Solving an equation by introducing a new variable. Lesson on the topic: Solving equations by introducing a new variable

2.2.3. Method for introducing a new variable.

A powerful tool for solving irrational equations is the method of introducing a new variable, or “substitution method.” The method is usually used when a certain expression depending on an unknown quantity appears repeatedly in an equation. Then it makes sense to denote this expression with some new letter and try to solve the equation first with respect to the introduced unknown, and then find the original unknown. In a number of cases, successfully introduced new unknowns sometimes make it possible to obtain a solution faster and easier; sometimes it is completely impossible to solve the problem without replacement. ,

Example 7. Solve the equation.

Solution. Putting , we obtain a significantly simpler irrational equation. Let's square both sides of the equation: .




Checking the found values ​​by substituting them into the equation shows that is the root of the equation, and is an extraneous root.

Returning to the original variable x, we obtain the equation, that is, a quadratic equation , solving which we find two roots: ,. Both roots, as verification shows, satisfy the original equation.

Replacement is especially useful if a new quality is achieved as a result, for example, an irrational equation turns into a quadratic one.

Example 8. Solve the equation.

Solution. Let's rewrite the equation like this: .

It can be seen that if we introduce a new variable , then the equation takes the form , where , .

Now the problem comes down to solving the equation and equations . The first of these solutions does not have, but from the second we obtain , . Both roots, as verification shows, satisfy the original equation.

Note that the “thoughtless” application of the “radical isolation” method in Example 8 and squaring would lead to an equation of the fourth degree, the solution of which is, in the general case, an extremely difficult problem.

Example 9. Solve the equation .

Let's introduce a new variable

As a result, the original irrational equation takes the form of a quadratic


from where, taking into account the limitation, we obtain . Solving the equation, we get the root. As the check shows, it satisfies the original equation.

Sometimes, through some substitution, it is possible to bring an irrational equation to a rational form, as discussed in Examples 8, 9. In this case, they say that this substitution rationalizes the irrational equation under consideration, and they call it rationalizing. Based on the use of rationalizing substitutions, it is called a rationalization method.

This method of solving irrational equations does not need to be discussed with all students in the lesson, but it can be considered as part of elective or club mathematics classes with students who show increased interest in mathematics.

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An equation of the form ax4 + bx2 + c = 0 is called a biquadratic equation. Absolutely any equation of this type can be solved by introducing a new variable and then solving the equation for it. Then the reverse substitution is carried out and the required x is found.
Let's look at how to apply this method to solve rational equations.

The equation is given: x4 - 4x2 + 4 = 0.
To solve this equation, it is necessary to introduce a new variable, which has the form y = x2. The following equality is also true: x4 = (x2)2 = y2. We rewrite the original equation as follows: y2 - 4y + 4 =0. This is an ordinary quadratic equation, solving which you will get the roots y1 = y2 = 2. Since y = x2, the solution to this problem comes down to solving another equation, namely: x2 = 2. We find the answer: +-√2.

In this situation, the method of introducing a variable was “adequate to the situation,” that is, it was clearly visible which expression to replace with a new variable, but this does not always happen. Basically, an expression that can be replaced only appears through the process of transforming and simplifying the original expression. You can watch a similar example in the video tutorial.

Properties of the function y = k/x, for k >0
In the video tutorial you will get acquainted with the basic properties of a hyperbola, based on its geometric model.
1. D(f) = (-∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) - the domain of definition of the function consists of all numbers except 0.
2. For x > 0 => y > 0, and for x< 0 =>y< 0.

3. For k > 0, the function decreases on the open ray (-∞;0) and on the open ray (0; ∞).
4. The function y = k/x has no upper or lower restrictions.
5. The function y = k/x does not have maximum and minimum values.
6. Continuous on the interval (-∞;0) and (0; ∞), undergoing a discontinuity at x = 0.

Lesson on the topic: Solving equations

Compiled by: Vera Viktorovna Volkova - mathematics teacher

Lesson topic: Solving equations by introducing a new variable.

Lesson objectives:1. Introduce students to a new method of solving equations;

2. Strengthen the skills of solving quadratic equations and choosing methods for solving them;

3. Conduct initial consolidation of a new topic;

4. Develop the ability to defend one’s point of view and conduct a reasoned dialogue with classmates;

Develop attention, memory and logical thinking, observation skills

Instill communication skills and culture of communication

Instill independent work skills

Lesson progress

1.Organizing moment

Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting a goal.

2. Repetition

In previous lessons we learned how to solve quadratic equations in different ways and equations. Which can be reduced to square ones.

Which equation is called quadratic?

What ways do you know to solve them?

What equations can be reduced to quadratic equations?

a) (x+3) 2 +(x-2) 2 + (x+5)(x -5)= 11x +20

b) x 2 (x+1)-(x+4)x=12(x-1) 2

c) x 2 + x + 9 = 3x-7,

G) x+1 + x = 2.5

X x+1

d) x 2 +2x+2 + x 2 +2x+3 = 9

X 2 +2x+5 x 2 +2x+6 10 ?

3. Studying new material.

Now we will work in groups (remind about the work procedure and rules of conduct when working in groups). Your task is to solve the proposed equations (cards with the task are handed out, a poster is hung on the board).

A) x+1 + x = 2.5

X x+1

b) x 2 +2x+2 + x 2 +2x+3 = 9

X 2 +2x+5 x 2 +2x+6 10

The teacher observes the progress of the work and chooses a form for checking the first equation:

Orally or on the board depending on the success of the class.

Let's check what you got.

The first equation reduces to the quadratic equation x 2 + x -2 = 0.

The solution to which is the numbers -2 and 1.

Now let's move on to solving the second equation. All groups ended up with an equation of the fourth degree, which you do not know how to solve.

Let's try to figure it out with him.

Like solving any problem, solving an equation consists of a number of stages:

  • Equation Analysis
  • Drawing up a solution plan.
  • Implementation of this plan.
  • Checking the solution.
  • Analysis of the solution method, systematization of experience.
  • - How is an equation usually analyzed?

First of all, we answer the question, have we encountered equations of this type before?

Yes, we have, it’s a fractional rational equation.

You can try to solve this “difficult” equation, or you can return to

the original equation and analyze it again.

To do this:

  • Let us highlight some elements of the equation,
  • Let us establish their general properties,
  • Let's study the connections between the various elements of the equation,
  • Let's use this information.

Let's work for 5 minutes in groups according to this plan.

Most identified the element included in the numerators and denominators of the fractions in the equation. To make the equation simpler, let's replace this expression with one letter, for example Z:

X 2 + 2x = Z

Z +2 + Z +3 = 9

Z +5 Z +6 10

It can be considered as a new equation for the new unknown Z. In it, the variable x is not present explicitly.

They say that a variable has been replaced.

Is such a replacement advisable? To answer this question it is enough to find out:

Is it possible to solve the new equation and find the Z values,

Is it possible to use Z to find the value of the variable x for the original equation.

Try, working in groups, to answer the first part of the question.

The teacher observes the progress of the work. Then the search results for the values ​​of the variable Z are checked.

So, we found the values ​​of the variable Z: Z 1= 0, Z 2 = - 61| 11

But we are interested in all values ​​of the variable x that satisfy the original equation. Let's find these values. The connection between the roots of the original and new equations is contained in the formula x 2 + 2x = Z. We have already found the values ​​of the variable Z. Therefore, any root of the original fractional rational equation is the root of one of the equations: x 2 + 2x =Z 1 or x 2 + 2x =Z 2

Solve these equations yourself using the options.

Let's check the results: the first equation has roots x 1 = 0, x 2 = -2, and the second equation has no roots.

All that remains is to check the results obtained for the original equation and write down the answer.

Answer: x 1 =0, x 2 = -2.

So, we solved the original equation with a new method called by introducing a new variable.

Create an algorithm for solving our equation by introducing a new variable.(work in groups)

  • Select the expression x 2 + 2x;
  • We denote this expression by one letter x 2 + 2x =Z;
  • We perform the substitution and get a new equation;
  • We reduce it to a square and solve;
  • Using the values ​​of the variable Z, we find the values ​​of the variable x;
  • We check the results obtained and write down the answer.

3.Secure the material.

Do you think a different change of variables could have been done? (For example, x 2 + 2x

2 = Z or x 2 + 2x +6 = Z.) What form will the new equation then have? How to solve them? Can the first home equation be solved by introducing a new variable? Which expression can be replaced with a new variable? What is the equation? How to solve it? What are the values ​​of the variable Z? What are the values ​​of the variable x?

4. Summing up.

  • What did we study in class today?
  • What new way of solving equations have you learned?
  • What is the method for introducing a new variable?
  • What is the algorithm for this method?
  • Did this method seem difficult or inconvenient to you?
  • Can it be applied to all equations?


  • Write down and learn the algorithm for applying the method of introducing a new variable;
  • Solve using this method No. 2.43 (1; 2) GIA p.117.

You were introduced to the method of introducing a new variable when solving rational equations with one variable in the 8th grade algebra course. The essence of this method for solving systems of equations is the same, but from a technical point of view there are some features that we will discuss in the following examples.

Example 3. Solve system of equations

Solution. Let's introduce a new variable. Then the first equation of the system can be rewritten in a simpler form: Let's solve this equation for the variable t:

Both of these values ​​satisfy the condition and therefore are the roots of a rational equation with variable t. But that means either where we find that x = 2y, or
Thus, using the method of introducing a new variable, we managed to “stratify” the first equation of the system, which was quite complex in appearance, into two simpler equations:

x = 2 y; y - 2x.

What's next? And then each of the two simple equations obtained must be considered in turn in a system with the equation x 2 - y 2 = 3, which we have not yet remembered. In other words, the problem comes down to solving two systems of equations:

We need to find solutions to the first system, the second system and include all the resulting pairs of values ​​in the answer. Let's solve the first system of equations:

Let's use the substitution method, especially since everything is ready for it here: let's substitute the expression 2y instead of x into the second equation of the system. We get

Since x = 2y, we find, respectively, x 1 = 2, x 2 = 2. Thus, two solutions of the given system are obtained: (2; 1) and (-2; -1). Let's solve the second system of equations:

Let's use the substitution method again: substitute the expression 2x instead of y into the second equation of the system. We get

This equation has no roots, which means the system of equations has no solutions. Thus, only the solutions of the first system need to be included in the answer.

Answer: (2; 1); (-2;-1).

The method of introducing new variables when solving systems of two equations with two variables is used in two versions. First option: one new variable is introduced and used in only one equation of the system. This is exactly what happened in example 3. Second option: two new variables are introduced and used simultaneously in both equations of the system. This will be the case in example 4.

Example 4. Solve system of equations

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