Statuses about school friends. Statuses about school and your class

You study with people in the same class, you consider them idiots... and then you go to live in another city in another team. Then you will understand how dear these idiots are to you and what they mean to you...

September 1. Hello classmates - idiots, angry teachers, lack of sleep and heavy bags with textbooks that make your shoulders fall off...

The whole class looked at the boy with headphones on and everyone asked the same question: “Well, what can you listen to with such an expression on your face?”

When you study at school, you think you’ll finish faster! And when you finish, you want to start all over again!...

For those who go to school on September 1, the phrase 7 days left sounds much scarier than for the characters in the film.

5 years of torment, 15 minutes of shame and a diploma for life

The school is burning, the students went out onto the porch and began to sing: - Burn, burn clearly! So that it doesn’t go out!))*

At the life safety lesson. “And the most important thing is if a plane falls on you, the main thing is not to panic...” they laughed for a long time)))

I opened the textbook, read the question, went nuts, closed the textbook...:D

1-5 classes - I learned everything and put the book under my pillow (which is better to know HD). 6-8 - I learned, you don’t believe in the trick with the book. 9-11 grades - you don’t learn anything, but there’s a book under your pillow))

Knowledge is power, and ignorance is a healthy sound sleep

Hello, where are you? -In hell! -Okay, when you come home from school, you’ll call.

I wonder if there is at least one student in the world who has never (listened to music, surfed the Internet, laughed, played naval battle or tic-tac-toe) in class??

If you are an excellent student at school: grades 1-6 - "great job, well done, keep it up" grades 7 - 9 - "wow, batanik, crammed ((" grades 10 - 12 - "wow, lucky)))

School is like a zone, until you finish your sentence, they won’t be released!!!

I demand that only good-looking guys come to my class this year. NO WOMEN. Amen.

I’m sitting with a friend in physics, and they’re talking about something about electricity. I ask her: “Did you understand anything?” -Yeah. You cannot stick your fingers into the socket.

Mom asks her son: Where are you? and her son tell her: In hell! and mom: I see, when you leave school, you’ll call!

In high school, independent work ceases to be independent. It is already collective.

Cool statuses about school - School is heaven, only after finishing school you will understand it.

I want to be a snake so that I can crawl lying down to study in the morning.

It's -30 outside, no one is studying in schools, and only my classmates, 16 people, managed to come to school and study! ...

Well, it’s the end of the first semester... Only now I was able to move away from summer... otherwise I was in some kind of space all the time. The grades are terrible, so I’m enjoying life while I can, otherwise my dad won’t pat me on the head when he sees my report card) I think I’m not the only one)

I wish I could pass the exam with a 5! although... not 4! Well, at least pass for 3! Crap...! 2 is also a rating!!!

Last quickly time flies. In a year, leave school, say goodbye to your favorite class and teachers. Only now do you realize how much you really love them all...

Learn - record the call on a voice recorder. You ask for leave to go to the toilet, and outside the door you turn on the recording at full volume... the main thing is to move away, otherwise a crowd of cheerful children will sweep you away)

I'm studying geometry. The brain has long since boiled away. We study some new topic, and the teacher proves a theorem. At the end she concludes: in this way we get a complete square. From the last desk comes my ominous: Yes... FULL square.

School period is probably the happiest time in the life of any person. After all, that’s when everything happens for the first time. First friendship, first love, first five and first two. How many different sayings have already been created about school and school years, but they still enjoy great love. All schoolchildren today are active users of the Internet and social networks. Therefore, they simply cannot help but use funny statuses about school on their pages. They can cheer you up before class and look at things differently.

The best time to sleep is during a chemistry test!

The physical education teacher cannot beat the labor teacher at chess, since the latter has whittled down 2 extra queens for himself!

My parents turned off the Internet, they think I’ll start studying... How naive!

The father asks his son: - how are you doing at school? - Everything is fine! The contract with the 10th grade has been extended for another year!

It’s a pity that school is not a place where the sooner you come, the sooner you leave.

Everyone knows this feeling very well: Hurray – June 1st. What, is it already July 1st? Damn – August 1st. F*cked – September 1st.

Call for teacher. Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Stand up, those who were talking now. Leave and come back normally. How I miss you, school.

And how I want to come on September 1, see all my classmates, see who has changed how, ask how someone spent the summer... Just chat, remember all the unforgettable moments... And then... turn around and leave for another 3 months..

What literature are schoolchildren reading now? Statuses!

Only our class knows how to remove jackets from a closed locker room with a mop... From a 10-15 cm hole...:)

Well, I’m already getting ready for school... I bought new tweezers, a mirror, a new MP3, two decks of cards and a cool lighter with light =)) Hello, school... =)

- Dad, can you sign with your eyes closed? - Yes, why? - Sign then in my diary

I studied all my life, except for the eleven years spent at school)))

School...Frailed nerves, constant lack of sleep and offline vkontakte...

In 4th grade, sitting in class, I thought: “At least not 3”... In 10th grade: “At least they gave 3!”.:)

Orbit chewing gum - strengthens not only teeth, but also desks at school)

I have never slept so well... Like in history class today.

So 11 years have flown by, and it feels like yesterday I was just standing on the line as a first-grader, and tomorrow I will already be a graduate at the last bell... I love you, school!

The older I get, the more I want to go back to childhood... The little girl who still lives somewhere inside me looks at the world with crazy eyes and says: “Where the f*ck have you brought me?

School is a big theater with clowns... someone will definitely do something like that... and to the headmistress on the carpet...

Once a year, in March, the biology teacher took a week off, and then the whole school didn’t know what to do with the kittens!

School - this word kills joy in millions)))))))))))))))))))

Why can't knowledge be transmitted sexually?

School is our favorite home! Then it's better to be homeless!

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, but they themselves only know one.

They began to study the Kama Sutra in schools. Now children will have nothing to draw in their textbooks -

My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities that he didn't have - so he sent me to a girls' school.

School is like a toilet, I go there because I have to...

During the first two lessons at school you want to sleep, during the third you want to eat, during the rest you just want to die.

Teachers are the only people who, even after 5 years, still want to take revenge.

Only the school toilet walls are a universal tabloid of student correspondence.

Any adult will envy the undetectability and dexterity with which schoolchildren cheat in class.

The best assistant for dictation is T 9!)

Nowadays, textbooks on the desk are needed only to hide the phone in them when the teacher passes by))

Let's bet: at the beginning of the year you keep your notebooks neatly, but by the end of the year you won't be able to sort them out. And the last pages are completely painted!

I finally want the day when I have to come to school to hand in my textbooks)))

We study, unfortunately, for school and parents, and not for life.


I don’t understand why sit at desks and on hard chairs that you can’t sleep on? Can't you study on the couch? It even feels better this way.

School has started - the hellish collider is running!

The time for evil signs on school doors “quiet, exams are in progress” is approaching.

The school is kind of a weird place, the food is not very good, the staff is rude. Maybe we should go back to the good old kindergarten?

- Mom, I want to go to the toilet! -Have you done your homework?

— Have you prepared for school yet? - Yes, we bought a diary and a belt...

What should a school be like? - exploded.

What is school? This is the most wonderful time in the lives of many people. It's time when there is enough time for everything, both for friends on the Internet social network, and for friends in life, and for hobbies. Of course, online they are always online. There they share information, communicate and worry about each other. Virtual life is in full swing, and statuses about school are new every time. Because school is almost a native place for them, an institution where they go every day, where they make new friends. No matter how carefree this time may seem, after school children need rest. Therefore, online communication and funny statuses about school have become so popular. The main thing is not to forget that you need to communicate live and you shouldn’t get used to the Internet.

Statuses about school and your class

Those who go to school every day more often post on their page funny statuses about school, and sometimes even angry with unflattering comments about teachers, lessons, homework and classmates. Nostalgic statuses about school are given by those who have long graduated from their first institution. In their statuses about school, they share with others warm memories of long-gone carefree times. Funny statuses about school will put you in a good mood and make you remember the happy moments of your classmates that you experienced together.

For schoolchildren who go to 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, any new statuses about school from this section and statuses about studies. For students in grades 10 and 11, the following may be useful: statuses about the session, statuses about the university or institute because admission is just around the corner.

Statuses for Odnoklassniki

If you write cheat sheets on banknotes, then an attempt by a teacher to take away a cheat sheet from a student is already extortion.

soooo. tomorrow we study algebra, chemistry, literature, Russian and history. where do we start? Let's start with contact))

In the game of spin the bottle, Lucy from 10th "B" was embarrassed not so much by the presence of the physical education teacher and the Trudovik, but by the absence of other girls.

Previously, school performance said a lot about the character and upbringing of the student, but now even this is deceptive...

Spring has come, you are too lazy to study, you sit at your desk like a deer!!!

The first stage of writing the Diploma was to create a folder on the computer with the appropriate name “ass”. To be continued.

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger.

I’ll just say: SCHOOL, I LOVE YOU))))

Did you know? Beethoven couldn't multiply.

When you graduate from school or college, endless possibilities open up before you.

I don’t understand those people who, on the very first day of school, start doing something, learning something right away. I immediately throw bricks at my head, mentally.

How terrible it is when the whole class knows that you have a proofreader.

I just can't write a review. and my beloved says to me: “Until you write, I won’t answer you.” It’s nice, of course, but I had to write an essay))

At school I had an old physical education teacher, who instead of “understood” said “I understand,” and there was also a classmate with the last name Yasin who did not like the physical education teacher.

Gnosiophobia is the fear of knowledge. Hmm, can you get me a certificate? I’ll tell the physicist so!

School is a classic, a foundation, and in order to understand anything, every student must build this foundation for himself.

Believe me, after a 6-meter dorm room for three, a 3-room apartment for two is just a FUCKING palace!

I do not need you anymore! - I said to my brain, having found the GDZ on the last subject.

Hello, where are you? -In hell! -Okay, when you come home from school, you’ll call.

[. And today, as always, School->Friends->Smiles Home->Pillow->Tears. ]

Now I would rather read the books that were assigned at school for the summer than work.

Grades 1-7: So, the book is here, the notebook is in place. Grades 8-11: so, headphones are here, player is here, where is the notebook? And to hell with her.

I will always remember school, remember my teachers, no matter what they were, they gave us knowledge, taught us how to get out of situations. No matter what opinion we have about them now, in 40 years we will remember their names with difficulty but with warm feelings.

My parents wanted me to become good. And so it happened. The sense is gone, the stupidity remains =)

Today we wrote to the GIA: (I’m shaking with big tremors. What kind of parachute jumping is there? Exams are real adrenaline!

You know, I even want to study a little. But no, it seemed!

Why do many teachers need glasses if they wear them on their nose anyway?

At graduation, our German teacher congratulated us. For the first time in my life I understood what she was saying.

In any class there will be at least 2 idiots sitting in the back desks screaming like crazy!

And you, too, at school, used a pen to put a cross on your hand as a souvenir... and still forgot what it was for;)

Is it like this for you too? you sit in class and don’t really understand. will be called to the board. you get two, but in the next lesson you sit and won’t let go???

In school, as nowhere else, the distribution of roles in classes is visible, and this distribution is not subject to the choice of children, but to the choice of the nature and character of a person.

In class, we were writing a difficult test, there was tension in the class, and some kid running down the corridor screamed a song: “I’m free!” smiled =)

Graduation in the ninth grade is an evening of declarations of love, great promises and tears of joy and, at the same time, despair.

They wrote the GIA in Russian. A boy sits on the first desk, looking picturesquely at a piece of paper in his pencil case. The teacher on duty screams, “They’ll kick you out of the exam, they’ll put a two on your certificate!!!” selects a piece of paper. On the piece of paper in large letters: “ZHI-SHI WRITE WITH THE LETTER I.” The class was crying.

What could be more important in studying than the realization that you have a direct connection to it?

After school, he joined the army - to mow from the institute.

We are sitting in class. It's -30 outside. Suddenly there is a fire alarm. WHAT THE FUCK I'D RATHER BURN, AT LEAST I WARM UP

The most popular phrase after the call: “What are we doing right now?

Google will always help you with your English homework. =D ©

Today in history the teacher tells us: And so that the date of Stalin’s death is remembered as our own!

I never allowed school to interfere with my education.

Fuck. And there is no typo here.

Studying is not a prostitute; it is not given to everyone. And mathematics for me in general is a believing virgin.

this exam is like a real Russian! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

My father wanted me to have every educational opportunity that he did not have; so he sent me to a girls' school.

The happiest time is running through the school corridors.

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