Schedule of magnetic storms for April Magnetic storms in April will cause significant harm to human health

The arrival of spring has a special effect on the positivity and mood of each of us. The onset of spring always makes people happy, especially the spring weather that can be observed in April. The first warmth appears outside, and the remnants of March snow quickly turn into streams. Everything around is quickly covered with greenery and the first flowers, and green buds swell on the trees. Just in April, many migratory birds return to their native places. For gardeners and summer residents, the period of the most vigorous activity begins in April. The second month of spring can, without a doubt, be called the most beautiful period of spring. What April 2018 will be like in relation to the geomagnetic situation and magnetic storms can be found out from this magnetic storm schedule.

Schedule of magnetic storms for the month of April 2018, unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in April 2018. The first upcoming period of time with difficult geomagnetic conditions will be observed in April 2018. At this time, weather-sensitive people should try to protect themselves from stressful situations and reduce physical activity to a minimum. The next bursts of geomagnetic field fluctuations will occur from April 26 to April 28. Try to stock up on all the medications you need by this time, eliminate any (emotional and physical) overload, give up alcohol and junk food. At the first sign of deterioration in your health, be sure to seek medical help. So, unfavorable periods from the point of view of the geomagnetic situation in April 2018 are planned, and from April 26 to 28. Please remember that the information above is only a preliminary forecast for the month. Scientists can give a more accurate schedule of magnetic storms by day and hour only for 1-3 days. It is advisable to monitor current ones daily because information may change as it becomes available.

Magnetic storms and unfavorable days in April 2018 (forecast calendar).

Magnetic storms - schedule for April 2018. Unfavorable days in April 2018.

Magnetic storms - schedule for April 2018. Unfavorable days in April 2018 was last modified: July 14th, 2018 by Magnetic storms

Magnetic storms in April 2017: schedule, expert advice on how to cope with poor health. April 2017 will be a rather difficult month in that solar activity will be very high and intense. Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance which days of the month powerful flares and, as a consequence, magnetic storms are predicted. This will help you prepare in a timely manner and more easily endure the negative effects of magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms in April 2017: schedule.
The first magnetic storms in April 2017 will be More precisely, these days will continue, which began at the end of March. Therefore, weather-sensitive people will have to monitor their health and control their well-being from the first days of April 2017.

After April 5, the situation will return to normal; strong surges of solar energy are not expected until the middle of the month. The next magnetic storm need to wait April 18-20, 2017.

Magnetic storms in April 2017: expert advice on how to cope with poor health. During magnetic storms, you can normalize your condition with the help of meditation or breathing exercises. This will help you not only feel better physically during the raging magnetic storms in April 2017, but also find inner harmony.

You can also resort to the advice of traditional medicine. Drink herbal teas and infusions. It is also necessary to follow a daily routine, get proper and timely rest. Meals should be regular and balanced, and absolutely avoid alcohol. Physical activity should be minimal. And, of course, positive emotions and loved ones will help you survive the magnetic storms in April 2017.

Be healthy, don’t let magnetic storms get the best of you.

In April will occur mainly in the middle of the numbers. However, their power can be so strong that it will be extremely difficult for a person to cope with poor health. the site will tell you in detail when magnetic storms will occur and how weather-dependent people can survive them.

What are magnetic storms?

We often hear this expression - magnetic storms. But not everyone knows what this means and how it happens that some phenomena about which nothing is understood affect our well-being. And not in the best way, writes STB.

Magnetic storms are solar flares that affect the magnetic field of planet Earth. These flares are essentially huge bursts of energy. Having traveled a very long path from the Sun to the Earth, energy clots create winds. And those, in turn, affect the Earth’s climate and the well-being of the inhabitants of our planet.

When to expect magnetic storms in April 2017?

The first magnetic storm will take place April 1, 2017. This is the beginning of the April magnetic surges. They will not have a strong impact on your well-being, but you should be wary of depression and nervousness. And also control your aggressiveness.

The second magnetic storm in April 2017 falls on 18th. Peak solar activity is expected on this day. Anyone who suffers from cardiovascular diseases or high blood pressure is at risk. But even those who do not have problems with the heart and blood vessels may feel unwell on this day. And also for healthy people, this day can bring a bad mood, increased fatigue, irritability and aggressiveness.

The third one will take place on April 20, 2017 and the last magnetic storm of this month. This day is dangerous for everyone. And for people with chronic diseases and for healthy people too. But those who suffer from mental disorders or have an unstable psyche especially need to beware. On this day there is an increased likelihood of arrhythmias, hypertensive crises and tachycardias.

How to prevent poor health during the period of magnetic storms in April 2017?

In these dangerous days, everyone who suffers from bad habits should give them up. Don't smoke or drink alcohol.

Drink a lot of water, you can also include herbal infusions in your diet.

These days you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

You need to spend more time in the fresh air.

Avoid strenuous physical activity.

JoeInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art reminds that by the May holidays, spring will delight Ukrainians with bright sunshine.

Magnetic storms cause a lot of inconvenience even to people who are immune to weather changes. The schedule of magnetic storms for April will help you prepare for these events and avoid the negative influence of solar energy.

- This is a colossal stress for the body. Storms of varying severity provoke symptoms ranging from minor ailments to severe migraines. This state of health limits active activity and worsens mood. You can avoid the severe consequences of aggressive sun exposure using traditional medicine. However, you should not forget about traditional medicines in order to promptly prevent pressure drops, headaches and vascular spasms.

Magnetic storms in April

The end of March is predicted to be influenced by strong red level magnetic storms. This means that the Sun has a particularly aggressive effect on the Earth's magnetosphere. From the 28th to the 31st, this phenomenon will affect everyone without exception: even people who are not dependent on the vagaries of the weather will still feel unwell and lack of strength. Anyone who is exposed to negative effects should stay indoors these days, drink more water and take care of their health: eat right, rest on time, sleep at least 8 hours.

April 1 - 5. These days, the danger level decreases, but the residual effects of solar winds still bring discomfort and bad mood. You should pay special attention to your health on April 2 - it is on this day that astrologers predict a strong surge of negative energy.

April 18, 20. These days, the aggressive Sun will cause ailments and low activity. Timely protective measures will help avoid loss of strength. To strengthen the body and its resistance, start a course of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. These exercises put your internal energy in order and allow you to receive additional strength from the outside world and the Universe.

The remaining days are considered safe, but the inconstancy of the Sun can radically change the situation. In order to fully meet all unpleasant factors, strengthen your biofield. This will help counter most unpleasant symptoms, such as aching joints, periodic pain in the head and neck, and mood swings.

Every day you need to train your body, setting it up to fight external stimuli. Meditation practices are suitable for this. They open chakras, which literally absorb positive energy flows, making you stronger. You may not get complete immunity to changes in the geomagnetic field, but you will make your life much easier. We wish you good health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

A sharp change in the general emotional and physical well-being of some people without visible and significant reasons is often associated with fluctuations in natural phenomena. The most popular phenomenon of our nature is the well-known and famous magnetic storm. Doctors note that this state of cosmic bodies can have a negative impact on the general health of a certain category of people. Scientists see their interest in this event; the magnetic storm is still being actively studied and analyzed. Despite scientific discoveries, it is important for people to know chart of magnetic storms in April 2019, since such a state in nature can cause colossal harm to weather-dependent people.

It has been proven that about 50% of the entire population of the vast globe suffers from increased sensitivity to changes in natural phenomena. About a tenth of them suffer from severe sensitivity; a magnetic storm can have the most negative impact on this category of people. The remaining part of the population suffers from average weather sensitivity, which can also pose a serious danger to overall human health when a natural adverse event occurs.

A magnetic storm is a disturbance of the Earth’s large-scale magnetic field due to the invasion of a whole stream of charged cosmic particles into its surface. In turn, such particles exhibit their activity due to solar flares, which occur regularly and quite often. Scientists have determined that several flares can occur on the Sun within one month, and accordingly, in nature this will manifest itself as negative consequences. Each magnetic storm is different from the previous one; these natural phenomena differ in their strength, intensity, and duration.

Weather-dependent people need to know magnetic storm schedule for April 2019, since such knowledge in an accurate and thorough manner can help prepare for a possible negative change in overall physical and emotional well-being. Doctors have proven that weather-dependent people react differently to such unpleasant phenomena of our nature. In one category of patients, deterioration in well-being is observed at the very peak of the activity of the cosmic magnetic disturbance, while another category of patients feels negative in their personal health before (or after) the activity of the unpleasant magnetic storm.

When can we expect an unfavorable natural phenomenon?

Magnetic storms in April

Scientists define spring April as a fairly calm month regarding the manifestation of solar flares. The first flare, and, accordingly, the magnetic storm is expected on the 1st. This natural phenomenon will be moderate, that is, it will not bring excessive negativity to the well-being of any weather-dependent person. However, heart patients, as well as all hypertensive patients, need to exercise special and maximum caution and actively use preventive measures against exacerbation of the disease.

Scientists predict a similar state of nature for the 20th. This day in April will become dangerous not only for heart patients and all hypertensive patients, but also for people acutely suffering from mental illness.

And when the strong ones appearmagnetic storms in April 2019? Schedule by days and hours This natural phenomenon indicates that the most powerful magnetic storm is predicted for the 18th.

Aggressive magnetic disturbance can become extremely dangerous for all weather-dependent people. It is very important to follow the rules of prevention on a bad day, which will help reduce to a minimum the negative consequences of this natural phenomenon:

  • ​ Reduce active physical activity.
  • ​ Refuse to eat fatty foods.
  • ​ Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • ​ Refuse to drive vehicles.
  • ​ If possible, do not go to the metro or fly by plane.

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