Stepanova's collection of physics online. Light quanta

3rd ed. - M.: Education, 1997. - 256 pp. The book contains qualitative, calculated, graphic tasks throughout the physics course high school, borrowed from various collections of problems known to physics teachers. Mechanics:
Fundamentals of kinematics ( Material point. Reference system. Path and movement; Rectilinear uniform movement; Relativity of motion; Uneven straight motion. Uniformly accelerated linear motion of bodies; Uniform movement around the circumference).
Fundamentals of dynamics (Newton's First Law, mass, force; Newton's Second Law. Newton's Third Law; Application of the laws of dynamics. Law universal gravity. Gravity; Movement of a body under the influence of gravity; Elastic force. Hooke's Law; Movement of a body under the action of elastic force; Friction force. Static friction; The movement of bodies under the influence of friction; Movement of a body in a gas or liquid; Body weight. Weightlessness; The movement of bodies under the influence of several forces).
Elements of statics (Equilibrium of bodies in the absence of rotation; Moment of force. Rule of moments. Stability of bodies).
Laws of conservation (Momentum of a body. Law of conservation of momentum; Mechanical work and power; Law of conservation of energy. Conversion of energy due to the work of friction; movement of liquids and gases).
Mechanical vibrations and waves (Mechanical vibrations; Mechanical waves. Sound). Molecular Physics:.
Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their justification (molecular structure of matter).
Properties of gases (Basic MKT equation. Velocity of molecules; Equation of state ideal gas; Isoprocesses in an ideal gas).
Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics of an ideal gas. Internal energy ideal gas; First law of thermodynamics; Heat engines; Real gases. Saturated steam. air humidity).
Properties of liquids ( Surface tension. Wetting and capillarity; Thermal expansion solids and liquids).
Properties of solids (deformation of solids). Electrodynamics:.
Electrostatic field (Electrostatics; Electric field. Field strength. Potential. Potential difference; Electric capacity. Capacitors).
Direct current (Ohm's Law for a section of a circuit. Resistance; Ohm's Law for a complete circuit; Ammeter and voltmeter in an electrical circuit. Shunts and additional resistor; Connection of current sources. Kirchhoff's Rule; Work and current power).
Magnetic field (Ampere force; Lorentz force).
Electromagnetic induction(Electromagnetic induction. Self-induction. Inductance).
Electric current V different environments(Current in metals; Current in liquids; Current in gases; Current in a vacuum; Current in semiconductors).
Electrical vibrations (Free electrical vibrations. Oscillatory circuit; AC; Active and reactance. Electrical circuits AC voltage; Transformer).
Electromagnetic waves (Properties electromagnetic waves; Radar. TV).
Geometric optics ( Straight-line propagation Sveta. Law of reflection; Refraction of light. Laws of refraction. Total reflection; Lenses; Optical instruments. Eye).
Light waves (Speed ​​of light. Dispersion of light; Interference of light; Diffraction of light. Polarization of light; Radiation and spectra; Elements special theory relativity).
Light quanta. Action of light (Photon; Photoelectric effect).
Atomic physics (Rutherford-Bohr atomic model; Radioactivity; Methods for recording ionizing radiation; Nuclear binding energy. Nuclear reactions).

Collection of problems in physics. 10-11 grades. Stepanova G.N.

St. Petersburg: 2005 - 496 p. M.: 1997 - 256 p.

This collection contains about 3000 questions and problems on all topics of the school specialized physics course. It contains high-quality, graphical, calculated and experimental tasks varying degrees complexity. Within each section, tasks are grouped by type from qualitative to computational with increasing degrees of complexity. The most important ones are listed at the beginning of each chapter. theoretical information and problem solving algorithms. This collection questions and tasks are equipped with detailed “Hints” that will help students independently find a way to solve a problem in difficult situations. Detailed “Answers” ​​to all problems from the collection are also provided. The collection can be used in educational institutions various types when teaching physics under basic and specialized training programs.

Collection of questions and problems in physics. Profile school. 10-11 grades. Stepanova G.N., Stepanov A.P. (2005, 496 pp.)

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Size: 78 MB


Collection of problems in physics for grades 9-11. Comp. Stepanova G.N. (1997, 3rd ed., 256 pp.)

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Size: 20 MB


TABLE OF CONTENTS (1997, 3rd ed., 256 pp.)
Fundamentals of kinematics
1. Material point. Reference system. Path and movement 5
2. Rectilinear uniform motion 7
3. Relativity of motion 10
4. Uneven straight motion. Uniformly accelerated linear motion of bodies 13
5. Uniform movement in a circle 19
Basics of dynamics,
6. Newton's first law, mass, force 21
7. Newton's second law. Newton's third law 24
8. Application of the laws of dynamics. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 26
9. Body movement under the influence of gravity. Straight-line movement vertical 28
Motion of a body thrown at an angle of 30 to the horizontal
Movement artificial satellites 32
10. Elastic force. Puk's Law 33
11. Movement of a body under the influence of elastic force 34
12. Friction force. Static friction 36
13. Movement of bodies under the influence of friction 37
14. Movement of a body in a gas or liquid 39
15. Body weight. Zero Gravity 40
16. Movement of bodies under the influence of several forces 43
Movement in horizontal and vertical direction
Movement on inclined plane 44
Movement of connected bodies 46
Static elements
17. Equilibrium of bodies in the absence of rotation 48
18. Moment of force. Rule of moments. Body stability... 50
Conservation laws
19. Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum -
20. Mechanical work and power 58
21. Law of conservation of energy. Conversion of energy due to the work of friction 61
22. Movement of liquids and gases 64
Mechanical vibrations and waves
23. Mechanical vibrations -
24. Mechanical waves. Sound 71
Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their rationale
25. Molecular structure substances.... 73
Properties of gases
26. Basic equation of MKT. Speed ​​of molecules 74
27. Equation of state of an ideal gas 77
28. Isoprocesses in an ideal gas 85
29. Thermodynamics of an ideal gas. Internal energy of an ideal gas 87
30. First law of thermodynamics S7
31. Heat engines 92
32. Real gases. Saturated Nar. Air humidity. . 93
Properties of liquids
33. Surface tension. Wetting and capillarity 97
34. Thermal expansion of solids and liquids 99
Properties of Solids
35. Deformation of solids 102
Electrostatic field
36. Electrostatics 107
37. Electric field. Field strength. Potential. Potential difference PO
38. Electrical capacity. Capacitors 118
39. Ohm's law for the value section. Resistance 123
40. Ohm's law for a complete circuit 127
41. Ammeter and voltmeter in an electrical circuit. Shunts and additional resistor 131
42. Connection of current sources. Kirchhoff's rule 134
43. Work and current power 137
Magnetic field
44. Ampere Power 141
45. Lorentz force 146
Electromagnetic induction
46. ​​Electromagnetic induction. Self-induction Inductance 148
Electric current and various environments
47. Current in metals 156
48. Current in liquids 157
49. Current in gases 159
50. Current in vacuum 161
51. Current in semiconductors 164
Electrical vibrations
52. Free electrical vibrations. Oscillatory circuit 166
53. Alternating current 169
54. Active and reactive resistance. Electrical circuits of alternating voltage 171
55. Transformer 176
Electromagnetic waves
56. Properties of electromagnetic waves 179
57 Radar. Television 182
Geometric optics
58. Rectilinear propagation of light. Law of reflection. . 183
59. Refraction of light. Laws of refraction. Total reflection 186
60. Lenses. 192
61 Optical devices Eye 197
Light waves
62. Speed ​​of light. Light dispersion 200
63. Interference of light 201
64. Diffraction of light. Polarization of light 208
65. Radiation and spectra 210
66. Elements of special relativity 214
Light quanta. Actions of light
67. Photon 217
68. Photoeffect 218
Atomic physics
69. Rutherford - Bohr atomic model 221
70. Radioactivity 223
71. Methods for recording ionizing radiation. 224
72. Nuclear binding energy. Nuclear reactions 226
Replies 229

CONTENTS (2005, 496 pp.)
DC 181
TIPS 326

St. Petersburg: 2005 - 496 p.
M.: 1997 - 256 p.

This collection contains about 3000 questions and
problems on all topics of the school specialized physics course. It presents
qualitative, graphical, computational and experimental problems of varying degrees
complexity. Within each section, tasks are grouped by type from qualitative
to calculations with increasing degrees of complexity. At the beginning of each chapter there are
the most important theoretical information and algorithms for solving problems. This collection
questions and problems are provided with detailed “Hints” to help students
independently find a way to solve a problem in difficult situations. Given
also detailed “Answers” ​​to all problems from the collection. The collection can be used in
educational institutions of various types when teaching physics according to programs
basic and specialized training.

Collection of questions and tasks on
physics. Profile school. 10-11 grades. Stepanova G.N., Stepanov A.P. (2005,

Textbook format: pdf

Download size:
78 MB

Collection of physics problems for 9-11
class Comp. Stepanova G.N. (1997, 3rd ed., 256 pp.)

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20 MB

Watch online, download for free:

(1997, 3rd ed., 256 pp.)


Fundamentals of kinematics

1. Material point. Reference system. Path and movement 5

2. Rectilinear uniform motion 7

3. Relativity of motion 10

4. Uneven straight motion. Uniformly accelerated linear motion
tel 13

5. Uniform movement in a circle 19

Basics of dynamics,

6. Newton's first law, mass, force 21

7. Newton's second law. Newton's third law 24

8. Application of the laws of dynamics. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 26

9. Body movement under the influence of gravity. Rectilinear vertical movement

Motion of a body thrown at an angle of 30 to the horizontal

Movement of artificial satellites 32

10. Elastic force. Puk's Law 33

11. Movement of a body under the influence of elastic force 34

12. Friction force. Static friction 36

13. Movement of bodies under the influence of friction 37

14. Movement of a body in a gas or liquid 39

15. Body weight. Zero Gravity 40

16. Movement of bodies under the influence of several forces 43

Movement in horizontal and vertical direction

Movement on an inclined plane 44

Movement of connected bodies 46

Static elements

17. Equilibrium of bodies in the absence of rotation 48

18. Moment of force. Rule of moments. Stability of bodies... 50

Conservation laws

19. Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum -

20. Mechanical work and power 58

21. Law of conservation of energy. Conversion of energy due to the work of friction force

22. Movement of liquids and gases 64

Mechanical vibrations and waves

23. Mechanical vibrations -

24. Mechanical waves. Sound 71


Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their rationale

25. Molecular structure of matter…. 73

Properties of gases

26. Basic equation of MKT. Speed ​​of molecules 74

27. Equation of state of an ideal gas 77

28. Isoprocesses in an ideal gas 85


29. Thermodynamics of an ideal gas. Internal energy of an ideal gas 87

30. First law of thermodynamics S7

31. Heat engines 92

32. Real gases. Saturated Nar. Air humidity. . 93

Properties of liquids

33. Surface tension. Wetting and capillarity 97

34. Thermal expansion of solids and liquids 99

Properties of Solids

35. Deformation of solids 102


Electrostatic field

36. Electrostatics 107

37. Electric field. Field strength. Potential. Potential difference PO

38. Electrical capacity. Capacitors 118


39. Ohm's law for the value section. Resistance 123

40. Ohm's law for a complete circuit 127

41. Ammeter and voltmeter in an electrical circuit. Shunts and additional resistor 131

42. Connection of current sources. Kirchhoff's rule 134

43. Work and current power 137

Magnetic field

44. Ampere Power 141

45. Lorentz force 146

Electromagnetic induction

46. ​​Electromagnetic induction. Self-induction Inductance 148

Electric current and various environments

47. Current in metals 156

48. Current in liquids 157

49. Current in gases 159

50. Current in vacuum 161

51. Current in semiconductors 164

Electrical vibrations

52. Free electrical vibrations. Oscillatory circuit 166

53. Alternating current 169

54. Active and reactive resistance. AC electrical circuits
voltage 171

55. Transformer 176

Electromagnetic waves

56. Properties of electromagnetic waves 179

57 Radar. Television 182

Geometric optics

58. Rectilinear propagation of light. Law of reflection. . 183

59. Refraction of light. Laws of refraction. Total reflection 186

60. Lenses. 192

61 Optical devices Eye 197

Light waves

62. Speed ​​of light. Light dispersion 200

63. Interference of light 201

64. Diffraction of light. Polarization of light 208

65. Radiation and spectra 210

66. Elements of special relativity 214

Light quanta. Actions of light

67. Photon 217

68. Photoeffect 218

Atomic physics

69. Rutherford - Bohr atomic model 221

70. Radioactivity 223

71. Methods for recording ionizing radiation. 224

72. Nuclear binding energy. Nuclear reactions 226

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