Plan for the introduction of innovative technologies in an educational institution. Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process of a preschool institution, as a condition for improving the quality of education

Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process

A modern school should become an advanced platform in terms of information technology, a place where a person receives not only the necessary knowledge, but also becomes imbued with the spirit of the modern information society. Without the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), an educational institution cannot claim innovative status in education. After all, an educational institution is considered innovative if it widely introduces organizational, didactic, technical and technological innovations into the educational process and, on this basis, achieves a real increase in the pace and volume of knowledge acquisition and the quality of training of specialists. The word “innovation” (from the Latin “innove”) appeared in the mid-17th century and means the entry of something new into a certain area, implantation into it and the generation of a whole series of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, a process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is an activity to cultivate innovation into a certain social practice, and not a subject at all.

In education, it is worth considering pedagogical innovation (innovation)

1) a targeted change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of individual parts, components and the educational system itself as a whole;

2) the process of mastering an innovation (a new tool, method, technique, technology, program, etc.);

3) search for ideal methods and programs, their implementation in the educational process and their creative rethinking.

Education is the path and form of becoming a whole person.

The essence and goal of new education is the actual development of a person’s general, generic abilities, his mastery of universal methods of activity and thinking. The modern concept of “education” is associated with the interpretation of such terms as “training”, “upbringing”, “education”, “development”. However, before the word “education” began to be associated with enlightenment, it had a broader meaning. Dictionary meanings consider the term “education” as a noun from the verb “form” in the sense: “to create,” “form” or “develop” something new.

Creating something new is innovation. Thus, education in its essence is already an innovation.

Firstly, this is a certain mental potential of restless people who thirst for creativity in pedagogy; secondly, it is the strongest energy that finally launched the innovation machine into action.

Innovations include the introduction of ICT in the educational process, software supplied to schools, interactive electronic boards, modernization projects, etc.

Innovative technologies should not be one-sided, offering only the development of children's mental abilities. Innovation in education should carry, first of all, the process of developing a little person’s confidence in himself and his abilities. It is necessary to change the authoritarianism of education in the thinking of teachers, so that they can put the child on an equal level with themselves, and be able to give the child the opportunity to adequately manage himself and the world around him. With an innovative teaching style, the range of educational programs is much wider, which forces the student to choose an individual educational path. Children in educational institutions are diverse, with different levels of school knowledge, different self-esteem, and different attitudes. But it is not important. The important thing is that students come to class with sparkling eyes, an indefatigable thirst for action, and leave with boundless faith in their capabilities. Innovations in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating an individual determined to succeed in any area of ​​application of his capabilities. Before introducing innovations into the educational system, it is necessary to work with school staff, change attitudes towards the organization of classes and towards high school students.

Innovative technologies at school

The school uses innovative educational technologies and teaching methods of various academic disciplines, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of learning, initiative and success of all participants in the educational process.

Personally-centered learning. Used in lessons of the Russian language, literature, biology, geography, technology, history.

Information and communication technologies (mathematics, biology, technology, history, computer science, the environment, reading).

Design and research technology (mathematics, biology, geography, technology).

Health-saving technologies (in all lessons).

Collectively - individual mental activity (literature, biology, geography).

Block-modular technology (biology, geography, history, social studies, mathematics).

Gaming technologies (in all lessons).

Innovative technologies in the classroom

The concept of “innovation” has become firmly established in our professional lives. The Russian equivalent of this word is innovation. Today, innovative phenomena are found in all elements of the pedagogical process. Thus, an innovative lesson is considered from the perspective of new introductions to the organization of the educational process for a certain period of time.

There is a strong opinion that an innovative lesson was formed on the basis of new educational technologies in the educational process.

This is partly true, but changes in the education system in recent years have played a major role in the development of a new type of lesson.

Firstly, the volume of new information from various fields of science has increased: philosophy, history, geography, literature, psychology, sociology, production technology, economics, foreign languages. What portion of this volume should be offered to children? where and how can they select the information they need, changing in content and significance almost every day? These questions formed the task of teaching schoolchildren the ability to search for the necessary information, determine for what purpose it is used and disseminated, and distinguish the type of information.

Secondly, the conditions for organizing education have changed: the status of the school; educational programs, plans and textbooks; forms of education (daytime, correspondence, evening, external, home, family); equipping classrooms with technical equipment. In connection with new requirements of a socio-economic nature, affecting the development of both group and individual activities of students, the structure of the organization of the educational process has also changed.

Thirdly, the requirements for the professional competence of teachers and approaches to teaching have changed. Currently, pressing issues in the learning process have become: child health; its psychological, pedagogical and age characteristics; adaptation to the next level, class, school, teacher’s requirements, etc.

Basis for modeling an innovative lesson

An innovative lesson is a dynamic, variable model of organizing teaching and learning for students for a certain period of time.

It may be based on:

Elements of extracurricular work, laboratory and practical work, excursions, forms of extracurricular activities;

Teaching students through artistic images; revealing the abilities of schoolchildren through active methods of creative activity (using elements of theater, music, cinema, fine arts);

Research activities, which imply the active use of methodological knowledge in the learning process, revealing the characteristics of students’ mental work;

Application of psychological knowledge that reflects the specifics of students’ personality, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.

The teacher strives for progress, wants to change his activities for the better - this process is innovation. The inventive activity of a teacher in an innovative lesson is revealed in a variety of unusual tasks, extraordinary actions, constructive proposals, entertaining exercises, designing the course of a lesson, creating learning situations, didactic material, selecting scientific facts, and organizing the creative work of students.

Types of innovative lessons:

    independent activity lessons;


    based on group technology;


    differentiated learning;

    based on project activities;

    training lessons

    and etc.

Lessons of independent activity – a form of educational process based on the organization of independent work of students.

The purpose of such lessons is the formation and development of mechanisms of independence of schoolchildren, the affirmation of independent personality qualities. Such mechanisms can be habits, beliefs, traditions, actions. These lessons play a great educational role. When preparing for lessons of this type, it is necessary to study the levels of general educational skills of students, their ability to work independently; determine the content and direction of students’ independent activities. A model of independent work is developed for each student: a teaching technology is selected; volume and content of educational material; literature and didactic material; technical and technological means of the educational process. Each student is given appropriate recommendations in written and oral form.

In independent activity lessons, the positions of the teacher and the student should be clearly defined:

Teacher's position: initiating the student's subjective experience and developing his individual abilities during the educational process; choice of teaching technology (how and what I will teach);

Student position: choice of learning technology (what and how I will study) for a certain period of time.

Tips for teachers on conducting independent activity lessons:

Demonstrate trust;

Do not interfere with the task until the student asks for help;

Don't criticize for mistakes;

The interview is conducted in the form of clarification of details;

Determine a specific amount of work so that the student can calculate his strength;

Set a time frame for completing the work;

Create conditions for students to self-assess the results of their own activities;

Determine the criteria for performing independent work;

Develop forms of monitoring independent activity, criteria for assessing the results of activity by the teacher.

Independent activity lessons cannot show a complete picture of a teacher’s pedagogical skills; they only partially reveal aspects of his creativity and originality.

Research lesson is a form of teaching schoolchildren based on knowledge of the world around them, organizing the study of a particular subject or phenomenon.

The purpose of the research lesson is to use, develop and generalize the experience of students and their ideas about the world.

The basis of such a lesson is the organization of a practical laboratory study of a problem, topic or task.

During the lesson, students themselves select questions to study, search for a solution to the problem, exchange opinions, experiment, developing the ideal version of proposals for study.

The goal of students’ activities in a research lesson is to obtain a specific result (product).

Distinctive features of the technology of such productive (product-oriented) training:

Independent educational activities of the student, closely related to his real work activities;

Orientation of study and work towards the final result;

Changing lesson-based, closed forms of relations between teacher and students to more open ones aimed at joint activities and cooperation.

The ideology of productive education opens up wide opportunities for teaching students outside the walls of classes and school programs.

An educational ecological trail is a natural area specially equipped for educational purposes, where conditions are created for students to complete tasks in nature.

The main goal of the ecological trail is the interconnection of three components: training, education and recreation.

Objectives of the educational ecological trail:

1) showing cause-and-effect relationships in nature, the interaction of nature and society.

2) expanding the natural science horizons of visitors.

The purpose of the educational ecological trail is to create conditions for the education of environmentally literate people, for the formation of a high culture of human behavior in the environment.

In essence, an ecological trail is an educational and educational classroom in natural conditions, which makes it possible to clearly demonstrate how human activities affect the environment and evaluate the results of such activities.

Requirements for creating an educational ecological trail:

    1. The route of the trail must correspond to its purpose and take into account the conditions of the given area;

    2. The route must be laid along an already existing road and path network;

    3. The trail should run through beautiful terrain and satisfy aesthetic and educational needs;

    4. The trail must carry information: educational (natural objects: species of plants and animals, landforms, soils, rocks and other elements of living and inanimate nature); educational (elements of the anthropogenic landscape) and prescriptive (slogans, calls, rules, signs printed on billboards and signs).

Plan of main work to create an educational ecological trail:

1. Laying out the route of the educational ecological trail.

2. Drawing up a trail map, calculating existing objects on the ground.

3. Design of an educational ecological trail.

Information boards indicating the stops along the route;

Information boards (rules of conduct at UET, map diagram of UET, slogans).

Recreational area equipment.

4. Training of guides

Drawing up a plan for excursions;

Writing essays on excursion sites;

Training of student guides;

Compiling a guidebook (booklet) for the trail.

5. Preparation of documentation for UET


Scheme map;

Behavior rules;


Folding album.

6. The use of educational ecological trails in environmental education of schoolchildren and residents of the microdistrict.

Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to install information boards on the trail: it is quite expensive and short-lived, due to the barbaric attitude towards them. That's why leaflets are used.

Texts written on paper are hung on plants. The leaflets contain information about the life of trail objects, statements about nature, poems, and appeals regarding nature conservation.

Before the start of the excursion, the tourist is taught the rules of walking along the trail, recalling the folk wisdom: “One person will pass and leave a trace, a hundred will leave a path, and a thousand will leave a desert.” To avoid turning the site into a desert, you should walk along paths and paths.

During the excursion, small labels and numbers are used (plywood measuring 12x10 cm on a peg 25-30 cm long). They are painted with white paint, and numbers are written on it (red, blue, green). They are placed during the tour at stops near any object, and then collected.

Ecological trail stations:

    No. 1 Flower station. On it you can introduce children to ornamental plants on excursions in grades 5 and 7.

    No. 2 Reservoir. Excursions “Life in a Reservoir” are held here for 5th grade students, “Arthropods” - for 8th grade students.

    No. 3 Natural soil exposure (“Soil section”). Excursions on natural history and 6th grade biology take place here.

    No. 4 Forest. Various excursions are held here for primary school students, “Seasonal Phenomena in Nature” - for students in grades 5, 7, 8.

    No. 5 Meadow. Excursions “Natural Community” - for 5th grade students, “Insects” - for 8th grade students.

    Other stations.

The ecological trail provides an opportunity to realize educational, scientific and educational goals.

Lesson based on group technology may involve work in micro groups; according to options; cool conveyor; test in pairs, etc.

The purpose of group technology is to teach the ability to work in a team and by means of a team. Each participant in group activity involuntarily gets involved in joint work and faces a choice: either do like everyone else, or determine his place, role and function in the team. For teenagers seeking self-affirmation among their peers, such self-determination in activities is of great importance. Experience shows that group work is especially effective if the teacher organizes the process of distributing educational tasks and has thought out the technology for discussing them in a group. It is the very process of discussing educational tasks, problems, scientific facts in the student body that is perceived as if adults were consulting with students, asking about their attitude to what is happening and listening to their opinions. This situation helps students purposefully carry out the learning process and feel more confident. The most effective group technology lessons are based on methods of dialogue, interviews, exchange of opinions, and joint activities.

Lessons in Differentiated Instruction are built in accordance with the student’s level of development and the level of his basic knowledge.

The goal of differentiated instruction is the development and formation of the abilities of each student.

The organization of educational activities in such lessons is specific and requires consideration of individual teaching principles, as well as improvement of the theoretical and practical material of the teaching and educational process in the lesson.

The most common type of such lessons is a lesson that involves students working in small groups with several levels of knowledge (level differentiation of learning).

Conditions for the implementation of such lessons:

Determining students' knowledge levels and their learning abilities;

Identification of the basic amount of knowledge necessary for consolidation;

Determining learning methods for each student;

Preparation of didactic material;

Preparation of blocks of educational material;

Establishing regulations for performing certain tasks;

Determining a mechanism for monitoring students’ learning activities during independent work in order to indicate further steps or stages of organizing learning.

The level of children's knowledge and their ability to learn is the main indicator on the basis of which the teacher should organize the educational process. In differentiated learning lessons, the process of mastering a certain topic or section can be repeated several times until the student learns certain actions.

Problem lessons – a form of organizing student learning based on the creation of a problem situation.

In such a lesson, students are either presented with a problem or a problem is identified with them.

The goal of problem-based learning is to activate the cognitive sphere of students’ activities based on identifying cause-and-effect relationships. What is the difference between a problem and a task?

A problem is a contradiction that can manifest itself in any actions, phenomena, or facts. The problem itself does not have clear conditions for its occurrence.

A task necessarily has some conditions that reveal the nature of the action, event, phenomenon, and requires execution.

For example, situation 1 – fire (subject – life safety). The conditions of the problem are not clear. A number of questions arise: what is burning? why is it burning? where is it burning? what to do? Situation 2: an apartment is on fire on the first floor of a brick building on Lesnaya Street, 3. This task is already relatively clear, since the conditions of the fire process have been revealed. Accordingly, the actions of the rescue service are understandable.

Problem-based learning is a technology for teaching the ability to see and identify contradictions in a specific subject, as well as the ability to solve problems. Problem lessons are structurally somewhat reminiscent of psychological situations, which have a unique design of activity. The art of a teacher is to present educational material as unknown knowledge that students must discover for themselves. Problem-based learning is, first of all, learning the ability to find new ways to solve existing contradictions. The teacher’s task is to organize learning activities based on activating students’ thinking at all stages of the lesson. The nature of students' cognitive activity can be different: some solve using questions and answers; others - by the method of situation analysis; third - by the method of diagnosis and conclusions; fourth – by selection, etc. Without knowledge of the patterns of students’ mental activity, it is almost impossible to give a lesson in problem-based learning.

Lesson-training – a form of organizing students’ educational activities based on the process of practicing certain actions and consolidating educational material.

The purpose of this technology is for students to acquire certain skills and abilities through repeated repetition of the same knowledge or actions.

This specific training activity can be either individual or group. Individual training lessons differ from group ones in the specifics of the problems. In group technology training lessons, a problem that is typical for all participants in the educational process is considered; in individual lessons, for a specific student.

The principles of conducting training lessons are selected or developed by the teacher depending on the nature of the problem, the socio-pedagogical conditions of conducting, as well as the goals and objectives of consolidating the studied material. For such lessons, criteria for student actions are developed as a standard of skills, and printed samples of different types of activities are distributed during classes. For example, a sample of one exercise; a sample of another more complex task. These samples help children quickly and efficiently acquire a particular skill or ability. The teacher helps students track the procedure for completing a specific task, identify errors in learning activities, and necessarily carries out measurement and evaluation of activities, without which it is impossible to determine the result of achievement.

During a training lesson, students have to do monotonous work, so experienced teachers always use elements of pedagogical creativity, for example:

Selection of unusual tasks, didactic material;

Organization of: – competitions; – mutual control, etc.

Lessons based on project activities provide for the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, analyze the information received, put forward hypotheses and find solutions.

Using the project method makes the educational process creative, purposeful, and the student - responsible and purposeful. The teacher’s duty is to prepare all students for cognitive activity that is feasible for everyone, but mandatory.

Advantages of the project method:

Systematic consolidation of knowledge in other academic subjects. Often the knowledge students need to work on a project “spurs” their interest in other disciplines;

Development of skills and abilities of planning, research and systematization of obtained data;

Development of social (teamwork) and physical skills;

Developing self-confidence.

Children learn to approach the world around them creatively and gain confidence that they can improve their lives and the lives of others.

Innovative educational technologies

The global challenge posed at the turn of the second and third millennium in Russia makes the problem of the emergence of new ideas and people who think and act outside the box and at the same time culturally capable of creativity and optimal management of the activities of other people and their own to achieve socially significant goals extremely urgent. In this regard, in the Russian education system there is a transition from a school that disseminated a mono-ideological worldview to a school aimed at the diversified development of a person, creating conditions for self-realization, self-development, achieving success in training and education, requiring a new orientation from the teacher - on the student’s personality.

This process includes the following trends:

1. focus on supporting and protecting the developing personality, creating optimal conditions for its creative development, “forming social adaptability and mobility” in a market economy;

2. the schoolchild’s acquisition of his own image of “face” in the process of assimilation of the accumulated culture and cultivation of his own;

3. development of the school as a single “most comfortable state” in order to create conditions for the creative activity of each teacher and the teaching staff as a whole.

Consequently, with these trends in mind, you and I are called upon to solve the problem of forming a versatile, developed personality by introducing it to human culture, taken in the aspect of social experience and its subsequent transformation into individual experience. The main distinctive feature of such education is special attention to both the individuality of the student and his personality as a whole, and the individuality and personality of the teacher.

The need for an innovative nature of the development of education in the conditions of its modernization has become obvious: without an innovative breakthrough in the use of educational technologies, it is impossible to obtain a fundamentally new quality of the level of education (level of upbringing) of graduates.

The concept of “innovation” in Russian and foreign literature is defined differently depending on different methodological approaches, among which are:

1. Innovation is seen as the result of a creative process.

2. Innovation is presented as a process of introducing innovations.

The development of the new educational system is based on modern teaching technologies: Internet technologies, e-mail technology, computer training programs, Web technologies, “case studies” (learning using specific situations), reflection as a method of self-knowledge and self-assessment, training technologies, teaching technology using the project method.

Now we cannot imagine conducting lessons and extracurricular activities without the use of ICT.

The following characteristics can be indicators of the new quality of the educational process:

New knowledge, abilities, skills of students, increasing the level of their personal development;

Absence of negative effects and consequences (overload, fatigue, deterioration of health, mental disorders, lack of educational motivation, etc.);

Improving the professional competence of teachers and their attitude to work;

The growth of the prestige of an educational institution in society, expressed in the influx of students and teachers, etc.

Extracurricular work is an integral part of the school’s educational process, one of the forms of organizing students’ free time. The directions, forms, methods of extracurricular (extracurricular) work, as well as methods of using information and communication technologies in this type of activity of schoolchildren practically coincide with the directions, forms and methods of additional education for children, as well as with methods of its informatization. Extracurricular work is focused on creating conditions for informal communication between schoolchildren of the same class or educational parallel, has a pronounced educational and social-pedagogical orientation (discussion clubs, evenings of meetings with interesting people, excursions, visits to theaters and museums with subsequent discussion, socially significant activities, labor actions ). Extracurricular work is a good opportunity for organizing interpersonal relationships in the classroom, between students and the class teacher, with the aim of creating a student body and student self-government bodies. In the process of multifaceted extracurricular work, it is possible to ensure the development of general cultural interests of schoolchildren and contribute to solving the problems of moral education. Extracurricular work is closely related to children’s additional education when it comes to creating conditions for the development of children’s creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, environmental, biological, sports and other activities. Additional education for schoolchildren is an integral part of the system of education and upbringing of children and adolescents, focused on the free choice and development of additional educational programs by students. The additional education of schoolchildren itself is organically connected with the educational process at school and extracurricular work. The purpose of additional education for schoolchildren, and therefore extracurricular activities, is to develop children’s motivation for knowledge and creativity, promote students’ personal and professional self-determination, their adaptation to life in society, and introduction to a healthy lifestyle. However, it should be remembered that additional education for schoolchildren involves, first of all, the implementation of an additional educational program in a specific area of ​​activity or field of knowledge. In the general secondary education system, preference is given to the educational direction of extracurricular work - the educational activities of schoolchildren. Educational activity is one of the main activities of schoolchildren, aimed at mastering theoretical knowledge and methods of activity in the process of solving educational problems. In turn, extracurricular activities are one of the types of activities of schoolchildren, aimed at socializing students and developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren during extracurricular hours. All of the above types of activities of schoolchildren, despite the presence of individual specific characteristics, are closely related to each other, which should be reflected in the development of processes of informatization of the relevant areas of educational activity and the combination of information tools and resources used in the informatization of various types of activities of schoolchildren. Taking into account the listed features, teachers are faced with the task of organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, based on the use of information and communication technologies and ensuring:

Increasing the efficiency and quality of extracurricular activities;

Activation of cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren through computer visualization of educational information, inclusion of game situations, control capabilities, choice of a mode of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren;

Deepening interdisciplinary connections through the use of modern means of processing, storing, and transmitting information;

Strengthening the practical orientation of knowledge acquired through extracurricular activities;

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of computer science and information technology;

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest of schoolchildren in intellectual and creative activities implemented with the help of ICT tools;

Implementation of individualization and differentiation in work with schoolchildren;

Development of the ability of free cultural communication of schoolchildren with the help of modern communication means. The main goals of informatization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are:

Involving the school in the construction of a unified information space (website creation);

Formation of the worldview of an open information society among schoolchildren;

Forming an attitude towards the computer as a tool for communication, learning, self-expression, creativity;

Development of creative, independent thinking of schoolchildren, formation of skills and abilities of independent search, analysis and evaluation of information, mastering the skills of using information technologies (school newspapers, classroom corners, information stands, thematic cards for significant dates, information leaflets, booklets);

Development and formation of sustainable cognitive interest of schoolchildren in intellectual and creative activities (interactive intellectual games, debates, student conferences held as part of the school, participation in exhibitions, competitions, projects of school, district, city, regional, all-Russian, international scale);

Development of attention, memory, imagination, perception, thinking, intelligence (psychological trainings; psychological and pedagogical assistance, communication trainings);

Increasing the educational impact of all forms of extracurricular activities;

Development of the material and technical base of the general secondary education system (computer classes, interactive whiteboards, network environment, free access to the Internet, office equipment, electronic textbooks, expansion of the TSO base, educational and methodological kits, maps, handouts, visual aids);

Organization of effective information interaction between teachers, schoolchildren and parents (school website, electronic magazine);

Introduction of ICT tools into social and educational work;

Implementation of individualization and differentiation in work with schoolchildren (lessons with computer support);

Development of the ability of free cultural communication (associations of interests, meetings with interesting people, cooperation with schools of the city, region, former graduates;

Promptly informing parents about the progress and results of training. Using information technology to involve parents and the public in the education of schoolchildren. All this contributes to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and the organization of meaningful leisure time, and helps to improve the level of education of students.

At our today's pedagogical council we will hear and see the views of all participants in the educational process (administration, class teachers, teachers, additional education teachers, educators) on the goals, the result of the modern approach to teaching and educational activities and the ways to achieve this result in modern conditions.

Innovation - innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of scientific achievements and advanced experience, providing a qualitative increase in the efficiency of the production system or product quality.

Innovation - this is not any innovation or innovation, but only one that seriously increases the efficiency of the current system.

Technology - a set of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at manufacturing, servicing, repairing and/or operating a product with nominal quality and optimal costs.


Under the term product any final product of labor (material, intellectual, moral, political, etc.) should be understood;

Under the term nominal quality one should understand the quality as predicted or predetermined, for example, specified in the terms of reference and agreed upon by the technical proposal;

Under the term optimal costs one should understand the minimum possible costs that do not entail deterioration of working conditions, sanitary and environmental standards, technical and fire safety standards, excessive wear and tear of labor tools, as well as financial, economic, political and other risks.

In our educational institution, the choice of innovations by teachers is carried out taking into account the specifics of the disciplines taught and specialty. Particular emphasis is placed on personally oriented technologies - collaborative learning, project method, etc.



Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process.

At the Yamal Polar Agroeconomic College, the choice of innovations by teachers is carried out taking into account the specifics of the disciplines taught and specialty. Particular emphasis is placed on student-oriented technologies - collaborative learning, project method, individualization and differentiation technologies, multi-level learning, technologies for the development of critical thinking.

Individualization technology is widely used when conducting classes in general education disciplines and course design. Success at Olympiads in general education disciplines indicates the effectiveness of work. Students actively participate in competitions at various levels.

The technology of collective learning is used when conducting classes in social and humanitarian disciplines in the form of seminars, conversations, discussions, and dialogues.

Collaborative learning is carried out during laboratory and practical work in the disciplines.

Instilling interest in the subject being studied, intensifying the creative activity of students, and developing their skills of independent cognitive activity is achieved by conducting classes in a non-traditional form - a KVN lesson, a competition lesson, a binary lesson.

A binary lesson facilitates the perception of educational material by establishing internal connections in it; Each student receives great attention due to the participation of several teachers in the lesson.

Much attention is paid to the development of students' research activities. Students' research activities are carried out in the process of circle and experimental work, as new things are created. Industrial and pre-graduate practice is of great importance in mastering the specialties of the curriculum at a technical school, as well as in developing research skills. Their task: development and generalization of knowledge, improvement of practical and professional skills, familiarization with modern technology of labor organization and production economics.

The technical school is working to introduce information technology into the educational process. An information and analytical center and a platform for conducting experimental research on the introduction of computer technologies in the teaching of physics and chemistry have been created. Electronic presentations are actively used in lecture classes in special disciplines. Available computer programs for monitoring students' knowledge make it possible to check the degree of assimilation of the studied material on each topic, as well as to carry out final control.

Electronic textbooks have been created for a number of disciplines.

The technical school has created the necessary set of methodological recommendations for performing laboratory work, course projects and assignments in disciplines.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Experimental work program “Introduction of distance technologies in the educational process as a condition for improving the quality of education”

The purpose of the experimental work is to improve the quality of students’ knowledge, develop interest in the subject, and motivate students to engage in independent activities....

Personal long-term plan for self-education. Topic: Introduction of ICT technology into the educational process based on differentiation of learning and individual approach in mathematics lessons within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Improving the quality of teaching and education in schools directly depends on the level of training of teachers. This level should constantly grow and student self-education plays a significant role here...

Introduction of innovative technologies into

educational process of preschool educational institution.

Recently, the issue of using innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions has been increasingly raised, since the introduction of innovations into the work of an educational institution is the most important condition for improving and reforming the preschool education system. Pedagogical innovations should be understood as innovations in teaching activities, changes in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the goal of increasing their effectiveness. Thus, the innovation process consists in the formation and development of the content and organization of the new. Modern pedagogical technologies, such as collaborative learning, project-based methodology, interactive interaction, and the use of new information technologies help to implement a person-centered approach to children, ensuring individualization and differentiation of the pedagogical process, taking into account their abilities and level of development.

Today we will talk about innovative technologies in organizing the process of children’s speech development, its communicative side. Our task is to create conditions for the practical mastery of spoken speech by each child, to choose such teaching methods and techniques that would allow each pupil to demonstrate his speech activity, his word creativity. We must teach our children to communicate

The process of communication is a direct interaction of subjects and the main “formative” is speech, the communicative function of which is realized in dialogue. Dialogue is the primary form of speech of a child (as opposed to monologue). A full-fledged dialogue is possible only by using a variety of types of dialogical cues, and not just the ability to ask and answer questions. By mastering the variety of dialogic cues (message, motivation, reactions to them), children are able to learn their various functions, and therefore learn to use dialogue. In order for the conversation to be interesting and rich, the child must have a broad outlook, a rich vocabulary, and speech etiquette.

  1. "We are journalists" during which children learned to ask questions, answer them correctly, conduct dialogue among themselves, take and give interviews. By introducing this project, teaching dialogical speech occurs in conversation using innovative approaches when working with a picture as an integral system, which is reflected in the presented lesson on speech development in the preparatory group "Report from the scene". The lesson uses a variety of forms of address, which are built in the form of games. “Making a request”, “Answer a request”, where children develop not only knowledge about the profession of a journalist, but also the ability to ask questions in a certain logical sequence, use remarks, with the help of which children learn to express their point of view, judgments, opinions, and also respond to the statements of their interlocutor. Work on the painting is structured in such a way that it gradually leads children to independently formulate dialogic lines. To compose any story, you need to prepare a vocabulary. For this purpose, games with "Spyglass", "Hunt for Details" etc. During examination, the objects depicted in the picture stand out. And for this story to be meaningful, children learn to establish relationships between them, for which games are played “Uniters”, “Looking for Friends”, which develop in children the ability to briefly reason in two or three sentences. Using the technique "Entering the Picture" children, with the help of speech sketches, convey their attitude to the environment on behalf of the character in the picture, realizing their capabilities in games “What I think, what I feel.” Then children choose an object in the picture and imagine what they could talk about and think about on some topic in the game “Who is talking about what.” All previous work contributed to the fact that the text reports on the picture invented by children were distinguished by a variety of content, emotional coloring and creativity. After the end of the lesson, the children talked with adults in the form of interviews, which aroused keen interest among both children and adults. These innovative technologies allow you to maintain interest in the picture throughout the entire lesson, activate all children, and develop mental operations. In the joint activity of the teacher and the child, through a system of game exercises, the ability to create speech sketches, dialogues and various stories based on the picture develops.

According to research, children of senior preschool age achieve a relatively high level of development of coherent speech. The formation of coherent speech allows preschoolers to successfully engage in various forms of communication (business, cognitive, personal). But all this will be the result of a system of teaching their native language, as a result of the organization of effective forms, methods and techniques, as a result of the use of the most rational means of teaching.

It would be wrong to believe that you can teach a child to communicate effectively by conducting classes or conversations 1-2 times a week. The teacher needs to constantly create situations that encourage children to actively apply the information received and improve their communicative and rhetorical skills; set more and more complex tasks for them; constantly create situations of active speaking, communication, mastering speech patterns. And this work will not yield results if it is carried out spontaneously, chaotically, unfocused, without introducing problematic situations into the atmosphere of children’s lives.

How to make teaching children communication as effective as possible? How to transform abstract ideas into well-understood visual and verbal situations? How to develop children's ability to communicate, i.e. navigate the situation and the ability to analyze and evaluate communication? What organizational forms should be used to encourage children to speak more on their own? What learning tools will optimize the educational process?

  1. I was interested in the experience of another kindergarten in organizing and conducting various forms of work using technical teaching aids. They took the following topics:

Subject: What is communication. Objectives: to show what communication is, to consolidate the main communication goals, to show the importance of the rules of communication. Form: workshop, publication of the Sobesednik magazine, presentation of columns and your articles in the magazine. Press conference for the presentation of the magazine. Means: technical training aids, consumables: paper, pencils. Parents, together with their children, are invited to prepare an article for a group journal on the problems of “a word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you cannot catch it” (a word can be regretted, encouraged, offended, etc.), “speech formulas” (don’t forget to apologize, how to deal with request, etc.), “control your voice” (speech technique: speech breathing, intonation, volume level, etc.), “speak correctly” (rules of the Russian language), you can also come up with the topics for your article on communication issues, for example “ children speak" (a sample of incorrect speech), etc.

Subject : Written communication. Objectives: to show that written communication can be carried out in different ways (using drawings, signs, symbols). Reinforce the rules of speech etiquette in written communication. Form: modeling of correspondence between groups “I’m writing to you, what more ...”, game “Mail” Means: paper, pencils, audio recording “Sound letter”, time tape “from scroll to mail envelope”, technical teaching aids. Children are invited to write a letter to each other, to the children of another group.

Subject : Is it possible to communicate without words?? You are the spectator. Objectives: to consolidate ideas about non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, body movements), to develop the ability to adequately perceive non-verbal information. Continue to shape the viewing culture. Form: pantomime theater. Means: theater scenery, costumes, masks with various facial expressions, a mirror, technical teaching aids. Children prepare sketches and theatrical scenes.

Subject : Talking on the phone. Objectives: practice how to politely answer a phone call and reinforce speech etiquette. Form: modeling the situation “The phone rang.” Means: radiotelephone, audio, video recording. Children are invited to enter into the described circumstances and speech role and create statements. Audio and video recordings are used to analyze speech utterances.

Subject : “Let’s compliment each other.” Tasks: consolidation of the rules of communication (formula of speech etiquette in a situation of farewell, making a request, when apologizing). Conduct an etiquette dialogue. Form: preschool ball. Means: musical audio recordings, attributes for the buffet, costumes.

A method of modeling fairy tales as a means of developing the speech of children of senior preschool age (see information from the computer in the folder “Senior teacher”)

The process of children's speech development is directly related to the development of intellectual abilities, and therefore is of particular relevance. Educators and psychologists claim that half of a person’s intellectual development is completed by the age of four, and by eight years another third. It has been proven that intensive development of intelligence in preschool age increases the percentage of children learning at school. After all, it is important not only what knowledge a child has before entering 1st grade, but whether he is ready to receive it, the ability to reason, draw conclusions, think systematically, and understand the patterns that are occurring.

3. In my opinion, innovative pedagogical technologies for optimizing the intellectual development of preschoolers, which were introduced by one teaching team, became interesting

Research method - an effective way for a child to learn about the world around him, increasing his cognitive activity. The desire to observe and experiment, to independently seek the answer to a question of interest are the most important features of normal child behavior.

The main type of research process is children's experimentation, which helps to visually convince children of the correctness of the chosen solution to a problem. This technology promotes the development of the ability to pose problems and draw one’s own conclusions. To effectively organize this activity, the necessary subject-development environment was organized: experimentation corners in accordance with the age of the children, a large amount of visual demonstration material was designed (thematic pictures, cards with a symbolic image of research methods, diagrams of sequential experiments and experiments).

The formation of research skills is carried out in the process of project activities, where children take the position of young researchers working with scientific literature and children's encyclopedias.

Technology "Rostock" (TRIZ-RTV) allows you to develop a creative personality, innovative thinking in the process of children mastering TRIZ methods and techniques:

In the “Yes-No” game, children learn to see the world around them comprehensively, conduct systemic analysis and reason. For a clearer understanding of the sequence of questions when guessing an object, we have produced visual demonstration material and a teaching aid.

The scheme of talented thinking or the “Magic Screen” teaches systematic thinking, which allows the child to reason about the present, the past of an object or phenomenon and create a model of the future.

Familiarity with the method of modeling with little people helps children gain knowledge about different states of substances (liquid, solid, gaseous). Older preschoolers get to know the molecular composition of substances in a fun way.

In the process of applying educational gaming technology, a game library has been created containing a huge number of educational games that are attractive for their versatility, enormous creative potential, the ability to develop connected speech, memory, spatial and logical thinking, and improve the child’s personality. The essence and peculiarity of this gaming technology is that the game allows you to acquire not only knowledge and skills in accordance with program requirements, but also expand them.


Working with logical Dienesh blocks introduces children to geometric shapes, the shape and size of objects, develops thinking skills (compare, analyze, classify, generalize), cognitive processes, and creative abilities. This universal teaching material is successfully used in all age groups.

A set of games and exercises with colored counters Cuisenaire sticks forms fine motor skills of the hands, orientation on a sheet of paper, comparison by length and quantity, and the idea of ​​number.

Older preschoolers study with great interest games V.V.. Voskobovich:

“Magic Square” - helps develop imagination, teaches children to transform the manual into various figures and objects. Schemes for this game form the attention and logical thinking of older preschoolers.

Offered to children in their free time from classes, the “Transparent Square” promotes the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, creative imagination, speech), sensory and creative abilities, forms constructive activity (the ability to compose various objects and patterns from geometric shapes), introduces properties of “flexibility”, “transparency”, the relationship between the whole and the part.

During the game "Geocont“Children themselves create plane geometric figures and practice counting and comparing them.

. The use of games by a famous Italian teacher helps to achieve the early development of spatial thinking and a child’s intelligence. Maria Montessori: “Frames and Inserts”, “Unicube”».

The introduction of educational gaming technology is carried out in accordance with the principle “from simple to complex” and a person-centered learning model.

In the individual work of a speech therapist and teacher to correct sound pronunciation, I encountered interesting methods and gaming technologies: " Magic ball"(you can wind the thread into a ball only after pronouncing the word correctly)," Merry bell"(the speech therapist rings the bell when syllables, words and sentences are pronounced correctly), " We walk along the path"(a step forward can be taken after the correct answer). A prerequisite is the positive attitude of the teacher and constant verbal encouragement of the child.

Considering the fact that the completeness, accuracy and ease of reproduction largely depends on special (mnemonic) activities specifically aimed at memorizing verbal material, the “modeling” method is used (the use of models, diagrams, pictograms), which contributes to the formation of coherent speech and allows the development more complex monologue speech of preschoolers. Schemes (cards) of word symbols are developed in advance with the children. They are then given a sample sentence structure. Next, the sentences are combined into a story. As a result, children in the speech therapy group compose stories of 8 sentences, compose and read poems, proverbs, and riddles according to diagrams. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers is currently becoming more and more relevant. The purpose of training with its use is not only the development of speech, but also memory (of different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile), thinking, attention, imagination.

Options for information programs.


  1. flowers. Roses come in different colors depending on the plant variety.


  1. Lamellate-billed.
  2. mottled eggs. The female incubates the eggs. For warmth, it covers them with its down.


Mnemonic diagrams

  1. in the red book

Computers are intensively invading our lives. Every modern educated person, especially a modern teacher, must have at least basic knowledge, skills and abilities to work on a PC, i.e. be information competent. Therefore, the introduction of computer technologies into the educational process is a logical and necessary step in the development of a modern preschool institution. Computer presentation is a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. The presentation makes it possible to compose the material based on the individual, mental characteristics of preschool children, topics, goals, and structural components of the lesson.

The use of ICT (information and communication technologies) contributes to the growth of the teacher’s professional skills


MDOU "Romodanovsky combined kindergarten"

Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

(speech at the preschool educational institution seminar)

Prepared by: I.A. Levashova,

senior teacher

p. Romodanova

Documents for download:

A preschool institution today is a complex organism striving for improvement, development, looking for new opportunities, creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, society, providing conditions for creative, professional work of teachers that meets the most modern requirements. The introduction of innovations into the educational process is not a whim, not an indifferent attitude to the creative search for effective forms of working with children, it is a requirement of the time.

The Concept for the Modernization of Preschool Education names the creation of conditions for achieving a new quality of education as the most important area of ​​activity of educational institutions. It largely depends on how effectively innovations are mastered, contributing to qualitative changes in the activities of educational institutions. Currently, almost every preschool institution is included in the scope of innovation activities. When preschools are said to be in developmental mode, this means that they are innovating.

Innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, profiles and types of preschool institutions, new educational programs have been created to ensure variability in the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family. Each teaching staff has the right to innovative activities. Since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative, the teaching staff must take on certain obligations in preparing and organizing the innovation.

Then, when there is a need to solve a problem, when a contradiction is created between desire and the actual result, the need for innovation arises. The development of general educational practice contributes to the manifestation of the creative and innovative potential of all employees of the preschool education system. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, which is based on the personal and professional development of teachers and managers.

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines development as changes that are directed, natural and necessary. Based on the achievements of science and the needs of society, the organizers of innovative activities make the design, launch and support of the process of updating education more effective.

Innovative activity is a special type of pedagogical activity. Innovation (innovation) - in the socio-psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice. Consequently, changes in a developing preschool institution do not occur chaotically, but are predicted by the head on the basis of patterns and are aimed at achieving specific goals.

The goals and objectives of innovation are based on a thorough analysis of the current situation in kindergarten, on the one hand, and from forecasts of its development, on the other.

There are various reasons for innovation:

1. The need to actively search for ways to solve existing problems in preschool education.

2. The desire of teaching staff to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.

3. Imitation of other preschool institutions, teachers’ intuitive understanding that innovations will improve the activities of the entire team.

4. The desire of recent graduates of pedagogical universities and students of advanced training courses to implement the acquired knowledge.

5. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the results achieved, a firm intention to improve them.

6. Increasing demands from individual groups of parents.

An analysis of current practice in the activities of preschool institutions operating in an innovative mode revealed a number of problems:

1. Insufficient scientific and methodological support for innovation processes;

2. Lack of consistency and integrity of introduced pedagogical innovations;

3. Regulatory and legal support for innovative activities of preschool institutions;

4. The need to search for fundamentally new forms of interaction between research centers and innovation centers.

Often teachers have a question: where to start innovative activities, what will be its final result? The algorithm of the innovation process is the same as that of any pedagogical activity:
1. Identification of a problematic educational area, putting forward the goal of renewal (attention is drawn, first of all, to the relevance and significance of the problem)
2. Theoretical justification of an innovative idea, search for research methods, monitoring procedures).
3. Conducting an experiment.
4. Identification of deficiencies, determination of ways to eliminate deficiencies.
5. Subsequent testing (summarizing the results, their presentation, dissemination of teaching experience).
The position and creative potential of teachers, active participation, are perhaps the most important thing in the introduction of innovative ideas into the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education.
A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Modern educational technologies being implemented in our preschool educational institution include:

  1. health-saving technologies;
  2. technology of project activities;
  3. research technology;
  4. information and communication technologies;
  5. person-oriented technologies;
  6. teacher portfolio technology;
  7. gaming technology;
  8. TRIZ technology;
  9. Mnemonic technology.
  10. Health-saving technologies

Goal: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of a person’s physical and mental health; develop the ability to protect and improve your health

  1. to cultivate in preschoolers a culture of preserving and improving their own health;
  2. develop mental and physical qualities and carry out preventive measures to improve the health of preschool children;
  3. to teach preschoolers to understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and its value and the value of the lives of other people.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher’s influence on the child’s health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

Medical and preventive ensuring the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with sanitary requirements and standards, using medical supplies:

  • technologies for organizing health monitoring of preschool children,
  • monitoring children's nutrition,
  • preventive measures,
  • health-preserving environment

Sports and recreation aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health:

  • technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises

Ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child, ensuring the child’s mental and social health and aimed at ensuring the child’s emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family:

  • technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

Health preservation and health enrichment for teachers aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and promoting health:

  • technology for using outdoor and sports games
  • gymnastics
  • rhythmoplasty,
  • dynamic pauses,
  • relaxation

Each group has “Health” centers (stand consultations for parents, card files of outdoor games, sports equipment for children’s independent activities, “Health” folders, which contain information about the individual development of each child in the group).

All this work should be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of a medical worker and teaching staff: teachers, music director, speech therapist teachers, physical education instructor, teacher-psychologist,

Innovative technologies of project activities

Goal: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Result of using technology

The use of project activities strengthens the cognitive motive and educational motivation of children. During the implementation of the project, learning turns into a process of conscious active search, application of new knowledge, consolidates the skill of using one’s own experience, and improves the ability to solve not only educational, but also educational problems. Children develop missing skills, creativity and communication skills, thereby allowing them to become more successful.

Research technology

The goal of research activities in our kindergarten: to form in preschoolers basic key competencies and the ability to have a research type of thinking.

  1. cultivate the need to study the world around us through design and research activities;
  2. develop creative activity of cognitive processes;
  3. learn to solve research problems using new innovative methods and tools.
  • Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities:
  • heuristic conversations;
  • raising and solving problematic issues;
  • observations;
  • modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);
  • experiments;
  • recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities
  • “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;
  • imitation of voices and sounds of nature;
  • use of artistic words;
  • didactic games, educational games and creative development
  • work assignments, actions.

Information and communication technologies

The relevance, significance and novelty of informatization of the educational process in our information age requires the teacher to use new technologies in the educational process.

Information and communication technologies in preschool education are one of the promising areas of informatization of the educational process. Its prospects lie in improving software and methodological support, material resources, as well as mandatory advanced training for teachers.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education gives the teacher the opportunity to quickly combine a variety of means that promote a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied and saturate it with information.

Information and computer technologies are used quite actively in the educational process. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the educational process attractive and truly modern, expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, and helps to strengthen the child’s motivation. The use of information and communication technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) makes it possible to simulate various situations. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of preschool children and enhance the assimilation of material. The use of a computer in a preschool educational institution is possible and necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and develops the child comprehensively.

The main task of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is to increase the pedagogical competence of parents and their activity. When working with parents, information and computer technologies are used in the design of visual materials, during parent meetings, round tables, workshops, master classes, and consultations. The use of information and computer technologies makes it possible to diversify communication and increase the interest of adults in obtaining useful information about raising children.

Information and computer technology makes it possible to successfully solve correctional, educational and educational problems. The use of specialized computer technologies in working with children with general speech development disorders allows one to increase the effectiveness of remedial education and speed up the process of preparing preschoolers for learning to read and write. Activities that are aimed at developing phonemic hearing and perception of children contribute to the effective correction of speech disorders. The introduction of information and computer technology increases students' interest in classes and helps to form cognitive motivation. In the organization of frontal and subgroup educational activities, multimedia, computer presentations, and speech therapy games are used to develop sound analysis and synthesis based on the visual range, classification of objects, generalization, and exclusion.

Information and computer technology makes it possible to intelligently combine traditional and modern means and methods of teaching, increase children’s interest in the material being studied, increase the level of quality of correctional work, and significantly facilitate the work of a speech therapist teacher.

The activities of our speech therapists are carried out in the following areas:


  • working with tables, lists, reports (creating a database based on diagnostic results; monitoring work; tracking work dynamics; drawing up graphs and diagrams).

2. Prevention, correction of speech disorders, speech development:

  • electronic manuals for demonstration on computer equipment, multimedia projector, video and audio equipment;
  • special computer games (“Speech development. Learning to speak correctly”, “Games for “Tigers””, “Home speech therapist”, coloring games).
  • games - presentations;
  • creating your own presentations.

Results of using information and computer technologies in this direction:

  1. Increasing children's motivation for activities that are difficult for them (by combining movement, sound, animation).
  2. Improving speech production.
  3. Expanding the horizons of preschoolers, developing their cognitive processes.
  4. Increasing the efficiency of children’s learning of material (implements the principle of clarity and accessibility of the material).
  5. Increasing the speed of memorization (three types of children’s memory are included: visual, auditory, motor).
  6. Activation and development of higher mental functions, fine motor skills of the hands.
  7. Implementation of an individual approach in order to determine the choice of individual pace, volume, complexity of the information received and training time (building an individual route)
  8. The ability to record content and return to it multiple times, which makes it easy to implement the principles of strength and systematicity.
  9. A completely new level of implementation of the scientific principle using drawn pictures and videos that allow you to demonstrate real objects and phenomena that cannot be seen in everyday life.

10. Preparing children for a world built on digital technologies.

3. Work with teachers and parents:

Network communication

Use of Internet information resources.

Electronic consultations on the institution’s website.

Use of multimedia presentations.

As a result of use Information and computer technologies when working with parents:

  • Exchange information with colleagues using email
  • participation in network professional communities, chats, on-line conferences
  • Training in distance training courses
  • Searching websites for necessary information materials
  • Presentations are created in preparation for joint events between teachers and parents.
  • Possibility of consulting parents and teachers using the Internet.

As a result of use Information and computer technologies when creating a system of methodological work, teachers have the opportunity to:

  • save, edit and access large amounts of information
  • Prepare reporting and current documentation in electronic form
  • Use the Internet for self-education (finding electronic textbooks, articles on the necessary topics).
  • Create, copy, edit, replicate stimulus material for educational activities
  • Creating your own email address, blog, page, which makes it possible to disseminate your teaching experience among the teaching community

6. Personally-oriented technology

Personality-oriented technologies place the following at the center of the entire system of educational work in our kindergarten:

  • ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool educational institution,
  • conflict-free and safe conditions for its development,
  • implementation of existing natural potentials.

Within the framework of person-oriented technologies, independent areas are distinguished:

  1. Humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence, psychological and therapeutic orientation in providing assistance to a child with poor health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution..
  2. Collaboration Technology implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the system of relationships “Adult - child”.
  • All participants in the pedagogical process create the conditions for a subject-development environment: they produce manuals, toys, game attributes, and gifts for the holidays.
  • Collaborate on a variety of creative activities

As a result of use Personally-oriented technologies teachers have the opportunity to:

  • Building an individual educational route for students

The use of various forms of implementation gives positive results:

  • Fosters a tolerant attitude towards the child’s personality
  • forms the basis of personal culture while preserving the child’s individuality
  • Building partnerships between teacher and child
  • Increases the child’s level of motivation for educational activities
  • Innovative technology "Teacher's Portfolio"
    Successful teacher
  • Proficient in modern innovative educational technologies,
  • having a high level of education and professional competence
  • able to predict its final result

A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a teacher in a variety of activities and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of a teacher.

Innovative Gaming Technology

Goal: to increase the importance of the game in the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

  • to cultivate basic generally accepted norms of relationships with peers and adults through play activities
  • contribute to the fulfillment of modern requirements for organizing play activities with preschoolers
  • to form a moral culture of worldview in preschoolers;
  • improve acquired gaming skills and abilities in preschoolers to develop gaming activity.

Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process, united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:

  • games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;
  • groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
  • groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
  • groups of games that educate the emotional and volitional sphere of a preschooler
TRIZ technology
  1. TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving)

"TRIZ" is the use of non-traditional forms of work that put the child in the position of a thinking person. TRIZ technology adapted for preschool age will allow you to educate and develop a child under the motto “Creativity in everything!” Preschool age is unique, because as a child is formed, so will his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to reveal the creative potential of each child.
The purpose of using TRIZ technology:

Development of thinking, search activity, speech and creative imagination in preschoolers.
Main criteria when working with preschoolers:

  • Clarity and simplicity in the presentation of material by teachers
  • Using the gaming environment
  • Using multiple resources

Innovative educational technology “Mnemotechnology”

Mnemonics are a kind of diagrams based on associations that help remember and reproduce information. The technology finds particular application in groups with children who have general speech underdevelopment. The relevance of mnemonics for preschoolers is due to the fact that in preschool age, visual-figurative thinking predominates in children. Using the methods and techniques of Mnemonics, the memorization process is simplified, associative thinking and imagination develops, the level of attention increases, and the level of development of coherent speech increases.

As a result of using "Mnemotechnology"

  • Children can come up with fairy tales on any topic, using vocabulary, observing the general principles of plot construction.
  • They more actively perceive and process visual information with subsequent reproduction
  • Techniques for working with mnemonic tables significantly reduce the learning time for preschoolers
  • The use of reference drawings contributes to the rapid learning of poems

Innovative technologies that ensure openness and network interaction.

Goal: Creating conditions for mutually beneficial social partnership in an open educational space that ensures successful socialization and accumulation of social experience by children.

1.Search for forms of effective interaction between a preschool educational institution and social partners.

2.Improve the professional competence and general cultural level of teaching staff.

3. Formation of a positive image of the educational institution as a social partner.

One of the ways to improve the quality of preschool education can be seen in establishing strong ties with society. The development of social connections of our preschool educational institution with cultural and scientific centers gives an additional impetus for the spiritual development and enrichment of the child’s personality from the first years of life, improves constructive relationships with parents, built on the idea of ​​social partnership. At the same time, this process contributes to the growth of professional skills of all kindergarten teachers, enhances the image of the institution, and indicates the special role of its social connections in the development of each individual and those adults who are part of the child’s immediate environment.

Model of social partnership of preschool educational institutions

Social partnership allows our preschool educational institution to solve such a strategic task as improving the quality of educational work with students.

The main principles of cooperation are:

Establishing the interests of each partner;
. Joint formation of goals and objectives of educational activities;
. Development of clear rules of action in the process of cooperation;
. The importance of social partnership for each of the parties.

The conditions for effective interaction between preschool educational institutions and social partners are:

  • Openness of the preschool educational institution
  • Establishing tolerant and business contacts
  • Using the educational and creative potential of society

The interaction of our kindergarten with social partners is carried out in the following areas:

Collaboration with parents

  • parent meetings and lecture series for parents;
  • parent counseling (individual and group);
  • parent corners, information stands, sheets - reminders for parents;
  • holding open days;
  • participation of parents in the creation of a subject-development environment;
  • participation in planning, development of scenarios, preparation, design and direct participation in events,
  • organizing meetings with interesting people

Innovative forms of working with parents:

  • Activities of the advisory center for working with parents and children who do not attend preschool educational institutions
  • Activities of the “School of the Future First-Grader”, including interaction with parents
  • Activities of the club “Together for Health”,
  • Participation of parents in the creation of their child’s “Portfolio”, aimed at raising a successful child

Cooperation with municipal preschool educational institutions:

  • Interaction in organizing and conducting joint events

Cooperation with municipal educational institutions

Cooperation ensures continuity of levels of general education for pupils: pre-school education - primary

Organized joint events:

  • Mutual visit between preschool teachers and primary school teachers
  • Parent meetings in a preschool educational institution with the participation of an elementary school teacher of a general education institution
  • joint work aimed at instilling patriotism in preschool children through visiting museums of military glory in educational institutions

Cooperation with the museum

Cooperation with the Museum allows our preschool educational institution to solve the following tasks:

  • Introducing through objects, exhibits, exhibitions, expositions in a form accessible to preschoolers the unique history of their small Motherland;
  • introduce children to the cultural traditions of their people, city, region;
  • know the natural resources of your region.

Forms of work with the Ecological and Local Lore Museum through the use of museum pedagogy help to increase children’s interest in the history of their native land, the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, and creative thinking:

  • theatricalization,
  • conversations,
  • Drawing and viewing exhibits and attributes

Cooperation with the Educational and Methodological Center

Areas of joint activity:

  • Methodological support and support of the educational process of a preschool educational institution
  • Creating conditions for advanced training of kindergarten teaching staff.
  • Organization of pedagogical excellence competitions at the municipal level
  • Methodological support for participants in regional and all-Russian competitions.
  • Organization of work on generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience.
Cooperation with public organizations of the city:
  • United Russia Party
  • City administration

Participation in events aimed at fostering the patriotic education of preschoolers increases the image of our preschool educational institution, the level of professional competence of teachers, and shapes the success of the teacher and student through participation in creative joint events.

The head of an institution must determine the development prospects of his institution, taking into account the social order of society and clearly formulate the goal of innovation. The goal must be clear and accepted by all participants in the pedagogical process. The individual qualities of participants in the innovation process, their professional level, organizational skills, abilities, psychological readiness for new types of activities and additional teaching load must be taken into account.

Preparing a team for innovative activities means developing high communicative competence. Such competence consists of the ability to adequately convey information, evaluate its realism, and the ability to establish a constructive dialogue with colleagues with sincere respect for their personal characteristics.

Teacher receptive to innovation:

1) constantly engages in self-education;
2) strives to introduce best practices into practice;
3) is committed to certain of his ideas, which he develops in the process of activity;
4) analyzes and reflects on the results of his teaching activities, collaborates with scientific consultants;
5) knows how to predict his activities and plan them in the future.

The selected goals and objectives must be agreed upon and approved by the majority of the team, realistic, adapted to new conditions, increase the level of motivation and stimulation, and provide control. When managing innovation processes in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the forecast of final results, the main part of these actions is discussed collectively. The largest innovation activities are developed using the group method. The system of methodological activities in the team should be subordinated to the main goal - stimulating teachers, their theoretical preparation for innovative activities.

Irina Kovalenko
Traditional and innovative education. Introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Modern Russian preschool education is the result of enormous changes that have occurred in the domestic education system in recent years. The changing role of education in society has determined most of the innovation processes.

The innovation process is a complex, targeted activity for the introduction (dissemination) and use of innovations.

Previously, the guidelines of education were the formation of knowledge and skills that ensure “readiness for life.” Now education is increasingly focused on the creation of technologies for influencing the individual, which ensure a balance between social and individual needs, which ensure the individual’s readiness to realize his own individuality and change society.

In the debate about which education system is better - traditional or new - there cannot be a clear answer. Every system has both positive and negative aspects. If society and the state need a disciplined and obedient person, priority is given to traditional systems. And if society needs people who are creative, independent, thoughtful, who may disagree with something, who are disobedient in some places, who know how to defend their point of view, then the developmental education system gets a green light.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education came into force. The system offered to us by the new standards is precisely developmental, aimed primarily at revealing the individual. We must raise a child for school who is proactive, confident in his abilities, able to negotiate, take into account the interests of others, masters different types and forms of play, capable of volitional efforts, inquisitive, and with project thinking.

At the present stage of development, changes are taking place in educational processes: the content of education is becoming more complex, focusing the attention of preschool teachers on the development of the creative and intellectual abilities of children, correction of the emotional-volitional and motor spheres; Traditional methods are being replaced by active teaching and upbringing methods aimed at enhancing the child’s cognitive development.

Updating the content of education is one of the pressing problems of preschool education at the present stage of development. It is obvious that traditional technologies are becoming obsolete and are ineffective. Innovative methods of education are needed that are adequate to the psychological, age and cultural capabilities of preschool children. One of the tasks of preschool education is to reveal the potential of all participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with the opportunity to demonstrate creative abilities. Solving this problem is not possible without implementing the variability of educational processes, and therefore, various innovative technologies appear.

Innovative technology is a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, and educational tools aimed at achieving a positive result in the personal development of a child. Modern educational technologies include:

Health-saving technologies;

Technologies of project activities;

Research technologies;

Information and communication technologies;

Personality-oriented technologies;

Gaming technologies;

Health-saving technologies

Their main goal is to create conditions for the formation of pupils’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to tell themselves and others first aid, as well as the formation and development of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to maintain their own health.

Modern health-saving technologies.

1. Technologies for preserving and stimulating health: rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing exercises, corrective exercises, orthopedic exercises.

2. Technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education classes, game training, game therapy, communication games, self-massage, acupressure self-massage, classes from the “Health” series.

3. Corrective technologies: art therapy, musical development technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythms.

It is very important that each of these technologies has a health-improving focus, and that health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle and full-fledged, uncomplicated development.

Technologies of project activities.

The purpose of using these technologies is to develop in a child the ability to work in a team, to subordinate his temperament and character to the interests of the common cause, the ability to resolve creative disputes, reach agreements, provide assistance to participants in joint activities, the ability to discuss the results of activities, and evaluate the actions of everyone.

The meaning of design technologies is to create problem-based activities that are carried out by the child together with the teacher.

A problem situation is a cognitive task that is characterized by a contradiction between existing knowledge, skills and presented requirements.

The knowledge that a child gains while working on a project becomes his personal property and is firmly anchored in the existing system of knowledge about the world around him.

A problem situation is a cognitive task that is characterized by a contradiction between existing knowledge, skills and presented requirements.

Research technologies

The main goal is to create experimental activities in which the child is an active participant. The child's direct participation in the experiment allows him to see the process and results with his own eyes. Experimentation as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of his cultural knowledge of the world around him. Tracing and analyzing the characteristics of the “behavior” of objects in specially created conditions is the task of experimental activity. For research activities, research that is accessible and interesting to children can be chosen: experiments, collecting, traveling on a map - mastering spatial patterns and relationships, traveling along the “river of time” - mastering temporal relationships.

Information and communication technologies

The purpose of Information and Communication Technology is to develop the information competence of preschool children, to form the foundations, elements of knowledge, skills and value attitudes towards information and information processes, allowing the child to engage in the types of information activities available to him: cognitive, information, communication. The use of ICT in classes in children's institutions has a number of advantages over traditional forms of organizing classes. The computer is attractive to children. The use of animation, slide presentations, and films makes it possible to arouse active cognitive interest in children in the phenomena being studied. Methods of visual support of the material make it possible to achieve long-term concentration of pupils’ attention, as well as simultaneous impact on several of the child’s senses, which contributes to a more solid consolidation of the acquired knowledge. The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is one of the most pressing problems in preschool pedagogy. The existing programs “Land of Knowledge”, “Bukvariki - Smeshariki”, “Games for Tigers”, etc. provide enormous opportunities for developing children’s thinking, correcting speech disorders, teaching literacy, and visual arts.

Personality-oriented technologies

The purpose of this technology is to create democratic, partnership-based, humanistic relationships between the child and the teacher, as well as to provide conditions for the development of the personality of students. With a student-centered approach, the child’s personality is at the forefront of learning.

Person-centered technologies represent the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The teacher focuses on the unique, holistic personality of the child, striving for maximum realization of his capabilities, open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations. In traditional didactic systems, the basis of any pedagogical technology is explanation, and in student-centered education - understanding and mutual understanding.

Collaborative pedagogy is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical technologies. The pedagogy of cooperation was developed by Sh. A. Amonashvili. The name of this technology was given by a group of innovative teachers, whose experience summarized the best traditions of the Soviet school and the achievements of Russian and foreign technological and pedagogical science and practice (including K. D. Ushinsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

Gaming technologies- this is the foundation of all preschool education. In light of the Federal State Educational Standard, all preschool childhood should be devoted to play.

The purpose of gaming technology is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Gaming technologies in the educational process can first be used as individual game moments, which are especially important during the period of children’s adaptation to a child care institution. In the future, an important feature of gaming technologies is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities in the game, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the regime in the game.

Gaming technology includes:

Games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of an object, compare and contrast them;

Games for generalizing objects according to certain characteristics;

Games during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;

Games that develop self-control skills, develop speed of reaction to words, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

Preschool education technologies can be based on well-known educational methods or use their individual elements.

Popular among Russian kindergartens are the games by B. P. Nikitin “Steps of Creativity”, educational games by V. V. Voskobovich “Zaitsev’s Cubes”, logic games with Dynin’s blocks, “Cuisenaire’s Sticks”.

Teaching staff widely practice the technology of cultural and leisure work (games “Smart Men and Women”, “Star Hour”, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”).

The implementation of methods and techniques in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) gives a scientific and practical orientation to the educational process in a preschool institution. The methods of this technology are aimed at developing children’s research skills, creativity, and developing thinking, imagination and coherent speech. The effectiveness of this technology is also confirmed in preparing children for school, since it allows children to form the prerequisites for universal educational activities.

Each preschool institution has the right to choose existing methods and technologies of preschool education or develop their own. Preschool education technologies are designed to combine all methods into a single whole, providing a comprehensive educational process. The guarantee of the effectiveness of technologies is their practical origin, since they are developed by educators and teachers on the basis of their own repeated successful experience in raising children.

The introduction of new technologies may be due to a number of reasons. Innovative technologies in preschool education are used, first of all, to solve current problems, to improve the quality of services provided, and to fulfill the increasing demands of parents. In addition, competition is important when kindergartens compete for the title of the most modern preschool educational institution. The reward is well known - a large number of people want to get into this particular kindergarten.

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