The longest war lasted 335 years. The longest war in history: the Hundred Years' War

The cemetery is a place where the world of the living and the dead connects. There are many different negative prejudices and signs associated with it that are common among people. One of the bad signs is the one that explains why a person fell in a cemetery. It is important to understand what such a superstition could mean, but if the interpretation is negative, you should not tune in to the worst, as this will only aggravate the situation.

Sign of falling into a cemetery

When coming to a cemetery, you should behave as carefully as possible, because if a person stumbles in such a place, then this is a harbinger of some problems. More serious dangers await if you had to fall into a cemetery. In this case, you need to immediately go home, wash yourself with holy water and cross yourself. After this, you should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

There is another sign in Orthodoxy - the body of a dead man fell in a cemetery. Such an incident is considered a bad sign, indicating that there will be another funeral within the next three months. When you fall out of your wallet or pocket while visiting a cemetery, under no circumstances should you take them back. Place banknotes on the grave a relative or a person with the same name, which will be a kind of ransom. Otherwise, financial problems may arise. If a monument or cross falls in a cemetery for no reason, it means that the soul is not at rest, and it is tormented by unfinished business on earth.

To cancel the effect of the sign, it is recommended to wash yourself when you come home, and then perform the ritual. Bake pancakes and take them to the cemetery as a ransom. Go with pancakes to three graves with the same name as yours. Be sure to read the Lord's Prayer. After this, pancakes should be distributed near the church to people who ask for alms. It is important to remain quiet during everything and not talk to anyone.

The dead should be respected

IN lately It has become fashionable to arrange photo sessions in cemeteries, drink alcohol, idly walk among the graves and simply do whatever comes to mind. With such frivolous actions, people cause great harm, first of all to themselves. You should show respect to the dead, and if you just decide to wander aimlessly, then try not to make noise or run. The dead do not like violent displays of emotions, and you can hurt the feelings of other people who are at that moment at the graves of their deceased relatives.

You should also not suffer excessively. It often happens that inconsolable relatives begin to go to the grave almost every day and literally bury themselves next to a recently loved one. This absolutely cannot be done. It turns out that crying, sobbing and lamenting interfere with your departed loved one. His soul finds no peace. Severe suffering can even lead to the fact that a dead relative may even take one of the family members with him and such cases occur quite often. So try to behave with restraint when visiting cemeteries and let the deceased go, no matter how hard it would be for you to do so.

Prepare for a trip to the cemetery

First of all, pay attention to the shoes. It should not be open, even when it is very hot outside. You've probably heard more than once about what terrible rituals are performed on soil taken from a grave. IN open shoes you pick up dust and grave soil yourself, and then bring it home, so you should always visit cemeteries only in closed shoes, which must be thoroughly washed upon returning home.

The clothes you are going to wear to the cemetery should not be bright or provocative. Opt for calm shades. It is advisable to wear something black or plain.

Now about the hairstyle. Previously, women almost always wore a headdress, regardless of the time of year. Now this tradition is a thing of the past. However, it is best to go to cemeteries with your head covered or with your hair in a tight bun. The point is that huge amount Witchcraft rituals are performed using nails and hair.

Hair has a strong energy connection with the person to whom they belong. A hair that accidentally falls into a cemetery can trigger a certain mechanism that is used en masse by all sorts of sorcerers and psychics to cause damage.

A hair falling on a grave has a connection with a person’s thoughts, so he may begin to have nightmares and simply wild thoughts may come to mind.

Don't walk on graves

When visiting a cemetery, try to walk only on special paths and paths, and do not step on graves and wreaths.

Never take old rags and brooms from home to clean graves. Things that have been in the house are charged with the energy of the people who used them. Under no circumstances should monuments be wiped with old clothes from living relatives. Don't skimp and buy cleaning equipment specifically.

Nothing can be taken home. Throw all used napkins, garbage, and glasses into a special container located on the territory of the cemetery.

There is often a water spigot at the cemetery dedicated to cleaning graves. Never wash your face or hands with water from this tap. Bring water from home for these purposes.

Don't leave any biological waste on the graves. If you feel the urge, then under no circumstances should you relieve yourself at abandoned graves. Firstly, this is just basic disrespect for the memory of the deceased, and secondly, you can catch some illness of the person buried here. Believe it or not.

Unfortunately, every person has to visit a cemetery several times in their life: to attend a funeral, restore order, or simply visit deceased relatives. At such times it is necessary to observe certain rules and pay attention to signs that will allow you to predict misfortune and prevent it.

The first and most important rule What not to do is no alcohol and staying sober when visiting the grave. If a person is drunk, he can say a lot unnecessary words and this will attract bad energy or even anger the spirits. Subsequently, there may be retribution for insulting the deceased, so it is best to leave alcohol for the wake.

Facing loss loved one, you need to pull yourself together and try to carry it out last path worthy.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, although for many it seems the only way dull the pain.

As mentioned above, drinking alcohol insults the memory of the deceased, and in order for his spirit to successfully leave the earth and not disturb people, the following rules must be observed:

Signs on the grave

As you know, the impossibility of placing a coffin in a hole due to its small size is a bad omen, but that’s not all: if the grave begins to collapse after burial, this may mean the imminent death of one of the deceased’s close relatives.

Some people believe that the appearance of ants on a grave is a bad sign, but it’s not at all like that: firstly, when visiting deceased relatives, people bring food - an excellent bait for ants, which is quite natural, and secondly, such insects do not grow at the burial site of bad people.

In such a situation, there is no need to worry: there is nothing wrong with the appearance of ants on a grave.

Why can't you eat in a cemetery?

When visiting the grave of the deceased, it is customary to bring food with you - cookies, sweets, pies.

This is necessary for the energy supply of the deceased, and he receives it from human food.

According to old beliefs, food brought to the grave should not be consumed, because... they no longer contain positive energy, and they not only will not bring any benefit, but can also harm a living person.

There is another interpretation: it is possible and necessary to eat food brought for commemoration, if only because over time they will disappear and begin to decompose.

However, the church does not approve of this, considering the habit of eating over the grave a relic of the pagan faith, when it was customary to remember the dead directly in the cemetery on the first Sunday after Radunitsa.

Who should not go to the cemetery?

It is not advisable for children and pregnant women to appear at the churchyard, because... they have weak energy protection.

If you neglect this rule, the spirit can move into a child or an unborn baby.

It is also not recommended for girls to visit graves during critical days: it is believed that at this time the fair sex is dirty, and the evil spirits emanating from within can prevent the deceased from moving to the Heavenly Kingdom.

If you step on a grave

When a person accidentally steps on a grave, this can cause the wrath of the deceased buried in it. The ancient peoples believed that in this case it was necessary to immediately jump back and ask for forgiveness, but in any case, trouble would not be avoided.

If a person is drawn to a cemetery

It also happens that people are overcome by an irresistible desire to go to the cemetery. Most often, this desire worries for several months after the death of a loved one.

There is another explanation - strong energy. Some people feel peace and tranquility in the churchyard. There are two options here:

If, even after visiting a church and cemetery, the desire to go there does not disappear, it means that the spirits of loved ones need more frequent communication, and there is nothing wrong.

In order to avoid misfortunes, it is enough to follow a few rules:

Why can't you count money at the cemetery?

Another most common superstition is that you should not count your money over a grave. As you know, what you boast about, you will be left without.

A person who neglects this rule may soon notice a deterioration in his financial situation.

If even a lot of banknotes have fallen on the graveyard, it is best to leave them there and not pick them up, otherwise you can attract diseases and problems to yourself, for the solution of which you will have to spend a much larger amount.

If you fell in a cemetery

Very often at funerals people either lose consciousness or stumble due to their distracted state and fall.

In both cases, falling into a cemetery is a bad sign, foreshadowing illness or the imminent death of the person who has fallen.

To protect him from harm, you need to read the “Our Father” over him three times, sprinkle him with blessed water and cross him with a lit church candle.

If a monument falls in a churchyard close relative, this suggests that he is trying to remind himself or talk to the living in order to predict significant event or protect from harm. IN the latter case To communicate with the deceased, you will have to turn to a medium.

Animals at funerals

After the death of a person, it is advisable to remove all animals, especially cats, from his home at least for a while: it is believed that they are the ones who maintain contact with spirits, and if necessary, the latter can move into them.

If a cat follows a crowd of people during a funeral procession, you need to carefully remove it to another place. You cannot kick or push with your foot, because... it may contain the soul of a deceased person.

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Jesus called people don't mourn deceased. After all, their souls were resurrected in a new life, in another world. But some people believe in magic and superstition, various beliefs, and adhere to rituals that are very far from the Christian faith.

  • You should not go to the cemetery often and walk for a long time between graves and monuments. This is what some fortune tellers and psychics advise, as well as people far from the true Christian faith. They say that the spirit of death hovers there, very bad energy that sucks the strength out of the living. Urban residents especially cling to this thesis, justifying their busyness, laziness, forgetfulness, disregard for history and indifference to the memory of deceased ancestors, relatives and friends.
  • Pregnant women and small children should not go to funeral and visit the cemetery. In general, those who sincerely and consciously want and are ready to do so should attend the funeral ceremony, memorial service and cemetery. We should not visit the graves of deceased loved ones with despair and the thought of what we are leaving behind. loved one in the earth, but with the thought that man must be released to heaven. After all, according to Christian faith man dies to find a new life
  • Coming home with cemeteries, you should thoroughly wash all the clothes that you were wearing, wipe your shoes and wash. Some people wash their hands when leaving the cemetery, and upon arriving home, even before the gate, they long and diligently clean and shake off their shoes and clothes, wash their hands with soap and even hold their shoes over a burning church candle for several minutes.
  • Any wound that was received on the territory of the cemetery takes a long time to heal and the person may die. While fortune tellers and psychics talk about all sorts of phantoms, the cult of death, the effects of bad energy and the astral plans of the dead, doctors and sanitary epidemiologists talk about hygiene and disinfection because of the danger of infection.
  • You cannot take anything with you from the cemetery, even expensive and valuable things. It is forbidden to take home flowers for seedlings (not even from graves, but simply from alleys and flower beds), scarves and towels taken from cross or wreaths. Therefore, you can take on other people’s troubles and illnesses. Many people believe that a beautiful bouquet of fresh or artificial flowers from a tombstone can be taken not only by a drunkard to sell for 100 grams of vodka, but also by some “grandmother” who will plant it in the yard or sell it with witchcraft spells to ward off to inflict illness on someone else, to cause damage...
  • If you accidentally drop something in a cemetery, under no circumstances should you pick it up from the ground. This is a superstition and prejudice - you shouldn’t believe that this way you will prolong your life and avoid diseases. Those who practice witchcraft deliberately leave money or a gold item on the side of the grave. For someone to take and take on other people's misfortunes. And if the documents fell, mobile phone, car keys, bag, glasses? Just wipe it down wet wipe. We are all not eternal, but faith, hope, positive thinking, healthy image life.
  • If you were at the graves, and it seemed to you that someone called, then you need to cross yourself three times and say: “My God, save me, the servant of God (name your name) full name), save and have mercy! Amen!" There is no need to be afraid of being called to cemeteries. No one is going to take you to the next world. Indeed, on Memorial Week, Farewell, and Parents' Days, here you can not only communicate with deceased ancestors, relatives and friends, but also see many acquaintances - the whole city or village. In addition, old acquaintances, childhood friends, distant relatives whom you have not seen for many years may come to your family graves...
  • On memorial week You cannot take any food from graves, as they are intended for the deceased. The Church believes that donating, including food, Easter cakes, colored eggs and other things, is better for the living - the poor, the weak, the beggars, the unfortunate people, those who need help. Donations can be brought to the temple and given to alms-seekers.
  • A glass of vodka is placed on the grave for the dead, which is covered with a piece of bread. The dead do not need vodka - they need a prayer of permission, the priests say. Some priests note that commemorating the dead with vodka is a great sin. It's the same as dooming his soul to the bitter path and hellfire. No wonder old people said that “vodka burns the dead.” The tradition of pouring a glass of vodka on the grave at the feet of the deceased is also not Christian.
  • To the cemetery You should only go during the day before sunset. Indeed, after sunset and at night, it is mainly antisocial elements, alcoholics, homeless people, and other bad people who do evil to others who go to the cemetery - thieves of flowers and non-ferrous metals; hooligans, vandals, Satanists, witches, sorcerers, black magicians.

When deceased Relatives very often appear in dreams, and you wake up from this, then go to church, light a candle and order a memorial for your relatives. Think about it, maybe it’s your conscience that’s gnawing at you. What have you done wrong to them and how can you fix it? If it’s too late to fix something, think about what you can change in your life to become better, happier... Ask for forgiveness, let go of terrible thoughts and leave only bright memories in your memory...

A cemetery is a place where the souls of deceased people find their final refuge. This is a place of sorrow.
There are many signs, traditions and prohibitions associated with it that are passed down from generation to generation.

Why you shouldn’t turn around when leaving a cemetery: the mystical side

A place where people are buried, a cemetery is not only a place of grief and repose for the soul. The cemetery is also a place where various magicians, sorcerers and witches perform their rituals. The place where they get material for their dirty deeds, and draw strength and energy for them.

It is not surprising that there are many rules associated with visiting a cemetery and a funeral that must be strictly followed.

First of all, you should not pick up or take any objects with you from the cemetery. These could be things with damage caused to them, left by sorcerers. By taking such an item, you accept a curse. Even if a personal item falls out of your hands, it is better to leave it on the ground.

It is also forbidden to take away the towels or ropes on which the coffin was lowered into the grave. Before the funeral, you cannot remove the watch or gold jewelry that was worn from the deceased, even if there are advisers to do this and those who want to buy them from you. They cast spells on the personal belongings of the deceased and use them in black magic.

You cannot take pictures at graves and keep pictures at home. So you keep negative energy cemetery atmosphere.

Why you shouldn’t turn around when leaving a cemetery: spirits and souls of the deceased

Man has always felt a sense of fear before death. He believed that with the death of the body, life does not end. Remains immortal soul. Ancient traditions and signs are also associated with this belief in the immortality of the soul.

It is necessary to prepare for a funeral and visiting a cemetery. It is not acceptable to come to the cemetery in cheerful multi-colored clothes, only white and black - as a sign of grief and respect for the deceased person.

It is believed that the soul of the deceased wanders around the cemetery for another forty days after death. There are several signs associated with this. You cannot come to the grave with empty handed, you need to bring some food or sweets.

You can't complain about life or brag about your successes. You just need to share your thoughts with the deceased. It is considered disrespectful to the soul of the deceased to come to his funeral and visit the graves of other people.

When leaving the cemetery, under no circumstances should you turn around. The soul of the deceased will take this as a signal to follow you from the burial site. Thus, you take the person’s soul with you and it is deprived of peace.

When returning from the cemetery, you should stop at any place along the way and only then go home, so as not to bring bad energy into the house.

Why you shouldn’t turn around when leaving a cemetery: the practical side of the rules of conduct in a cemetery

The traditions of behavior in the cemetery can be explained not only by mysticism and not the desire to offend the souls of the dead, reports the Therussiantimes website. Some signs and prohibitions have very practical reasons.

For example, a ban on children and pregnant women visiting the cemetery. Do not drink the water that flows from the water supply to the cemetery, but only wash your hands. Do not pick up anything that has fallen on the cemetery ground. Do not hold funeral services in the cemetery, near graves. Come in closed shoes.

During the funeral, mourners must throw a handful of earth and money onto the coffin lid. But, at any time, burials of people who died from unknown viruses and diseases were also carried out in a common fence.

And since ancient times, cemeteries have been places of pilgrimage for the poor, sick, and outcast people. They begged for alms there and even spent the night in the crypts.

Thus, in order not to become infected or get sick, you should not eat food in the cemetery and wash your hands thoroughly.

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