Northern Fleet of Russia. Northern Fleet ships

Russia's Northern Fleet is considered the youngest: its age is only about 80 years. But attempts to create it have been made repeatedly. 300 years ago, by order of Peter I, a shipyard was built in the North, and a year later ships appeared to guard merchant ships. Only half a century later, permanent formations of warships appeared in the North.

History of creation

It was in Arkhangelsk that the first northern shipyard appeared. The corresponding order of Tsar Peter I was issued in 1693, and a year later the frigate "St. Paul" and the yacht "St. Peter", together with the purchased ship "Holy Prophecy", protected merchant caravans during the passage to the Baltic.

Russian harbors and the coastal strip were periodically subjected to plunder by the Swedes, so in 1740 a squadron of guard ships was formed. They guarded the water area from the Kara to the Norwegian Sea.

Much water has passed under the bridge since those years, ships, crews and times have changed; the first full-fledged northern flotilla was formed only in 1933. The People's Commissar of Defense of that time signed a decree on sending ships of the Baltic Fleet to the Kola Bay for service with a permanent base in the city of Murmansk. The commander of the Northern Flotilla was the flagship of the 1st rank Zakhar Aleksandrovich Zakupnev. The flotilla included two destroyers, two patrol ships and two submarines.

To maintain the fleet, a permanent base in the North was required, and in 1933 construction began in Polyarny. Weather conditions were not conducive to the construction process, but this did not stop people. Two years later, the base was ready, and 21 salvos were fired from the destroyer Karl Liebknecht in honor of the transition of the Northern Fleet ships to their permanent home base.

Merits of the Northern Fleet

The ships in the north had many tasks. In addition to protecting the coasts and escorting merchant ships, it was necessary to explore the northern lands and waters. The government of the Soviet Union invariably noted such achievements as the passage of submarines to the island of Novaya Zemlya for the first time in winter or the passage through the extremely narrow and shallow Matochkin Shar Strait between the islands of Novaya Zemlya. Two destroyers were the first to sail along the northern sea route, opening a waterway to the Far East. Knowledge of one's own waters and lands increased the capabilities of naval formations and overall defense capability.

Various exercises were carried out periodically. The inhospitable North, with its climate and unpredictable sea, could not prevent the construction of military repair bases, airfields for aviation, coastal defense structures and workers' settlements and cities for workers and the military. In the spring of 1937, the People's Commissar ordered the reorganization of the flotilla into the Northern Sea Fleet.

Thanks to all this, it became possible to explore the North with less risk, and since 1937, polar scientists began to actively operate at the North Pole. Fleet aviation actively helped them in this. The pilots learned how to land planes on ice, fly in conditions of limited visibility and low temperatures; in case of emergency, the Northern Fleet came into action; icebreakers and submarines were sent to the scientists, which ultimately saved human lives more than once.

In those days there were no nuclear submarines, but diesel submarines were already setting records. The submarine "D-1" covered a distance of 11 thousand miles in 1938; it took her 120 days to do so. Two years later, the submarine Shch-423 crossed the Northern Sea Route and passed from the base in Polyarny to Vladivostok.

Northern Fleet in war conditions

The war with Finland began. The Northern Fleet took an active part in the hostilities. The ports of Petsamo and Liinahamari were captured to isolate Finland from the help of its allies.

These were difficult times for the entire Soviet people, because on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The Russian Northern Fleet heroically fought and defended the borders of its country. There were constant battles with ships and submarines, ports and foreign ships with cargo were guarded. At any time of the day and in any weather, the Severomorsk soldiers were on guard.

The war gave a strong impetus to the development of weapons. New destroyers, submarines, and cruisers began to arrive. In 1955, an experimental launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine was made in the White Sea, and the very next year the Northern Fleet acquired such a submarine, the B-67.

Modern fleet

Nowadays the fleet is unrecognizable. The ships of the Northern Fleet amaze with their power, speed and maneuverability. Old ships that saw the dawn of the Soviet Union are still in service, but alongside them there are nuclear, missile and torpedo submarines, missile ships, aircraft carriers, landing ships of various sizes, as well as naval aviation.

Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet

Any fleet includes marines for action on the shore, capturing naval bases and storming enemy ships. On May 5, 1943, the beginning of the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet was laid when, on the basis of the Marine Rifle Brigade, the 61st Rifle Regiment was created, which later became the 61st separate Kirkenes Red Banner Marine Regiment.

Until now, the regiment has mastered the art of parachute jumping in the Airborne Division in Pskov, repeatedly participated in parades in Moscow, honed the skill of landing ashore from landing ships, and participated in strategic exercises at sea and on land. In 1997, the 876th Separate Marine Brigade received the prize from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for excellent combat training, and in December of the following year it became part of permanent combat readiness.

At the Zapad-99 exercises, the brigade was recognized as the best in tactics and fire training, and was awarded the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy; not only the Northern Fleet participated in the exercises. Murmansk also presented the brigade with the challenge cup of the governor of the Murmansk region, recognizing it as the “Best coastal unit of the Northern Fleet.”

The fighting in Chechnya and Dagestan did not escape the Marines. In the period from September 1999 to June 2000, the tactical group took part in the liquidation of bandit groups. For nine months, the Marines showed their skills in hot battles, made landings on heights, set up ambushes and, in addition to awards and respect, earned the highest ratings from the command.

Last year, Marine training focused on operations in the Arctic zone. They continue to practice parachute jumps, shoot artillery and small arms, in general, the Marines of the Northern Fleet maintain and improve their combat training.

Armament of the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet

The Marine Corps uses a standard set of weapons and equipment for this type of troops. There is a sufficient fleet of amphibious BTR-80 and MTLB tractors, self-propelled mortars "Gvozdika" and "Nona" and even T-80 tanks. From portable and small arms they are armed with mortars, ATGMs, MANPADS, AK-74 assault rifles and its modifications, various types of machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, as well as general communications equipment and electronic warfare equipment.

Strategic importance

The Russian Northern Fleet is of great importance for the country. Warships are the guarantor of the security of the North. North Sea residents protect the economic and political interests of their state, ensure the safety of navigation and trade, and protect civilian ships from pirates. Maintaining the Northern Fleet and its nuclear potential in readiness helps deter claims from potential adversaries.

June 1 marks the day of the youngest military fleet of Russia - Northern Fleet Day. At the same time, in terms of combat potential and equipment, the “young” Northern Fleet is capable of giving odds to any other naval formation.

It is no coincidence that Northern Fleet Day is celebrated on June 1st. It was on this day in 1933 that the Northern Naval Flotilla was formed. In the Russian Federation, the date of celebration of Northern Fleet Day was designated by order No. 253 of 1996 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The mentioned Northern Naval Flotilla was formed on the basis of a special circular from the Chief of Staff of the Red Army, Alexander Egorov.

Less than 4 years later, namely on May 11, 1937, the Northern Naval Flotilla received a new name - the Northern Fleet, and today the main tasks set by the command for the personnel of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation are:

maintaining naval strategic nuclear forces in constant readiness in the interests of nuclear deterrence;
protection of the economic zone and areas of production activity, suppression of illegal production activities;
ensuring navigation safety;
carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (visits, business visits, joint exercises, actions as part of peacekeeping forces, etc.)

The appearance of a circular from the Red Army Headquarters on the creation of a naval flotilla in the northern direction, of course, cannot be called the starting point for the emergence of domestic naval military power on the northern sea frontiers. Since pre-Petrine times, the importance of the northern direction has been assessed. During the reign of Peter I, the first serious naval victories came in this direction. Thus, in the summer of 1701, at the walls of the Novodvinsk fortress, a victory was won over the naval forces of Sweden, with which Russia was at war (the Northern War). Historiography suggests that this is also Russia’s first naval victory in the Northern War itself. This victory made it possible to prevent the Swedes from capturing Arkhangelsk, a strategic port in the region at that time.

The Northern Sea Route is also the well-known flotilla of the Arctic Ocean, which began to take shape in the Russian Empire in the pre-revolutionary year 1916. The main bases of the flotilla were Yokangsky Pogost (today – ZATO Ostrovnoy with one of the bases of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation based in Gremikha) and Murmansk.

Gremikha (photo from 2013):

A year later, the flotilla included about nine dozen ships and auxiliary vessels. From the historical notes of N. Zalessky “The Arctic Ocean Flotilla in the Civil War” and the military-historical publication by A. Taras “Ships of the Russian Imperial Navy” on the military-technical equipment of the flotilla for October-November 1917:

1 battleship (“Chesma”),

2 cruisers (“Askold” and “Varyag”),
6 destroyers (destroyers) (two types of "Mechanical Engineer Zverev" - "Captain Yurasovsky" and "Lieutenant Sergeev", two types of "Whale" - "Silent" and "Fearless" and two types of "Forel" - "Vlastny" and " Grozovoy"),
1 submarine (“St. George”),
1 minelayer (“Ussuri”),
18 messenger ships,
43 minesweepers,
4 hydrographic vessels,
3 vehicles,
8 port ships,
2 icebreakers (“Svyatogor” and “Mikula Selyaninovich”).

The further fate of the Arctic Ocean flotilla in connection with the Civil War that broke out in 1918 looks very tragic. Already at the first stage of the war, most of the ships were transferred to the “allies” of the Entente, who carried out the invasion of Russia. Although the term “were transferred,” to put it mildly, does not quite accurately explain the essence of what happened. According to documents, the ships were removed from bases “for repairs” (mainly by the British and French), but in reality, most of the ships were simply captured, their Russian crews were completely disbanded. Britain has especially tried in this regard...

After the signing of the document on the creation of the Northern Fleet (Northern Sea Flotilla), the Soviet Union began the large-scale formation of a truly strike naval force in the northern direction. In fact, the Federation Council, still going through the next stage of formation, faced a severe test, which became a test for the entire Fatherland. We are, of course, talking about the Great Patriotic War. A remarkable fact is that the Northern Fleet increased its military-technical potential during the years of the great war. Data on the composition of the fleet by June 22, 1941:

submarines - 15;
patrol ships – 7;
destroyers – 8;
aircraft - 116.

By 1945 the fleet consisted of:

submarines - 42;
destroyers - 17;
patrol ships - 51;
minesweepers - 43;
anti-submarine ships - 45;
battleship – 1 (“Arkhangelsk”);
cruiser – 1 (“Murmansk”);
aircraft – 718.

Many warships and aircraft ended up as part of the Northern Fleet after the division of the Italian fleet and under the Lend-Lease program. Thus, the military assistance provided to the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War became a kind of technical “compensation” for what was exported from Russia abroad in 1918-1919. The compensation was significant, but it cannot be called gratuitous...

During the Second World War, the Northern Fleet was noted not only for the fact that it significantly increased in military-technical potential, but also for the fact that it suffered the least losses among all the Soviet fleets that fought. This indicates the success of the command, which in September 1941 was assumed by then Rear Admiral Arseny Golovko, a native of the village of Prokhladnaya (Kabardino-Balkaria), which belongs to the Terek Cossack army.

Arseny Grigorievich ended up in the navy in 1925. An interesting episode of his biography is that he wanted to get an agricultural education, but just a few months after starting his studies at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow, he was drafted into the navy as part of a popular practice at that time - Komsomol recruitment. This moment in his biography became a turning point and fateful for Arseny Golovko - in 1928 he graduated from the Frunze Naval School, in 1938 he became a graduate of the Naval Academy. In 1936, Golovko volunteered to go to Spain. And during the war years, it was under his command that the Northern Fleet achieved brilliant victories.

According to the archives of the Navy, during the Great Patriotic War, irretrievable losses of Northern Fleet personnel amounted to 10,905 people. At the same time, the fleet inflicted colossal damage on the enemy - about 53 thousand irretrievable losses of enemy personnel. The Northern Fleet of the USSR destroyed more than two hundred warships and auxiliary vessels, more than 1.2 thousand enemy aircraft and about four hundred transports of Nazi Germany and its allies.

One of the most striking feats of the North Sea sailors during the Second World War was the heroic defense of the Rybachy Peninsula, which lasted for 1273 days.

During the Great Patriotic War, 85 representatives of the Northern Fleet personnel received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three of them became twice Heroes: Alexander Shabalin (later Rear Admiral), Viktor Leonov (fleet reconnaissance detachment commander) and Boris Safonov (Northern Fleet pilot who shot down two dozen aircraft enemy). A village in the Murmansk region bears the name of Boris Safonov.

Today, the Northern Fleet is the steel fist of Russia, which can deal a crushing blow to any enemy if it encroaches on Russian borders. The Northern Fleet's naval personnel are being replenished with new units of equipment as part of the rearmament of the army and navy, and this fact cannot but rejoice.

"Military Review" congratulates the personnel and veterans of the Northern Fleet on the holiday! The motto remains valid as always: The Northern Fleet will not let you down!

Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy

Patch of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy

Total information

Number of members

Technique (as of 2014):

  • Underwater equipment - 45 units;
  • Surface equipment - 38 units.

Military conflicts

Order of the Red Banner

Northern Fleet- the newest fleet in Russia, it has existed for 83 years. Formed on June 1, 1933 as the Northern Military Flotilla. On May 11, 1937, the flotilla was transformed into the Northern Fleet. The fleet is deployed in the seas of the Arctic Ocean, with a base currently located in the city of Severomorsk. The Northern Fleet gained its first large-scale combat experience during the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939 - 1940, and the Northern Fleet also made a huge contribution to the Great Patriotic War, for which it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. At the moment, the fleet has ships of all types and classes, the fleet meets all the innovations in military equipment and weapons. Currently headed by Admiral Vladimir Ivanovich Korolev.


Prerequisites for creation

In September 1906, Rear Admiral I.F. Bostrema received a mission to study the terrain of the Northern Expanse and its coastline, for the establishment and construction of a future base for the northern fleet. Having received a couple of armadillos at my disposal. “Tsesarevich” and “Glory”, he laid out a route from the Baltic Sea, skirting Scandinavia, to the north, planning to explore and visit Catherine Harbor, Pechenga Bay and Teriberka.

Creation of a commission

In the summer of 1907, in dire need of action to create a fleet, a special commission was urgently formed under the command of Captain 2nd Rank A.G. Butakov. The purpose of the commission was to more thoroughly study and select a location for the future basing of the fleet. The cruiser Almaz was chosen for this task. Having completed its mission in September 1907, the commission encountered a number of difficulties and difficulties in resolving this issue, and the commission failed to get significantly closer to its goal. In particular, the Northern Sea Route was difficult to master, and no money was allocated for its study at that time. Only enthusiasts and rare scientists showed interest in this, which was not sufficient for the full picture, the construction of a base in the North.

Possible locations for building a base.

  • Catherine's harbor;
  • Pechenga;
  • bays of the Rybachy Peninsula;
  • city ​​of Arkhangelsk.

War as fleet progress

The creation of a fleet in the North was prompted by the First World War, which began on July 19, 1914, the largest powers, the leaders, in the struggle for new territories, encroached on the integrity of Russia, significantly new equipment appeared on the battlefield, which had not previously served in battles, these are aviation and submarines boats. Russia at that time had well-developed Baltic and Black Sea fleets, but sea routes of communication on these seas were unsafe, since in the Baltic Sea Russia was fighting the German fleet, and in the Black Sea, Turkey, the Kaiser’s ally, did not loosen its grip. Also Russia had a Far Eastern fleet, but it was inconvenient because it was located at a great distance, and convoys would take a very long time to travel this route. And at that time, the Northern Fleet with its port of Arkhangelsk was the most convenient and safe.

But new weapons and battles had long crossed the borders of land, and they unfolded on a full scale on the water, the Germans had submarines, ships at their disposal, laid minefields, in order to confront and conduct a successful military campaign, the urgent question arose of creating a strong fleet in the North, with its own bases and coastal defense. Before this, there was not a single warship in the North, only merchant ships.

At the beginning of 1916, the first special defense detachment in the North was formed (converted from commercial and fishing vessels.)

  • cruiser "Kolguev";
  • cruiser "Vasily the Great";
  • minesweeper "Vostok";
  • hydrographic vessel "Khariton Laptev";
  • minelayer "Ussuri".

With the introduction of the mine threat to ships and ships between the Kola Bay and Arkhangelsk, it was necessary to create an intermediate base of the Northern Fleet for basing ships and mine clearing trawls. Iokangskaya Bay was an ideal place for this, being located on the approaches to the throat of the White Sea. On this occasion, the command developed a plan to carry out the construction of the base in a short time, but due to the difficult conditions of the war, this plan was never fully realized, and the bay was used only for temporary stops. Not perceiving a real threat, and due to inaction, in the summer of 1915, German mines began to blow up merchant ships. Having promptly responded to the situation, the command created a permanent trawling detachment, which was based in the Arkhangelsk port; for a faster response, they were converted from commercial and fishing vessels.

Formation of the Arctic Ocean flotilla

In July 1916, the formation of the Arctic Ocean flotilla was officially announced by order of the maritime department. Initially, it was subordinated to Vice Admiral A.P. Ugryumov, commander-in-chief of the city of Arkhangelsk and the White Sea region. In October of the same year, the post of flotilla commander was introduced, combined with the post of commander-in-chief, which was occupied by Vice Admiral L.F. Korovin (Kerber).

The flotilla being created was to consist of:

  • A detachment of cruisers and destroyers;
  • Trawling Division;
  • Detachment of vessels for the defense of the Kola Bay;
  • a detachment of vessels protecting the water area of ​​the Arkhangelsk port;
  • Communication service vessels;

The flotilla bases were planned:

  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Yokanga;
  • Catherine Harbor in the Kola Bay.

Flotilla tasks:

  • escorting merchant ships behind minesweepers through minefields;
  • covering convoys from attacks by light and auxiliary cruisers and enemy submarines;
  • protecting their ports and coasts.

Based on these tasks, as well as the flotilla’s basing system and its methods of action, the Naval General Staff proposed dividing the Northern Maritime Theater into three operational zones:

  • the first zone included the southern part of the Barents Sea and extended from the Norwegian border to the meridian of Cape Holy Nose.
  • the second included the throat of the White Sea, its border from the north ran along the line Svyatoy Nos - Kanin Nos, and from the south - along the line Soskovets Island - Cape Intsy.
  • the third part is the White Sea along with the Dvina, Kandalaksha and Onega bays.

Although this plan of the naval general staff did not take into account the theater's needs for naval forces, it was approved in February 1916, and the Navy Ministry began deploying the flotilla. By this time, two formations of ships of the trawling party and a detachment guarding the water area of ​​the Arkhangelsk port were already in the North.

Manning the flotilla: To staff the flotilla, it was decided to use mainly ships located in the Far East, as well as Russian ships captured by the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 - 1905.

  1. squadron battleships "Poltava", "Peresvet" and the cruiser "Varyag" (In March 1916, the tsarist government purchased from Japan for 15 million rubles in gold, which were sunk during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905 and then raised from the bottom of the sea and repaired by the Japanese).
  2. destroyers "Vlastny" and "Grozovoy" (arrived in the first half of 1916).
  3. destroyers “Captain Yurasovsky”, “Besshumny”, “Lieutenant Sergeev” and “Besstrashny” (arrived in 1917).
  4. submarine "Dolphin" (It was transported from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk by rail).
  5. submarine "St. George" (was purchased in Italy).

The First World War showed with particular conviction the enormous importance for Russia of the Northern Maritime Theater and the need to create a sufficiently strong military fleet here. It also became obvious that it was completely possible to use not only surface ships, but also submarines, as well as all types of weapons, including mines, in polar conditions for combat operations.

Birth of the Northern Fleet

In the Northern Sea Theater, after the expulsion of the interventionists and White Guards from the remaining ships and coastal units, the White Sea Flotilla was formed on March 1, 1920. On April 25, it was renamed the North Sea Naval Forces. The main core of these forces consisted of two destroyers “Captain Yurasovsky” and “Lieutenant Sergeev”, a detachment of motorized fighter boats, twelve minesweepers, the main tasks of the North Sea Naval Forces were to protect territorial waters, the coast and fisheries, mine sweeping, raising sunken ships, ensuring the safety of navigation in the North, conducting hydrographic research. However, it was not possible to maintain the military fleet in the North of the Soviet Republic. The incredibly difficult economic situation of the country forced the party and the government to make significant cuts in order to save money. In May 1922, a decision was made to disband the North Sea Naval Forces. Some of the ships, along with their personnel, transferred to the preserved maritime border guard and continued to carry out military service in the North.

  • On June 1, 1933, a military flotilla was formed consisting of:
  1. Command and headquarters of the flotilla.
  2. Political department of the flotilla.
  3. Murmansk military port.
  4. Command and headquarters of the submarine division.
  5. Submarines (2 ranks) “Decembrist” and “Narodovolets”,
  6. Destroyers (2 ranks) “Uritsky” and “Kuibyshev”.
  7. Patrol ships (2 ranks) “Hurricane” and “Smerch”.

Directorate of the Murmansk sector and a separate artillery division of coastal defense. The permanent base of the flotilla was established in Murmansk - Kola Bay. In accordance with the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of May 11, 1937, the flotilla was reorganized into the Northern Fleet.

On November 26, 1939, the USSR government sent a note of protest to the Finnish government regarding the artillery shelling, which, according to the Soviet side, was carried out from Finnish territory. Responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities was placed entirely on Finland. According to a number of historians, this offensive operation of the USSR against Finland dates back to the Second World War. The outbreak of hostilities led to the fact that in December 1939 the USSR, as an aggressor, was expelled from the League of Nations.

General tasks of the Northern Fleet in the war Finland did not have a fleet. The Northern Fleet was assigned the main tasks:

  1. full fire support for the land 14th Army, stand guard in the Kola and Motovsky bays, and prevent the enemy from breaking through in these sea directions;
  2. to suppress and destroy enemy landings when attempting assistance or landing, in particular to protect the integrity of sea borders in the Murmansk direction.

capture of the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas On the same day, an order was received to capture and hold the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas; for this purpose, the command created an offensive plan for a lightning-fast and rapid capture, where the army was divided into two parts:

The first group of troops is the main task, the attack on the Sredny Peninsula, to which the destroyer Karl Liebknecht was allocated, to suppress sea and ground targets with fire;

The second group of troops is the main and shock group of troops, which will have to carry out an attack on the Rybachy Peninsula, in support of the ship "Groza", two border guards and three trawling vessels, as well as for efficiency and confusion of the enemy, aviation and submarine detachments;

The 14th Army received orders to go on the offensive and capture the western part of the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas, which were on the flank of the front and controlled the entrance to the Kola Bay and Pechenga Bay. The beginning of hostilities was marked by the destroyer "Karl Liebknecht" by shelling the camp of Pummanki and Maattivuono on the Sredny Peninsula. Having completed the initial stage of the battle, according to the plan, it entered Motovsky Bay and took up the designated position to support a group of ground forces and protection from the sea. The naval support group of the second group deployed its ships along the peninsulas to block support from the sea and provide support on land.

At 8:30 a.m. on November 30, the ships of the Northern Fleet opened suppressive fire from all guns on previously scouted enemy fortifications, and the troops of the 14th Army began a large-scale offensive on the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas. Thanks to the excellent cohesion of the fleet and the ground army, by the end of the first day the tasks of capturing the peninsulas were completed. And the command began to plan a strike on the port of Petsamo.

Capture of the ports of Linahamari and Petsamo

The 104th Division of the 14th Army was already fighting when the ships of the fleet approached at 14:00 for help, and by the evening the ports were captured. In March, the Red Army managed to drive the enemy to the Karelian Isthmus, where the main forces were defeated, which forced Finland to capitulate. By drawing up a peace treaty with Finland, the Sredniy and Rybachy peninsulas were transferred to the territory of the USSR, to which in response it undertook to withdraw troops from the country and in particular from the port of Petsamo, according to the 1920 treaty.

The Great Patriotic War

The forces of the Northern Fleet at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War were:

  1. a separate division of destroyers (5 new ships of the “Gremyashchiy” type and 3 old “Novik” type);
  2. submarine brigade (15 large, medium and small boats);
  3. a formation of patrol ships (Groza type),
  4. connection of minesweepers,
  5. connection of minelayers and patrol boats (type MO-4) for guarding the water area (OVR) of the main fleet base.

In addition to the Polyarny, the ships were based in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and other ports.

Fleet Air Force

  1. consisted of 116 aircraft - bombers, fighters and reconnaissance aircraft.

(Commander Major General of Aviation A. A. Kuznetsov)

Coastal and air defense consisted of several dozen batteries with a caliber of up to 180 mm. The fleet had bases, airfields and coastal defense units at all the most important points, and had an established surveillance and communications service.

The main task of the Northern Fleet during the war:

  • support ground forces in the Murmansk direction;
  • protect the country's internal and external communications in the Arctic and disrupt enemy sea routes along the coast of Northern Norway.

Creation of the Marine Corps in the Northern Fleet

The difficult situation on the land front forced the command of the Northern Fleet to urgently create new units and formations of the Marine Corps. During 1941, he formed a separate brigade, several regiments and battalions with a total number of 10 thousand people.

One of the first North Sea residents to go to the land front was Komsomol senior sergeant V.P. Kislyakov. In one of the battles in July 1941, he replaced a killed platoon commander, and the soldiers under his command successfully repelled fierce attacks from superior enemy forces for several hours. In this battle, Soviet soldiers led by Kislyakov destroyed dozens of enemy soldiers. For the heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded Vasily Pavlovich Kislyakov the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The legendary feat of Severomorsk resident I.M. Sivko will forever remain in the memory of Soviet people. On August 2, 1941, covering the retreat of his comrades, the fearless warrior steadfastly defended an important height. When Sivko ran out of ammunition, the Nazis tried to take him prisoner. Having let them get very close, the Red Navy man stood up to his full height and, with the exclamation “Russians do not surrender,” blew up the last grenade. Having destroyed the enemies, the Severomorets himself died. Ivan Mikhailovich Sivko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Results of the Patriotic War for the Northern Fleet

  • About 1,500 artillery installations, 3,000 torpedoes and many other combat and technical equipment were repaired;
  • Ship repair enterprises in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk repaired 2,653 warships and vessels;
  • Navy medics achieved excellent results in treating the wounded and sick, returning 68.5% of the wounded and 92.9% of the sick to duty;
  • Auxiliary vessels transported 1.7 million tons of various cargoes and performed many other tasks;
  • Courageous rescuers promptly came to the aid of 59 emergency warships and transport vessels, raised 196 ships and transports from the bottom of the sea, and recovered 22 thousand tons of valuable cargo from sunken ships;
  • The volume of military transportation amounted to more than 1 million people and more than 1.6 million tons of cargo; the transport fleet transported about 2 million tons of national economic cargo;
  • The fleet's ships carried 2,568 vessels in 1,471 convoys through internal communications. At the same time, losses amounted to only 0.47% of the total number of transports;

Battle achievements:

  • About 1,300 enemy aircraft were destroyed;
  • transport fleet, 413 ships with a total tonnage of more than 1 million gross tons were destroyed;
  • The losses of the German navy amounted to 214 ships and auxiliary vessels.

Chronology of the most important events in the history of the Northern Fleet

Dates and descriptions for them from 1933 to 1983.

  • June 1, 1933 - Formation of the Northern Military Flotilla (with permanent base in

Murmansk), which marked the beginning of the creation of the Northern Fleet;

  • July 21 - 22 - Party and government commission consisting of K. E. Voroshilov, S. M. Kirov and I.V. Stalin visited the ships of the Northern Military Flotilla, went around the Kola Bay on the towing steamer "Burevestnik" and outlined their locations;
  • September - The first big voyage of a detachment of ships of the flotilla, their visit to the city of Arkhangelsk;
  • October - A separate division of submarines is formed, marking the beginning of the submarine forces of the Northern Fleet;
  • December - First party conference of the flotilla. Creation of the Flotilla Drama Theater;
  • February 13, 1934 - The steamship “Chelyuskin”, while trying to navigate the Northern Sea Route, was covered in ice and died in the Chukchi Sea. The crew of the ship, led by the head of the expedition O. Yu. Schmidt, landed on an ice floe;
  • February 23 - The first awarding of North Sea residents. Orders and medals of the USSR were awarded to a large group of participants in the transition to the North;
  • April 3 - Creation of the flotilla surveillance and communications service;
  • April 11 and 13 - The crew of “Chelyuskin” was removed from the ice floe and transported to the shore by plane;
  • May - First long-distance voyage of a separate division of submarines. The submariners reached the North Cape, and then practiced training tasks in the White Sea;
  • June 28 - September 20 - The ice cutter "F. Litke", led by V. Yu. Wiese, for the first time in history, during one navigation, made the transition along the Northern Sea Route from Vladivostok to Murmansk;
  • September - First flotilla sports day;
  • August 6, 1935 - Visit to the flotilla by A. A. Zhdanov and A. I. Mikoyan, who on the spot resolved a number of issues regarding the construction of bases and fortifications, the supply of ships and units. Commissioning of the main base of the Northern Fleet, Polyarnoye, and the transfer of surface ships and submarines of the Northern Military Flotilla to it for permanent deployment. The first voyage of a submarine division under the command of K. N. Griboyedov in the ice of the Kara Sea. Participation in this campaign of the commander of the Northern Military Flotilla, flagship of the 1st rank. K. I. Dushenova.
  • 1936 - First Komsomol conference of the flotilla;
  • July 2-October 17 - Transition of the destroyers “Voikov” (commander captain 3rd rank M. G. Sukhorukov) and “Stalin” (commander lieutenant commander V. N. Obukhov) by the Northern Sea Route from Kronstadt to Vladivostok;
  • September 17 - Arrival from Leningrad to Murmansk of the first three MBR-2 aircraft, which laid the foundation for North Sea aviation;
  • May 11, 1937 - Order of the People's Commissar of Defense on the reorganization of the Northern Military Flotilla into the Northern Fleet;
  • May 21 - The USSR N-170 aircraft, piloted by Hero of the Soviet Union M.V. Vodopyanov, landed a group of Soviet specialists on the ice near the North Pole: the head of the North Pole geophysical station I.D. Papanin, hydrobiologist P.P. Shirshov , magnetologist E.K. Fedorov and radio operator E.T. Krenkel;
  • July 18 - 20 - The first trans-Arctic flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole, undertaken by Soviet pilots V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov on the ANT-25 aircraft;
  • June 18 - The first issue of the Northern Fleet newspaper “Krasnoflotets” was published;
  • July 12 - 14 - The second trans-Arctic flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole, performed by Soviet pilots M. M. Gromov, A. B. Yumashev and S. A. Danilin on an ANT-25 aircraft;
  • July 31 - The hydrographic vessels “Okean” and “Okhotsk”, under the leadership of A. M. Lavrov, made the transition from Murmansk to the Far East via the Northern Sea Route;
  • January 1938 - A separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet was formed with a base in Ekaterininskaya Harbor.
  • February - The first link of fleet torpedo boats was formed;
  • February 19 - I. D. Papanin's group was removed from the drifting ice floe "North Pole" by the hydrographic vessels "Taimyr" and "Murman". Participation in this operation of the North Sea submarines "D-3", "Shch-402" and "Shch-404";
  • April 1939 - Flight from the USSR to North America across the North Atlantic, undertaken by the Soviet pilot V.K. Kokkinaki on the Moscow plane. Participation in ensuring this flight of the Northern Fleet submarines “Shch-402”, “Shch-403”, “Shch-404” and “D-2”;
  • November 30 - Beginning of the Soviet-Finnish War;
  • December 1 - Capture of Soviet troops with the assistance of the Northern Fleet ships Linahamari and Petsamo;
  • March 12, 1940 - Signing of a peace treaty between the USSR and Finland in Moscow. During this war, for the successful completion of command assignments and the courage and heroism displayed, 72 North Sea residents were awarded military orders and medals;
  • August 5 - Transition of the submarine "Shch-423" under the command of captain 3rd rank I.M. Zaidulin along the Northern Sea Route from Polyarny to Vladivostok;
  • June 22, 1941 - The treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. On this day, North Sea coastal battery No. 221 destroyed an enemy minesweeper in Pechenga Bay;
  • June 24, 1941 - Senior Lieutenant B.F. Safonov, having shot down the fascist Xe-111 aircraft, opened the combat account of fleet pilots;
  • July 6 - Landing by ships of the Northern Fleet in Zapadnaya Litsa Bay;
  • July 12 - Patrol ship No. 29 ("Diamond") sank a fascist submarine for the first time in the North;
  • July 13 - Heroic battle of the patrol ship "Passat" (commander senior lieutenant V.L. Okunevich) with three fascist destroyers;
  • July 14 - The submarine "Shch-402" (commander senior lieutenant N. G. Stolbov) opened the combat account of submariners of the Northern Fleet, sinking a fascist transport, landing by a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet consisting of an infantry regiment and a battalion of sailors on the western shore of Bolshaya Zapadnaya Bay Faces;
  • August 2-15 - Creation of the White Sea military flotilla;
  • August 10 - Heroic battle of the patrol ship "Tuman" (commander senior lieutenant L.A. Shestakov) with three enemy destroyers;
  • August 13 - Senior Sergeant V.P. Kislyakov, the first in the Northern Fleet, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • August 21 - The first breakthrough of North Sea submariners ("M-172", commander I. I. Fisanovich) into the enemy port of Linahamari;
  • August 31 - Arrival of the first allied convoy consisting of six transports in Arkhangelsk;
  • September 11 - The first combat success of fleet boats - “TKA-11” (commander-lieutenant G.K. Svetlov) and “TKA-12” (commander lieutenant A.O. Shabalin) sank a destroyer and enemy transport in the Varangerfjord ;
  • November 25 - The first ramming of an enemy submarine in the Northern Fleet by a surface ship - the patrol ship "Breeze" (commander senior lieutenant V. A. Kireev);
  • January 3, 1942 - Creation of a separate division of submarine fighters;
  • March 30 - Sinking of a fascist submarine by the destroyer "Gremyashchiy" under the command of Captain 3rd Rank A.I. Turin;
  • April 28 - Landing by ships of the Northern Fleet on the coast of Motovsky Bay as part of the 12th separate marine brigade and a reconnaissance detachment under the overall command of Colonel V.V. Rassokhin;
  • July 5 - Attack of the submarine "K-21" under the command of captain 2nd rank N.A. Lunin of the fascist battleship "Tirpitz";
  • July 14 - Guard Lieutenant Colonel B.F. Safonov was posthumously awarded the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • July 15 - October 14 - Transition of the leader "Baku" and the destroyers "Razumny" and "Infuriated" from Vladivostok to the Kola Bay via the Northern Sea Route;
  • July 31 - Creation of the Northern Defense Region (NDR);
  • August 25 - Heroic feat in the Kara Sea of ​​the icebreaking steamer "A. Sibiryakov" in battle with the fascist heavy cruiser "Admiral Scheer";
  • August 27 - Battle of the coastal battery and patrol ship No. 19 (Dezhnev) near Dikson Island with the heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer;
  • September 1942 - June 1943 - Transition of a detachment of submarines of the Pacific Fleet, transferred to the Northern Fleet, to the Arctic across two oceans and nine seas;
  • January 1, 1943 - The sinking of the enemy transport Muansa by the L-20 submarine;
  • January 8 - The sinking of a fascist transport fleet by aviation in the area of ​​​​Cape Kibernäs;
  • January 14 - Fleet aviation launched a torpedo strike on an enemy convoy. The heroic feat of pilot Captain A. A. Bashtyrkov;
  • January 20 - The raid of the leader "Baku" and the destroyer "Razumny" on enemy communications, their sinking of fascist transport;
  • January 29 - Fleet aviation launched a torpedo strike on an enemy convoy;
  • February 3-7 - Joint actions of submarines “K-3” and “K-22” on enemy communications;
  • February 3-April 6 - Laying mines by MO type patrol boats in the Varangerfjord;
  • February 20 - Breakthrough of the K-21 submarine into Vogen Bay;
  • March 27 - Raid of a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet on enemy communications;
  • March 29 - Joint actions of submarines and naval aviation on enemy communications. Landing of troops on the coast of Malaya Volokovaya Bay. The heroic actions of the detachment under the command of Captain A. Ya. Yunevich;
  • March 30 - A raid by a detachment of ships on enemy communications;
  • April 25 - Fleet aviation in the Kongsfjord area sank 3 enemy ships. The heroic feat of pilot Captain V. N. Kiselev;
  • May 3 - The State Defense Committee decided to transfer six submarines from the Caspian Sea to the North;
  • May 18 - Assignment of the name "Leninsky Komsomol" to one of the M-type submarines, built at the expense of Komsomol members;
  • June 2 - Arrival of six submarines from the Caspian Sea to Arkhangelsk;
  • June 17 - The operation to withdraw icebreakers from Arkhangelsk to the Arctic begins;
  • July 4 - Fleet aviation attacked an enemy convoy in the area of ​​Cape Skalnes. Sinking of enemy transport;
  • July 15 - Sinking of fascist transport by torpedo planes near Laksefjord;
  • July 23 and August 7 - Fleet aviation attacked the airfields of Svartnes and Luostari;
  • August 9 - Inclusion in the Northern Fleet of the submarine "Novosibirsk Komsomolets", built at the expense of Komsomol members and youth of the Novosibirsk region;
  • November 14 - the regional delegation solemnly handed it over to the crew;
  • August 28 - The sinking of the fascist submarine "U-639" by the submarine "S-101" at Cape Zhelaniya (Novaya Zemlya);
  • September 14 - North Sea aviation strikes an enemy convoy in the area of ​​Cape Kibernäs. Sinking of two tankers;
  • September 21 - Sinking of an enemy transport by torpedo boat "TKA-15";
  • September 27 - A joint strike by fleet aviation and the 7th Air Army of the Karelian Front on the Luostari airfield, as a result of which up to 20 enemy aircraft were destroyed;
  • October 13 - Fleet aviation attacked the convoy in the area of ​​​​Cape Kibernes;
  • October 22-November 18 - Operation to remove icebreakers from the Arctic (convoy "AB-55");
  • October 30 - 5 minesweepers and 6 large submarine hunters arrived in Polyarnoye, having made a difficult ocean crossing from the USA;
  • November 12 - Attack by a group of torpedo boats on an enemy convoy in the Varanger Fjord. Sinking of vehicles;
  • December 6-7, 9-12 - Laying mines by MoD boats in Varangerfjord;
  • December 21 - Reconnaissance landing in the Vadso area;
  • December 22 - Attack of an enemy convoy by torpedo boats off the island of Lille Eckerey;
  • January 15 - February 5, 1944 - The first operation of the Northern Fleet on enemy communications ("RV-1"), in which aviation, submarines, destroyers, boats and coastal artillery participated;
  • February 11 - North Sea aviation strikes the battleship Tirpitz in Altenfjord;
  • February 20 - March 3 - Second operation on enemy communications ("RV-2");
  • March 1 - A brigade of torpedo boats of the Northern Fleet was formed;
  • March 3 - Fleet aviation attacked an enemy convoy near the island of Lille Eckerey;
  • March 6-7 - Landing of reconnaissance groups at Cape Pikshuev;
  • March 8 - Reconnaissance landing in Malaya Volokovaya Bay;
  • April 1 - A brigade of submarine hunters was created in the fleet;
  • April 7 - Air strike on an enemy convoy in the Bekfjord area;
  • April 9 - Attack by a group of torpedo boats on a fascist convoy near the island of Storscher;
  • April 10-30 - Third operation on enemy communications ("RV-3");
  • April 23 - Fleet aviation strikes an enemy convoy in the Varanger Fjord. The heroic feat of the pilot Captain I. B. Katunin;
  • May 11 - Successive air strikes on an enemy convoy in Bekfjord;
  • May 13-14 - Fleet aviation strikes on an enemy convoy in the Kirkenes area;
  • May 16-31 - The first operation of a group of submarines on enemy communications;
  • June 10-17 - Second operation of a group of submarines on enemy communications;
  • June 22 - A monument to submarine heroes who died in battles for their homeland was unveiled in Polyarny;
  • June 27-28 - Massive attacks by fleet aviation on the port of Kirkenes and on the enemy convoy on the approaches to Pechenga Bay;
  • July 9-28 - Operation of a group of submarines on enemy communications in cooperation with reconnaissance aircraft;
  • July 15 - Attacks by submarines and torpedo boats on the convoy;
  • July 25 - August 6 - Transfer from England of four submarines received as reparations from Italy;
  • July 28 - Fleet aviation attack on Kirkenes;
  • August 16-31 - Operation of a group of submarines on enemy communications in cooperation with reconnaissance aircraft;
  • August 47-24 - Transition from England with the next convoy of the battleship "Arkhangelsk" and 9 destroyers received as reparations from Italy;
  • August 17 - Fleet aviation attack on Kirkenes;
  • August 19 - Massive attack by four groups of torpedo boats on an enemy convoy in the area of ​​​​Cape Kiebergnes;
  • September 5 - The sinking of the fascist submarine "U-344" by the minesweeper "T-116" near the island of Mona (Kara Sea);
  • September 19 - Finland leaves the war;
  • September 23 - Heroic feat of the crew of the minesweeper "T-120" and its commander, Lieutenant Commander D. A. Lysov;
  • September 25 - Joint attack by torpedo boats and fleet aviation on an enemy convoy in the Varanger Fjord;
  • October 7 - November 1 - Petsamo-Kirkenes operation;
  • October 7 - Beginning of the offensive of the 14th Army of the Karelian Front;
  • October 9-10 - Landing of the 63rd Marine Brigade on the coast of Malaya Volokovaya Bay. The beginning of the offensive of units of the Northern Defense Region on the isthmus of the Sredny Peninsula;
  • October 11-12 - Attacks on enemy convoys in Bekfjord and in the Langsfjord area;
  • October 9-12 - Raid of the combined reconnaissance detachment to Cape Krestovy and the capture of the fascist batteries located on it;
  • October 12-13 - Landing at the port of Linahamari;
  • October 15 - Liberation of Pechenga;
  • October 16 - Fleet aviation strikes an enemy convoy. The heroic feat of the commander of the 9th Guards Mine and Torpedo Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel B.P. Syromyatnikov;
  • October 18 - Landing in the area of ​​Suolovuono and Aresvuono;
  • October 21 - Attack of an enemy convoy by torpedo boats;
  • October 23 - Landing in Kobbholmfjord;
  • October 25 - Landing in Holmengrfjord, Liberation of the Norwegian city and port of Kirkenes;
  • October 26 - A raid by a detachment of destroyers on enemy communications. Artillery bombardment of the port of Vardø;
  • November 1 - Troops of the Karelian Front completed the liberation of the Pechenga region;
  • November 23 - Arrival of convoy "AB-15" in Arkhangelsk. The operation to remove icebreakers from the Arctic has ended;
  • December 5 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the medal "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic";
  • December 9 - Search for enemy submarines by a detachment of ships consisting of the leader "Baku" and five destroyers. Sinking of the fascist submarine "U-387";
  • January 3–5, 1945 - Transition of convoy “BK-41” from the White Sea to the Kola Bay. January 16 - Transition of convoy “KB-1”;
  • April 15 - Disbandment of the White Sea Flotilla and creation of the White Sea defensive region;
  • April 22 - Transition of convoy "PK-9". The sinking of the enemy submarine U-286 by the destroyer Karl Liebknecht;
  • May 9 - Solemn meeting in Polyarny in honor of the Victory over Nazi Germany;
  • May 13 - Parade of ships of the Northern Fleet on the occasion of the victorious end of the war;
  • June 3 - Transition of the fleet to a peacetime position. Abolition of the inland convoy system in the Barents Sea;
  • June 24 - Participation of the battalion of North German heroes in the Victory Parade in Moscow. April 50s;
  • 1946 - Expedition of the icebreaker "North Pole" to study the high-latitude version of the Northern Sea Route;
  • October 16, 1946 - Opening of the Northern Fleet Museum;
  • March 20, 1947 - Renaming of the Northern Fleet newspaper “Krasnoflotets” to “On Guard of the Arctic”. On August 1, 1947, it switched to a large format;
  • October 15 - The Moscow Komsomol decided to patronize the Northern Fleet;
  • 1948 - Expedition of the ice cutter "F. Litke" with the aim of further studying the high-latitude version of the Northern Sea Route;
  • February 1948 - First post-war party conference of the Northern Fleet. April - First post-war Komsomol conference of the Northern Fleet;
  • 50s - The beginning of the re-equipment of the fleet with missile and nuclear weapons and the transition to nuclear energy;
  • April 18 - The main fleet base, the village of Vaenga, was renamed the city of Severomorsk of regional subordination by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR;
  • May 1953 - Cruiser "Alexander Nevsky" sails to participate in the celebration;
  • 1955 - Expedition of the ice cutter "F. Litke" to unexplored areas of the Arctic. First launches of ballistic missiles from Soviet submarines;
  • September 22, 1955 - Opening of a monument to naval boatmen who died heroically in the fight against the Nazi invaders;
  • 1956 - A detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet went on a friendship visit to the Swedish port of Gothenburg and the capital of Norway, Oslo;
  • November - By order of the commander of the Northern Fleet, the anti-submarine ship (guard commander, senior lieutenant A. Popov-Lukin) was declared excellent. This is the first excellent ship in the fleet;
  • May 31, 1957 - The submarine, commanded by Captain 3rd Rank R.D. Erlich, became the first excellent ship in the fleet’s submarine forces;
  • 1958 - Beginning of scientific activities of the research submarine “Severyanka”;
  • January 30, 1959 - The challengeable Red Banner of the Military Council of the Northern Fleet was established;
  • August - September - Friendly visit of a detachment of fleet ships to the Swedish port of Gothenburg and the Norwegian capital of Oslo;
  • October 9 - Appeal by the crew of the cruiser "October Revolution" to all North Sea residents with a call to start a competition in honor of the 21st Congress of the CPSU;
  • December - Deployment in the navy of the movement for the title of shock workers and communist labor brigades;
  • January 1959 - Komsomol members of the fleet began collecting scrap metal for the construction of the Severomorets tractor column.
  • During 1959–1960, two Severomorets tractor columns were built from scrap metal collected in the fleet and handed over to agricultural workers in the Moscow region;
  • January 26 - The crew of the cruiser "October Revolution" fulfilled its obligation and was declared excellent at the opening of the 21st Party Congress;
  • January 28 - The primary party organization of the Northern Fleet air regiment received an application from Komsomol member Yu. A. Gagarin, the future first cosmonaut of the planet, with a request to accept him as a candidate member of the CPSU;
  • April 1 - The Book of Honor of the Northern Fleet was established;
  • July - Awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to the first commander of the first domestic nuclear submarine, Captain 1st Rank L. G. Osipenko;
  • December - Commissioning of the flagship of the icebreaker fleet, the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin", which opened a new stage in the development of the Arctic and navigation along the Northern Sea Route;
  • April 24, 1960 - On the initiative of Komsomol members, the movement of soldiers and workers of Severomorsk and other settlements began for garrisons of high naval culture, exemplary order and discipline;
  • August 10, 1961 - The twentieth anniversary of the heroic feat of the patrol ship "Fog". Naming his glorious name to one of the fleet's new patrolmen;
  • 1962 - Arctic voyage of a nuclear submarine under the command of captain 3rd rank V.N. Chernavin;
  • July - The voyage of the nuclear submarine "Leninsky Komsomol" to the North Pole;
  • July 20 - Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on rewarding the crew of the submarine "Leninsky Komsomol" and on awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Rear Admiral A. I. Petelin, Captain 2nd Rank L. M. Zhiltsov and Engineer-Captain 2nd Rank R. A. Timofeev ;
  • April 28, 1963 - Visit by the Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro Rus to the ships of the Northern Fleet;
  • September - Under-ice navigation and surfacing at the geographic point of the North Pole of a nuclear submarine under the command of Captain 2nd Rank Yu. A. Sysoev. Arctic voyage of a nuclear submarine under the command of Captain 1st Rank A.P. Mikhailovsky;
  • February - July 20, 1964 - Awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to A.P. Mikhailovsky and Yu.A. Sysoev. An appeal was published by the crew of the nuclear submarine "Leninsky Komsomol" to all army and naval youth with a call to begin the relay of military glory in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;
  • October - Friendly visit of a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet to the Norwegian port of Trondheim;
  • May 7, 1965 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the Northern Fleet the Order of the Red Banner;
  • July 24 - Presentation of the Order of the Red Banner to the Northern Fleet;
  • December 10 - Visit of the world's first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin of the Red Banner Northern Fleet;
  • February - March 1966 - Circumnavigation of a detachment of nuclear submarines under the command of Rear Admiral A.I. Sorokin;
  • May 31 - June 3, 1967 - Visit to the Red Banner Northern Fleet by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev and member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin;
  • July 1968 - Participation of the Red Banner Northern Fleet in the North exercises;
  • 1970 - Appeal by the crew of the nuclear submarine "Leninets" to the soldiers of the Navy with a call to launch socialist competition in honor of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU;
  • April - May - Participation of the Red Banner Northern Fleet in the Ocean maneuvers. May - A detachment of North Sea ships made a friendship visit to Cuba;
  • 1971 - Visit of the anti-submarine ship "Gremyashchy" and the destroyer "Zhguchiy" to Oslo and Rotterdam;
  • April 1972 - The missile submarine (commanded by Captain 1st Rank S.E. Sobolevsky) was the first in the USSR Armed Forces to be awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense for courage and military valor;
  • December 12 - An appeal by the crew of the nuclear submarine “50 Years of the USSR” to the soldiers of the Armed Forces was published with a call to develop socialist competition for excellent knowledge and maintenance of weapons and equipment, mastery of them;
  • June 1973 - Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Red Banner Northern Fleet;
  • November 12–17, 1974 - Visit of a detachment of naval ships to Oslo in connection with the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the liberation of Norway from the fascist invaders;
  • January 26, 1975 - A letter from the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev to the crew of the excellent nuclear submarine KSF was published.
  • May - Visit of a detachment of North Sea ships to the American port of Boston;
  • November 1976 - The crew of an excellent nuclear submarine, where the deputy commander for political affairs was captain 2nd rank A.V. Chestikin, appealed to the North Sea residents with a call to widely develop socialist competition for *implementing the decisions of the XXV Congress of the CPSU;
  • October 12–20, 1977 - Visit of a detachment of fleet ships to Oslo;
  • May 18–21, 1978 - Visit of a detachment of fleet ships to the French port of Bordeaux;
  • November - The crew of the nuclear missile submarine "60 Years of the Great October Revolution" initiated socialist competition in the Navy under the motto "vigilantly guard the gains of socialism, increase combat readiness and the level of military skill in every possible way";
  • May 15, 1980 - In a critical situation, the military builder of the Komsgruporg unit, Bolatkhan Urazov, saved his comrades by sacrificing his life. For his accomplished feat, he was posthumously awarded the badge of the Komsomol Central Committee "Military Valor";
  • July - On the initiative of the Komsomol organization of the nuclear submarine "Leninets", Severomorsk soldiers took up a Komsomol shock watch under the motto "For the Motherland, the party - shock military work, for the XXVI Congress of the CPSU - a worthy meeting";
  • September - Komsomol members Alexander Lisitsa and Albert Shaikhutdinov were awarded the Order of the Red Star for courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty. The Central Committee of the Komsomol noted their feat with the sign “Military Valor”;
  • November 26 - The crew of the nuclear missile submarine KSF, commanded by Captain 1st Rank G. A. Nikitin, initiated socialist competition in the Navy in honor of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU;
  • December - XX Fleet Party Conference;
  • February 23, 1981 - Report of fleet personnel to the XXVI Congress of the CPSU on the fulfillment of high socialist obligations;
  • May 15-18 - The delegation of the Komsomol Central Committee, headed by the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee B. N. Pastukhov, visited ships and fleet units. B. N. Pastukhov presented the challenge Red Banner of the Komsomol Central Committee to the Komsomol organization of the submarine formation, where Lieutenant Commander V. I. Telin was the assistant head of the political department for Komsomol work, for success in the communist education of youth;
  • October - The Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Banner Northern Fleet was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize;
  • November - The Komsomol organization of the excellent submarine "Yaroslavsky Komsomolets" issued a call to take part in the Komsomol youth strike watch in honor of the 19th Congress of the Komsomol. In the Komsomol organizations of the fleet, a competition began for the right to sign a report to the 19th Congress of the Komsomol. The crew of a nuclear missile submarine (commander Captain 1st Rank V.A. Zhuravlev) initiated the socialist competition of Soviet military sailors for a worthy celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the USSR;
  • February 1982 - XVIII Komsomol Fleet Conference;
  • June - The Komsomol active fleet at its meeting, which discussed the results of the 19th Congress of the Komsomol and the tasks of Komsomol organizations of ships and units, decided to carry the naval flag of the famous Red Banner submarine “K-21” across the seas and oceans as a relay race;
  • July 28 - October 1 - 50th anniversary of the first through voyage from Arkhangelsk along the Northern Sea Route in one navigation of the icebreaker steamship "A. Sibiryakov";
  • December 2-10 - Official friendly visit of a detachment of fleet ships to the Cuban ports of Havana and Cienfuegos;
  • December - Report of Severomorsk residents on the successful fulfillment of high socialist obligations adopted in honor of the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR;
  • 1983 - Following the results of 1982, the Red Banner Northern Fleet was declared the forefront of the Navy;
  • March 11-12 - Stay of a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union D. F. Ustinov at the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

Organizational composition

Northern Fleet Headquarters

Military unit 62720. 184600, Murmansk region, Severomorsk

Coastal troops of the Northern Fleet

  • 536 OBRBr (Separate Coastal Missile Brigade) (formerly 89 RP) military unit 10544 Snezhnogorsk - Olenya Guba.
  • 61st separate Kirkenes Red Banner Marine Regiment (formerly 61st Brigade Marine Corps) military unit 38643 184411, village. Sputnik, Kola Peninsula:
  1. Directorate (headquarters)
  2. 2 marine battalions (on BTR-80)
  3. Airborne assault battalion (“fighters of three elements”, sailors operating on land, at sea and in the air)
  4. 2 artillery divisions (Gvozdika, Nona)
  5. Reconnaissance battalion (MTLB, BTR-80)
  6. Signal Battalion
  7. Logistics Support Battalion
  8. Anti-aircraft artillery division (armed with Shilka air defense missile system)
  9. Engineer company
  10. Division of NBC Protection (radiation, chemical and biological protection), composition of the 2nd department: NBC reconnaissance and CO (Special Processing). (equipment: BRDM-rkh and BRDM-rkhb)

Total: 1270 personnel, in service: 74 units. T-80; 59 units BTR-80; 12 units 2S1 “Gvozdika”, 22 units. 2S9 “Nona”, 11 units. 2S23; 134 units MT-LBT; 3 units BMP-1KSh, 4 units. PRP-3, 3 units. PRP-4, 10 units. PU-12, 2 units. R-145BM, 15 units. 1B119, 3 units. 1B18, 1 unit. 1B19, 1 unit. BTR-PUM, 1 unit. ZS-88 (BTR-80). Participation in hostilities: the 876th battalion took part in hostilities in Chechnya. 01/1995 battles for Grozny, capture of the sniper school. Losses: 26 dead, including 11 sergeants, 2 officers. During the third campaign, D. Dudayev's palace was captured. 02.1995 - as part of the group "North". 10.1999 - as part of the group "Vostok". Losses in military operations in Chechnya: 27 dead.

  • 420th Special Purpose Marine Reconnaissance Point, military unit 40145 (Polyarny village, Murmansk district):
  1. control
  2. three companies of reconnaissance divers
  3. underwater mining company
  4. small carrier company
  5. workshops,
  6. diving and PDS support units
  • 160th OOB PDSS (Vidyaevo):
  • 269th OOB PDSS (Gadzhievo):
  • 313 OOB PDSS (Sputnik village, Kola Peninsula):
  • 536th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade (Snezhnogorsk, Olenya Bay);
  • 180th separate naval engineering battalion (Severomorsk);
  • 516th communications center of military unit 40630 (Severomorsk);
  • Mobile communication center (Polar);
  • 215th Electronic Warfare Regiment (Severomorsk);
  • 200th separate Pechenga motorized rifle brigade (Pechenga village).
  • At the beginning of 2014, a unit of unmanned aerial vehicles of the Northern Fleet coastal troops was created on the basis of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet coastal troops. The unit is armed with the Granat, Zastava and Orlan UAVs. These UAVs are primarily intended for conducting aerial reconnaissance both during the day and at night at a distance of 10 to 150 km, depending on the modification and technical capabilities, as well as for adjusting the fire of artillery units.

Naval aviation of the Northern Fleet

  • 279 Separate naval fighter aviation regiment, military unit 26808. Based - Severomorsk-3

Composition: 2 Su-33 squadrons (aircraft tail numbers 1: 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 76; 2: 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 , 86, 87, 88), 1 squadron Su-25UTG (4 aircraft).

  • 7050 air base (formerly 403 separate air regiment) military unit 49324. Based - Severomorsk-1.

Composed of: aircraft 2 An-12 (2 pcs.), An-24/An-26 (4 pcs.), Il-18 (2 pcs.), Il-38 (8 pcs.). Helicopters: 34 KA-27/29/32 (34 pcs.), Mi-8 (2 pcs.).

  • 2nd air group (AvGr) 7050 air base (formerly 76 Separate anti-submarine air regiment) military unit 49324-2. Based in Kipelovo-Fedotovo.

Includes: Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft (12 pcs.)

  • 3rd air group (AvGr) 7050 air base (formerly 7055 air base) military unit 49324-3. Based in Ostafyevo.

Composed of: aircraft An-24/An-26 (7 pcs.), An-72 (8 pcs.), An-12 (? pcs.), An-140-100 (1 pc.)

Submarine forces of the Northern Fleet

  • Submarine Forces Command (KPS) (Zaozersk)
  • 18th Submarine Division (DPL) Based - bay. Nerpichya, Western Litsa.

Composed of: 830 TK-17 Arkhangelsk, TK-20 Severstal, 834 TK 208 Dmitry Donskoy

  • 11th Submarine Division (DPL) Based in B. Lopatka, Zapadnaya Litsa.

Consists of: B-388 Petrozavodsk, B-138 Obninsk, K-560 Severodvinsk, K-119 Voronezh, K-266 Orel, K-410 Smolensk

  • 160th special forces detachment for combating underwater saboteurs (OSpN PDSS). Military unit 09619. Based - B. Lopatka, Zapadnaya Litsa.

Ship composition of the Northern Fleet

  • PLA K-317 “Panther” pr.971 1990
  • PLA K-461 "Wolf" pr.971 1991
  • PLA K-328 “Leopard” pr.971 1992
  • SSN K-154 "Tiger" pr.971 1993
  • SSN K-157 "Vepr" pr.971 1995
  • PLA K-335 “Cheetah” pr.971 2001
  • PLA B-239 “Karp” pr.945 1984
  • PLA B-276 “Kostroma” pr.945 1987
  • PLA B-534 “Nizhny Novgorod” pr.945A 1990
  • SSN B-336 “Pskov” pr.945A 1993
  • SSN B-388 “Petrozavodsk” pr.671RTMK 1988
  • SSN B-138 “Obninsk” pr.671RTMK 1990
  • PLA B-414 “Daniil Moskovsky” pr.671RTMK 1990
  • SSN B-448 "Tambov" pr.671RTMK 1992
  • PLSN BS-64 “Podmoskovye” pr.09787 1986
  • PLSN BS-136 “Orenburg” pr.09786 1981
  • PLSN AS-23 pr.1851 1986
  • PLSN AS-21 pr.18511 1991
  • PLSN AS-35 pr.18511 1995
  • PLSN AS-13 pr.1910 1986
  • PLSN AS-15 pr.1910 1991
  • PLSN AS-33 pr.1910 1994
  • PLSN AS-31 pr.10831 2010
  • PLSN B-90 “Sarov” pr.20120 2008
  • DPL B-585 "St. Petersburg" pr.677 2010
  • DPL B-402 "Vologda" pr.877 1984
  • DPL B-808 "Yaroslavl" pr.877 1988
  • DPL B-459 "Vladikavkaz" pr.877 1990
  • DPL B-471 "Magnitogorsk" pr.877 1990
  • DPL B-177 "Lipetsk" pr.877 1991
  • DPL B-800 "Kaluga" pr.877 1989
  • TAKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" pr.11435 1990
  • TARKR "Admiral Nakhimov" pr.11442 1990
  • TARKR "Peter the Great" pr.11442 1988
  • RKR "Marshal Ustinov" pr.1164 1986
  • BOD "Vice Admiral Kulakov" pr.1155 1981
  • BOD "Severomorsk" pr.1155 1987
  • BOD "Admiral Levchenko" pr.1155 1988
  • BOD "Admiral Kharlamov" pr.1155 1989
  • BOD "Admiral Chabanenko" pr.11551 1999
  • EM "Admiral Ushakov" pr.956 1993
  • MRK "Iceberg" pr.12341 1993
  • MRK "Rassvet" pr.12341 1979
  • AKA AK-388 pr.1400M 1980
  • MPK "Brest" pr.1124M 1988
  • MPK "Yunga" pr.1124M 1989
  • MPK "Naryan-Mar" pr.1124M 1990
  • MPK "Onega" pr.1124M 1990
  • MPK "Monchegorsk" pr.1124M 1993
  • MPK "Snezhnogorsk" pr.1124M 1994
  • MTSH "Gumanenko" pr. 12660 2000
  • MTSH "Komendor" pr.266M 1974
  • MTSH "Machinist" pr.266M 1975
  • MTSH MT-434 pr.1332 1973
  • RTSH RT-236 pr.1258E 1985
  • BDK "Olenegorsky miner" pr.775 1976
  • BDK "Kondopoga" pr.775 1976
  • BDK "Alexander Otrakovsky" pr.775 1978
  • BDK "St. George the Victorious" pr.775/II 1985
  • DKA D-464 pr.1176 1985
  • DKA D-148 pr.1176 1993
  • DKA D-182 pr.1176 1996
  • DKA "Nikolai Rubtsov" pr.1176 2005
  • In total, the SF includes:

    Submarines: 45

    • 10 nuclear ballistic missile submarines,
    • 4 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles,
    • 14 multipurpose nuclear submarines,
    • 9 special purpose nuclear submarines,
    • 1 diesel special purpose submarine,
    • 7 diesel submarines

    Surface ships: 38

    • 1 heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser,
    • 2 heavy nuclear missile cruisers,
    • 1 missile cruiser,
    • 5 large anti-submarine ships,
    • 1 destroyer,
    • 2 small rocket ships,
    • 1 artillery boat,
    • 6 small anti-submarine ships,
    • 4 sea minesweepers,
    • 6 basic minesweepers,
    • 1 raid minesweeper,
    • 4 large landing ships,
    • 4 landing craft


    Commanders of the Northern Military Flotilla

    1. Z. A. Zakupnev (05/29/1933 - 03/13/1935)
    2. K. I. Dushenov (03/13/1935 - 05/11/1937)

    Commanders of the Northern Fleet

    1. K.I. Dushenov (05/11/1937 - 05/28/1938) - 1st rank flagship.
    2. V. P. Drozd (05/28/1938 - 07/26/1940) - vice admiral.
    3. A. G. Golovko (07/26/1940 - 08/04/1946) - admiral.
    4. V. I. Platonov (08/04/1946 - 04/23/1952) - admiral.
    5. A. T. Chabanenko (04/23/1952 - 02/28/1962) - admiral.
    6. V. A. Kasatonov (02/28/1962 - 06/2/1964) - admiral.
    7. S. M. Lobov (06/2/1964 - 05/3/1972) - admiral of the fleet.
    8. G. M. Egorov (05/3/1972 - 07/1/1977) - admiral of the fleet.
    9. V. A. Chernavin (07/1/1977 - 12/16/1981) - admiral of the fleet.
    10. A.P. Mikhailovsky (12/16/1981 - 02/25/1985) - admiral.
    11. I. M. Kapitanets (02/25/1985 - 03/19/1988) - admiral.
    12. F. N. Gromov (03/19/1988 - 03/14/1992) - admiral.
    13. O. A. Erofeev (03/14/1992 - 01/29/1999) - admiral.
    14. V. A. Popov (01/29/1999 - 12/1/2001) - admiral.
    15. G. A. Suchkov (12/5/2001 - suspended 09/11/2003, dismissed 05/29/2004) - admiral.
    16. S. V. Simonenko (acting from 09/11/2003 to 05/29/2004) - vice admiral
    17. M. L. Abramov (05/29/2004 - 09/04/2005) - admiral.
    18. V. S. Vysotsky (09/26/2005 - 09/12/2007) - admiral.
    19. N. M. Maksimov (resident from 09/12/2007, commander from 11/20/2007 to 03/30/2011) - admiral
    20. A. O. Volozhinsky (vred; 03/30/2011 - 06/24/2011) - rear admiral
    21. V. I. Korolev (from June 24, 2011) - admiral (until February 21, 2013 - vice admiral)

    Of all the existing fleets of Russia, the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is the youngest. If the Black Sea Fleet is 220 years old, the Baltic Fleet is 300 years old, then the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is only 80 years old.

    They tried to create a navy in the North 300 years ago. By decree of Peter I, the Solombala shipyard was founded in Arkhangelsk in 1693, where they began to build warships. The 24-gun frigate "St. Paul" was built at the Solombala shipyard, and on August 14, 1694, this frigate, together with the 44-gun ship "Holy Prophecy", purchased in Holland and the yacht "St. Peter", under the leadership of Peter under the white and blue They set out to sea with a red flag, escorting 8 English merchant ships.

    However, the warships did not stay in the White Sea for a long time; they were transferred to the Baltic. The first formation of Russian warships in the North appeared in 1740; they cruised from the Norwegian Sea to the Kara Sea, preventing the entry and arbitrariness of the Swedish fleet on the coast of Murman.

    A regular, permanent Northern Fleet appeared in 1933, when the Northern Military Flotilla was founded on June 1, based in the Kola Bay. Zakhar Aleksandrovich Zakupnev was appointed the first commander of the Northern Military Flotilla.

    For 80 years, the Northern Fleet has traveled a glorious heroic path.

    For the first time in 1935, a submarine division made a trip to Novaya Zemlya.

    In 1938, the D-1 submarine, having traveled more than 11 thousand miles, spent 120 days at sea.

    In 1936, two destroyers “Stalin” and “Voikov” made an unprecedented passage along the great Northern Sea Route from the Arctic to the Far East.

    In 1938, for the first time in the history of the Navy, the submarine "D-3" completed a 30-minute swim under the ice.

    In 1940, for the first time in the history of the Navy, the submarine Shch-423 crossed the great Northern Sea Route from the city of Polyarny to Vladivostok.

    On May 11, 1937, the People's Commissar of Defense issued an order to transform the Northern Military Flotilla into the Northern Fleet of the USSR. Flagship officer 1st rank Konstantin Ivanovich Dushenov was appointed commander of the northern fleet.

    The USSR Northern Fleet received its first baptism of fire in the war with Finland, actively operating on the coastal flank of the 14th Army.

    For the young Northern Fleet of the USSR, the Great Patriotic War became a severe test, by the beginning of which it had 15 submarines, 7 patrol ships, 8 destroyers and other ships, as well as 116 combat aircraft. Thanks to the Northern Fleet of the USSR, the coastal flank of the 14th Army was reliably covered from shelling and landings of enemy ships, sea communications were protected, and attacks on enemy communications disrupted the enemy’s transport operations, depriving him of the initiative at sea. Reconnaissance troops and troops landed behind enemy lines. North Sea sailors became famous in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, and the North Caucasus. North Sea sailors remember the names of heroic submariners, boat crews, brave scouts, marines and other defenders of the Arctic.

    The Northern Fleet of the USSR fully and worthily fulfilled its duty to the Fatherland. Over 48 thousand North Sea sailors were awarded orders and medals, 85 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Twelve ships, formations and units of the USSR Northern Fleet were converted into guards ships, 47 were awarded orders, and 14 were given honorary titles.

    On June 24, 1945, 200 North Sea sailors took part in the Victory Parade.
    In the post-war years, the USSR Northern Fleet continued to improve, it became missile-carrying, nuclear-powered, and ocean-going.

    In 1955, for the first time in the world, a ballistic missile was launched from a submarine in the White Sea.

    In 1956, the first B-67 submarine with ballistic missiles was accepted into the Northern Fleet.
    On July 1, 1958, the navy flag was raised on the first domestic nuclear submarine K-3.
    On July 17, 1962, for the first time in history, the nuclear submarine Leninsky Komsomol, after traveling under the ice of the Arctic, surfaced in the North Pole area, where the flag of the navy was hoisted, as well as the State flag of the USSR.

    Voentorg online store "Voenpro" has a wide range of different ones, you have the opportunity to buy a naval flag in the Navy section, as well as Navy sweatshirts, Navy towels and other paraphernalia at the best price.

    Since 1962, submariners of the Northern Fleet have visited the North Pole more than 300 times, performing missions in the polar regions.

    In 1966, a detachment of submarines of the Northern Fleet completed a group circumnavigation of 25 thousand miles without a single ascent.

    In September 1963, for the first time in history, two nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet made the transition under the ice of the Arctic from the USSR Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet. A similar transition was made in subsequent years by more than 25 submarines of the Northern Fleet.

    The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Kyiv became the first floating airfield for aviation, from the deck of which Colonel F. Matkovsky first flew an airplane into the sky.

    In 1965, the USSR Northern Fleet was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    Today, North Sea sailors continue to improve their military skills and combat training, vigilantly keep their watch, holding high the title of North Sea sailor. The Northern Fleet of Russia still remains combat-ready and reliably protects the northern borders of the Fatherland.

    The Northern Fleet of Russia is constantly developing - since 1991, carrier-based aircraft have taken off from the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov. The cruiser systematically performs combat service missions in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

    Today, the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation, which is part of the created Western Military District, is the most powerful of all the military fleets of the Russian Federation. The base of the Northern Fleet and the headquarters of the Northern Fleet are located in the closed city of Severomorsk. The modern Northern Fleet has nuclear-powered missile and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and anti-submarine aircraft, missile, aircraft-carrying and anti-submarine ships. The modern Northern Fleet currently possesses the only nuclear-powered surface cruisers in the world.

    The main tasks of the Northern Fleet:

    Maintain naval strategic nuclear forces in constant readiness for nuclear deterrence,

    Ensure the safety of maritime navigation,

    Protect the economic zone and areas of production activity, suppress illegal production activities,

    Carry out government foreign policy actions.

    One of the Northern Fleet’s significant tasks recently has been to ensure the safety of civil navigation. The presence of the Russian Northern Fleet in the world's oceans is intensifying, and combat training missions are being systematically carried out. Over the past three years, the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser “Peter the Great”, together with escort ships, passed the equator at the “Golden Point”, crossed the Atlantic twice, made visits to the Republic of South Africa, Venezuela, France, India, Syria, and participated in the international “Venrus” maneuvers. -2008”, “Indra-2009”, “Vostok-2010”.

    Every year on June 1, the Day of the Northern Fleet of Russia is celebrated, festive events come under the flags of the Navy, our military store has expanded its assortment with a new flag of the Northern Fleet and recommends for various celebrations and events to buy at the best price, the delivery conditions will please you.

    At the origins of the creation of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet was Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov. Speaking about the plan for the formation and purpose of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S.G. Gorshkov emphasized its place and role in the defense system of the seas adjacent to our coast.

    On May 2, 1982, this directive was placed on the table of the Commander of the Northern Fleet A.P. Mikhailovsky. The formation of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet became the core direction in the existence of the Northern Fleet of the USSR.

    For those who served in the Northern Fleet of the USSR, our military trader "Voenpro" offers to buy, which will bring nostalgic memories of military service. And also as souvenirs and gifts you can choose amazing products with attributes of the USSR Navy: keychains of the USSR Navy, stickers of the USSR Navy, magnets of the USSR Navy.

    The Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet included a division of anti-submarine ships from Severomorsk, a formation of OVR ships from Linnahamari, Polyarny, Gremikha, and Port Vladimir. In addition, the flotilla received a brigade of missile boats from Granitnoye, a brigade of diesel submarines from Linnahamari and a brigade of reserve ships from Saida Bay. In total, the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet had two regiments and ten brigades, approximately 150 ships and 8 bases, which were scattered throughout the Kola coast. The operational department of the headquarters of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet was headed by captain 1st rank V.I. Turygin. Head of the rear of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet at the suggestion of B.K. Sychev was appointed captain 1st rank A. Kolesnikov.

    The Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet had to: ensure the deployment of the main groupings of the Russian Northern Fleet into the ocean and defend the basing systems of the Russian Northern Fleet; repel air attacks from sea directions; defeat enemy submarines in the Barents Sea; exterminate groups and detachments of combat boats and landing ships. A serious task of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet was the defense of military patrol areas of domestic strategic missile submarines, as well as the protection of commercial fishing ships in the Barents Sea.

    The Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet consists of:

    2nd division of anti-submarine ships, based at Polyarny, commander 1st rank captain Evgeniy Irza. The 2nd division of anti-submarine ships has the following ships:

    BOD Admiral Chabanenko with tail number 650, in the fleet since 1999.

    BOD Admiral Levchenko with tail number 605, in the fleet since 1988.

    BOD Admiral Kharlamov with tail number 678, in the fleet since 1989. In reserve.

    BOD Vice Admiral Kulakov with tail number 400, in the fleet since 1981. Under repair.

    BPK Severomorsk with hull number 619, in the fleet since 1987.

    121st brigade of landing ships, based at Polyarny, commander 1st rank captain Nikolai Yakubovsky.

    The brigade has the following ships:

    BDK Georgy Pobedonosets with tail number 016, in the fleet since 1985.

    Large landing ship of Project 775 - BDK-55 "Alexander Otrakovsky" with tail number 031, since 1978 in the fleet. Under repair.

    Large landing ship of Project 775 - BDK-91 "Olenegorsky Gornyak" with hull number 012, since 1976 in the fleet.

    Large landing ship of Project 775 - BDK-182 "Kondopoga" with tail number 027, since 1976 in the fleet. Under repair.

    BDK project 1174 - "Mitrofan Moskalenko" with hull number 020, since 1989 in the fleet. In conservation.

    161 submarine brigade, home base Polyarny, commander captain 1st rank Alexander Gorbunov, has Project 877 diesel submarines: B-177 Lipetsk, B-401 Novosibirsk, B-402 Vologda, B-459 Vladikavkaz”, B-471 “Magnitogorsk”, as well as the diesel submarine of project 877LPMB - B-800 “Kaluga” and the diesel submarine of project 877E - B-808 “Yaroslavl”.

    Our Voentorg online store recommends purchasing at the best price for Submariner's Day, and also in the Submarine Fleet section, choosing gifts and souvenirs for familiar sailors and submariners; here you will find comfortable, ceramic mugs, reliable lighters and useful keychains.

    7th brigade of water area protection ships, based at Polyarny.

    The 270th Guards Division of Small Anti-Submarine Ships, based in Olenya Bay, includes small anti-submarine ships of Project 1124M: MPK-14 "Monchegorsk" (under repair), MPK-59 "Snezhnogorsk", MPK-194 "Brest" (under repair), MPK-203 "Jung's Boy".

    108 division of small missile ships, home base Polyarny, commander 2nd rank captain Alexander Rakovsky, includes small missile ships: “Iceberg” with tail number 512, “Nakat” with tail number 526, “Rassvet” with tail number 520.

    5th brigade of minesweepers, based at Polyarny, commander 1st rank captain Alexander Peshkov.

    83rd division of base minesweepers, based at Polyarny, commander 3rd rank captain Dmitry Tsyganenko, has the following base minesweepers of Project 12650: BT-50 “Yelnya” (1986), BT-97 “Polyarny” (1984), BT-111 "Avangard" (1988), BT-152 "Kotelnich" (1987) - under repair, BT-211 "Vyatchik" (1991), BT-226 "Kolomna" (1990) - under repair.

    42nd division of sea minesweepers, based at Polyarny, commander 2nd rank captain Viktor Cherman. The sea minesweepers included: “Vladimir Gumanenko” (2000), “Komendor” (1974), “Machinist” (1975).

    From the very beginning of its existence, formations and units of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet systematically participated in a number of exercises of the Northern Fleet of Russia. During the exercises, operational art and tactics of using different types of flotilla forces were improved, and the organizational and staffing structure of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet was improved.

    In 1997, the good tradition of patronage was renewed - the Association of Cities and Subjects of the Russian Federation was formed, which patronized the units and ships of the Northern Fleet of Russia. “Name” surface ships and submarines appear as part of the Red Banner Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet. For example, the submarine Vologda took part in festive events in 2001 and represented the Russian Navy at Faslane Naval Base (Great Britain). The crews of ships of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet participated in the international exercises “Northern Eagle-2012” and “Pomor-2012”.

    Since 2010, the Red Banner Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet has been commanded by Rear Admiral Vladimir Lvovich Kasatonov.

    The Russian Northern Fleet also includes the 43rd division of missile ships - commander Rear Admiral Alexander Turilin. The 43rd division of missile ships includes:

    The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov with tail number 063 has been in the fleet since 1990 and is currently undergoing repairs.

    TARK Peter the Great with tail number 099, in the fleet since 1996.

    TARK Admiral Nakhimov with tail number 080, in the fleet since 1988, now mothballed.

    Marshal Ustinov missile cruiser of project 1164 with hull number 055, since 1986 in the fleet.

    Project 956 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" with tail number 434, in the fleet since 1993.

    Project 956 Guards destroyer "Gremyashchy" with tail number 406, in the fleet since 1991.

    The history of the Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet is the history of military service, long voyages, impeccable fulfillment of the Fatherland’s tasks in different areas of the World Ocean, and the successful development of modern ships. The ships of the Kola Flotilla of various forces of the Northern Fleet completed over 1,500 trips to the Norwegian Sea, the Novaya Zemlya area, the Faroe-Icelandic border, the Mediterranean Sea and North-East Africa. Over 70 business calls and official visits to foreign ports were made.

    Today, the Red Banner Kola Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet is one of the most combat-ready units of the Northern Fleet of Russia. The flotilla celebrates professional holidays by successfully solving assigned special and combat training tasks. For festive events, in our military online store you will find a variety of high-quality flags; we offer you to choose and buy a Northern Fleet flag, a flag for a car with a bracket “Guys Navy of Russia” and other flags.

    The creation of a location for naval forces in Belomor began in July 1940. Nikolai Kuznetsov - People's Commissar of the USSR Navy, then signed an order to create a naval base in Molotovsk - today the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. The base also included some units of the Northern Fleet, which were stationed in the White Sea.

    On August 20, 1940, the base acquired its name - the White Sea Naval Base of the Northern Fleet. Its main task was the defense of a large shipbuilding and ship repair center in Molotovsk, which was founded in 1938, as well as ports on the White Sea and an industrial timber export port in Arkhangelsk.

    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the forces based in the Kola Bay were not enough to protect the coasts of the northern seas, so the White Sea Naval Base was reorganized into the White Sea Military Flotilla in August 1941. The White Sea military flotilla successfully defended northern sea communications, ensured maritime transportation and the safety of passage of Soviet vessels and ships, and defended factories, cities and bases.

    The White Sea sailors have a worthy place in the valiant chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. More than 4 thousand Red Navy men, officers and foremen were awarded medals and orders, two minesweepers - TSCH-32 and TSCH-110, and the 12th Brigade were awarded Orders of the Red Banner of Battle.

    The history of the Belomorsk naval base is the continuity of centuries-old unbreakable traditions, it represents the biographies of people: midshipmen, officers, sailors of the Northern Fleet and civilian personnel who linked their destinies with the Northern Fleet of Russia.

    Voentorg online store "Voenpro" offers a wide range of thematic paraphernalia, you can buy from us, Guys Russian Navy, a flag of the USSR Navy, soft, stylish Navy shorts from the new 2013 collection, comfortable Navy T-shirts and other souvenirs of the Russian Navy.

    The Belomorsk naval base of the Northern Fleet of Russia includes:

    43rd separate division of water area security ships, based in Severodvinsk, commander 2nd rank captain Vitaly Kulik. It has small anti-submarine ships of Project 1124M: MPK-7 Onega (1991) with tail number 164, MPK-130 Naryan-Mar (1990) with tail number 138 - under repair, as well as a sea minesweeper of Project 1332 - MT -434 (1973) - under repair.

    339th separate brigade of submarines under construction and repair.

    16th brigade of ships under construction and repair, based in Severodvinsk.

    11th submarine squadron, home base Zaozersk, consisting of the 7th, 11th and 18th submarine divisions.

    7th Submarine Division based in Vidyaevo, commander 1st Rank Captain Alexander Yuldashev.

    It includes the Project 945 nuclear submarine: B-276 Kostroma (1987) - under repair, B-336 Pskov (1993), B-534 Nizhny Novgorod (1990) - under repair. Project 671RTMK nuclear submarines - B-414 “Daniil Moskovsky” (1990) and B-448 “Tambov” (1992).

    11th submarine division, home base Zaozersk, commander 1st rank captain Igor Mukhametshin. It consists of Project 949A SSGNs: K-119 "Voronezh" (1989) - under repair, K-266 "Eagle" (1992) - under repair, K-410 "Smolensk" (1990). As well as SSGN project 671RTMK: B-138 “Obninsk” (1990) and B-388 “Sosnovy Bor” (1988).

    18th Submarine Division, based in Nerpichya Bay, commander 1st Rank Captain Sergei Shnyak. It includes SSBNs of Project 941: TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" (1987) - in reserve, TK-20 "Severstal" (1989) - in reserve, as well as SSBNs of Project 941U - TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" (1982 year) - converted for test purposes.


    12th submarine squadron, home base of Gadzhievo as part of the 24th and 31st submarine divisions.


    The 24th submarine division, based in Yagelnaya Bay, includes Project 971 nuclear submarines: K-154 “Tiger” (1993) - under repair, K-157 “Vepr” (1995), K-317 “Panther” (1990), K-328 "Leopard" (1992), K-335 "Cheetah" (2001) - under repair, K-461 "Wolf" (1991) - under repair.

    The 31st submarine division, based in Yagelnaya Bay, has SSBNs of project 667BDR: K-44 "Ryazan" (1982), K-496 "Borisoglebsk" (1977) - under repair. And also SSBNs of project 667BDRM: K-18 "Karelia" (1989) - under repair, K-51 "Verkhoturye" (1984), K-84 "Ekaterinburg" (1985), K-114 "Tula" (1987 year), K-117 "Bryansk" (1988), K-407 "Novomoskovsk" (1990).

    The Belomorsk naval base has reliable and strong ties of cooperation with the Northern Engineering Companies and Zvezdochka. White Sea sailors, since the fighting forties, have been serving together with the workers of these city-forming companies.

    Northern engineering companies

    For acquaintances and friends who are related to the White Sea Naval Base and the Northern Fleet of Russia, we recommend purchasing unforgettable souvenirs and gifts in a special section of our catalog -.

    The official date of formation of the Northern Fleet Air Force is considered to be August 18, 1936. Then the Navy NK signed an order to relocate the first aviation unit to the North - the 7th separate naval reconnaissance aviation unit, from the 105th air brigade of the Baltic Fleet Air Force.

    On September 17, 1936, a train was leaving for the polar city of Murmansk from Leningrad, which was loaded disassembled with three MBR-2 seaplanes and spare parts for them.


    The aviation unit was commanded by Senior Lieutenant G.V. Stepanov, the commissar was a young pilot, Lieutenant V.I. Soloviev. The unit was transferred to the Northern Fleet, and became the beginning of the formation of the Northern Fleet aviation. During the first winter, the aviators mastered the meteorology of the Arctic, got used to the new environment, and engaged in theoretical studies. The aviation unit was relocated to the naval airfield in May 1937, and in June, after assembling its three aircraft, the aviation unit commander, Senior Lieutenant G. Stepanov, made his first flight.

    On September 1, 1937, the commander of the Northern Fleet transformed the 7th aviation link into the 29th naval reconnaissance aviation squadron, renamed in the spring of 1938 into the 45th reconnaissance naval aviation squadron.

    Aviation of the Northern Fleet became part of the Air Force in November 1939. Aviation Major General A.A. Kuznetsov was appointed the first commander of the Northern Fleet Air Force.
    From the Belarusian Special Military District in December 1939, two fighter squadrons arrived in the North, which included I-153, I-16, I-15-bis aircraft and a squadron of SB-2 high-speed bombers. Of these, the 72nd mixed aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet was founded.

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    The Air Force section features USSR Air Force flags, stylish Air Force sweatshirts, Air Force ceramic mugs, beautiful Air Force stickers and Air Force acrylic magnets.

    North Sea aviators passed their first exam during the Soviet-Finnish conflict. Combat sorties were mainly of aerial reconnaissance nature. Both aviation regiments carried out raids on enemy targets and took an active part in the battles. Northern Fleet aviation passed its first serious test with honor.
    At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the aviation of the Northern Fleet was the smallest in number compared to the aviation of other fleets. It had four aviation military units and 116 combat aircraft, including:

    72 mixed aviation regiment, which had 49 fighters (including 28 I-15bis aircraft, 17 I-153 aircraft, 4 I-16 aircraft) and 11 SB bombers; 118 naval reconnaissance aviation regiment, which possessed 35 MBR-2 aircraft and 7 GST aircraft;

    24 separate aviation communications unit, which included 2 MBR-2 aircraft;

    34 separate air ambulance unit, which has 2 MBR-2 aircraft;

    49 separate naval reconnaissance aviation squadron, possessing 10 MBR-2 aircraft.

    Voentorg online store "Voenpro" provides a unique collection of bright, high-strength magnets, as well as an equally rare collection of Air Force magnets with images of a wide variety of Russian Air Force aircraft.

    During the Great Patriotic War, North Sea aviators successfully carried out aerial reconnaissance, covered airfields, naval bases and ports of the Northern Fleet. Aviation of the Northern Fleet attacked industrial and military facilities, enemy warships in the Arctic, and protected their communications. For heroism and courage, many units of the Northern Fleet Air Force were transformed into guards units, awarded honorary titles and orders.

    The following units were awarded the Order of the Red Banner:

    24th Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment - awarded the name “Kirkenes Regiment”, transformed into the 9th Guards Mine-Torpedo Aviation Regiment,

    46th Assault Red Banner Aviation Regiment - awarded the name “Pechenga Regiment”,

    20th Fighter Aviation Regiment - awarded the name “Kirkenes Regiment”,

    72nd Mixed Aviation Regiment - awarded the name “Pechenga Regiment”, transformed into the 2nd Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment, named after B.F. Safonov,

    118 reconnaissance aviation regiment - awarded the name “Kirkenes Regiment”,

    6th Fighter Aviation Division - awarded the name “Pechengskaya”,

    14th mixed aviation division,

    95th Aviation Regiment,

    27th Fighter Aviation Regiment,

    78th Fighter Aviation Regiment,

    255th Fighter Aviation Regiment.

    Composition of the Northern Fleet Air Force in 2000:

    73rd separate anti-submarine aviation squadron, armed with Tu-142M3 and Tu-142MR aircraft,

    Neutral waters. R-3S Orion accompanies our TU-142M

    279 separate naval fighter aviation regiment, armed with Su-33 carrier-based fighters,

    403 separate mixed aviation regiment,

    830th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter regiment,

    924th separate guards naval missile-carrying aviation regiment, armed with Tu-22M3 aircraft.

    Multi-mode long-range missile carrier-bomber Tu-22M3

    Today, the Russian Military Transport Aviation provides transport support to the Barneo-2013 ice base, which is located in the North Pole area. More than 50 tons of equipment, a generator, fuel, two tractors, food and more than 20 expedition members will be delivered to the drifting ice. The flight duration to Barneo base is about 8 hours.

    The cargo is released from low altitudes by parachute. The pilot modifies the pitch angle and the cargo rolls out of the cargo compartment under its own weight. Such operations in ultra-high Arctic latitudes are carried out only by Russian Air Force crews.

    The Northern Fleet aviation is the pride of our country, its pilots perform unique operations that are unique in the world, they are faithful to their service and never deviate from the combat course. Voentorg "Voenpro" also strives not to deviate from the intended path - high-quality products, optimal prices and timely delivery. Only with us you have the opportunity, the flag of the Northern Fleet, the flag of the Marine Corps, and the convenient navigation of our website will help you quickly place an order.

    The battle path of the legendary 61st Marine Regiment is a heroic chronicle of military affairs with the daring maneuver, offensive impulse, high valor, swiftness, selfless courage and devotion to Russia characteristic of the polar marines!

    The birthday of the 61st Marine Regiment is May 5, 1943. Formed in the middle of the war, the 61st Marine Regiment managed to fight a lot, winning unfading glory in battles.

    Voentorg "Voenpro" has in its assortment numerous paraphernalia with the theme of the Marine Corps. For the Day of the Russian Marine Corps, we recommend buying, as well as purchasing Marine Corps T-shirts from the new 2013 collection.

    In the period from August 8, 1943 to September 10, 1944, the 61st Marine Regiment conducted military operations as part of the Karelian Front. In October 1944, the 61st Marine Regiment took part in the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation, liberating the villages of Petsamo (today Pechenga) and Kakkuri, the city of Kirkenes, from the enemy.

    For courage and heroism, on October 25, 1944, the 61st Marine Regiment was awarded the honorary name “Kirkenes”; on January 6, 1945, it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    In 1966, the unit was included in the Red Banner Northern Fleet of the USSR as a separate Kirkenes Red Banner 61st Marine Regiment. After 14 years, in 1980, the regiment was transformed into a separate Kirkenes Red Banner 61st Marine Brigade of the USSR Northern Fleet, which was stationed in the Sputnik garrison.

    Composition of coastal troops of the Northern Fleet:

    1) 61st separate Kirkenes Red Banner Marine Regiment, located in the village of Sputnik. It includes:


    Two battalions of marines, armed with BTR-80s, are indispensable in battle,

    Reconnaissance battalion, armed with BTR-80, MTLB,

    Marine airborne assault battalion, where “fighters of the three elements” serve, they are invincible in the air, at sea and on land,

    Two artillery battalions, armed with 2S1 Gvozdika and 2S9 Nona.

    2S1 Gvozdika

    Logistics Support Battalion,

    communications battalion,

    Anti-aircraft artillery division, armed with Shilka air defense system,

    Shilka air defense missile system

    Engineer company,

    NBC Protection Division.

    In total, 1,270 personnel serve in the 61st Marine Regiment. In service: 74 units of Soviet T-80 tanks; 59 units of BTR-80 are always in battle; 12 units 2С1 Carnation; 22 units of 2S9 Nona, 11 units of 2S23. And also the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet is equipped with: 134 MT-LBT units; 3 units of BMP-1KSh, 4 units of PRP-3; 3 units of PRP-4; 10 units of PU-12; 2 units of R-145BM; 15 units 1V119, 3 units 1V18, 1 unit 1V19, 1 unit BTR-PUM, 1 unit ZS-88 (BTR-80).

    2) 160th OOB PDSS, located in Vidyaevo,

    3) 269th OOB PDSS, located in Gadzhievo,

    4) 313 OOB PDSS, located in the village. Satellite,

    5) 420th naval reconnaissance point, located in the village. Polyarny, Murmansk region, has three companies of reconnaissance divers, an underwater mining company, a company of small carriers, workshops, diving and PDS support units.

    6) 536th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade, located in Snezhnogorsk, Olenya Bay,

    7) 180th separate naval engineering battalion, located in Severomorsk,

    8) 516th communication center, located in Severomorsk,

    9) mobile communication center, located in Polyarny,

    10) 215th Electronic Warfare Regiment, located in Severomorsk,

    11) 200th separate Pechenga motorized rifle brigade, located in the village of Pechenga.

    From 1967 to the 90s, Northern Fleet marines 28 times took part in combat services and long-distance voyages of ships of the USSR Northern Fleet, which called at the ports of Syria, Egypt, Angola, Guinea, Benin, Principe, Sao Tome, Crete and Malta.

    The high skill of the Northern Fleet marines was repeatedly demonstrated during countless exercises: “Mainland-71”, “Baltika-78”, “Zapad-81”, “Magistral-83” and others. In 1986, a separate air assault battalion of the brigade and scouts under Captain Yu. Eremtsov made the first parachute landing on Kolguev Island in the Kara Sea. In 1987, the personnel of a company of PT-76 amphibious tanks made a multi-kilometer journey by sea from Nizhnyaya Titovka Bay to Kutovaya Bay.

    You will find unforgettable gifts and excellent souvenirs for all the Marines you know in the Voentorg catalog of the Voenpro online store. We recommend buying Marine Corps knitted and silk scarves, Marine Corps cotton towels, Marine Corps mugs and unique ones.

    The history of the Sputnik garrison is a book of human destinies, it also contains a page of unparalleled courage and heroism, which is immortalized in the marble of the monument to the “black berets”, dedicated to those who fell in the North Caucasus. When the first Chechen campaign began, there was immediately talk in Sputnik that the Northern Fleet Marines would take part in it. The Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet was declared by Dudayev as “enemy number one” and a real hunt for “polar bears” began: the militants were promised five hundred dollars for the “head” of a sailor from the North Sea, an officer or warrant officer of the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet - one and a half thousand.

    Four years later, the combat alarm sounded again in the Sputnik garrison; a separate airborne assault battalion took part in the counter-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya. The sad list of 64 North Sea soldiers who died in the first Chechen campaign was supplemented by 16 more Northern Fleet marines.

    The Marines of the Northern Fleet fought valiantly, it was not in vain that the bandits were and still are afraid of them, because the “black berets” truly do not know fear.

    While in service, such fighters as the Marines of the Northern Fleet, Russia will be invincible! And it is not surprising that where there is a seaborne landing of the Northern Fleet, there is always victory!

    Our army store recommends purchasing gifts for Russian Marine Corps Day in advance; you have the opportunity to buy Marine Corps sweatshirts, Marine Corps gasoline and gas lighters, and other Marine Corps-themed products at reasonable prices and convenient delivery.

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