An entertainment script about the rules of communication for children in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario for activating communication “We will open our hearts to goodness”

“Communication”, “Physical Education”, “Cognition”, “Music”.

Types of activities

Playful, communicative, educational, productive

Target: development of play activity and inclusion of children in verbal interaction with a puppet character.

Program tasks:

Form the need for physical activity

Strengthening physical health

Development of free communication with adults and children

To develop the ability to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) that are age-appropriate

Help your child master the appropriate vocabulary

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of children’s horizons, development of productive (constructive) activities

— development of musical and artistic activities

Demo material: puppet dog, modules (building material), ball, basket with small puppies, sun.

Activating the dictionary: booth, dog, puppy, cube, build, sun, green, yellow, big, small, kennel, basket.

Methods and techniques

A minute of entry into the day “Sunshine”, a surprise moment, a conversation, a specially organized problem situation, questions for children, a finger game “Bobik”, exercises for the eyes, designing a kennel for puppies.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children into the hall.

- Children, look at what a beautiful yard we find ourselves in. Who lives here? (children's answers). Look how the sun looks at you. Oh, somehow it seems to me that the sun is sad.

Let’s try to cheer him up so that he can shine even brighter for us.

Now we will do exercises for the sun.

The sun woke up children hold their hands

The forehead was touched on the forehead.

He stroked and stroked it with rays.

The sun woke up run with your hands

It touched my cheeks. On the cheeks.

He stroked and stroked it with rays.

The sun warmed the ray

It's getting warmer, getting warmer. They run their hands along

Our hands reached out cheeks and chin.

Our lips smiled.

- Now let's smile at each other. So that you and I have a very good mood. Look at the sun, how cheerful it has become and how brightly it illuminates our yard.

Look what a wonderful bench we have in our yard. Let's sit down on it and do gymnastics for the eyes. Close your eyes, open them. Several times. Now close your eyes tightly and open them.

Well guys, our eyes are ready to be surprised. Guys, it seems to me that someone is rushing towards us (Hurry music)

A dog is heard barking. Who is it that is rushing to visit us, let’s guess, maybe it’s a frog? No. Or maybe it’s a little mouse? No. Or maybe it's a bunny - let's run around.? No. Who is this? Dog. Now let me go and see who came to us. Yes kids, you're right, it's a dog.

Look guys, a dog came to visit us.

(a dog puppet appears)

To a cheerful song, the dog walks in a circle and dances. And the children clap their hands. The dog barks joyfully.

- Children, say hello to the dog.

Children come up and say hello to the dog.

The teacher asks the dog:- You, little dog, don’t bark, don’t scare our children.

Invites the children to say these words.

Educator: Let's ask our dog what's her name?

What is your name? The dog is silent.

- What do you think her name is? (Children name the dogs’ names)

The teacher invites Seryozha to ask: “Is your dog’s name Sharik?”

The dog is silent. Her name is not Sharik.

Children: You little dog Bobik!

- Woof, Woof? (the dog barks)

— That’s the name of our dog — Bobik

- What do you think? Is Bobik a boy or a girl? (children's answers)

Are there any boys among you, raise your hands (ask the same question to the girls)

- Woof, Woof? (the dog barks)

Bobik is glad that we have both boys and girls.

Do you guys like to play?

“And now Bobik will amuse us and carry out our commands.”

Lisa, tell the dog - Bobby sit! (the dog sits down)

-Misha, tell the dog-Bobik to stand! (the dog is standing)

— Dima, tell the dog - Bobik lie down! (the dog lies down)

— Alina, tell the dog - Bobbie jump! (the dog jumps)

Let's jump together. Children with a dog jump and clap their hands

Guys, the dog really liked these cubes, and she wants to show how great she can jump over them.

— Lisa, take the green cube and place it. What cube did Lisa bring? (individual work). Nikita will take the yellow cube and place it next to the green one. What color are the cubes? (different). What about size? (Identical). Correctly, the cubes are the same in size, but different in color - yellow and green. And now Bobik is ready to jump

- Lesha, tell the dog, “Bobby, jump!” (the dog jumps and falls, sad, comes back again, jumps does not work. It is necessary to show the children with facial expressions, gestures how the dog is preparing to jump and... it didn’t work out, the dog finds itself between the cubes with its head hanging... sad)

Educator: Guys, how can we help our dog? What needs to be done.

Children. I offer possible answers (You need to move the cubes)

- Sasha, tell the dog - Bobbie jump! (the dog jumps and barks joyfully)

The teacher invites the child. Misha manipulates Bobik on his own, and Bobik jumps.

Hush guys, the dog wants to tell me something. Bobik asks to play his favorite game called "Bobik"

Here is our nice dog Bobik. Put your palms together and open your mouth


White forehead, black nose . Show

Runs and barks, wags its tail. Running in place and wagging its tail

Let's take a deep breath, and let’s quickly exhale through our mouths and say – WOOF!

The dog thanks the children with its barking.

- Bobik, do you want to play with the children some more? (barks)

- Then try to find the ball.

(The teacher gives one child a ball, which he hides behind his back)

— Veronica, ask Bobik, look!

(the dog is looking for the ball, barking joyfully at the child)

The game is repeated 2-3 times

- Well done, Bobik, you are a real dog. Who can thank Bobik?

Say to Seryozha: “Well done Bobik, you are a nice dog.”

Children, pat Bobik on the head, he likes it.

— Bobik loves to sing and dance

Give Bobik a clap, he’s ready to perform.

The dog dances on the cube to cheerful music. The dog barks.

Educator: guys Bobik invites you to dance with her too.

— Children, clap your hands and thank Bobik for his performance.

Guys, do you know the names of children's dogs? Children, puppies. So our Bobik has little children (sons and daughters).

— Bobik brings in the puppies and distributes them to the children.

The teacher invites the children to lead the puppies by the strings.

Each child is given a cane in their hands, and they begin to control the puppets (to give them the opportunity to feel the beauty of working with their own personal toy).

“Children, let’s walk around the yard with the puppies and Bobik, just as we do exercises.”

- Now let’s jump and run.

- Let's breathe through our noses (they inhaled through their nose and exhaled and said woof.)

— Our puppies and Bobik were glad to meet you guys, but they were tired and would like to rest a little. - Guys, where do the dogs live, what is the name of their house? (children's answers. Booth. House).

- Where can we get a house - a booth? The teacher's leading questions can help children come to the correct answer. (Children's answers)

Look, we have building material.

Let's build a kennel for the puppies and Bobik (house) they will be warm and dry in it.

“Put your puppies on the chairs, and let’s go build.” Look what a big and beautiful house we have got. Do you think the puppies will fit in the kennel house? How to check? (the child demonstrates how the puppy fits in the house). And Bobik will fit in the booth house, he will be comfortable. Is Bobik much bigger than the puppies? What needs to be done to check that the work was done correctly?

The child independently places both the puppy and Bobik and draws his own conclusion. Now let's take our puppies and sing a lullaby for them.

A lullaby sounds, the children rock their puppies, put them in the kennel and leave for the group.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children: “What if you meet such a big dog on the street? What will you do? Is it possible to get close to dogs? »

Now, if the dog was on a leash like our Bobik, and we asked permission from the owner then...

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

Types of activities: gaming, communicative, educational, productive.

Integration with other educational areas

“Communication”, “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”.

The main task of the teacher– development of play activity and inclusion of children in verbal interaction with a puppet character that requires obtaining a certain result.

Program tasks:

Development of children's play activities (C)

Form the need for physical activity (F)

Strengthening physical and mental health (3)

Development of free communication with adults and children (K)

To develop the ability to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) that are age-appropriate (P)

To promote the child’s mastery of the appropriate vocabulary (K):

Independently name the signs and qualities of objects, survey actions, understand the meaning of the words big, small, green, yellow. Reinforce the concepts of height. Learn to analyze a building

Practice the ability to use nouns denoting baby animals.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of children’s horizons, development of productive (constructive) activities (P)

Demo material: puppet dog, modules (building material of different colors), ball, basket with small puppies, sun.

Activating the dictionary: booth, dog, puppy, cube, build, sun, green, yellow, big, small, kennel.

Methods and techniques

A minute of entry into the day “Sunshine”, a surprise moment “The Arrival of Bobik the Dog”, a conversation, a specially organized problem situation, questions for children, a finger game “Bobik”, exercises for the eyes, designing a kennel for puppies.

For class“Here the dog came running”, material was selected that dictates a certain sequence of actions. The main role, of course, is played by the children, the teacher and the game character - the dog Bobik. From a person who is very easy to control the cognitive activity of children. All types of objective activities involve individual work by the child or jointly with an adult.

Objects and actions with objects completely absorb the kids (the game “Hide the Ball”, “exercise for little puppies”, building a house-kennel for puppies)

Main task development of emotionality of speech and development of children's improvisational abilities in the process of theatrical play with a puppet doll (in this case with the dog Bobik). A child can easily remember such images as “Bobik jump”, “Bobik dance”, etc. based on clarity (Bobby jumps, looks for a ball, dances, etc.), but at the same time the child is also invited to enter into a dialogue with the toy.

As a teacher, throughout the entire lesson I did not force the kids to collaborate with objects ahead of time (this could only cause unnecessary conflicts).

Each child has his own puppy toy in his hands and his own ways of operating with it. Such individual activity with objects causes focus and concentration on the subject, a kind of “fascination” with one’s actions. This is a very important and valuable condition. Therefore, I tried not to interrupt individual work with objects; on the contrary, she fully supported her and created all possible conditions for her.

Game motivation: The dog Bobik, jumping over the cubes, cannot achieve the desired result. She cannot “jump from cube to cube”, since the cubes are pre-positioned at a great distance from each other. How can we help Bobik? Will the children be able to notice this and offer the correct answer (the cubes must be moved). Children's hypotheses: show execution again, move...

Problem situation during a play session, it aroused positive emotions: surprise, bewilderment, admiration, which helped the child with the desire to get involved in the search for a solution to the problem. And the problem is solved. Everyone is happy.

In the last part of the lesson Children, together with a teacher, build a house-kennel for Bobik and the puppies from large modules on their own. Three-dimensional construction is a good material for developing purposeful activity in a child. The example is, of course, set by an adult, but in order to interest children in such activities, the teacher uses play methods and suggests building a house for small puppies.

After the children built the structure, they were asked to check whether the dog, Bobik and the puppies, would fit into it. Thus, the baby himself determines whether he achieved the desired result and whether he acted correctly.

My main task as a teacher throughout the entire lesson was completed. All children were involved in playful and verbal interaction with the game character. In addition, the use of gaming techniques in the classroom expanded the children’s personal gaming experience.

teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Fairy Tale”,

r.p. Kochenevo, Kochenevsky district, NSO


Purpose of the lesson: to help students master all types of speech activity determined by given communication situations;

developing speech etiquette skills;

enriching children’s speech with linguistic means to express greetings, gratitude, etc.

Lesson format: posters with statements about the Russian language; table “Forms of speech”; recording of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other.”

Lesson progress:

    Organizational moment . /a recording of B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other” sounds/.

2.Teacher's opening speech .

Today we will talk about the culture of communication. Because we often communicate poorly, ineptly, and incomprehensibly.

You must be able to communicate! And learn this, and cultivate a culture of communication in yourself!

Communicating, acting with the help of language, we carry out one or another speech activity. A person acts when he speaks, writes or reads, when he listens to another.

Let's remember what forms of speech exist.

/Working with the table./

Oral speech is listening and speaking, written speech is reading and writing. After all, this is how we communicate with each other - verbally or in writing.

Imagine that you need to publish a small magazine that will help your peers learn how to properly communicate with each other.

Let's call the first page of this magazine “historical”.

    Examples of communication between people of different generations.


At different times people communicated in different ways. The surest way to get to know a person is to listen to how he speaks. Let's listen.

/Students come out one by one and say phrases/

    I am glad to welcome you, Igor Sergeevich.

My deepest bow, Pyotr Denisovich!

I have the honor to take my leave.

2. - Good health.

    Don't push! Don’t you see what’s standing here – are there eyes in the back of the head?

    - Lenka! Hi!

Hello! How are you?

Everything is fine! And you?

Nothing either. Well, everything!


/ Students' answers/

Teacher's comment:

People of the older generation retain in their use the words “be so kind,” “do not refuse kindness,” etc.

The speech properties of the middle generation are the most flexible. People of this generation are the link between young people and old people. But their speech (as we have just seen) depends on the degree of culture and education.

The speech of young people in their environment is relaxed and at ease. They can even say “you” to strangers, but equal in age and position.

But no matter what age and who you communicate with, your speech should always be quite cultured.

5.“ Let's compliment each other"

(B. Okudzhava’s song sounds)


We open the next page of our magazine. Tell me what we call a compliment, how do you understand this word?

/Students' answers/

Explanatory dictionaries call kind, pleasant words and flattering feedback a compliment. Let's write this word in a notebook, paying attention to the unstressed vowels /writing on the board and in notebooks/.

There are a lot of means of expressing approval and compliments in the Russian language. And all of them are addressed to the interlocutor, to the one with whom you are communicating. These are compliments related to appearance, belittling age, approving internal qualities, etc.

I propose a competition for the best compliment.

/Competition, competition results, prizes/


A compliment is an approval of our appearance, mind, actions, work. And approval is from the root good,” as are kindness, benevolence, and virtue. Good can be done with a word, by approving something in a person. So let's compliment each other! We have all the wealth of speech etiquette at our disposal!

5. Page three. “For a kind hello, there’s a kind answer.” .


You should always remember the properties of good speech: whether you are giving a report in class, just speaking in the company of friends, or directly communicating with your interlocutor. Let's look at several situations of such direct communication.

/Students stage dialogues between a seller and a buyer in a bookstore/.

    Polite seller and buyer.

    Impolite seller and polite buyer.

    Polite seller and impolite buyer.

Teacher. I think that you easily identified the correct and incorrect behavior of the characters /discussion of the proposed situations/.

Now let’s name and write down “polite” words that soften speech and help express a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor.

/Students name these words. Write on the board and in notebooks. Pay attention to spelling/.


Along with polite words, there are also rules of communication. Listen to them and try to remember them.

Pre-prepared students name the rules of communication:

    Try to make communication with you useful and pleasant for the person.

    Always be polite, friendly, and friendly in your communication.

    Learn to listen carefully to each other.

    Remember: it is impolite to talk too much about yourself while interrupting your interlocutor.

    Talk and write about things that might be of interest to the person you are communicating with. Consider his age and character.

    Learn to feel the mood of your interlocutor. Don't skimp on your smile and kind words.


And now you, each with your desk neighbor, make up dialogues, following the rules of communication and using polite words. The topic can be anything:

    An invitation to go somewhere together.

    Please help with difficult homework or bring an interesting book to read, etc.

/several dialogues are read and analyzed/


We have once again seen how important it is for every person to master speech culture, which is a witness to the level of general culture. No wonder the proverb says: “You are judged by your speech.”

6.The last page of the magazine is “creative”.


- On this page of our magazine we will talk about the written form of communication. A person acts in a variety of ways when he writes. For some, writing a letter is hard work. After all, writing is not the same as speaking. You must be able to put your thoughts on paper, and also master spelling - spelling and punctuation.

There are basic rules for correspondence: a polite tone of the letter, attention to the addressee and his questions, the ability to write little and briefly about yourself, more and more about others, write about interesting facts and events. When composing a letter, it is especially important not to cause unnecessary worry to the person or cause offense.

And now the task - try to write a short letter to a friend or acquaintance. Through a letter, let him feel your mood, your attitude towards this person. A bit of humor doesn't hurt either.

/Complete the task. Some works are read and discussed.


The last page of our magazine has closed. And it’s good if you think about it: do children always communicate correctly with their parents, and teenagers with adults? Is everything always good in this sense for passengers on transport or those standing in line? What about our conversations with loved ones and friends?

And I would like to say one more thing, which is especially valued in communication. This is a smile. You don't need a smile for yourself. Smiling is for other people. So let's smile at each other so that you and I can feel good, easy and joyful!

/The lesson ends with B. Okudzhava’s song/.

Integrated educational areas: communication, socialization, cognition, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music.
Forms directly educational activities: situation-exercise, reading, situational conversation, game, role-playing exercises.
Target joint activities of an adult and a child: to form an idea of ​​​​good and evil, to show the beauty of good deeds and not the beauty of evil ones; consolidate the idea of ​​good and evil using facial expressions, intonations, and gestures; make it clear that every person is given freedom of choice: to do good or evil; teach empathy.
Materials and equipment: a set of yellow and brown cards according to the number of children; toys that are new and inappropriate, according to the number of children in the group; audio recording of the song “What is kindness.”
Description of activity.
1. Sound recording of the song “What is kindness” performed by the group “Barbariki”.
2.Reading a poem followed by a conversation about goodness.
Is it easier to be good or evil?
It's probably easier for the evil ones.
Being kind means giving
Your warmth to others.
To be kind means to understand

Both loved ones and strangers
And sometimes you don’t know joy,
Caring for others.
Of course, it is more difficult for good,
And yet look:
How many friends he has!
And there is always only one evil one...

3. Situational conversation.
- Guys, what do you think is good? (children's reasoning). One good thing is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. You can see such goodness and even touch it with your hands. Another good thing you can hear is music, sincere poetry, gentle words. But there is such good that every person should have: you, and I, and your parents. This is a kind heart, a kind soul, kind words to help those who are in trouble. About such people they say “Good person”.

4. Game “Choose a toy.” Children are invited to the carpet where toys are laid out. The teacher offers to choose the one from the toys that you would like to play with. (New toys are offered and toys that have an untidy appearance, some defects, for example, a broken wheel on a car, or a doll missing a hand.) After the children have chosen their toys, find out why they chose this or that toy. Ask why there are those toys that no one chose. Lead the children to the idea that apparently they were treated poorly, not kindly, invite the children to fix damaged toys in their free time.
5. Role-playing gymnastics: using facial expressions and pantomime, depict a good or evil deed. (Someone takes turns depicting what is planned, and the rest are trying to guess whether the intention is good or evil.)
6. Situation-exercise “Unfinished sentences.” The teacher reads unfinished sentences to you, and the children must come up with a good and bad ending for them.
The girl found a kitten...
The boy found a forgotten toy and...
Mom got sick and her son...
The old grandmother dropped her wand and...
The children made a beautiful snowman, and Misha, passing by...
All the children were putting away the toys in the group, and Kolya at this time...
The girl Tanya cut her finger, and her friend...
The little girl got lost and Sveta...

Lesson plan

Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Development of OK in students

Opening remarks

Motivate students' interest and desire to express themselves in extracurricular activities. Create conditions for the development of OK

Students listen to the teacher, reflect, analyze, and enter into dialogue. Plan activities.

Create conditions for the development of OK.

Creation of an initiative group whose task is to organize the whole thing, involving the entire staff of the study group in the work.

Student performance

Monitors the work process and evaluates students’ activities, ability to present themselves and prepared information, confidence on stage, ability to work in a team, and participate in dialogue.

Students demonstrate their abilities, creativity, logical thinking, and independence.

OK - Organize your own activities. OK - Determine methods, methods of activity, follow the sequence of actions in the allotted time. OK - use different sources of information.

OK - Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues and management.

OK - use information technology in professional activities.

Developing rules for communication in a group

The teacher proposes and reasons the rules.

They listen, engage in dialogue, analyze, discuss, accept rules.

OK - Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management,

OK - Analyze the work situation, organize your own activities

Summing up

A collective analysis of the completed creative work is carried out at the end of the performance. Analyzes the progress of preparation of the event and speech, the active participation of students, discussion of the relevance of the topic itself.

Analyzes the presentation, identifies all the pros and cons of his work, and draws conclusions.


OK - Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues and management.

OK - Analyze the work situation, organize your own activities

OK - organize your own activities, bear responsibility for the results of your work.

Developer Veselova V.N.

GBOU SPO SO "Kachkanar Mining and Industrial College"

Class hour script

Topic: “Communication and us”

Objectives: to show that the ability to communicate is a very important aspect of human life; help students demonstrate their communication skills; develop a set of rules for communicating in a group for comfortable coexistence.

Preparatory work.

Offer students questions for dialogue:

What is communication?

What does a person need in order to experience joy from communication?

Is it possible to learn how to communicate with people correctly?

Materials for class hour

Discussion of statements by famous thinkers about communication.

1 presenter:

Good afternoon, dear students and teachers! Today we have gathered to talk about something important – human communication. This topic is studied in many subjects such as psychology, literature, social studies, etc.

Goal: talk about how we learn to communicate with people, what kind of communication we should refuse, and what we need in order to experience joy from communicating with each other.

2 presenter:

John Amos Komensky said: “A proverb or a saying is a short and clever statement of some kind in which one thing is said and another is implied, that is, the words speak about some external physical, familiar object, but hint at something internal, spiritual, less familiar.”

1 presenter:

A.A. Pushkin wrote: “ the evening I listen to fairy tales and thereby compensate for the shortcomings of my damned upbringing”

2 presenter:

Let's listen and watch the Moldavian fairy tale “The Cook and the Tsar”

Once upon a time there lived a king. (The king comes out)

He once invited foreign kings and various advisers to an honest feast with musicians. Three days before the feast, the king summoned the cook, (the cook comes out) gave him money and ordered: Go, buy at the market the best and most expensive thing in the world, so that only selected dishes will be on the table.

And then the guests gathered. The king seated them at the tables and ordered food to be served. The cook served each person a piece of tongue, the guests ate it, the king again ordered the next dish to be brought, the cook brought it again and distributed a tongue to all the guests. The guests cannot understand anything. They look at each other in surprise.

One of the guests: - why don’t they treat us with anything else, but only with tongue?

Didn’t I order you to buy you the best, the most expensive thing in the world?

Cook: - Most Bright Tsar! Is there anything in the world better and more valuable than language? Language can do everything - place kings on the throne, stop wars and make peace.

Guests: Let the cook go to the market again and buy there the worst thing in the world.

The king tells him:

King: Didn’t I order you to buy the worst thing in the world?

Blessed King! Could anything in the world be worse than language? After all, language can spoil and destroy everything - friendship, harmony, and peace!

1 presenter:

Now answer the questions about the fairy tale.

1 What would you buy at the market if you were the cook?

2 give examples from life and literature when language helped people make friends or, conversely, destroyed their friendship.

3 What should a person’s speech be like for people to be drawn to him?

Verse by V. Poltoratsky A word about words

Words are different - sometimes practical, sometimes idle

Either honest, truthful, or flattering, false.

There is a word for consolation and a word for suffocation.

There are sober and drunk, crafty, foggy.

There are clean, diamond ones, and there are shamelessly dirty ones.

Some will help, straighten, others will erase the soul

There is speech that burns with fire, and there is speech that stinks of decay.

Words of the highest valor and the lowest meanness...

Poet, you are destined to sow seeds in your soul

So this is nothing other than the purest choice.

Not evil or lascivious, but good, truthful,

So that the bread of kindness is crushed by the field of eternity

Verse “As we speak, so we live”

I don’t know where to “run”

We pollute our speech

We live either “cool” or in “outfit”

But mostly I'm offended by life

"pancakes" hang on the tongue

And harsh words

And blasphemy, blasphemy, blasphemy flies from the lips endlessly

And so that we can change our lives

You need to learn to speak!

Cleanse our speech from filth

It will help the soul and nerves

This will cure our condition

Speech requires enormous attention

What if we start watching our language?

Why do people clog up their speech by using swear words, and how to deal with it? If a person uses swear words in his speech, does it mean that he is bad?

Sketch “why are people rude”

Daughter: Dad, why does everyone around you call you rude names?

Father: Because it’s easier for people to express their emotions. At first a person swears when he feels bad, and then he gets used to always using rude words.

Daughter: There are so many words in the language! Why should you use the coarsest ones?

Father: To say it differently, you need to make an effort on yourself before thinking, and not everyone is capable of this.

Daughter: But I don’t like communicating with rude people

Father: look not at the words, but at the person’s deeds, sometimes rude words are like a bad habit, but this does not mean that the person is bad.

Daughter: He may be good, but it’s impossible to talk to him.

Father: if you talk to him differently, his bad habit will disappear.

Wait, the master stopped him - is this story true?

Student: - I think not

Master: - will it bring benefit to anyone?

Student: - no

Master: - is she funny?

Student: - no...

Master: - then why should I listen to her!

One day, a rich lady came to the righteous man for advice. She said that she also wants to become a righteous woman, but she has one drawback that she cannot overcome. And she told the righteous man that she has a habit of gossiping about people. and no matter how hard she tries, she cannot get rid of it.

    The righteous man answered well. Go to the market and buy a chicken there. When you return home, pluck the feathers and throw them on the road. Then come back to me

    The rich lady was surprised to hear this, but she respected the righteous man and did everything as he ordered.

    “Very good,” said the righteous man, you completed the first task. Go to the market again, and as you walk along the road, try to collect all the feathers that you scattered yesterday.

    But this is not possible, said the woman

    The wind blew all the feathers in different directions. I won't be able to collect them anymore.

    The woman said thank you, I understood a lot from your lesson and went home.

Presenter: (asks questions to the audience)

Why is spreading rumors dangerous?

Can rumors and slander destroy the truth?

Complete the sayings


You can’t throw it on someone else’s mouth handkerchief. (Russian proverb)

Rumor makes the pig fatter what she is. (German proverb)

Don't judge others look at yourself! Take the burrs off yourself first. (Russian proverb)

The smaller the heart, the longer the tongue. (Italian proverb)

Where there is a spider, there is a web. (Russian proverb)

Not everyone knows who is on it barks. (Russian proverb)

Slander is like coal: it won’t burn, so will get dirty.(Russian proverb)

If I had enough ink, I would blacken everyone. (Russian proverb)

Don't throw anything into the dirt - you splashes. (Indian proverb)

Presenter: Well done, thanks for the answers!

Russian psychologist A.I. Kachetov identified the following rule of communication:

You need to understand what the other person wants. We become needed by people by sharing their hobbies.

Host: It is necessary to get to know the world of other people, to learn to see life from their point of view.

Do not judge people behind their eyes, do not collect gossip about them, do not pass on gossip. Don’t allow them to speak ill of your acquaintances whom you know well; resolutely stop anyone who dares to discuss them behind their backs.

Know how to listen to people without interrupting. Everything they say is very important to them, even if it seems secondary to you.

Smile at people more often, especially if you sincerely appreciate them.

A smile is a signal of good relations between people!


(at the beginning of the event)

In this huge world in which you and I live,

There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.

Let's learn together to take care of each other and love each other,

Together we will learn to shine on each other like stars.

In spring the water will rustle,

In winter the winds will sing.

Come on, Friends, always

Wish each other well!

Let us not be graded at school for the generosity of our Souls,

Just take it one day and do Good,

And then in the cold there will be a nagging smell of spring,

And then there will be more than one smile on Earth!

Hundreds of roads await us, but everyone will have their own,

And, of course, Friends will help you get to your goal.

So that our long-time dreams come true soon,

Let the main lesson always be the lesson of Kindness!

2 songs for the ending

If you leave the house frowning

If you don't enjoy a sunny day

Let him smile at you as if he were a friend

The guy you meet is not at all familiar to you

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you again

If you and your beloved are suddenly quarreled by chance

Often those who love quarrel for nothing

You look into each other's eyes, look better

Sometimes looks speak better than words

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you again

If someone else was thrown into misfortune

And this act penetrated your heart

Remember how many good people there are

We have a lot more of them, remember them

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you again

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you again

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Scenario of the Polite Communication Studio for kindergarten

Polite Communication Studio- a new type of holiday with an educational focus. Children act as active participants in what is happening, conduct a dialogue with the presenter, ask and answer questions.
* * *
The studio screensaver of Polite Communication is playing on the screen.
The presenter enters.
Leading. - Hello. My name is (name of the presenter) I welcome you to our Polite Communication Studio. Here we will play, complete exciting tasks, and answer questions. We will do all this in order to learn to be polite and friendly when communicating with each other.
Our correspondent visited the kindergarten. The kindergarten staff will now ask you questions. Attention to the screen! We look and listen carefully.
The presenter shows a pre-filmed video and conducts an interview with the audience.
- What is a greeting?
- Why do we greet each other?
- What greeting words do you know?
Leading: - I suggest you play the game “Polite Greeting”. The one to whom I throw the ball will have to say his own greeting in response to my greeting. Let's try it.
Hello! - Good afternoon!
Nice to see you! - Mutually!
I wish you good health! - Good morning!
Greetings, my friend! - Hello!
What friendly children! Amazing!
The Veselinka theater group has prepared a surprise for the guests of our studio. Let's welcome them!
Costume dramatization of G. Lazdyn’s poem “Good morning!” (children of the older group).
- Hello, white chamomile!
- Hello, speckled bug!
- Hello, bee! Fluffy bumblebee!
- Hello, Christmas tree! Fragrant bush!
- How are you doing, you little mustachioed bug?
With a black striped back?!
- Hello, Hello! Good morning!

With a gentle, fair wind! –
The Christmas tree waved its paw,
A bee hummed gently.
The mustachioed beetle echoed the bee
With a black striped back.
A fluffy bumblebee and a bug,
And the big-eyed daisy
She shook her petals.
Apparently she also answered:
- Good morning, warm and clear!
With a bright satin sun!

We thank our guests.
Attention to the screen. New questions from kindergarten staff.
- Is it possible to greet an adult with the word “hello”? Why?
- When is it better to greet not with a word, but with a bow or a hand gesture?
- How did the first handshake appear?
Leading: It seems that this question was not so simple. Let's invite history professor Oleg Efremovich Vseznaykin to our studio.
- Hello, Oleg Efremovich.
- Hello. Thank you for inviting me to the Polite Communication Studio.
- Oleg Efremovich, please tell us how the world's first handshake appeared.
There are different opinions on this matter. I'll tell you one of the versions.
Slide film “How the first handshake appeared.”
In the Stone Age, all people walked with stones and therefore were very impolite. For example, one person will meet another and instead of saying: “Good afternoon! How do you feel?”, he will simply hit the person he meets on the head with a stone and immediately see how he feels.
But this is a matter of luck. Today you are me, tomorrow I am you.
And times in the Stone Age were already difficult: mammoths walk and wander, just look, they will step on your foot, saber-toothed tigers sparkle with their sabers.
One day one man came out of his cave into the street, into a dense forest... He walked and walked, there was no one around, apparently everyone had killed each other. Only a few days later he met another and was so happy that he threw away his stone and ran towards him. But the other one turned out to be very timid and immediately swung a stone ax. Then our man extended both hands: look, I have nothing.
This is how the world's first handshake, the world's first friendship and... the world's first politeness came about.
Host: What an interesting and instructive story.
Oleg Efremovich, there are also such original greetings, which are called greeting rituals. What can you tell us about them?
Professor: Welcome rituals are like a game with different movements. With their help, people can greet each other cheerfully.
Leading: Can you show the guys some kind of welcome ritual?
Professor: Of course, I'll show you. Watch carefully and remember!
The presenter and the professor stand facing each other and perform movements to the music, then the children stand up, break into pairs and greet each other using a ritual greeting.
Clap your hands, clap both hands towards each other. – 2 times
Shake hands with your right hands, then with your left hands. – 2 times.
Patting each other on the right shoulder, then on the left shoulder - 2 times.
Hug each other on the right side and on the left.
Host: What a fun greeting we got!

Leading: I'll tell you what if
Let's all be polite
The sun will play
The little dawn will rise.
Flowers will bloom.
Chicks are chirping in the nests.
Let's make our friends happy.
The world will become brighter for everyone!
Our meeting has come to an end. We hope that when you meet adults, friends, and loved ones, you will not forget to smile and say greetings.
The song “What is Hello” is playing

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