The story is thick and thin summary. "Thick and Thin" Chekhov retelling

// "Thick and thin"

Created date: 1883.

Genre: humorous story.

Subject: veneration.

Idea: deep-rooted fear of superiors in the Russian consciousness.

Issues. Social and public status creates an insurmountable barrier even between former friends.

Main characters: Porfiry (thin), Mikhail (thick).

Plot. On railway station is happening unexpected meeting two old friends. Based on the author’s apt characteristics, one can already guess the position of both. The fat man looks completely happy with his life. The thin one is burdened with a pile of things, his wife and son.

The sudden meeting makes a huge impression on both, causing Porfiry and Mikhail to shed tears. The friends are bound together by warm memories of their years at the gymnasium. Porfiry is the first to come to his senses and begins to ask Mikhail about his affairs, introducing him to his family.

Porfiry's speech is very nervous. This is partly due to joy, but the real reason lies deeper. Thin does not allow his friend to say a word. He is extremely happy to remember the old happy times. Porfiry recalls childhood nicknames with tenderness.

Mikhail is happy too. Having difficulty keeping up with his comrade's speech, he only manages to ask him about his current situation and position. Porfiry proudly declares that he has risen to the rank of collegiate assessor and has the Order of Stanislav. The thin one has something to be proud of. The title of collegiate assessor (eighth grade rank according to the Table of Ranks) was cherished dream a huge mass of Russian officials. This rank gave personal nobility. The Order of Stanislav is the youngest among state awards.

After these solemn statements, Porfiry makes a small but very significant reservation: “the salary is bad.” It becomes clear that the thin one is actually very poor. It costs him a lot of work to support his family. In order to somehow make ends meet, his wife is forced to give music lessons, and the head of the family himself is engaged in making cigarette cases. Such a craft is an unworthy occupation for a nobleman. Porfiry, apparently, was transferred from the capital to the province by the head of the capital. He will have to head the “table” - the lowest echelon government agencies in Tsarist Russia.

Having talked about his affairs, the thin one is interested in Mikhail’s official position. He asks if his friend has reached the rank of state councilor. This question is half a joke. For Porfiry, state councilor (rank of fifth class) is the ultimate dream. Since he and Mikhail studied together, Porfiry assumes that old friend holds approximately the same position and rank.

Tolstoy’s answer produces the effect of a bomb exploding: “I rose to the rank of secret... I have two stars.” Privy Councilor is a rank of third class, giving the right to occupy the highest government positions, and “two stars” means possession of the highest state awards.

It happened on Porfiry's face quick change a wide variety of feelings, ending with an obsequious and flattering smile. The changes affected his appearance (“hunched over,” “narrowed”), as well as his wife and son. The former familiarity instantly evaporated. Thin addressed his friend “Your Excellency.”

Mikhail was not a proud and arrogant person. High position didn't go to his head. He interrupts Porfiry’s flattering speech and reminds him that they are closely connected by their childhood years (“why... honoring rank”).

Giggles disgustingly, thin is really surprised by these words. It doesn’t fit in his mind how someone can talk to a top-class official so easily. He again cannot find words, but this time from fear of causing the wrath of his superiors. This is the third time he introduces his family to Mikhail.

The fat man still intended to return to his former confidential communication, but the entire respectful appearance of the thin man made him feel nauseous. Having said goodbye somehow, he hurried away.

Porfiry's family is still for a long time I couldn’t come to my senses after such a “significant” meeting.

Review of the work. In the story "Thick and Thin" Chekhov very clearly noticed one of negative qualities Russian person. Reverence for rank, servility and fear of superiors, the desire to curry favor are as relevant today as they were in the 19th century. All this has taken deep roots. It is characteristic that Mikhail did not insist and did not demand anything from Porfiry. For him, service has nothing to do with personal relationships. Porfiry himself, his wife and son are ready to humiliate themselves before those who occupy a higher official position.

Thick and thin summary

Work by A.P. Chekhov begins with the fact that “at the Nikolaevskaya railway station” two friends unexpectedly met: thick and thin . The first was called Misha, and the second was Porfiry, with him was his wife and son. The main characters smelled like food.
The comrades were “pleasantly stunned by the meeting” and “fixed their eyes on each other, full of tears.”
Thin began to remember how they studied together at the gymnasium. He boasts to the fat man, his wife and son, tells how he has been serving as a collegiate assessor for the second year, and in free time makes cigarette cases from wood.
However, when Thin finds out that his friend has risen to the rank of Privy Councilor and “has two stars,” he changes before his eyes. He suddenly “turned pale, turned petrified,” “shrinked, hunched, narrowed,” and eventually began addressing his interlocutor as “Your Excellency” and giggling helpfully. Tolstoy winced at this, not understanding “why is this veneration for rank here?” But the thin man could no longer stop his rank-respecting impulse. He made such a devoted expression on his face that the fat man began to feel sick from everything that was happening.
The fat man, turning away, offers his hand in farewell. Thin shakes three fingers at him, he and his family are pleasantly stunned that the man who was Porfiry’s childhood friend has risen to such a rank.

Brief analysis and conclusions on the story “Thick and Thin” by A.P. Chekhov.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in the story “Thick and Thin” reflects on the fact that a person in any situation should preserve human face- regardless of what position in society he occupies. For the subtle one, the rank of his interlocutor was the most important factor, which is why their meeting with their once close friend ended so quickly.

Summary of the story Thick and Thin, read online in 1 minute.

Lecture, abstract. Thick and thin summary read online - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Thick and thin - full version of the story

The story Thick and Thin by A. Chekhov - read online

At the Nikolaevskaya railway station, two friends met: one fat, the other thin. The fat man had just had lunch at the station, and his lips, coated with oil, were shiny like ripe cherries. He smelled of sherry and fleur-d'orange. The thin one had just left the carriage and was laden with suitcases, bundles and cardboard boxes. He smelled of ham and coffee grounds. Peeking out from behind him was a thin woman with a long chin - his wife, and a tall high school student with a squinted eye - his son.

- Porfiry! - the fat one exclaimed when he saw the thin one. - Is that you? My darling! How many winters, how many years!

- Fathers! - the thin one was amazed. - Misha! Childhood friend! Where did you come from?

The friends kissed each other three times and looked at each other with eyes full of tears. Both were pleasantly stunned.

- My dear! - the thin one began after kissing. - I didn’t expect it! What a surprise! Well, take a good look at me! Just as handsome as he was! Such a soul and a dandy! Oh, my God! Well, what are you doing? Rich? Married? I’m already married, as you can see... This is my wife, Louise, nee Vanzenbach... Lutheran... And this is my son, Nathanael, a third grade student. This is Nafanya, my childhood friend! We studied together at the gymnasium!

Nathanael thought for a moment and took off his hat.

— We studied together at the gymnasium! - continued the thin one. - Do you remember how they teased you? They teased you as Herostratus because you burned through a government book with a cigarette, and they called me Ephialtes because I loved to tell lies. Ho-ho... We were children! Don't be afraid, Nafaya! Come closer to him... And this is my wife, née Vanzenbach... a Lutheran.

Nathanael thought for a moment and hid behind his father.

- Well, how are you doing, friend? - asked the fat man, looking at his friend enthusiastically. - Where do you serve? Have you achieved the rank?

- I serve, my dear! I have been a collegiate assistant for two years now, and I have the title of glory. The salary is bad... well, God bless you! My wife gives music lessons, I privately make cigarette cases out of wood. Great cigarette cases! I sell them for a ruble apiece. If someone takes ten pieces or more, he will get a concession. Let's make some money. I served, you know, in the department, and now I was transferred here by the chief of the same department... I will serve here. Well, how are you? Probably already a civilian? A?

“No, my dear, move up higher,” said the fat man. - I have already reached the rank of secret... I have two stars.

The thin one suddenly turned pale and petrified, but soon his face twisted in all directions with the broadest smile; it seemed as if sparks were falling from his face and eyes. He himself shrank, hunched over, narrowed... His suitcases, bundles and cardboard boxes shrank, wrinkled... His wife's long chin became even longer; Nathanael stretched out and fastened all the buttons of his uniform...

- I, Your Excellency... It’s a pleasure, sir! A friend, one might say, from childhood and suddenly became such a nobleman, sir! Hee hee sir.

- Well, that's enough! — the fat man winced. - What is this tone for? You and I are childhood friends - and why this respect for ceremonies?

“For mercy’s sake... What are you...?” the thin one giggled, shrinking even more. - Your Excellency’s gracious presence... seems like life-giving moisture... This is, Your Excellency, my son Nathanael... wife Louise, a Lutheran, in some way...

The fat one wanted to object to something, but the thin one had so much reverence, sweetness and respectful acid written on his face that he was sick of the secret advice. He turned away from the thin one and offered him his hand in farewell.

The thin one shook three fingers, bowed with his whole body and giggled like a Chinese: “hee-hee-hee.” The wife smiled. Nathanael shuffled his foot and dropped his cap. All three were pleasantly stunned.

Name: Thick and thin

Genre: Story

Duration: 6min 50sec


At the Nikolaevskaya railway station, Misha - Tolstoy and Porfiry - Tonky meet by chance. Thin travels accompanied by his thin wife Louise and his tall son, a high school student, Nathanael. The two old school friends greet each other quite casually at first. The conversation revolves around the careers of both. Thin works as a collegiate assessor and has a poor salary. However, he stays afloat by making cigarette cases in his free time and selling them for a ruble apiece. His wife gives music lessons.
The fat one became a Privy Councilor and has a higher rank and better position in society than the thin one. Having learned about this, Thin turns pale, turns to stone and suddenly turns to his school friend: “Your Excellency.” Tolstoy rejects this respectful address and asks to address him without veneration. Thin continues to address his old friend as “You” and leaves “Your Excellency” in his address. Privy Councilor I’m just sick of such reverence. He gives his hand to Thin in farewell and goes home.

A.P. Chekhov - Thick and thin. Listen to the summary online.

"Thick and Thin" Chekhov retelling will convey only a figurative understanding of the story, it is better to read it in full. A tale of two school friends, which are found at the station - thick and thin. Thin got married and doesn't live very richly. Tolstoy rose to high ranks. It is this gap between them that prevents them from having a sincere conversation.

"Thick and thin" retelling

At the Nikolaevskaya railway station, two school friends met: one fat, the other thin. Fat gave the impression of a man who had succeeded in life, while Thin, on the contrary, looked much more modest. He had just gotten out of the carriage, was carrying a lot of cardboard boxes in his hands, and a thin woman was looking out from behind him - his wife, and a tall high school student - his son. The meeting was stormy and joyful - “they kissed three times and fixed their eyes on each other, full of tears.”

Porfiry (Tonky) introduced Tolstoy to his family - his wife Louise and son Nathanael. School friends recalled their years of study at the gymnasium with delight and laughter. Gradually the conversation turned to official matters. Thin said that he had been working as a collegiate assessor for two years, but since he received a very small salary, he had to earn extra money by making cigarette cases and giving music lessons. Tolstoy reported that he had risen to the rank of Privy Councilor and had two stars.

As soon as Porfiry realized that he was in front of a high-ranking authority, he immediately changed his face - “he turned pale and petrified, but soon his face twisted in all directions with the broadest smile.” He smiled obsequiously and began to address his old friend as “Your Excellency.” Tolstoy tried to stop Thin, but the familiar, friendly tone had already been forgotten. Despite the fact that they were childhood friends, Thin continued to grovel. The Privy Councilor began to be annoyed by this behavior and he left, annoyed.

Chekhov's works are known all over the world and are designed to fight pettiness and philistinism, a summary of the story “Thick and Thin” for reader's diary - shining example from the playwright's bibliography.


On railway 2 friends meet who have not seen each other since their student days. Both were very happy with each other and even shed tears. Tolstoy, Mikhail, began to ask his friend about his life. The thin one, Porfiry, was not alone, but with a thin wife and child. He began to praise his wife and son, remember his time at the gymnasium, talked about his work as an official, the title is small, but it’s enough for them, his wife teaches music, and in his free time he makes cigarette cases and sells them, they live well. Finally, he asks how Mikhail lives, whether he is married, whether he has children, and where he serves. Tolstoy replies that he has reached the second star. Here the subtle one changes his face, switches to “you” and fawns over his friend. Tolstoy feels hostility and says goodbye to the couple.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Tolstoy was sincerely happy for his friend and was interested in his life, without being arrogant because of his rank. And the thin one felt confident until he found out that his friend was higher in rank than him, and then showed his true nature - a flatterer and a hypocrite. Friendship does not tolerate such things.

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