The game “Gather in a circle” is played. The game “Living Words” is being played

Osipova Alina Fedorovna
Job title: musical director
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 133"
Locality: Cheboksary city, Chuvash Republic
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Graduation party script "Our boat is sailing away"
Publication date: 26.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Our boat is sailing away.

Prom script

The hall is festively decorated. There's a picture on the wall ship with sails, waves, seagulls,



Leading teacher

Byaka-Zabiyaka - adult

Pirates - adults

Master - adult

Captain - adult

Fairies – girls (senior group)

Our boat is sailing away.

Prom script for children of the preparatory group.

Children from the older group come in to cheerful music.

1st child: There is one country in the world

Can't find another like it.

2 reb: Not marked on the map,

And the size is not big.

3rd child: But he lives in that glorious country

Wonderful people

4th child: And wherever you look -

A friend is walking next to you!

5th child: Look, here they are -

Our glorious graduates!

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern. Guests meet them


1 child There is a miracle garden in the world,

I was glad to go there.

Here in summer and winter

All my friends were with me.

2 reb. You accepted us as kids,

Our dear kindergarten.

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

3 reb. They were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids

Answered in class

They listened to the story in silence.

4reb. And today we're leaving,

Like birds from a nest.

It's a shame we have to say goodbye

WITH kindergarten forever!

The song “Kindergarten is a house of joy” is performed

Ved. Childhood– this is a big country. In it you spent the best years - cheerful,

carefree and so unique... And today we will visit for the last time

this wonderful country. Look, he has come to us boat with white sails.

Let's take your preschool island hopping right now childhood.

And I, our brave captain, will lead the boat. (magic music for transformation)

Captain. We let's sail away, it's hard to say goodbye to you

With that island that greeted you kindly,

What raised you. And I will dream about it for a long time

Calm ours kindergarten pier.

The song “Our boat is sailing away” is performed.

5 reb. ( Sad) Our the boat is sailing away,

No one is accompanying us...

6 children How is this not seen off?

The kids are seeing them off.

Look, here they are!

Children of the younger group enter the hall to the music.

Includes children of the 2nd junior group.

1st child: We have come to you today

See you off to first class.

2 reb: And we want to wish you

Become excellent students.

3rd child: And we promise you more.

So that without you in my native garden...

4 reb: We won’t break the flowers,

We'll save all the toys.

Educator You were like that too

Mischievous kids

And now our babies

They will dance merrily for you

Children perform the Bee Dance.

7 girl: Very happy, cheerful

Back to School Celebration!

Thank you all very much,

That they came to congratulate us.

8 boy: We promise to try

Work so diligently

To be the best at school

It turned out to be first class!

To the music, the children of the preparatory group give the kids ___________ and children

the younger group leaves.

Captain. We're sailing, we're sailing,

Miracles await us at sea!

We're sailing, we're sailing,

Raise your sails!

Phonogram of the sound of the sea.

Captain. He looks through the telescope.

I see an island in the sea!

Who lives there, friends?

Need to come closer

I already see someone!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, Byaka-Zabiyaka runs into the hall, runs a circle, girls “by the bows”,

and the boys for their ties.

Baka-Bully. And here I am, without an invitation!

And here I am, without permission!

Where is the quarrel, where is the fight?

I'm Byaka-Zabiyaka! (Claps his hands joyfully

How many children do I see here!

I'll offend you all now!

Ved. What are you, what are you, just like that!

Today is our holiday!

Byaka(putting his hands on his hips) Hello! They arrived - they didn’t ask, and you can’t offend them! Which

brave! What holiday are you having?

Ved. Outlet! Our children are leaving kindergarten, now they will

first graders!

Byaka ( surprised) Outlet? Why are you celebrating so modestly? We should celebrate like this

so that everyone around knows that the group “...” today outlet! For example, like this... well-

ka, everyone unanimously and loudly shouted “Hurray!” and clapped their hands! (Children do.)

And now once again “Hurray!” and stamped their feet! (Children do.) Now tell me,

Here you are, boy, who do you want to become? Probably a pilot?

Reb. I want to go to school!

Byaka. And you, girl, are probably a doctor?

Reb. I want to go to school!

Byaka. And you, boy, probably want to be a banker?

Reb. No, I want to go to school!

Byaka. Why did you all get it right: school, school! But tell me, what is the most important thing at school?

(Children's answers). Eh, you... schoolchildren. Re-re-me-na, that’s the most important thing at school!

There is little time, but there is a lot to do: run, jump, gallop, and maybe even

(box) fight with someone! Therefore, we must do everything quickly, we must not lose anything.

One-two-three-four-five -

We will relax with you!

Dance “And hands clap-clap-clap”

Byaka. Are you tired, girls and boys?

It was a warm-up! And now...

We will be with you, brothers,

We're training!

To go to school on the first day

Get ready right!

Mom will bring breakfast,

Dad will bring the ball.

You need to keep up

And pack your briefcase quickly!

The game "Alarm Clock" is played.

Two families are participating. When the alarm clock rings, dads inflate balloons, moms collect

breakfast (fake, children collect briefcases. The winner is the family that is the first

“will run to school” and ring the bell.

Byaka. Well done! had a good workout! Real graduates!

Well, thanks guys

Naughty little girls!

And now I won’t be Byaka,

And I won't be a Bully!

I want to study at school

Become a diligent student.

I will remember you

And wait for your island.

Goodbye guys! (Runs away.)

Captain. Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

Part with the hard land!

The waves are waiting for us ahead,

New meetings are on the way!

The chorus of the song “Steamboat” sounds. For the first part of the chorus, children wave to the top right-

to the left with the right hand, as if saying goodbye, and to the second part - with the left.

Captain. I see a miracle island

Where it's summer all year round.

Only there you can see

Fairy wonderful round dance!

Fairies come out to the music

Fairy. Our island is extraordinary!

It's magical and musical!

Only here will you hear

Sounds of wonderful beauty!

Everything here is fabulously beautiful,

And the flowers are simply marvelous!

Only here all year round

Flowers dance in circles!

Performing "Waltz with Flowers"

Reb. Now it's time for us

Break up with you.

Reb. Don't forget about us

We were friends!

Don't you dare quarrel!

Reb. We can't live without friends

Not for the world!

Partskhaladze's "Song of Friends" is performed.

8th child: We will never forget

Our dear kindergarten,

We will come to visit you

We are here in the summer!

Phonogram of the sound of the sea.

Captain. Our cheerful ship is moving forward again!

He looks through the telescope.

Captain. A schooner flying a black flag is heading straight towards us.

Ved. Pirates! We are urgently changing course.

Captain. It's too late, they're already close!

Pirates run in to the song "Pirates"

1 Pirate. Everyone stay put!

2 Pirate. Come on, give me your jewelry!

Captain. The jewels are in front of you. This is my crew and passengers.

1 Pirate. Are you all joking? You can't joke with us! Well, quickly give away your wealth.

Captain. Our wealth is our knowledge!

2 Pirate. Knowledge? What is knowledge? Are they made of gold?

1 Pirate. Never heard of it.

Ved. Knowledge is very important for all people. Knowledge is very valuable. And our guys are already

they know a lot.

2 Pirate. Now we will check what knowledge you have! How rich you are!

They make a wish one by one.

The letters are all from A to Z on the pages (primer book)

Every student must take a diary with him to school.

To write by hand we will prepare (notebook)

Here is the album colored with your bright red (pencil)

So that he doesn’t suddenly disappear, let’s put him in (pencil case)

Very soon a bright and cozy (class) will meet you

If you know everything, you will get... (five) at school

If the bell rings, it means the end (lesson)

1 Pirate. Well done guys. You know a lot!

2 Pirate. Where are you going?

Captain. To the school islands!

Pirates. What's interesting there?

Presenter. They gain knowledge on the School Islands, and our children are very inquisitive!

9th child: We read so many books at school,

Page after page!

Here's our song about that.

How we want to learn.

The song “We’ll Go to School Soon” is performed

1 Pirate. You convinced us very much

Knowledge is important for everyone!

2 Pirate. Well, we say goodbye to you.

May you be successful in your studies!

The pirates leave to the music.

Phonogram of the sound of the sea. The captain looks into the pipe.

Captain. I see the island again

But what he is like is hard to understand!

We will approach it smoothly

And we’ll find out who’s in charge!

The Master enters to the music.

Master's degree My name is Master of Knowledge.

And I know a lot about science!

And who ends up on the island -

He’s playing “gram” with me here!

Where are you guys from?

Naughty little girls?

10 child. We're floating on the waves

By preschool islands.

We say goodbye to childhood -

We're going to school!

Master's degree That's great! You don't need to swim anywhere! I enroll you in my super school. IN

Everything is unusual at my school, even the bells. As soon as I say the word "bell", all the children

at my school they shout loudly “Ding-ding!” Let's try it! Get ready! Call!

(The children answer “Ding-ding!”) And all the fathers and mothers are happy that the children have started their lessons and

they can calmly go about their business. And that's why after the call all moms and dads

joyfully and loudly shout: “Hurray!” Moms and dads, let's try? Three or four. (Parents

perform.) Wonderful! Now let's try everything together! I say: “Ring!” (Children and

parents comply. The command is executed three times, louder and louder.)

Well done! For the “call” I give you an A+! Can you count?

To go to school -

We need to understand the numbers!

Let's play fun

And follow the commands!

You remember the numbers

And quickly get up in a circle.

And to make it more fun,

Let's invite parents!

The game “Gather in a circle” is played.

They perform movements to the music: march, easy run, round dance step. As soon as the music

ends, the Master shows a card with a number. Players form circles in

according to the numbers - 3 people, 5, etc.

Master's degree Well done everyone! You know how to count well! Now I’ll check how you can

The game “Living Words” is being played

For our game we will need parents. 4 dads, please, is there the bravest one?

Now we will put these letters on you. Remember them.

1 pair: W - R

2 pair: I - E

3 pair: N - L

4 pair: A - O

So, riddles will be asked for you, and you must guess. Dads thinking which side

Which letter should line up and create a word. And those who wish can help.

1. It can be a combatant, but it can also be a tool. (SAW)

2. A tree from whose flowers tea is brewed. (LINDEN)

3. Sometimes it’s wheat, sometimes it’s football. (FIELD)

4. What can’t you drown in a bag? (AWL)

5. Shoes for the wheel. (TIRE)

6. Sometimes it’s for sea, sometimes it’s for shaving. (FOAM)

7. Little horse. (PONY)

Ved: If we have such smart dads, then we are correspondingly the same

smart kids. There will be only “4” and “5” at school.

Master's degree Well done, guys! You know the letters and you can read.

I see that you have grown up,

All the teachings were overcome.

I wish you, friends,

“No fluff, no feather!” to everyone!


He leaves the hall to the music.

Phonogram of the sound of the sea.

Captain. Goodbye islands, we say goodbye to you

And we return together to our beloved kindergarten!

Fanfare sounds.

1 Vedas: In preschool country you played and sang,

But the time has come to say goodbye to friends.

You have become big, you have all matured.

Yours floats boat to other shores.

11th child: We will dance the parting waltz for you,

And in our dance we will grow up now.

Look, our boys are gentlemen,

And the girls – ladies, what manners!

12 child: What a pity that the waltz in this hall is a farewell

He is gentle, airy and very sad,

We will grow and remember him,

Look at the discs and your soul will tremble.

13 child: After all, with a waltz we part with our childhood,

But we remain from childhood forever!

We will have to learn different dances,

But the waltz, our farewell, will never be forgotten!

Farewell waltz.

Graduates stand in two rows.

14th child: Today we will say thank you very much

To all those who gave us affection and care,

They read us fairy tales, fed us porridge -

To all those who raised us and loved us!

15th child: To everyone who was next to us,

He raised us, raised us,

He took care of us

Did different jobs

To everyone who every minute

Worried about us

We will bow now.

The song “Goodbye, kindergarten” is performed (Behind the summer is winter...)

Ved. Guys, the sea voyage is over. A large continent awaits you ahead

called "School".

And now we give the floor to the adults.

Speech by the head kindergarten.

Parents' response

Ved. All games have been played, all songs have been sung.

The holiday is over. Good luck, friends!

Good luck at school, kindness, patience

wishes you kindergarteners family!

WITH childhood It's always very difficult to break up

White the boat has sailed - you won’t return it!

Memories bright feeling

It will become stronger the longer you live...

Have a nice trip!

Balloons are distributed to children while music is playing.

1 ved: Let the balloons fly, let the children dream,

Bright dreams, fabulous colors.

Well, today we are graduates

We release fireworks of balloons into the sky

Dance with balloons.

Dance "Balloons"

"Song about Friendship"

Tell everyone in the world

my song

Tell everyone that children -

best friends!

Chorus: The sun is shining

For all the guys.

All the children in the world

They want to be friends!

We invite you to a holiday

all your friends

Let's play together

it will be more fun.

3. If all the children come to us

they will come to visit,

That's how big it is

there will be a kindergarten!

"Song about Friendship"

Tell everyone in the world

my song

Tell everyone that children -

best friends!

Chorus: The sun is shining

For all the guys.

All the children in the world

They want to be friends!

We invite you to a holiday

all your friends

Let's play together

it will be more fun.

3. If all the children come to us

they will come to visit,

That's how big it is

there will be a kindergarten!

Scenario for the school graduation celebration “Our boat is sailing away”

Our boat is sailing away.

Exit of the presenters

1 Presenter: Dear mothers and fathers, dear grandparents! Today we are all a little sad,

because the time has come to part. Very soon for our the first ringing bell rings for graduates

school bell. A difficult road ahead into the world of adulthood school life.

2 Presenter: And today they, solemn and excited, are rushing to the first in their lives outlet

ball. So let's support them with our applause!

Exercise with balls

Presenter 1: Today we are seeing off our dear children.

our first one has arrived outlet

and may the wizard admire for yourself

generously showered tender lilacs

lilac fragrant flowers.

2. Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning -

Today graduation holiday,

And we are proud of our garden,

After all, it is like a home for us.

3. How many years have we been coming here?

How many tears have been shed here at times?

Here for the first time we beat our knees,

They felt sorry for us and loved us all.

4. And mothers look with excitement at yesterday’s preschoolers,

And dad’s gaze warms, and his brother winks.

5. Even the grandmother secretly brought a handkerchief to her eyes.

Will schoolboy from now on her dear grandson.

6. We ourselves forgot all the poems out of excitement.

Were just preschool children, and now - students!

7. Teachers and children, teachers, cooks,

And parents, and guests, a nurse -

Everyone dressed up today and is excited in the morning.

Don't be sad, goodbye, it's time for us to go to school!


8. With tender sadness, “Goodbye,” we will say to the group, dear ones.

We never parted with her, except on a day off.

9. There were builders, doctors and tailors here.

Our bedroom has been used for quiet times hundreds of times.

10. We set the table for dinner, studying etiquette,

And in the albums they drew a house, trees and dawn.

11. And more than once during leisure hours, sitting quietly on the carpet,

Together with the book we visited a good fairyland

12. We gathered in this hall for holidays more than once,

They sang songs, danced and started dancing.

Well, we're going to school, great things await us

The song “5 years” is performed

14. Preschool childhood is a golden time,

Happy days round dance.

What a pity that they fly by so quickly...

And now school is waiting for us!

15The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows.

And we are proud today

An important word: “ Graduate

16. Our garden is sad today,

And we are sad, just a little.

The day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us. -

17. Today we need to say goodbye

With an expensive kindergarten.

Will the school is very happy

First graders like that.

18. He is both sad and cheerful

This children's holiday

We say: “Hello, school

ALL: “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

The song “first time in first grade” is performed

Children take their seats

Presenter 2: Dear guys, today you are setting off on a long and exciting voyage to School

islands. Along the way, you will need all the knowledge that you have accumulated here in our kindergarten.

The ship called"___" is already waiting for its passengers. On every the ship must have a captain.

Today (name of teacher) is appointed captain.

Captain. I need a navigator who will lead the way on our long voyage. I appoint

navigator (name of teacher). Boys, you will all be cabin boys, and our beautiful ladies will be passengers.

Everyone listen to my command! Take a seat on ship! Children take toys and go to ship.

Navigator. Leave it alone! You are going to School Islands, and the toys remain in Preschool


Can we dance with them one more time?

Performing a dance with toys " childhood boat»

Navigator. First stop island "Malysh"

Captain. Remember when you went to kindergarten four years ago?

1. Why didn’t you go?

They carried us in strollers!

2. We often sat on the arms,

They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

3. I remember crying every day,

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

4. Yes, we were all good

Well, what can we take from us, after all, we’re kids.

5. And I did this,

At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.

6. Sometimes I ate poorly,

Spoon fed me

7. And if we didn’t sleep,

We were rocked on our arms

8. Do you remember how I built big cities out of sand?

9. Oh, boys, don't! We all baked Easter cakes, not as smoothly as we could,

And we played with you, treated each other

10. child. We loved to throw sand_

Just like these kids who came to visit you.

Babes come in

Vos-l ml. gr. Just like these crumbs

You came to kindergarten,

We learned to stomp our feet,

Now you have grown up.

And we came to congratulate you

With the transition to first grade.

1. The kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts today!

You go to first grade, but don’t forget about us.

2. You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart.

In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes.

3. We may be small today, but we will grow up soon

And we will also follow you into first grade!

Kids dance, song

They give toys to the kids and they leave

Captain. Full speed ahead! Next stop: Dream Island

Children run out to the middle

Sonya Sorokina performs the song “Dream”

To become very smart, go abroad.

2. Well, I could become a top fashion model

I just really don’t want to be always hungry.

3. And I will be a showman, all mustachioed and bright.

I will spin the wheel and receive gifts.

4. It’s good to be a showman, but better to be a singer.

I would like to take factor “A”, let them teach me!

5. I want to tell you guys that I will be a lawyer.

In the meantime, I’m not a lawyer, I beat up everyone.

6. Can become my deputy

7. Anyone can be this.

8. I would become a teacher, let them teach me

9. Think about what you said, the children will torture you!

10. Every day I will take my children to the zoo,

And I will feed them delicious ice cream!

11. Mom, dad, grandmother, friends dream for me. But I’m a stubborn guy, I can’t give in to them! All

They give me advice vying with each other, despite this, I will be myself!

12. We told you your dreams, clap, try.

It was you who raised us, so figure it out!

The dance “Non-Children's Time” is performed

The music of the sea sounds, Neptune appears

Neptune. I am the ruler of the seas and oceans, deep-sea rivers and small rivulets, marshy swamps and deep puddles! I

The ruler of the water element is King Neptune! How dare you ply my waters without my greatest

permission? Who are they? Answer!

Neptune. Did you know that on School the islands allow only the most inquisitive, those who want

gain new knowledge? But lazy people and loafers have no way there!

Navigator. There are no such people among us! Our guys are smart and inquisitive. You can check.

Neptune. And now I’ll give you an exam! If you survive it, move on, and if not, the right path

you back to Preschool country! So, task one.

Game of living words: children form into three teams, each team has a set of letters. Neptune asks riddles

for each team, the children guess, move in a loose motion to the music, and when the music ends, each

the team builds their word.

1. Riddles:

1. Little birds, sitting in a row and saying little words (Letters)

2. They live in a difficult book, cunning brothers, ten of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world

3 He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t hear, he doesn’t hear, but he knows everything and explains it to us (book)

2 problems in verse

Neptune. Not bad.

Neptune. Not bad, not bad! Show me something marine.

Girls' dance "Sea"

Neptune. Well, they showed themselves worthy. I wish you a happy sailing! Leaves to the music of the sea

Captain. Full speed ahead!

Navigator. Yes, full speed ahead! ahead is a boundless ocean of Songs. Hear, they sound everywhere.

Performing the song “FUNNY SONG”

They sing the song “Stamp My Foot”

We'll sing ditties for you,

Listen carefully.

And all together to the music

Clap hard! ___Sergey 1

Oh everyone loves the director

And, of course, for good reason:

Look at the kindergarten -

This is simply beautiful!

Teacher, in our garden

Simply wonderful

The boys are no longer afraid

School assignments

Our teachers are

This is simply top class!

Put on the heels

Like fashion models!

We will tell you for a reason,

Our nanny is good!

At least you get around the whole group -

You won't find a speck!

We love music very much

And we dance and we sing,

We dance in circles together,

Overall, a fun round dance

Learned English

songs to sing and dance

And good grades

we'll be in school to receive

Physical education is your best friend

Everyone around knows this!

Who is interested in sports?

Girls like that one

The speech therapist came to us,

She taught us all to speak,

He opens it, looks into his mouth,

Can't figure anything out

We're kind of hungry,

Hunting is great

When you wanted to eat,

We remembered the cook! ___Ksyusha 10

Vitamins are good for everyone -

This is what the doctor told us

And to the guys in our group

Gave everyone a vitamin!

Did you like the ditties?

We sang them for you.

We wish everyone good health

At this touching hour!

Captain. Full speed ahead!

Navigator. Yes, full speed ahead! Friendship Island is ahead

Child: How can you forget friends of friends?

We walked along the same path to the garden.

What a pity that we won't be here.

We were such strong friends with them.


Poems are spoken by those who do not go to school:

1. We wish you success!

And happy school years!

A lot of knowledge, a lot of laughter,

There are many victories in sports.

2. We love you, we believe in you

And we count on you.

The doors are wide open -

Good luck and to first grade!

The dance “Do you love me?” is performed.

The music of the sea sounds

Navigator. Our journey continues. I think it's time to refresh myself. We need to cast a net

and catch fish

Ex. boys (with a net at the end they catch a bottle)


Captain. Wow! Someone sent bottle mail. Well, let's read what is written here. Yes here

some kind of map. Look, the place is indicated here School Islands where the treasures are buried. Only, here

trouble, There are many school islands, and the name of this island was washed away by water. Who can guess what this is?

island? (P-r-oklass-nick). Well done! Heading to First-Class Island.


Navigator Preschool the country was left far behind. Let's tell her goodbye!

Children:1. What a pity, the game is heading towards the end, but we shouldn’t lose heart!

We will go to first grade to study and will wait for a new meeting___Igor

2. We say, thank you very much for leading us through life,

For the fact that you loved us with all your soul, that you always forgave our pranks Nastya

3. So may the sun shine more generously on you, from all the guys who are near and far,

To you, those who raised and let us go to school, send your bow from heaven to earth!

They are performing a waltz!

1. How difficult it is for us to part with you,

You have surrounded us with warmth here for many years.

And today we really want to admit,

That with sadness we will soon leave the kindergarten.

2. You, like our own mothers, loved us,

Even though we were naughty and disobeyed at times.

But we know that we have been forgiven for our mischief,

Farewell, our kindergarten, kind and dear ___ Sonya Z

3. Our deepest bow to all of you,

For your hard and coordinated work.

You did everything to make the kindergarten like a home.

___Ksyusha was welcome and important to us

4. We’ll sing you our farewell song,

And let the adults' eyes sparkle.

We know the song will touch your soul,

After all, we are like birds flying away from the nest!

Farewell song. "Kindergarten"

Presenter 1: Well, we have reached the goal of our journey! Now our grown-up children can rightfully go

to first grade!

Presenter 2: Please pay attention! Allow us to introduce the creators of our journey - people without

which today the holiday would not have taken place.

The world around us 2nd grade
The world around us 3rd grade
The world around us 4th grade

Every living thing needs clean water. And in many places it becomes polluted because harmful substances enter it from factories and factories. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to build treatment facilities at enterprises.

Water must be used carefully, not wasted, and do not forget to turn off the tap on time.

Guess the riddle. Write the answer.

What can’t you take away in a sieve? Answer: Water

Come up with and write down your own riddle about water.

Runs, flows, walks, falls, drips.

A person consists of 80% of it.

It can be alive or dead.

These are the miracle ships that the Question Ant and the Wise Turtle launched into the river! If you place the boats correctly, you get a very important phrase. Write it down. Explain this phrase.

Water is necessary to support the life of all living things. Life originated in water and without water it is not possible. Water plays an extremely important role in human life, because humans themselves are 80 percent water.

Look at the pictures. What water is safe to drink? (Mark with a blue pencil.) What kind of water can be hazardous to health? (Mark in red pencil.) Explain why you think this.

It is safe to drink water that has been purified, so we marked with a blue pencil tap water, bottled water, as well as water in a kettle, where the water is purified by boiling. Water from open sources that has not been purified is dangerous to drink.

Here write down your story about the beauty of water.

Water gives us the joy of life every day. This is a simple, very well-known substance on Earth. So familiar that we can stop noticing its magic! But water is not only that colorless liquid that is poured into a glass. This is the Ocean, which covers almost our entire planet, our entire wonderful Earth, on which life originated millions of years ago. Clouds, clouds, fogs that carry moisture to all living things on the earth's surface are also water. The endless ice deserts of the polar regions, snow covers covering almost half of the planet - and this is water. The diversity of life is limitless. It is everywhere on our planet. But life exists only where there is water! Flowing water is extremely beautiful, be it the majestic flow of a wide river or the murmuring waters of a small stream in the rocks. She can bewitch, calm, and console. How nice it is to just look at the quiet surface of the water, admire the shimmer of sunlight or the beauty of the moonlit path on the water. Colors of many different shades can be seen in the water, depending on the lighting and depth. Water is the main sacrament, the main miracle of the Planet.

And here you can paste one of your photographs showing the amazing beauty of the water.

A story about the beauty of water

Water is the basis of everything; it gives life to all organisms on our planet. This is her main advantage, and this is her beauty. You can live your entire life without jewelry, without food you can survive for several weeks, and without water, life will be limited to a maximum of a week. There is no more valuable substance than water. And at the same time more “smart”.

The beauty of water is its ability to respond to music, mood, good and evil words. It is known that the crystals of this substance seem to absorb energy and create a wide variety of forms. Scientists have repeatedly conducted experiments over water. One of them was to say the words "thank you, love, appreciation, angel" in different languages. And each time incredibly beautiful crystal shapes were formed. Then the words “fool, I’ll kill, devil” were uttered, but as a result nothing beautiful was observed. The crystals turned out incomprehensible and blurry. Water seems to have a soul that reacts to everything that happens around it.

The water is incredibly beautiful in the sun. How beautiful the streams, rivers, waterfalls are! Beauty is where there is water. Even one drop, even a small dewdrop shimmers with a hundred colors. I remember how, as a child, I was always happy about the snow, because when the sun came out, it seemed as if everything around was strewn with diamonds. Every winter turned into a fairy tale for me. Who among us has not rejoiced at snowflakes while looking at them on our mittens? There are thousands of options, and no two are alike, each is good in its own way. Isn't this a miracle? We are no less delighted by the patterns on the windows in winter and the mysterious fog in the morning. Water is beautiful in any condition, and this is its special feature.

For me, water is a living being. It's better than any mirror. What you give is what you get. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors believed in its power. Living water exists. This is the one to whom we show our good feelings, and who then passes this goodness on to other people. Here is another facet of her beauty.

Water can be warm or cold, fresh or salty, solid, liquid or gaseous. But she is amazing in any condition. Save water, it is our life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Children's poems about boats and floating paper boats in streams and puddles:

R. Bikmetova

I boat made,
He let him walk on the water.
You sail, my boat,
And then come home!

L. Aleynikova

I'm in a spring stream,
I'll launch it boat,
Let the big one swim to the river,
Signals cheerfully.
On board it is Spring,
The breeze is blowing
The hold is full of its warmth,
The wave carries away into the distance.

E. Ars

Floats, floats boat
To distant lands.
Who is the captain of the boat?
Of course it's me!

Lunin, Levin, R. Mukha

I don't know where from
I don't know where
Floats and floats away
There is water along the river.
That's if boat
I'll go along the river,
And if it
I'll find it later
Then maybe
He'll tell me then
Where does it go?
There is water along the river.

Polite elephant

Renata Mukha, Viktor Lunin, Levin Vadim
Publisher: Makhaon
Number of pages: 128


in the online store

V. Chernyshev

I boat I let him in,
In the babbling brook boldly.
Dad made it
Together with the sail, skillfully.
Let it float easily, beautifully,
Under the bright spring sun.
The breeze blows him playfully
I blew a hot breath into the sail.

Tu, tut, tut. Tu, tut, tut.
On boat I'm swimming.
Our bath is the ocean,
I am a brave captain.
I'm not afraid of a strong storm.
I'll make the waves myself.

Yu. Lyubimov

My boat argues with the storm
A bullet rushes through the waves,
Fills the board with water.
The slender mast creaks and grinds,
He cuts foam with his nose
And flies over the wave.
Some people may not know...
And there is a storm on the puddle,
If the wind is stormy.

S. Semenova

It's warmer. Let's run
There are fast streams everywhere.
The birds whistled a song:
“Whose are we? Whose are we? Whose-whose-whose...”
I'll make it boat
From a sheet of paper
The stream will catch him
And it will circle around the bridge.
Only he will break out bravely
My boat on the wave
And he will rush further to the sea,
To an unknown country.

I. Rodionov

A piece of foam plastic and a thin branch,
Colored paper - candy wrapper...
And now heavy winds are blowing here,
Ship the brave one fights against the abyss!
Vanya's feet are on the ground,
His soul is all on that ship!
Even if the storms are only in fantasies for now,
But he has a sailor's dream!

M. Piudunen

Today I came to the river,
Ship in my hand.
Let him float to wonderland
Says hello to friends
He will see many countries
He will go far beyond the ocean
To meet the icebergs and the sun,
But he will definitely come back!

Yu. Simbirskaya

Sailed boat along the river
No luggage, light.
Without sailors, without gear,
Without owners, without guests.
Sailed without a mast and rudder:
- Goodbye, earth!
Sailed without an anchor and a boat,
Sailed without a captain's cabin,
Sailed to the northeast,
Petal straight to the sea.

S. Shkolnikova

This is the sea
This is the shore
This is mine boat white,
It's the wind that's risen
There is a strong blow in the sails.
But my hand is firm -
I'm heading straight to the lighthouse.
Rush, little boat, across the waves
To the farthest shores!

S. Ivanov

The wind blows, the waves splash,
"Agile" flies through the waves.
This little one boat
Made by the boy Pavlik,
Sitting on my porch
From a birch plank,
And through the puddle in the yard
Sent afloat at dawn.
The worm became the captain
An old, experienced sailor.
Young boy is a little bug,
Newbie in maritime affairs.
There's an ant at the helm,
You couldn't find him braver,
Rules due east.
In place of the sails there is a leaf.
The ship is sailing on the waves,
The wind of wanderings is calling you into the distance!


Made boat I
And I run to the pond
And my friends are with me
They run merrily
We will be a paper fleet
Put it on the water
And squinting in the wind
Let's dream
Someone will become captain
Will go across the seas
Or he will be a steeplejack
Will go on a hike
I have a simpler dream
Whoever you become
I dream of learning
Like in a dream - Fly

N. Bystrova

Far away there
Sailed boat along the river
Sails overhead
And seven feet under karma.
The captain is looking down the pipe
Blowing smoke into my mustache,
Seagull soars in the air
Touching the mast.
The boatswain checks the course
Bypassing all the shallows,
And the sailors are scrubbing the boats
On the way to the goal.
Whose sailboat is sailing?
What's its name?
We launched the ship
At home with dad in the bath.

E. Yaryshevskaya

There's a terrible hurricane at sea!
Storm! Almost a tsunami!
What a brave captain
Fighting the waves?
A bright light flashed from lightning.
Do you see the captain?
Oh! It seems... he doesn't exist!
This is very strange.
Myself boat- helmsman!
The foam breaks
And under the menacing wind howl
Sings the song:
“I have a great plan!
I won't back down!
Straight through the hurricane
I'm heading to the ocean!
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder!
I can handle the chatter!
I'd rather be a ship
Than a tin can!

A. Mark

Across the blue sea boat floats.
On it is the captain who leads the boat.
And with him a canary to sing songs,
The boatswain is good enough to whistle with him.
An experienced navigator is with him to plot the course,
With him is a little cabin boy to wash the deck,
The doctor is with him at the first aid station: the team is to treat.
There's a cook in the galley to feed everyone.
The sailors are sailing - raise the sails,
When we meet, we hear a loud “Hurray!” shout.

N. Karpova

Floats boat by water,
But there is no captain.
And the waves are not visible on the river,
So what's the secret here?
Suddenly the wind suddenly blew,
The ship capsized in an instant.
He could no longer swim,
I was completely wet from the water.
There is no secret here
And the captain is the boy Vova,
Standing in tears on the shore.
Well, how can I help him?
Dad was standing next to him,
He smiled and said:
-Even though you are a brave captain,
Our boat is made of paper.

O. Efimova

I glued boat from a thin plank.
The stream replaced a bubbling river for me.
I am the crew myself and I am the captain myself,
I lead the ship through the waves by a thread.
The team is happy with their captain.
The ship is leading to unknown countries...
Suddenly the thread broke and a stormy stream
The ship flew away from me to the east!
I ran after him along the stream like the wind,
Right at the hatch the ship caught up.
I grabbed it right next to the hole
And how the winner returned home.

Striped shirt
It's called a vest.
My mom bought it for me
So, I'll be a sailor!
I quickly put on my vest
And a sailor's belt with a buckle,
I took my favorite boat
And run outside!
I showed everyone the new thing
And he said: “Listen, Vovka,
Let's go to the Irtysh
My boat is blue."
We quickly went down to the river,
On the water - sparks from the sun,
You float, float, little boat,
My blue boat!
Be reliable, be brave
We are not afraid of any storm!
And don't be afraid, even if
You will end up in the ocean.
Let the shark follow the stern.
Remember - I am sailing with you,
I always sail with you
Your Danilka is the captain.

T. Lilo

Ice fortress
Visible from afar -
It starts to melt
The wall is collapsing.
Didn't come out to defend
Combat squad...
The sound of drops is heard -
In quiet courtyards
No guys in sight.
We were here for a short time:
Having looked around the fortress,
Paper sheet on top
Strengthened is important
And they left because
It says on the sheet...
"Spring sunshine,
Be so kind
This Sunday
Visit the yards.
Winter left us
Lots of snowy mountains
If everything melted,
It would melt immediately
According to spring rules
Every yard would become
A full-flowing river,
And race
Let's go fast
Yachts, boats!
They miss the water
Several fleets
Frost at night
With the first streams
It’s painfully harsh!..
Please! It's very necessary!
Ten sailors:
Brave team
Kindergarten kids
And students."

Oksana Vladimirovna Ivleva
Lesson summary “About water”

Lesson environment in 2nd grade using ICT

1. Subject World around

2. Class 2B

3. Number lesson in topic 11 lesson

4. Basic textbook 1. Pleshakov A. A. The world around us. The world is around us. Textbook for 2nd grade of primary school. In two parts. Part 1. - M.: Education, 2010.

2. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. The world is around us. Textbook for 2nd grade of primary school. In two parts. Part 2. - M.: Education, 2010.

5. Type lesson: Learning new material

Subject lesson: “...And about water» .

Form lesson: lesson - research

Target lesson:1 Spread of water.

Tasks lesson:


1) create conditions for students to determine the meaning of water;

2) teach how to use school laboratory equipment;

3) develop students’ cognitive activity;


To develop research skills in practical activities, to develop the ability to observe, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions;


To instill in students a caring attitude towards water as a valuable gift of nature and a source of life;

to develop the ability to make responsible decisions in independent work and in joint activities in pairs and groups.


Maintain the health of children by alternating various types of activities and active recreation, using TSO, creating a comfortable and trusting atmosphere in the classroom.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer, PowerPoint presentation, microscopes;

Technologies used: gaming, group, computer, health-saving, practical activities.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Technological map lesson:

Today on lesson we have guests, let's turn and greet them. Now let’s all sit quietly together.

There is a substance in our lives that no living creature can live without. What do you think I'm talking about?

Everything you said is true, and the name of this valuable, irreplaceable substance "hid" in a riddle.

Very good natured

I am soft, obedient,

But when I want,

I will even wear out a stone.

That's right WATER. Suggest a topic lesson.

Read on textbook page 52 to see if we have identified the topic correctly lesson.

Today on lesson Let's talk about water. I propose to turn our classroom into a scientific center for a while, and three research laboratories will operate. You are researchers. Who knows who is called an explorer?

A researcher is a person who is engaged in scientific activities. What will be the subject of the research?

Our research plan (on the board).

1. Distribution of water in nature.

2. Study of the importance of water for plants, animals, and humans.

3. Discussion of the problem of water pollution and protection

Decide which of you will voice the result of the study, listen to each other, consult, and then your laboratory will draw the correct, accurate conclusion.

There is a topic, a plan has been outlined, research groups have been formed. Let's get to work.

The first point of our plan: Distribution of water in nature. Where is water found?

It is difficult to find a place on our planet where there is no water. It is everywhere, just in different quantities. And not only in the seas and oceans, puddles and lakes, but also in the soil and even in stones.

In nature, water can be fresh or salty. Only fresh water is suitable for drinking. These are glaciers, rivers, fresh lakes, streams. So we answered the first point of the plan.

In order to move on to the second point, let’s open the notebooks on page 37 and do exercise No. 2.

What a miracle - the boats were launched in the river by the Question Ant and the Wise Turtle! If you arrange the boats correctly, it will be very important for our lesson phrase.

Water is life!

How do you understand this phrase?

So, water is life, but for whom?

Water is life!

people animals plants

What is the importance of water in the life of humans, animals and plants, will you answer after working in groups? Senior researchers will now come up to me and take turns choosing envelopes with a topic for study and discussion. In the envelopes you will find cards that will help you answer the question. But be careful, choose only the cards you need for your group.

From the cards you choose, create a collage on A3 sheets.

Two people come forward to answer, one shows the collage, the other answers the question.

After all the collages are on the board, the teacher asks question:

Here we have studied the issue “What is the importance of water for humans, animals, plants”.

The rain clouds have arrived.

Rain, rain, rain.

The raindrops are dancing as if alive.

Drink, rye, drink.

And rye, leaning towards green grass.

Drinks, drinks, drinks.

And the quiet rain, restless.

It pours, it pours, it pours.

Look carefully at the board, what do you see in common with everyone?


You see, water is food for everyone. They say: no water - no life, there is water - there is life. The role of water is colossal for all living things. On all land, neither plants, nor animals, nor, nevertheless, humans are able to break all ties with the oceans, seas and rivers, because they cannot do it without water, without drinking water. How would all living things develop then? The planet owes exclusively to water the emergence and development of life, therefore, without it, we would not exist. Water accompanies a person throughout his life and therefore its presence is natural, familiar, and therefore unnoticeable. Guys, we have already told you that water is life. And people pollute it.

But first, let's see if people have invented the problem. You have microscopes on your tables and there are glasses in special boxes; take one of them and place it under the microscope. What do you see?

And now I’ll give you a drop of contaminated water taken from the road in front of our school.

What do you see?

What do you think this is?

You see microbes, these are tiny organisms that, when entering our body, harm our health. Why do you think the water became dirty?

To answer this question, let’s draw up a diagram together, explain why water is polluted, what it affects and how to protect water from pollution.

So here's our man. On the right side of it there are red arrows, and on the left side there are green arrows. Why do you think some are green and others are red?

So we have red arrows - this is a danger, how a person harms water, and green arrows - what a person can and should do to protect water from pollution.

So, how do people harm water?

After the children’s answers, the teacher puts the cards on the board and draws up a diagram with the children.

So, look at how many actions lead to water pollution, and sometimes people don’t even think that this can be avoided.

What can you suggest to protect water?

Word on the board "filters"

You said that filters need to be installed. Why are they needed and what is it? To answer this question, let's do a little experiment. So I give it to you water with contaminated water, you have technological maps on your tables. You read and do all the steps in order.

Draw a conclusion.

Right. In our case, a cotton pad served as a filter. And factories install large filters with a complex structure. And just like your water, passing through these filters, it is purified.

How do we cleanse at home? water?

Raise your hand who has such filters. Well done, you take care of your health. From the tap you can't drink water, because it contains harmful substances.

Filters are the first condition for water protection, and what else can you offer?

Do not throw garbage into water bodies, teach others to do the same.

If possible, clean the banks of nearby rivers and lakes.

Make signs calling for respect for water and place them on the shore.

Do not destroy plants and water inhabitants.

Do not catch fry. Plant trees near ponds.

Well done, you gave wonderful advice to solve such an important problem as protecting the country’s water resources.

Draw a conclusion.

Students read the conclusion in the textbook independently. (page 55)

Let's look at our plan and think about everything

And as real researchers, we must present the result of our work in documentary form, and your poems prepared at home will be the documents - the reports.

You and I will continue to fill out a cool book on environmental protection "Ecological Kaleidoscope" which started in the past lesson on the topic"Air", your work will also be stored in this book.

Many fairy tales have been written about water, and as homework, I suggest you become storytellers and compose fairy tale: "Droplet's Journey". We will place your work in our book.

Determine your mood.

Please stand up, those who are tired lesson; for whom it was difficult; who was self-confident; who is still in a great mood.

Well done! Thanks everyone for lesson! Our the lesson is coming to an end, I ask you to express your feelings using emoticons

... And about water

Every living thing needs clean water. And in many places it becomes polluted because harmful substances enter it from factories and factories. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to build treatment facilities at enterprises.
Water must be used carefully, not wasted, and do not forget to turn off the tap on time.

Guess the riddle. Write the answer.

What can’t you take away in a sieve? Answer: Water

Come up with and write down your own riddle about water.

Runs, flows, walks, falls, drips.
Answer: Water
A person consists of 80% of it.
Answer: Water
It can be alive or dead.
Answer: Water

These are the miracle ships that the Question Ant and the Wise Turtle launched into the river! If you place the boats correctly, you get a very important phrase. Write it down. Explain this phrase.

Water is life.

Water is necessary to sustain the life of all living things. Life originated in water and without water it is not possible. Water plays an extremely important role in human life, because humans themselves are 80 percent water.

Look at the pictures. What water is safe to drink? (Mark with a blue pencil.) What kind of water can be hazardous to health? (Mark in red pencil.) Explain why you think this.

It is safe to drink water that has been purified, so we marked with a blue pencil tap water, bottled water, as well as water in a kettle, where the water is purified by boiling. Water from open sources that has not been purified is dangerous to drink.

Here write down your story about the beauty of water.

Water gives us the joy of life every day. This is a simple, very well-known substance on Earth. So familiar that we can stop noticing its magic! But water is not only that colorless liquid that is poured into a glass. This is the Ocean, which covers almost our entire planet, our entire wonderful Earth, on which life originated millions of years ago. Clouds, clouds, fogs that carry moisture to all living things on the earth's surface are also water. The endless ice deserts of the polar regions, snow covers covering almost half of the planet - and this is water. The diversity of life is limitless. It is everywhere on our planet. But life exists only where there is water! Flowing water is extremely beautiful, be it the majestic flow of a wide river or the murmuring waters of a small stream in the rocks. She can bewitch, calm, and console. How nice it is to just look at the quiet surface of the water, admire the shimmer of sunlight or the beauty of the moonlit path on the water. Colors of many different shades can be seen in the water, depending on the lighting and depth. Water is the main sacrament, the main miracle of the Planet.

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