate zone and the natural zone

Climate zone Natural area

2) subequatorial Southern Hemisphere B) savannas and woodlands

A) Pacific B) Arctic C) Indian D) Atlantic

9. Give an example of a climate zone within which air masses change throughout the year

Part B. Write down the answers to the questions.

Part C.

Option 1.

Part A: Choose one correct answer.

1. Which diagram correctly shows the ratio of the areas of continents and oceans in the Northern Hemisphere?

A) 71% and 29% B) 39% and 61% C) 50% and 50% D) 81% and 19%

2. Which of the following continents is crossed by the equator?

A) Eurasia B) Australia C) North America D) South America

3. Which of the following continents includes two parts of the world?

A) Africa B) North America B) Eurasia D) Antarctica.

4. Are the following statements true about the action of climate-forming factors?

A) Warm ocean currents help reduce precipitation

B) As you move away from the ocean, the annual amplitude of air temperatures increases

1.Only A is correct 2.Only B is correct 3.Both answers are correct 4.Both answers are incorrect

5. Which current is not included in the cycle of currents in the Pacific Ocean?

A) North Pacific B) Kuroshio B) Gulf Stream D) Californian

6. Arrange the listed eras of the geological history of the Earth in chronological order from earliest to latest

A) Proterozoic B) Cenozoic C) Mesozoic

Answer: A, B, B

7. Establish a correspondence between the climate zone and the natural zone.

Climate zone Natural area

1) equatorial A) forest-steppe and steppe

2) subequatorial Southern Hemisphere B) savannas and woodlands

3) temperate Northern Hemisphere B) moist equatorial forests

Answer 1-B, 2-B, 3-A

8. Which ocean does not have deep-sea trenches?

A) Quiet B) Arctic C) Indian D) Atlantic

9. Give an example of a climate zone within which an air mass of the same type prevails all year round.

Answer: equatorial, or tropical, or temperate, or arctic (Antarctic)

Part B. Write down the answers to the questions.

1. List the continents that lie entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. Indicate the similarities between their geographical locations.

North America, Eurasia. They cross the Arctic Circle, the Northern Tropic, and are washed by the waters of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

2. What types of relief do continental protrusions belong to in terms of size? What type of earth's crust are they made of? What structure does this type of earth's crust have?

Planetary, continental, sedimentary, granite, basalt.

3. Explain why the World Ocean is called the “weather kitchen”?

Provides the atmosphere with warmth and moisture.

Part C.

1. Using maps, explain why Australia has the most sparse river network?

Australia is located in the tropical zone, with little rainfall.

Answers Test on the topic “Nature of the Earth: main patterns” 7th grade.

Option 2.

Part A: Choose one correct answer.

1. Which diagram correctly shows the ratio of the areas of continents and oceans in the Southern Hemisphere?

A) 71% and 29% B) 39% and 61% C) 50% and 50% D) 81% and 19%

2. Which of the following continents is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans?

A) Africa B) Australia C) North America D) South America

3. Which part of the world includes two continents?

A) Africa B) America C) Australia D) Eurasia

4. Are the following statements true about the topography of the ocean floor?

A) The ocean floor consists of deep-sea plains (basins) and underwater mountain ranges

B) The continental shelf includes the continental slope and deep-sea trenches

1.Only A is correct . 2.Only B is correct. 3.Both answers are correct. 4.Both answers are incorrect.

5. Which current is not included in the current cycle of the Atlantic Ocean?

A) Northern trade wind B) Canary C) Gulf Stream D) Californian

6. Arrange the listed eras of the geological history of the Earth in chronological order from earliest to latest

A) Mesozoic B) Paleozoic C) Cenozoic

Answer: B, A, B

7. Establish a correspondence between the climate zone and the natural zone

Climate zone Natural area

1) subarctic A) forest-steppe and steppe

2) subequatorial Southern Hemisphere B) savannas and woodlands

3) temperate Northern Hemisphere B) tundra and forest-tundra

Answer 1-B, 2-B, 3-A

8. In which ocean of the Earth are all the trenches of the Earth deeper than 10 km located?

A) Quiet B) Arctic C) Indian D) Atlantic

9. Give an example of a climate zone within which air masses change throughout the year.

Subequatorial, or subtropical, or subarctic (subantarctic)

Part B. Write down the answers to the questions.

1.List the continents that lie entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. Indicate the similarities between their geographical locations.

South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. The affected part lies in equatorial and tropical latitudes.

2. What types of landforms do ocean basins belong to in terms of size? What type of earth's crust are they made of? What structure does this type of earth's crust have?

Planetary, oceanic, sedimentary and basaltic.

3. Explain why the World Ocean is called a “rich storehouse”?

The ocean is rich in minerals and living organisms.

Part C.

1. Using maps, explain why South America has the densest river network?

The wettest continent.

Answers. Test on the topic “Nature of the Earth: main patterns” 7th grade.

Option 1.

Part A.

1.B (1 point each)

6.A, B, B (1 point)

7 .1-B, 2-B, 3-A (3 points)

9. Equatorial, or tropical, or temperate, or Arctic (Antarctic) (1 point)

Part B.

1. North America, Eurasia. They cross the Arctic Circle, the Northern Tropic, and are washed by the waters of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. (2 points)

2. Planetary, continental, sedimentary, granite, basalt. (2 points)

3. Provides the atmosphere with warmth and moisture. (2 points)

Part C.

1.Australia is located in the tropical zone, with little rainfall. (2 points)

Option 2

Part A.

1.G (1 point each)

6.B, A, C (1 point)

7 . 1-B, 2-B, 3-A (3 points)

9. Subequatorial, or subtropical, or subarctic (subantarctic) (1 point).

Part B.

1. South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica. The diseased part lies in equatorial and tropical latitudes (2 points).

2. Planetary, oceanic, sedimentary and basaltic (2 points).

3 .The ocean is rich in minerals and living organisms (2 points)

Part C.

The wettest continent (2 points)

Criteria for evaluation

17-19 points – score “5”

13-16 points – score “4”

8-12 points – score “3”

0-7 points – score “2”

Used Books.

V.V.Barabanov, S.V.Dyukov. Examiner's notebook “Geography. Earth and People" for the 7th grade of the Spheres educational instruction line. 2015

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