RSO romance of a serious relationship statement. One of life's greatest achievements is to love with all your heart and be loved the same way.

Life without love is like a fairy tale without a happy ending. A person can truly be happy only when he has someone to love and care about.

Love can be at first sight, when in order to understand that fate has given you a meeting with your soulmate, all it takes is a smile. Or maybe, on the contrary, it takes a long time to ripen, like a grain of wheat. Sometimes it takes years for people to understand that they cannot live without each other. But if love is real, then it is not afraid of either time or distance, it is able to withstand all tests and overcome all obstacles on its way to a happy ending.

Love does not tolerate rudeness, betrayal, or indifference. This is that bright feeling that is shrouded in romance. In order to love and be loved, you need to give a piece of yourself, be able to meet halfway and find a compromise. You need to be able to talk about your feelings, and not only with words, but also with actions. Proof of love is not only tender confessions, but also romantic and sometimes even crazy actions.

Romantic relationships are like a duet of two hearts that beat in unison. People who love each other share all life's victories and obstacles between them. Love is both a romantic dinner by candlelight and a joint parachute jump; this is one feeling that can be shared by two. For lovers there is no word “I”, for them there is only the pronoun “WE”...

Quotes and aphorisms

The romantic mood does not allow a person to be deceitful, ignorant, cowardly and cruel.

Romantics are brave people who know how to express their feelings tenderly and reverently.

There is an ennobling power in romance.

Noble people become romantics in childhood.

Love cannot express the idea of ​​music, but music can give the idea of ​​love.

Love also has music - the sound of hearts beating in unison...

One hour of love contains a whole life. ( Honore de Balzac)

Lovers try to fill every minute and even second with their feelings...

A true scientist is a romantic. Only romantics believe that anything is possible.

It is faith that helps them achieve goals and make brilliant discoveries.

Love can be measured not by the kilometers or hours that separate you, but by the frequency of your heartbeats when you meet.

When lovers meet, their hearts begin to beat faster; they are also happy to meet each other.

Romance occurs when a woman has feminine power over a man and, to the pleasure of both, becomes more important to him than anything else.

Romance manifests itself in voluntary submission to each other.

True love always creates and never destroys. And this is man’s only hope. ( Leonardo Buscaglia)

True love only creates an extension of itself and makes new discoveries.

Man begins with love; To understand a person, you need to love him. ( Jean Gaver)

Lovers can understand each other without words.

Romanticism is an eternal need of the spiritual nature of man: for the heart is the basis, the root soil of his existence, and without love and hatred, without sympathy and antipathy, man is a ghost.

A person truly lives only when he loves; without love he simply exists...

Being in love is truly romantic. But to propose marriage? The offer may be accepted. Yes, they usually always accept. Then goodbye to all the charm. The essence of romance is uncertainty.

Love usually lasts longer than romance...

What you can't get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and absurdity of human life.

If everything were so accessible, it wouldn't be romantic.

He who does not love does not live. ( Raymond Lull)

Only love allows a person to truly live...

Love is the discovery of oneself in other people and the delight of recognition. ( Alexander Smith)

Falling in love makes you constantly discover new facets of yourself...

All love wants to be eternal. This is her eternal torment.

But, alas, nothing is eternal...

Romantic statuses about love

I want to fall in love. To disappear with your loved one in the evenings. Come home and go straight to bed. So as not to sit at the computer, which already aches your body. I wish there was simply not enough time for social networks. I just want to come home tired and happy.

When a person is truly in love, he doesn’t care about social networks and other nonsense...

I have always been a real romantic, despite my reputation as a rake, and often did stupid things for the sake of love - jumped out of windows, climbed on roofs.

Romance should be accompanied by crazy actions that can confirm the sincerity of feelings.

Don't love, but be loved. Don't look, he will find you himself. Don't follow him like others do. If you need him, he will come to you...

Love is not sought, it finds itself...

If you wake up in a red room without windows or doors, don't panic: you are in my heart...

This means that someone is in love with you...

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. (Francois Mauriac)

Love has a special gift - to see what others do not see...

There will always be romance in the world for those who deserve it.

Those who are not worthy of her will not be able to notice her, even if she is nearby...

To love means to live the life of the one you love. (L.N. Tolstoy)

To love means to devote yourself to your loved one...

ROMANCE is the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary.

The more romance there is, the more miracles there will be on earth...

Only those who have been alone more than once know the happiness of meeting their beloved.

There is nothing worse than being separated from your loved ones...

Only our women wash dishes by candlelight after a romantic dinner.

Romance should be everywhere and in everything, even in everyday life...

Flowers... Candy... Cinema... Restaurants... Expensive gifts... - this is not happiness, believe me... Happiness is just cuddling up to someone who is dear... and realizing that you are not alone...

You can shower a person with expensive gifts, but still not love him...

Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune. (Albert Camus)

Saying “I love you” is not enough when you love sincerely and deeply. When it's time to express your feelings, there are many romantic love phrases to say to the person you love.

When you have a special person in your life, there are so many unsaid things living in your heart. But there is no suitable occasion or you are too busy to express them. Many times it has happened that you wanted to say something nice to her/him, but the best moment for this was missed. There are so many untold love wishes that you always wanted to express to that one person, but due to your practical lifestyle, all of them remain unattended. If there is a truly special person in your life, hold on to her/him and make him/her feel loved by saying a little romantic words. If you don't have these words, read on and you will find these words.

Do you know why God created Eve? In my opinion, not only to complement Adam and be his faithful companion, but also because of the need for communication and love. Love is something extraordinary that can come into our lives very simply. But the more you hold on to it, the stronger this wonderful feeling will be. There is no better way to express your love than communication, so you should never be shy when it comes to being honest about your love. If you want to say something romantic and nice to your loved ones, do it. To help you with some romantic phrases, I have prepared a list of such phrases, take a look.

Romantic phrases about love for your loved one.

Does he hold your hand while you walk, or hug you when you cry, or laugh good-naturedly when you're angry? Even if he is not a superman or the bravest person on earth, he is always there for you when you need him. He doesn't have to try too hard to understand you. If you have such a man in your life, then don't wait for the right time to express your love. Adopt some of these romantic phrases to say to him and let him know that you love him.

If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say, “I love you.”

You are the only one I want to whisper in his ear: “I love you.”

I think about you when you're not around, but I can't think about anything when you're around.

Even when I sleep, you are in all my dreams.

Your smile makes me laugh! Your laughter makes me smile.

The day I see you, I can't frown.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have liked you, if I hadn't liked you, I wouldn't have loved you, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I met, I love and I miss.

I miss your kisses. Come quickly!

Romantic phrases for your beloved.

She would watch a football match with you, even if she doesn't understand anything about it. She can cook your favorite breakfast. She never tells her friends about your weaknesses and keeps all your secrets. There is only one reason why she is doing this for you - she is afraid of losing you. So, don’t waste time and do everything to make her feel like the most attractive girl. With the help of romantic love phrases you can do this.

Every time I see you, you look more and more beautiful.

Sometimes I think about you and involuntarily smile. People think I'm a little crazy.

Before meeting you, I lived in the illusion that rosebuds are the most beautiful creatures on Earth.

I love the sparkle in your beautiful eyes.

The moment you walk into the room, my breath is taken away and I am speechless.

I love the warmth I feel when you hug me.

My most beautiful thoughts are the thoughts that I have you.

I fall in love many times... And constantly into you.

I love not only you, but myself who is next to you.

Saying something romantic to that one person who belongs only to you in this world is not a crime. Therefore, do not remain silent when you decide to say these romantic words to your loved ones, unless, of course, you have something that you keep secret from them. And of course, you need to speak sincerely.

Disney and Hallmark monetized animation, completely getting rid of romance. Selling it is more difficult, just like selling your soul.

Experienced romantics, ideological propagandists and idealists cannot be taken with bare hands. They are rough and can inadvertently kill you. Only youngsters who seem smart and sensible can be easily confused, lured and gently deceived by flattery or half-truths.

Becoming the only woman, pure and beautiful inside, is not easy. It will work if you radiate romance everywhere and warmth all around.

Romantic comedies are close to my heart. I participate with euphoria and pleasure in them - minor and overlooked details from other genres of art are noticed here.

When the curls fall into the eyes, they are removed gently and affectionately. I love watching this wonderful spectacle. My strand has fallen again - take it away. There is so much romance and sincere feeling in this tender gesture.

The dream realized has lost its romanticism.

Romance is the enthusiasm that carried out great construction projects, brought innovation to art, science and everyday life, sublime feelings materialized into love, euphoria and happiness.

Every person is an ideal for someone, love, the happiness of a lifetime. Sometimes there are many such people, even millions. At heart we are all happy romantic enthusiasts.

Read more quotes on the following pages:

In a relationship, sooner or later, there will still come a moment when harsh reality replaces romance.

That's it, the romantic moment is lost...

A person who sees life in its true light and interprets it romantically is doomed to despair. Bernard Show

Romantic: a person who has dreamed about life.

A romantic is not the one who writes novels, but the one who starts them.

The novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure of the sky, or dirty puddles and potholes.

You can't suck romance out of thin air.

Faced with reality, the romantic gets pragmatic

If you hear snowflakes falling, if you see a tear in a drop of dew, it means you are not living a plant life.

You can't argue with romanticism against money.

If you need money for romance, then the best cupid's arrow is twisted from banknotes.

Plot isn't very important to me, but you can't do without it in a novel. It's just a line on which laundry is hung.

Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works as, given the current state of their customs and beliefs, can give them the greatest pleasure.

We must bake the basis of our romantic meetings with the warmth of words.

Living so romantically is logical.

Announcement. A platonic person is looking for romance for a relationship. Don't offer sex. Elena Sirenka

The life of homeless people is a routine, brought to the level of romance. Valery Afonchenko

Romance begins to flourish after the first drink of rum. Georgy Alexandrov

People become passionate romantics from frequent gatherings around the fire. Yuri Tatarkin

There are nine and a half Mondays for nine and a half weeks. Igor Karpov

The last knight killed the last dragon, fucked the last princess and got drunk. The dark Middle Ages are over. Igor Karpov

While cleaning his planet, the Little Prince raised cosmic dust. Mikhail Mamchich

The romantic candlelight dinner ended before it began. The suppositories supplied turned out to be glycerin. V. Galashev

The wings spread for the flight of the body. Tails are for the flight of the soul. A.V. Ivanov,

Turn a romantic inside out and he becomes a pragmatist. Georgy Alexandrov

The girls are waiting for the prince on a white horse. If everyone waits, it will be the white cavalry Pavel Sharpp

I wanted to throw out all the ardor of my soul to my beloved,

But he was cooled by the phrase: “More like mascara light!” Aurelius Markov

Romanticism, romanticism, and a romantic also needs to be able to make a living. Victor Grutsenko

Romantics, who are basically extreme conservatives, intolerant and impatient, are everywhere presented as heralds of liberalism! Evgeniy Bagashov

Romance is a devil-may-care attitude towards pessimism. Georgy Alexandrov

Feed your feelings with romance Oleg Kosinyuk) Oleg Kosinyuk

For a romantic, an unfulfilled dream is more real than one that has come true. Stepan Balakin

Vagrant romance is only romance until you encounter it yourself. Freedom is imaginary, but hunger is real. New Day Sunrise

Stop acting like you are the main character in your own movie, while you think you are living your life beautifully, your real life is going to hell! Artem Rogov

At the very center of the first strong romantic experiences is selfishness. Leil Lowndes

The less romance, the more semantics. Elena Sirenka

Romance is the selfishness of the soul! Basurman Important

If after a romantic dinner a woman with a languid look says to you “Now you are mine!”, clarify whether we are talking about sex or dirty dishes.

True romance is not sighs under the moon or songs around the fire. And this is when you sit naked in a dusty closet, in the middle of women’s clothes hanging on hangers, breathe every once in a while and listen to the screams of an angry husband, who discovered someone’s scattered men’s clothes in the bedroom that were clearly not his size. Yuri Tatarkin

Romance is a fog, and everyday life is everything that is behind the fog. Anna Duvarova

Over the years, a man becomes a romantic, and not a “demon in the rib”

When love becomes sex, romance dies Chernov V.A.

Romance is an illusion, everyday life is reality, which is why we need to focus on creating everyday comfort in order to brighten up prosaic reality. Anna Duvarova

The wind waved its skirt: Ah! “It’s like a butterfly has fluttered.” Igor Karpov

Starts a romantic meeting, with a beautiful decoration. Valery Kazanzhants

Modern romance - sitting around the TV compares favorably with the ancient romance of gatherings around the fire. You don’t need to drink vodka, mosquitoes don’t bite and your clothes won’t smell like fire.

Romance inspires, but envious people are not asleep nearby. Georgy Alexandrov

What good are wings if you can't feel the wind on your face? K-f City of Angels

We have forgotten how to do little stupid things. We stopped climbing through the window to see the women we love... K-f 'The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!'

Romance in life is not always good - you need to be guided by reality at least sometimes. Neyah

Do you know who we are? We are romantics.. And the main thing about romantics, you know what? They don't back down! K-f Blood and Chocolate

Your lips fit mine so well. K-f 'Headhunter'

Why is romance the preserve of melancholic people? Maybe this is the same thing? Ishkhan Gevorgyan

I am romantic? I've seen Wuthering Heights 10 times. Yes, I'm a romantic Johnny Depp

There's something really great and romantic about being poor and sleeping on couches. Ben Affleck

I believe in love, in kisses, romance, sex. I don't want everything to come down to some ideal equations. I want disorder and chaos. I want someone to go crazy only for me. I want to know the heat, and the passion, and the sweat, and the madness; and I want valentines, cupids and all this stuff. K-f ‘The mirror has two faces’

The lyrics of a dangling bow are our primordial romance. Valery Kazanzhants

Young men in love are unusually impressionable and prone to romance. Mikhail Iosifovich Weller

Before the revolution, the rich Old Believers were romantics: they helped not only art and the poor, but also future revolutionaries. Neyah

“Hopeless romantic” is essentially a sentence from one word - from the first. Khomutsy

if desire is half of life, and indifference is half of death, then romance is definitely for those who are alive! Alexander Tkachuk

A poet, a strange creature who believes with incredible strength in something that is not destined to happen. Angelika Miropoltseva

In the computer age, conspiracy theory is the last refuge of romanticism. Anatoly Yurkin

I'm actually a very romantic person.

I did not forget anything? – she asked, getting out of the car…. “You forgot to stay!” he said sadly...

Wise girls know for sure that no man will be worthy of their tears. The guy is worthy of them, he will never allow tears to be shed because of his fault.

A man who could lay his pride at the feet of his beloved woman deserves the most devoted love..

Take a walk, girl, sleep well. After all, somewhere, clutching a machine gun, you are reliably guarded by your faithful boyfriend, your soldier.

The distance between my fingers is created so that yours would be there...

I wonder why you need me, because you still feel lonely...

A tear flows.. the heart stops.. from love.. from unrequited love..

If you are not the one, then why does my heart tell me that this is not true?

I want to wear your shirts on my naked body and make you coffee in the morning...

He didn't kiss me. Didn't hold your hand gently. Didn't call at night to ask how things were going. I didn’t write I miss you every 5 minutes. But for him, I was ready to give my life!

And I want my boyfriend to be left-handed... - Why? - So that when we sit at our desks and write something, we hold hands...

He joined the army... A month later we had a big fight. We haven't spoken for two months! Today I called him and simply said: I miss him. I hung up. An SMS arrives: I love you, baby. Wait. I am the happiest! Appreciate what you have!

Everything will be as it should be, even if it turns out differently...

How mentally difficult it is to know a lot of guys and understand that you don’t need anyone. After all, there lives in the heart someone who doesn’t need you...

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and is a great kisser.

I love a girl.. she loves me.. and we love each other.. but our parents don’t love us:

And I found that person who sits with his nose buried in my hair, gently hugs me, carries me in his arms and calls me his girl!

What's wrong with your eyes? They are completely red. Have you been crying? “No,” I answer. “I looked too closely at my fairy tales, and there was a very bright sun...

I think about him every day and dream about him every night. I just can't get him out of my head.

Happiness may only last for seconds, but the memories of it will last a long time.

Of all earthly music, the closest to heaven is the beating of a truly loving heart.

Morning and a regular cup of coffee with the sweet taste of hope for tomorrow..

You can have 1000 connections, but there are only one lips in the world that perfectly match yours!

It’s so nice when your loved one is jealous and calls you mine!

Yes, you don’t need to be a super hero for me, you don’t need to save the world for me. Just come and be next to me, and I myself know that you are a hero.

I met you by chance, I accidentally fell in love with you, but I didn’t know that this accident would be so dear to me...

My pulse beats in time with the wet rain streams, I feel your kisses far from you...

He... is so dear, so beloved. He made me believe in a dream, in love. His laughter is everything to me. He is my everything.

The sun is shining brightly, The cats are purring lazily. Good morning, Bunny, God, you are so beautiful!

Dying for love is not difficult...It is difficult to find a love worth dying for..

I bottled up my feelings and sealed all my sweet words, so you will never be able to read the lines that are carved in my heart.

Sometimes you hold a person’s hand and you don’t need anything else. No kisses, no words. You just feel calm, warm and easy.

And then what?..-and then the wedding, children and a happy old age..c)

Someone gets wet in the rain, but someone enjoys it

We fool around like children, kiss like adults...

You think I’m far away, but I’m close... You think I’m high, but I’m low... You look in vain for me... Look around, I’m close...

A serious relationship is when a guy sees a pretty and stylish girl in a store or on the street, looks at her, looks... and thinks: I need to buy my girl the same hat.

You know, autumn and winter have passed, spring has come, and I still, every evening, remember our first meeting that summer, and the minutes spent with you...

A person who really loved will never say: I don’t love you anymore...

There is no better sleeping pill than a good night message from someone whose thoughts keep you awake...

You need to be able to put down a boring book, turn off a bad movie, leave a bad job and erase from your memory a person who does not value you.

Damn, how painful it is: we broke up a long time ago, but I still love him.

Anyone who has never kissed in the rain has no idea how much he missed...

Do you love me because I'm the coolest? Or am I the coolest because you love me?

His kisses become more and more passionate... He presses himself closer and closer to you... And you say: Well, don’t! It’s time for me to go home... And at this moment you’re thinking hard about how to explain to your mom tomorrow that you didn’t come home today.

Sometimes what you have been looking for all your life is found in an instant.

If you want something: never doubt your desire and act.

Childhood in my ass is immortal!

Someone somewhere was created just for you

Do you know how it happens? You start loving someone and you can't stop.

The girl approached the guy who was standing near the open window and asked: “Do you love me?” “I love you!” he said. -Will you jump for me? The guy looked at her calmly, then climbed onto the sill and looking down said: “Push!”

It happens that you have 50 friends online and no one to talk to, and sometimes you have one person online and your fingers don’t leave the keyboard

There are only two blind people in the world - you, because you don’t see how much I need you, and I, because I don’t notice anyone but you.

Good, my dear, beloved! Affectionate, gentle, unique! my drug, kitten! I'm a child next to you! My darling, sunshine! My ray of light is in the window! Chick, my little bunny! You are my favorite boy!

On this site, all the statuses about love are mostly sad, not because everything is so bad for everyone, but because happy people practically do not write statuses.

Will you watch over my heart? I'll leave it with you...

You are not mine, not with me... I would give anything to hear your voice again, my angel...

My life is striped, but striped not like a zebra, but like a rainbow!

you were simply the best mistake of my youth... and I wouldn’t mind if it happened again... I don’t know how to learn from mistakes..

Love is a swim, you either need to dive headfirst or not get into the water at all. If you wander along the shore in knee-deep water, you will only be splashed with splashes and you will be cold and angry.

Strange... But only when you lose love do you realize that you love

I want my children to call him dad!

I gave the surgeon a platinum scalpel - So that he could cut all this fucking art out of me... by Dom!No

And even if she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Yellow wine is actually white.. because it is made from green grapes.. where is the logic??))

The most disgusting thing is when you are afraid to take the hand of the person you care about. This is because the pain in your cheeks makes you unable to smile. It’s that something inside is squeezing very painfully, and tears are running down your cheeks. Unfortunately, this is not physical pain.

I'm stupid... I eat, I sleep... I eat, I'm stupid! It pisses me off to get up early.. only my mother loves me*

Respect the girl, protect her honor and dignity, her human pride. The girl who attracts you is your future wife, the mother of your children. She is the guarantee of your immortality, she will repeat you in your children.

I heard, are you with her for a long time?... - I heard bad, I’m with her forever...

To live is to fight, to fight is to live Henry Beecher

And even if we fall asleep in different beds, the main thing is that we fall asleep thinking about each other...

My deepest desire is to be with fall asleep and wake up next to bring you hot tea in hand you a towel when you get out of the shower...and just listen to your breathing when you sleep

And the Internet, it doesn’t bring people closer together. This is a cluster of loneliness. We seem to be together, but each one is alone. The illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of life...

I want to see you. Just to show what I have become. And so that you bite all your elbows, cursing the day when you broke my heart..

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it without hesitation, and a woman enters gradually.

I am a lonely child abandoned by everyone in an empty toy store, wandering among the shelves, killing time, realizing that adults do not need...

A woman may give you the key to her heart, but the next day you may find that she has changed the lock.

Many people like some kind of romantic things, quotes for example. Indeed, they are pleasant to read, and perhaps romantic phrases will be useful in life.

How to romantically love a man who will never be yours
Film “The Thorn Birds. The Thorn Birds: The Missing Years"

Those who deny love are precisely those who need it most: in every Valmont there is hidden an incorrigible romantic, whom do not feed with bread, let him strum on the mandolin.
Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years

Hay smells different to horses and to lovers.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

We read and write poetry not because it is beautiful. We read and write poetry because we are members of humanity, and humanity is driven by feelings. Medicine, law, business, applied sciences - all these are noble pursuits. And they are necessary to ensure our life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - this is exactly what we live for.
Film "Dead Poets Society"

Romantic quotes from books and more are presented on this page..

I've been on a non-romantic diet for a long time... and it seems like it's time to eat my fill.

People think that first love is all romance and there is nothing more romantic than the first breakup. Hundreds of songs have been written about how some fool's heart was broken. It’s just that the first time your heart breaks is the most painful, and it heals slower, and the scar remains the most noticeable. And what's so romantic about that?
Stephen King. Land of Joy (Joyland)

I am romantic? I've seen Wuthering Heights 10 times. Yes, I'm a romantic.
Johnny Depp

We were not instilled with this culture. All my life I have assumed that romance is either dead or fake.
TV series “Sex and the City”

There are always moments in relationships when romance gives way to harsh reality.
TV series “Sex and the City”

Being in love is truly romantic. But to propose marriage? The offer may be accepted. Yes, they usually always accept. Then goodbye to all the charm. The essence of romance is uncertainty.
Oscar Wilde. The importance of Being Earnest

After all, in fact, men are more romantic than women. They believe in the roles assigned by nature to representatives of different sexes.
Audrey Tautou

If Laura had been Petrarch's wife, would he have written sonnets to her all his life?
George Gordon Byron

Do you know who we are? We are romantics.. And the main thing about romantics, you know what? They don't back down!
Film "Blood and Chocolate"

- The trouble is that all her life she has been looking for poetry, passion, responsiveness - all this romantic rubbish. My diet is much rougher.
– Prose and pudding?
“I don’t expect a handsome man to have a beautiful soul.”
John Fowles. Magus

People need romance.
Michel Mercier

“I will certainly return to find you, love you, marry you and live without shame”

Robbie, film "Atonement"

2. To be in love is to understand that you want to be better.

“To please you, I wanted to change.”

Melvin, film "As Good As It Gets"

3. Love is the most important lesson in life.

“The greatest thing you can learn is to love and be loved.”

Christian, film "Moulin Rouge"

4. Sometimes love is a sacrifice. And persistence.

“The ticket I won was the best gift of fate for me. I met you. And for that I am grateful to her, Rose. Very grateful. You must... must do what I say. Promise me that you will stay alive. That you won't give up. No matter what happens. Whatever happens, promise... Promise me now, Rose. And keep your promise at any cost. Do not give up."

Jack, Titanic movie

5. In love, you completely see a person the way you first met him.

“You will never grow old for me. You won't fade. You'll not die."

Will, film "Shakespeare in Love"

6. You always protect the one you love.

“I won’t allow Baby to be put in a corner.”

Johnny, movie "Dirty Dancing"

7. You don’t want to live for a minute without your love.

“I just realized that if I decided to spend the rest of my life with someone, that rest should begin as soon as possible.”

Harry, movie "When Harry Met Sally"

8. You cannot control life, you can only believe.

“Of all the eateries in the world, she had to come to mine.”

Rick, movie "Casablanca"

9. Love takes over all our emotions.

“I wish I knew how to leave you.”

Jack, movie "Brokeback Mountain"

10. One of the greatest achievements in life is to love with all your heart and be loved the same way.

“There’s nothing special about me. I am an ordinary person, with ordinary thoughts, I have lived an ordinary life. But in one respect I succeeded more than in others. My heart was filled with love. And that was enough."

Duke, film "The Notebook"

11. There are no limits to the depth of love.

“The heart is not a box that can be filled. It expands and contains more and more love.”

Samantha, movie "Her"

12. Love is a wonderful mystery.

“I don’t know if each of us has a destiny or if we’re just going with the flow. I think maybe both at the same time. I miss you Jenny. If you need anything, I'll be nearby."

Forrest, movie "Forrest Gump"

13. The most beautiful thing in love is to accept another with all their flaws.

"People call them flaws, but they're not, they're wonderful traits."

Sean, Good Will Hunting

14. To be in love is to be in your own magical world.

“I looked up, where not far from heaven, where you were.”

Terry, "An Unforgettable Affair"

15. When you love someone deeply, you love them past, present and future.

“Today you are the same girl whom I loved yesterday, and whom I will madly love tomorrow.”

Adam, film "If I Stay"

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