A Spanish spy who faked his death while hiding from the Russian mafia has been resurrected. “Behind the Doors”: how to fake your death and hide from the intelligence services? Find out the real reason

Are you in debt? Tired of being surrounded? Have you decided to radically change your life, but are you afraid that the past will haunt you? There can be many reasons for disappearance, ranging from personal relationships, persecution and ending with problems with the law. You can throw away all means of communication and hide within the four walls of your apartment. Or you can completely disappear from the face of the earth, but not in the literal sense of the word, but by faking your... death. How do you like this option?

But how can you fake your death in order to escape from everyone, if modern technology every now and then helps in the opposite? Strongly attached to social networks, we often give others information about ourselves and our location, without even knowing it. If you decide to take such a serious step, turning off Internet access will not be enough. Such a secret “operation” will require maximum attention and step-by-step careful preparation, because the slightest miscalculation can ruin all plans.

Find out the real reason

There must be a good reason for such a decision, because a person will not disappear just for fun.

If it's about family members you're trying to escape from, then think about the lengths they'll go to in order to find you. What information do they have about you, do they know the ways in which it would be easiest for you to leave. If you know their means and capabilities are limited, go somewhere they can't reach.

If you want to escape from the law without committing a serious crime, this escape will be easier than escaping from loved ones. Of course, such bodies have great capabilities and connections, but it is unlikely that they will devote all their efforts to searching for a person who does not pose a threat to society. All you have to do is explore their search engine, avoiding the paths where you might get caught.

Legal side

When thinking about how to fake your death, you need to think about the fact that such actions are often illegal. If you make a mistake and are found while the rest of the world thinks you are dead, you will most likely be punished. You may be charged with compensation for the money spent on your search, or accused of fraud if the reason for the disappearance was an overdue loan or insurance.

Many people try to escape when they are in danger from criminal gangs. Even if you think everything through carefully, this does not guarantee that attackers will not find you. A safe option would be to contact law enforcement agencies, who will provide protection or, if necessary, help with a change of identity.

Don't take anyone with you

Fake your own death alone. It is much easier for one person to hide if he relies only on himself. No matter how well you prepare, you cannot be sure that your ally approached this issue in the same conscientious manner and did not leave anything behind.

As for escaping with a child, such a plan is obviously doomed to failure. If your death is in doubt and they start looking for you, remember that it will be much easier to find a person with a child. In addition to not being able to disappear, you may be charged with kidnapping.

Don't tell anyone about your plans. Even the most reliable person, in a panic or under pressure, can tell you what you entrusted to him.

Get rid of personal items

You may not even think about how to fake your death if you are a sentimental person, because any little thing can give you away. During the disappearance, you should not have photographs or any other personal belongings with you that could indicate that you are the one they are looking for.

Do not use your vehicle if you have one. It's best to leave it on the side of the road or in a bad area, with doors or windows open. It is better to leave your driver’s license and all documents for the car in it.

Turn off the Internet and change your device

When your mobile phone is turned on, you will be easily detected by law enforcement agencies. Take a new phone, preferably a used one. Under no circumstances register a new device and number to yourself.

Throw away all bank and credit cards

People who faked their deaths were often caught paying with their cards some time later. Identifying a person in this way is as easy as shelling pears. Before disappearing, withdraw all cash so that you do not have to leave the card for a rainy day. All purchases must be made using cash only.

Develop a plan

You can't drop everything and just walk away. Think about your action plan for the next few months. Map out the exact route, means of transportation and destination. Most likely, you will need to go to another country, for example, to China. How can you fake death and make everyone believe it if they simply won’t let you cross the border?

In order to cross the border, you need identification documents. This issue needs to be taken seriously. Do not buy documents from the first person you meet who sells them on the street. You can fall into a trap if you acquire the identity of a person who is dead or wanted. Contact a proven professional in your field. Come up with and learn a new name and date of birth in advance. But be prepared that these actions are illegal and the perpetrators bear criminal liability.

Calculate how much money you will need for travel and accommodation. If at the moment you do not have the necessary amount, then you will have to wait to escape, otherwise your plan will fail as soon as you realize that the money will only last for a week.

Change your appearance

This point is one of the most important. How to fake your death if you still have the most important thing that gives you away - your appearance. Radically change your haircut, hair color, completely change your wardrobe and think about your habits. Even something as small as your gait can reveal the same person you used to be.

If possible, consult a plastic surgeon. Today, medicine can change a person’s face beyond recognition. And besides, medical confidentiality will not allow the doctor to tell anyone about the operation.

Options for "death"

Once you have prepared everything you need, the last and most difficult thing remains - how to fake your death, what legend to play out. Moreover, it must be played in such a way that no one has any doubts. To do this, you must "perish" alone.

  • Home robbery. To do this, you need to not only create a mess in the house, simulating a fight, but also leave traces of your own blood and get rid of several valuable things.
  • Suicide. The only thing you need to do is write
  • Kidnapping. You can set up a kidnapping that will result in death. You can be kidnapped from your home, from your car, or while traveling.
  • Hike. Warn all your loved ones that you are going to the mountains or forest. Say that you are walking alone because you want to be alone with nature. Dispose of your backpack or personal items in a visible place. It is advisable that they be in a damaged condition.

Celebrities who faked their deaths

There are many deaths in world history that remain a mystery. Decades pass, and the reasons have not been established, the killers have not been found, and the circumstances of the death themselves raise doubts and constant disputes. Therefore, it is believed about some famous personalities that they did not die, but only faked their death, trying to find peace, tired of constant attention. Such celebrities include Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Viktor Tsoi, Bruce Lee, Princess Diana, Kurt Cobain.

The famous Beatlemaniac Kolya Vasin last year stunned the public with the statement that “Lennon actually lives in a monastery in Italy.” “There are even confirming photographs, I saw them, but for some reason they are not published in the press. - Kolya said. “John played a prank on everyone and went into seclusion.” We confirm: there are photographs proving the presence of the leader of the supergroup in the monastery and even a video recording.

However, John Lennon still has nothing to do with it: the famous Beatlemaniac and initiator of the construction of the John Lennon Temple got everything mixed up. Although he didn’t come up with the story about a famous rock musician hiding from murderers in a monastery (though in Spain, not Italy).

True, the video material about the life of Jim Morrison (we are talking about him) from 1971 to 1974 has no legal value. This is the film “Beyond the Doors” released in 1989 by American director Larry Buchanan, which, by the way, has another title “Down on Me” (“Woe is me!”) - as it is known , is the name of one of Janis Joplin's songs.

The film deals with the fate of not only Jim Morrison, but also Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. However, this is not a biographical picture at all. First of all, the story begins after the death of the musicians.

...In the early 1980s, a group of hunters wanders through the fields near Cumberland (USA, Maryland) in the fog. Suddenly they hear a shot, then see two people - the one who shot and the mortally wounded man. Smiling ominously, the shooter says: “Rock and roll is dead. Long live rock and roll! and disappears in front of the shocked witnesses of the crime.

So begins Larry Buchanan's 1989 film about Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison.

After the funeral, the hunters entered the house of the deceased and found out that he was an FBI agent. Alex's widow Stanley (played by Sandy Kenyon) does not even admit that her husband was the victim of a hunting accident - she is sure that Alex's murder is connected with his professional activities.

Later, Alex's widow tells her son, Frank (played by Steven Theis), that the secret of his father's death may be hidden by his documents. They are kept in a case, which she hid at his request. Stanley gave her strict instructions that if anything happened to him, they were to be given to Frank.

From the documents it turns out that Frank's father not only worked for the FBI, he participated in the activities of a secret spy agency that once entrusted him with neutralizing the rock stars Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison. In their opinion, musicians negatively influence American youth and spread ideas that are alien to American society.

The agent honestly handles the murder of Hendrix, Joplin and another “unaccounted musician” through poisoning. Stanley chose a particularly curious method for killing Joplin. He poisons her food with a lethal dose of heroin, and then scatters empty syringes around, and for good measure, pricks Janice's hand with one of them.

But Morrison guesses about the FBI's plans and avoids death. He finds ways to fake his death and then goes to a Spanish monastery. True, he still dies in 1974, but this is no longer relevant. When Frank, Stanley's son, arrives at the monastery, the monks living there show Jim's real grave.

It should be noted that Kolya Vasin, as a collector of this kind of rarities, was very lucky that he watched such a film. Now for some reason it is quite difficult to buy it in Western online stores. How interesting this film is to watch is also difficult to judge for the reason described above.

However, the topic raised in the film is very, very relevant. It must be said that, despite the excess of texture, no one has ever staged it before. Therefore, it’s also worth thinking about: is this film so inaccessible because of low quality or because of something else?

A “homemade” critical article dug up with difficulty on the Internet raises serious doubts about the quality of the film. However, its author notes that a spectacular drama can be staged on the same topic, and he is perplexed - why has no one done this yet?

The fact is that American (and British popular in America) musicians have a habit of dying so often and early, and the reasons for their death are so varied, that this inspires the authors of not only dramas, but also black comedies. Not long ago, a film belonging to this genre, “Who Killed Victor Fox?”, was released, hinting at the strange circumstances of the death, execution of the will and, finally, so to speak, the posthumous fame of Freddie Mercury.

Thus, it is the realism of the plot that suggests that a remake of the film - or simply a creative rethinking of such a profitable theme - is yet to come. One way or another, perhaps it’s worth repeating Kolya Vasin’s feat, getting and watching the mysterious film “Behind the Doors.”

How to fake your death? Tell me some rational and effective methods - how to fake your death? (let’s say I have a couple of ideas in terms of “suicide”) Well, first of all - so that everyone in the city (let’s say it’s a small city) in which you were born would all believe that you died? This is one side of the question - the second is who is involved in all these “re-registration feints” and falsification of documents - it is precisely preparing the process itself so that on paper you are officially dead. What are these services and what are these specialists called? where is it better to do this in a new place - from where you are starting to start a new life or in the city in which you are “going to commit suicide”. I’m not asking for comments on my motives regarding this issue, I’m asking about methods that can actually work, preferably for those who have already encountered this in one way or another - with the least consequences in terms of the law, its violation, the possibility of disclosing the fact. And I’ll also make a reservation - we are not talking about concealing offenses, etc. - in this regard, I am clear - we are talking about slightly different motives. and by the way - in spy films - such a frequent technique is used in this process - like changing your appearance. In general, in real life - with everything already said above, how much does it work? if for some reason - people who know a lot about this matter cannot write here - then write in a personal message and in general in the case of the status - missing - how to get the status of officially dead - well, let’s say - went into the wilderness - full of wolves and didn’t return - how long will it take before you are declared dead - and how can you be sure of this? and let’s say - you were declared dead, you changed your appearance (this is me figuratively according to logic) - how much time will pass - and when is it better to go for a new passport - and where - to the official passport office in a new city in a new region, in a new region ? What kind of questions should I roughly expect if I apply there without documents, and is it necessary to do this at all? or contact a counterfeit document service for these purposes, well, let’s say - I’m officially dead - where to go - where to start - what to do if you move to another city, another region, another region - where they don’t know you. Surely during this process they will require documents - which means, as I believe, documents for a new name and surname need to be taken care of in advance. question - how to do this, another question - how to register the fact of death - in the police in the morgue - like “died in hospital from an incurable disease” (this is me at a discount) - what happens in this case - what documents and which employees are involved in this during registration.

Soon an ordinary miracle will be shown on TV. REN-TV plans to air a documentary series about the formation and development of organized crime in the territory of the former USSR.

There is unique footage in which the living former tractor driver Sergei Timofeev appears. He is also the leader of the Solntsevo organized crime group, nicknamed Sylvester, who was blown up in Moscow on September 13, 1994 and buried in the Khovanskoye cemetery.

The years of birth and death (1955–1994) are carved on the tombstone. And suddenly - a sensation? Where did she come from? As the authors of the series told AN, Sergei Timofeev came to the attention of Israeli television crews when they were filming a protest demonstration near one of the high-security prisons in the suburbs of Tel Aviv. The protesters were outraged by the harsh accusation against one of the prisoners, a former citizen of the USSR and a criminal authority. When, during editing, they carefully watched the footage to understand who was speaking in defense of the convicted person, they suddenly saw the familiar face of the late Timofeev.

Further interesting... Even during his lifetime, Timofeev was so friendly with the Israeli businessman Grigory Lerner (aka Zvi Ben-Arye, in 2006 he was sentenced in Israel to six years for fraud, using forged documents, plus another 27 months for violating the terms of parole) that Sylvester married Lerner’s ex-wife Olga Zhlobinskaya (aka Ilona Rubinstein), receiving her surname and Israeli citizenship. But it was a long time ago. Even before the explosion.

And after a man similar to Timofeev appeared among the demonstrators, Israeli television crews decided to visit the widow of the authority and ask about her current inconsolable life. Following the age-old Russian tradition of “either good or nothing about the dead,” Olga told them about what a wonderful person Sergei Timofeev was during his lifetime. And that she occasionally whiles away time in the garden of her house, caring for various plants there, which she demonstrated in front of the camera. During filming, the cameraman noticed that in the background at the end of the garden a man passed twice, who in the studio, when enlarging the frame, was identified as Sylvester...

Rumors that he faked his death and hid in one of the warm countries appeared immediately after the funeral. But they were harshly suppressed by the data of a forensic medical examination, which studied the jaws remaining in the burnt car and came to an unequivocal conclusion - these are the teeth of Sergei Timofeev.

The most interesting thing in this story is that six months ago, one retired colonel from the former GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation told me in a private conversation that Timofeev was alive. And he brushed aside my mutterings about the examination, teeth and thick books written about Sylvester’s activities. When preparing this text, I turned to this officer for clarification.

“Then, in 1994, he was in a very dangerous position,” the colonel said. – He twice initiated criminal wars against mountain organized crime groups in Moscow. First of all, Chechen ones. The thieves in law on the gangway did not allow him to start the first one. Let me remind you that Timofeev himself was not a thief, but he enjoyed authority. And the date of the start of the second war became known to the media, and all the enemies on Sylvester’s list managed to hide. They held a grudge against him. Moreover, a tough fight against organized crime began, which also did not make him happy.

The Solntsevskys were already well-known. Then he became interested in reorganizing a smaller brigade from the Solntsevo community - the Orekhovskaya brigade. It primarily trained killers and bombers. Obviously in order to remove the most dangerous opponents first. And secondly, to prepare for his departure, how much can a serious person play bandits...

On the advice of my interlocutor, I spoke with one of the well-known dental prosthetists in narrow circles who provide qualified assistance to the “lads”: “...Whoever gets shot in the jaw during a showdown or gets hit with a bat. Anything can happen; we had to make copies of jaws and dentures. To whom? How do I know?.."

Timofeev escaped from the attack. The operatives are not looking for him because they are not looking for extra work at all. And most importantly, if there are any claims against him, all statutes of limitations have expired. As they say, “the Schumer died, as long as he was healthy!”

The last adventure of the passing year.
Would you like to free yourself from paying taxes, bills, or evade responsibility of any kind at the end of the old year? Then we suggest you die. Well, of course, it’s make-believe, it’s fictitious. Legal Disclaimer: This article is written for entertainment purposes only. No one calls for falsifying your death by buying fake passports or collaborating with corrupt officials.

Preparation stage.
To fake your death, you need to carry out preparatory work. Choose a shelter. Everything will go down the drain if family and friends see the “dead” a week after the “funeral”. You need to find a safe place where you won’t meet friends. Naturally, the further it is, the better. So, the option of hiding in the attic will not work.

It is necessary to collect a sufficient amount of money in advance.
The acquired freedom will not bring joy if there is no money for living. A secret cash reserve needs to be created in advance. As soon as the bank receives notification of a person's death, all accounts and credit cards will be frozen. Therefore, you need to start removing them gradually six months before your expected death. The most important thing is to withdraw a small amount at a time to prevent possible suspicions in the future.

Change documents.
Today, in an era of increased security, it is impossible to travel freely without any documents. Therefore, the best way out in this situation is to buy a fake passport, driver’s license, TIN, birth certificate on the black market. Before you go shopping for new documents, you need to come up with a name and date of birth.

Change your appearance.
Even if the authorities do not detect the forgery of documents, they may recognize the person by appearance. So, it’s better to change your hair color, haircut; maybe glue on a mustache or beard or, conversely, shave it off. Currently, plastic surgery offers a wide range of options for changing appearance.

If someone is thinking about committing suicide, it is necessary to leave a suicide letter.
It should write about disappointment due to unmet expectations or loneliness in a cruel world. You should not indicate the return address in the letter. Before leaving the earthly kingdom, you need to behave as usual, without arousing suspicion. You cannot sell real estate, say goodbye to someone, or insure your life.

Many suicides are thrown off the bridge.
In our case, it shouldn't be real. You just need to make sure everyone thinks it was suicide. For several weeks, you must constantly walk around sullen, not make contact with anyone, and, most importantly, there must be witnesses to this terrible act of suicide. After leaving the water, you will need to urgently jump into a pre-prepared car and quickly escape from the scene.

Death in the tropics.
In many third world countries, people are willing to do anything for one dollar. You can go on vacation to a tropical area, bribe some local government official to provide a death certificate, and then send it to the embassy. Only the cause of death must be plausible, for example, you drowned in the stormy waters of the Kikitaki River while hunting crocodiles, or you suffered from particularly severe malaria.

You can stage a disaster and leave your wallet with documents nearby.
A fire or explosion is best as there will be no trace. Everything must be done professionally so that they cannot later be accused of arson. The method is very popular in cinema. For this you will need:
fast reaction;
a steep slope or mountain that a car could fly down and then explode into thousands of pieces (you have to jump out before the car hits a guardrail).

Act out the scene of your own death.
Every year thousands of people die from home invasions by bandits. Why not choose such a death for yourself? To stage a “number”, you will need weapons, blood, and from one to two hours of time.

First you need to create such an environment in the house that it seems that there was a struggle here.
Then take out all the valuables. Splash your blood (necessarily your own, since they will check your DNA) on the floor or walls. The easiest way to do this is to lightly cut your right arm just above the elbow. And finally, fire a few shots at the walls and immediately run away. Of course, the absence of a corpse will look suspicious, but after a useless search, they will decide that the killers took the body with them.

Another convincing method for a farewell scene is kidnapping for ransom.
If wages are low and there is no point in kidnapping such a person, you can go to Mexico City, where kidnapping any European is comparable to winning the jackpot. After a person goes on a journey, he needs to disappear. It is imperative to choose a safe place where no one can recognize or recognize him, where the police do not visit. After twenty-four hours of “serving”, it is necessary to ensure that the “third” person contacts a loved one or close relatives and demands a ransom from them. It will be ideal if this person can be trusted so that he cannot blackmail in the future.

You must call from a telephone booth, which is located far from the place of shelter.
The call should not last more than 30 seconds so that the police do not track the location of the kidnapper. The first time you need to paint the situation in dark colors and demand a ransom (in the amount of 300 to 500 thousand dollars). There must be a time limit: “The money must be delivered within forty-eight hours, otherwise the kidnapping victim will be killed.” When these forty-eight hours have passed, the artificial abductor must call again and make the same demands. If your loved ones don’t have that kind of money, you should hang up immediately. If there is, then great, you will have 2 million rubles in your pocket!

No matter what the outcome of this case, the kidnapper must refuse to hand over the hostage.
After some time, relatives and friends, having no news, will understand that the kidnapped person was killed.

Only Lazarus returned.
Ironically, faking death is a lifelong commitment. If someone has done such a thing, he must disappear from the planet once and for all (or move to another city or even country). Otherwise, relatives and loved ones who are grieving the passing of a loved one will be upset when they find out that they spent a lot of money on a fake funeral. By the way, before you dare to take such a step, think that there will probably be people around you who will have a very hard time with your “departure.” So, those who decide to fake death must do it wisely, for real. Good luck!

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